Giants For Power To Get Things Done, Classified Ads. 672-3321. Page 12 The Newt-Review Sat., Oct. 19, .1963 Help Wanted Women 16 YOUNG LADIES CAN PLACE 3 neat single young ladles, 18 to 23, to complete chaperoned group traveling to Southwest, Hawaii and. return. On the job framing, transporta tion furnished, $250 to start and up. Apply Mrs. Williams, Umpqua Hotel, 10 to 5 P.M. Saturday only, Oct. 19th. Work Wanted 17 CARPENTER WORK and remodeling. rn. bfj-tsw, aiier a p.m. BABY SITTING, hr, day, week, my nome. n ignis, your nome. CARPENTER work painting and general repair!caii67?-5334. SEWING AND ALTERATIONS 673-5825 WASHING and Ironing, starching very neatly gone, can 6724336. FALL cleaning, day work by day hour. Experienced. Call 672-3292. CARPENTER WORK AND RFPAIRS C. M- Hatfield. 673-3821 HOUSEWORK, $1.25 hr. Neat, clean, ca- pame. aa-aju. BABY SITTING, hour or day. my home, experienced and reasonable. Ph 673-646. 1 ALTERATIONS, restyling, fur, cloth coats suits, dresses, work guar. 672-2803. Instruction 19 PRIVATE piano lessons. Studio at Rick ett's Music. Sharon Wagner, 67i-2l PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call 473-7217 ACCORDION LESSONS Six weeks trial with accordion furnished. A73-7084. Piano Lessons BEGINNERS and ADVANCED Home Studio 840 S.E. Kane Call Virginia Young 673-3541 Loans and Finance 21 WANTED small discounted land contracts and equities. Call 4734193, eves 673-6091. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to S1500 On motor vohlcles and furniture 729 SE Washington 63-5581 AGRICULTURAL LOANS Southern Oregon Production Credit Assn. 202 Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 673-3248 Businesses for Sale 22 FRhlGHT AGENCY, apt., 1400 so. It. Duslness area, on Mwy 99, in lown. S7M0. Phone 679-W'. 1442. FOR SALE Immediately Blacksmith shop. Nice farming community. Write carl Flagle, Rt. l, wilder, Idaho. REVENUE PRODUCERS HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY to go Into business for yourself with the acquisition of one of two trouble-tree, coin-operating laun . dry self-services, one has 22 washers, 7 dryers, and 4 dry cleaners) the other, IB washer i 6 dryors. Equipment Is 3 to 4 -'- yrt old, runs on gas (even cheap er now that natural gas Is here.) All this equipment (plus hot wa ' ter system and change machine) and lease for these two REVENUE-PRODUCING BUSINESS ES are for sale at a reasonable $9,000 each, US00 down, bal. to be worked out. Call Lackey Real Estate now and let one of his salesmen give you more details to help you Into business for yourself. LACKEY REAL ESTATE 3G8 SE Jackson 672-1659 Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE RENTAL. 24 S. E. Jackson, Approximately 16'X5S'. Owner. 472-3026. EXCELLENT corner location for Insur ance, real estate or business office. On main street In Myrtle Creek, con venient to bank and post . office. $60 monthly rent Includes water and sewer charges. Call 672-3512 after 6 p.m. ALTERATIONS . SEWING DOUBLE BREASTED suit re-styled to single. $19.95, alterations. 673-6486. APPLIANCE REPAIR MAYTAG Parts Sales Service We Service All Home Appliances BERGH'S APPLIANCE 672-1661 BOOKKEEPING ROSKE'S Bookkeeping Service Specializing In small business accounts NOTARY PUBLIC TYPING 1225 W. HARVARD PHONE 672-2471 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young, 673-7419. CUSTOM BUILT homes, remodels, cahln- els, carports, garages. Free est. 100 linance. 79-5857, Grady Roberson. GENERAL CONSTRUCTl6N7repalr and welding. Free estimates. Call Bob Bol- Ing at 679-5544 Mcr 5 CABINETS, patio, carports. Remodeling. No (ob too smalt. Reasonable rates. No bu.Sundays. Ph. 673-8653 after 4 p.m. REMODELING HOUSE LEVELING, new foundations, garages, carports. Free Est. 100 fi nancing. Guntor Construction 677-7955. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery ELECTRICAL WORK PI PTTDir URATIMn CVCTCIUkC i-L...4 crieckrd and repaired. Reasonable prlc as. Ail work guaranteed, tall KblE or ED at Trowbridge Electric SERVICE DEPT.. 7M$!1. FIRE EQUIPMENT FIRE EXTINGUISHER Sale, and Servlct B. Nelson 693 NE Winchester GARDEN EQUIPMENT Sales-Service-Parts SMALL AIR COOLED ENGINES Jacobson Mowers Rote-HM Tillers Drlggt 1 Strerton Clinton Leuson Povtr Products Wisconsin, Etc. Le Bleu Motors lie S.E. Jackson tn-JStl Commercial Rentals 24 GARAGE or many other usage building tor rem or lease, J5UU sq. IT. Also store bldg., 3000 sq. ft. In Southgate opposite Mark's No. 2. 