Alston Is Named Manager Of Year After Series Title SIT" By FRED DOWN UPI Sports Writer NEW YORK (UPI) - Walt Alston, the strong silent man from Darrtown, Ohio, who led the Los Angeles Dodgers to the National League pennant and an unprecedented four-game sweep oi tne New York Yan Kees in me worw series, was named NL manager of the year' today Dy united J'ress Interna tional. The selection of the 52-year- old Alston was made by a com-! mittee of 24 baseball experts! representing every city in the major leagues. Seventeen of the experts chose Alston and theJ other seven named Johnn; Keane of the St. Louis Card) nals. a long-time Dodger "organi-! Seals Share LeadlnWHL Western Hockey League By United Pren International The defending champion San rrancisco Seals seem to be tak ing up where they left off last: year in the Western Hockey League but newcolner Denver is hanging in tough. Both teams scored victories on enemy ice Tuesday night to move to the top of .the stand ings in the young season. San Francisco downed Los Angeles, 5-2, and Denver defeated Van- couver, 5-3. Pete Panagabko got the Seals off on the right foot with a 15 foot shot in the first period, Duke Edmuiidson and Nick Mickoskl each scored in the second, and .'Jean-Mark Picard and Al Nicholson hit in. the third. Camile Bedard, purchased by Los Angeles from the Seals last week, scored both goals for the Blades. He fired a 45-foot screen shot in the first period and hit again in the third. The game was delayed 10; minutes when Frank Arnett of the Blades and Charlie Burns of: the Seals tangled, and Edmund-j son joined in to make it a free-j for-all.; DenVer, a new entry in the WHL, jumped to a 3-2 lead in the' first period and split a brace of goals with the Canucks in the middle frame. . i Denver scorers ' were Fred Hucul,. Dick Lamoreaux, John Flea'ver, Steve Witiuk and Rudy Migay. Buddy Boone had a pair of Vancouver s and Jim Baird scored once for the Canucks. In tonight's only game, Den ver plays at Portland. zation man", who struck out in the only major league appear ance he ever made at bat, Al ston now has led the Dodgers to the only three world cham pionshipj in their history. He piloted them to their first and only title in Brooklyn in 1955 and ltd them to their first world championship in Los An geles in 1959. Most Satisfying Season But Alston himself is the first to admit that 1963 turned out to be- the greatest of his career, iy most satisfying season,: he called it in what amounts to1 a Ciceronian address for him. ; Alston started the season un der the black cloud of the Dodger collapse in 1962 which led to reports that he might be booted out as manager. It was essentially the same team in 1963 as it had been in 1962 ex cept for the acquisition of first baseman Bill Skowron, who turned out to be little help un til the World Series. Alston's primary problem was defense how to maintain rea sonable offensive punch without creating so many leaks in Dodg er defense that even superlative pitching couldn t overcome it. Cards Came Close The Dodgers led through most of the season by as much as seven games at times but the Cardinals won 19 of 20 to pull within a single game of the front-runners on Sept. 15. Then the Dodgers swept the Cardi nals in a critical series, Sept 16-17-1S, whirled on to the pen nant and crushed the Yankees with "efficient pitching in the Series." Alston's 1955 Dodgers beat tin Yankees in a seven-game World Series. His 1959 Dodgers whipped the Chicago White Sox in a six-game series. This time Sir Walter's boys improved on the time as much as is possi ble. Backed by the tremendous pitching of Sandy Koufax, John ny Podres and Don Drysda(e, they swept the proud Yankees in four straight. The major leagues' oldest manager in