rV jag, Wedding Takes Place Sept. 27 !AAUW Members Hosted N,AL(Auxi I iary jCards Enjoyed -IA l-U n Krc ;PlansParty ByGrangers The Oregcn Ladies Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Bill Petheram. niglit"N- 1313 to the National Asso- and Mrs. Ncal Meyer were c.v.nic'at'on f Letter Carriers met hosts for the Lookingglass ' Bonita Lea Nultemeier, Eldon Wilson was Mrs. J. W. Fread was a was called to "husband'! chnrming hostess at her beau- in hn anhKnri'pH with t itifully appointed home in Hu-1 .,.., Mm-r , ,., r..i,.,i Wednesday evening at the home Grange card party held recent- Icrest addition Wednesday eve-;" " " , , " ' of Mrs. Bob Johnson in Garden ly. Four tables were in play. usher. ning when she entertained the'""''. Donald Hunter of the au- Valley. Ruby daughter of the Rev. and Mrs!i Baskets of white and ' rust executive board of the Rose-1 "I0 v,s"al ajds department of, The group is currently engag-i prize. D. L. Nultemeier of Sutherlin, dahlias with ivy, surrounded a became the bride of Donald Al len Cook, son of Mrs. Zola Car ter of Bakersfield, Calif., Sept. 27, at 7:30 p.m. at the Assem bly of God Church in the pres ence of 80 guests. The father of the bride and the Rev. James Ryan of Coquille, performed the impressive double ring ceremo- sage of apricot roses, ny. I A rectpion followed in The lovely bride, given in Sutherlin Community Building marriage by her father, wore a . which was decorated with apri- floor-length gown of white satin cot and rust dahlias, ivy and I and lace, fashioned with a seal-! fern. Mrs. Lloyd Rapp served 11 i i loped neckline and s h o r tithe cake; Grace Olp, the punch,VrS. V00r6 sleeves. Her fingertip veil was and Paula Williams poured the large white heart, forming background for the ceremony. Soloist, Mrs. James Ryan, sang "Because," accompanying herself on the organ. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Nultemeier, wore a rust colored wool dress with a cor- Meyer won the travel Mr? T-pnn HnwIanH nnH burg Branch of the American "le university ot uregon will ed in making scrapbooks for Karl Larson were high scorers Association of University Wo- De tl,e 8uest speaker. the children's wards in local and Mrs. Edna Meyer and W. men. : Members of the Board attend-, hospitals. ' j J. Meredith were second high. Highlighting the session was ing the Wednesday evening! A party is being planned fori Enjoying the occasion were: the survey of possibilities for meeting were: Mrs. Marshall Oct. 26 at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Larson, branch participation in the two Sherwin, Mrs. Richard Hollo-and Mrs. Warren Sellars. jBrenda Farley and Kae, Mr. topics of far reaching vision to way, Mrs. Russell Hagg, Mrs.' After the meeting the host-land Mrs. Ed Moon, Mr. and be special studies for the year. I Walter Edmonds, Miss Esther ess served refreshments to Mrs. Mrs. Lee Williams, Mr. and "Occident and Orient" will be Dyar, Mrs. Lee Hunt, Mrs. ; Millie Allen, Mrs. Eddie Sur- Mrs. Rudy Meyer, Ruth Porter, the first study, followed later Claude Baker, Mrs. Arthur kamer and Mrs. Doris Long, i Bertha Lett, Lena Howland, tne in me year oy a sultry oi niarsn, n:rs. noueri itnoaes antr ine next meeting will ue iMov.U'cari Matnis, Lige Ullivant and Bridging me uap ueiween sci- me nosicss, airs, rreaa. t at ue nome 01 Mrs. i.ons. uary Kcsner. ence and the Layman The attention of the group WSCS Hostess Members of the Camas Val- ' MR.' AND MRS. DONALD COOK, above, ore pictured following their marriage Sept. 27 at the Assembly of God Church. The bride, Bonita Lea Nultemeier, is the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Nultemeier of Sutherlin