USC Picked Over Bucks In Major College Came NEW YORK (UPI) Al though every college football team has its ups and downs during a season, the Buckeyes of Ohio State must be scratch ing their heads in justifiable confusion over some develop ments this week. The Buckeyes came from be hind to tie underdog Illinois on Saturday, 20-20, yet managed to jump from seventh to fourth place in the UPI Board of Coaches major college football ratings. , Such a move can be explained by last week's sensa tional wave of upsets but the next development is even more confusing. Solidly entrenched in the No. 4 spot, Ohio State now finds it self favored to lose Saturday to an unranked team. Southern California, the team the Buck eyes meet this weekend in Los Angeles, is the defending na tional champion but the Tro jans have already been bounced twice this season. Yet USC is a four-point choice to win. Elsewhere in the country things are much more rational Top-rated Texas and second- ranked Wisconsin are both one touchdown favorites over con ference foes. Texas rates sev en points better than twice- beaten but always tough Ar kansas and Wisconsin carries the same margin against Iowa, Third ranked Pittsburgh which is featured Saturday in one of three regionally-televised games (CBS), is a 14 point choice over old nemesis West Virginia. In the other Tv matches, Purdue vs. Michigan is rated even, and Oregon is favored by 14 over Arizona. Oklahoma, which dropped from the pinnacle to fifth place after last week s loss to Texas, towers 13 points above Kansas as the Sooners begin defense of their B i g Eight Conference championship. Tough games appear to be in store for Georgia Tech (No. 6) which collides with Auburn, a 10-point underdog despite its undefeated record, and Illinois, tied for eighth, which rates a slim three-point edge over strong Minnesota. At the other extreme, seventh-ranked Mississippi is a whopping 25-point choice over winless Tulane, Albania, also eighth, rates 19 over Tennessee and Northwestern (No. 10) is 24 over Miami of Ohio. In Friday night's only major college game, Miami (Fla.) is a six-point choice over Georgia although the Hurricanes have scored only 13 points in four games to date. In other Saturday games East: Syracuse 4 over Perm State, Villanova 4 over George Washington, Cornell 6 over Yale, Princeton 6 over Colgate, Brown 7 over Penn, Dartmouth 14 over Holy Cross, Army 27 over Wake Forest. South: North Carolina St. over North Carolina, Air Force 6 over Maryland, South Caro lina 6 over Virginia, Duke 6 over Clemson, Louisiana St. 7 over Kentucky, Virginia Tech 8 over William and Mary, Wichi ta 8 over Louisville, Florida St 12 over Southern Mississippi, Hockey Results Bears, Packers Leading NFL 'Breaks' Department NEW YORK (UPI) When it comes to seizing scoring op portunities, there are no teams in the National Football League like the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers. The Bears have intercepted a league high of 17 passes and have recovered seven of 13 ene my fumbles. The Packers have jarred In the vital matter of points. the Browns have scored the most (168) and the Bears have given up the least (48). The Cardinals, who gained a net of 525 against the Steelers last Sunday, now have amassed a total of 2,092 yards in five games. Their league high pass ing haul is 1,214 yards. Cleveland dropped to second Mississippi St. 13 over Hous ton, Florida 19 over Vander bill, Navy 21 over VMI. Midwest: Xavier 4 over Day ton, Cincinnati 8 over Detroit, Bowling Green 13 over Toledo, Michigan State 14 over Indi an a, Notre Dame 14 over UCLA, Nebraska 20 over Kan sas State. Southwest: Rice 6 over SMU, Tulsa 6 over North Texas St., Memphis St. 10 over West Tex as St., Texas Christian 12 over Texas A&M, Missouri 13 over Oklahoma St., Baylor 13 over Washington St., Washington 11 