point of continuous service with one team, Alston has a 10-year won-lost record of 898 victories and 662 losses for a .575 percentage. He has had four first-place finishers, tnree second-places and one each at three, four and seven- - m zSWV Pi U - X SAN FRANCISCO SEALS goalie Bob Perreoult (1) and defenseman Paul Jackson (25) look back as puck bounces off the tip of Perreaut's skate early 'in the second period of the Seals' gome with the Los Angeles Blades Tuesday night. The Seals won 5-2 to move into a tie for the lead in the Westerfi Hockey League stondings. (UPI Telephoto) DmdicaDDs, Cottage Offenses Elated 'E Q rove qualr By NIEL CELLERS Newt-Review Sports Editor Roseburg's Indians can take a giant step towards winning their third consecutive Midwest ern League grid title Friday when they travel to Cottage Grove to match strength with the undefeated lions. The Tribe and the Lions go into the battle tied for the Dis trict 5-A-l lead with identical 5-0 records, and the winner will be in the driver's seat as the league race enters its final stretch. Marshfield s Pirates rate as the only other serious threat, with their only loss be ing in the opening game to the surprising Lions. The Indians and the Lions rate as equals offensively, while the No. 1 rated Indians ap pear to have a slight defensive and Beamer has connected on Young is averaging 36-yards-two kickoffs for 44 yards, Tom 26 of 43 attempts for 330 yards, per-kick on 20 punts and has:Thomas has returned two kick Cottage Grove's aerial game is booted nine PATs. Jon Burn- offs for 27 yards and Mike led by ace field general, Mark ham heads the team in punt-Leep has returned one kickoff Henningsgaard. ireturns with five for 132 yards, for 11 yards. Roseburg's receivers are led by Gary Heeler, glue-fingered end who has snared 15 passes for 150 yards and three TDs. Ron Lecp has caught nine pass Craig Engle has returned seven1 punts for 50 yards and Ron Leep has returned one punt. Beamer kicks off for the Red-i skins, averaging 42.3 yards-per- cs for 143 yards and four TDsJkicK lor 22 tries. Burnham and while Doug Matson has held Ron Leep have each returned onto seven passes for 83 yards. Top receiver for Cottage Grove is end Chuck Olds, who also kicks the extra points. Rushing the Indians boast the; top carrier in the league in First Downs the form of Bob (Smokey) Bur gess. Burgess has carried 36 times for 375 yards an aver age of 10.4 yards-per-carry. The Lions feature hard-charging full back Alan Richards, the Pass defense for the Indians is led by Remick, Keith Olsen and Dave Butler with two in terceptions each, while Burn ham, Vince Peetz and Mike Lecp have each grabbed off one pass from the opponents. INDIANS STATISTICS by rushing by passing by penally Rushing ploys yards gained yards lost net yards Passes comp.att yards gained TD passes -Intercepted by yards returned Total plays Total net yardage STATISTICS Roseburg Opdoninls it 21 Poge 8 The News-Review Wed., Oct 16, 1963 most impressive records. The slick quarterback of the Naval Academy currently is leading the nation in total of fense and forward passing, ac cording to statistics released to day by the National Collegiate Athietic Bureau. What's more, however, Jolly Roger is a few steps ahead of the record paces of Johnny Bright of Drake and Don Mere dith of SMU, who set two glit tering standards back in the fifites. In four games Staubach has gained 1,024 yards, or 76 ahead of the pace set by Bright when he established the Ducks Practice Blocks EUGENE (UPI) Coach Len Casanova drilled his Ore gon Webfoots on blocking Tuesday. Casanova said the' Ducks have failed to open up the opponents defenses as much as desired on the ground. Ntarv Breeding Is Sold To Spokane By Dodgers " By United Press