and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Zolo Carter of Bakersfield, Calif. (Picture by Warren Studio, Sutherlin). held in place by a jeweled j coffee. Annette Oglesby, served crown. She carried a bouquet at the bride's table and Grace of white carnations and ivy. I Olp presented the guest book. Ppntnrorf with a cincrln naath. TTnr tfa.'nlina tha hrirla hmk 1(V AfotlinHist Chlirrh Wnmnfl'fi colored carnation. a grey and black striped knit I Society for Christian Service KPIC-TV Ch. 4 Miss Sharon Ruel of Phoenix,: dress with red slippers. Follow-met recently at the home of, CHANNEL 2 ON CABLE Ariz., was maid of honor; Miss! ing a honeymoon to Portland, Mrs. Guy Moore and spent the MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Aloma Beeler, of St. Helens! Mr. and Mrs. Cook will reside! afternoon making award gifts 7:Today was bridesmaid. They wore! in Sutherlin. j from cards, Sunday school pap-, JlJtJ., E,"rrlvMith matching ravon peach-colored1 The bride attended Sutherlin ers and similar items. The 9:is-tba (mod only) pleated street length dresses J High School and Bethany Bible awards were Bible book marks' J: JftZw2?5a"S?,wSd Tu"'':"1 with a boat neckline and short College in Santa Cruz, Calif . 1 booklets and pictures. io:-Concniration sleeves, white gloves and slip- The bridegroom attended Ba- An earlier meeting of the joMiisina Link-color pers. They carried clusters of kersfield High School and Beth- S"UP took place at the home V;,h 0r ton,MU",c rust-colored dahlias, surrounded any Bible College, and is pres-ot Mrs- wimam ivearsey. sirs, ivss-nws The following rodlo and television program! are printed as a free public service far News-Review readers. All program listings ere published as received from the respec tive stations. The News-Review does sot accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furnished this newspaper. 7-.7S Afternoon Rsoort ,lt-oa Reoort !:30-Make w Datty (Mon-Wed.) 11:15 Tonight Show Devre MTcnen thru ?:3U-Be Mv Gum! llun & Tliura) 3:00 Social Security (Mon. ontv) 3:00 Fashion Flashes dues, only) 3:00 Spectator Matinee (Wed thru Frl) 3:15 TBA (Mon. only) 3:15 Spectator Matinee (Tues. only) ju--wire se""ro tvton only) SATURDAY Varietees Club Has New Member by white pompon dahlias Randy Knee and Charles Bcfi- lev were canrllnliehtnrs. with Th va-itc rt..i, ki I . . . , Meg Begley as flower girl, and the wedding were Mrs. Dorothv "" seminar hi aiyrue The Vantees Club had a de-Armenia H.U, Mary Coder, Iva stcven Bailew as ring ; bearer. I W. Nultemeier, Aberdeen, S. Dv Creek. Those attending were lightful afternoon recently in the Graham, Mary Lane, Ludcan Don Nultemeier. brother of and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hor- Mrs- Eest Wheeler, Mrs. Eth- home of Marian Carter. lArmstrons and the hostess the bride, was best man. and ner. Beaverton. i1 Brown, Mrs. Mary Ayres, . 12:00 People Will Talk Color . - . .. .. .. I Cmvatt I nOnea n n.,net cmiy empioyea at Martin Brom- ouu.c ... 6ura. u:25-Nes ers Box Co in Oakland I was reported that seven i!:3o-The Doctors Coming from out of town for members lud attended tne sun- Marie Haskett was welcomed Members will make felt an as a new member. Seven mem-. gels as a money-making project social hour. ial tlle next meeting to be held The hostess served lovely re-!al tlle home of Armenia Hill, freshmcnts to Juanita Arm- Members are to bring a sack strong, a guest, and members, llunch. Reynolds-Bratton Rites Held In Klamath Falls Mrs. Jack Wilson, Mrs. Louis Papst, Ms. Doris Lamm and Mrs. Kenneth Bright. Stellar Group Plans Dinners mm NEW CABINET of elegant richness with any, and we mean any, order for any SEWING MACHINE new