673-6193, e73-i09l eves. Wanted to Rent 25 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT de- sires 3 porm nome. po Box 775, City, TWO BEDROOM house by November! III. Of WANT TO rent or lease small acre! age. house and barn In or around i Garden valley area. Phone 6734804. Apartments for Rent 26 ATTRACTIVE redec., furn. Inc. utii.! $65 to MO. 2B17 w. Harvard. 672-1462. COMPLETELY FURNISHED housekeep-; ing onus, wincnesier vinage o-i943. 14 KARAT APTS 2 bedrooms, J 100, Bach- elor apt. $75. Brand new. Call for In form.'tion 673-4329 If no answer 672-3602. SUTHERLIN UNION GAP APTS. 2bdrm. $50. 1 br.Ti, $40 mo. Furn. including water, elec. Suth. 459-2120 or 679-5690. NEW furnished apis, ready by October 15th. Maid and linen service available if desired. Hoial Umpqua. ONE bod room partly furnished apartments Couple only, see at 737 Wharton St. after 5 p.m. FURNISHED APT., water and garbage included. Ing. 1303 Pine, Apt. 7. 673-3773. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment on ground floor, children allowed. $52. Call days 672-3602, Evenings 673-5190. UNFURNISHED apt., suitable tor 1 per son or emeny coupie. w.w. weier and garbage paid. Ph. 673-7316. LOVELY 2 bedroom aot.. l'A baths fur nace neat, formal aining room, large living room, pan basemen?. Downtown location, coupie oniy, no pets. month. Helen Glenn Real Estate, 485 SE Kane, or phone 672-3692. Kohlhagen Apts. Modern. Reasonable Rent. Jackson St. at Lane Ave. ADULTS 6734244 "A Good Place To Live" Privacy, Peace & Quiet! In (Ms nicely furnished 1 bedroom apt. Hot water and garbage ijrvica paid. Automatic laundry facilities. Adults. Sorry, no pets. $65, See or call Shady Point Trailer Sales Mile S. on B.R. 99 672-1. TODD APARTMENTS 2-3 Bdrm. apts., furnished or unfurn. Water, garb. serv. provided, also heat in soma. Rents from $70 up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts., gas equipped 672-4743 Winchester Ct Hot water neat, 63-466 Vista Homes, l ot water heat, 672-2210 Westvue Ct. Wdryer 672-2549, 673-7926 Oaklhlll Apts., Radiant heat 673-4340 Completely Furnished Beautiful 10 wide mobile homes compar able In size to most apts., yet the convenience of a private yard and park ing adjoining trailer. Also smaller trail ers available. Timber Town Trailer Park. 3010 NE Stephens. 673-8506 Rooms for Rent 27 SLEEPING ROOMS Gentlemen, 817 S.E Blakety, IVi blks SE Greyhound Depot. ROOM tor gentlomen, clean, comfortable,1 private entrance, pnone tvj-oiu. NEW ROOMS Including telephone and linen service. $60 per month and up. Hotel Umpqua, 673-4441. Room and Board 28 ROOM AND board. Delicious homo cook Ing. Phone 073-7979. ROOM AND BOARD and lunches packed. 180 per month. 67J-7069. Houses for Rent 29 TWO BEDROOMS, fireplace, paneling. Close In. No pets. 672-4743. TWO BEDROOM house, partly furnish- l. Phone 673-5638. TWO BEDROOM home In Garden Val- iey. Phonj 673-7802. ONE BEDROOM house, 3 acres, suitable forcoupte.$40679-5223. UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom house. Win- ston section, $85. Phone 679-5002. TWO BDRM furn. house at" "6 13 SE Knne" Desirable for 2 men, $85. 673-8476. HEATING EQUIPMENT COMPLETE Inst, and service of oil and gas llred furnaces, Heat pumps and re frigeration. Woody 'i Healing, Alr-con-dllloning and Retrlgerntlon. 673-S3 19. LANDSCAPING-TILLING-DOZING PETERSON'S custom tractor work Tilt ing, weed, brush and grass cutting. Sub soiling. Leveling. 673-6648 anytime. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING, weed and brush cutting, leveling and grading. Call eves. M. H. Foss, 679-5548. Sprinkling System Lawn and Field Irrlagllon JACUZZI PUMPS Parts Sales Service VALLEY PUMP & IRRIGATION SERVICE 673-4!)23 MASONRY WORK MASONRY, fireplaces, veneer, stone. ORNAMENTAL IRON SERVICE "ORNAMENTAL" Wrought Iron railings Columns Polls KcsiUencial and Commercial FREE ESTIMATES ROSEBURG FORGE WORKS n.S?r,,-,,-,,,,?!?,,,"?J,?y?J. PAVING EXPERT cement work. Sidewalks, drives, paiioi. rrwj estimates. AJsHO. - i PLUMBING LICENSED PLUMBER. Bill Wylle. Lar son P.d., Rt. 4, Box 1U5. Cell 6K.S7S3. RADIO TVJREPAIR Johnny's TV Service All work Querenttfd. cell 677-34M RUBBER STAMPS DO. CO. Ruber Stamo Supply. P.O. Boi ivi. er3U. usually overnight service. IT'S AMAZING the action-power pocked by a few lines in the CLASSIFIED ADS. Whot's your need? Dial 672-3321 Houses for Rent 29 Tw0 bedroom, IV. ml. from Looking- ONE BEDROOM furnished house, Car- port. $55 month. Phone 673-8631. NICE one bedroom duplex, close to busi- ness district. Adults only. Call 673-8580. FURNISHED CABINS, weekly rates. 