Page 2 The News-Review Oct. 18, 1963 Erhard Says New German Government Backs U .S. Negotiations With Reds BONN, Germany (UP1) Chancellor Ludwig Erhard said today his new government sup ports continued U.S. negotia- tions with the Soviet Union general and controlled disarma ment can be realized only step by step, it is in our interest to cooperate also in . world-wide partial measures, as long as it aimed at partial agreements tojis certain they do not change g relieve cold war tensions. the power relationship between' sw - Erhard, who replaced KonradiEast and West to our disatUan jj Adenauer Wednesday, told par liament in his first policy state ment that his government be lieves general and controlled tagc, and do not discriminate against us, no said. o Krhard, following closely theiS policies of his predecessor, said . VxAj disarmament is the only perma-,u is me wesi uerman govern i , tti(u in bnnn thn unl-Il 1 nenl means oi preventing war. . v ........ "But as we understand that the unresolved Cerman Hunter Slays Big Bull Elk -v' - ' A 1. tt- V " '.nil" jiojmii I Nhu Says S. Viet Nam People Have Lost- Confidence In U.S. By NEIL SHEEHAN SAIGON, South Viet Nam, (UPI) Ngo Dinh Nhu, broth er and political adviser of fres- struction of 4.752 "strategic Vietnamese governments "h hamlets," a series of fortified ceased to exist now." villages developed by Nhu. He said the same was true Ngo told the visiting news- of "relations between the Unit- iflnni Nun Dinh Diem, said men he could not understand ea oiaies ana tne wnoie of we Thursday that the Vietnamcsclwhy the United States has "ini-;underdeveIoped world." He did people "have lost confidence in, Mated a process oi uisiniegra- nui eiaDorme. the United States." tion at a time when we are! Ngo criticized the U.S. cur- Neo. like his wife Mme. Ngo winning" the war against the tailment of commercial aid to Dinh Nhu a frequent critic ofiCommunist. iViet Nam, part of the $1.5 mil- U.S. policy here, repeated "People here are wondering lion the United btates waj charges that U.S. intelligence what the United states is spending daily here. officials tried to stage a coup doing," he said. "There is an! He said if the suspension of against the Ngo family. atmosphere of distrust. People commercial aid continues, "it He spoke to a group off for- have lost commence in uie.wui certainly aneci me war el- eign newsmen in an interview united states. iorr- ana wouia lorce sis gov- at the presidential palace amid He said uuaamsi leaaers ar-;ernment to dig into lis loreign new Communist claims of vic-lrested after the government's exchange reserves. tories in the guerrilla war.crackdown last August claimed A candidate for the 1963 hunt ing season's meanest and least mean recognition of "a tyranny sportsmanlike gun-wiclder came established by foreign rulers" to light this week when loggers and said West Germany would question He said the permanent division Ul If lllclliy IdllUUl UU tlVt-vlJUU I .. nnrl warnpri that as1 Inne as thni s i- - -s ' Lz&l . r. vy-v :- i Iron Curtain extends the length Lj Z' . t " . r,c teminwmiiil'oXffi NEWEST ADDITION to Roseburg's system of neighborhood parks is Quintus causes of tension in the world. Park located in West Roseburg. The park; vhicn incorporates several new ideas He said recognition of Com-, in park development, was opened Thursday for public use. (News-Review photo) munist East Germany would False Swearing n the Vincent Creek area nearjnever consent to it. IV-.!