Display Your Goods Where The Reader Traffic Is - Want Ads. Dial 2-3321 32 FREE equity In 21' Nashua, take over pymta. 1561 NE DlamondLake. 673-6230. 27' TRAILER HOUSE for CompactT" 673-5612 SELL or trade equity In 10x55' Kit. 496-3541 JO '52 KIT mobile home. Excellent con dltlon. 51650. 672-4888. iQUITY In mobile home. See at 357 N.W. Coral Ave. Town and Country Mo bile Park or call 672-3640. Real Estate 34 PRIVATE parly wants to sell equity at 934 NW Hill Place. TWO BEDROOM house, 3400 down. 1769 S. E. Giles. 672-1884. BUSINESS or Industrial 4 lots' Has 4 BR rental. S4900. Phone 6734322. MYRTLE CREEK, 2 bdrm house. Close to school. FHA app. $7700, 3 dn. 679-8792. Vi ACRES, 3 bedrooms. Near Hucrest and Adventlst School. Ph. 673-7477. BEAUTIFUL SITE, 20 ac, all lotus, good water, house and barn. Ph. 673-7869. OLDER HOUSE, large and roomy, 4 beT rooms, 2 baths, i acre. Calkins Rd. area. Phone 673-5611. TWO BEDROOM house with 7'i acres, Looklnggtass Valley. $9500, $2000 down, terms. Phone 679-5671 after 3 p.m. FIVE BEDROOM home, lot 20fooVnew root, lots of berries, shrubs, apple tree, newly black topped street. 679-5760. CLOVER DALE 3 bedrooms, fireplace,! forced air furnace, all new paint, hard-, wood floors, new roof, patio, large stor age carport. $9800. Phone 672-2335. ! WINSTON, 3 bedroom house, 85x175 lot. Good location. Vi baths, fireplace, wall to wall carpet In living room. FHA ap praisal $11,000, 3 down. 679-8792. By Owner THREE BEDROOM west side, 80x112' lot. Drapes, carpets, fireplace, disposal. Fenced, large new shop. Immediate pos session, $14,900. Phone 672-4296. LARGE 2 bedroom house on 1 13 acres, pumice block construction throughout. 2 car garage, fireplace, private water syitem. Ideal setting facing Norlh Ump qua river. Phone afler 6 p.m. 496-3343, Glide, Oregon. THREE bedrooms, large living room, full daylight basement, ceramic tiled kitch en, 3 baths, 2 garages, 2 fireplaces, beautifully landscaped on 1 acre lot, greenhouse- lath house. $24,000. Extra acreage avail. Can be financed. 679-5170. ROOMY older home, very good condition. 4 bedrooms, nice yard, patio, base ment work-shop, lots of storage space, 3 blocks to school pool or town, can 673-7106 afler 3 p.m. INSULATED 2 bedroom house, dining room has bu t n china closet, play room with fireplace, lots of built in No. 1. 18500,' would consider house trailer as part or all down payment. 638 W HflOperty BARGAIN near Canyonvllle and Riddle. Ore. Buy like rent. Opportunity for the handv man. 4 bedroom home, needs re- pairs and cleaning up. Excellent lo-' cation. $5,500. Small down payment or trade. Write owner. Norma Beaver, P.O. Box 364, Rogue River, Ore. Bof,Tr0s',d for guests, older persons In the fam- l.y, rumpus room or hobbles). Its i hnaiitu inrl j ha man at 173.inn Phn m 6730577, 445 W. Elizabeth. 2Vi MILES north of Walporl, Ore. Sell or trade tor house trailer plus a little cash as down payment on this 3 bedroom suburban home on 200 x 179' lot. Fire pi tee, electric heat, hothouse, garage, utility, garden, 12-vn and shrubs. Total price, $11,000, Call 625-3216 Days Creek, evenings. NOW SHOWING Western homes and Acreages for the thrifty buyer! STROUT REALTY 673-7202 M, Cherric Ted Hornschuch Eves: 679-550? "$5500 "CASH OR YOU ARRANGE financing 3 bed room Clllard home, approx. 