(SUM DIAL... 672-3321 are regular users of , News-Review Want Ads. They use them to sell their no longer needed cameras, lights and a, hundred other items. Place your ad today. to. Page 10 The News-Review Mobile Homes 32 27' TRAILER HOUSE (or Compact. SELL or trade equity In 10x55 Kit. . . . i94-354t 30' '52 KIT mobile home. Excellent con dition. $1650. 672-4668. WHEEL ESTATE BUYS ' Eastern Or Oregon Built ' Mobile Homes Tired of your old furniture and appliances? When you buy a new mobile home -everything is brand new. Plenty of built-in cabinets, new refrigerator, new range and new furniture. Payments are easier than rent. Stop in today, select your new mbbiie home and start living! Also A Good Selection of Good Used Trailers And SHASTA TRAVEL TRAILERS RAINBOW Trailer Sales RELIABLE TOWING 673-7272 WINCHESTER OREGON REYNOLDS 806 SE Cass Real Estate OFFICES IN BEND & ROSEBURG LET'S GO TO BEND 160 ACRE ranch with 150 acres irrigated, 130 acres per manent pasture ot finest quality, 20 acres grain, 10 acres oats. 3 bedroom home plus corrals, milking barn, grainery and lull line ot equipment. This and more for $58,000 with $10,000 down. If you don't believe this, we will show you. ALMOST NEW THREE bedroom home, largo living room, with fireplace, dining area, nice kitchen, big utility room. Baseboard elec tric heat, double carport. Priced to sell, $13,900. Excellent terms. Sea this todayl LOOK WHAT WE. FOUND! THREE ACRES, only 2 miles from Roseburg. Two small barns, utility building. Two bedroom home, this is excel lent value for $10,700. CRAZY OVER HORSES NINE ACRES. Good soil, seeded to permanent pasture. Good year round creek. Two barns. Twelve room house (5 bedrooms), full basement, large living room with fire place, two baths, forced air furnace. Country living at its best. Only $18,500. Marfie Martin UT3-GS03 G. W. "Bill" Tipton G73-3B19 Cecil Luellen 67:1-5820 E. H. "Doc" l'ocock 673-8259 EXCLUSIVE $15,000.003 large bedrooms with walk-In closels, benutllul Wed bathroom with vanity and double wash basin, large living room, dining room, completely built-in birch kitchen with nil appliances, nice family room, lull basement, forced air oil turnnce. fireplace, inside utility, large double gar. age, private patio. 150 x 200 foot landscaped lot located on Reser voir Avenue with a benutlhjl view overlooking Roseburg, $18,600.00 That country estate you have always wanted, 3 lame bed rooms with nice roomy wardrobe closets, ceramic tiled bath, larqe living room, fnmily and dining room combination, ceramic tiled kitchen with birch cabinets and nice breakfast nook, pick any window and enoy the lovely view ot the countryside. An abundance of water to keep the 3 acres of land under cultivation If you so deisre. 4 miles from city limits. J1i.soo.0o Neat as a pinreally fits this nlct 3 bedroom Westslde Home, New well lo wall carpeting In Ihe living and dining room, fireplace, nice kitchen and Inside utility, large single attached gar age. Fenced bact yard surround ing e nice patio far your summer pleasure, free soil lot that will grow those lovely flowers, FHA ' or Fed. Gl financing. SI .950.00 Nice older three bedroom on SE Jackson close to Rose School and downtown, oil floor furnace. Inside utility, pertlal basement, si. 500 down payment and owner will cany the balance on contract. $1,750.002 bedroom downstairs and room tor two more upstairs when you need them. Large 123 x 95 foot lot all fenced. Oil furnace for economy on that heating bill. Good location out East Douglas on a dead end street. MAKE STEVENSON REALTY HEADQUARTERS. COME IN YOUR ELIGIBILITY AT NO COST TO YOU. 3 DOWN FHA FINANCING AVAILABLE STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS , Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. PHONE 672-1614 . DcSpain 673-5477 Stevenson Thurs., Oct. 17, 1963, Mobile Homes 32 EQUITY In mobile home. See at 357 N.w. coral Ave. lown bin wuuiuir mw bile Park or call 672.3640. SHADY POINT Trailer Sales Mobile Homes: ACTIVE MARLETTE NASHUA i, 1, 3 and 4 Bedrooms Up to 60' Long 10' Wide SANTA FE Camp and Vacation Trailers OPEN ROAD pickup and Truck Campers NEW AND USED TRAILERS PARTS . ACCESSORIES DEPARTMENT