International The joyride is over for Marv . Breeding, who'll have to start the long torturous trail back to the big leagues again next spring. It was fun and profit while it lasted a half season with the Los Angeles Dodgers, which earned him a slice of the World Scries melon. But the necessity of comply-, ing with baseball's 40-player roster rule brought it to an end Tuesday night when the Dodg ers announced the utility in fielder had been sold to their Spokane affiliate in the Pacific Coast League. Breeding played in 36 games for the Dodgers but made only one hit in six official appear ances at the plate. Pitchers Charlie Spell, Jack Smith and Doug Peters also were sold to Spokane and pitcher Bill Lar- kin was sold to the Dodgers Albuquerque team in the Texas League. Acquired by the Dodgers the internal maneuvering were infielder Johnny Werhas and pitcher Bob Radovich from Spo kane, pitcher Paul specken- bach, infielder Wes Parker and outfielder Bill Parlier from ban ta Barbara of the California League and catcher Jeff Tor borg from Albuquerque. Navy's Roger Staubach Leads College Offense NEW YORK (UPI) Navy's' record of 2.400 total vards Roger Staubach is sailing on a! 1950. Should Staubach's produc-p collision course but the onlyjtion rate continue, his total at 5 things likely to be smashed areithe end of the season would be k a couple of college football's1 2,560 yards. 2 edge. Roseburg has scored 111 league's total offense and scor- points while giving up 19. The ing leader. iLions, currently rated as thel To go with Burgess' speed, No. 6 team in the State, havclthn Indians hnvn the shaicht-l Punts fafVaii itn 19ft nnintc an,l hion'.i , .t r..,,, KlCkoflS ru" aneaa power oi iimuai-K iuimj pumbies-iost had 54 scored against them. Leep who is averaging 4.7 Penalties Roseburg has a pair of top . yards-per-carry on 58 shots at individual statistics passing quarterbacks in the! the line. - Passing pAPCYlllpet form of Jim Beamer and Jerry Sophomore Alan Young han- Remick u ; 73 .43! Remick. Remick has completed dies the punting and kicks the SIT: ; ii 34-62 443 7 9 76 269 1,430 20-36.0 22-42.3 0-7 2S-254 Sit 131 380 29-77 311 0 1 0 225 691 26-32.9 -39.1 7-5 15-174 seven of 11 tosses for 73 yards, extra points for the T r i b c. Ivastening 1 9 .150 Heeler Leep Matson Mendenhall Buller Burgess Engle M. Leep Remick Gwaltncy Beamer Past . Receiving PR Yds. Ave. TD IS 150 10.0 3 9 14 15.9 4 7 11 12.5 0 3 31 10.3 0 1 I 1.0 0 Rushing Minimum 12 Cirrus TC NYO AVI. TO 36 375 10.4 3 16 94 S.S 1 ' 51 276 4.7 2 13 54 4.2 1 la 49 2.7 1 40 96 2.4 2 Scoring R. Leep Burgess Heeler M. Leep Beamer Young Remick Gwallney Engle Totals Opponents TD PAT Pts. I Penneys 1 ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY Count on Pennay's for the nation's big value spectacular! SENSATIONAL REDUCTIONS FABULOUS SPECIALS SENSATIONAL VALUE SPORTSMAN'S DIGEST? BOBWHITE TIPS In other player moves: The Houston Colts recalled catcher John Hoffman from the Modesto club of the California League and bought catcher John Griffin conditionally from the Lynchburg South Atlantic League club. The Los Angeles Angels un conditionally released veteran catcher Hank Foiles, sent pitch- Pat Rogan to their Hawaii farm club in exchange for pitch- Ed Thomas an George Sherrod and sold pitcher Mike Crubia to their Nashville farm club. The Milwaukee Braves sold utility infielder Amado Samuel to the New York Mcts, traded outfielder Don Dillard to Toron to of the International League for rookie shortstop Wesley Bales and sent utility player Lou Klimchock to Denver for pitchers Dick Smith and Dick Kelley. The Washington Senators pur chased first-baseman Tom De hart, pitcher George Angel and third-baseman Frank Garnett from farm clubs and assigned pitchers