The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 21, 1963, Page 8, Image 8

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i,r U-fl P ' ? 13
Page 8 The News-Review Mori., Oct. 21, 1963
A LOVELY BRIDE of Sept. 29 was Mrs. Arthur Bona
witz, pictured above, the former Lucy Termine,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Termine of Kearney,
Neb. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ebenczer B. Bonawitz of Bridger, Mont. The couple
will reside in Roseburg. (Picture by Kennell-Ellis)
LAURA BENTZ, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Bentz, Roseburg,' celebrated her first birthday at a
dinner at her home. Covers were placed for the guest
of honor and her parents and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Kestill, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Westley and Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn Riley. ." ' ' .
Wedding Takes
Place Sept. 29
Miss Lucy Termine became
the bride of Arthur B. Bono
witz of Roseburg at 3 p.m. Sept.
29 in the Harlow Chapel of the
First Baptist Church, the Rev.
Harold E. Cox of the Open Bi
ble Church of Creswell offici
ating. The Rev. Lawrence Smith
Jr., pastor of the bridegroom's
church in Roseburg, offered the
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Termine of
Kearney, Neb. Parents of the
bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs,
Evenezer B. Bonawitz of Bridg
er, Mont. The Termines came
west for the wedding.
White gladioli and asters
were combined with pink lilies
in the decorations of the chapel.
The Rev. Robert Fagett sang,
and Mrs. Don Duncan was or
The bride wore a floor-length
gown of lace and tulie with
sequins and pearls highlighting
the scalloped neckline of the
lace bodice. The skirt was
made with panels of lace at
front and back. Her fingertip
veil, borrowed from her sister,
Mrs. Orrin Kinsey Johnson,
was held in place by a crown
of sequins and pearls. She wore
an heirloom ring set with sap
phires, a gift from her mother,
and a crystal necklace, a gift
from the bridegroom. She car
ricd a bouquet of pink Elfe
roses and white carnations.
Miss Audrey Crawford was
maid of honor. She was clad in
a street-length gown of rose
colored taffeta brocade with fit-.
ted bodice and full, gathered
skirt. She wore a matching hat,
and carried a bouquet of rose-
colored carnations and lily of
the valley.
Theodore J. Carper of Rose
burg was best man, and ushers
were Orrin Kinsey Johnson, the
bride s brother-in-law, and Mon
te Wagner of Roseburg.
At the reception following the
wedding, the bride's table was
decked with rose-colored as
ters and trailing ivy to comple
ment the pink and white can
Mrs. Nick Musia of Escon
W-D Toastmistress Club
Has Enjoyable Meeting
Winslon-Diltard Toastmistress
Club met recently at Douglas
High School. Invocation was giv
en by Edna Ebncr.
The club reflected, on "Wom
an Nature's Masterpiece" as
the theme for the year with
"Woman's Day" as theme for
the ovonlng. '
Topic mistress Ethel Sirrinc
presented as the subject, "Look
Before You Leap," and each
member gavo a one to two min
ute talk concerning an import
ant wo 11111 n whoso name had
been placed in a scaled envelope.
Vi Hansen, Ethel Sirrine and
Bunny Albcrtus gave reports on
the recent council meeting. The
next council meeting will be
Dec. 1 at Oak Trco Inn.
Dorothy Novick, Fern Means
and Dorothy Patterson were
guests for the evening.
Toastmistress Bunny Alberlus1
introduced the following speak
ers: Mary Tomlinsan, Vi Han
sen and Ida Schweitzer. The
closing thought was given by
r.dna boner.
Xi Omicron, Beta Sigma Phi
met at the home of Mrs. Craig
Short, with Mrs. Harry Hill as
sisting hostess.
During the meeting, Mrs. Don
LaBranche reported the group
will sponsor a rummage sale
at the Roseburg Woman's Club
on Oct. 26. Mrs. Donald Gin
gery reported on needs of the
Pitchford Boys Ranch at Win
chester. The group will contri
bute to this project. Mrs. Ar
nold Ryder was appointed to
the planning committee for In
ternational Night.
