The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 22, 1963, Page 5, Image 5

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    Hubby's Big Complaint: 'She's Nagging Me To Death
Stay Home, Deer!
United Press International
, ty per cent of the American
jmcn who go to psychiatrists or
matrimonial counsellors in
attempt to save their mar
I is in sight, or demanding he
buy a dish washing machine
when there is no cash availa
ble and his credit is strained
to the breaking point. ' .
Highest In World
The American divorce rate
DEAR ABBY: My wife and again. What should I do? I am'rjages open up their bag of is the highest in the world. Not
x are Having an argument anaiau urunen up.
have agreed to let you settle it.l ALL BROKEN UP
1 made plans to go deer hunt- .-. .. . ,
ing from December 13th through! DEAR BROKEN: Double your
December 22nd. Mv wife is K.!eKort " everything a man
troubles with this statement : I " divorces resiut irom quai-
She's naEEine me to death." reis over money, out enougi oi
Experts do not challenge the hem ,d uto, " "T"'
accusation that the American! uuu.ul
r,i;.. i ... j n- warns in a wire, nagging, re
,....,5 ,cwuu uaujr uu "- ,.,,.,,, j ,. il!rtivirfn nacrinff inln turn r-afpen.
cpmhpi1 liith nnrl cha uantc mo
tn ho hnmo In talro t IkoirUrn his
hospital. Our first baby came
two weeks late, and I have a
hunch this one will, too. My
wife says she has a hunch this
one will be on time. If I am
needed, I can get back home .
attentions elsewhere
again. Tell him you forgive him
and then really forgive him, and
put it out of your mind.
in 12 hours. I can't change the!" ou had ,iHle more ,ive
flntO ftf tho trm honaucn T am.""
going with two other men and
all the plans are set. Don't you
think I .should plan to go?
iwi is , dagger but S imperative to anybody who
irtivH n.ta?tato two 7aLo trying to save the marriage,
As soon as he is married, tnc
average American husband
starts spending $400 . a year
more -than , he earns. The
amount can get bigger and the
situation can last for as long
as 20 years, depending on how
addicted the r family is to in
your friends to go without you.
A dear in the cradle is worth
two on the fender.
rics benevolent and malig
Benevolent nagging is insist
ing that he wear .his overshoes
through a snow' storm and
CONFIDENTIAL TO F. AND: have a physical check-up once
H.: You could live on a lot less, a year. It springs from love
and a desire to keep . him
healthy. A man who complains
to the psychiatrist about be
nevolent nagging is almost cer
tain to be the offending party
in the forthcoming smash-up . of
. DEAR ABBY: A friend
.lino h'nc.lufn rliffoi-ont nnlni-iul
eyes. One is brown and the oth
er blue. I once knew a bull
dog with the same thing. Does
it mean anything? Is this com
mon in either animals or hu
mans? How does something like
this happen?
DEAR CURIOUS: Having two
. Everybody ' has a problem.
What's yours? For a personal
reply, write to Abby, Box 3365,
Beverly Hills, Calif. Enclose a
stamped, self-addressed .envel
ope. ' .
For Abby's booklet, "How To
Have A Lovely Wedding," send
0( ouc 10 aoDy, box 3jk, tseveriy
mils, Lain.
the marriage.
Malignant nagging is de
manding repeatedly that he do
something about a situation
that at the moment cannot be
changed. Like insisting',, he
change jobs when no other, job
Melrose Folks Have Car Trip
(3) at breakfast. It cites a sur
vey of bus and truck drivers
which found that most traffic
accidents occur in the first
hour of the day, frequently be
cause angry husbands burst
out of driveways recklessly or
exceed the speed urn it on the
way to work.
In considering other reasons
besides money for nagging and
quarreling, the institute lists
complaints about husbands
from thousands of wives in this
order: He is selfish. He is un
truthful. He drinks too much
them. He is touchy. He shows
no interest in our home.
Our tempers apparently arc
closer to the surface than most
of us realize, and Dr. Joseph
Popenoe of the institute sur
veyed several hundred men
and women to find out why
they got mad. He found men
lost their tempers on an aver
age of six times a week and
women three. Men are most
likely to get mad at inanimate
objects a flat tire or bump
ing into a door in the dark.