S&H GREEN STAMPS 1 Mi. South Old Hwy. 99 BR Call 672-1438 Real Estate 34 MYRTLE CREEK, 2 bdrm house, Close to SCHOOL r n A app. iiw, J-v um. WACRES, 3 bedrooms. Near Hucrest and Adventlst School. Ph. 673-7477. BEAUTIFUL SITE, 20 ac, all lotus, gooo water, house ana Darn. rn. ocweoy, wiuvrnu Three bedrooms, gas heat, plastered, Insulated, $9350. Low down payment, tan 6j-uuio. OLDER HOUSE, large and roomy, 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, V acre. Calkins Rd. area. Phone 673-5611. THREE bedrooms, large living room, full dayllgnt basement, ceramic men Rum en, 3 balhs, 2 garages, 2 fireplaces, beautifully landscaped on 1 acre lot, greenhouse- lath house. $24,000. Extra acreage avail. Can be financed. 679-5170. LARGE 2 bedroom house on 1 13 acres, pumice block construction throughout. 2 car garage, fireplace, private water system. Ideal setting facing North Ump qua river. Phone alter 6 P.m. 496-3343, Glide, Oregon. ARE YOU LOOKING for a home? Have vou fhouohf about buying s moone nomer Mobile home living Is convenient carefree practical ana Decerning more ana mure Donular. Come out and see the exceptional values we have In mobile homes. See our ad under Mobile Homes, Classification No. 32. Shady Point Trailer Sales. One mile South on om hwy vv bk, rnone 672-1438. and BAUER Phone 672-1 41 3 Lou Bassctt 672-3838 11. J. Bauer 672-1085 G. F. Reynolds 673-4504 E. Soudan, Days Cr. 825-3349 LISTINGS $11,900,003 down on FHA or nothing down on Fed Gl. Buy this nice home for less than rent. Three bedroom on nicely land scaped lot, oil furnace, hardwood floors, plastered, attached car port, paved streets and on the sewer. Your dollar value Is here. $32.000.00 Del Rio Road on " the Norlh Umpqua River. 3 large bed rooms, 3 full balhs, large living room, family room, each with a nice flreplnce, lovely kitchen and dining room. River Irrigation and good well for Ihe household use. $28,000.00 River frontage on Fisher Rd. 1 acre landscaped lot with a lovely 2 bedroom home. Large liv ing room, fireplace bulll-in cera mic tiled kitchen, I 2,3 tiled bath rooms, abundance of storage area, double attached carport sep arate building that could be used for a guest house. This home Is truly a show place; let us show It lo you. INVESTMENT PROPERTY $37, 500.00, H,000 down buys this rent al properly. 3 bedroom home, 1 bedroom home, and 1 duplex. All modern, all furnished, well con structed and properly Is In A ) condition. The large tot has room lor 2 more units II to desired. Located close to Garden Valley Interchange, INVESTMENT PROPERTY - $12, 750.00. Commercial properly on Diamond Lake Blvd. 75 x 280 toot lot next to Firestone Slore. Nice older home on the properly could be rented to pay tor the property. Reasonable down pay ment and balance on contract, RIVER LOTS New subdivision on West Oriole Drive, 100 tt. front age with approximately 130 tt. on the river. Easy terms, buy now and build later. Don't be sorry you didn't buy, 5 years from now. JS.000 plus slreet as sessments. YOUR G. I. INFORMATION AND LET US ESTABLISH 673-8744 Stcdman 673-3334 Real Estate TWO BEDROOM house with 7V acres, Lookfrtgglftss valley. $9500, S2000 down, terms, pnone 6v-n oner 3 p.m. I ROSEBURG cr Insurance 672-3344 Umpqua Hotel Lobby LOTS AND LOTS ol beautiful lots. Building sites on N. Umpqua, hillsides In and close to town, Weslside lots, large Garden Valley lots. . . .See us for lots In all sizes, all prices. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, West Slopes, close to Marks and Schools. Just 3 years old and excellent condition. .WIIIFHA. Full price; 117,500. 3 BEDROOMS, Vh baths, oversize double garage, also In West Slopes, cor ner lot, 1 year old, hardwood floors, farced air oil heat, built-in appliances, and priced at $16,750. Take over present G.I. or refinance. 