Calendar Of Events Wives Find' The Seven-Year Itch' Hit Too Close To Home Wednesday, Oct. 21 SB Mill. St, open 9:30 a.m. 3 p.m. ' , , v ; -.. . Myrtle Creek Duplicate Bridge Club, lion Mrs. noDeri rung, myrue ureeK, 'McDowell, 4154 or airs, uyie, mame. iRoad, 8 pm Woman' Home League of the! -,, .., C.I...4! A Un Vic mi:-' Vtft BOOKS Chester, 10:30 a. in. I Air Force Reserve'; 1614 Harvard Ave., 8 p.m. By HARRY FERGUSON 'drinks in the station before found out about it, began prep- en homes caused by an unfaith- w AhHiNiiiON Ur"l) One boarding the iron monster for arations lor a divorce, but ful husband are filled with ac' contribution - Marilyn Monroe home in the evening. His sec-i agreed .to consult Morse in counts of men rich enough to to dramatic art was a retar.v s ankle seems trimmer company with her husband. 'have anv kind of home atmos- nP PllinnmiCO ll - JS mmric na nri in'kA Uaimn Varm Ihie t.nn 4hnn li.fl nnrl mtinnA n.tx. I Unn A I ...ItU n u, . n.uitv .uw.u wiv wigu icai tufa jioi mail laai, auu miai aiic iiiaiunfic naa savcu, ifinciv Mlvy lliuusu. nuu mill a.m., luncheon at mon follow- Itch," in which she explored about that new girl in the typ-l More often than not the wan-'cascs of wives who do every- ed by contract bridge play. the theory that a man whose ing pool. derine husband still loves his thing possible to create the Driver License. Examiner, wife : has cone away for H nnnHnrs thu miii.ri . wit- "linwirH eind m amm lwe of environment the hus- nanciallv to marry a girl in her twen-!of equipment he wanted to pur- ties. Morse says Horace wasn'tjcbase was a young and attrac really concerned about the ag-.tive woman, ing of his wife. He was worried Horace's wife was smart. She about getting old himself. A discussed the matter with him contemporary had just died of ' heart attack. Horace was 11- lnk Mill' holl Cttn MuHU o . , o-w - j . . nv jiuuuits un'sc mailers m:i- wui:, nuwaiu aeciueu iu iuw vr ....... ...w -.1 o.i m fnr' iJJ B SE Roberts. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. the summer probably is vulner- fously and sometimes forgets more in love with his wife than band wants. There is no quick longer pre-oc - .in i Mr w if . R"ebur Writers Clubpoetry able to a blonde babe, cham-them. Sometimes no. Case his-ever (while the affair with the and easy answer to the cause-ness matters, on can airs w. i .jonnson or.workshop, home of Mrs. George pagne and sweet talk at sun-tory related by Dr.: Benjamin typist was going on). Previous-and ure of the "seven year.time to thinli Irs Robert King MyrUe Creek.'MeDowell, 4154 SW Carnes down. ' , Morse in 'TIi. Smii.I1v Prom- lv he and wife had Wn hav-'itch." of his friend independent and no occupied with busi- port, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. ' III... i D .... L. . . - ... 1 . n-re. Welfare C.nt.r. 1515 . """" T""' ""m.c - - - - - - , iitn a T whenever he so desired. She didn't nag and she didn't com plain. Gradually his fever sub sided, he began to think less Ua h-trl nlontv nf!hsitt nOa anri rlaath Thau two. . "O- iuuik iw ui tun. auuui. t-tiu , ui u ui hi v auu iinyuiu maiiicu. Carnes down. - Morse in -The Sexually Prom- lv he and wife had Wn hav. itch.'" of his friend and to wonder To most people it was a fun-iscuous Male": ing frequent small fights. These: If a family emerges intact !hw much life was left to live. Next: The American wife: Discussion