The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 16, 1963, Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4 The News-Review
Gas Arrival Is Economic Landmark
The arrival of natural gas in Rose
burg this week is another high wa-
ter mark in the growth of Douglas
. Several million dollars were spent
by two gas distributing companies
to bring the gas from the oil fields
of Canada. It offers a new source
of energy for both industry and res
idences. ; The action in building the line to
serve Roseburg and a group of oth-
County is a strong indication of the
expansion expected by two, major
companies which wouldn't spend
great amounts of money without
knowing the county's potential was
We welcome the new addition to
the county's economic pattern. We
know their expectations will mater,
er communities in Central Douglas
County Civil Defense Proved Ready
Other Civil Defense organizations
may be caught napping, but the
Douglas County organization is
ready for anything.
This was proved early Sunday
morning as telephones started jing
gling in the wee hours in both Rose
burg and Reedsport.
A report had been received that
a tidal wave might hit the Califor
nia coast later in the morning. The
report indicated that the direction of
he wave might change and come
roaring , onto the Oregon coast. The
Douglas County sheriff's office tele
type carried the message, and Civil
Defense Director Arthur Selby in
Glide received the word at 3 :30 a.m.
Within half an hour. Civil Defense
people, including state, county and
city policemen had been called into
Despite the early hour, they were
soon on the job warning people in
the coastal area, particularly those
with boats docked along the water
front that the storm might cause
trouble. This allowed advance prep
arations because it was anticipated
the storm would hit the west coast
about 7:15. It wasn't until 10:30 a.m.
that the all-clear was sounded.
In light of the great ruckus raised
over Civil Defense in the state ear
lier this year, we think a little
praise is justified. The Douglas
County CD organization is small, but
efficient. Our lives may depend on
its quick action in the future.
Sign of the Times
Baptists Tackle Mighty Subjects
l The Oregon Baptists are thinking
big this year in their convention now
under way in Roseburg.
Their theme is "To Serve the Pres
ent Age." The roster of speakers is
Imposing. And the subject is almost
all-encompassing. The three great
issues are race relations, world
peace and relations between Church
and state. These are probably the
three most imposing problems fac
ing the world today.
Three days are certainly too short
to do the subjects justice, but they
should serve to create an added im
pact in the minds of listeners of the
seriousness of the problems.
Particularly notable is the indica
tion the Baptists recognize that the
problems aren't too big for consid
eration by the individual.
- The
Editor's Corner
By Charles V. Stanton
1 L f'
Schools Failing To Teach
! Principles Of Economics
! An editor in Ohio recently criticized the country's
educational system because, he asserts, it is failing
I to teach the fundamental concepts of a capitalistic
'society. Furthermore, he asserts, students are being
i graduated into the competition of the market place
i without even a basic understanding of the vital in
centive role of profit, the promise of automation and
job expansion, or the responsibilities of both labor
and management. ' . '
! It seems to me the point is well taken. - Further
imore, I fear that unless our young people are edu
cated to see the .advantages of our American way,
jthey will be easy prey for the Communist. ' '
! The economy of this countryi : - ., .
l is based upon an incentive pIan.lendanorlnS strength by ne-
The incentive is to be found injgiccung tne vital traditional
profits. Through opportunity toirole of a free people passing
make a profit, men become em-along their wis(ioln to their pro-,
ployers. furnishing jobs to those W(J fcave mmnted 1
who must labor. , . , , , , .
..,.. ,. ;, , heights of global leadership
But that incentive, it seems 1
to me, is rapidly being des-;rou!;h our commercial and in-
Itroyed. Because our young peo-dustrial genius; Yet, thorough
jple are not educated to this economic education is a sub
economic concept of a capital-' ject almost unknown to our
istic society, they are taken in. schools. It is long past time we
:by such high-flown phrases as completed the curriculum."