1 acre riv tr bottom. Completely redecorated In side and out. Across from Kult mill, back from road and mill. 679-5291. NEAR DRIVE-N-SAVE Shopping Center. In a nice district. 2 bed room home on a large lot. Oil furnace, hardwood floors, attactv girage. Asking price, SI0.600. Roy O. Young & Son, 673-6471. Eve nings phone 672-2958. I ROYO. YOUNG & SON. REALTORS Roseburg 's Oldest Real Estate Office NORTH UMPQUA RIVER tract 22 acres of rich sandy loam. 3 bedroom modern home. Garden Valley area. Opportunities like this are rare. $30,000 and that is low priced river bottom. APPROX. 25 acres on the main Umpqua River. Exceptional lo cation. Less than 15 minutes from Roseburg. Boating and fishing. Recreational potential. $26,500. 1 BEDROOM HOME on paved street. Might consider late mod el pickup In trade. Price $2iJ, $800 down. Discount tor cash. 1 BEDROOM HOME with start er for a second. 100 x 100 ft. lot on new pavement. $4500. Small down. Our 48th Year In Roseburg Ask the Old Timers 733 S. E. Cass Ave. 673-6671 Evm oirnDt Prt. Call LeNoIr Kruse 472-2958 TED SMALLE 672-4888 APPROXIMATELY 12 acres 700' of frontage on N. Stephens. Only $1500 down $6500 full price. HEWITT LANE, attractive 3 bedroom home, $12,750, 1200 sq It. Lot 100x90, fireplace, attach ed garage. FHA terms W00 down plus closing costs to quali fied purchaser. EXCELLENT 3 Ivdroom home on large 80x233' lot. Large kit chen and dining area. Comforta ble living room with fireplace. Hi baths, utility room, secluded patio, carport, Vi miie ffom new grade school and city center. $13,000, lOH down plus closing costs. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Westslopes, Ideal location, $16, 500 io down to qualified buyer, 3 bedrooms, 14 baths, excellent condition, large fire place, oil furnace, 99x99 wr.;: landscaped lot. List With a Multiple Realtor At 312 W. Harvard Blvd. Muriel Thomasson 673-5646 . Ed Andes 672-1476 We will be glad to help you word your want od for Best Results. Mobile Homes 34 SELL or rent 2 8R on rlvar. Approx 2 A. Good rellreme.it or rental. Ph. 673-4285. WINSTON Three bedrooms, gas heat, plastered. Insulated, $9250. Low down payment. Call 673-8016. SALE exclusively by owner 3 bedroom home with most extras. Air condition ing, complete sprinkler system In yard, elc. Choice Westslde location. Shown by appointment. Call 672-3233. ARE YOU LOOKING tor a home? Have! you thought about buying a mobile home? Mobile home living Is convenient carefree1 practical and becoming more and more popular. Come out and see the exceptional vaiues we nave in mobile homes. See our ad under Mobile Homes, Classification No. 32. Shady Point Trailer Sales. One mile South on Old HWY 9? BR, Phone PAGE ROAD SACRIFICE large 3 bedroom beauty, H-j bath, fireplace, bit-in R40, birch cabi nets, 2 car all. garage, Va acre, $17990, 10 dn. Owner Box 65, Winchester. Phone 672-1133. Lots and Acreages 35 21 ACRES, 740 ft. frontage Garden Val-I iey Ko. t-encea. Phone 673-4907. 13 ACRES near Roseburg, unimproved, ravep srreer. sivw, lerms. 459-4274. HUCREST LOT FOR SALE CoU 473-3112 LOT, 154'XB2', east s " , cily sewer and water. $1,650. 672-4610. SIX ACRES on paved road, 6 miles out. Has 3 wells and some rental Income. Will sell or trade. Call 673-4955 evenings. ACREAGE on and near N. Umpaua Rlv er. wti. k. iwagness, Whistlers Lane, Roseburg. Phone 496-3145. Farms and Ranches 36 LARG6 older house, 4 acres. Glide dist. Phone 673-3672 THREE bedroom, oil furnace, hdwd. flrsT Exc. well, 40 A. 5 mi. out. 673-7909. 