ny show. But not to hundreds! Howard O., married eight fights stopped. Howard became from the first eight years of He set out . to recapture his:She isn't t blame for every- Group, grand jury room at of thousands of American wives years to Rita, his high school a model husbanc". and father, marriage, there will not likely youth, and the first piece thinii. courthouse, 7:30 p.m.,- topic, wnp found it hit too close to sweetheart. Junior executive m bringing gins home for the chil-be another crisis for about OK,- ,w- Plato's Republic, Books VI and home, and not to. psychiatrists a big Chicago corporation. Two dren more often than he had years. In their middle fifties; Wed., Oct. 23, 1963 The News-Review Page 11 vix. aim iiauiie luuiiseiiurs. Wliu tuuuivii, a nuiitc in uic auu uuuc in in-- waai uuu uciiik in- many iiu&uauus blail uiuikiuk . . iuvn-Bii diisim I mouniea. . . : :. ui r :1. K..;nnB0 n;rt1.. r i.: n,: ki u:-:. Patrol FairOrOliniU 7-m n m 1 Kutn Circle, Wbtb Of Urst "-msii ll o piuuiem umi "lie msni a uu-ui iu- -.i -iwuniua ui in-, nils uiuuit-lll IU usycilitiuiill-i. Msose Lodae MnnwH S i Church, home of is always grim and sometimes ference was cancelled and wife's comfort and happiness.'They have fallen in lovo with nm i .aioose nan, Mrg Flovd powcn jn Garden tragic. .. Howard invited a girl in the He was attempting secret a' young woman and want to Leurel Lodae i ! Valley, 1:30 p.m. ' Experts now accept as a fact typing pool for drinks and din- atonement for bis extra-mari- get a divorce. Horace L 54, n..i -k.iL.. i r- t..,i,.,. o .n tnat somewhere between the nor. tal affair." married for 27 years, went to Citv Hall, noon.' Kcuse, Douglas High School,'? eighth year of mar-1 Woman's Horn League of the 7:30 p.m.- ! A week later he invited her borne authorities biamc un- Morse for advise. I m mar- Vriage most Amirican husbands again. After dinner she invited favorable home atmosphere for ricd to an old woman," he said. lKn-n l. n-l I him in tn- ... .iflhln.n in nnH nA el-.B.rinn nf n l,..BUn nJ ir..nK Alnln. II.. IA 1... n Cl.,.lAn A.m.. ..f -U. I. i , ... i. . tuui-uiii-- icsiica-,. inu 1IUII1U lb . hib"-H i "--I -c """.""ft nuouaiiu, auu lii uiiuiusi'.uu.v , biic 13 I w u Salvation Army, at the church,! League of Women Voters, .,,n f,.nii,rt onH , ; Janiiriiiinnt .-! wasn't ihinUin- nne nf thorn rir vivaii a n. ua- vmrnoo than i -,m nt 1:30 p.m. ; Umpqua' .Assn., Unit 2, home of Mrs. James ;...,, . . ;. '" ,,, j iSage payments are Dcing met ui "er iii.ienus i fp rmmi J l.,n ?.r,a t 32A'ye"lidex-"ve' satisfaetor-1y- Promotions , and -Howard said. "I gage payments are beine met of her in. terms of attraction," mon, puts it this way: "It men and women age different tnougnt sne comes oacK to mis . -wnen a ly. I'm 54 and I still feel young, p.m Three G's thoso who wish. League of Women 4U4 JM! i-ummins, 6.30 9:30 a.m., topid United Nations. raises nave been arriving on was pretty, but I just wanted man feels comfortable at home, act young and think young. My I Kosenurg Branch Music schedule. . The two children company .for dinner. "Vine at- whether It is clutter and dogs wife is 52 and she -might as ClUD, Vin-.Tarhr. Aitnrialiftn hnmo nf h.,.B P...,i.,J. iU :i foil. nnntinnoH Umi-nnl int.nnl. nn tha ftirnilnra n, I1,a i,T.i.r.. ...nil ha 1HA f ston Junior High School, 7:30 Gladys Strong, 1064 SE Main fancy, the wife has become an ed a business trip