---J Greenacres came upon the dead! Erhard recalled that the Big carcass of a magnificent elk. i Four powers are responsible tor The loggers reported their findlsettling some or Germany s to the Oregon State Police whoiproblems and suggested they began an investigation in an ef- form "a body . . . which would fort to learn the identity of the exercise its functions until such person responsible, according to! time as a final peace settlement Dawn Peseau, Ilecdsport corre-!is reached." spondent. Erhard, who served as Ade- The elk had died in a beaver naucr's economics minister for nnnd where ho had obviously i l1 yoars, made lew enanges in sought water to overcome the fever from a gunshot wound. He had been shot in the right shoulder and abandoned in the woods, to hobble away and die. The creature had an antlen spread of 38 inches, and hi antlers carried, seven points. Ho weighed an, estimated 800 pounds. State, police were re ferring disposition of the huge carcass to the Stale Game Com mission biologist. State patrolmen Bob Snyder of the Game enforcement di vision and Al ien ,S a m a r d brought the elk into. Ilecdsport. They pointed out that the care less gun-wielder could bo charg ed with at least two serious game offenses: Killing elk out the Adenauer cabinet when he announced his own lineup Thursday. With general elections less than two years away, he wants to share the prestige built up by Adenauer over the years. Er hard's opponent in the elections will be the Socialist mayor of West Berlin, Willy Brandt, Charge Dismissed Against Salemite Quintus Park Is New Member Of Roseburg's Park Family Roseburg's family of heigh- including swings, a slide, mon borhood parks has an attractivejkey bars, two log forts and a new member. ismall house to climb through The newcomer is Quintus! in connection with the slide. Judgment of acquittal was re turned today by Circuit Court Judge Charles S. Woodrich in the case of Joseph E, Chipanno, 42, of Myrtle Creek, on motion of the attorney for the defense. Chipanno was charged in a grand jury indictment with "false swearing" relative to dep " 'V .u ."V",CB. " Tne new. facility features an burg, is interested in the com- u"uu Udl" "' ";S'"uyu " interesting assortment of play- mnily's reaction, For example, telegram ne was accused oiiKround equipment for kiddies.Uph r - - . , JO Normal Temps Due The five-day weather forecast according to the Weather Bu- against Diem's government. I"half . a dozen employees of Broadcasts from Hanoi, North, th U.S. Central Intelligence Viet Nam, claimed that theAgency and other U.S. civilian Communist Viet Con? euerril-'aeencies in Viet Nam hadh las have killed or captured 75,.urged them to stage a coup;reau station at the Roseburg 731 enemy troops including against the Ngo family and had airport calls for temperatures 600 Americans in the first incited Buddhists to commit! near normal with less than nor nine months of this year. suicide. imal amounts of precipitation, They claimed 350 aircraft, Ngo said the trust that once occurring in snowery penoas shot down or hit and the de- existed between the U.S. and'after Saturday, i Park, located at the Y in tersection formed by Center and Susan streets in West Roseburg. It was ooened for Diiblic .Thursday afternoon. -. There is also a basketball court. Some streamlined ideas in park development have gone use into Quintus Park, and Tom Keel, director of parks for Rose-: sending. The -judge ruled that there was no evidence introduced Tree Plantings ment is enclosed by a low re tainer rail. Sawdust covers the enclosed area, to provide a cush ion for youngsters using the equipment. , There is a circular bench on which parents can rest while the trial to indicate that such a WLIII HUIIIUI ILC3 nrnnnnrlintr nntitnllv tnnlr nlaf! so entered a judgment of ac quittal without sending the case lo tne jury. . Tne Bureau of Land Manaee- .uatrhin thi- i The trial opened at 10 a.m.mnl nnnj ,Hn ,lmHci . : ,"'! Inrf f l r JZ MhJ? have been made available 'surrounds the entire park la- and defense rested their cases ,anting two-year seedlings in cility. All play equipment is