3 BEDROOM HILLSIDE hideaway. Beautiful terraced yard, Vh baths, garafjt lovely large kitchen, wonderlul view, fust a lew blocks to downtown. Con venient to everything and priced at a low 1)6,000. Try 10 per cent down) LOVELY AND UNUSUAL Is this Westslde home, built around a patio. Oodles ol birch paneling, built-in appliances, 2V'a balhs, family room, and a beautiful dressing-room tor Milady In master bedroom. This is truly a well planned, duncllonal, and highly desirable home, shown exclusively thru our office. $33,900. . . .terms tool Phone us for appointment to showl 2 BEDROOMS, large living room, fireplace, dining room, spacious kitchen, 2 garage and lots of concrete paving, furnace heat, and everything In good condition. This Westside home Is ust a short block from Marks and close to school. $10,950, and a real buy! 45 SEE US FOR SELECTED RANCH LISTINGS AND RIVER FRONT LOTS ROSEBURG REALTY & INS. Hotel Umpqua Lobby , 672-3344 ' EVENINGS CALL Jim or, Joyce Doyle 672-3553 Martha Thomas 672-3562 . LACKEY REAL ESTATE 368 S.E. Jackson YOUR HOME TOO BIG? IF YOU HAVE JI600 equity, you can trade for this young couple's 1-bedroom home, pay $50 a mo., and have cosy living room with fireplace, sun in the mornin' eal Ing nook, functional kitchen, scads of storage, 10x21' carport, yard with shrubbery. S570O total. No down to vet. SELL DAD'S PICKUP OR TRADE It in on this 3-bed-room home In Green, Large liv ing and bedroom; oil heat, stor age In carport, good lawn, big lot (100x110): $7,150, Gl nothing down, $53 a month. Vi ACRE WESTSIDE TWO LARGE bedrooms (14x12, 20x12), wall to wall carpet In living room end large bedroom, newly decorated bath, double car port. House redone with care-free aluminum siding, new roof. Ter mite proofing. Mony shade Irces. Country living with city advant ages. Small barn end pasture. Here's 1240 sq. It. for only $9950, 1300 down, $6B a monlh. REAL COUNTRY LIVING TWO ACRES In Dixonvllle area. Room for the family really to live In 4-bedroom, 2-sfory older home with 10x30 kitchen, wall to wall carpel In living room, built- in oven, range, year-round creek, Irrigation system Included. All this room, both Indoors and out, far only $10,500. Might Irade for Roseburg home. 314 ACRES ON RIVER BIG HOME (1256 sq. ft.), bigger lot (190x500' and 90x600'), best location (beautiful sandy beach fishing, swimming on No. Ump qua), good-sized living room (15 x 21), Vj BATH, double garage (20x24), good yard, fenced, Irri gation pump to underground line. Real living for only Si 7,800. 9 ACRES GLIDE LARGE 2-story house (2100 sq. ft) has S large bedrooms, sep arate dining room, largo kllchen wilh bll-ln dishwasher, 2 BATHS (shower over tub upstairs, tub and shower down), oil forced air furnace and fireplace, 2 barns (l new), year round creek. This $18,500 home could exchange lor home in Roseburg. We's love to show this acreage. VICTORIAN ON 3 ACRES ELEVEN ROOMS, large liv room, separate dining room, lOx 20 kitchen, breakfast nook, 4 huge bedrooms, Vh BATHS, HxtB den, oil heal, fireplace, well landscaped grounds like a caslle. If you're craving room, this Is the place: $25,000 and S7500 down. OR buy house and only tj acre lor $19,950, $1,995 down, bal. on contract at 6a, Silo per month. This place has really been cleaned up. NEW 3 BDRM WESTSIDE QUALITY-BUILT home near su permarket, 1100 sq. It.: lovely kitchen with built - In electric stove, beautiful lormica counter lop, Sapell hardwood kllchen cab inets, dble wardrobe closets, sliding glass door to patio, Ra man brick fireplace, double bit In bisin in lovely lavender bath room, S450 down, $105 a month, buys thli $13,900 home. 3 BEDROOM, $14,200 WESTSIDE home situated on quiet street. Attractive kllchen, ceramic tile bath, good tire place, built-in range with hood, big cloifls, slide glass door to patio, 5-foot overhanq across Ihe front of houie, plastered single garane easily convertible to fam ily room. A SI4.700 price; buy owners' equity tor SHOO, 86 ACRES HALF ot this acreage cultivated, balance rolling to hill land, good garden soil, well, water pumped io house all year, lull right to water from creek, house built 1952: J bdrm with cement foun dation, lots ot faucets around house, orchard, swim pool, beau tiful view: $25,000, $5,000 dn, bal. $125 monthly. $250 DOWN ONLY $250 down payment will get yo4i int? this 2 bedroom home In North Roseburg, Two kinds of heat circulating fire place and oil furnace Shower over tub, separate utility room, single carport, garden space, nice shrubbery, roads paved, curbed; house on sewer. Total price; $1,000. monthly payments $59. WALKING TO TOWN COULD BE the only exercise you oel. Close to town we have a 2 -bdrm., 12x23' living room (with wall to wall carpel), single gar age, large lot, big backyard, all for $4100, $600 down, $70 month ly. Buy this home, park your car, exercise to town dally, EVENINGS: 673-8618 673-4072 672-3044 34 FIVE BEDROOM home, lot 200x100', new roof, lots ot berries, shrubs, apple tree, newly blacK topped street. 