Page 6 The News-Review Fri., Oct. 18, 1963 Know The CARRIER In Your Area ROSEBURG if jBfe We Meier the 001 $ ll fa' i 1 1 in ill NEWSPAPERBOYS Your newspaperboy and 600,000 other youngsters make up the world's greatest Junior sales and service organization. His experience as a newspaperboy Is unique unlike any other part-time job. As a Junior Independent Merchant, he buys his newspapers at wholesale and sells them at retail . . .for a profit. Assisted by men who are interested in and trained to work with boys... and an occa sional"pat oh the back" from his family... this young businessman develops the self-discipline which prompt delivery requires... learns how to get along with people in all walks of life. to make sales to collect his money. He assumes the responsibility for his growing business. Boys who learned the principles of business as newspaperboys have become presidents, governors, mayors, industrialists, and key men in this community. And many of tomorrow's leaders who will decide the future of this nation are getting their basic training today as newspaperboys. Only one bnv in ten gels the opportunity to have a newspaper route. If you think your son miil profit !' such experience, why no', have him come in and talk to us. Southeast Gary McClung 673-4849 Carleton Geisler ,,' 673-7242 'Bill Williams' 673-6010 Greg Moore 672-3705 David Foyer 672-1804 Neil Bishop 673-7236 Steve Gerlitz " ' 672-3013 Bob Averett ; 672-4059 ' Gary Rothrock 672-4620 Gevin Brown ' 6724884 Wayne Patterson 672-4355 . Boyce Jensen 673-7029 Bill Hampton ;. 673-4513 Northeast , John Bewley David Lindseth . f 672-4397 Steve Damewood Tom Ludwig 673-3583 Larry Nichols 672-1819 Harold Bates 673-6190 Gary Walker 672-3222 Dayid Smith 672-4369 , Jim Johnson 672-3030 Steve Skenzick 672-1861 Jack Free 672-3268 Gene Leverton , 673-3382 Steve Krohn 673-8325 John Peel 673-4063 Randy Lecroy 673-5403 Jeff Norman 673-6463 Roger Willey ' 672-4385 Dick Brinkmeyer 672-2821 Northwest Phillip Hand 672-1162 Don Boehm',Jr. . 672-4060 John Sanders 673-4297 Manuel Miller 672-2954 West ' Ivan Edwards 673-7493 Tom Gardiner 672-4383 Charles Gardiner 672-4383 Nick Beal 672-1192 Lloyd Newton 672-3105 Dave Christian 672-1344 Scott Brenner 673-3176 Mike Chartier 672-3174 Charles Myrin . 672-1866 Steve Oilar 673-7267 Craig Scott 672-4643 OAKLAND Larry Carson SUTHERLIN Gary Handy-' , Robert Johnson 459-2196 459-4005 : 459-3589 WINCHESTER Jerry Freeman 673-5815 GREEN Kenneth. McCright 673-7929 John Boerste 673-4964 Tonv Tucker 673-7824 Kay Anderson 673-4035 WINSTON Randy Chambers 679-5448 . Clayton Salikie 679-5807 ' v Steve Pruitt . ; .. . 679-5177 .' Arthur Salikie 679-5807 MYRTLE CREEK . : Glen Clarkson 863-3629 James Bakke 863-3856 , Wayne Myers , ' ' 863-4481 , Dick Bailey . : ' '.' Jack Mitchell -:863-3344 TRI-CITY ..David Ott RIDDLE Mary Bonn CANY0NVILLE Kerry Jordan Jack Pickett Tliomas Knudson Steve Morgan ' 863-4382 874-2715 839-4446 839-4612 MOTOR CARRIERS B. Cordell L. Hill S. Hoskins M. Buchanan M. Kreps H. Taylor C. A. Bryant M. Jurgenson J. Henderson C. Cutting E. Mills P. Smith J. Simpson B. King 672- 4229 459-2822 837-5584 673- 4156 Valley 546 863-3380 673-8737 672- 2779 459-3539 673- 3798 673-6440