over Stanford, California 13 over San Jose St., Wyoming 13 over Bngham Young, Utah 21 over Colorado St. In professional games: National League: Detroit 3 over Baltimore, Minnesota 6 over Los Angeles, Green Bay 9 over St. Louis, New York 10 over Dallas, Pittsburgh 10 over Washington, Cleveland 11 over Philadelphia, Chicago 17 over San Francisco. American League: Oakland 3 over New York, Boston-4 over Denver, Houston 6 over Buffa lo, Kansas City 6 over San Diego WHL Standings W. L. T. Pts GF GA San Fran 2 1 0 4 10 6 Denver 2 1 0 4 12 10 Portland 1 1 0 2 5 4 Seattle 1 1 0 2 10 10 Los Angls 1 2 0 2 8 13 Vancouver 1 2 0 2 13 13 Tuesday's Results San Francisco 5 Los Angeles 2 Denver 5 Vancouver 3 Wednesday's Schedule Denver at Portland " 'Wed.. Oct. 16. 1963 The New.-Raview, Pege Pro Wrestlinq Returns To Roseburg Saturday No Reserved Seats For Cottage Grove Cottage Grove school offici als report that seating is available for soma 2,600 to 2, 700 fans for Friday's crucial league clash between the un defeated Roseburg Indians and the unbeaten Lions. No reserved seats are sold at Cottage Grove, with all seats being on a first come, first served basis. Kickoff time for the clash between the two Midwestern League pow ers is set for 8 p.m. Prnfpcsinnal wrestling will re 'turn to Roseburg Saturday with a spectacular six-man name Royal highlighting the card at (hp Cnrnmunitv Building of the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Saturdays matches wui oe the first pro card that has been nrncpnipH in Rnseburg since Haystack Calhoun, billed as the world s largest wrestler, appear ed before a capacity crowd here in June. Hc-arilinint! the Battle Royal will be Mad Dog Vachon, the vicious Frenchman from Al giers. Vachon is well known IthrnitpVinnt thp Nnrthwest for his tough ring tactics some of; which are illegal as wen ANNOUNCES MEET BOSTON (UPI) New Eng land featherweight champion Tommy Haden of New Med ford will meet Dick De Vola of. Charlcstown in a 10-round, non title bout it the Boston Arena Monday, Idamaging. The Mad Dog will istop at nothing to bring his op Iponents to submission. Along witn vacnon, us tie Royal will feature Nick Ko urh Frppman. The Great Dan'e, Dick Dunn and Frcnchy Robierre. Freeman is raiea as one of the top mat stars in the M-ii,,Cf whiln The Great Dane is a newly imported "matj meame. in ihp Ratlin Roval the con- Inelonlc uill hp htflin2 for ill added $100 purse, with the last man standing in me ring ueinB declared the winner. I Thrpo nrpliminarv bouts will 'preceed the featured attraction. In the Prelims Kozax win tan gle with The Great Dane, Vach- MAD DOG VACHON . . heads mat card on will test the strength of Dunn and Freeman will tie into Robierre. Tickets will go on sale at the arena at 7 p.m. Saturday, with the first match to start at 8:30. AHL Standings By United Press International Eastern Division W. L. T. Pts GF GA Providence 2 Quebec 2 Springfield 1 Hcrshey 0 Baltimore 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 3 1 3 1 16 10i 13 12 5 6' 12 19 6 18! Cleveland Pittsburgh Bufialo Rochester Western Division W. L. T. Pts GF GA 2 0 0 4 7 2 2 1 0 4 9 7 2 10 4 10 11 1 1 0 2 13 6i RUSSELL E. DIEHL "DIEHL with DIEHL" SHELL; 1 HEATING OIL Prompt, Keep Filled Service. Metered Delivery PH. 673-6653 1578 N. E. Airport Rd. WE WANT YOUR TIRE BUSINESS. . . and We think You 11 enjoy doing business with us! Len LeBlanc MANAGER their opponents into fumbling 13 place in total offense with 1,976 times, have recovered a league high of 12 of these, and have1 intercepted nine passes, accord ing to the latest NFL statistics Tha makes a total of 24 times Chicago has taken advantage of enemy mistakes to grab scoring opportunities while the Packers have done so 21 times. And it, explains to a great extent why. these teams are 1-2 in the West ern Division standings. The