4620 NE Stephens. Pacific Motel. ONE TO FO 'R Bdrm. homes for famil' les or single elderly. Phone 673-6548, TWO BEDROOM rental. $47. Rt. 1, 250. (E. Douglas). 673-3672. PARTLY FURNI5HED 2 bedroom house, Adults. Ph. 673-3237. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished duplex. $90Jncludlng water. 260 Flint. 679-5215. TWO BEDROOM partly furnished house. On Nash St. 672-4385. TWO bedroom unfurn. duplex, double carport, basement. Economical heat. $80. 1324 NE Freemont. 672-2885. FURNISHED CABINS. Utilities paid. Weekly rales or by the month. Close to stores and bus line. Rose land Courts. 2050 tIE Stephens. 672-1071 or 672-2788. FOUR bedroom home, available Nov. 1st. Oil furnace. 5 blocks from Elks Club. $85. McAneney Real, Estate, rnone az-t.i. ABOUT November 1st Real nice 2 bedroom home, unfurnished, full base ment, oil heat, 1 car garage. Near Senior High School. S85 per month, Williamson Real Estate. 673-4302. Mobile Home Rentals 30 VACATION TRAILERS FOR RENT Sutherlln 4S9-3133 EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 BR modern furn trailers. Adults only. Timber Town Trailer Park, 2010 NE Stephens 673-8506. Mobile Home Parks 31 SPACE FOR 35' trailer. 1451 S.E. Short St. 673-7105 TRAILER SPACE AVAILABLE Winchester village 672-H45 FREE TRAILER rent on Doris St. change for patio work or will rent rea able. Knone 4V6-jva. Mobile Homes 32 '60 ALOHA pickup camper. Phone 679- 8844. No Friday eve or Saturday calls. WHEEL ESTATE BUYS Eastern Or Oregon Built Mobile Homes Tired of your old furniture and appliances? When you buy a new mobile home ev erything is brand new. Plenty of built-in cabinets, new refrigerator, new range and new furniture. Payments are easier than rent. Stop in today, select your new mobile home and start living! Also A Good Selection of Good Used Trailers And SHASTA TRAVEL TRAILERS RAINBOW Trailer Sales RELIABLE TOWING 673-7272 WINCHESTER OREGON SAW SERVICE SAW SHARPENING Circular Band Chain Handsaws Saw bar reconditioned ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAW SERVICE & SUPPLY CO. ' 384 NE Channon Ave. G73-4234 Near N. Safeway Market SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tanks cleaned. Prompt service. Reasonable. 63-8474. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Roseburg Sanitary Service. Phone 673-3356. TOOLS - RENTALS - SERVICE PLOW SHARPENING, welding. 7353 SW castle Ave. Machine shop. 673-468. FOR RENT McCulloch chain saws any size McCulloch post hole auger McCulloch stump auger HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales & Service Garden Vly Jet. Across trom M-Wards TREE SURGERY TREE TRIMMING, topping removing. In sured. Free est. 459-2922, Oakland. ATTENTION Stump removal. Call tor iree estimates 672-4596. Carl Jenkins. COOK'S TREE SERVICE TRIMMING-TOPPING REMOVING 673-7061 Roseburg VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE VENETIAN BLINDS Sales & Service SERVICE MASTER Of Roseburg 672-4601 We Give $&H Green Stamps WELL DRILLING " Water Well Drilling Nothing down on approved credit MOHR WELL DRILLING Phone 677-73JI or Sutherlln 4S-403 WELDING WELDING Mlg-wirt Blum, wtMlnq. Motor btockt to fry pni. Alto tpclsl wldlng. WINSTON CHAIN SAW Winston, Or. 7f-M41 32 30 'S3 KIT mobile home. Excellent con-j anion, sun. m-ma. ANGELUS Great Lakes Troveleze New and Used Trailers J & J TRAILER SALES 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. 