D-W Methodist State Auction Sale Saturday The DilUrd - Winston Metho dist Church (located in Dillurd) will hold an auction sale at the church, on Saturday beginning ai j.u a. in. rursuns naving items to donate for the sale are asked; to, contact the Rev. Ev erett "Gardner, pastor, phone 679-5732, before Saturday. Layman Sunday was observ- with wuour Bushong in charge of the morning service. Sneak ers were Bill Lapp and Russell; incicett wno spoke on the topic "The Church and Community at Home and Abroad." I 'ear Report It! By ABIGAIL VANBUREN L. . .' time togtther as th Lord al- nils isn f inoi. Ivno f l -."IOWS --t yuij usually; gel. DEAR ABBY Friday & Saturday ' Walt Disney's ' "THE SON OF FLUBBER" i "THE SAVAGE GUNS" - Richard Bosehort -Don Taylor - Alex Nicol ' Pacquita Rico Plus : . Color Cartoon but maybe you can do some thing about it. Evcrv nieht n gang of neighborhood teen-age punks search for, and find, poor stray kittens and cats.. They torment these poor animals by sticking needles into them, breaking their legs and burning them aliveThey even give kit tens to large dogs to chew and maul. I have seen them, and so have others. Everybody com plains, but nobody does any thing about it. I am willing to do anything I can to stop them. I Where do I start? ' . '' IVlltO. H.icvstBm- "Riicf ihnir hMiinHc DEAR MRS. B.i You start:with a board!" That's the way by calllnq the naliee and v I'm raising mine, and I must don't stop there. You also call admit il works. the Society for the Prevention ' MYRTLE of Cruelty to Animals (S.P.C.A.)J Anyone who has knowledge of CONFIDENTIAL TO CON such cruelty and neglects to re- FUSED IN NORFOLK, VA.: port it, shares the guilt with Don'' xP,ct Vur friends to the tormentors. . ;9'v yu tnY helpful advice .with that problem. They will DEAR ABBY: I have been onlV " ya wh,t ,hV ,hlnk DEAR ABBY: Half the time I don't get a chance to read the newspapers, but I always save them to wrap potato and onion peelings in. I want you to know that I never throw gar bage on a paper until I make sure I've read your column. I wish I could talk to the mother of the little boy who bit the.t dentist. Remember? Then the it. dentist sent his nurse out to tell that mother to take her kid to another dentist next time. My mother raised six of us kids by what she called the "Three B's" Glide Couple New Owners Of Umpqua River Land SIMPLE SYMPHONY - with Christine Walton Grace Doty, center, shown left, and Elena Timofeeva, right, is leading soloist with the Pacific Ballet, which appears in Roseburg Monday, at 8 p.m. in the Rose burg High School Auditorium. This is the first in o series of four winter concerts of the Roseburg Com munity Concert Association. The black-haired soloist featured in "Simple Symphony," also will appear with Alan Howard, director an principal dancer, in the classical Pas de Deuxs from Don Quixote. She has been extensively acclaimed on the West Coast, wnerovsr tne bs.ie' has performed.. Thur.,.Oet. 24, 1963 The. Newi-Review. .Page 11. By MRS. ARTHUR SELBY Mr. and Mrs. William Diet rich of Glide have purchased the property of Mrs. Oscar Ber rie on the old North Umpqua Highway which consists of five acres of walnuts and a two- bedroom house with 200 feet of river frontage. The deal was made by the Helen Glenn Realty Co. of Roseburg. Californians Move Here Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carlisle and two children moved from El Toro, Calif., to Glide last week and took an apartment at the Barn apartments. Carlisle a U. S. Marine Corpsman, leftl Sunday for San Francisco to' board ship for service in Okin awa. He is a brother of Mrs. Mrs. Gilbert Magness, Mrs. Ray Ballou, Mrs. Harold Mc- Cormack and Mrs. G; W. Mc Clue attended the monthly meet ing of the Douglas County Asso ciation of Educational Secretar ies held at Reedsport last week. They were entertained at din ner at the Reedsport High School. The secretaries of every school in Douglas County make up the membership of this as sociation. . i ; Guests at the home 'of Mr, and Mrs. .Elmor Reese last week for a five-day ' visit were Mr. and Mrs. John Hertli of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slirum Jr. spent the, weekend at Corvallis. They attended the Oregon State- Washington Stale football game WAITER WAS CRQWNED' V LONDON UPIV i Walters at the . Pigalle a London nigU, club have threatened, to-strike