The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 21, 1963, Page 4, Image 4

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    , "I'll Trade Ya Headaches Any Time"
Poge 4 The News-Review
Governor Making Responsible Budget Cuts
' It's going to hurt cutting all those
millions from the. state budget. But
it certainly isn't going to be a wholer
sale smashing of state agencies as
many spokesmen predicted before
the rejection of the $60 million tax
This is indicated in the cutbacks
being ordered by Gov. Mark Hat
field. The cutbacks are selective
and far from the across-the-board
slashing predicted by many a gloom
gathering agency head.
In many cases, as Zan Stark, Unit
ed Press International correspondent
at Salem puts it, the cuts were far
less severe than had been expected.
For example, last month, the state
Library. Board in a fit of panic,
slashed its budget by $122,000. The
governor this week ordered only $G8,
850 in cuts. ' ,
Two general fund appropriations
for orphans, foundlings and way
ward girls and for the Patton Home
for the Friendless were untouched.
Operating fund cuts were less than
expected, but the same wasn't true
for proposed construction programs.
The entire $1.3 million community .
college construction allotment was
wiped out. This won't affect Douglas
County now, since no district has yet
been formed. But it may in the next
few years delay construction because
those included in that $1.3 million
will no doubt be put under construc-s
tion first. Because it (would have
served such a vital role in relieving
the growing pressure on the four-,
year colleges, this was a grievous
cut. '. ;
With two exceptions, all other con
struction projects not already under
way were eliminated. The exceptions
were a new cell block at Oregon Cor
rectional Institution and two cottages
. at MacLaren School for Boys. These
projects will cost about $300,000.
. ;In all, the total construction cut-.
. backs amounted to about $12 million.
Also wiped out were $4.7 million
for state employes' and' higher edu
cation pay raises. These raises have
already been granted, however, and
the Civil Service Commission says
they cannot be withdrawn. The in
creases will be offset by layoffs of
These cuts seem pretty big, but
there were no 25 per cent cutbacks
as some state officials threatened.
Higher education was cut 7.G per
cent ($6.2 million from an $80 mil
lion budget), public welfare 7.1 per
cent ($2.9 million from $41.9 million
budget) . state institutions 7 per cent
(R3.5 million from $49.9 million budg
et) and Department of Education per cent ($1.5 million from $13
million).: ,
These cuts made by the governor
are based on the hope that the leg
islature will authorize a $10.8 mil
lion cutback in the $135 million ba
sic school support fund and allow
Hie one-shot withholding tax collec
tions to add $12 million to the state's
income this biennium.
The governor acted responsibly in :
making the reductions. He has every
reason to think the legislature will
be cooperative and just as respon
sible. We're not underestimating the
damage the cuts will do to a forward-moving
state, but as one wom
an asked a senator before the elec
tion, "Why shouldn't we expect the
legislature to do the very best it
can." The governor has set the pat
tern, and the legislature will, no
doubt, follow suit, doing . "the very
best it can."
Editor's Corner
By Charles V. Stanton ;
Political War Predicted
For Legislative Session :
Gov. Mark Hatfield has called the Oregon Legis-
jlature into special session starting Nov. 11. That's ;
: Veterans Day. We used to call it Armistice Day. It
:is a day upon which we celebrate the termination of
war. It is a day when we honor our fighting men. "
! But, insofar as the Oregon Legislature is concerned,
I fear that this coming Nov. 11 will mark the start, ,
i rather than the end, of another "war." . This "war," ' 5
however, will be one of political theory and opinion,-;- 1
coupled with political ambition and party manipula- - '
tion. '
Already we find many differ-
So that brings up another
matter that probably will mark
Opinions From Readers
Wc see by the papers Uiat felt the grievous wound In the
aid has been chopped loose hip pocket, and I also notice
from our Caribbean friends, that the French are pulling out
ent interpretations being placed!
linnn flirt Vntn at iha rnnonl c-nn' 111(1
!.; d.i. ,ir,J the coming special session.
proposed stale budget most de-t- ,Sf era' membe's of the Leg. )
cisivcly ! lslature have political ambitions.