672-3441 SHADY POINT Trailer Sales Mobile Homes: ACTIVE MARLETTE NASHUA 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bedrooms Up to 60' Long - 10' Wide SANTA FE Camp and Vacation Trailers OPEN ROAD Pickup and Truck Campers NEW AND USED TRAILERS PARTS & ACCESSORIES DEPARTMENT S1H GREEN STAMPS 1 Mi. South Old Hwy. 99 BR Call 672-1438 G I LLEY Trailer Sales FLEETWOODS i. COLUMBIA Travel Trailers By ARISTOCRAT Used Trailers - Supplies Complete Trailer Insurance BANK FINANCING 980 NE Stephens 673-335. (Formerly Earl Smith Trailer Homes) REYNOLDS 806 SE Cass Mobile Homes Real Estate OFFICES IN BEND & ROSEBURG LET'S GO TO BEND 160 ACRE ranch with 150 acres irrigated, 130 acres per manent pasture of finest quality, 20 acres grain, 10 acres oats. 3 bedroom home plus corrals, milking barn, grainery and full line of equipment. This and more for $58,000 wilh $10,000 down. If you don't believe this, we will show you. ALMOST NEW THREE bedroom home, large living room, with fireplace, dining area, nice kitchen, big utility room. Baseboard elec tric heat, double carport. Priced to sell, $13,900. Excellent terms. See this today! LOOK WHAT WE FOUND! THREE ACRES, only 2 miles from Roseburg. Two small barns, utility building. Four bedroom home, this is excel lent value for $10,700. CRAZY OVER HORSES NINE ACRES. Good soil, seeded to permanent pasture. Good year round creek. Two barns. Twelve room house (5 bedrooms), full basement, large living room with fire pluce, two baths, forced air furnace. Country living at its best. Only $18,500. Marge Martin 673-6503 G. W. "Bill" Tipton 673-3619 Cecil Luellen 673-5820 E. H. "Doc" Pocock 673-8259 EXCLUSIVE $25,000.003 large bedrooms with walk-In closets, beautiful tiled bathroom with vanity and double wash basin, large living room, dining room, completely built-in birch kitchen with all appliances, nice family room, full basement, forced air oil furnace, fireplace, Inside utility, large double gar age, private patio, 150 x 200 foot landscaped lot located on Reser voir Avenue with a beautiful view overlooking Roseburg. $18,600.00 That country estate you have always wanted. 3 large bed rooms with nice roomy wardrobe closets, ceramic tiled da In, large living room, family and dining room combination, ceramic tiled kitchen with birch cabinets and nice breakfast nook. Pick any window and enoy the lovely view of the countryside. An abundance of water to keep the 3 acres of iand under cultivation If you so deisre. 4 miles from city limits. $14,500.00 Neat as a pin really fits this nice 3 bedroom Westside Home, New wall to wall carpeting in the living and dining room, fireplace, nice kitchen and Inside utility, large single attached gar aae. Fenced back yard surround ing a nice patio for your summer pleasure, tree soil lot that will grow those lovely flowers. FHA or Fed. Gl financing. $8,950.00 Nice older three bedroom on SE Jackson close to Rose School and downtown, oil floor furnace. Inside utility, partial basement. J 1, 500 down payment and owner will carry the balance on contract. $8,750.003 bedroom downstairs end room for two more upstairs when you need them. Large 123 x 95 foot lot all fenced. Oil furnace for economy on that heating bill. Good location out East Douglas . on a dead end street. MAKE STEVENSON REALTY HEADQUARTERS. COME IN YOUR ELIGIBILITY AT NO 3 DOWN FHA FINANCING AVAILABLE STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. , PHONE 672-1614 DcSpain 673-5477 Mobile Homes 32 WILL TRADE equity In 1 bedroom ex. pandlng mobile nome lor equny in t or 3 bedroom furnished home, wilh or without small acreage. Phone 673-3426 alter 12 noon. Real Estate Wanted 33 WANTED: ROSEBURG property in TRADE FOR BAKER, Ore gon property. What do you have in Roseburg? Contact All Points Realty, 428 SE Main. 672-1G08. Real Estate 34 MYRTLE CREEK, 2 bdrm house. Close to school. FHA app. $7700, 3 dn. 679-B792, THREE bedroom house In town. Call 673-8649 VJi ACRES, 3 bedrooms. Near Hucrest and Adventist School. Ph. 673-7477. BEAUTIFUL SITE, 20 ac, all lotus, flooa water, house and barn. Ph. 673-7869, BUSINESS or Industrial 4 lots. Has 4 BR rental. $4900. Phone 673-6522. WINSTON ti.ree bedrooms, gas heat, plastered. Insulated, $9250. Low down payment. Call 673-8016, THREE bedrooms, large living room, fuil daylight basement, ceramic tiled kitch en, 3 baths. 2 garages, 2 fireplaces. beautifully landscaped on 1 acre lot, greenhouse- lath house. $24,000. Extra acreage avail, can be financed. 679-sig. ROOMY cider home, very good condition. 4 bedrooms, nice yard, patio, base ment work-shop, lots of storage space, 3 blocks to school pool or town. Call 673-7106 atier 3 p.m. SALE exclusively by owner 3 bedroom home wilh mosr extras. Air conamon Ina, complete sprinkler system in yard, etc. Choice Westside location. Shown by appointment, can 672-3233. INSULATED 2 bedroom house, dining room has built In china closet, play room with fireplace, lots of built In storage space. 