Pittsburgh Steelers rank third in hopping on such extra scoring opportunities with 10 in terceptions and eight recov ered enemy fumbles. The SI. Louis Cardinals re placed the Cleveland Browns as leaders in total offense this week and took over the team leadership in passing from the Baltimore Colts. The Browns remained the No. 1 rushing team. Kilmer To Return To '49er Lineup REDWOOD ' CITY, Calif, (UPI) Tho San Francisco For ty Nincrs, looking for an offen sive spark, may get one in about a month. Halfback Billy Kilmer, a ncv er-give-up performer on and off the field, was to return to the practice field today after a re markaole recovery from ani auto accident that almost end ed his career and his life Last Dec. 6, Kilmer narrowly escaped death in a Bayshorc freeway accident that left his right leg nearly shattered. Kilmer refused to give up. He did 40 chin-ups a day in the hospital and exercised the leg whenever possible. Doctors will take X-rays in a month and it will be decided then if Kilmer can be re-activated for the Forty Nincrs' fi nal four games. Quarterback John Broclic also may be available for these games so the Prospectors could wind up with an offense after all. Both the running attack and the qiuuterbacking again broke down Sunday at Baltimore as the tolls moved to a 20-3 win. Coach Jack Christiansen has little lo say about the offense but was high on the defense against the Colts. those guys certainly gave the offense enough chances to score points, but they (the of fense) never capitalized," he said. . Christiansen said (hat defen sive end Clark Miller played his "best game ever" at Balti more. Place-kicker Tommy Dads missed three field goals and hit one in still another disappoint ing Forty Nincr performance But Christiansen said that Da vis received a charlcy horse at Detroit and has not been able to get his leg loosened up since then. ....... yards and the Philadelphia Eagles moved Into the runner- up spot in passing with 1,138 yards. The Browns, thanks largely to Jimmy Brown, remain No. 1 in rushing with 1,042 yards, fol lowed by the Cards with 842. The Bears have the highest pass completion percentage! (60.0). Defensively, the Detroit Lions. despite their 2-3 record, re placed the Packers as the top overall defensive team. The Lions have yielded only 1,148 yards, while the Bears have given up 1,167 and Green Bay 1,212. The Bears continued to lead in defense against rushing with a remarkable low of 380 yards in their five victories, while De troit remained low in passing yardage yielded 'vith 506. The Cards have the best pass de fense percentage (41.7). Terry Baker Nominated For US Jaycee Honors CORVALLIS (UPI) Gov. Mark Hatfield has nominated Terry Baker for the Junior Chamber of Commerce award as one of the nation's 10 out standing young men during the past year. Baker was a Hcismann Tro phy Winner at Oregon State University last fall, as well' as a top scholar in mechanical en gineering. He is now playing quarter- bck with the Los Angeles Rams. ALL STAR WRESTLING!! Roieburg Community Bldg. Sot. Night, 8:30 P.M. OCTOBER 19TH A Six Man Battle Royal Far $1 00 Added Purse!! Threo Big PRELIMS!!! t-.'-.vv CH0 Appearing: Nick Koxok vs. Great Dana Marl Dog Vachona vs. Dunn Freeman vs. Robierra (All si men will return to the ring lor tha big BATTLE ROYAL.) DON'T MISS THE FUN AND ACTION THIS SAT. ROSE BURG ARENA. A GREAT CARD. OPEN 8AM-6PM Sot. 8 -5:00 YPC$fO DIRECT SHIPMENT NYLON TIRE BARGAINS For every make and model car... Pick your size and price... deaS todayl 6.70-15, 7.50-14 Tubeless Blackwo.ll II I JWSS?' II I alalW C riti friBO WsW rafFil ssss. v p V ffiiwiis' i ll (V I I J ifMsMU lO WHITEWALLS ONLY 2.00 MORE ' ' I I I trWJ 7.10-15 f I 8.00-14 I jV C 3 r V' 6 Btaekwall Bold.. Blackwall 0 ' it I llliills. 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