WHITE in our store ... THIS RECKLESS OFFER DECISIVELY CEASES OCTOBER 25th Easy Loyaway , , Hasy Tjerrns , .Fully Guaranteed rr ' SOWING H BASKiT UIHITE Miss Julie Lyn Bratton, daugh'Bratton, sister of the bride, and ter of Mr. and Mrs. James L.t,e bridesmaids, Sally Bratton,! Bratton of Klamath Falls, and another sister, and Jeanne Dix Walter Troy Reynolds, son of on an(i Marvi Wayburn, wore Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Rey-1 sleeveless turquoise taffeta ,us ul Micuuaic, o niaiiiuu irocks, fashioned with scoop Aug. 24 in the Bible BaDtist nni-i;o ,.j i,.,rf.,i rL.:,i, Chu.-ch of Klamath Falls. The!Thi .nnr,.ra nj n!!to be served to the Shrine on double-ring ceremony was per-'d circlets witli short veils were1?''"'- sllT Masons. Nov. formed by the Rev. Freeman 1 lsn tnrminise Thov wnrr. shm-t 21 and the Roscburg-Oakland Schmitt, pastor of the church. ! wnite glrves and carried sprays. dl?!t. meeting, Dec. 6th. The Stellar Club, social or ganization of the Eastern Star, met at the home of Mrs. Marvin Steinbach of Sutherlin Monday evening. Plans were made for dinners 1:00 Lorette Young 1:30 You Dor'l Say 3:00 Match Game KBESTV Ch. 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8:00 Captain Kftnoaroo 9:00 Morning Newi 9:301 Love Lucy 10:00 The McCoy 10:30 Pete and Gladys 11:00 Love of Lift 11:24 CBS News 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding LlOht 13:00 Tennessee fcrrtle '3:30 As The World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 House Party liOO To Tell The Truth 4 : 30 Lone Ranaer 5:00-Caot. Shipwreck FRIDAY 5:30-The Rifleman vr.v. - North ".t Now : 4:30 Huntlev-Brtnkley 7:00 Speaking of Sports I 7:15 TBA I 7:30 Internhtional Showtime 8: 30-Bob Hope Sr.. t I 9:30 Movie 1:30 Ruff anS Redy Color ' 9:00 Hector H eat hcoto Color 9:30 Fireball XL-S 10:00 Dennis the Menace 1 10:30-Fury 1 1 : 00 Sergeant Preston ll:30-Bullwlnkle Color 12:00 Exploring 1:00 Saturday Mstlnee ; 5:00 NFL Pro Hllltes, 5:30 Captain Gallant i 6:00 Saturday Night Report 6:15 Feature Shorts : 6:30 Hollywood and the Start ! 7:00 Danny Kave Shew 1 8:00 Perry Mason ! 9:00 Mov'3 ; 'roo S.urdav Cinema 1 2:25 News 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Spcre Slorm 3:30-who Do You Trust 4:00 Trallmaster FRIDAY j 5:00-Frlday at 5 j 5:3u HucKieberry HounrJ 4:00 Channel 5 Report 6:30 CBS News 7:00 Trails West 7:3077 Sunset Strip I 8:30 Route 46 ' 9:30 Twilight Zone , 10:00 Alfred Hitchcock 11:00 News l,:.5-Staoe 5 . ' SATURDAY 12:50-News 1:00 Pre Game 1 1:15 Football 4:00 Pre Olympic Games' 4:30 Touchdown 5:00 Quick Draw McGraw 5:30 Dan Smoot-Manlon Forum 6:00 Jimmy Dean 7:00 Password 7:30 Jackie G lea son 8:30 Phil Silvers 9:00 Defenders 10:00 Gunsmr, t1:00-News Final The sanctuary was decorated of white daisies with baskets of turquoise andi Miss Nicky Savage and Del white gladioli and with lightedores Lummus, candlelighters, tapers on the altar and in eachWore turouoise taffeta sheaths window recess. The pews along and matching slippers. bows lumuuiM: ..uuui. WeSley Young of Stockton, '. Calif., a former Glendale resi- Jams La Grande was the or- dent was best marii Usners ganisi. ine soioisi, aue Ann were Hugh Brown and Jerry uwuiis, siiufi Ducauiti: a n u Hull 7:30 Weather Forecast ':35 Cartoon Time 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 News 9:301 Love Lucy 10:00 The McCoys 10:30 Pete and Gladys 11:00 Love Ot Life 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 Newr Treman, Albert Trask and Lula IjiXs rnTwtrid nrnt Treman. i:oo koin Kitchen Delicious refreshments . were served by the hostess lb the Mesdames Herman Fugate, Harry Barker, Harry Smith, Art KOIN-TV Ch. 6M!Stf,l