3 mln walk from Marks No. I. $8500, would consider house trailer as pari or all down payment, 838 W Hapgerty 2' MILES north of Walport, Ore. Sell or trade lor house trailer plus a little cash a down oavment on this a bedroom suburban home on 200 x 179' lot. Fire- Dlace, electric heat, hothouse, garage, utility, garden, lawn and shrubs. Total price, $11,000. Call 825-3216 Days Creek, evenings. SITE for your dream home could be in "Lots and Acreages". Take a look! and BAUER Phone 672-1413 Lou Bassctt 672-3838 H. J. Bauer 672 1085 G. F. Reynolds 673-4504 E. Soudan, Days Cr. 825-3349 LISTINGS $1 1 ,900.00 3' down on F HA or nothing down on Fed Gl. Buy this nice home tor less than rent. Three bedroom on nicely land scaped lot, oil furnace, hardwood floors, plastered, attached car port, paved streets and on the sewer. Your dollar value Is here. $33. 000. 00-Del Rio Road on the North Umpqua River. 3 large bed rooms, 3 full baths, large living room, family room, each wilh a nice fireplace, lovely kitchen and dining room. River Irrigation and good well for the household use. $28,000.00 River frontage on Fisher Rd. 1 acre landscaped lot wilh a lovely 2 bedroom home. Large liv ing room, fireplace built-in cera mic tiled kitchen, I 23 tiled bath rooms, abundance of storage area, double attached carport sep arate building that could be used for a guest house. This home is truly a show place; let us show It to you. INVESTMENT PROPERTY $27, 500.00, $4,000 down buys this rent al property. 3 bedroom home, 1 bedroom home, and 1 duplex. All modern, all furnished, well con structed and property 'Is in A-t condition. The large lot has room for 2 more units If so desired. Located close to Garden Valley Interchange. INVESTMENT PROPERTY $12, 750.00. Commercial property on Diamond Lake Blvd. 75 x 280 foot lot next to Firestone Store. Nice older home on the property could be rented to pay for the property. Reasonable down pay ment and balance on contract. RIVER LOTS New subdivision on West Oriole Drive, 1H ft. front age with approximately 130 tt. on the river. Easy terms, buy now and build later. Don't be sorry you didn't buy, 5 years from now. $5,000 plus street as sessments. YOUR G. I. INFORMATION AND LET US ESTABLISH i COST TO YOU. Stevenson 673-8744 Stedman 673-3334 34 OCTOBER BARGAINS NEW LISTING. . .Westside 2 bed room. An attractive, well arranged home In excellent condition. Lois of builMns and closets, separate 12x30 storage building, garage, on quiet street. Fenced yard too, and all for $10,600. 3600 sq. tt. of living space. A gra cious, spacious home In one of Rose burg's finest residential areas. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, BIG playroom or den, 2 fireplaces, built-in appliances, patio and deck in this two level home. Forced air heat too. Asking $38,500, but might rent with first refusal purchase to responsible party. Owner moving. Shown by ap pointment only. WONDERFUL value In this 2 bed room, spacious, close-to-town home. An economical gas furnace, nice bath, paved patio slab, shade trees, separate utility and garage. Well below appraisal at $10,900 complete with view and fireplace. $330 DOWN plus closing buys this westside 7 bedroom. Gas furnace, garage, fireplace, nice bath. A nice home on a nice street and the full price Is $10,950. $420 DOWN on this brand new north Roseburg home. Sewer in and paid, a lovely birch kitchen with built-in appliances, fireplace, carport and 3 spanking new bedrooms. Oak floors throughout. Just $13,900 lull, price. WESTSIDE 3 bedroom, close to riv er. Nice free-soil lot, lovely lawn, on sewer, 1 and 23 baths. Carport too and a quiet street wilh good neighbors. $14,900 with 29 down or refinance. 3 NICE BEDROOMS, family room, big living room, paved street, sewer, oil furnace, carport, and many, many extras you find only In a bet ter home. Close to Hucrest School and In very fine condition. Priced to sell at $15,750. AWAY BELOW appraisal is this Westside 3 bedroom, Practically new, built-in appliances, separate dining room, hardwood flors, l'j baths, forced air heat, huge double garage and corner lot. Just reduced to $15,950. Take over G.I. Or refinance. FHA appraisal, $16,750. 