that day. On resumption of theirtnnBiia -v.iniu Bn.u mM . i , .H ,..., .j .i, ,.; I uoufilas ounty, Hoseburg BLM painted blue and white, wood- r.cUrwrctt. a'e fied'ta red- A charge of obtaining inonoy!ncys Kandolph Slocum of Hosc-!genera on cutting areas tm.oughj other fcalures a.e graveled with space age Solid State Circuitry by false pretenses against Vel ma Irene Bell, 48, of Salem was dismissed by Circuit Judge the magnificent and Dep. Dist. Atty. Thomas , of season and wanton waste of Don H. Sanders Thursday oni0'Del1 w?s the prosecutor. game animal He could be subject to up to $500 line and six months in the county jail on either charge motion of the defense because of a faulty indictment. Judge Sanders ruled that the indictment failed to state a The elk had lived about four, crime on the basis of ommission days after being wounded, it is of certain wording lo indicate estimnl"ds , Liquor License Renewals Due According to Frances Jclli son, city recorder, the time is drawing near for renewal of li quor dispensing licenses, both restaurants, Lions To Sponsor Foreign Student 1...,.., ...wl nn.,1.1 Uf irnrnn ftf . .. j.r ... iuul ",u -u""ij. pathways ana landscape im- i-oiuanu wine uchim- uuumil-js Th i),,,,,,!,.,. rnv pnntraets ... u , . r .... c, j -!jiuvtiiiwma at mc jiunt ui iiic were included in three separate jpark and along the fence. Keel bids, along with other Wcstern!said. the project was accom Orcgon counties. Plantings willpijshed economically, requiring begin Nov. 1. ness tlan t,c S800 whicn was . Robert Hart of Jefferson was i budgeted for the improvement, awarded a contract for $40,104 The work was done by Park for planting 1.184.000 scedlings'Deparlmcnt crews, with the on 2,2li5 acres in Douglas, Yam- street Ilivisinn nf tho Pnhlip that the defendant had no mon- . hill, Polk, Benton, Lane, Josc-!vorks nmnrtmpnt inisiinu ey in the bank on which the The Umpqua Lions Club Wed- phino and Curry counties. '' The Quintus Park property alleged cheek in the sum of $10 ncsday night voted to sponsor! Southern Oregon Reforestation was originally part of the Sham was written. The indictment as a foreign student lo live in Co. of Medford won a cunliacl; walnut Ranch. In 1959 it was worded indicated only that there Roseburg next year, under the1 for $13,670.90 for planting 549,-jtul.ncd over to the city by Ivan was insufficient money in the1 American Field Service pro-000 seedlings on 1,244 acres in! Edward'! The 'citv has nairll bank to cover the check. gram. I Douglas and Jackson counties. Itho cirnpi awpicmnk nrm,n,i The jury had been selected . The club budgeted $700 to pay P. I. Kirwan of Paulina won a ihn nark On Mav ? nf lasi! and the Deputy Dist. Atty. Phil-;the student's expenses. A spon-1 contract for $18,535 for planting I kcc submitted a plan fori ip wMMiuimi umi uuiil-u ma in ii aui miijj ;uaraiuec is necessary. iuo,w.; m:i.-uiiii& on 419 utu-a 111 e park to the Park and Play- uuiui e uie eL'iiuiii4e siuiieiu pro- ivuuias auu i.uus .tuuiuiua. gram can be put into effect. I Funds derived from Ihe food tLmimLok Dlan CxLitn concession during the American XnamBer KIHnS iOIUte Junior baseball series T- ltL LJi. last summer are being used ' MHUIHCI IIIUUIIV for this project. The club also The Payroll Development voieu 10 sena s.jou to me ue- v.uniiiuure 01 mu nusuuui g . . vers Eye Clinic in Portland.1 (area) Chamber of Commerce Alter U0SB UT rOISOII Sight conservation is a part of Thursday night made plans toi Lions activities. I salute another local industry, Charlotte Lee Cook, 30, of 739 You've never heard anything like it! Revolutionary new solid state circuitry gives ten times the effi ciency of comparable tube sets I SMART AND VERSATILE AS A CONSOLE. . ON A SHELF OR TABLE So dependable that parts are guaranteed for S years twenty