Pete Burnside, Ron Moeller, Ed Hobaugh and Carl Middlcdorf, catcher Cal Nee man, first-baseman Larry Os borne, shortstop Ron Sillwell and outfielder Barry Shetrone to Toronto. BoBWHtTE QUAIL FEED LARGELY UPON GRAIN, CORN, PEAS, WEED SEEDS, ET CETERA, THE YEAR AROUND, AND ADD TINY ACORNS TO THIS LIST DURING WINTER. . HUNT SUCH FIELDS, CLEARINGS, EARLY MORNING AND LATE AFTER NOONS WHEN BIRDS ARE FEED ING. BEST AREAS ARE BORDERED WITH THICKETS THAT PROVIDE REFUGE WHEN BIRDS ARE ALARM ED. DURIN6 THE MIDDLE OF THE DIAY, BOBWHrrES QUIT FEEDING AND RETREAT TO THICKETS TO REST AND DUST THEMSELVES. IF H3U FLUSH A BIRD IN THE OPEN, IT FLIES INTO THICKETS STATION YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY I The Navy signal-caller's 55 completions place him first in g" the country in that department but even more impressive is his ' completion percentage of '.714. The current record of .CD6 was set by Meredith in 1957. Not only has no one previously cracked 70 per cent for a sea son but no one had ever done it through four games before the advent "of Staubach. Although Staubach has outdis tanced the field in total offense, he is being hard pressed in the passing category. Don Trull of Baylor, who - led the nation s passers last season with 125 completions and has the oppor tunity of becoming the first to pace the aerialists two years in a row since Davey O'Brien of Texas Christian 25 years ago, I j is only four completions be hind although he has played 1 one less game. Auburn representatives , have zoomed to the top in two other departments rushing and punt ing Jimmy Sidle, the Plains men's quarterback, has rushed for 434 yards to take a comfor table 70-yard lead over runner- up Tom Vaughn of Iowa Mate. Jon Kilgore has averaged 47.3 for 19 punts to take the lead from Danny Thomas of SMU, who was first last week. The most sensational punting mark in the nation, however, belongs to Merlin Norenbcrg of Northwestern with an average of 53.2. Norenberg's total ofi only seven punts are too few to be listed with the statistical leaders. Tuesday's Fight Results Bv United Press International NEW YORK (UPI) Johnny Persol, 172, Brooklyn, N.Y., stopped Johnny Alford, 170V4 Philadclphi a (7). M AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN WANTED SALARY and COMMISSION HANSEN CHEVROLET PENNEY'S ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY Imported Fabric Sport Coats Travel Year 'Round 18 88 Reg. 35 to 46 Long 37 to 44 Short 38 to 44 Whot o value! Fine imported fabrics Penney tailor ed to exacting specifications look hondsome all year 'round. Herringbones! Plaids! Solids! In all your favorite shades and colors. Hurry for best selections. i ' ...... mn .if 11. 1 1 'Jr re mm i, $ i I V Vf Li a? I! 1 1 ft WSsri 11 1 h I jiff 'f f f J J 1 lip ifi (liili 11 1 I 3 DAYS ONLY! OCTOBER 17th, 18th, 19th nationally Penney's reduced! known brand suits Incredible savings for the man who knows quality and impeccable tailoring, with meticulous attention to detail found only in a Penney suit! reg. 47.95 reg. 59.95 rog. 59.95 GENTRY3 PENNEY'S OWN NOW The suit for the man who in sists on style and respects value . .-. Penney value! Dac ron polyester 'n wool, oil wool worsted with p e r m a creose. Incomporably priced! GENTRY PENNEY'S 2-PANTS NOW TowncladJ PENNEY'S OWN NOW $i0(O) Double vclue, double wear! The extra pair of pants! makes this good suit twice as good! Distinctively shaded with handsome, exclusive Penney tailoring. Townclad! In year round weights of Dacron polyester 'n wool or all wool worsted. Sophisticated dark tones styles. Another Penney first! plain or Datterened in all CHARGE IT! Penney's is optn Thursday & Friday 9:30 ta 9:00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Sat. 9:30 to 53:0 J 3