3 AND A FAMILY ROOM, beautiful view, 1 and 23 baths, 2 fireplaces, paved patio area, excellent neigh borhood and walking distance to City Pool. This daylight basement home has been appraised above the asking price- of $15,900 and will FHA tor 10 down. A BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom home In an area of beautiful homes. Locat ed on Azalea Drive, immediate pos session. Forced air heat, dining room, separate utility, 2 baths, dou ble garage, lovely trees. A real value at C22.500 and appliances may be purchased. ROSEBURG Realty & Insurance Hotel Umpqua Lobby 472-3344 EVES: Jim or Joyce Doyle 672-3553 Martha Thomas 673-3562 AS The Very Best Of All WE HAVE chosen WINTER as the very best of all seasons to really enjoy the snug cozy com fort of home ownership. Winter Is the time when family ties are formed and strengthened and when Christmas around your own fireplace make memories for all. Winter is the time when Dad Is glad he cared enough and was able to surround his precious ones with the protection, not only from physical but financial storms that only a home can offer. The home Is Mom's se curity. It Is Dad's contentment, and the garden of youth where your efforts flower Into sturdy self reliant manhood and well adjusted motherhood. A house Is many things but least of all a house. Today Is the day to call Winter Real Estate and ask him to help you find the home that fits your needs. You can't afford a house but can you afford to be without a home. Can You Paint? WE WILL supply the paint and pay you the down payment for painting this most reasonably priced 3 bedroom home on paved street and sewer. The wide brick fireplace adds extra warmth to this home. Lawn shrubs, etc. An extra large lot with no near neigh bors. Attached garage and stor aqe shed all for FHA appraisal. $10,950, $350 down. Par Excellence WE HAVE a wonderful home on Estelle St. that Is sparkling clean and in sparkling shape through out, from the new ground cover underneath to the excellent roof. You will find completeness from the front walk and lawn wilh the Welcome light across the thres hold to your new w'w carpet and drapes In the 21-foot living room. No fireplace is needed in this lovely 2 bedroom home be cause the total electric bill only runs $30 per month in the cold months. The air conditioner and disposal stay. This Is the perfect home for the couple who want excellence of neighborhood and living with the least work. Only $12,000 on FHA. Taxes only $1C8. $47,000 THIS IS annual gross receipts on a going business on Jackson Street in the heart of Roseburg that we are ottering at only $10,000. There is no better foot traffic location and the lease Is reasonable. 245 245 FEET of Wlnstons best busi ness frontage for only $18,500 with a home and business build ing ready tor you to take ad vantage of. Remember this Is an employment center. H.J. WINTER REALTOR "A Most Trusted Nam, m Real Estat 833 SE Cass St., Roseburg Phone 673-7043 Rrq" Johnson Ph. 73-37W LOO Winter Ph. Read for Profit Use foi Results! Dial 672-3321. Real Estate Real Estate OLDER HOUSE, large and roomy, 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, 3-i acre. taiKins kq. area. Phone 673-5611. TWO BEDROOM house with 7Vi teres, Looklnggiass Valley. $9500, $2000 down, terms. Phone 679-5671 after 3 p.m. NEAR DRIVE-N-SAVE Shopping Center. In a nice district. 2 bed room home on a large lot. oil furnace, hardwood floors, attach garage. Asking price, $10,600. Roy 0. Young & Son, 673-6671. Eve nings phone 672-2958. FULLERTON REALTY PLUS VALUE Attractive westside home, wood paneled, beamed ceiling, living-dining room, fireplace. Spacious kit- , chen-nook-utility. Nice bath. Use as 2 bedrooms and den or 3 bedrooms. Garage, separate shop. Street and sewer. Schools., bus and shopping. Just $13,500, may assume easy payments. Good G.I. or F.H.A. LAURELWOOD home in good condition. Carpeted living room fireplace, dining room. Nice view. Large kitchen-nook. 3 bed rooms, bath. Basement garage, nice utility, workshop, saw dust room, furnace heat, nice yard. $17,000 may assume contract. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 acre with neat 2 bedroom home freshly redecorated. Garage, workshop. Ideal for home and business, play space or garden. $8,500, good terms. 