times as long as the standard industry guarantee fortube sets! psi ! If Wii "iiiiltincc nnfnncit illnrnnv u, .usiamums, . mi a. u jjaspwe move( ,,nt n0 lodges and those establishments',,,,,,,,,,, e ivc(, ,)ucuuse selling packaged goods. All such, imiclmcn, n), stale , licenses presently ncm win ex.jcrc ailcsc( T,0 jl,(,c ,.,,,,, LcRin ' ,, ., .' ,, ., , ,, ' 'in favor of the defense. While it would seem that there is plenty of lime left, Mrs. Jelli-i son reminded those concerned' p x that it is necessary lo have fVlOVie hOHS UGT Roseburg City Council approval of such applications before they! A J J-J Iu.h.i!.,. can be passed on for stale up AGUeO AltraCTIOn proval. I Those affected living outside Roseburg residents attending the citv limits must submit their the film "Lawrence Of Arabia renewal applications to the nuw grorna commission. Tlie com mission okayed the plan and in eluded the project as part of this year's city park development. Woman Hospitalized county court for approval. Jerry Roberts, chairman an-during 'he month of November. ,W. Fairhaven St., Roseburg. nounced that the annual basket- Future industries w h c r e was reported in an improved1 ball backboard program was'Srowth potential is possible condition today at a local hospi 011 now, and that 30 backboards;wele discussed, and a tentativeal, where she was taken after being shown at the Indian!'11 '-' ade available to neigh-;sel"'tlon l01' December was apparently drinking an insecti- ..1. it., i.i t,,,Q iv, Vllj I?U11C i ML !'B;i--. S llMl J i it i E ll i ft 5 - S1 Mi i ' mmJUULi i'.v ttf &n,M as iutihr--i wr a n w : 11 1 Charles Larry Clark She was rushed to the hospi- iM.,...i..A ntn...t n n..;ni, lorliood areas. Mnrviitni: inlnr.i iiuiui.-. , , ' icstrd may contact Roberts at! Reports were made on activ- reports. ur 1.1 ii 159 w iirnprnii si nn,i ih dies of other industries saluted : ..i....r..i j....i hiunk u-iii ho nmiin .,,ii,i,in nn previous montiis. iai oy aniDiiiance anout 1 a.m 'garb as 'he plays organ numn a first-comc-first-servc ba-! Sunray Orchards, Located today in an unconscious state! of bers at the start of each night's1 sis. M" c "CCK' was tne ue- auer ne incident, i nc poison Hoseburg High School line"""' ";" '". "- and baekfield football coaches P10ll,el from ,1,e ranoh, owned name of Malathion. family trou-1 Jim Uracken and Darl Thorn !Dy cilenn an1 Doris. Eutler is.bles and an extreme nervous I ton spoke to the club on football jSunray Prunes marketed in condition were blamed for thcl activities and phases of to-imnny ri,nric Northwest stores. 'situation, said police. night s Roseburg-Coltago Grove Charles Larry Clark, 4(1, Roseburg, a World War II dis- performance anied veteran, died at the home, Wagner wears a costume pat of his mother at Potlaleh, Ida-tented after the original "Law no, of a heart condition Oct. 13,'rence of Arabia" garb worn according lo word received here.jby Peter O'Toole in the movie. Clark's wife and children, Mi- It was obtained by Wagner from chael and Patricia of 837 NK a friend who had resided in game. Church St., returned today from Saudi-Arabia. It is a white cos-i Idaho, where they attended the tunic made of flaxon seed, trim-' rML, C T n final rites. ,mcd in gold gilt. The head f niner-iOn I COITI UUe He was born in Hillsborojerown is of silk and gold thread. !th p J le Jan. 31, 1917. lie had been in The costume is worth about $301). I 1 0 LnU V.nUrCH jCNeS ill health for many months and; Wearing pointed shoes and had been confined at both the dark make up, Wagner provides A sP(,cial father and son team Seattle. Wash., then Portland a startling spectacle and a col- from Caldwell, Idaho, this week Veterans Hospitals, lie had just orul entree for the desert film. N"' Wl" P tllp current been released and hud gone to ipvangelislic