Saddle Club Has Potluck
Following Friday Meet
The Yoncalla Saddle Club held. Those attending were: Mr,
a potluck supper, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schosso,
their regular meeting at the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mulkey,
city hall Friday at 6:30p.m. jMr. and Mrs. 11. Herring, Mr.
The Rodeo Queen, Joan Dcand Mrs. Robert Agec and son,
Spain, sent a letter of thanks Tom Wallace, Roy Nobel. Mr.
to the club for help given, and'nnd Mrs. Delton Thiel, Ricky
the many kindnesses shown heivWilcy. Mrs. Golden Krusc and
during the rodeo. grandson Jeff, Mrs. Barry Tur-
Much interest was shown in ner and Merlin, Art Rvchard,
planning the rodeo for Ihe com- Mrs. Merle McKirdy, Stanley
ing year. It was also suggoslcdlRychai'd, Carol Coons, Mrs.
that a gymkuna lie held some- Karl Hummel, Red Bragg and
timo near buuor Day. 'Charles Applogatc.
Mr. And Mrs. James Cox
Celebrate Anniversary
dido, Calif., the bride's sister,
and Mrs. F. H. Scott cut the
cake. Miss Ellie Orr served
punch and Miss Loretta Gra
ham poured coffee. At the gift
table was Miss Lois Kyle, and
Mrs. Orrin Kinsey Johnson at
tended the guest book. Jo Anne
Musia, the bride s niece, dis
tributed the net rice packets.
The couple made a wedding
trip to Bridger, Mont., home of
the bridegroom's parents, and
to Yellowstone Park. On their
return they are at home in
Roseburg where the bridegroom
is employed.
Home Wedding
Lovely Event
Of October 14
Elsie Viola Glaspie of Spring
field became the bride of John
Andrew Rice of Drain Oct. 14
at a lovely ceremony held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James L. King of Roseburg. ,
The sister-in-law of the bride
groom, the Rev. Helen K. Rice
of the Universal Life Church
of Roseburg. performed , the
double ring ceremony.
Decorations at the King home
were in autumn colors.
The bride was charming in
an autumn goia gown wiui
matching accessories. Her bou
quet was of American Beauty
She was given in marriage
by George Householder.
Matron of honor was Mrs.
Johanna Miilin of Eau Claire,
Wis. George P. Rice, brother
of the bridegroom, was best
man. Kenny Householder, neph
ew of the bridegroom, was ring
bearer, and Mary Louise Han
dy was flower girl.
Following the ceremony. Nor-j
ma King and Brenda House
holder served refreshments,
and Doris Householder, sister
of the bridegroom, had charge
of the guest book.
and Mrs. Gerald Johnston
of Yoncalla announce the
engagement of the
daughter, Juanita Rae, to
Lelond Kobert baggett,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Baggett of Hermiston. The
bride-elect lis o senior at
University of Oregon,
where she is majoring in
mathematics and plans to
become a teacher. The
bridegroom-elect is a jun-
in agriculture at Ore
gon Mate University, ino1
date has been set for the
wedding. (Picture by Ken-!
nell-Ellis, Eugene)
Short Home Is The Scene
Of Xi Omicron Meeting
p;;i. - 4 ' ' 1
ft 1
- -if." 4-
PICTURED above in a three-generation pose are Mrs. John Meyer of San Diego;
her grandmother, Mrs. Bertha Peer of Portland, and the latter's daughter,
Mrs. Paul Carr of Glendale. Mrs. Meyer was graduated from Glendale High
School in 1958. She spent two weeks with her parents and the family enjoyed
several days at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Carr and daughter are former Roseburg
residents. (Fox photo)
j4-H Leaders Hear Report
Post And Auxiliary Hear
National Conclave Report
The newlyweds will be
home in Drain following a hon
eymoon to Springfield and Port-I
id. rL A -4.:. .:4.: I C.