679-5760. REALTY Phone 672-1659 NEW $13,750 - GREEN THREE-BEDROOM with oil heat piped separately to each room is a welcome cold-weather haven. Also built-in range, oven; cera mic tile In bath, 100x100 lot, on paved street, sewer In, 10 down, ' Year-Old Home North NEARLY 1300 sq. If., this 3-bed-room home on good lot (62x?0 on quiet street. Ideal for children. Off kitchen is 17x20' living room with Roman brick fireplace, util ity (10x20), a part of which could be small bedroom, and sliding glass door to a patio with lovely view of hills: $13,900, $450 down, $98 monthly payments. Modern Westside Home 3 BEDROOM home, 1265 sq. ft. vanity in balh, beam celling In living room, folding door between kllchen and dining room, sliding glass door to large concrete patio, forced air oil 'furnace, built-in range, oven; 4-5 blocks lo Mark's. $14,750. No down to vet. We love to show. DOUBLE YOUR LIVING SPACE In this 2-slory, 4-bedroom near Community Hospital. Built in range and oven, good lawn, garden, shrubs. Good patio In fenced backyard. Streets paved, sewer In, near market. This $15,000 home can be bought for FHA low down payment $450. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS ENJOY LARGE HOME, 3 bed ' rooms' plus den, 2 baths, wrII to wall carpet In separate dining room, living room, and hallway; circulating fireplace; price Includ es refrigerator; single garage, paved street, on sewer, 100x100 lot, well landscaped, good Win ston section: $16,500. Assume $13,200 bal., $101 a month, 4 int. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. WINSTON 3 BEDROOM IF YOU WANT lots of room for your kids to play, consider this lot and the 3-bed room, 1304 sq. foot home on It. Camera bug will find one bedroom with a sink, neatly built in, for developing pictures. In addition to a cozy living room with a very beauliful fireplace, there are Vh baths, a coiy kitchen wilh altractlve Chi na closet built In, and outside, front, underground Irrigation sys tem. Clean inside, out. Appraised for and sells for $11,000, $350 down. 2 BEDROOM HIDEAWAY IF YOU LIKE PRIVACY In the city, consider this 1,000 sq ft, 2 bedroom special hidden away from Ihe road behind a beautiful camouflage of beautiful cedars and pines. The privacy is re freshing, the lawn is excellent even has a spring for Irrigation most of Ihe year around. The living room is 13x44; off large bedrooms, a sewing roam; and a . covered patio, which, along with the house, is newly painted. ' Let us show you this neat pack age. Only $11,000, no down to vet. Lovely Winston Section LOVELY YARD good lawns, many trees (2 maple, 1 Doug Fir, 6 Cedar, 8 Elm), shrubs on 100x186' lot. Large home (1400 sq ft.), 3 bedrooms plus 15x26' family room, 14x17' liv room, wilh concrete floor and very large -door, heat piped to all rooms, excellent soli, sand point well unbolhered by surface wa ter, year around water: $14,000, $450 down, $95 per month, .1224 SQ. FT, WESTSIDE NEAR -MARK'S MKT. end Ful lerlon IV School, 3 bedroom home wilh wall to wall carpet ing In several rooms, wide clos ets, lots of buill-ins In kitchen, large patio, single carport, dou ble driveway: $13,000, FHA low down pay't $300, monthly payts $99. This One Couldn't Wait IT'S SUCH AN UNUSUAL home we felt you would want to hear about It right away. In one of the lov(!lest areas elf Garden Valley Road, a large lot (196 X156) with big home (2376 sq. ft) walls your enthusiastic ap proval. You have never seen such a beautiful daylight base ment type. Two large living rooms, separate dining room, separate breakfast nook, built in Westinghouse stove, beautiful birch kitchen cabinets, mahog any doers, 5 BcDROOMS (2 in basement, 3 on 1st floor, 2 3'3 BATHS (1 down, 1 23 Up), and large utility room afford ease and convenience. There's more: TWO FIREPLACES, larqe double carport, beautiful view, and a shop building on the place. Finally, a W-gallon electric hot water heater and an excellent oil forced air perimeter heating system to keep you snug this winter, Only $26,500. Call now. This owner will trade for -a home, acreage, or tots as down payment. EVENINGS: 6737173 672-1886 i 34 CLOVERDALE 3 bedrooms, fireplace, forced air furnace, all new paint, hard wood floors, new roof, patio, large stor aoe carport. 