9 ACRES, Large 5 bedroom ranch style nome, Dams.- t oarns, creeK. Buck horn Road, Glide. 496-3206. FOR LEASE 130 ACRE RANCH. Call Eves. 863-3093. Myrtle Creek. Eastern Or Western Oregon RANCHES THERON W. JONES Real Estate Branch Office Call: MR. or MRS. MAX BURKHART 672-4244, 2688 Newton Crk Rd TJinkp,. anrl Itowmlllo Aft WAnNrJ 2 , U 0f, 8 We load ancL fu. Di et) aln9 . acesjible. -JJU n , KuildinfT lYiaiprinlc a. 1 ltiaiCI Idl t i p-j PLYW00D BLOWS. Good stock? See us for vour ... buv- M, v.rri ..1 17. .. Phone 459-2737 Sulherlin PLYWOOD BLOWS SANDED shop SHEATHING shop Phone 672-1641 National Plywood . OFFERED AT OUR COST A shipment received in error. 390 Ft EAVESTROUGH, 5" Half round 7 5".3" OUTLETS 4 pair 5" END CAPS 130 5" STRAP HANGERS 50 5" SLIP CONNECTORS ALL FOR THE PRICE OF $85.20 GERRETSEN Building Supply Co. Flegcl Bldg. 672-2636 Fuel 43! ,OAK AND LAUREL wood, $15 cord $21 delivered. Rt. 1. Box 105. 672-3992. I OAK OR LAURE'., any length, $20 cord delivered. $15 you haul. Ph. 496-3172. U'HihV"24nfRY OAK WOOD, you-haul Phone 673-4709 M" PLANER ENDS, $16.50. Call after 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., 672-2979. S&H GPEEN STAMPS Green or Dry PEELER CORE 17" LENGTHS Sawdust Blower or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas 672-1524 Peeler Core & Hardwood Pond Lilies FR1"E SAWDUST Red Diamond Fuel Co. 1767 N.E. Airport Road 673-5082 WOOD (Dry or Green) SAWDUST (Blower or Dump) Dry Oak And Laurelwood LARGE PEELER CORE PLANERS ENDS All Orders C.O.D. Roseburg Lumber Co. PH. 679-8741 or 673-5508 PEELER CORES Cut Jo Any Length Desired Dry 16" Fir Heater Wood O Cr C FUEL CO. 673-7 -M Auctions 44 Auctioning Service FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Friday, 7 p.rn. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munton, Owner and Auctioneer 473-5G2A Real Estate Miscellaneous to Sell 45 WESTINGHOUSE DRYER, $45. Trow bridge Electric, 721 SE Pax, 673-5521. LARGE WHITE Naughyde daveno. Attrac tive, ttooa conomon. uo, nnone stoj. WESTINGHOUSE 30" $75. Call 672-1031. electric range, FREEZERS Can finance. Pacific Finance, Myrtle Creek. STANLEY HOMPROWCTS Call 673-4773 USED ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners. J. E. Newberry, 673-7010 or 673-3591. CERAMIC lessons free Wed. Kilns tor sale. Ceramic sup. Treva's 679-5133. USED GUNS bought, sold, traded. UMPQUA GUN STORE WHIRLPOOL automatic washer, recondl Honed. Guaranteed. $45. Phone 673-6549. TV RENTALSRenl" may apply on down payment. Horn's Appliance. 673-5518. ONE COW milking machine. 673-3798 be tween 6 and 8 p.m. USED OIL heaters. Excellent condition. Coast lo Coast Stores. PLAYER PIANO Milton, $200 Call 672-2866 after 6. '57 GE automatic washer, . good condi tion. $50. Ph. 679-5222. 1 REFRIGERATOR, floor sample, perf. cond., apt. stze. j 9.6 cu. it Reg. $199.95. RANGE Deluxe 40". Perfect condition, only $79.95. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 SE Oak, 673-5521. BED, COT, davenport, table and chairs,! DRYER ARC, late model. Perfect con- dition. $6. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 721 SE Oak. C73-5521. STAMP COLLECTORS 6 full sheets un used 1942 stamps. To highest bidder. Call 673-3776 REFRIGERATOR Coolerator, cross top freezer, only $65. TROWBRIDGE ELEC TRIC, 721 5E Oak., 673-5521. SHALE ROCK Carlson's Contracting 672-4117 FALL SALE EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Peonies and thousands of landscape shrubs and ground covers. Pixie Gardens, end of nw Broad St. Phone 673-6113. Bee Supplies Honey A DOUGLAS COUNTY PRODUCT LeBleu Motors. 319 SE Jackson. 173-7567, GOVERNMENT GRADED quality meats! ior oest freezer satisfaction, custom cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS, 679-5133. V'HtRLPOOL, 1958 model, combination! washer-dryer. Sold new $540. Now only uy.Vi. iKUWUKIUbb fcLECTRIC, 721 5t Oak. 673-5521. SELL or rent Floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, coffee urns, sewing machines. rug snampooer, si per day. HORN'S APPLIANCE 673-5518 HEAVY DUTY portable Thor grinder, $50; 90 decree heavv dutv Thar nrlnrt. er, $50; testing growler, $15; Mitchell pole, reel and tackle box, $30; 2 oak slralghel4irsf ..50 each;"!' burnerjMisCellaiieOUS Wanted 46 SI. SO; small wood trash wrrinqrs, $S5: oTtch orknullf0'' niX t $5 each. 635 W. Umpqua. PREPARE. For winter with a NEW OA K L A N D- R I T E W A Y or WIZZARD WOOD, Oil or Gas Circulating Heater USED ELECTRIC DRYERS $33.95 UP from Western Auto Store ROSEBURG, OREGON CARPET Odd Size Room Rugs. (Roll balances) Wool or Nyloit. 25 OFF . , .... VIJUCKIN t-LUUKi 136? ne Stephens 672 U56 SHOP TOOLS 30" Monarch lathe, 10' centers) JO" Lodge and Shipley lathe, 8' centers; No. 3 Cincinnati Mill Bridgeport head; 300 ton horizontal hydraulic press; 26" Smith and Mills shaper; No. 3 Mitts and Mer rell key slotler; "Wt" National Machine Co. threading machine. For sale or trade for real estate or 7? Box 186, Roseburg. Phone 673-3993. SPECIAL 80" FOAM RUBBER MATTRESSES and BOX SPRINGS $59.95 " plus trade In Roseburg Auction 1297 NE Grandview i Phone 673-5026 USED APPLIANCES Montgomery Ward I I No. 1-ZENITH. 21" table model $39 No. 2 RCA 17' table model $2l sole, $69 No. 4 AIRLINE 21" console with drawers $65 No. 5 SILVERTONE sole $7 No. 6 AIRLINE console, ex cellent condition J No. 7 AIRLINE console $39 No. 8-CARSON TV - radio- phono, combination .... $99 No. 9 AIRLINE, blond 21" console $49 No.lO-AIRLINE blond 21 console $79 No. 11-SPARTAN 21" table model $20 No. 12 CROSLEY 17" ta ble model $20 No. 13 RCA 21" table mod- 1 el $20 .. . . combination 651 m MONTGOMERY WARD N. Stephens at Garden Valley 672-4811 Miscellaneous to Sell 45! CHROME dinette set, $40. Deluxe electric range, $3. 673-8756. USED GAS FLOOR FURNACE, $50 6734132 VACUUM CLEANER repairing. Airway, Compact, Electroiux, Hoover, K I r b y, parts. J. E. Newberry, 673-7010, 673-3591. 16,000 B.T.U. L.P. or natural gas fur nace with control. $75. Phone Glen dale 832-4640. R FRIGERATOR Leonard, 8 cu. ft good condition. Only $59. TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC, 771 5E CfrK. 673-5521. SHALE rock, top soil, reject gravel. For Hire: sman cai, track layer, loader, dump truck. Charles Keelv, 679-5117. I960 TV TABLE MODEL WITH STAND. Phone 672-4711 or Sutherlln 459-3522 or USED KELVINATOR washer-dryer Fa" 9w.ira WASHERS NORfiE W fVl FRIGIDAIRE . $75.00j GE $99.95 TinTPniMT onn no HUirUiNI $99.00 j WHIRLPOOL .