"ability to Dav. soaK Hie
rich." "cradle-to-the-grave se
curity," "nationalization," and
Even cursory inquiry reveals ..,,
Wf;that the person with "ability, n re uooa Management
'in nau" nkn llsnallv has ahilitV .TaaI Fni PhIiiva I 9nJ
Reader Opinions
Nobility Is Seen
On Every Brow
I to charge his tax into the cost!
of manufacture, selling or serv
ice. Thus, in the end, the con-
To The Editor:
I read with interest the letter
'sumer pays the tax. The same appearing in the Oct. 10 issue
is true of the "soak the rich", of The News-Review in regard
jphrase. The rich, if active, arejto burning pasture land. I am
able to charge off taxes as a surprised that a fellow with the
I part of the cost of doing busi-1 experience of Lee Hunt would
ness. On the other hand, the'say some of the things that he
rich, if retired, usually have did. He may not like the fires
i money tied up in stocks, bonds of the area and primarily I
land other securities, all havingjsuppose this is because of his
lvalues based on earning power.lforcster's background, but from
coun-Earned profits, in turn, mustthc tone of his letter I am sure
' ..i.M'
Youngest Actor
Very Versatile
Gone d3i
the misguided natives burned
the land to get rid of brush and
make better pasture and then
youngest actor in a continuing
scries on television is four
month-old Matthew Smith, who
plays the part of a baby on the
Joey Bishop show.
If you have ever seen this
program you have probably
said to yourself "that kid is
one fine actor.
Award stuff."
'The truth is, however, that ho
is only half acting.
When he Is playing (he part
of Joey Bishop s son lie is act
ing. But when he is playing the
part of Joey Bishop's wife's son
he is not acting.
'This is because the part of
Joey Bishop's wife is played by
Abby Dalton, who is the baby's
real mother.
-Miss Dalton, or Mrs. Smith,
was hero on a promotion tour
this week and I asked her if
using her own baby on the
show came under the heading
of "type casting."
!,Miss Dalton replied that sho
Taken from the files
i News Review
he may not be photographed
for more than 20 seconds at a--
time. A welfare worker holds a 40 YEARS AGO
stopwatch to make certain hoi Oct. 16 1923
doesn t work overtime. The A bid of $33,948 was the low-
oaoy is not a memocr or the est received for the construe-
actors' union, but he docs have tion of a proposed bridge at
Umpqua Park Addition over the
By ROBERT C. RUARK 'because Kikuyu farmers burnt which have grazed the
: It gets you right here, some-j them all down, as they wore try concrete hard outside the-come from consumers and us- that he doesn't understand the
j times, the way everybody is so out the ground and moved on,tsetse-fly area. :ers. jwhole situation on burning in
noble it hurts. By here, 1 do! to clear ground for another The Masai have such a cattle Nationalization Eyed iDouglas Countv.
not particularly mean in thejsmall shamba, or plantation. ; fctislt that forced sales arc held There are those who would: He ma(-e the statement that
ueuri, mu me pom mc amu. x,.cepi un inc inuiuiuiina am, l0 depicts the herds, which arepiace an utilities uncier govern
THEIR ITEM: Stewart UdahVin some reforested areas, Ken- not slaughtered by their own-.ment control. Railroads, for ex-
U. S. Secretary of the Interior, I ya has not "mighty forests, as erSi but kept increasing as al ample, currently arc in the1,
warns Africa today of making henyatta put it, today, hven status symbol. Such is the midst of a threatening laborlsays that tnes'e are both incor-