, , , 1 Doubtless they'll become quite '
Bul WJ'- vocal and will seek to curry
Sen. Al Flegel and Rep. Sid favor with voters in anticipa- i
Leiken of our own county leg-1 tion of running for high office j
islativc delegation have ap-lat a later date. They'll be far J
pealed to people to tell what more interested in promoting j
they want. , their own political fortune than - '
But I'm ready to gamble that 'in coming up with some form- 1
even though they get thousands I u'a best suited to the state's !
of letters which I doubt they'll'welfarc. In fact, it already is
never get a clear opinion of 'Possible to pick out some who
what the "mandate" was all have their eyes focused on the
about. governorship when that office
is vacant.- Hatfield can't run
Desires Differ lasain. so wo niav exneet nlpn.
BRUCE SHANKS, BUFFALO EVENING NEWS , , , . iy of jockeying for the inside
land expect such a tax to ;post.
lemerge from the' special ses-j Fear Stilled -
ision. Others look for a cigarette! Hatfic'l has urged the forth-
,tax. Many demand a reduction looming session to confine itself .:
in all taxes. Some feel we mustjstrictly to the matter of taxes. '
accept a drastic cutback. Oth-!11 is indeed to be hoped that .
ers contend we must retain inoimng else gets into tne nop- :
services but must find new:Per-
sources of revenue. And, so it' Somc ot tllc state's coiiserva- .
goes. Alrcadv there is a report- tionisU had feared that Hatfield
eel rift between the Governor woultI renew his demands for j
and tlin President nf iIir stale Department of Natural :
... . , ,. , , i j . 'ate concerning what the people1 resources. But the Governor's '
chum Sukarno in Indonesia has,fight metropolis next door to ,.,.,, b ww. jnsjs,en , the tax is."
Offers A
Haiti. We are phony for sayim
insistence that only the tax is
sue be considered seems to rule
"na fihtv" to f at dreadful o dl And the people want many au "v '' n io line
I'iTC.!" The negative vote was lut a rc,lcwal f "e " Pt
Mental Health Group I Answer: "No paid employes. "jnominulion last year of Oregon
ai. ii. j .j Tlie association is strictly vol- State Senate, 12th District, in
II wrren muungeriuuu ,Untary, and members give ofithe Republican Parly by a 5,
To The Editor: their time and money. The
. .,, , ... ,. small budget ot the association
I am writing to you with the ,, , " ,, ,..,:
hopes of correcting some ot the filmSi an(, Hlc frc'e uterallir
ii uunuiu uu.B u y ,v "..wnich ,s distributed to the pub
Mental Health Association ot
TV,,..,!,,. .r',.ni I
. ,, ' ,,,, " The association has arranged
Question: "How many cmo-lf,. n ,,,. n.i.,r
tonally disturbed persons did aumims(rator 0, tlle Mcntlll
the Mental Ileal h Association ,,,,,, Bivision of thc statc during the last year? of 0 , come (o Boscburg
Answer: "None.- irenuncni'an( spCilk t a public meeting
Is by professionally trained As a(lmillistl.a,or, hc is rc.
peopic oniyi i rcauneiu i y u.c , sl)ons:ble. for ,., state Mental
Hospitals, for the Home for the
Retarded, for the Alcohol Stud
ies and Rehabiltiiilion Center,
i Republic;
that our charming suburb, Bizcrte.
i At the same time we have
fin ):il n nvnnv. .V'karnn. lust ' wii,
, r t r m ,u (.: i , li -r , il tivmc In mp hfispH nnnn,' "J1-1-
innniirns 2inii iiii; liiiiiiiiiicuiiiui mv idvuiiic ill miiLiiu uuLduse iih iiiiiii'KHri nun ni - ........... , . , . ,
T :" ; ..... , : I n: . " ".. u ;;?.;T"C,;; " vnrinn nhil.onhin.: rnnnlpH "IC "IUU
t.tu u it'ii i wiiii unucu nauuns --"" i w""i uilp f,riJt opt i hulipvo limtM
ioermissionl and is now trvimr'with a degree of anger because!'1"5 '' i. ,?:
. . . ---a , ,. , uc a junn lu&uiuiiuii ruiiliu uui
n iminated overseas nav lortn move ntn imp Ma avs an oi a iceiing uie uuijul- wiu ue-,,
unskilled is not only ineffective
but can be dangerous.
