The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 16, 1963, Page 11, Image 11

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    55th Annual Convention Pasor tl?nored I Charming Membership Party Given By Junior Woman's Club
neia by Kebekah Lodge ': ,v-",Dirmuay
. ,,. ". I Wally Peterson, pastor of
The Roseburg Junior Vomen's;ly to take part in the Roseburg tlie calender for the c o m i n g James Shrum, Mrs. Eugene Mrs. Don Dclaney, Mrs. Jean
ii, Club recently held its member- iV omen's music annrecia- vear. and directed an eniovable Kemmerline. Mrs. Robert Kca- Chovinard. Airs. Martin Lamn-
Approximately 120 PCrSOnS at-l Snrnlmn niml xhnirn.o.. Hlnnrlalo fhnroh 'nf rhricl chin norlu of Ilia rnnoronnfinn.'linn pnnrups held t Hia Pnso. ont.apniininli rt on mo Prix dV. Mrs. K. D. AVTCS. Mrs. Hob- man. Ml'S. L. E. ThOmaS. Ml'S.
ntL liMfnf,5"! ,?nn"al!wered roll call. Each received honored at a surprise birthday al Christian Church on Keaseyjaurg Women's clubhouse. Iwero awarded the winners. "lJSe u'Sn', ' ,uLrlC,LMr u-lw ?."b'
P1f.triCtT1?.,nV.e,?Vrl of the.R.e: a iParty held recently at the home;RoaH. Mrs. Reinhart showed those Mrs.' Glenn Bauehm.n invitJ..'&V,""- J&5jrL?&2!S:
T..k. . m . . nf 1 r and Mrs llnh Milloe nnrli j- l . . . . nuiuau, mis. duyic mete, ui a. nuuuii nauuiu ttiiu njttiy auuil
Ruth Lodge of Jacksonville ?' !.r- ," Mls- .U0B MUler and mp. r.r. r.r,.i,i nr.i 'attending how to mix and match Wl all the ent tn itinri ih v,ii. n.m m- tw h,h .i.h.ri .
Jent, welcomed the guests and!" e,:' J .. aexl meeting. Mrs. Baughmanl
bekah Lodge, which was held
at the Glendale IOOF Hall. I " .s "TT "! familv. Twentv-si ...! ur
Lodges represented included w,h .V " ! present. : lent, welcomed the guests and
Gold Hill, ; Medford, G r a n t 1M5,nrt ..,. nii Th.i Friends joined in a potluck introduced- Mrs
,'T!J-C!''. be heid inr wai foUowed by
man, aunt of the Fischer quints
1964, is to be held in Gold Hill itlie servi.nS of a lovely birthday 'Mrs. T. L. Goodwin, president
trarves. limn iiiiiriiini wpar nn-i . . . .- .
Vern Zimbte-la ening. Mrs. Reinhart used .2ffa , !h "iSPE
" I. 'r.."ie k Roseburg Woman's Club!
,, ..... ..., last year Mrs Baughman said
juniors. . if the Roseburg Woman's Club
Mrs. Larry hvidera. past n , w u n d jt
president, reported some of the vould & to the Roseburg Jun
activities of the Juniors last .,..
Wed., Oct. 16, 1963 The News-Review, Page 11
Mountaineer - Lodge of Glen- a .u ...... ' cake which had been made and if the Roseburs Woman's Club:
dale, the host group! j, , , ,, .decorated by Mrs. Miller. Theiind Mary Ellen Reinhart,!
The convention was the oc;l ' !f ?ers wre eifcted for 1964 four-tiered cake was frosted in':harm instructor .from Port
easinn for thp nffinioi ,.idt follows: Zola Parsley, Ame-lu,hiio onH rfai ..,uu ..uu.inn,i
mrs. carta, Jsagley, of Spring- ",,,. "-"'."""ana yellow flowers end thel Mrs. uooawin invitea aiuiiose year. I r)elicio,ls refreshments were
field, president the Rebekah amaStewart ' Amet lhe hoaoree,- "ending the membership par-l Mrs. Gary Roam explained rand served by Mrs Frank1
Assembly of Oregon. She was!,Vera. hata";, S ALThoS5 present ineluded Mrs-i : Benson, Mrs. Wavne Maxey,
accompanied by her mother,! rJ- a"dasBlpe"e Smlth' Amc-jHoward Edson, Don Blakely,! Mrs. Chris Radford and Mrs!