to lndi- sonal chill of a hotel suite, he Worry Over Aie p.m. cAim&t!, uiuuuea l u r ci o D.m ( Ipvnnrl mi cnramhln aaao tl.A.ina and snrnt tllP9.llaV!!, in a won't strav vprv far" In Ihic pnn nc in nlmnt I Women's Association of First family car is two years old but hotel wit'i t'ic girl. Hii wife But the esse histories of brok-all of them Horace wanted Voters, PracKuUrian rkurrk l-lfl nm Still llflS lllnntv nf lifp . ; . '" - - , - ....... Unit 1, home of Mrs. Jack Gam-; sociai room at churd pUD., But suddenly the world seems . ; . et, 2233 W. Harvard Blvd., 8 ac invitcd, refreshments. slightly out of joint If he. lives "... ' ' '- p.m., opic, United Nat.ons. I Tri-Citv PTA. annual harvest ",e. suburbs,-, he has spent . ..... Roseburg Rebekah Drill Teemrfinno- i iho cnni 5 in 7 i'680 hours in seven years practice at IOOF Hall, 7:30 p m. . ' commuting trains and there is p.m. i wesleyan Service Guild of a tenllcney to have a couple of Roseburg Junkor Woman's c-. u.u..:.t rk....k r.iin..,. : Club, CongregaUonal Christian ship Hall at church,' potluck Church of Keasey Road, for in- dinner, 6:30 p.m. lurmauou cau nirs. uicnn Oakland Chapter, Order S T'u, .. , Etm Star, M.sonic Hall, Glide Public Market, Glide m Community Club, 10 a.m. to 8. ,... r.... u c,J p m.". . .. L , , Inomics Club, at the hall, 10:30 T"" October meeting of the Elkton Lions Club, at lodge a n1 .North Umpqua Home Extension hall, dinner meeting, 6:30 p.m.l Beme 72; jobt Oauahters.' Unit was held at the Glide Com- Tonceila Methodist c h u rc h,. Masonic Temple. 730 nm munity Hall with 27 members IllHw nn innin "Tlm.a r-ilino .. . . r . vnreo Kytnian Sisters, KP Hall, 8 P"--ei-at. the parsonagejp.m. ; The topic for the day was I Rosnhurii' Chanter f nM. "Freezer Meals." Protect lead- St. Jo-;iav. Mnsnnie Tomnln s n m i ers. ' Mrs. Robert Wilkerson THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S IR0NRITE! Iron rite Ironert i Now Available At 635 S.E. Stephens Ph. 672-1616 of Extension Women Meet At Glide study on Glorious," 9:30 a.m. Knights of Columbus, sephs Catholic Center, 8 p.m. Veterans of Foreign Ward and Mrs. Robert Newman dem Sutherlin Jaycees, Bide-A-Wee 2448 and Auxiliary, Veterans onstrated several foods to pre- Memorial Buildirg, 8 p.m. Ipare ahead of time and freeze Emblem Club, social meeting' tney also, ottered some ideas at Elks Club, 8 p.m. for better use of the freezer. Lookingglass Garden Club, The unit members enjoyed sam- 1 pHng the food prepared by the tale, 7 p.m. Sutherlin Community Grange 111, at the hall, 8 p.m. South Douglas Assembly,) jtainoow ior uins, masonic 1 m nm Temple in Canyonville, 7:30 ' J p.m. - , 1 GPamden Valley Girden club' Jnycees Take Stand Job's Daughters, IOOF Hall ft- !.:.: Dl in Myrtle Creek, 7:30 p.m. , Uiaifltling nun Zonta p.m. Club, ' social meeting,' project leaders at the luncheon hour, according to Mrs. Arthur Selby, correspondent. The afternoon meeting con ducted by the chairman, Mrs. Jim Hcnigan, at which time it THE DALLES (UPI) - The was votetl, to do"ate $3() to tlle si.iio .tnninr rhnmt.o,- r Pnm. couniy college sciiotarsntp tuna. Thursday, Oct. 24 mcrce has adopted a resolution ' Tume'nb?rs ,wlU, have ? bPf; ' calling for single-seat legislative ' fhlPub,,lc ? arket '? bLh?!'