19800. Phone 472-2335. WINSTON, 3 bedroom house, 85x175' lot. Good location. Vh baths, fireplace, wall, to wall carpet In living room. FHA ap praisal $11,000, 3 down. 679-8792. ROOMY older home, very good condition.1 4 bedrooms, nice yard, patio, base ment work-shop, lots of storage space, ' 3 blocks to school pool or town. Call 673-7106 after 3 p.m. INSULATED 2 bedroom house, dining room has built In china closet, play room with fireplace, lots of built In storage space. 3 mln walk from Marks No. 1. $8500, would consider house trailer as part or all down payment. 838 W Haggerty Vh MILES north of Walport, Ore. Sell or trade for house frailer plus a little cash as down payment on this 3 bedroom suburban home on 200 x 179' lot. Fire place, electric heat, hothouse, garage, utility, garden, lawn and shrubs. Total price, $11,000. Call 825-3216 Days Creek, evenings. I NOW SHOWING Winston homes and Acreages for the thrifty buyer! STROUT REALTY 673-7202 M. Cherrlck Ted Hornschuch Eves: 679-5509 $5500 CASH OR YOU ARRANGE financing 3 bed room C II lard home, approx. 1 acre riv er bottom. Completely redecorated In side and out. Across from Hull mill, back from road and mill. 679-5291. NEAR DRIVE-N-SAVE Shopping Center. In a nice district. 2 bed room home on a large lot. Oil furnace, hardwood floors, attach garage. Asking price, $10,600. Roy O. Young & Son, 673-6671. Eve nings phone 672-2958, Albert Rowe Estate Sale The EXECUTRIX of the Albert Rowe Estate will sell 2 houses and an extra lot on Nevada Court (at the South end of Union Ave.), West Roseburg, for oest oner, properly may oe inspected Saturday and Sunday, uci. ivtn and 20th, 1 to 5 p.m. For further Informa tion, call Barbara Ellis, Executrix, 825-3414, Days Creek. ROYO. YOUNG & SON. REALTORS Roseburg's' Oldest Real Estate Office NOI'.TH UMPQUA RIVER tract 22 acres of rich sandy loam, 3 bedroom modern home. Garden Valley area. Opportunities like this are rare. $30,000 and that is low priced river bottom. APPROX. 25 acres on the main Umpqua River. Exceptional lo cation. Less than 15 minutes from Roseburg. Boating and fishing. Recreational potential. $26,500. 1 BEDROOM HOME on paved slreet. Might consider late mod el pickup In trade. Price S22O0, $800 down. Discount for cash. 1 BEDROOM HOME wilh start er lor a second. 100 x 10Q tt. lot on new pavement. $4500. Small down. Our 48th Year In Roseburg Ask the Old Timers 733 S. E. Cass Ave. 673-6671 Eves except Frl. Call LeNoIr Kruse 672-2956 TED SMALLE Real Estate fflfjafL 672-4888 IPS APPROXIMATELY 12 acres 700' or frontage on N. Stephens. Only $1500 down $6500 full price. HEWITT LANE, attractive 3 bedroom home, SI 2,750, 1200 sq ft. Lot 100x90, fireplace, attach ed garage. FHA terms $400 down plus closing costs to quali fied purchaser. EXCELLENT 3 bedroom home on large 60x233' lot. Large kit chen ana dining area. Comforta ble living room wilh fireplace. Vh baths, utility room, secluded patio, carport, Vi mile from new grade school and city center. $13,000, 10 down plus closing costs. f IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Westslopes, ideal location, $16, SOO 10 down to qualified buyer, 3 bedrooms, lVi aaths, excellent condition, large fire place, oil furnace, 99x99 well landscaped lot. List With a Multiple Realtor At 812 W. Harvard Blvd. Muriel Thomasson 673-5646 Ed Andes 672-1476 Real Estate OCTOBER CLEARANCE COPELAND'S CASH & U HAUL GALVANIZED ROOFING 8 length 10 ft length 3.29 12 tt length 2-69 CORRUGATED FIBERGLASS 6 ft sheet $3.96 10 ft sheet $4.89 12 ft sheet $5.96 16 ft sheet $7-96 V RUSTIC CEDAR SIDING $89 Ptr M CAST IRON PIPE 1.15 tt 4" slngl