The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 16, 1963, Page 5, Image 5

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    CONCENTRATION of key personnel of the Portland Symphony Orchestra which
appeared in Roseburg Tuesday night is evidenced in this pre-concert shot as
the musicians go over the score. Pictured from left are Hugh Ewart, concert
master; Reman Dukson, principal cellist; and Russel White, French horn play
er and personnel manager of the orchestra. The appearance of the big sym
phonic group in Roseburg was undoubtedly the chief 'highlight of the fall season
for the local area. An enthusiastic audience of around 1,500 persons attended
the concert. (News-Review photo)
Portland Symphony Delights Huge Local Audience
News-Review Staff Writer
Roseburg came of age mu
sically Tuesday night when it
played host to what must cer
tainly be considered one of the
country's, finest orchestras, the
Portland Symphony.
The event will undoubtedly be
considered a musical and cut
tural milestone not only .for
Roseburg but for her sister
communities in the county who
thought so much of the import
ance of the occasion that they
sent school busses loaded with
appreciative young music lovers
to share in the musical treat.
It was amply evident that no
body was disappointed. The
standing ovation given conduc
tor Jacques Singer and his or
chestra at the conclusion of the
concert left no doubt at all that
it had been an exhilarating eve
ning and that musical appetites
had been whetted for more of I
the same fare. A crowd esti
mated at upward of 1,500 per
sons was loathe to leave the!
Roseburg High School gymna-l
sium even alter two particularly
satisfying encores. To para
phrase the words of a popular
song, 'They Could Have Listen-l Jacques Singer, conducting
the 70-piece orchestra (minus a
who has few f'u-stric'5en members), of-
icrca a momentous experience
ed Ail Night.'
The famed maestro,
conducted the leading orches-
port with the orchestra he led
his musicians through a pro
gram selection that must have
Tax Vote Pleases Howard
crowd borne with an engaging
little speech in which he ex
pressed appreciation of the audi
ence and acknowledged the ef
forts on the part of local citi
zens to bring the orchestra to
Roseburg on its current state
wide tour.
Appearance here of the Port
land Symphony, which to this
reviewer's knowledge is the
most concentrated presentation
of musical talent ever to be
heard locally, would seem des
tined to have a far-reaching ef
fect. Many of those persons who
had not heard the orchestra un-
der its present conductor be
been inspired by sheer genius, gue on a Theme of Purcell"
particularly for a state-wide
tour including the smaller com
munities. The delightful and easy-to-lis-ten-to
"Water Music" suite by
Handel set the stage for com
plete audience appreciation of
the artistry of both orchestra
and conductor. The selection
following, "Variations and Fu-
Howard the man who started
it all said he was "delighted"
with '.he defeat of the tax in
crease bill.
"This has exceeded my ex
pections," he commented.
Howard headed the success
ful drive to get the tax measure
fore are surely today feeling aircferred. But he said "I'm going
ALBANY (UPI) Weekly, movement,
newspaper publisher J. Francyl Howard said he did not be
lieve Gov. Mark Hatfield would!
call a special session of the!
legislature, and said "there is
nothing for the voters to fear."
He termed the vote "a move
toward economy," and said he
doubted tuition rates would be
increased at Oregon's colleges
proprietary interest now that
the orchestra has been here in
the "home town." After last
night, it is no longer the Port
land Symphony alone but "our"
orchestra to which local citizens
can point with pride along with tax measure,
the rest of the state. edly ended
to be more careful about m y
editorials in the future."
The referral movement was
sparked when Howard rani an
editorial in his weekly newspa
per calling for referral of the
and he uncxpect-
up heading theWed., Oct. 16, 1963
and universities.
Howard also said again h e
didn't plan to run for any pub
lie office. There had been spec
ulation he might run for office
if the tax measure was defeated.
by the only contemporary com
poser included on the program,
Benjamin Britten, offered an
ideal showcase to display the
precision and responsiveness of
the orchestra personnel. Infor
mal narration by the sympony's
manager, Mark P. Huber, was
a perfect foil for the sophistica
tion of the musicians in display
ing their talents as the individ
ual sections of the orchestra
were introduced. An interesting
sidelight here was the rapt at
tention displayed by the many
young persons in the audience.
There wasn't a single small
boy squirming.
The smashing finale to t h e
concert was the mood-evoking
Tchaikovsky "Fourth Sym
phony, and it was here that
Singer displayed the full vir
tuosity of his talent. It literal
ly brought the audience to its
Encores of a Bach fugue and
a rollicking Strauss Polka wern
generously played by an or
chestra that seemed to be
thoroughly enjoying itself in giv:
ing the audience this final treat.
The News-Review, Page
Demonstrators Hiss, Boo, Valachi Sings
Hurl Rocks At Mme.Nhu ITo Grnnri Jiirv
In New York
Angry demonstrators hissed,
booed and threw ice cream car
tons filled with eggs and rocks
Tuesday night when Mme. Ngo
Dinh Nhu arrived at Princeton
University to speak out for her
brother-in-law's regime in South
Viet Nam.
But the fiery little woman
wearing an ankle-length gold:
ao-dai, a native garment, re
tained her poise as she alight
ed from a car for an address
to a student debating society.
Several of the cartons struck
the auto but did not hit Mme.
Nhu or her 18-year-old daugh-
demonstrations were Communist-inspired.
The audience cheered the
loudest when one questioner
asked what she thought of
American college students and
she replied: "I was young once
Mme. Nhu told the students
that her "declarations are still
being distorted" by the Ameri
can press.
She denied reports that she
had called American soldiers
helping the South Vietnamese
in their battle against the Com
munist Viet Cong guerrillas
soldiers of fortune." But she
ter, Le Thuy, who was ridingl
with her. (considered complimentary.