Question: "Well then just
whut docs the association do?"
Answer: "Thc association is
working to sec that profession
al help is available to all Doug
las County residents." Thc as
sociation ia a non-profit, edu
cational, organization. II is com
posed of lay people, having the
advice of a professional advis
ory committee, who are inter
and has some responsibility for
the 17 mental health clinics
throughout the slate,
The association fuels very for
tunate to have a man of his
ability coming to Itoseburg to
speak to the community on
"The Revolutionary New Con
cepts in thc Field of Mental
Health." Dr. Treleavcn will be
000 vole margin. The Liberty
Amendment was his only plat
form. Hc said then "I am con
fident that candidates for the
Slate Legislature in any State
in thc Union can win on thc
LibcrtyAmcndment issue alone.
This can be done only if the
candidates will get the text and1
benefits out to the people."
Mr. Citizen you have spoken:
Now insist on a thorough study
of this measure that was stop
ped in committee last legisla
tive session, by your elected
representatives there.
.375,000 troops who never had it.turf Howcome we are so mean"-? threatened 1 by pnts iotherthan direct,0
so goou since uie oig war enu- 10 mis geisna-cnascr wun me !u--" . j ...j,!, t1P stBt hintnei and
,! ; l? ,l ,11 ki . fi-nm nil this rtivprs tv nf nnin. ca "n ule sl8te 16t ana
J fill mnrol ' ' . V S .MU.Rv "".1. '
'", ed in Europe, and all of these! bankrupt country
Gone l)3i
from all this diversity of opin-
, ion thc legislature can find out
needed revenue.
The moral is written better r,.ii a ,i,'uii hn:Cd.'
than I can do it in the head-iu . l.-rihio ihinn tn ,in in rsoht.l
cstcd in promoting m c n t a lCxplaining the reorganization of!
neaun. oenousiy uuuihvu Hie State Hospital in Salem and
pic should he able to find help I what ,lis means (o Dougas
Fellow citizens, study this
yourselves, without bias, and
let's join the .six states that
have approved it lo make our
national leaders as cognizant of
our tax problem on a national
basis, as we have made our
state cognizant of our burden on
the slate level here in Oregon.
Stacy Adams
Box 427
Yoncalla, Ore.
j cent vote as a clear mandate
Directions Manv ; for anything, other than a re-
tnfT mnn U'hn nniicr hugril a. U- Ui:
column from Saigon. The copy-lg,," 01. rclt a wouni. llow canl This, then, will cause Icgis-j,"; at u ,eglsE duT ,
reader did it simply: "Is Itiyou kcep a lllan ha in thejlators 1" head off in various flaa 0ad afterward
Worth Savine?" asks the man ;,,.... ,. ,. rt rnnl nns Wn can nnk fnr a I " 1 1,1 tMlun "a aucrwaru.
, - ... ii,-, :, " ,"! riuL-c i iuue ii yuu khuuk oil ' , . .
Taken from the files ot me on the newspaper copy desk, !his ovrseas ai0wance for stand's00'1 tlcal of discussion concern-!
News - Review and the answer from a long ,,... . c- oiine whvs and wherefors. Gov. BMBaHBaHeaBMBJHBMBBi
ways away is: No. It Ain t. ,Arc Ke (o admit tnfit weve just Hatfield has presented a plan.
w teaks aiu . Men Sick . been throwing the dough, with wouiu . wuacK a suud. -
Oct. 21, 1923 S( sneaking of the no war to justify it? al sum off the budgets of all
Ray, Hugh and Roy D'Autre-' 7VM si L Jl What we are admitting is also! state services. But. w.U a
mont and Barnard LaChance man of Southeast Asja is just'v,hat we owned up to when wc! Democratic legislature go along
are suspected of holding up a' sick as he was in lg54 wnenisaid goodbye . to the big air- w"h proposals coming from a
Southern Pacific train in Tun-atc John Foster Dullesi01'8" carriers the other dav, Republican governor? On the
nel 13 in the Siskiyou moun-Lave hj assul.ances that Dien simultaneously shifting a lot of,ther hand, does the governor
when needed. Icounlv residents. I Petitions Called Proof
Question: "Is it not true that; xhe pul)ic is cordially invit ' Aeainst Sewer District
To The Editor:
There has been a great deal
thc association's first interest is c(i o a(icm.