-vuuviiieb in summer
Umpciua Post No. 16, Ameri-iistration
can Legion Auxiliary met re
cently in the Moose Hall, which
will be the scene of all future
Mrs. Jack George, past de
partment president who recent
ly returned from attending the
national convention of the Amer
ican Legion in Miami, Fla.,
gave a report on the proceed
ings at the conclave.
Mrs. Keith McDonald of Was-i
co, auxiliary Volunteer Hospital
Director of the Veterans Admin-'
The first meeting of the new officers for the new year,
fall season for the Douslas noVoci, ,.,,- ., i
!!?0.?iy.J-H,,d5.1AJU Mr. and Mrs. John Walin and
was iiciu iv euuesuay eveuiiig 111
the 4-H Extension Room in the Mr- and Mrs- Leonard Hogg,
hospitals in Oregon,!cour'nouse- 1 Myrtle Creek; Joe Brumback,
- ..;o;nH ck KMnnniAj 1 e ousincss meeting was con-,Auvmei oudrie ijaiiuaMcr,
was a visitor. She presented the,ducted by Jom prcsi.'antI ciaudette Garton, Green;
Department of Oregon programident of Ule organization. A de-Gary Sand, Fred Graves and
for the hospitals. jtailed report of 4-H summer ac-Connie Burge, Melrose; Wayne
Eda Zalezzo of Portland, re- tivities was given by Frank von Strohn, Carmen Garton and
habilitation chairman for ' the
Department Auxiliary, was also
a visitor, and she gave an in
teresting account of her work.
Borstel, 4-H agent. Miss Max-iLes Stimmel, Roberts Creek;
Teachers Are Honored
By Chapter No. 8, OES
Mrs. R. L. Wiley gave the
cultural program with a review
of "Tomorrow is Now" by E1-;
canor Roosevelt.
The hostesses scrVcd delicious
refreshments to Mrs. H. C.
Church, Miss Helen Casey, Mrs.
Neil Christian, Mrs. James
Fourtner, Mrs. Donald Gingery,
Mrs. John Horn, Mrs. Don La
Branche, Mrs George Larson,
Mrs. Arnold Ryder and Mrs. R.
L. Wiley, members and guests,
Mrs. Jack Carlson and Mrs.
Stan Hyde.
Teachers of the area were
honored at a recent meeting of
Roseburg Chapter No. 8, Or
der of the Eastern Star.
Teaching experiences were re
lated by each guest, and their
length of time teaching was
given. Ernest Buell and Mrs.
Bonita Wykoff were the two in
attendence with the longest time
in service. Mrs. Wykoff was
presented with a lovely corsage.
The program for the evening
was conducted by Worthy Ma
tron Edna Matthews, with the
officers and courtesy officers
assisting in the presentation of
a school room skit. Cloyd Riffe
and Ray Hampton also took
Decorations for
were fairy tale
scenes, and a
small school house, with dolls
an.I small tree branches mak-
Quarterly Potluck Held
By Lookingglass Grange
The Lookingglass Grange held
its quarterly potluck birthday
dinner recently honoring the
birthdays of Mrs. Ruth Findlay,
Mrs. Mary Petheram, Bill Nie-
baum, Charles Schulzc, Guyla
Rudzik, Lige Ollivant. A r i e
Roth and Mrs. Susie Oar. Mrs
Fred Schulze and Mrs. John
Rudzik were hostesses for the
occasion. A beautiful birthday
cake had been baked and dec
orated by Naomi Schulze.
Mrs. Pearl Mathis, who had
charge of the program, intro
duced her granddaughter, Mrs
numbers. Tom Findlay gave a
Enjoying the event, in addi
tion to the honored guests,
were: G. C. Boling, Mr. and
Mrs. John Erbe and Howard
John Mathis, Mrs. Lige Olli
vant, Mrs. Caroline George of
Sacramento, Calif., who has
Paul While, who recently re
tired from the Oregon State
Highway Department after 27
years of service, was honored
by employes of the Department
at a dinner held at the Winston
Community Hall.