Later, when she arrived in! "Sir Winston Churchill ap
Washington, D.C., she calledjP'ics it to himself," Mme. Nhu
the demonstration "unworthv of said. "It means self-made
Valachi, the underworld inform
er who has been exposing the
dark workings of the Cosa Nos
tra before a national television, testifies privately to
day to New York grand juries
stabbing at the heart of the
cime syndicate
The squat, fatherly - looking
former cellmate of reputed
Mafia chieftain Vito Gcnovcse
was transported in cloak and
dagger fashion from Washington
9U1UIC1S Ul 1U1 lUllC. Dill SHU - i r 1
added that the term could be1'" ?lraelb.- S. QueCnS
District attorneys here
human beings,
Five American Buddhistj
monks, wearing scarlet and or
ange robes, picketed outside
Alexander Hall where Mme.
Nhu delivered a 10-minule
speech to the Whig-Cliosophic
The audience alternately
cheered and booed during .the
speech and the 40-minute ques
tion and answer period that fol
lowed. . She said that Buddhist monks
who have burned themselves to
death to pretest the policies of
her brother-in-law, South Viet
namese President Ngo Dinh
Diem, were "victims of excite
ment." Her family has been criti
cized repeatedly for its alleged
persecution of Buddhists. Mme.
Nhu has claimed the religious
In a plea for understanding,
she said, "it doesn't help us at
all by booing us, by hissing us,
or by beating us. You can only
help us by telling us what is
wrong with us."
PDC Committee Slates
Meet Thursday Night
The Payroll Development
Committee of the Roseburg
(area) Chamber of Commerce
will meet Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
in the Umpqua Hotel.
All committees should be
ready to report, especially on
the November "salute" re
search, announced Phil Quisen-
berrv and Don Dole, co-chair-l
Top Republican
Candidates Get
Support Of Ike
mer President Dwight D. Ei
senhower told fellow Republi-i
cans Tuesday night that he
could support any of the prom
inently mentioned possibilities
for the 1964 GOP presidential
Sen. Barry Goldwaler of Ari
zona, the current pace setter,
was the only one of those pos
sibilities in the audience of
about 800 celebrating Eisenhow
er's 73rd birthday a day after
the event.
The former President said he
was confident that any of the
possible candidates met two
qualifications which he laid
down and whoever is nominal
been itching to get Valachi
ever since he started "talking"
before a Senate investigations
subcommittee prcbing crime in
the United States.
Valachi will be questioned
about unsolved gangland . slay
ings, particularly the murder
on Sept. 25, 1959 of Anthony
Carfano, known in the under
ground as "Little Augie Pis
According to Valachi's story,
Vito Gcnovese gave the "hit"
or kill order for Little Augie
after he objected to the attempt
ed assassination of the then syn
dicate kingpin,. Frank Costcllo.
It was after the aborted at
tempt on Costello's life that Ge
novese, now serving a prison
term on a narcotics conviction,
rose to the top of the mob.
Valachi's testimony before the
Queens grand jury could possi
bly result in an indictment
against Genovese.
Valachi said he was given the
"kiss of death" by Genovese
when they were cellmates in
the federal penitentiary in At
lanta. The informer is current
ly serving a life sentence for
the murder in the Atlanta jail
of a fellow prisoner. Valachi
suspected the prisoner had been
ordered by Cosa Nostra to kill
Valachi was expected to
ed could expect his
In describing the qualifica
tions, he said he was sure that
Su'nray Orchards, producer of, no prospective candidate would
Sunrav Prunes which are mar
keted in many Pacific North
west stores under that name,
is being saluted during Octo-
crop. ,
permit destruction of U.S. alli
ances with other free nations
and that all favored sound fis
cal policies in government.
ber. The ranch is located near 'me ex-rresiacm ana Mrs.
Myrtle Creek and is owned by Eisenhower were guests of hon
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Butler. The or at a $75-a-plate dinner spon
Butlers grow about half of their Upred by the GOP National
.. k tho nihor half Committee, the Republican Con-
a... nH market ihn gressional Campaign Commit-
Eisenhower cut a three-tier
ferevnt "stay" in town less than 24
hours before being returned to
Washington for possible more
appearances before the Senate
investigators. ,
The Senate group is conduct
ing hearings on organized crime
to determine whether tougher
federal laws should be enacted
to deal with the underworld.
Movie Showing
Set At Winston
A movie offering family-type
The Azalea - Glendale Home
Extension Unit will hold its Oc
tober meeting at 10:30 a.m.
Thursday at the A7alea Grange
and the Capitol Hill; Hall. A potluck luncheon will
private Republican or-; be served at noon. The pro
gram will feature "Meals i rom
The Freezer."
Those attending are asked to
bring some small item from
the garden or canned goods
shelf which can be sold in a
10 cent auction at the meeting.
The proceeds will go toward the
birthday cake, heard his fellow
Republicans sing "Happy Birth
day, Dear Ike," heard Ethel
entertainment will be shown at Merman sing "I Like Ike" and
the Winston Junior High School! viewed slides of the Eisenhow
auditorium Thursday at 7:30er career.
n.m. under sponsorship of tne in his informal remarks at local HEU share in the coun
PTA. The film selected is a I the end, he said it was good to ly HEU-sponsored scholarship
Dean Martin-Jerry Lewis com-look at the past but that the na- which will be awarded to
edv. "At War With the Army.'Mtion was headed into the future high school graduate nex
According to Phebe McGuire,; along a one-way road with no spring, according to Mrs. Ger
correspondent, proceeds f rom ' U-turns. aid Fox, correspondent.
the show will go towara me'
purchase of new draperies for
the back of the auditorium
stage. Nominal admission charg
es will be in effect with a spe
cial rate for family groups. All
area residents are invited to
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