,n the care ot u.e mcniany i , WHEN. ThHrM,a.f 0c(
llisnei. r mac. uusa uiuii ifuvi
tains Oct. 11. Twins Roy and
Ray are 23; Hugh is 19; and
LaChance is 30. Establishing
the identity of the alleged ban
dits is regarded as one of the
Greatest achievements of de
tective work in the history of;
the West. A reward of 519,200
has been offered for the quar
On a field that resembled a
duck pond rather than a grid
iron, the Roscburg Elks foot-
Bien Phu was impregnable. toops out of France.
Generals have long realized that; We HaV9 Lejrned
capturing geography was mean- . ,, . , .
inline. n in n, nn,v' Cynically we have learned
power remained undestroyed.
Two major points enter into
this prognosis. One is that geo
graphy, in the sense of a buf
that if Uie Russians can grab!
Cuba, only 90 miles away, it1
is pretty damned silly to wor
y about the Russians grabbing
offer his program, knowing it
will be beaten by the legislature,
though he will have a lot of
public support and thereby will
add to his political image?
fer state, has been rendered I?0"11' ,viet Nam Cynically we
because of jet
have learned that you can't
545 S.E. Main St.
Published Dally Except Sunday by
Roseburg, Oregon
Telephone 672-3321
Entered as second class matter May 7,
Diane and rocket cad2etrv.lbbe a South American hog
combined with nuclear wcap- "allow into pracUcing demo
... who rnaiiv nn.rU Marlamn cracy. Cynically we have learn
ball team today defeated theiNhu and her covey of in-laws? ecl alom'c sUs are wort" !"? " 0'iiceMa" h TT.n
National Guard team of Cot-Who needs Bizcrte? Who needs "'u c "" """.j. v. Brenwr Publisher
one per cenl of the population, WI(VP, mnn.J of pressure by certain groups to l;1BC ,t',ovc' "' ln. a , sf Ane 1 Ben Bel? f,-80"8 'bombers are worth more than I i .r
becomes sufficiently disturbed "IIERE: Roscburg Woman s 1 .,' (ii,ripi in ....that deserves a prominent place What we used to figure as Donlocls alf. w ,".,,0,.. lnan'umied Press international, nea service,
nccouics siuiicitnuy uisiuiutu ,j fa S(J ( loim a sanitary district in Uie . , f foo.hau his-'a need is now a liability Who a concentration of hillbillies re- Audit Bureau of circulation and the Ore-
that they need hospital care. r'"" a'J ""' Winchester area. Th s has met n l,le a"na,s l0Il 1 K. i j now a iianiiu. no . . . , forein . :,on Newspaper Publishers Association.
Naturally, the association is in- TIME: 8 p.m Iwith a certain amount of op-j " ,,e; ""k'?1". "ll live off I n .frth'.!!" USSSS 55??
tcrcstcd in the care and treat-! Note: No admission charge
mont of such persons. The first free literature available.
interest of thc associiition is thc!
prevention of mental illness. La
test figures show thai one out
ot eight, or 12 per cent, will;
at some time during their life!
need professional help. 11 has
been proven that such proles-
sional help can kcep little Iron
i position. To determine the ex-j
I tent of this opposition petitions
players showed they hadn't ca? So you say if we don't
passed their prime. They dis-!tecd and water uie mcompe-
themselves in the black market.! Building. San Francisco, Calif.
1 . .... . i . . . .... SUHSLH h UF1 K A I 1 5
.i i . i,iiir,.i:.nie ihnvMi v,,n n,r in n.icin cynically v.c nave icarnca uiai r,!; ,,, , ..,.. ,
maimer in winning. Run off to Russia? Holy mo.!;afDortlnS . I"' o' wves andl-nin, ...75; 4 months,; i year,
ev. The Russians arc Irvine: to.",ren. t0 ,l,c same foreign -".r
Mnil In Oreoon: 1 month. I1.75:
13 icMrw mvw shores is an pxncnsivp uav to i mrvithe. a a miwiht. nn. i u.!