Mrs. Edna Van Nurder, also 0r", treasurer Mrs. LeRoy Dixon, Mr. and-r I ( I I I I . istan Anderson. Beautiful fall
Springfield.- I At the close of the morningiMrs. John Payne and children, llU iCn VlrCIS IS llOSTGQ Idecorations were made and
The convention "was preceded s e s s '. Mrs- Fretl Wright, 'Joneen and Julie: Mr. and Mrs.j 'placed about the room by Mrs.
by a cotlee hour by the Glen-,oloumaineer noD'e grand, sang Kaipn riace, airs, norencci A I I S r I 1 r I I Bb Bright. ;
dale Friendship Club. . -j'The Lord's Prayer," with Eu-Clayton, Airs. Earl Buenger,'-Y nOrTlG J lyS: I I I Q TTi TI,oso enjoying the party were
mavis rami, marslial of the ayuv Httoiupanyiug ner.uis. ftiuiicne vaae, mrs. oam, . - mrs. ueoiyt uiuuu, mrs. Larry
Rebekah Assembly, then inlro-i-' Luncheon was served in the 'Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Henry La
uuceu me iniinw no I avn Han. nngp nininfr rnnin 1 ""a. naniciiiic oclk- , . m, .... .. .. n.. . . ". .
nlnwoll TTth.i r.J, p.,.. "-'I 7," Z, , .. . liBTi. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Miller t,uus no5le!'s ''u"aay aner-me cnurcn uec. n. me circle, Doug Bond, Mrs, Krai- Ben.
Pool. TheUa Wilber. E.Mae K. ooened Ule afternoon sessinn'and children, Denise. Donald."100" at her lovey h" in which meets on the fourth son, Mrs. Wayne Maxey, Mrs.
fop Thoima T.arcn ,.. iji ii, mi Debby and Kathv: and Mr. and West Roseburg for the Ruth Cir-ilhursdav of each month, was Lhns Radford, Mrs. Glen Ld
Katlierine Beck-,
Frank Hurt was a gra- holiday bazaar will be held at
Daniels, Alta N'ichols, WUliei Peggy Jo Edson and Miss Deb-
McLean and Twyla Salvagof bie Whaley, presented gifts to
Convention officers were E.jeach of the convention officers
Mae Kafer, chairman; Zola. on behalf of the chairman, E.
Parsley, vice chairman: Mil-IMae Kafer. Miss Edson also
dred Daniels, secretary; Hazel. presented Mrs. Kafer with
Whaley, treasurer
warden; Myrtle Hall, conductor; the Mountaineer Lodge.
Mrs. Wally Peterson.
Enjoys Meeting
cle of the Methodist Woman's invited to meet next at the r,1, ,,ur?,T,:
. . . .. . una. vi-iii uivvij, niia. uvu;
society of Christian Service. A home of Mrs. Floyd Powell. IB right, Mrs. Charles Thorn-1
delicious dessert luncheon was Attending the meeting were as, Mrs. Ron Kaufman, Mrs.
The Dixonville Home Exten-'served at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs Leo .Hart of fii-een a '"' Martin, Mrs. Ron Detfcr-
sion Unit met at the South Deer.
r Willi r i. r t.,. . . . : . . r ct
Helen Ivy.lbeautiful vase as a gift fromi ""se . a m" in opening devotions. An impres-ters
iiBa aivc U1CWKC Bn VItU WHS LUIlllUll;, t..i i. nt Rinufn rlti-c Hh Clnunne Mmc
Twyla Salvage, chaplain; Bes- Six 50-year members were!,,",,". .,, ' , f? .oy CI1C1C. leauer' Mrs' n... ..... r. , ,..u:. .. John Ric-, Mrs. Joe Horn, Mrs.
sie Herman, musician; Frances'present: Evelyn Mann, Mar. 'ua nrumuaci Kea uixon. Announcements " ' '.. Di(.k , Mondenhalli Mrs. Dalas
Johnson, inside guardian; Mar-!jory Pearson, Anna Schmidt, E j Vi , demonstri'10'i and were made concerning observ-'Arthur Marsh, Mrs. E. 0. Rick-Witty, Mrs. Richard John Jr.,
enerite Black nntirio miarH.!RnBip Hprn-ann Atnrv r.Pn I f5"'ed the luncheon. There were; ance of the Week of Self De-li, Mrs. Ned Dixon, Mrs. Ro- Mrs. Donald Duskin. Mrs. Rob-
23 members present. A busi-'nial which will be from Oct. berta Davies. Mrs. Flovd Pow-Wi Woct iin K n i imhn.k.