services being held Ihe home of his mother, Mis.i Firo Hitc Drvnr ' at tllt' niUc Missionary Church Sadie Clark, in Potlaleh to re-. uryer Kos,,1)l.K cuperate when death occurred.! The Roseburg Rural I'irc Dc-I 'ecoriliiig to the Rev. Kd Hesides his widow, children partment was called to the home war(1 Charon, host pastor, the and his mother, he is survived nf Mr. and Mrs. Kd Andes at lil'v- 'y'e Dilley Jr., who has by three brothers, Pat of Mos- 1542 NK Hollis St. at 8:40'1'0''" conducting the two-week cow, Idaho, Bill of Potlatch and Thursday on the report of a fire ser'es. will be joined by his Joe Clark of Los Angeles. in an electric clothes dryer. It father, the Rev. Clyde Dilley Funeral services were held was discovered the fan on the Sr f"r ""' 7:30 p.m. services Wednesday at Kimball Funeral' machine bad frozen and the spl fur Friday. Saturday and Home in Paiousc, Wash., with'motor had overheated. There Sundny, and for 11 a.m. serv ices at the regular morning worshin hour on Sunday. On Sunday at 3 p.m. a spe cial rally service will be put on by the two visiting evange lists. The elder Dilley will sing and the Rev. Dilley Jr. will do the preaching. The public is in viled to attend all of the services. burial in the Potlatch Cemetery, was no damage. . n .. .. i 'rarfTaLowkR j 'service' I "M IdM . 1 WOOD Ac.or SAWDUST (Dry or Green) (Blower or Dump) DRY OAK & LAURELWCOD Large PEELER CORE PLANER ENDS ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. SlSii IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE N E W S - a E V I E W ADVERTISERS PHONE 673-8435 For Eipert Installation and Solas Carpott Formica Linoleum 1 1 Years Local Evperianc HOLLAND D. DAVIS Cusfom Floors & Carpets WIN 150 THIS FRIDAY NIGHT BANK NITE LAST-WEEK Name of winner for $100 Mary Ma ass, 1550 Mulholland Dr., Roseburg (Nor Present for $100) Name of winner for $25.00 Florence L. Williams, 932 S.E. Orcutt, Roseburg (Not Present for $25) Name of winner of Mvstcrv Prire: JimmyD. Taylor, Star Rt. Box 410, Winston (Not Present For Mystery Priie) $4496 has been given away already by Rose burg's Friday Night Merchants. You may be the Lucky Winner this Friday. (Eligible Only If In Store 5 Minutes). SHOP DOWNTOWN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Be at one of the following downtown merchants at 8 p.m. Friday night and you may win . . . $150.00 BANK NITE PRIZE CLARK'S STUDIO DIANA CRAIG FOOD MART 88c STORE WEISFIELD'S JACK WEST JEWELRY RICKETT'S WOOLWORTH'S ROSEBUD CAFE ROSEBURG PHARMACY SANDER'S SHOE SEARS ROEBUCK LUVERNE'S PAYLESS DRUG TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC REYNOLDS-RUSHTON MUSIC HORN'S A & E CAFE Yourchoice of Mahogany or Walnut finishes A VAST IMPROVEMENT IN THE RE-CREATION OF MUSIC- The Magnasonic X-10, an exciting benefit of today's billion dollar space age, brings you all the dimensional realism of stereophonies combined with, tonal purity you'd never believe possible at such a modest price! Powerful stereo amplifier uses no tubes; produces no component-damaging heat! Four speakers two 8' plus two 5' surround you with truly beautiful music. Convenient gliding top panel opens to record player and all controls without disturbing your top-df-set decorative accessories. You must hear this fabulous new Magnax to appreciate it! "Ml I '-- t- . . . completely eliminates pitch distortion turntable speed is as accurate as the finest electric clock. High compliance pick-up plays perfectly at only l10th oz. touch banishes record and stylus wear. Your records can last alifetime the dia mond stylus is guaranteed lOyears! Come in and prove to yourself that Magnavox is truly the finest and your best buy ... on any basis of comparison. Open Fridays TIL 9 P.M. Participate In Bank Nite 51 6 S.E. Jackson Phone 672-1621 FCR EVERYTHING MUSIC