$80.00 FOWLER : $39.95 DRYERS WESTINGHOUSE $69.95 KENMORE $60.00 FRIGIDAIRE $89.95 I GE $75.00. NORGE ' $90.00! BENDIX $50.00! FRIGIDAIRE '. $45.00 Where Most People Trade For Quality and Service 648 SE Rose 672-1616 WANTED used turn, and misc. Roseburg ELKS and Hospitalized Veterans Hide I Program. Leave hides at Elks or I Moose Lodges or any Fire Station. ELK'S Hospitalized Veterans toy program , needs old toys. No cloth or plastics i please. May be left at any tire station. WANTED ANTIQUE coins, auns, china, glassware, iewelry, clocks. Prlscilla's Anuques. 11 5t jacKson. 672-1421. ' WANTED , metal canopy to fit 1960 Chevrolet pickup, long, wide box. Phone672-4477 WANTED Scrap iron Copper Brass Cast Aluminum, elc. GOING PRICES Will PIoc up 1 To-i or Over C&C SALVAGE 3' ML S Of Roseburg on 99 BR. 673-8420 Musical Instruments 50 PIANOS Cr ORGANS FOR RENT NEW BALDWINS RICKETTS Music Store Corner Cass & Jackson Phone 673-3202 USED PIANOS BALDWIN SPINET Reg. $1095, NOW $500 WINTER SPINET Reg. S79S, NOW U50 BALDWIN SPINET Reg. tan, now S3S0 UPRIGHT PLAYER PIANO NOW 1225 NEW PIANOS Rent To Own! Reynolds & Rushton 516 SE Jackson 672-1621 Sporting Goods 53 PICKUP CAMPER. $130. Call morn Ings only. 3-7598. 308 SAVAGE, with Leopold scope, $150. Ca 673-5011, 3i2 NW Cecil. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS II bought from us we Install tree, If gun Is taclory drilled. Umpqua Gun Store. iiirPMc.cn TAxinFRM si BIRD, animal, fish mountings, tanning. 134 years experience. 3 miles south yyv!'-5.-?-.".-by-'-'s-J!S?nr Boats and Motors 55 ROGUE RIVER boat, IS'11", for lale or trade. Phone 843-3J72 Myrtle creetc. WARDS SEA KING Demon strator model 14 ft. fiberglass ski boat complete with 40 hp. electric start motor. A $1144 Value. Sacrifice for only $797. WARDS SEA KING, 40 hp (el ectric start) deluxe outboard. Was $575. NOW $397. & MONTGOMERY WARD N, Stephens at Garden Valley 672-4811 ! Market Basket 57 CANNING TOMATOES, vou pick or we pick, owens umara Marker. APPLES Jonathan, Delicious, Spitz, Wine1 sap, Komei. tiring containers, wesiev's Orchard, Lower Garden Valley. 673-597. APPLES Delicious, Jonathan, Ortley. SI. 50 up, bring containers. Marsh Ranch, LOoHngglass. Phone 673-485. LOCKER BEEF Cut and wrapped to your Specification BOYER MEAT CO. 673-6323 I. 1, 80 35! B. N. Umpqua Hwf. Market Basket 57 APPLES 5p I tzenberg, Ortley, Romes, Voohrlcs Ranch, Looklnggtass Valley. APPLES Jonathan, Delicious, Wlnesao. $1.50 up. Bring containers. Neal Meyer, LOOKinggiass. WANTED Walnuts and Filberts to dry Bacon's Dryer Curry Road. Phone 63-61?. Seeds, Nursery Stock 59 FALL PLANTING TIME. Large selection of rockery plants, conifers. Azaleas. Heathers, Junipers, etc. Winchester Nursery, Pauo Road. Dean Bartlett, ' 673-4S67 Hay and Grain 61 HAY FOR SALE Otis Clayton 672-1284 SUB CLOVER SEED Phone Oakland 459-4244 GOOD OULITY LOTUS HAY 673-5860 NANGELIA sub clover seed. Ted Road man. Oakland 459-2B06. EASTERN OREGON ALFALFA HAY, 6 ton loods or more. Delivered, call creswell TW 5-2389. Livestock 63 20 CALVES, 10 cows, 7 Shetland ponies, TWO, 1st calf Jersey heifers, tor sale or trade. Phone 663-3372, Myrtle Creek , DOUBLE reg. polled Hereford bull calves. O. E. Clayton. 672-12B4, Rt. 2 Box 425. ri.uwmu siainon, can oe regisrerea $500. 673-3796 between 6 and 8 p.m. rHREE polled Hereford bulls, from Reg. stock. About 1 year old. Call 672-2936. AMERICAN saddle bred gelding, $125. Quarterhorso gelolng, S250. 673-5926. WOOL RECETvEbbAILY Nichols Store 6W-8TO7 FOR SALE 2 good milk cows, 1 fresh 825-3438, Days creek. lb0 ANGORAGOATS 672.3887, Roy Hatfield FOR LEASE 200 acres of pasture land. Roy Gordon, Plllard. 