Women most frequently get
He complains too much. He; at people. Either way, a
docs not show his affection. He j little bit of nagging when the
does not talk things over. Heather person is angry -is a
is harsh with the children or; sure-fire formula for producing
else' he takes no interest in a quarrel.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McComas
of Melrose have returned from
a three-week, 9000-mile automo-
different colored eyes occurs1 bile trip. They visited their
only occasionally in man and daughter in Grand Forks, N.D.,
beast and in birds, too. (Not
fish their eyes are colorless).
If s a freak of nature, indicating
that the color chromosomes
went a little wild.
DEAR ABBY: I am 24 and
my husband is 26. We have
three lovely children who mean
the world to us. Yesterday
while my husband was sleep
ing, I went into his wallet to
get some snapshots of our chil
dren to show a neighbor.
came across a picture of a j them in Portland and brought
young, pretty girl, and written, tnem to Melrose. Michael had
on me ironi was, 10 lyi spcnt tne summer in Europe
with lnvo frnm RirHin Hn tlm1 . . ... . .
and a son in Philadelphia, Pa.
Stops were made in Wyoming
and Colorado to see friends and
relatives. They visited Niagara
Falls and the Grand Canyon
and McComas' sisters and
brothers in Lovelock, Nev., and
in California.
Visit From California
Imrie Conn unci son, Michael,
of Los Gatos, Calif., were re
cent visitors at the home of
the former's narcnts. Mr. and
l;Mrs. Roscoc Conn, who met
there by the recent death
James Mitchel. The family for-1
merly resided in Elgarose with
the Berrys.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Felt and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Siples have
returned from a trip into Can
ada. - -
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCord,
who have been residing in the
Kinyon rental since their home
on Rcston Road burned down,
have purchased the Keith Conn
place on Cleveland Hill Road
and will be moving there soon.
Mrs. Gave Statts and children
have returned to their home in
stallment buying.
The arrival of children: in
creases the rate of spending
and heightens the debt until,
as Martha Lear says in her
book "The Child Worshippers,"
American families have a
tendency "to spend themselves
into a financial sewer.
That's when the malignant
nagging is likely to reach its
peak . and the husband starts
casting about for aid and com
fort. . .
Good Men Ruined
"A man is so constituted,"
"writes Dr. Joseph H. Peck on
0f. the suDject ot nagging, iuai
he must nave someone to ue
lieve in him to succeed at any
thing. I have seen good men
ruined due to their wives nag
ging them because the status
symbols were not accumulat
ing fast enough. When a wom
an makes up her mind that
her husband is a failure and in
forms him of the fact, he be
comes a failure indeed. There
is nothing more depressing for
a doctor than to try to treat
such a man. . .He develops
symptoms of every disease in
the book and is more difficult
to help because subconsciously
Tues., Oct. 22, 1963 The News-Review, Page 5
Experts aro interested in
how many American women
marry for money rather than
love, but nobody has come up
with a device for producing re
liable statistics. Women seldom
are as frank as the one from
Iowa who was interviewed by
Dr. Peck. She had a choice of
marrying a tall, handsome
farmer or a short dumpy doc
tor who obviously had a bright
financial future. She chose the
"After all," she explained,
"when I am living in Chicago
and riding down Michigan
Boulevard in my Cadillac,
hardly anybody will know that
my husband's hair tickles my
chin when we danco."
Call Your
97B N.E. Stephens 673-6233
in the Hillcrest Motel
Vital Aettsobee Immci Cemsjeee
fern OHM: Mmitln, Basil
visit here with her parents, the' he doesn't want to get well."
Wilbur Thompsons,
Enjoy Deer Hunt
There are, of course, mil
lions of husbands and wives
who budget their income wise-
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dagejly, restrain urges to buy things
with love from Birdie." On the ,i,o, i, i,j !,,: !oi,',i ,,w rtar hnntina thev cannot afford, let other
ing, was a phone number, so
I failed her up. She said she
didn't know any "Wally" and
she hung up on me. When I
a motorcycle. He will be doing
graduate study at Stanford Uni
versity in California this fall.
