is 7 Page A-8 The New-Rtow In The Armed Services Franklin D. Hausotter, fire man, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hausotter of Route 1, Riddle, is serving aboard the antisubmarine aircraft car rier USS Kearsarge which recently spent several days in Kahodate, a small Japanese port rarely visited by U. S. ships. Airman Edward A. Quimby, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ouimby of Idleyld Route, Rose- burg, is being reassigned to Chanute AFB, 111., for technical training as a United States Air Force automotive repairman. Charles W. McDonald of Por tal, N. D., has been commission ed a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force upon graduation from Officer Train ing School. His wife, Myra, is the daugh-j ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald; ' Danielson of Glide, Ore. Army Pvt. David A. Wright, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. George S. W. Wright, Route 4, Reeds port, completed a five-week fi nance procedures course at The Finance School, Fort enjamin; Harrison, Ind., Oct. S. Lewis D. Pitchford, aviation machinist's mate first class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Pitchford of North Myrtle Road, Myrtle Creek, serving with Heavy Attack Squadron 13 aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Kittyi Hawk, participated in exercise "Black Bear" in the Eastern Pacific, recently. WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS Army Specialist Five Richard J. Skadowikl, completed a six- week airplane technical inspec tor course at The Transporta tion Center, Fort Eustis, Va., Oct. 2. Specialist Skadowski, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell : E. Gllmore, live at 812 N. E, , Jackson, Roseburg, Ore., enter , ed the Army in April 1944. Two Clendale men are being reassigned to Chanuto AFB, ' 111., to attend the United States : Air Force technical training! : course for aircraft maintenance specialists. The men, both of whom have completed basic military train ing are Airman Theodore B Bare, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam G. Bare; and Airman Ml keal D. Blomme, son of Mr, nd Mrs. Bill Blomme. Both men arc 1903 graduates! of Glcndale High School. Army Pvt. Jimmy M. Pon ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mil lard J. Ponton, Routo 2, Rose burg, was assigned late in An . gust to the CCth Ordnance Bat talion in Germany. Ponlon, a mechanic in the, battalion's 6th Ordnance Com pany near Stuttgart, Germany, entered tne Army In March 1963 and completed basic training at rara ord, calif. The 23-year-old soldier attend ed Roseburg High School. Airman Second Class Wallace L. Tharp of Roseburg, is being reassigned to Itazuke AB, Ja pan, following his graduation from the United States Air Force lochnlcal training course! lor air traffic controllers at Kecslcr AFB, Miss. Army 2d Lt. Donald R, Robi son, 23, participated with other members' of the 1st rinored l Division in Exercise Thunder WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS at Fort Hood, Tex., recently. Robison is the son of Mrs. R. L. Sharp, Oakland. Norman C. Garllnghouse, sea man, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earvin Garllnghouse of Slither-1 lin, serving aboard Iho attack aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk operating out of San Diego, Calif., participated in exercise "Black Boar" in the Eastern Pacific, recently. Norman C. Garllnghouse, sea man, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earvin Gnilinghouso of Slither- HUM- wiiil-u i-uccnily compict- u ed a Middle Pacific cruise in M preparation for her Far Eust assignment with the Seventh! Klpnt glntiirl fnr rV.I.K,i.. 1 Marine Corporal David V.' Stlne, son of Mr. and Airs. Da- O vin u, hline of Star Route, Win-, ston, was promoted to his pres ent rank recently while serving' with Marine Aircraft Group 11, 1 nrsi marine Aircraft Wing in Japan. Marine First Lieutenant Wll lard E. Slack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Slack of 221 Gregory Dr., Winston, recently completed a four-week course of instruction in Nuclear, Bio logical and Chemical Defense at First Marine Division School, Camp Pendleton, Calif. Marine Private Warren L. Griffith, son of Mrs. Anita B.i Griffith if Myrtlo Creek. Ore.. completed a week of testing and screening Auj. 23 at the Naval! Air Technical Training Center, Memphis, Tenn. Gene H. Brum mar, seaman, USN, son of Mrs. Iva Brum-1 mer of Glendale, Ore., serving aboard the destroyer USS Uhl mann, participated in exercise 'Black Bear" in the Eastern Pacific recently. , Lewis D. Pitchford, aviation! machinist's mate first class,! USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James ,11. Pitchford of North Myrtle road, Myrtle Creek, is serving with Heavy Attack Squadron 13 at the Naval Air Station, Whldbcy Island, Oak Harbor, Wash., the unit which won recent bombing compe tition for the West Coast. pi L-; m I i.lleir.'l t 9 MORE I " STORES I k DO GIVE I r GOLD p-yn BOND Thur.Oct. 24, 1963 lrr lr-lSrl IS SH. P" j"-. "Jf. jj wm wm wmmtm Grocery and produce prices good Thuridoy through Sunday. Meet prices good Thursday through Saturday. No sales to dealer. We MAKE THAT PAY CHECK CO FARTHER AGAIN THIS WEEK-END AT 22 yTtv nifMir Snoboy Celery Hearts - ss 29 Snoboy Cei!o Carrots 2 19c Barflelf Pears ........ 2 29 Elmira While Grapes 19 C-H-B STRAWBERRY . Jar C-H-B PEACH JAM viz to)n 18x25 H lb. jar VJO JJ i I BaSHS rBiisMaaajajBBjBBjfjiaaj Peas & Carrots Frozen Lemonade Mr. 41 Strawberries 599 Umpqua Mellorine . 97 Apple Cider Cottage Cheese lllfinf JllllflJ VANO LIQUID STARCH Ginger naiiiLiiii IN WINSTON JUST SOUTH OF THE JUNCTION OPEN 7 DAYS 8:00 to 8:00 T mm WSP- f77, CAKE MIXES H gl?7 Frosting Mixes 1 Mb. ... 49c 31b. .. 1.45 K r'r (8)'c 1 0-OZ. INSTANT 1.19 td) Match Q) 2 Alcoa Aluminum H. DUTY FOIL 20 bsa& 679 M 89' ... .23c 45' Sunshine l ib. or M Von Wafers 12-or. J 7 39cl COMET CLEANSER PORK STEAK T-BONE STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK RUMP ROAST c . m Blue Ox Deschutes POTATOES W '"' No. 2 ' I m GIVE v TPs ' G0LD ' I N. V v BOND c my U i- hi i I All Vegetable FRISKIEST LB. PILLSBURY Q SHORTENING FOOD 25 . ;tamp.; Pop Corn.;t:'.:hir. . 4$1 Ever-Rich Margarine 6 97 C-H-B Mayonnaise 289 Beef Stew Dinty Moore 2 289 Nulade Eggs Small 3 1 Chili Con Carne White lung Soap 4 571 SILK TOILET TISSUE, ,12 89 Reg. Sixe reserve right to limit. MODEL MARKET from grain fed porken siit . 59 as.1 .r 1069 lb. OU ill QflC M: Top Quality lb. U U Eff3SI VanDine's 7 QC ill Top Quality - lb. I U SSS t ' VanDine's H Top Quality lb. J U lIJi 1 c B1 c 1 ! a C MORE ) STORES DO GIVE m GOLD M BOND STAMPS E? h EI