721 N. E. STEPHENS Phone 672-3172 673-6998 LACKEY REAL ESTATE 368 S.E. Jackson YOUR HOME TOO BIG? IF YOU HAVE SISOO equity, you can trade for this young couple's 1-bedroom home, pay $50 a mo., and have cosy living room with fireplace, sun In the mornln' eat ing nook, functional kitchen, scads of storage, 10x21' carport, yard with shrubbery. $5700 total. No down fo vet. SELL DAD'S PICKUP OR TRADE It In on this 2-bed-room home In Green. Large liv ing and bedroom; oil heat, stor age in carport, good lawn, big lot (100x110): $7,150, Gl nothing down, SS3 a month. Vi ACRE WESTSIDE TWO LARGE bedrooms (14x12, 20x12), wall to wall carpet in living room and large bedroom, newly decorated bath, double car port. House redone with care-tree aluminum siding, new roof. Ter- mite proofing. Many shade trees. Country living with city advant ages. Small barn and pasture. Here's 1240 sq. ft. for only $9950, $300 down, S6B a month. REAL COUNTRY LIVING TWO ACRES In Dlxonvllle area. Room for the family really to live In 4-bedroom, 2-story older home with 10x30 kitchen, wall to wall carpet In living room, built in oven, range, year-round creek. Irrigation system Included. All this room, both indoors and out, for only $10,500. Might trade for Roseburg home. VA ACRES ON RIVER BIG HOME (1256 sq. ft.), bigger lot (190x500' and 90x600'), best location (beautiful sandy beach- fishing, swimming on NO. ump qua), good-sized living room (IS x 21, IVi BATH, double garage (20x24), good yard, fenced, irri gation pump to underground line. Real living for only $17,800. 9 ACRES GLIDE LARGE 2-story house (2100 sq. ft) has 5 large bedrooms, sep arate dining room, large kitchen with blt-in dishwasher, 2 BATHS (shower over tub upstairs, tub and shower down), oil forced air furnace and fireplace, 2 barns (1 new), year round creek. This $18,500 home could exchange for home In Roseburg. We's love to show this acreage. VICTORIAN ON 3 ACRES ELEVEN ROOMS, large liv room, separate dining room, I0x 20 kitchen, breakfast nook, 4 huge bedrooms, IVi BATHS, 16x18 den, oil heat, fireplace, well landscaped grounds like a castle. If you're craving room, this is the place: $25,000 and $2500 down. OR buy house and only Vi acre for $19,950, $1,995 down, bal. on contract at 6o, S0 p"r month. This place has really been cleaned up. NEW 3 BDRM WESTSIDE QUALITY-BUILT home near su permarket, 1100 sq. ft.: lovely kitchen with built In electric stove, beautiful formica counter top, Sapeli hardwood kitchen cab inets, dble wardrobe closets, sliding glass door to patio, Ra man brick fireplace, double blt in basin In lovely lavender bath room, $450 down, $105 a month, buys thi $13,900 home. -3 BEDROOM, $14,200 WESTSIDE home situated on quiet street. Attractive kitchen, ceramic tile bath, good fire place, built-in range with hood, big closets, slide glass door to patio, 5-foot overhang across the front of house, plastered single garage easily convertible to fam ily room. A $14,200 price; buy owners's equity for $1100. 86 ACRES HALF of this acreage cultivated, balance roliV.g to hill land, good garden soil, well, water pumped to house all year, full right to water frm creek, house built 1952: 2 bdrm with cement foun dation, lots of faucets around house, orchard, swim pool, beau tiful view: $25,000, $5,000 dn, bal. $125 monthly. $250 DOWN ONLY $250 down payment will get you Into this 2 bedroom home in North Roseburg. Two kinds of heat circulating fire place and oil furnace Shower over tub, separate utility room, single carport, garden space, nice shrubbery, roads paved, curbed; house on sewer. Total price: $8,000, monthly payments $59. WALKING TO TOWN COULD BE the only exercise you get. Close to town we have a 2-bdrm., 12x23 living room (with wall to wall carpet), single gar age, targe lot, bia backyard, alt far $6100, $600 down, $70 month ly. Buy this home, park your car, exercise to town daily. NEW $13,750 - GREEN THREE-BEDROOM with oil heat piped separately to each room is a welcome cofd-wtather haven. Also buitl-in range, oven; cera mic UK In bath. 100x100 tot, on paved street, sewer In, 10 down. EVENINGS: 673-8618 673-4072 672-3044 34 FIVE BEDROOM home, lot 200x100', new roof, lots of berries, shrubs, apple tret newly black topped street. 