Local News 'immm NAM D0RS OPEN 7:00 V I1V11 "Lawrence" 7:40 HURRY! ENDS TUESDAY! BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! ACADEMY AWARD WINNER H5VKENCE OF ARABIA Tonight "BYE BYE BIRDIE" Janet Leigh - Dick Van Dyke Ann-Margret plus "PERIOD OF ADJUSTMENT Tennessee Williams - Tony Francioso - Jane Fonda -Jim Hutlon Box Office Opens at 6:45 Show Starts at 7:00 starts WED! m The MlghtiestMMH Motion Picture of them Ml! 1 Motion Picture 1 I -r .1 Mi I 1 I vi uicmmii Mrs. Keith Thompson and daughter, Marcia, from Reeds port spent Saturday at the j Jesse Kingry home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson of Red Cloud, Neb., spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kingry and other relatives in the Roseburg area. Pfc. Carroll Kingry from Washon, Wash., spent a 12-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kingry of Coles Val- ley, and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kin gry, and Patty of Wilbur. Army Spec. 5 Neal J. Kingry from Ft. Lewis, Wash., spent a 12-day leave with his family, Mrs. Neal Kingry, and children, Jesse, Ricky and Jackie of Oak land, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kingry of Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Phillips and daughter, Daphne, spent the weekend in Portland with the Phillipses' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Phil lips, and baby son. They also spent some time with Mrs. Phillips' brothor-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Inman received word from their son, Larry, that he has been trans ferred from the U.S. Navy re ceiving siation at Treasure Is land in San Francisco Bay to Long Beach. There he will be assigned to a destroyer. He left for Long Beach Friday. Mrs. Nelson Higgs and Mrs. Bessa Rasmussen were in Springfield Friday night to at tend the wedding of the ior mer's granddaughter, Miss Sal-1 ly Myers, and Darrel Slafek. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Earl Preston of Springfield. She attended local schools and was graduated from Roseburg High School. Recently gradua ted from Oregon State Universi ty, she is now teaching in the Springfield area. ' FARM FOREST FACTS BY BOB BRADLEY COUNTY EXTENSION FORESTER OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY For many years, forest nurs-; eries have been trying to im-! prove the quality and vigor of seedlings they grow. By com bining the very best in planting stock with careful handling and appropriate planting techniques, chances for success in planting are greatly enhanced. One method that has helped in the production of these much sought-after superior seedlings is the use of soil fumigants. As reported in a chemical com pany publication, "Down to Earth," such fumigants as Tri zone and Telone when applied to nursery soils have produced larger Douglas fir and Scotch pine seedlings at the end of the first and second growing sea sons. Also root volumes have been increased with an increase in the amount of fumigant ap plied. Promise Shown Not only has soil fumigation shown promise in the control of root-rot nematodes, soil-borne diseases and weed seeds in for-1 est nurseries, but it has in creased the growth and yield of seedlings as well. Fumigation trials at the L. T. Webster Nursery near Olym- pia, Wash., which were estab-l lished for weed control also showed this growth response The increase was noted or Douglas fir and Scotch pine growing in soil treated with Mon., Oct. 21, 1963 The Newt-Review, Page 5 Trizone ' and for Scotch pine growing in soil treated with Tel one. Trizone was applied to seed beds with a specially designed fumigation implement which si multaneously injected the chem ical and covered the treated soil with a polyethylene tarp. The1 rate