CIANNEL 83 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:00 Sunrise Semester Win Wednesday 2:00 To Tell The Truth Nlghl :00 Secret Storm 3:30 Password 4:00Carioon Circus ' 4-15 Early Show 6:00 Newscene 6:30-Cronklte News FRIDAY 7:DO-DeMri Valley Days 7:30 The Great Advtntur 8:30 Route 46 9:30 Twilight Zone 10:00 Alfred Hitchcock IliOONlghtscene 11:l5Portland Wrestling 12:00-Theater SATURDAY 7:00 Sunrise Semester 7: JO RFD 8:00 Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 The Alvln Show 9:30 Tennessee Tuxedo 10:00 Quick Draw McGraw 10:30 Mighty Mouse Playhouse 11:00 R In Tin Tin 11:30 Roy Rogers 12:00 Sky King 12:30 Frank Leahy Show 1:00 Pre-Football Show ' 1:15 Oregon at Arizona 4:15 Football Scoreboard 4:30-Global Zobel 5:00 Five Fingers 4:00 Man From Cochise 6:30 Highway Patrol 7:00 Buttle Line 7:30 Jackie Gleason Show 1:30 Phil Silvers Show 9:00 The Defenders 10:00 Gunsmoke 11 :0O Saturday Reporter U:1S-Movle xnr.n r...ni;nnn n:jrrn rinU 'Wcddine Prayer." nn t,nn,,.((. nf a5mJ im Wednesday afternoon at mULVEK 540 S. E. JACKSON 673-5072 OPEN FRIDAY NITE 'TIL 9 x , . ... Mrs bratton, mother ot the jj. Kaspr Sr. and Mrs. M. L. organza lasliionea witn a low hririo worn an anrirnt shflnlh umi i, r;.... vi w scalloped neckline, snug-fitting dress with white accessories and N. Butler and Mrs. W. C. Cal oudice and a full, floor-length a corsage of white roses. Mrs. lison, second; Mrs. E. C. Pat skirt with Chapel train. IhC RPvnnlHc mnthr nf tlip hrirlp. nnA TlT,.B n n Pr-on yoke and. short sleeves of the grooni( chose a turquoise sheathlthird, and Mrs. L. P. McAn' blouse were fashioned of hand-inrpii with hnino afpocenrips Dnri vn;n nt clipped Chantilly lace, re-em-! Her corsage was yelIow roses. 'fourth. oroiuerea wun seea pear s, ine Af. (. romnnv a riin , 0ct. 23 and Oct. 30 dates will orcam-a skirt was trimmed . , r u'u v.- . : i,. cial hall which was decorated wo nose uiud. inose aesinng KEZ1-TV Ch. 9 CHANNEL 6 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY h: 40 Cartoons 9:00 Jack LaLanne 9:30 Morning Movie 11:00 The Price la Right 11:30 Seven Keys 12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 12:30 Father Knows Best liOa General Hospital 1:30 Educational TV 2:00 TV Bingo 2:30 Day In Court . 2:55 Lisa Howard With the News 3:00 Queen Fo. a Day 3: 30 -Open House 4:00 Malor Adu.ns Tralli 5:oo Kartoon Klubhousa 5:30 Mickey Mouse Club FRIDAY a: 00 News 9 4:15 The News 6:30 Leave It To Beaver 7:00 The Fllntstones 7:30 77 Sunset Strip 8:30 Burke's Law 9:30 Farmer's Dauohler I0:00-Fight Of Tha Week 10:45 Make That Spare 11:00 The News 11:30 The Late Show SATURDAY 9:00 Film Fare 10:30 The Jetsons 11:00 Cartconsvllle 11:30 Beany & Cecil 12:00 Bugs Bunny 12:30 Alakaiam 1:00 My Friend fucki 1:30 American Bandstand 2:30 Death Valley Day 3:00 Film Fare 4:30 Golf Tournament 6:00 TBA 6:30 Pro-Olympic Show 7:00 Outdoor Sportsman 7:30 Hootenany 8:30 Lawrence Welk 9:30 Jerry Lewis Show 11:30 News 11:45 Late Show with re-embroidered lace mo- ITJ i,na'nAW ..?.? .L turquoise and while. White wed-1 more information or assistance i,l H,ghi?H Lff,n, . Z dinE belIs were suspended from in securing partnerships are held the brides bouffant tiered , ,.r.u. osItpH in ml Mrs w r: c.a . Nh papriprl n rnc ' : RADIO PROGRAM illusion veil cade of stcphanotis and white carnations clustered around a corsage of orchids. The maid of honor, Patricia Introducing SAMSONTTE' SENTRY The Luggage that comes to attention . ;. smartly! new modern shape. ..exclusive concealed locks... strong lightweight magnesium frame... striking "designer" interiors. Slartitg at only f tf"a iwasuiTH LlaKSraabaS. J U1J' Kiwis ifaS jV Samsonite LUGGAGE