(i 1 Timber -Town Duplicate districts in Oregon " at "lc tomniunity Build- Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m. For in-. TnB atinn .vaB Lur, at tho formation call Mrs. Walter Ul- i,,,i .jnai ,,n,nntin,i The annu.M Christmas Bazaar rich, 672-1468, or Mrs. D. L. lel.e will be held as in past years, Monteith, 673-4575. Master point The groun as0 pledged to in ,he tirst' Flil!,y in December, play first Thursday of month. iliate a consUtutional amend- t will soon be set up Roseburg Rotary Club, Ump- lent to be placed 0 n for ",e uazaar, it was reported. Tu,"0 Nt00 o 1110 November 1964 ballot com- Tbe "e , Kular mtin8 ?' Po-!t t1! X- ? nV Pclli"S tbc legislature to create ,w" be ,NV- 13; e IOOF, IOOF Hall on Jackson districts W1" be Facts About Funerals" Stw8 P 'i. blinder-the plan, every county th Vein Shrum and Roseburg Lions Club, Ump- wlicn has more than one state Mrs- Sam Ba as.Pject lead qua Hotel, 6:30 pm . senator or representative would ers Civil Air Patrol, at the air- bc AivideA int0 single.s e a , ,. House or Senate districts. Demo Meeting Set D- FALSE TEETH ' Frank Brawner, president of EUGENE (UPI) - O r e g 0 n W M (U nn... Inning eh.mhnn .n!J li.ill-n-Bdl hA C,,n the organization had already, day to try again to elect a na filed preliminary petitions with tional committeeman; to succeed the secretary of state's office C. Girard Davidson 1 who has and signature gathering would resigned. commence as soon as possible.1 The State Democratic Central A ballot title is being prepared Committee lacked a quorum by the attorney general's office, when it met earlier this month he said. . in Salem. Rock, Slide or Slip? FASTEETH, an improved powder to Be sprinkled on upper or lower plntea. inids false teeth more firmly In plaee. Do not slide, slip or rock. No gummy, ?ooey. pasty taste or feeling. FAS TEETH In alkaline (non-acid). .Does not sou Checks "plate odor" (den ture breath). Get FAbTEETH at ftof dru(c counter. . The following radio and television programs are printed as a free public service for News-Review readers. AH program listings are published as received from the respec tive stations. The News-Review does not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furnished this newspaper. KPIC-TV Ch. 4 CHANNEL 2 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:00 Today fl : 00 .Two Early 9:00 YogJi for Health 9:15 TBA (Mon only) 9:15-Educatlonal TV (Tues-Frl) 9:30 Word for Word 10:00 Concentration ' 10:30 Missing Link color ' ' 11:00 Your First Impression Color 11-30 Truth or Consequences 11:55-Nows 13:00 People Will Talk Color 12:2S-News 13:30 The Docljrs 1:00 Loretl Young 1:10 vou Dor' Say ;-00 MMch Game -2 :35 Afternoon R eport 6:30 Huntley-Brlnkle -7:00 Indian Highlights - 7:30 Vitginia- - Color 9:00 Espionage 3:30 Make Roor fur Oa-ldy (Mon-Wtd.) 10:00 Eleventh Hour 3:30-Bev's Kitchen (Fril 2:30 Be My Gnesi (luf! & Ttiursl 3:00 Social Security (Mon. only) 3:00 Fashion Flashes (Tues. only) 3:00 Spectator Matinee (Wed thru Frl) 3:15 TBA (Mon. only) 3:15 Spectator Matinee (Tues. only) V30-Vire Se-'ire (Mon only) J:30 Lone Panger S:0O Capt. Shipwreck WEDNESDAY 5 30 Yogi Bear 6:00-Northwesi Newt ;ll-Kj-RDOrt U:15-Tonlght ; THURSDAY 5:30 Huckleberry Hound, 6:00 Northwest News 6:30 Huntley-Brinktey , . 