Mrs. Harry Stringer has rc-
asked I my husband about it, he San Francisco with her daugh-j family for a few days' last
admitted he had been seeing; tcr and famil wcek T1 and friends accom.
uer m d oar every rrmay mgm Mr Geore showers has re- Danvine them here soent some
turned to Melrose from a stay j time at the Young's cabin at
in Baker with her mother and (Diamond Lake.
relatives to Silver people do the keeping up with
the Joneses and live nappny
trip with
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Young of
Southern California were visit-
for a few months, but that was
all there was to it. He swore
he loved me and said if I for
gave him, he'd never see her
It Pays To Patronizs
is currently assisting in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. N.
Busenbark. The latter is. recov
ering from recent eye surgery.
Mrs. W. F. Berry is spending
several weeks in Santa Monica,
Calif.,j with her sister, Mrs.
James Mitchel. She was called
Mrs. Amy Seeley has sold her
home at Melrose to Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Wilson and will
move soon to the Forest Glen
Senior Citizens home at Canyon
ville. The Wilsons lived at one
time on Critser Road and most
recently in Roseburg. .
Big car lovers! We've got your number. . . 880
ever auer. . oui iui m man
who spends himself into trou
ble or allows his wife to do so,
the daily routine can . become
. Worst Times '
The American Institute of
Family Relations has charted
the three times during the day
when nagging is most likely to
explode into a quarrel: (1) just
before dinner when the hus-,
band is tired and wants to re-
lax (2)' at bedtime when the1
wife wants to get a problem I
settled before going to sleep!
Big Dodge 880 may very well turn out to be your lucky number ...
because it puts so much automobile and luxury within your easy reach.
Here's all the car a family man could ask for. A spacious interior.
Hand-fitted upholstery. And an easy-going ride that only a large car
can give you. Big Dodge 880 looks every bit as expensive as it sounds
. . . except when you hear it from your Dodfe Dealer. He will tell
you that Dodge 880 is priced just a thoughtful step above the low
price field. Make it a point to see and drive tka big Dodge 880. Two
series, nine models. With each, you geta 5-year50,000-mile warranty.
ranis, tor S years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes fiisl, against delects in materials and
workmanship and will replace or repair at a Chrysler Motors Corporation Authorized Dealer's
place ol business, the engine block, head and internal parts, inlake manilold, water pump,
transmission case and Internal parts (eicludini manual clutch), torque converter, drive
shaft, universal olnls, rear axle and dirlerentlal. and rear wheel bearings of Its 1964 auto
mobiles, provided the owner has the engine oil changed every 3 months or 4.000 miles, .
whichever comes first, the oil Tiller replaced every second oil change and the carburetor air
filter cleaned every 6 months and replaced every 2 years, and every S months lurnishas to
such a dealer evidence of performance ol Ihe required service, and requests the dealer to
certify ()) receipt el such evidence and (II) the car'a than curroert mileage.
Dodge 8BO
Dooes MVssHM J
8ARCUS MOTORS, Inc., 1420 N.E. Stephens, Roseburg, Ore.
r ' s
Ski s
& is
ft 7
VJt 5' , .-Vt i I V ME vrryti
W' f.5-7 ,7A e m
rv.. V
.,7 'rvMfct-
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'ik.i. ?sr A
ft ft ir, ;
helping you prepare
your holiday dinner
Welders in the wide open spaces of the
West, helping with your dinner? Yes, if you
are preparing it on a modern gas range.
These men, welding and installing a new
section of natural gas pipeline, are part of
the team of El Paso Natural Gas Company j
employees who bring you a continuous, '
' plentiful supply of America's most modern
S fuel. EI Paso Natural, a pipeline company, -provides
wholesale natural gas service to
11 Western states. More and more home
makers are discovering the' advantages of
natural gas flame cookin , , . better flavor
for the holiday bird or roast, better texture
to cakes, smokeless broiling, an end to
"pot watching" with automatic controls.
Natural gas is the choice of professional
chefs. And it is superb for home heating,
clothes drying, dishwashing, incineration,
water heating and decorative outdoor light
ing. Call your retail gas distribution com
pany office for complete information.
Thrown Its pipelines, El Paso Natural supplies wholesale gas
service to retell natural las distributors in
In Oreion retail (is dlitributlon companies are;
Ji yXtjigr for
' lpCX THE