. Oct. 21, 1938 ,;,r rT ,Zl Zn , nnnrgive a man a two-year vWpw i member of The Christian
Oavid Lloya-beorgc ot urn- - ,r tion from civilian travail. U Z ' ' " ' " Science Board of LectureshiD.
need Red China. That Africa And cynically we have learned The title: "Do You Kno.v Who
A person Is much more than
meets the eye. How deeply have
you pondered this question of
who you really are? Basically, a
man's identity is spiritual. It de
pends upon God. When' you
stop to think about ii, a clearer
idea of who you are can change
your life. You're invited to join
us for a one-hour talk on this
) subject by Lenore D. Hanks, a
im tin. ilisii-ipf mil nniv nnn. am declared today that in man-
K. C. Laver, president j were circulated on the two prin-
.Mental Health cipal streets of Winchester prop-
Association ot Douglas'er with the following results:
County . . j Thc petition on Pioneer Way
10 Box lilt was signed by 27 persons oppos
HoKphurf!. Ore.
.V'r-,.:. ... ...... .hamlld ovcrT Uttfe Tlcra - bugabear J. the old . killing -r fellows in a ch , of ba,a democracy You ReaHy Are?"
w.. in m.t fr... n.T....i.. I. U-,. '"-"r. ...- uu . . . ,. E sense oi ii we uoni inewm- . r" " " poiuicians. nie Arabs teach us
. ; ,. ,. '""" ""p wiis au against ami six lor the " , . ,, . r . mies will.' It's even bigger ,cl "
f, Z,l Amendment Is Needed ;iistriet.
vn,.,,fi,in I. unrklnn 'in k-nn',,' . ,,. ... ' 1 llC " f 1'OtilioilS
people mentally healthy and to
keep peopic out of hospitals.
pretty poor way daily j,a,be vve are gottingl
To The Kdilor:
Tuesday was election
. , i ,. i -nTti, p HiPiainr whon '" s,ali ' measure it ,u ', ! ' '", but, oh, my Lord, how
lions ". . ,..,,, ;," . f;.;, . h,,fh 'n terms of control and supply uuiau.e. much hypocrisy in terms of
CWian Science lecture
"Am I mentally
;people have spoken!
i,.e o. u.ese pennons wi ,,c . tTceliom t0 both u'" ' ' ' s
should convince anyone that the ,.,., .n,i Ocrmans alike " He line- lhe Rl,sslans hc
- the regents of that portion of the "n f agreement
more ' 'T"u uu""1 '" love-thy neighbor cost us in the fihst chu.pu nc pm.kt. r,MT,r
ii, ci,i. .Madame .nu. .,., r ;
proposed district do not favor'.","?, u ,,". Zm.n hri,77rwh. na- "'an they can handle with-- ' '" ' , whatever DID happen to Ko- t...V,oS. ". ." p.m.
They were not protesting ed-the proposal. !os oviikia Ut i"loptlns some. .nlanevc " c, l Z R, i ,'fa' ,lot 10 mcn'io" ClliMg Kli' NU,..ry F.ciiiii., A.ii.b
swamp run y iuiiives mini --- , - sneKY
for a healthier, happier com- sociation of Physicians and Sur-, Doubtless some property own- together. "Campy hit 41 home This makes us very phonv in and that is why it gives geons. The Republican Party ot prs eventually would lose their ruIls ,nd batled 142 runl thls deed for ml Continu ng lo pour
support. By giving to the In.t- Wisconsin. Thc American Farm home.,. This already has hap-yer. d0wn X kind of din
ed Fund you too can help! Bureau. The Jl.ssissippi Cat- P"ii in some other sanitary The current migration' of sil-which made it possible for Ram-
Question: "How many paid Uemens Association, and the districts in the county.
employes does thc association; New York Grange to name but! Grant L. Osborn
have and what are their salar-;a few. p. o. Box 3t
t" ' Mr. "Wally" Ie won the Winchester. Ore.