7:00 Battleline 7:30 Temple Houston 6:30 Or Kllaare 9:30 Hazel 10:00 Mystery Theatre it -00 Report 11 5 Tonight Color ''Ts ' IF 0 4t ' "' yH. Mr : a Jti I'M !Aa 1 KBES-TV Ch. 51 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8:00 Cacta:v Knparoo ' 9:00 Morning Newj 9:301 Love LUCV 10:00 The McCoys 10:30 Pete and Gladys 11:00 Love of Lift i 11:34 CBS News 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 Tennessee tmle 17:30 As The World Turns i 1:00 Password ' 1:30 House Party 2.00 To Tell The Truth i 2:25 Nows 2: 30-Edge of Night 3:00 5"Cre' Storm 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 Trailmaster 5:00 The Alvln Show 5:30 Rln Tin Tin 6:00 Channel 5 Report 6:30 CBS News 7:00 Wagon Train WEDNESDAY 5:00 Tennessee Tuxedo 5:30 Yogi Bear ' 6:00 Channel 5 Report 6:30 CBS News 7:00 Candid Camera I 7:30 Ozzie and Harriet 6:00 T;e Nurses ! 9:00 Hillbillies 9:30 Dick Van Dyke 10:00 Danny Kayo 11:00 News Final THURSDAY 5:00 Mighty Mouse 5:30 Roy Rogers 6:00 Channel 5 Report 6:30CBS News 7:00 Maverick 6:00 Rawhide 9:00 Perry Mason 10:00 Laurence Welk 11:00 AEC News Final - KOIN-TV Ch. 6 CIANNEL 83 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:00 Sunrise Semester 7:30 Weather Forecast 7-35 Cartoon Time 6 00 Captain Kanga'M 9:00 News 9:301 Love Lucy 10:00 The McCoys 10:30 Pete, and Giadvs 11:00 Love Ot Life 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light . 13:0O--Newf ili:05 Hi, Neighbor 12: j1) As Th World TlTM 1:90 KOI N Kitchen ' 1:30 House Party i 2:00 To Tell The Truth 3:30 Edqe Of Night . oo secret Storm ! 3:30 Password J;00 Cartoon Circus l 4:15 Early 5how 6:00 Newscene ! 6:30 Cronklle News ' WEDNESDAY i 7:00 The Law and Mr. Jones I 7:30 CBS Reports 6:30 GlynlS I 9:00 Beverly Hillbillies 1 ' 9:30 Dick Van Dyke Show 10:00 Danny Kaye 11:00 Nigh'seene 11:IS TV Hour of Stars THURSDAY 7:00 Dragne 7:30 Password -6:00 Rawhide 9:C0 Perry Mason 10:00 The Nurse 1-00 Mightscene 11:1! Theater KE2I-TV Ch. 9 CHANNEL 6 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9:00 Jadt LaLanne 9:30 Momlng Movie 11:00 The Price Is Right 11:30 Seven Keys 12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 13:30 Father Knows Best 1 :03 General Hospital 1:30 Educational TV 2:00 TV Bingo ' 2: 30-Day In Court ' 3:55 Lisa Howard With the News 3:00 Queen Fo. a Day 3:30-Opn House -4:00 Major Ada. ns Trailmaster 5:00 Kartoon Klubhouse 5:30 Mickey Mouse Chjb WEDNESDAY :00News Nina 6: 15 New 6:30 Country Snow 7:00 Beverly HiHbilllM 7:30-Oizl And 1:00 Patty Duke Show I X-Price Is Right 9 00 Ben Casey 10.00 Charming 1 11:00 The News ' fll:fS News Final j 11:30 The Late Snow THURSDAY I 6:00 News 9 6:15 The Nws 6:30 Science Fiction Theater j 1:00 Donna Reed 6 30 Wy Three Sons 9:00 Jimmy Dean Show ' 10:00 sd Ceasar - Edie Adams 1 10:30 One Step Beyond 11:00 The News 11:15-News 9 Final 11:30-Late Show RADIO PROGRAM KRNR 1490 KC. 18-Hr. Programming CBS Network music, news, weolher. KQEN 1240 KC. 6 A.M. to Midnight ABC Network , music, news, weother ! KYES 950 KC. Down To Dusk Independent music, news, weother. You're surrounded by clean and quiet warmth when you heat your home electrically. Every room is the exact tem perature you wish. Flameless electric heat is as clean as sunshine itself-no grimy walls or drapes. And just as silent, too-no noisy furnace startups. And think of the extra benefits you enjoy with electric heat! Less redecorating bills! No furnace maintenance costs! No wonder electric heat is becoming so popular, especially here in the Northwest where PP&L rates are far below the national average, :. Pacific Power & Light Company ' You Live Better. . . Electrically! ; . ' ; " - - - - - - i r - j j. j