uic iui" ""'iu "" "u Masai aversion to selling catue;cnspuie. mere is mucn uemana recf i(e-,s im afi-aid I would
America made when American' the Abcrdare mountains to hide tlat a District Commissionerifor the nationalization of rail-jnave to ai'eue with him TIipsp
settlers slaughtered buffalo for. out. I named Hughie Grey once had alroads. "misguided" natives who are
rnb. n,l tl,o ImManc MV ITEM. Uopont ( snnlcll fj ,. ,. . u. I. miSgUiaeU ndUVCS, WHO ale
slaughtered them for
"o.meat. Awav went the beaver. INairoDi: "rroiessional tranners:;noin.i onii;nn
us wuii, ni)i)i.'u uy muuii-i nave ueeu cancu uui iu save , jiQifei- that a Masai brave par-l
tain men for their "plevs,"lwild game from the worst out-'tipuiiiriv fanriprl
wmcn tney largely traaea lor nreaK ot poacning in K.cnyai ITEM: The leopard skin'l
liquor, and trapped by tne ln- in years, uangs 01 up to auu iQ ,u cin f i,,i, !. orlj ,.,i. ,;n v, r,m
juns for their "plows," which tribesmen, hunting in restricted, authority in nearly all African'under a government subsidy to "".T.6 SV "Tv""? "
iney iai(jeiy uaueu !m miuui. areas anu wiuiuul ,eimu. . . (r bes. Amone t ic K kuvu. a he na d bv taxDavers. H storv r "' UI
Ihe Indians! MY ITEM: Recent dispatch spear huried clean through him, History shows us that if raU-!b
robes and in The New York Times, from kiuing llim instantly, when he roads pass to federal controljcases ,h be5t ' rancher? wp
he beaver, Nairobi: "Professional trappers !insiste(i on selling a whitelthe feathcrbedding, of which1!,. in the ennntv Tl, , H
management presently is com- jg a gooi job of managing the
plaining, not only will continue 'land they have,
but probably will increase andi ... .'. .. . ., .
a Social Security card,
I asked Miss Dalton if he
took direction well and she said
Real Emmy that thus far he has been able
to utilize his talents to the full
est. . , ,
in tne nrst scene 11c was
sleeping, which he does very
well," she said. "In the next
scene he was crying, which ho
docs second best."
Very few other television per
formers are that versatile.
The Almanac
umpqua tfiver. liie bid was
submitted by M. W. Payne.
Payne proposed to construct a
wooden deck bridge with a steel
crossing span over the railroad
for conservation ot mature ana in tne colony, ana nearly mree- Circl,mcision ceremony which a profit. Instead, they usually
Natural Resources that the. fourths of the ast mam herd of marks the coming of age. Leop- are eostlv and inefficient. Yet,
longhorn steers which replaced Jackson s hartebeeste lards are trapped and poisoned! there is 'a definite movement
liie MUMKllluicu uuuuiu aiv uiu xnu I'Uiimcis mnu iiiiv na- r-utillCSSly
grass too close to. the roots,
creating "the greatest land ca
lamity in the history of t h c
North American continent." Ho
meant erosion with consequent
saultcd policemen, ambushed,
African game scouts, and at-
tacked a District Officer with
There is a complete break-
MY ITEf: The Kenya Afri
can's Swahili name for game
is "nyama" "meat." "Ny
ama mzuri" means good meat
j ,-, t j j ,, I "icai mai cms juu. ruidLii-
uusi dowis, nooas, ana me UKU.iuuwn 01 law ana oraer, juaj.ama mhava" mpanc haH mpaf
intiK 1 1 Em: jomo rvenyai- lan vjrunwuoa, runya s ciuuij "Meat that eats vou " Poach-
With "Service " as its watch
word and "We Build" as a mot
to, the Kiwanis Club of Rose
burg was permanently organ
ized at the Umpqua Hotel. O.'ta, a Kikuyu, at the time in game warden said.