,ver salmon in the North Ump- fis Tmjillo to spend more mon-
qua River is the second highest ey on yachts and female com
since records were started at panions than we were giving
1 Winchester. his old man to run that cock-
Answer: "Not all U.e time.";'"'"' " " K cam , ;w, .much nas oeen saw atwuti A little more than haU the""",", something about a whole, ,CopVrt .mi by united F.a synd mc
Ti.nrn i. a r,,iini,,e i,in ,i,f aged or needy. It was nut an'aewatio from another section m di.tPh..ii in ow-ia.ionca DtiriCbquc snow. . utooyn.. , umim fm. syno.. inc.
only those in a mental hospital '1'xl)r',fisHm Ra'st tly atlor-, running into an open ditch, even-County in compliance with the' , Program Phony
arc "mentally ill" and everv-i1"''1 constitutional authority dually emptying into thc Ump-statc unemployment compensa- - Vat. Vs, unp '1nt- ,T?thcr
one on the outside is "mentallvl The People of Oregon gave lla River from which ltosc-'lion iaw up t0 Aug. 1 went to P?lm 18 .the complete phonmess
well." No one has good mental'0"1 the mandate that the total burg gets its water supply. But'lumber and timber products ?' our B'veaway program, for
health all the time, anymore load of a" taxation is too the writer forgot to statc that workers, it was reported. )he Srealr. gl1 of all the
than he has good physical health'""". the ditch, which, it is true, does' , YEARS AGO SfJI ? .''Xar" .Trt
all thc time. All of us have! I have said this speaking pub- carry sewage, empties into the Oct 11 1953 ,u ". r,
colds, toothaches, etc.. and all licly. and have written it many rive,- about a quarter of a mile Qf ()0 districU in dh'"Sne "kCVCr5
of us have das when every- limes. Now is the time to em- downstream from the intake of d and ganger lea.Ursmp.
thing seems to go wroiu. Phas.ze .t:-there . ,, but one so- osebu.g s water supply and. enrollmi.nt popou in- """aid ' onduas and .he
Question: "Does the United InUun - The Liberty Amend-therefore, doesnt contaminate ,nis ,er ,ast ac. .lJ,i'!5,I1t0RJ Sc" Is not the
Fund give ; support to the as- ment. Ite c.y s water. cording to U,e report fromHM
sociation? I now urge all citizens tu Wc are being asked to join County Supt. Kenneth Bame-:gemi thereby" They arc still
Answer: 'Yes It has been take time to study and eval.;with two other districts who burg. The number has .jumped jabe to Russian absorption
definitely shown that people who uate this proposal that Willis alone arc unahle to finance such from 13,3,16 tl) 14,470 since last Surclv if we give a mess of
have a better understanding of E. Stone has spent half a life- a large undcrtak'"?. These dis- Seplember. , . monev' io that old murderer
themselves realize that many of; time on,: ' A proposal that Is tricts. arc scatt.d. They in-l Drain's football Warriors held Truiil'lo wc ought to keep on
their problems arc caused by endorsed by such recognized' elude many acres of vacant tenaciously to first place in Dis- giving dough to his military
their own attitudes. Ihey in'ncwspapcrs as the Indianapolis field. II would be extremely lrjct 5.a-2 last night nv defeat-images that just knocked Bosch
turn will seek professional help, star, and more than 6,000 or-costly lo carry sewers through jnK Junc:ion City, 30-0. (who might conceivably be a
which in most cases, can keep ganizatiuns such as the Amer- thesc unoccupied areas. The ex- Kov Campanula. Brooklyn's little loft'of a lieutenant colon
Ihem from being seriously hand!- ican .Medical Association. The cessive cost of such sewer sys- summing catcher, heads the 1953 el) out of the presidential pal
capped. The United Fund knows Texas .Medical Association, tern would lead to delinquent major league Ail-Star Team, one ace.
111.1 ,.- uur ui ix-iegaies 01 me s- v 1 " ' i""-" "'Hi i.-s. 0 the strongest squads ever put . We're Phonv
in Mdse Certificates
TO BE HELD AT WARDS OCT. 31. NOV. 1, and 2
W rtserv right to pick one winner ond to use oil entries in ad-rcrtitine.