ness meeting followed. 25 to 31 this year. The annual ell and the hostess. or, Mrs. Robert Collv, Mr
guerite Black, outside guard-'Bessie Hermann, Mary Fern1
ian; Betty Harrison, color bear-land Stella Smith. Each received
er; Edith Heidenrich, junior
past chairman; Willie McLean
chairman; Thelma Larson, Ruth
Lewis, Dorthea Hershizer, June
Mohr, Kalhryn Sweetland, Geo
rgia Gates, Alta Nichols, Nan
cy Daniels, Grace Brownlee
and Sharon Thomas.
Mrs. Ida Basye gave the wel
come, and the response was to the group.
lovely corsage.
Miss Peggy Jo Edson played '..
a piano solo, "The Bells of St.'
Mary." !
This was followed by a lodge
roll call. is
After a 15 minute recess the
Rebekah Assembly president S
gave a general instruction talk
given by Joyce Chamberlin.
Twyla Savage read the scrip
ture for an impressive candle
light memorial for " members
who had died.
At the evening session after ':
the banquet, the Mountaineer
Lodge exemplified the degrees ::
by initiating Al V. Mohr of Glen- I
dale into the order.
Initiation, Installation
Held By Yoncal la Legion
The Yoncalla American Le- Individual." It will be presented
gion held its first meeting of to the schools, and all students
the fall at the home of Mr. and are asked to enter the contest.
Mrs. Dan Russell.. Mrs. Marvin Thompson won
After the notluck dinner. Col-lthe door prize, and the remain-
lis Huntington reported on Boys!""' of the evening was spent'
oiaie ai corvains, wnere ne nau i"ji"5 piiium.
gone in June. . .
There was an initiation for .Past Lhapla I nS
the new members, Edith Wy- I
kowski, Francis Burt and Ann Arp HnnnrpH
Mathis. -VI C I IUI IUI CU
Mrs. Berniece Radlke instal- pns nhanlains nf the Glendale
led the following officers for the Bebckah Lodge were honored S
coming year: t-resiaeni, jeame t the regular meeting held at
l.pp' vipp nrnciHpnt Vprrip Pnptr. n.- tn rjnlt nnK...Jn..
eram; secretary, Beatrice Con-jning. included in the program I
oway; treasurer, . Ann-Mainis;iWere two songs J tendered" by
historian, Francis Burt-.chap-jmembers of the: Junior High
lain, Edith Wykowskl; and serrjehorus, and a poem, read by
geam-at-arms,- Burnette Rus-;nrs. Fred Wright, the noble
sell. .. - i grand. Miniature Bibles were
President Jeame Lee named presented to each. is
all the chairmen for the com-l
Mrs. Owen Mobley, represen-
stitution Means To Me As An
infl vpnr Fivp hnnHrpri nnnnips 1 !...
o - f--i-t-- .laiive ior xue local oiganizaiioo
were ordered for Poppy Day at a Rcbekah . 10OF commit
in May. tce meeting on the annual Unit-'s
The American essay for the,ed Nallons pilgrimmage, report- I
year is entitled "What The Con-'ed on pans of the committee.
It was announced that a card
party will be given at the hall
from 1 to 4 p.m. Oct. 16, with
the public invited. Refreshments f
will be served
A report was given by a rep- ft
... . n ..-,- i-ppnlalivp nf thp 17 momhpro !
Kim Rinnan 01 llamas vauey ........
was honored on his third birth- 'h nad aen.ded a Friendship k
Camas Lad Has
Birthday Party
Night at Riddle.
After the meeting, refresh
ments were served in the din
ing room by Mrs. Wayne Le-
wauen, mrs. uavia miner, mrs.i
Jim Booth and Mrs. Monte i;
Bates Sr.
The tables were decorated in fi
keeping with chaplain's night, ik
day at his home recently.
After Kim opened his gifts,
Mrs. Kinnan served refresh-;
incnts to Kim; his brother,
Keith; his sister, Kathy; his
paternal grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Clem Spurlock; his aunt,
Mary Beth Kinnan of Camas
Valley; and his maternal grand
mother, Mrs. Marge Wilbur ofi with Bibles prominently display- p
Roseburg. ea in me arrangements.