because singer Jill Day crowned a waiter with' a jsilver platter full of peas. ', .', .t ;'. , VThat damn waiter got on, my nerves;" Miss . Day - said ' of the Saturday" -night Incident. "AH through-1 my', act '.he !." was' stacking dishes on' a; tray .and sorting out knives' and. forks. I grabbed the first thing I could lay. ni y hands on and sloshed him over the head with it." births Bud Shrum of Glide. Weekend guests at the homeiSaturday and visited their son, of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Cellers Bob, a junior at the university were their son, David, a senior at the University of Oregon; his , classmate, Jerry Haugcn: Or- jville Reese and daughter, Miss .Pat Reese, (the fiance of David Cellers): the latter's uncle, " Charles Reese, and Marvin Rey nolds, all of Eugene. The visit ors came for the last two days - of the deer hunting season, and Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayes "I, JL.y- 1 ""ff SS.W.MrL I- " 0V" HARTY - To Mr. and Mrs, PASCO - To Mr ind we 1 a ; be n seeing eacl i - ' "owa'd ,13 SE William Pasco, 644 NE Meadow ""d four children of Toledo : . ueen. seeing eacn. iPine. Kosobm-2. Oct. 14 mi . moved to Glide last week and other for six months. As I am A .... rv u... - it - ' n the hos : What's' yours? For a personal daughter, Bridget Lynn; weight uor 1 inda Lee ve gilt 7 ore livirn? '? the ! l in tne nos-i ' ,6 pouml, 8vi ounces. , ,,,,: , , ' ments. 1 he alter : "we-ffinJ0';! MUNION -To Mr. and Mrs. " , , J i of Mr. and Mrs. C on. This man ?euy HUtt. 5cloff, ",DBrold Munlon. 1718 SE Jack- FIET - To Mr. and Mrs.' self-addressed envel- Darold Munlon, 1718 SE Jack- NOW!... - i Cnmnlnla I LV Show nt 7-15 I Sot-Sun. TECHNC0L0R. writing :this, I am pital recuperating ond cancer oneration really worships me and insists ""P. seu-uuu.u Rosobura Oct 18 a son Fred Flet, 312 SE Stephens on getting married right away.i"!' How To Steven Lee; weight 6 pounds Roseburg, Oct. 17, a son, Mark I have explained the whole For-Auby s booklet, How lo ou ' . " Al en; weight 7 pounds 3 ounc- Perar7S' bUt "oeVetoAAbbyVeIx 336ri verly' NICKSON - To Mr. and Mrs. r he says it makes no difference. 50c to Abby,. Box 336o, Beverly Nickson U34 W- wili. ATVV0OD - To Mr. and Mrs. All he wants is to marry me,Hllls. ,tary, Roseburg, Oct. 16, a son, Jack Atwood, 123 Hoover, Rose- ana take care of me. I love Anthony Gene; weight 7 pounds burg, Oct. 13, a son, Gregory him very much. We are both! RjverSCiale FoIkS 7 ounces. Dean; weight 8 pounds 4 ounces. in vim cutjv llllltra. uu vuu ' r . u Moore apart-l is a daughter C. F. Moore. For The Flneit In WEDDING INVITATIONS and i ANNOUNCEMENTS cm M & M PRINTERS eii-isii PkmMyw )y- 1 sj NM M tmtt J , Lackey Real Estate DIAL 672-1 659 SHIRLENE I BRAZIE'S . FOOD FOR THOUGHT With the exception -- of the Japanese Abalonc, . all '.of the six species are found along !tlie California coast and Southern Oregon const to Coos Bay.; Be cause abalone fishing has been so popular with sportsmen,' the limit at present is five abalone per person. ... . . When cooking abalone, prop er pounding is the most Import ant factor. Use a wooden mal-, let, rolling pin, or wooden po tato masher. Hit the slices, or whole abalone, lightly with . a steady stroke; ; If you : hit too hard you 'will' 'have a pulpy mass; if tod lightly or Uneven ly, you'll bite into Hard .spots. Pound until; piece -is 'light, soft and velvety. It is right, for copk ing'whcn the piece, is like, a limp 'pancake when held up'.,.,. For Fine - Food and . Fast . -: Service, dine a( . . . ':';-,! THE TIMBER GRILL ' ; 732 S.E. Con ,, 672-910 think I would be doing wrong! Frifl Coast StSV in marrying him? I want an; honest answer. BORROWED TIME DEAR BORROWED TIME: Marry him. And enjoy as much CLOSED MON. thru THUR. r FRI-SAT-SUN , Showi start ot 7:00 WOMEN!,. . ' and their desires! WOMEN! and their habits! WOMEN! . at their best! WOMEN! . at their worst! WOMEN of the WORLD in COLOR, yet! rn.MiT Tonight "CALL BE BWANA" Bob Hope - Anita Ekberg plus "DR. NO" Sean Connery -Ursula Andress Joseph Wiseman Box Office Opens at 6:45 Show Starts at 7:00 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ott Jr. are back at their Riversdale home after spending the sum mer months at the coast where the former was engaged in com mercial fishing. Mrs. Ott was employed for a time in Coos Bay. Since returning home Mrs. Ott has gone to Myrtle Creek to care for her grand daughter, Sherry Miller, while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Miller lake their son, Chris, to the hospital for surgery. Don Kruse delivered a load of hay to the coast on the week end and while there, enjoyed a successful doer hunt. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Trozelle visited a few days last week in Portland with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Trozelle, and Valerie. This week, visiting in Portland with the Trozelle's are Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stark. Mrs. Trozelle h their daughter. Movie Showtime The Sky Above Mud Below Thursday thru Saturday "DONOVAN'S REEF" John Wayne plus "THE MAIN ATTRACTION" Pat Boone - Nancy Kwan Gates Open 6:00 Show at 7:00 Thursday, Oct. 24, l4! INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 7:00. Complete show al 7:15. "20,000 Leaaues Under the Sea" at 7:40 onlv. STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open Frl-Sat-Sun. PINE DRIVE-IN Closed lor the Season. CLOVERLEAF ORIVE-IN ISuthorlln) Box office opens at 6:45. Show al 7:00. "Call We Bwana" and "Dr. No.' TRI CITY DRIVE-IN Gates open at 6:00. Show at 7:00. "Donovan's Reef" and "The Main Attraction." Friday. Oct. 25, 1M1 INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 6:30. Complete shows at 7:00 - 9:30. "20,--000 Leegues Under the Sea" at 7:16 ?:48. - - , STARLITE DRIVE-IN Oper 6:30. Shows start at 7:00. "Women of the i World" and "Sky Above,. Mud Be low." PINE DRIVE-IN Closed lor the season. BENETTA THEATRE (Wlnstonl "The Son of F lubber" and: "The Savage Guns." ,: . CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN (Wulherllnl Box office opens at -6:45. Show at 7:00. "Call Me Bwana" and "Dr ,No."- TRI CITY DRIVE-IN Gates open at 6:00. show at 7:00. "Donovan's Reef", and "The- Main Attraction." It's Easy To Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT. AD Mail Your Want Ad Today! Please publish the following classified ad for . 1 days ' I Enclosed $ - Be sure to enclose payment.'- CASH RATES Lines 3-Doys 6-Doys 30-Days 2 $2.00 $2.75 $ 6.00 3 2.75 3.75 - , 8.00 : 4 I 3.50 . 4.75 ' 10.00 5 4.25 5.75 12.50 6 5.00 7.00 15.00 Above rotes subject to 50c service -charge '. for credit. - i - ount 5 words per line. Be sure to count the address andor telephone number ClaMiftcarion ....... I WRITE YOUR A-t? BLOW NAME ADDRESS :..'....;;.::.... Mail Your Classified Ad With Payment To The Classified Advertising Depart ment, The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon. - , News-Review Classified Want Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Reod For Profit Use for Results! . . : 1... y Don't Let th Goblins Gt You I l ' ' vjf' 1 iV I TREATS FOR THE TRICKSTERS Nowberrys Has a Wide Variety of Goodies for ' the Little Goblins . . . and all at THRIFTY ; prices' such as: Reg. 49c Lb; - ' " ""r- WRAPPED CANDY ;3 1 HALLOWEEN MIX :::t:W CANDY BARS Box ot 40 Junior Size . 79' CANDY CORN LB. 39' DRESS UP FOR HALLOWEEN 87l to 2.98 Scare 'em off is a fierce monster costume such as the horrible Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein shown here! Any goblin will take it on the run . . . any witch will jump on her broom at such a fearsome ' sight! Or, if you prefer, be Cinderella or Mickey Mouse or any one of many, many other entertaining or monstrous characters." Each costume, created by Ben Cooper, is complete with authentic character mask. Small (4-6), medium (8-10), large (12-14). lis BHicnopr FOAM-BACKED 9x12 RUGS $1777 II Reg. $19.98 Thick Viscose Rayon Cut Pile in Smart Tweed Weave. : Thick Foam Backing for Luxury Under Foot, Longer Wear. Fashion Colors. KING SIZE REG. $6.95 4.88 Four Metal Trays 'in Smart uesian. one Table hat K- Casters, Acts as Rack, or Use as Hostess Cart. UMl i - ' 2 Lb. 12 Ox. Jar KOPPER KETTLE Preserves 8-TRANSISTOR POCKET RADIO $12.88 Reg. SI 9.95 , All trantiit' pM roJio. larpliw, tery, tntenno, can. 7? Strawberry Apricot-i .n- apple Grape Jelly GE STEAM-DRY IRON , $8.97 Reg. $9.97 Fsmam 6E Iron iteom vents, fabric Won't spill or pu:itrt DELUXE TOY CHESTS $0 Ql! $10.95 aOU Voluet Lined with Phillipina Moho- choI. of y Pi"k- low, Turquoiw, Ton or Whito. rrt if I Electric Skillet j 1 '9.77 ') 1 $12.88 Volue! I 12" covered tkillet wfS 1 outomall; control. C o m- ,. I pletely Immeriible.