Meizanine s V ' mmmm i. ...i I . i - i itry is lavished with (ashicn- freshness. ..vivacious new colors... lively new linings... hidden locks. Its denl-resis tan' body, strong magnesium frame, scuff and stain-resistant coverings are there to keep its vivid look even after years of use. Expensive? Not at all. You can easily alford a matching sel and bring a new air of excitement to the longest or the shortest trip. Available in eight striking colors men and women. MAurrCAsc sif.ts UOIES' TOTE S1.S 31" LADIES CNITE , !. S tAOIES' WAIDBOCE S33.9S 34-ruilfcUN CASE $13. 31-COM.AMONCASE $1S TWO-SUtTEt S33.5 TH EE-SUITE , $3 tS table which held a lovely five- "son tiered wedding cake. Aunts of the bride, Mrs. Bes sie Schaffer of Drummond, Mont., and Mrs. F. V. Lehr man, of Chico, Calif., cut the cake. Judy Cordell of Coos Bay and Karen Learning poured punch and coffee. Jacquie Faskc attended the guest book, and Barbara Vinson was in charge of flowers. Gifts were opened by Julene Weber, Mrs. Ron Sumner and Hazel Robertson. Mrs. Clarence Bell and Mrs. Carl Ewing were hostesses. As sisting were Mrs. Eva Parrish, Mrs. Glen Pearson and Mrs. Coy Wiles. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Victoria, B. C. and the San Juan Islands. They are now at home at 4()5'-j Lib erty St. in Ashland. Mrs. Rey nolds' goi.ig-away outfit was a pale green and white knit suit with white accessories, worn with the corsage from her brid al bouquet. Douclas County guests at the wedding included Mrs. Walter Reynolds of Glendale. The bride was graduated from Klamath Union High School and is attending South ern Oregon College. Her hus band was graduated from Glen dale High School and Southern Oregon College. He is employ ed at Pcrrine's Store in Ashland. . KRNR 1490 KC. T8-Hr. Programming CBS Network music, news, weather. KQUEN 1240 KC. 6 A.M. to Midnight ABC Network music, news, weather KYES 950 KC. Dawn To Dusk Independent music, news, weather. ! ' USED WASHERSp . (jf Jo USED RANGES r ! Unit Winners Roseburg Unit. American Con- or tract Bridge League, met Sun day at the Umpqua Hotel. Win ners were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bcvans, first; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott, second: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bruffy, third, and Mrs. G. W. Marshall and Mrs. Edgar Lewis, fourth. NEW EXCITING INTERIORS 0 MEN: lana- hioh style linings with s pattern designed for mascu line taste. New smart appeal far the "man an she ga." Ot WOMEN: Car, calarful, print patterns In long-wear, ing taffeta to harmonise with the beautiful new fashion exteriors. Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. Z's BEAUTY SALON 727 S. E. Parrot Operators Lorelie Anderson Laurette Irwin Zelma Davii, owner Hours: . Tues. thru Fri. 8:00-4:30 Saturday, 8: 00 -Noon Phone 673-6300 We give S&H Green Stamps FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Washer & Dryer PAR 10095 ONLY I I ONLY FRIGIDAIRE Automatic DRYER $7900 FRIGIDAIRE 1 1 Cu. Ft. Chest Type FREEZER $ JUST 179 oo SPEC FRIGIDAIRE . , 40 Inch Electric RANGE $7095 17 FRIGIDAIRE Large Refrigerator FRIGIDAIRE 30" Electric Range ett' FRIGIDAIRE 40" Electric Range FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Washer FRIGIDAIRE Clothes Dryer $89,s $189" $gyo 129" $JQ00 Late Model . FRIGIDAIRE 30" Electric Range FRIGIDAIRE 40" Electric Range FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Washer FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Washer FRIGIDAIRE Clothes Dryer .... 13995 $1699S $8988 7500 $0000 07 OPEN FRIDAY NITE UNTIL 9 P.M. Free Parking At Front Of The Store 648-658 S. E. Rote St. Ph. 672-1616 635 S. E. Stephens