The dinner, a surprise to the
honored guest, was held at 7
p.m. A beautifully decorated
cake in the form of a mountain
with highway scenes and small
automobiles formed an attrac
tive centerpiece for the table.
White was presented a lovely!
jacket and an electric lantern
by his fellow employes
Master of ceremonies for the
occasion was John Gunter, who
was assisted by Earl Pritchard
with preparations for the party
ine Johnson, 4-H agent, report-!Mrs. R. E. Kischel, Harlin De
ed on new materials for alii Spain, Maxine Johnson, M r s.
phases in sewing, knitting, can- Donald Blake, Frank von Bor-
Refreshments were served to ning and other home econom- stel and Mrs. Rockwell, all of
members of the post and auxil-ics. Roseburg; Frances Hubbard,
iary. Jack George, past com-l Comments, and suggestions Lookingglass; Alice Young,
mander, was presented with a were given concerning the 1963 Canyonville; Ethel Harris, El-
cake in honor of his birthday. Fair. len Harris and Kobert Harris,
I Delmar Murphy, Joe Brum- Glendale; Mrs. Taylor McCord
back and Mrs. Henry Rockwell and Mrs. Don Wright, Glide;
were appointed to serve as the and Delmar Murphy and Mrs.
nominating committee for new G. W. Munson, Umpqua.
WW I Veterans, Auxiliary
Are Hosts To District 7
I Douglas Rari-aeks Nn 17fi 'pntprtnipri hu Rpvprnl mpn wlm
ing realistic school house scene, veterans of World War I and presented a style show of fash
Decorations were done by Mrs.!Auxiliary vere nost t0 District ions of yesteryear. Parks
Olhe Krucgcr and Mrs. Eliza- v0; 7 at ii.B Ever-ireen Gi-nnse Schneider nlaveH sevpral spIpp-
beth Hockcrsmith. iHall. tions on the "bones." aeeom-
MlS. Matthews thanked Clyde, Ati-,. . twn ernnns held nnnieil at thp nlann W Mrs
Riffe, Luke Patterson and Miss their business meetings, a de- Clarence Bartlett.
Joan Harper for serving as pro- Heious dinner was served to' Attending from out of town
tern officers for the evening. iabout 150 guests from Ashland, were Ralph Aylesworth, past
Following the meeting, re- Medford, Grants Pass, G 0 1 d department commander, and
freshmcnts were served in the HiUi Cave junction and Tri- Thyrza (Mrs. Lewis) Curry,
dining room uy me reiresnmeni city. ;.. past department president of
committee, consisting of Ruby After dinner the Broun was the T.adtps Aiivtllarv nf th Vpt.
! r : erans of World War I, both of
Grants Pass. They were accoin
ipanied by Mrs. Aylesworth and
j Lewis Curry. Several other T.e-
partment of Oregon officers
were present.
I Alpha Iota Chapter of Beta I Pat Gramun of Medford, Dist.
Sigma Phi met at the home ofiNo. 7 commander, and Dorothy
Mrs. Stephen Hopkins of Glide. jSuthey of Central Point, Dist.
for the past 10 years. Prior to vans were completed for aNo. 7 president, were present,
that he worked in Milwaukie JaJU"la rusn Pa"y io De neiaias weu as jacn Herman oi
and Oregon City. at ne "ext regular meeting. iBrookings, department senior
He and Mrs. White plan to' lms- nopKins anu ner co-uosi-'viue cummanuer, ana ivirs. ner-
remain in Winston in their home ess, Mrs. Robert Pingleton.iman, and Al Whithlau, com-
on Oak Strppt. Thpv havp m: reiresiiuiems 10 airs.
definite plans other than to D'ek Bartlett, Mrs. Fred Dick-
SDond considerable time fishini? son, Mrs. Frank Furen, Mrs. '
Thev both cniov ennminff and Harry Jones, Mrs. J. P. Mot-
the many scenic spots in thejsenenDacneri mrs. rreel Mever,
state. Mrs. Dick Booth, Mrs. Dale
Friends paying tribute to the'EU's, Mrs. Ron Heidrick, Mrs.