"Unless the
ing is a major industry in the
By United Press International
Today is Wednesday. Oct. 10.
the 289th day of 1903 with 70 to
The moon is approaching its
cd "other nations and lovers: the end of the
,11 utikviii; iiiiuu,iiuui iii wutivi
year. 1 nave ,, :, ,i,n n, m,,. -,,,
never scon such slaughter. It fnr ,,,:' m. .., ,iu
to offer funds and skills (for, would take an army to stopmae fly.whjsks like Kenyat
this important task). iit.' " ta's) mounts to millions
THEIR ITEM: The Assembly! MY ITEM: The dream of thel MY item- ti,p Miniipr nf
deplored the fashion for leopard Kikuyu tribe. agriculturists 'state criticizes visiting big
coats, and will join with thel who hold the eating of wild ani-ame hunters The onlv reason
P. Coshow was elected as thelLondon, wrote that Kenya's ani- trappers can catch enough roan m?at-eating tribes and literally
club's first president. mals and forests were a price-'and hartebeeste to start a un(lrcds of thousands of ani-
25 YEARS AGO jlcss heritage and pledged to-breeding nerd, tneso ammais mas dic hoiTibly jn Kenya and
UCT. 10, IYJD cunsui vt Lliem, ivciiyauu iuvii-l win uc niucu uil in ivuujd uy
The number of registered vol
eis in Douglas County increas
cd to 14,303. Republicans held
the lead with 8,115 registered,
while there were 5,805 register-:
cd Democrats.
in that direction in this country.
Current political policy ap-
Then Uda 1 told an asscm- have slaughtered half of the last i,i i.,:i . ,, ',: ,..,' , .;t!,i,j ' ' plants in the mixture. They get
lily of the International Union sizable herd of roan an elope; date is indispensable to the'erations seldom, if ever, show! ,,Kim.ulallou froln tn,e f,lre
..iiivn ,a, c agiee, uui a last
ing thing but the fire does con
trol the brush and gives our
good pasture species a chance
to compete. If wo let our Das-
:m uuiii ua. iJum-y ay . . , , -
pears to be directed toward ,, .i,,, u , , ,
eliminating the profit incentive;'""' th b ush- dmii ueA
upon which our system Is'n??p?tnw and we w?,1
bksed. We hear propagandists j" JS 'S" ""J g'aSS, ",a,t
constantly complaining about! "f iIany ?, ,uru bsh
profits. Profits, they would have sppn'es arbe .simulated by fire,
us believe are evil Poison oak is one of the major
Exaggerating tf,r trend a bit Z"1 15 rea,,y sti'"ulatctl
for purposes of illustration, the;
modern investor, if he attemuts! However, every time that we
Tanganyika in untended snares'to move on a comparatively!!1111 a llle through stands hav-
small scale, finds his enterprise!" 8 Polson oaK ln them which
recommended her baby for thene pll"sc'
way to handle the home movio . he evening stars arc Jupiter
problem. al &"lmn-, . , .
She has made airanecnients 0,1 thls lla.y ". hislury:
beini? run for him bv one orialso nas subterranean clover
more business agents, throughlf"'1 8Vasses 111 tllcm. w kiu
whom his organized employesij 10 P'son oak back even with
set their own wages. hours.i"!e Srass and subclover and
working conditions, and seek toflve the slleeP a chance to
deny him a profit in keeping urwso it. We often fertilize
, 1 . ... ... Kume nu
The morning star is Juniler ' Llls UI a s"ccp h""nR rau,"uu"" . ",utm" "-" 7 there is any game in Kenya at!wit, the oamble he is makine lilc Srass ai" subclover and
1 ii. muiiiiug Mdi IS lUI'lltr.! , . , ,.i,i hp u-p.'ir ni of pnnarr skin. in n the broad, erassv nlains of ,, :1 ..... ' Willi uie gaiuuie lie iiiaKiut,.
... .. u. ...v ----- . . - .- . . . .. 1 an luuay is mai uie enormous i Thus uo f nrl nu himr snH1"' ouigrow me DOISOU oaK.
THEIR ITEM: Visiting tig;itne Masai, and gci no n ta fecs paid by a few fe;Tesmali bus
game hunters from the United! tsetscy-beanng bush, which score sportsmen each year, fori" i orfi- totarS that poison oak will
aiau's arm oinur counmt's wvvc urumuus uie uiaiiug ul nin-iti.n nru aim nf . Mi;nrj n i,nn,i . . ... mni tnn
1 . . .. ,. .... 1 111I1IS
for tho studio to let her have a '" JBHU:. 110 1151 .?PralloniburB
....... m .. With a nil Innt linr ni nl me nnac,uuB
prim 01 an 01 tne mm in wmcn . ; ,
to Roreburg by Dan and Alva
Maupin of Kellogg. The two ani
mals were shot near Scotls
to make herself.