hub 89c 54c tt 4" plastic sewer pipe - 35c 15c tt W gaiv. pip 13'ic 20c tt i" gaiv. pip 17Vtc 47c It. l'V galv. pipi 41 lac BOYSEN PAINT Latex inside paint gal $2.96 Outside white paint gal ... $4.95 25 lb bag textur paint ... $2.98 Boiled linseed oil gal $2.49 PREFINISHED PANELING V -grooved Mahogany, while they lest - MAHOGANY DOORS INSIDE with passagelock. and hinge 2 0 X 6 8 $8.1 2 6 x 61 $9 03 2.1 X ll - . -$9-33 OUTSIDE with kty lock and hinge $H.I1 BOX NAILS I and 16, 50 lb ken 15,95 RIDDLE, OREGON P. O. Box 47 Phone 874-2322 341 Real Estate BUSINESS or industrial 4 lols. Has 4 BR rental. $4900. Phone 673-4522. , SELL or rent 2 BR on river. Approx 2 A. Good retireme.it or rental. Ph. 673-4285. SALE exclusively by owner 3 bedroom home with most extras. Air condition ing, complete sprinkler system in yard, etc. Choice Westslde location. Shown by appointment. Call 672-3233. PAGE ROAD SACRIFICE large 3 bedroom beauty, Vi balh, fireplace, blt-ln RAO, birch cabi nets, 2 car alt. oarage, Va acre, $17990, 10 dn. Owner Box 45, Winchester. Phone 672.1133.- SEE THESE! SURBURBAN 4 Bedroom newer home, nylon carpeting, wealth of storage, oil heat, Inter-com. radio and fire alarm system, city water, nice grounds with trees. Only $9750 with small down at S70 per month. R0SEBUR3 2 bedroom newer home on nice lot, covered patio. Att-ched garage, living room carpeted, oil heat. Asking $10, 600. Terms. WESTSIDE Duplex In very good location on excellent landscaped view site lot, carpeting and drapes go, floor furnace heat. Separate utility room. Guest house In rear with xh bath, nice retirement property with good Income. Price $19,000. Terms can be arranged. CARNES RD. acre on river, 3 bedroom home, knotty pine kit. dining room, fireplace, wall furn. heat, city water, sewer, nice place in rear for home or trailer site. $9,200. Terms. WESTSIDE Building Lots, good locations $3,000 ea. 17 ACRES River location with Ir rigation rights, very livable 2 bedroom home, goad barn and olhor buildings, equipment goes, orchard. Possible sub-division. $22,500. Les Black REAL ESTATE 673-3471 433 W. Freeway Ave. Black ' 679-8612 Moran M7 ' . ."-m-b-vl- - jSSSL Lots and Acreages 35 21 ACRES, 740 tl. frontage Garden Vat- leV Rd. Fenced. Phone oj-4yu. 13 ACRES near Roseburg, unimproved Paved street. $5900, terms. 459-4274. LOT, 154'X82', east si-'-, city sewer and water. Sl,650. 672-461U. SIX ACRES on paved road, 6 miles out, Has 3 wells and some rental income. Will sell or trade. Call 673-4955 evenings. ACREAGE on and near N. Umpqua Riv er. Wn. R. Magness, Whistlers Lane, Roseburg. Phone 496-3145. vifw lots on UDDer Klamath Lake. All overlooking lake. Situated between Harrlman Resort and Rocky Point Re sort. To be sold with small down payment or trade tor bouinern Cali fornia property. Submit offers to Wil iiAm A. Todd. 1738 Welleslev Drive, Santa Monica, Calif., or call 476-4486 GrjntjiJPaj Farms and Ranches 36 LARGE older house, 4 acres, Glide dist, Phone 673-3672 THREE bedroom, oil furnace, hdwd. firs. EXC. well, 40 A. 5 ml. OUt. 673-7909. 9 ACRES, Large 5 bedroom ranch style, home, 2 baths, 2 barns, creek. Buck-I horn Road, Glide. 496-3206. Eastern Or Western Oregon RANCHES THERON W. JONES Real Estate Branch Office Call: MR. or MRS. MAX BURKHART 672-4244, 2688 Newton Crk Rd Timber and Sawmills 40 WANTED Douglas fir, cedar logs and cordwood in multiples or 8 tt. we ioaa and haul If piled along acesslble road. Keller Lumuer to, az-ivi. Building Materials 41 16,000' MIXED used lumber. 8,000' 3X16- X20' timbers. 672-4590 alter 5 p. NOW IS THE TIME! To Make Repairs MOLDING, 100,000' - ' price PARTICLE BOARD, V"t W, W, 56" $2. GALVANIZED IRON roofing, any length to 30'. 235 lb. roofing per square, s?.9 seal tabs, sio.95. FIBERGLASS 25c ft. 1,000 COLORS of paint. Highest quality latex ana on. sj.tv gai. MASONITE, W to W $1.25 sheeli HIGHEST CASH PRICES for scrap Iron, copper, aluminum, radiators, batteries, brass. Closed Saturdays Open Sundays ROBINSON BUILDING SUPPLY Sutherlin, Oregon. 