M 7' Mi
Better Be Careful!
Dear Abby: What do you Dear 5lxten: Bliss your
think of a husband who tells mother's hrt. She means well.
his wife that he knows he could but tnt ijnf teins fair to you. g
w,n any woman ... me v u iu u $houdn.t promist y r
, i , tw.. r,nt I services without having first
He is definitely nothing to look i cheeked with you. And sho
at. And unless he is in a very j shouldn't oxpoct you to sit for P
good mood, he is busy com- nothing.
pany. So please tell me where ;
he gets ideas like this. Dear Abby: Why do men have S
Had It to wear darned socks? Do you p
Dear Had It: I've heard of know any women these days
self - confidence, but this is who wear a darned stocking?
ridiculous! But, in case your1 Men's socks don't cost any more
husband has a secret weapon, than women's, so why. when a ?
you'd better be careful to whom woman finds a wee hole in her -you
introduce him. ' husband's sock, does she try to ,-;
"save" it? Let her throw it in '
Dear Abby: Mv mother keeps the rag bag along with her own. ;?
"lending" me out to the neigh- Loving Wife if,
bors to baby-sit for nothing.1 Dear Loving: Just keep eru
Very often I have had to change. tading and you'll soon write
my plans at the last minute Dtr Abby letter with hus- j
because my mother tells me she! band problem. Como to think j
promised someone in the neigh-) 0f jft haven't soon the darn- U
borhood that I would sit for ng tgg since the depression.
them. Other girls my age get g
paid for sitting for these same What's on your mind? For a
people, so now they are mad personal reply, send a self-ad- ;Sf
at me for sitting for nothing, 'dressed, stamped envelope to 'i
because -they look greedy when ABBY, Box 3365. Beverly Hills, jjf
they take the money. My moth- Calif.
er is the kindest soul in the. Hate to write letters? Send
world, Abby. but do you minx one dollar to ABBY, box 3363,
it is fair that she should offer Beverly Kills, Calif., for Ab- $
my services to the neighbors' bv's new booklet, "HOW TO (
Sweet and Sour Sixteen, OCCASIONS." ISLfcii-Afeai.
' - '.- i
V - i ... ' '"
I f- 1481 N.E. STEPHENS t
472-4811 ' V.
" . t
TiTJ Til Dl ! '
Mrs. Frank Hart was a gra-holiday bazaar will be held at '.ui.-.. n I r w n ? i
l i
s-s -v. vt 1 i.
. ding, Mrs. Vern Zimbleman.l ki m ,ueS VvfrBi i f w
and Mrs. Roscoe Mars-jrs t. L. 'Joodwin, Mrs. Clar-' I I Si JW M
Mrs. Walter Malonc, Mr, ence 'Silvers. Mrs. Dwaync IJ If" - " I ,
i ji s
i .-Gfcs' . - SaaiMs -'". ' 'i t.TJKl? wit v ,i '
I Snloiidid Solid Manlu. -I Ifl ' f.
IB 1. 1 !
I this is decorator-shoD stuff ... the sort 4 T'lL l Uwi H
ft I M ? U. V I I 'J f 1
I We i.ave .nem af j m I r
p n w
Hi k
1! - O :
priced like ordinary pieces
this is decorator-shop stuff . . . the sort
of thing that just looks like money
TJ B "FT-.ITT rp,,!" KT. J Mm I sill I HI II 7f ri- III T il r Mirir .
44-in. dresser base bookcase bed chest
poster bid spindle bed and night stand
o student desk 2 twins trundle bed
Ever visit o decorator shop so high priced they didn't
have the nerve to tag the furniture? Then you've
seen the likes of this. This is genuine Winston
Chopel solid maple in a wonderful sugar 'n spice
finish and rubbed and polished within an inch of
its life. Come get these beauties and treosure them
for years.
SAVE 2.10
3-pc. wool
REG. 10.98
(Mmttal Buui.j
No Charge for
Christmas Lay-Aways
Huge selection I 2-pc. styles, too !
On-the-go fashions to wear
everywhere I
Soft, lovely basketweave wools,
superb wool flannels, wool-silk blends I
Remarkable quality I Many fine details I
Newest colors! Dark tones) Pastels)
Misses' sizes 8 to 16, juniors' 7 to 15)
' i
721 S.E. OAK AVE