Oct. 16, 1963
.lates and other countries were promnns tne grazing 01 an.., ,ne privilcge ot Uming a hand- ci,a ,s mergers and big coi-!not stand high fertility soils.
Titic.zcd by Joseph Murumb.,; mals which kills ca le bu u, f animals CM has paid s ? SL.Vnder high fertility conditions
U'nya s imiihsut 01 auue. piuietia wmi umumia. i,v i,p oalarip! of ffamp warrlpnq- . t- . . -and hpivv orainn nnlcnn rtuv
jmv item. wn n,whiph I. th last his rpservoir U1C. ?alarics 01 sanie wardens , quate f,nanclng can g0 to auto-,?11" "ravy grazing, poison oak A
.... . .. ...w ........ - ---- ------- --iana game scouis wno nave gone!ma, ion anH thus nil riWn nninas a tendency to leave the
.A lot of parents might not
'ier's Kerry, Va., seizing a hotel.
I arsenal, iircliousc and 30 tuwns-i
ui u, a,, ui llle 1IIIU III WII11TI1 lit. f .... I
he baby appears, including ,hc"a Vs V"10" t Mas-
n ,kT HZ nUl aClUa"y USCaoston. Te big news 10 year, .go turn of t ocwry great cedar o .e Plains game (1.ying , ,ent the m. 0,.;,a.te ; and and disappear.
w " "' 1 I.. . n-. . , i... . . 1 IIS 11111111 I IIP KIlllll! HS II If IHV t IVJt CSU SU CllllW till 111C nutiBailkV lllllV, im- , nA - Q ., a a elannlilni' " ..
This gives her better homcL ' ..'?' ."T onn the nonriine ltosehnr!.. Cottaeefrom Manyuki to Mairobi. near- Wakamba would love to take',- ""?., ":.' ,uJ . . Labor Elimin.ttd , , . afiree with Mr. Hunt
movies than she would be able!",:., v' Kv a '.Ti? Grove football game. The chips ily 200 miles. They're all goneover the Masai cattle herds V"" ,, ."IV" rfr .Hp ir ,ims' 1.turn'..e"minates nand:i"alD"r,nmg. J"st.,t0. e eelU"s
-ui , ,,,, V, ,, V , . iiauor, so imponam 10 our ccon-"'" me siuu mai is on me
riding on the outcome were. manes, all the wildebceste for .,. ;i
c,...l,..i ,tirrnP..., l,n..,n..n,. , .1 . -i ., . , !"'".v m pasi .veais, aim niHKes l3""- iiuu an answer iu uie
somewhat clmeront, however. mi -r mw their tais. a 1 the meat animas,:. .:, ul. 1 !r,M,i. i... , ,j
, . tn ,l 111 eaaeniidi mat wuikuih uc Del- F."i-ui, uul i albu wmuu lliaKe
lm; their nyama. and all the ter educated and that they bojti:i statement. Without the use
rhino for their allegedly apliro-,wi i,..,. inf fl n,,.ni loi
disiaC hornS. Vol o,, n,I,,-,li,l ('llinph of n,,n linrl ,.oll,or than
FINAL ITEM, from a man has little faeilitv for Inarhinc. coins into nrnductive croDS.
li-l,, lic ,iunl Ilia lacl iln-,on , 1 .. . . f". ...... 1.1 , ,. . u:Ut..