459-2195 ALUMINUM WINDOWS with screens 17.30 30x26 10.49 24.70 30x40 14.69 18.00 40x20 9.95 20.50 40x26 11.99 73.10 40x30 14.19 26.70 40x40 17.59 20.90 50x20 12.89 23.00 60x24 13.10 27.30 60x24 17.79 39.30 60X40 24.69 PLYWOOD 4xa V $1.98 4 X 10 IV $2.39 4x8 i" $2.49 4 x 10 5 1" . $4.89 PATIO GLASS DOORS 5 tt 62.79 6 66.99 6 tt 7B.49 10 tt 89.98 SLIDING GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES Complete with hardware $39.95 INSULATION ZONOLITE .... . ...per bag $1.19 FIBERGLASS. FOIL ONE SIDE. $54.50 per M. ROOFING 3.4 55 lb roll rooting . .. 3 19 235 lb 3 tab while II lasts, square 9.89 CEILING TILE Center scored, 12 x U 13lac Ft. Building Materials 41Miscellaneous to Sell 45 PLYWOOD BLOWS. Good stock. See us lor your k si buy. Ml. Scott Retail yard. Phone 459-2737 Sutherlln PLYWOOD blows, v., li, Vj, . Ply press bds. S2.98. 'A shop, 52.50. HI dual, low prices. Sutherlin Hdwe. 459-2V61. PLYWOOD BLOWS SANDED shop SHEATHING shop Phone 672-1641 National Plywood Fuel 43 ftAiv a Kin I aiirel wood, S15 cord $21 delivered. Rt. i box iuj. o-jtt. loAK OR LAUREV, any length, $20 cord I delivered. $15 you haul. Ph. 496-3172. TT. nl .Vi"S SITic m en rll fter PLANER ENDS. S16.50. Call after 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., 672-2979. S&H GPEEN STAMPS Green or Dry PEELER CORE - 17" LENGTHS Sawdust Blower or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas 672-1524 Peeler Core & Hardwood Pond Lilies ' FRPE SAWDUST Red Diamond Fuel Co. 1767 N.E. Airport Road 673-5082 WOOD (Dry or Green) SAWDUST (Blowttr or Dump) Dry Oak And Laurelwood LARGE PEELER CORE PLANERS ENDS All Orders C.O.D. Roseburg Lumber Co. PH. 679-8741 or 673-5508 PEELER CORES Cut To Any Length Desired Dry 16" Fir Heater Wood O&C FUEL CO. PRESTO LOGS Delivered To Your Door One Unit (240 Logs) , $24.75 GERRETSEN Building Supply Co. Flegel Bldg. 672-2636 Aucti 44 ions Auctioning Service FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Friday, 7 p.m. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munion, Owner and Auctioneer wwwwHftwwvAw.vrr Miscellaneous to Sell 45 IH DEEP FREEZE, 20 cu. It., exceUent cond., 1105! relrlg., 5. 673-6773. GE REFRIGERATOR, S45, dinette ta ble, 4 chairs, l 5. Call 677-2568. BASSINETTE, with liner and pad. $12.50. Phone 673-5206. KENMORE automatic washer and dry er, $45 each. Guaranteed. 673-654y. W'ESTINGHOUSE DRYER, $45. Trow- bridge Electric, 721 SE oak. 673-5521. WESTINGHOUSE 30" electric range, $75. Call 672-1031. STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Call 673-4773 USED ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners. J. E. Newberry, 673-7010 or 673-35l. CERAMIC lessons tree Wed. Kilns for sale. Ceramic sup. Treva's 69-5133, USED GUNS bought, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE WHIRLPOOL automatic washer, recondi tioned. Guaranteed. $45. Phone 6Jj-654y. TV RENTALS. Rent may apply on down payment. Horn's Appitance. 6H-MI8. USED OIL heaters. Excellent condition. Coast to Coast Stores. CHROME dinette set, $40. Deluxe electric range, $75. 673-8756. '57 GE automatic washer, good condh tlon. $50. Ph. 679-5222. RANGE Deluxe 40". Perfect condition. only $79.95. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 SE Oak, 673-5521. BED, COT, davenport, table and chairs, odds and ends. Make an offer. 1044 S. E. Main. DRYER ABC, late model. Perfect con dition. $65. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 SE Oak. 73-5521. STAMP COLLECTORS 6 full sheets un used 1942 stamps. To highest bidder. Call 673-3776 REFRIGERATOR Coolerator. cross top freezer, only $65. TROWBRIDGE ELEC TRIC. 721 SE Oak.. 673-5521. GENERAL Big Four booster, gas fired water nearer, neats iw gai. water per hr 100 degree temperature rise. Like new, cost over $500, will sell for $250. 6794493 SHALE ROCK Carlson's Contracting 672-4117 FALL SALE EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Peonies and thousands ot landscape shrut-s and ground covers. Pixie Gardens, end of NW Broad St. Phone 673-6113. Bee Supplies Honey A DOUGLAS COUNTY PRODUCT LeBleu Motors. 319 SE Jackson. 673-7567. GOVERNMENT GRADED oualify meats lor best freezer satisfaction, custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS, 679-5133. VHIRLPOOL, 1958 model, combination washer-dryer. Sold new $540. Now only S149.95. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC. 721 SE Oak. (73-5521. SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, coffee urns, sewing machines, rug shampooer, $1 per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE 673-5511 1960 TV TABLE MOCEL WITH STAND, psone 672-4711 or Sutherlin 459-3522 or 459-2266. HEAVY DUTY portable Thor grinder, 150; 90 degree heavy duty Thor grind er, $50; testing growler, $15; Mitchell pole, reel and tackle box, $30; 1 oak straight chairs, $1.50 each; 1 burner hot plate, $1.50; small wood trash burner, $15; small oil stove, $10; box springs, IS; patch work quilts, new, 15 each. US W. Umpqua. HOMART gloss lined gas 30 gal. water healer, line new. .- USEO GAS FLOOR FURNACE, S50 673-0132 REFRIGERATOR, floor sample, pert. cond., apt. size, cu. n. rey. .i7.. oh. orlcs 1149.95. Coast fo Coast Store. VACUUM CLEANER repairing. Airway, Compact, tiectroiux, nuover, m r u r, parts. J. E. Newberry, 673-7010, 673-3591. 66,000 B.T.U. L.P. or natural gas fur- nace wnn comrui. rin,.. w.sii- dale B32-4640. R FRIGERATOR Leonard, 9 cu. II. good condlllon. Only S5. TROWBRIDGE n PI FCTRIC. 721 SE Oak. 473-5521. SHALE rock, top soil, relect oravel. For Mire: small ton uoi.iv i.r" dump truck. Charles Keely, 479-5117. 3 DAYS ONLY Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. 10 A.M. - 7 P.M. AN OUTSTANDING collection ol household lurnlture. . . .Living, dining . id bedroom. Modern, Contemporary, Early American, French Provincial). Interesting tables, lamps, fill In pieces, pic tures, dishes, glass ware. All Items offered at outstanding bargains, Thursday, Friday and Saturday! 1133 SE Mosher, across from telephone office. CARPET Odd Size Room Rugs. (Roll balances) Wool or Nylon, 25 OFF MODERN FLOORS 1347 NE Stephens 472- SHOP TOOLS 30" Monarch lathe, 10' centers; 20" Lodge and Shipley lathe, fl' centers; No. 3 Cincinnati Mill Bridgeport head; 200 ton horizontal hydraulic press; 26" Smith and Mills shaper; No. 3 Mitts and Mer rell key slotler; Vh" National Machine Co. threading machine. For sale or trade for, real estate or ?? Box HA, Roseburg. Phone 673-3993. SPECIAL 80" FOAM RUBBER MATTRESSES and BOX SPRINGS $59.95 plus trade In Roseburg Auction 1297 NE Grandview Phone 673-5026 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED used furn. and misc. Roseburg l-urnlture. 241 sc jacKson, 673-SID4. DISCARDED sealed compressors, V norseE jwer and over, pn. e3-63. ELKS and Hospitalized Veterans Hide ProgrBm. Leave hides at Elks or Moose Lodges or any Fire Station. ELK'S Hospitalized Veterans toy program needs old toys. No cloth or plastics please. May be lett at any fire station. WANTED ANTIQUE coins, guns, china, glassware, lewelry, clocks. Priscllla's Antiques. 247 SE Jackson. 472-U21. WANTED METAL CANOPY to fit 1960 Chevrolet pickup, long, wide box. Phone 672-4477 WANTED Scrap iron Copper Brass Cast Aluminum, etc. GOING PRICES Will Pkk Up 1 Ton or Over C&C SALVAGE Vh Ml. S of Roseburg on 99 BR. 673-6420 Trade Miscellaneous 48 WILL swap 4 best Sutherlin lota, $3250 value for small cat with B8.D, equal value. 496-3540. Musical Instruments 50 UPRIGHT PIANO In good condition, $125. Call 672-4126. PLAYER PIANO Milton, $200 Call 672-2666 after 6. USED PIANOS BALDWIN SPINET Reg. $1095, NOW $500 WINTER SPINET Reg. $795, NOW 450 BALDWIN SPINET Reg. S895, NOW U50 UPRIGHT PLAYER PIANO NOW $225 NEW PIANOS Rent To Own! Reynolds & Rushton 516 SE Jackson 672-1621 ACCORDION LESSONS And music furnished during 6 weeks course! Only $15 Ricketts Music Store Corner Cass & Jackson Phone 673-3202 Sporting Goods 53 301 SAVAGE, with Leopold scope, $150. Call 673-5011, 342 NW Cecil. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS If bought from us we Install free, If gun Is factory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. LICENSED TAXIDERTvUST BIRD, animal, fish mountings, tanning. 24 years experience. 2 miles south Myrtle Creek 99 business. 843-4501. Boats and Motors 55 25 HP SEA KING motor, regu lar S440 value at $327. WARDS SEA KING, 40 hp (el ectric start) deluxe outboard. Was $575. NOW $397. MONTGOMERY WARD N. Stephens at Garden Valley 672-4811 it Pays To Patronize News-Review Advertisers . I