,age 16 The News-Review Wed., Oct. 23, 1963 Local News Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Schull lave moved from Los Angeles a 254 W. Broccoli St. Schull s working Tor U.S. Plywood. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Young ire back at their home on SE Kane St., following a hunting trip to Silver Lake. They orought back a large buck. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Brackins and baby daughter arc newcomers from Corvallis and; are residing at 1422 SE Lane Ave. Brackins is a coach and teacher at Roseburg High School. The public is invited to at tend the Lookingglass Grange card party at the hall Friday, Oct. 25. Doors i will open at! 7:30 p.m. and the card play will begin at 8 p.m. Prizes will be . awarded winners and re freshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Sin gleton and Ford Singleton ofl this city and Mrs. Lochie Thompson of Sutherlin returned to their homes the first of the week, following a few days in Portland, where they visited rel atives and attended to business. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Single ton will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary at an at home affair Nov. 3 from 2 to S p.m. at their home at 2064 SE Douglas Ave. Relatives and friends are invited to call. The Singletons have requested gifts please. Lookingglass Grange Harvest Dinner will be held Sunday, Oct. 27, at the hall. Serving will begin at 12:30 noon and continue through 4:30 p.m. A country store will be held. Pre schoolers will be admitted with out chaifgo. The public is invit cd to attend. P. H. Black of Oroville, Calif. Wallace Singleton of Whittier, and Walter Singleton of Rose burg are back here, following a hunting trip. The latter got a three point buck on the last day of the hunting season; They spent a week hunting in Cali fornia and tlie remainder of the time hunted in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Single ton of Whittier, Calif., who have been here visiting the former's parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Singleton and Ford Singleton, on SE Douglas Av enue, left Tuesday for Corvallis to spend a few days visiting Mrs. Singleton's brother, Clif- lord Lilly, and family. Mrs. May Back of Salem, de partment president of Daugh ters of Union Veterans, will be in Roseburg Friday, Oct. 25, to pay her official visit to Flor ence Nightingale Tent No. 15 at a no-hostess luncheon at 1 p.m. in tlio Harris Cafe banquet room. A business meeting will follow in the VFW Hall. Mrs. A. B. (Blanche) Cacy, who recently underwent major surgery at the VA Hospital in Portland, will leave the hospital Sunday and will go to the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hage stad, 10420 W. Ridgeviow Lane, Portland, 19, where she will convalesce for another two weeks before returning to her homo here. Mrs. Cacy reports she has been especially appre ciative of hearing from so manv of her friends while hospital ized. GOP Solons Back Basic School Cut SALEM (UPI) Twenty-one of the 29 Republican House members have voiced agree ment with Gov. Mark Hatfield's plan to cut basic school support, and re-pass the $12 million one shot speedup of withholding tax collections. House Minority Leader F. F. Montgomery, Eugene, said the GOP caucus Sunday did not de cide whether tho legislature or the governor should make tho cuts in basic school aid. Montgomery, who has been calling for a sales tax to be referred to tho people, said tho Republicans agreed with the Democrats Hint there should be no bills to increase taxes now but that docs not preclude con sidcration of a sales tax." Montgomery said the Repub lican House members felt legis lation at the Nov. 11 special legislative session should b c confined to the fiscal crisis. He said only the rules, ways and means and taxation committees should be activated. At a meeting Friday, 11 of the Senate's 30 members said tlici Senate Rules and Wavs and, Means conimilees would be ac tivated, and that the tax com mittee would be placed on a stand by basis. There is Senate opposition to re-passage of the one-shot measure. The 31-member Democratic majority in the House has not yet caucused. 1 j I YA - . 1 HR7?i 1 HlllkM OTH. Mill II 111k 1.11. m-" II I r l 1L v,'i t ttijwiKMqo asu uy 1 1 ii i lit i 'scs& nf',,,s5i i ' . f ii fii lit i r ft ri ' - &G?CiA, 11 I I 5 K . fW? I I I - C? SllpfeJ ' f' WITH THE PURCHASE OF : ' Imagine this fantastic offer ... this - 5S&!iSv-r'-!'!- Jr it m. ivr . r Ai m pi s- beautiful 3-piece modem bedroom set is JS J fV I LI VIIM7KwwlVI OC I - C yours for only ONE DOLLAR with the VSiS jF ' "W--,-i ' vuirehase of anv livmeroom set ! You set .!':" 'rW. -;,"S5 - jr ', ' jtfv m ii double dresser, mirror and full or twin -size Nra.. j jfC. .r g&rJL- J?""Jji ' " "T5 ;' ' ' : J ' ' iff I l'anel bed- Take your choice of smart modern iSllJ jr X' - Cjilffe& I -'!'';" p - ; j.jf : I finishes. ' Several styles to choose from during this -, ':'SsJj S ' "fl Jf If L! ISjp. Au. -limited sale only ! Chest available. : ''. Lk . fT" g&8-," , SfS5'"!'-' wssm- wmbR Kari j1'3-sts??ssa- FOAMAlTOHON DELUXE SOFA AND - f V v4 SAVE Vil. jSH5T M tV MATCHING CHAIR A wmm 'SSJJ R rf' NOW! ' bed- Lish foam cush- 6BU M 111 tl IIUSL Ul ailiai I new luiuia nnu K3 MtSf K rjs TfRi'jr long wearing nylon fabrics. Full T M m PLUS Sl-OOHr!! - - , . r S7 ' PLUS S1.00 foam cushioned. Sofa makes a bed. mf FOR THE 'TP- '' 'SSrojiiiw'tlJ11 1 '" ji FOR THE Mqlded foam back, fonm arms LzZA 3 Jf urnpnnin ' ( f. ' i . . " hfdhoom sft Tops in luxury at a low sale price. BEDROOM SET j Kp W. - ' : PL rasr-L- f fashionable new ' hwmMMg2& 1 OUR BIGGEST BUY I I . 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Imagine this sweeping beauty In your home . . . dozens of room arrangements possible. Full foam cushioning with foam molded back. Choose yours now. . . . Sl.OO more buys the bedroom. NAME YOUR OWN EASY TERMS... AS LITTLE AS $10 A MONTH NEED OIL? Call 673-8356 South End Fuel Co. STANDARD HEATING OILS UAMC FREE DELIVERY . . FREE PARKING SsHIMOS 0PEfJ FRL MIGHT " OF ROSEBURC, INC. NUiniNU UUVVN ":7" 1345 N. E. STEPHENS . .. PHONE 672-4455