was 140 to 200 pounds peri ana Tnlnna 1L-QC OtwlioH nf flipl rate of 50 gallons per acre through 8 soil chisels mounted on a tractor drawbar and was sealed in by water from an overhead irrigation system. At the end of the first andj second growing seasons, ten seedlings from each plot were randomly selected and carefully lifted from the seedbeds and tested by a root titration tech nique. Roots Grow In the plots treated with Tri zone, Scotch pine showed a greater increase in root growth than did Douglas fir. Greatest response for both species was during the first growing season. In the plots treated with Tel one, Scotch pine produced twice the root system as a 1-0 seed ling and almost twice the root system as a 2-0 seedling when compared to the controls (seed lings in untreated, soil). Thus the use of soil fumi gants produced larger' and more vigorous seedlings, which would be a definite advantage to any tree planting program. BVRD'S MARKET FIRSI-OF-IHr.-WF.EK 0 IE1 FOR EXTRA SAVINGS, WE GIVE & REDEEM U-SAVE STAMPS IN CASH, TRADE m n Cot! Mb. can 59c2co 1.17 Wesson 5 To Colorful Plaids . Jaoko 99' in the new large size 24 ounce bottle . Treasure 46 ox .can Movie Showtime Returning Airman, Family Now Vacationing In Glendale Umbrellas Inst. Choc. Drinkyd,in79c Pancake Syrup Kb, 31 White Flour s'Kt -1.89 TNT 28 ox, decanter By MRS. GERALD B. FOX Billie Ray Barrong of Glen dale, who was discharged from the U.S. Air Force Oct. 1, and his wife and baby daughter, have been visiting with his par-! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Bar-i rong of Grants Pass, former (ilenclale residents. After a va cation period here, which has included some deer hunting, Barrong will apply for work as MM' TECHNICOLOR' CINEMACCUPt Monday, Oct. 31, 1963 INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 7 D.m. Wavne Waaner 7:10 to 7:30. "Lawrence of Arabia" at 7:35 only STAR LITE DRIVE-IN Open Frl-5at Sun PINE DRIVE-IN Open Fri-Sat-Sun CLEmhmTir IBM operator in the Port- "Bye Bye Birdie" and "Period of Adlustment" TRI CITY DRIVE-IN (Trl-CMy) Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Tuesday, Oct. n, 1MJ INDIAN THEATRE Doors ooen 7:00. Wayne Wagner 7:10 to 7:30. "Lawrence Of Arabia" at 7:35 only. STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open Frl-Sat-Sun. PINE DRIVE-IN Open Frl-Sat-Sun. CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN (Sutnerllnl Box office opens at 6:45. Show at 7:00. "Bye Bye Birdie" and "Period Of Ad- justment." land area. Parents Are Visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles John ston were hosts to their son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Houston Wolf, and son, Timmy, overnight last week. The Wolf family, formerly of Winston were en route to their new home in Dallas, Texas where he will IV I Short on space? Install a compact GAS furnace . . . IT'S SO SLEEK AND SMALL IT FITS IN A CLOSET I vLsLW You don't need a basement for a modern Gas heating system! The all new Payne Forced Air Furnace ex tremely compact and approved for closet and alcove installations com pletely packaged with all controls, pre assemble) factory wired and tested now proven outstanding Payne stand ard of quality at a competitive price I FORCED AIR HEATING atrogard makes the difference Exclusive ceramic-like coating pro tects heating element against rust-out! burn-outl assures longer furnace life. PHONE US for FREE ESTIMATE Califorisia-Pacific Utilities Co. VOUB PARTNER IN WESTERN PROGRESS operate a service station and garage. Darleen Furlong, daughter of llr. and Mrs. Pierce Furlong, is now attending classes at the Eugene Business College. Her parents drove her up and also visited with Furlong's brother, C. C. Furlong, and family at bpnngiield. Carl Burke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Burke, after a 10 day leave at home has returned to his ship, the U.S.S. Midway at Alameda. The ship will leave on a world' cruise next month. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Hutchison, pastor and wife at the Glendale Church of Christ, enjoyed a visit Sunday from her sister, Susan Cumnnngs and her fiance, David Hunt, both of Salem. Hunt was speak er at the church on Sunday. Injury Still Plagues Jewel Hurst, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Lester Hurst, is still under treatment for an injury to her knee which occurred when she tripped and fell while attempting to ring the fire bell the night of the Dave William son fire. Members of the Glendale As sembly of God Church have con tinued on their project of im provements. Most recently com pleted was a new section of sidewalk and a concrete curb ing flower box. A friendship lantern has been installed near the front door. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Reagan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harding and son, all of Mcdford, drove to Glendale on recent weekend. The women! of the two families visited with their mother, Mrs. Earl Hurst, I while Reagan and Harding ac- companied Mr. Hurst and their son, Earl Hurst, and his wife to Eastern Oregon for hunting. Pop Corn Minced Clams Clam Chowder Corned Beef Hash r 41 3 b 5169 can II 3$l i 4$l 4n Doxsee No. Vi tin Doxsce No. 1 tin si Going Peadbs sm asia. wm mm LSUiY UUIV 1I LVU II I sWJ Mb. Your Choice of Powdered Or Brown CTN Treasure Sliced No. IVi can Penetray 40, 60, 75 and 100 watt 1 Will nor cook away FRESH GROUND BEEF 3 lb. Nebergall's Pure Pork Sceysage Roll 2 69 1.19 Always Highest Quality Produce At Byrd's One Stop Produce Dept. Deliciout Flavor Locally Grown CASABA 4c riAiir Ik lm Snow White Cello Wrapped ICIUW T CAULIFLOWER hend 19 Fresh Crisp Green , R0MAINE 2i27c SWEET POTATOES 2. . 29c WE FEATURE TOP QUALITY LOCAL PRODUCE Chili Con Carne ?iiiii iiiM.wm m n ff f Till I L Kraft $ elveeta (wedded Wheat Iked Pineapple Nalley's 15 ox. can mild or hot GAS V APPLIANCE DEALER DIRECTORY For Snacks Cooking Pacific Building Roseburg 672-1653 GAS RANGES (Bergh's Appl 672-1661 Firestone Store 672-33S6 Horn's Appliance 673-5518; Montgomery Word & Co 672-481 1 j Phil's Appliance 672-1700 Sears Roebuck & Co. ..... '. 673-66'"1' South Stephens Hdwe & Appl. 672-3751 1 Weslern Aulo Assoc, Store 673-4522! GAS DRYERS j Firestone Store 672-3356, Horn's Appliance 673-5518 Montgomery Ward & Co 672-4B1I Phil's Appliance Co. 672-1700 Sears Roebuck & Co. ...r 673-6673 South Stephens Hdwe & Appl. 672-3751 'GAS WATER HEATERS i j Com Supply Co. 673-4461 Gerretsen Bldg. Supply Co. 672-2636 Hansen's Plumbing & Heating 679-8705 j Harris Plumbing & Heating 673-8173 ! Jensen Plumbing 673-8542 jjohn Nelson 673-5229 j Ken Gum Plumbing 673-4698 j Kler Crooch Plumbing 672-3344 j Montgomery Ward & Co 672-4611 1 Sears Roebuck & Co 673-6673 'GAS SPACE HEATERS Firestone Store 672-3356 iMontgomery Ward & Co 672-4811 jMunlon Heating 673-1460 j Sears Roebuck 8. Co. 673-6673 GAS FURNACES Munlon Heating & Air Cond. ... 673-5460 Tozer Heating & Sheet Metal .. 672-3379 Yew's Heating & Air Cond 673-6055 GAS AIR CONDITIONERS Tozer Heating 8. Sheet Metal 673-3379 PCALIFORNIAPACIFIC UTILITIES COMPANY Sunshine 10 ox. Pkg. M fir M CANDIES hlond Pride iJy 7 II No. Vi can sjyj J V MACLEOD'S mm' nimr PURE V HONEY (p)c Jy 5 lb All prices In rhli advertisement in effect today fltn I I J J through Wednesday, October 23. 1963. We taserva the wn II II saaasr Xar right to limit aantities. Sorry, no salet to dealers er mm mm their representatives. Your choice of plain, peanut, almond. BOX OF 24 Bags ROSEBURG I I 930 WEST HARVARD