D EDAkll ICMb'tKIQ T : me uaues ur skius upon wmcill .wum h" uaeii iu ininy unpiu-
her own babv is that hi, aimuT-V , ' . l,unal,sl ,orecs ' tLV. " " iJ. , , '"I ' ' years worKing wnn me ivenya we are so dependent. At theuctive brush land which would
and uncles in other oart of U,C,!'a".K Kai snck- aI'JlKTZJ?. Gamc Department: Oh, broth- same time they are not pre" have no value at all, as far as
coun rv can a Ph ST. .Llw'., !1 George Marshall, the g me th 50 records. , 'er. pared to enter into controver-ieither the forester or the live-
- " -"i , u ,a. Al Illy ClllCf Of Sl'llf in' "u" 1" v"jhuj u'lt-i
,T' '"e'Cly "y ,U,,in8 ",C)VorW War II, died after a ,ng-ot the leading ground 1 gainersin! as , is'
icnsn mo Mica of having Joey, ,,, .,, rilinoa r, ..lolTen years ago the Indians, who
llisliop lurking in the back- , , ,,.,. ,, , had suffered two defeats, were
Tr!?dht tk nb,!;S ""'"I "'i'"0 5rhwl where thev es llM lor a win to boost their
iH-; ' 8 Da"Un Sa'd slle tablished headquarters a n d ll'auc landings, while the
man I mimi. I i. t .I.inn wnrp still Innkinff fm
UdvT,r, 1 " aa-4i-NaUonsrce,:'irst win of the season.
-In The Day's News-
It didn't work. We stood pat
k"'" bv umied f, svnu.. inc.)isial political policy and phil-j stock rancher is concerned.
1'Rla"1' illness. "the Canadian professional foot- r,om ,""""lu" " '" ' i ,i, ,rii,i,.IUl-:l n...- r:l
On the days that the script, ball h-acue. scored three touch- written: ;and told them to bring on their JVJail OvefSeOS UlttS
calls fur a shot of the baby, A llmnl,t i., .i Tu.ldowns aeainst the Lions that1 The threat of a new Berlin eais
he is taken to the Department Roman Emperor Marcus Au- Var to lead Roseburg to a 38- crisis SUBSIDED almost as
of Education in l.o AudhIac tn i:..- .... ... ,n i r,. ... n nniplclv a it hpean when a
- .... iciius. bain: ueceive wealth or lil v '" m11 wmstuvii n a -i--- j - -- . n , (, .i,nF, nt it
a; physical examination. iposition wiihni.i In,,nn, ..i! member of the Indian coaching Soviet blockage of American "" anu - "" 01 "
If found in good health, he be ready to let it go" ' staff, was then a sophomore.! military traffic was withdrawn
receives a work permit that is , Getting the nod to start at quar- on the highway lifeline to West
una lor iwo nours. However, Woman Indicted tcrback. his passes played a ucrnn.
'big part in the Indian win.
JIVlVMiVftVU Stark. 37. Phoenix. A.i. w a . a I r ..
M S C. Main SI.
PybllshBd Dilv Excvot Sunday by
Roscburo. Ortaon
Telephone .73.3121
osophy. As a result, our young Don't sell our livestock ranch-
peopie arcn t oeing mspired to'ers snort, incy nave a Dcuer
nnln ,K . ...hnl lha 1fn Aninr
. . Ham euuuauun ao BSSenUaii'1 Miiov wvj 011. uuiiik
So they called oft the bluff. tOflV 111 N0V6ITlbCr t0 their future. Droputs arc giv-;than some of these fellows who
That appears to be about the ' ling our schools a most serious'nave spent all of their years in
WASHINGTON (L'PI) The problem. loccupations other than farming.
Defense Department cautioned: As the Ohio editor said so Wavne Mosher
This incident should teach us riends of servicemen overseas aptly. "A nation that has pro- County Extension Agent
a lesson on how to handle com- todav to start shopping carlv foriduced the finest free education Courthouse.