Haven, Doris Hughes. Altha
Williams and Clara Boll New- . .
hand. lAArS
Retirement Dinner Given Hosts Chapter
In Honor Of Paul White
honored guest and Mrs. White
were: Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Law-
ence, Shirley Erickson, Franc
es Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
my Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Delton
Magness,' Mr. and Mrs. John
Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. John
Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Washington, Mr. and Mrs. El
ton Palver, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Dick Kerruish, Mrs. Gil Lopez,
Mrs. Dick Powell, Mrs. Harry
Spencer and Mrs. Clair Von
mander of Dist. 5.
Cub Scouts, Parents
Costume Party Planned
A Cub Scout pack meeting
will be held in the all-purpose
room at Elkton High School Oct.
31 at 7:30. The occasion will
be a Halloween costume party
for Cubs and their parents.
Adolph LeBlanc, a retired
state Highway Department cm- Westcott. Mr. and Mrs. Orville
been visiting her son-in-law andploye of Salem, entertained the Thorp, Imogene Wheeler, Clar
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Johnigroup with stories pertaining to ence Wheeler. Mr.- and Mrs.
Rudzik; Mr. and Mrs. N e a 1 his work as a stripping crew i Clarence Carter. A. L. LeBlanc,
Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles foreman during his highway ca-jMr. and Mrs. Harry Twidwill,
Schulzc, I'erley Oar, Mr. and reer several years ago. He re-iMarion L. West, Orville C.
Mrs. William Niebaum, Tomilated the method of strippinglWright, Carl Winfrey, Homer
Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer;
Provost, Bill Petheram, Mr. and
Bill Rice who r.cscntcd lien Mrs. Fred Schulze and Mr. and
two daughters in several ballet1 Mrs. Cliff Boling.
Pinochle Party Enjoyed
At Melrose Grange Hall
Twelve tables of pinochlei
were in play at the first card
party of the fall season at Mel
rose Grange, l'arties will be
held each fourth Saturday of
the month and the public is al
ways welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dens
more and .Mrs. Stanley Sjogren
were in charge of the recent sang several vocal selections.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cox of Those present or sending gifts
uicmiuic were iiouureu wiiu a lor ine Honored couple were
40th wedding anniversary party Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris and
held recently at the home of Shellie, Mrs. Olger Sether, Mr.
tnclr son-in-law ana daugntor.iand Mrs. Gordon Mohl and chil
Mr. and Mrs. George Major of drcn; Mr. and Mrs. Rodney
bienaaic. jhwanson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe:p 1 1
The couple cut a lovely two- Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Dan-irOl l.OIIISOnS
tiered while cake trimmed with iels, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomp
red roses and topped with tho son, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
inscription, "40th," in matching Frickc, the Rev. and Mrs. Nor
red. Punch and coffee were also man Naugler and children; Mr.
served. and Mrs. Douglas Dollar, Mr.
The cake was flanked on oi- and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mr.
thcr side on the serving table and Mrs. Hugh Morrcll, Mr.
with white candles in crystal and Mrs. Henry Lal'rath, Mr.
holders. Coffee was served from and Mrs. Blaine Johnson, Mr.
the end of the cako table. A and Mrs. Jerold Williams and
side tabic held the punch bowl children; Mr. and Mrs Harold
and an arrangement of red pom Cooley. Mrs. J. E. Brvan. Mrs.
pom dahlias. Miss Carol Major, John Sether, Mr. and Mrs: Bil-
grandaughtcr of tnc couple, lie Kccton
served the cake, while her sis- Azalea.
tcr, Miss Susan Major, poured Others included Mr. and Mrs.
the punch. D. Cummins of Roseburg. Mr.
Mrs. Cox wore a red jersey and Mrs. Bill Lynch of Medford
dress, matching jewelry and a and Mr. and Mrs. William Mc
white orchid corsage. Her hus- Grath, Mr. and Mrs. Terry
band wore a white carnation Cantwell and Mr. and Mrs. Walt
boutonnierc. Ralston, all of Grants Piss. Daughters.