679-5760. WirJSTON, 3 bedroom house, 85x175' lot. Good location. Vi baths, fireplace, wall to wall carpet In living room. FHA ap praisal J 11,000, 3 down. 679-8792. Albert Rowe Estate Sale The EXECUTRIX of the Albert Rowe Estate will sell 2 houses and an extra lot on Nevada Court (at the South end of Union Ave.), West Roseburg, for best offer. Property may be inspected Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19th and 20th, 1 to 5 p.m. For further informa tion, call Barbara Ellis, Executrix, 825-3414, Days Creek. Phone 672-1659 LIKE ELEPHANT JOKES? PURCHASER of this WESTSIDE 2-bdrm home will gain neighbor who knows dozens of Ihis new . style oke. In addition, there is 15x20' living room, also a party room which could be third bed room. Check large attic, double garage, fine garden, 2 large ma ples, covered pallo and fruit trees. Curbs, streets, sewer the works: $11,750, $400 down, $89 a month, Year-Old Home North NEARLY 1300 sq. ft., this 3-bed-room home on good lot (82x96) on quiet street, Ideal for children. Off kitchen 1$ 17x20' living room with Roman brick fireplace, util ity (10x20), a part of which could be small bedroom, and sliding glass door to a patio with lovely view of hills: $13,900, $450 down, $98 monthly payments. Modern Westside Home 3 BEDROOM home, 1265 sq. ft. vanity in bath, beam ceiling in living room, folding door between kitchen and dining room, sliding glass door to large concrete patio, forced air all lurnace, built-in range, oven; 4-5 blocks to Mark's. $14,750. No down to vet. We love to show. DOUBLE YOUR LIVING SPACE In this 2-story, 4-bedroom near Community Hospital. Built in range and oven, good lawn, garden, shrubs. Good patio in fenced backyard. Streets paved, sewer In, near market. This $15,000 home can be bought for s FHA low down payment $450. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS ENJOY LARGE HOME, 3 bed rooms plus den, 2 baths, wall to wall carpet In separate dining room, living room, and hallway; circulating fireplace; price includ es refrigerator; single garage, paved street, on sewer, 100x100 lot, well landscaped, good Win ston section: $16,500. Assume $13,200 bal., $101 a month, 4 Int. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. WINSTON 3 BEDROOM IF YOU WANT lots of room for your kids to play, consider this lot and the 3-bed room, 1304 sq. foot home on It. Camera bug will find one bedroom with a sink, neatly built In, for developing pictures. In addition to a cozy living room wilh a very beautiful fireplace, there are Vh baths, a -cozy kitchen with attractive Chi na closet built In, and outside, front, underground Irrigation sys tem. Clean inside, out. Appraised for and sells tor $11,000, $350 down. 2 BEDROOM HIDEAWAY IF YOU LIKE PRIVACY In the city, consider this 1,000 sq ft, 2 bedroom special hidden away from the road behind a beautiful camouflage of beautiful cedars and pines. The privacy is re freshing, the lawn Is excellent even has a spring tor irrigation most of the year around. The living room Is 13x44; off large bedrooms, a sewing room; and a covered patio, which, along with the house, is newly painted. Let us show you this neat pack aqe. Only $1 1 ,000, no down to vet. Lovely Winston Section LOVELY YARD good lawns, many trees (2 maple, 1 Doug Fir, 6 Cedar, S Elm), shrubs on 100x186' lot. Large home (1400 sq M.), 3 bedrooms plus 15x26' family room, 14x17' liv room, with concrete floor and very large door, heat piped to all rooms, excellent soil, sand point well unbothered by surface wa ter, year around water: $14,000, $450 down, $95 per month. 1224 SQ. FT, WESTSIDE NEAR MARK'S MKT. and Ful lerton IV School, 3 bedroom home with wall to wall carpet ing In several rooms, wide clos ets, lots of built-in j In kitchen, large patio, sinqle carport, dou ble driveway: $13,000, FHA low down pay't $300, monthly payts $99. This One Couldn't Wait IT'S SUCH AN UNUSUAL home we felt you would want to hear about It right away. In one of the lovi 'lest, areas off Garden Valley Road, a large tot (196 xl 56) with big home (2376 sq. ft) waits your enthusiastic ap proval. You have never seer such a beautiful daylight base ment type. Two large livinc rooms, separate dining room, separate breakfast nook, built in Westinghouse stove, beautiful birch kitchen cabinets, mahog any doors, 5 B':DROOMS (2 in basement, 3 on 1st floor, 2 2 3 BATHS (1 down, 1 23 up), and large utility room afford ease and convenience. There's more: TWO FIREPLACES, large double carport, beautiful view, and a shop building on the place. Finally, a 66-gallon electric hot water heater and an excellent oil forced air perimeter heating system to keep you snug this winter. Only $26,500. Call now. This owner will trade for a home, acreage, or tots as down payment. EVENINGS: 673-7173 672-1886