Imunists. They must be handled Christmas. system the world has known is, Roseburg, Ore.
one handles nettles if one' Gifts to be sent armed forces' :
'sons of their own, whatever:
ilndictcd by the Malheur Coun
ty grand jury Monday un a Cnf A f linvnnvillo
manslaughter charge in the gun-; Jcl Hl V.Unyunllie
Kltpl Inn k t T ,- I. I ... .... . . ...... - -
Entered second clan mailer May 7. .. . " Mnmlav flpl 51 al 7 n ni uie ii i iu- u r,..n . . Window in Spnt-I Tlu P.nlisn hid mill
3rMon. under act March J. wY Judge Jelf D. Dnrrnh pI hail ,I,C lale SCt for ,he anmlal Cf !
. put mnptmc In nnminnm niv .
ll &III IHHl I Iia II. .w
What happened? wishes to come off unscratched members at overseas stations!
.,liu,Hm..c. and unstung. should be mailed between Nov.
Urst. we signed the nuclear, How docs one handie a ncUle j and Nov 20 unlcss sent b
test ban trcajy-which for rea-!witnout get(ing stuns? irmail jn whkh case
Aaron Hill, in his Verses should go before Dec. 10.
Hemorrhoids Cured Painlessly
By Non-Surgical Method
Br tone r
land, gave us the recipe some inc suscestions:
three centuries ago. He put it; Pack gifts securely in wood.i
United Prist Inftrnctional. NEA Service,
Audit BurtAU ol Clrculallon and the Ort-i
' Canyonville, according to Hugh1 which they wanted and NEED-
1 nthmn rrr.rr!nr , PH t
)on Ntwspaptr Publlshtr AsoclHon. .,,,1-.-- . ' n- . !
Wirtonni AdVffrflting Rprwnltlvt Ii.bmmws rLATCK) INJURED u "K "'"irtii-vt mc n uinjui
rMwippr Advertising service Co., rusii for a one-vear term, a recorder So
",W''s5Kcrii5?rVtes I DUNDEE. 'Scotland (I'PIV- treasurer 'for a one-year term Being communists- i
.terrier and Roieourg p.o. Boei i Four women bridge players and three councilmen for two- The Kremlin leaders jumped,
rnpnih, H.7S, month., sicsoi i year.,werc hurt Tuesday when the year terms. The caucus meet- to a typical communist conclu-1
By Man In Oreeon: t month, 1.7Si, miuiuiik will DC Held in ine Cliy nail;5lon.
IU 00. Outilde
JOToniha, U.U, . rnontht.
t montM. n.ooi i wr they were playing in the Dun-and will precede the regular!
Lfrn1nmVw!MM,Md,,e t-'nionist Association bridge: council mP.ting, Mrs. R. E.
club rooms.
'Proctor, correspondent, reports.'
Their conclusion was this: '
"These Americans are SOFT.!
"We can BLUFF THEM." !
! metal or corrugated fibcrboard.
Tender-handed stroke a nettlei Place them in tichtlv packed I
vnu ii muik you lur your cusnioning material or snreooed
pains; Ipaper.
Grasp it like a man ot mettle,! Send small items of jewelry
And it soft as silk remains. I by registered mail.
'Tis the same with common i Do not send matches, lighter
natures: ; fluid or anything flammable.
Use "em kindly, they rebel;) Check local post office to be
Be as rough as nutmeg- grat- sure where tobacco products
ers ' land coffee may or mav not be
And the rogues obey you well.1 sent.
The non-surgioal. electronic
method for treatment of Hem
orrhoids (Piles) developed by
doctors of the Beal-Oliver
Sandy Blvd. Clinic has been so
successful and permanent in
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icy is offered their patients:
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orrhoids ... have subsided and
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charged, if he should ever have
a recurrence, all further treat-A4ren
ments will be given without
additional fee."
Patients experience little, if
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quires no hospitalization and
does not employ drugs or in
jections. Write today for a free, de
scriptive booklet, yours without
obligation: The Beal-Oliver
Sandy Blvd. Clinic. Chiroprac
tic Physicians, 2026 N.E.
Sandy Blvd., Portland 12, Ore.