Reception Set
The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry I. Collison Jr. arc plan
ning an open house reception in
celebration of their 25th wed
ding anniversary.
The event will take place Sun
day, Oct. 27, at the South Deer
Creek Grange Hall. Friends and
relatives are invited to call be
tween the hours of 2 and S p.m
the highways as immature in Spurlock, Juanita Spurlock, Sir.
comparison with procedures to-:and Mrs. Ed Martin, Mr. and
day; stating that he had literal- Mrs. Ed Bowers, Steve Spur
ly walked from the Oregon-Cal- lock, Kay Spurlock, Ida Spur
ifornia line to the Columbia'lock, Clem Spurlock, Mr. and
River. The stripping in the ear
days was done by a machine
but employes walked along op
erating it.
Mrs. Kenneth Kruckenberg
Merle Perkins, Carl J. Arvid
son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prit
chard, Betty Pritchard, Rhonda
Music was furnished by Carl 'Pritchard and Pat and Phillip
Winfrey, violin, and Clem Spur-1 "icnaru.
lock, with a guitar. They also
Salon of Beauty
Carol Gieselmen
We are pleased to have
Carol at a new member of
our staff. Carol has had 5
years experience.
Ph. 673-5167
14S7 W. Harvard
Prizes went to Mrs. Haines
and Eric Trozelle, high; Alico!
Goff and Tenco Buscnbark, low,
and Lorraine Veenstra. door.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
P. 11. Hanson. Koyce Busen
bark. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Bil
senbark, Ethel Becker, Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. Trozelle, Mr.
Mrs. R. Larson
White has resided in Winston,
where he has been employed,
MNOClub Has
Birthday Meet
Paul Abeel. Mr. and Mrs. E,
T. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Buscnbark. Annie Nielsen,
Blanche Buyer, Betty Zuck, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Bayliss, Alice
Goff, Mr. and Mrs. Borden
Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Grow, Lena llowland. Margar
et Reece, Edna Sjogren. Mr.
Mrs. Loy Linaman was host-
and ess to members of the Rivers-
Mr. and Mrs.idale MNO Club on Wednesday
levelling. The group first had its
annual birthday dinner at a res
taurant and then adjourned to
the Linaman home for a pleas
ant social eveing of games and
During the evening Mrs. Lina
man served refreshments to
Mrs. Don Kruse, Mrs. Ed Stritz-
Harry Collison, employed by and Mrs. Ora Weiker, Lorraine! kc, Mrs. Neil Christian. Mrs
Pacific Power & Light in Rose-I Veenstra. Mr. and Mrs EdiDick Brown. Mrs. Aneela Set-
all of Glendale or'.burg, is a member of the Elks Moon. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Stin-:tcrs. Mrs. Darwin Lee. Mrs.
and Mason lodges. He is a for-incr, Ruth Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mathews. Mrs. Dick Stark
mer member of the 41st Divi-;Lee Williams. Mr. and Mrs. A.iMrs. Trov Bowman. Mrs. Bob
sion, 162nd Infantry, Co. D. !R. Hawkswonh Jeff Sniinn Mr.i Beshford. Mrs. Bill Madson.
Mrs. Collison is employed at: and Mrs. SI. M. Manning. Mr.iMrs. Uoyd Carlson, Mrs. Gene
Saar's Pencil Mill, and is aland Mrs. Fred Engle and Mr. Cookscy and Mrs. Gary Conn,
member of the Guardian Coun-land Mrs. Densmore and grand- The next meeting will be a
cil of Bethel No. 72, Job'sjdaughter, Debbie Olsen of an potluck at the home of Mrs.
Jose, Calif.
Don Kruse.
in Mdse Certificates
TO BE HELD AT WARDS OCT. 31, NOV. 1, and 2
We reserve right to pick one winner and to use all entries in advettisinf