679-5,50 Diibcnoch vnoveuiDC rill ts aJ? BLACK AAARE, 11 years old. Kids horse. White stud, gentle, 2"i years old. R. F. Deliell. Phone ,59-3574. :OR SALE 1 good milk cows, 1 tresh soon. Call anytime except Saturday 8Z5-335B Days creek. Artificial Insemination BEEF and dairy cattle. 479-5320, 72-3J. TEnrv'irr.i"1 A'Xn?w "ddle'i sorimel GELDTNGTcart( harness and saddle, 1300. no Saturday calls, phone wncN seeaing Dv.atrpmne you hoi inoi ust call McFarlene Flying Service. sutherlln Airport, 459-3371. SADDLES and saddle repairing. Riding gear and western wear. S&H Green' siamps. Hiien s western uooosj itjoi, SE Stephens. Phone 673-7501. YOUNG, solid color Welsh marcs will! trade tor cattle, hay, grain what have you? Small down payment and easy monthly payments. Coll 673-3619. AIRPLANE SEEDING Call George Felt 673-6743 Felts Airport Calkins Road SHRICKER & SON AUCTION Phone Sutherlln 459-2144 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a good active market lor all kinds of livestock. G. A. Brown, Welghmaster Dr. Don Rone, Veierlnarit.i Schrlcker and Son. Owners Mgrs. SALE Every Saturday 1 P.M. Pickup and delivery service Livestock of all kinds. Proper feeding facilities. Livestock received at any time. DOUGLAS LIVESTOCK MARKET WILBUR OREGON 672-4071 Pets & Pet Supplies 67 MINIATURE Bost. Terriers, very good markings reasonable. Pit. 073-4 no. "BORDERLINE COLLIE PUPPIES 673.4680 evenings. WHITE purebred Pekingese stud service. 673-4701 AKC REGISTERED Collie puppies. Luard Collie Kennels. Prion- 673-3144. AKC POODLE PUPPIES Pb. 863-3039 DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society Animal Sheller. pnone 672-3M7. cNuLian seiier puppies, o weens, reg.i buy or trade lor equities. FDSB or AKC, From fha best EsstsrnL , . rir-ri a i i-t--v t- a i r-r- Grouse stock. $50. 673-3177 evenings. OBEDIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOG Boarding, Grooming and Training I BOLE N K EN N ELS 73?13 ! BART'S BOARDING KENNELS, cats and dogs. ml. NE of Diamond Lake Blvd. on NE Ride Range Road. 673-7514. LOOKER'S-BOARDING KENNELS, for merly (Jacob's. Dogs, ceti, or any pet. Ph. before 10 AAA or J'JiA'A73'68' REGISTERED 7 month old English Point- er dogs, just right now for this hunting season. Phone 672-2921 evenings AKC REG. Miniature Dachshunds, 91 wks. Bill Gilbert, Idleyld Resort Trailer Court, P.O. Box 43, Idleyld Park, Ore. Ponderosa Poodle Kennel PUPPIES 25 to choose from. Reason able, terms, inquire ar 7 union sianon, Canyonvllle, Ore. Phone B39-4930. Poultry and Rabbits 68 RED STEWING HENS, on foot, 75c. Ph. 479-5772 Farm Equipment 70 SEED AND FERTILIZER lprdor JS0. Call 47Z-2754 21 ga. CORR RON, 4 to 14 FT. 75 sq. or mora per ag. 110.45 939-1! Woven Wire, 20 rod roll ... $16 M EXTRA STRONG 4 DI. barbed wire. K rod roll 7 5 Ranch Equipment Soles Day Creek 825-3241 Heavy Equipment 72 Cranes Rentals Sales Service Equipment to do any ot. I og lin ers 12 to 35 ton mobile lifting cranes for construction. Booms up to 110' available. ENGLE & SONS ISM NE Diamond Lake Blvd. 672-4332 Evei call 496-3347 In rear of old Pape' Building iHeavy Equipment 72 P&H SHOVEL, aa yard, on tracks, hook luiicr., yuwu ne.i uoom, snovei ironi, lattice boom and drag line equipment Included. S5000. 79-S393. Trucks for Sale 76 '41 CHEVROLET li ton pickup, 673.3005 TWO "58 MACK log trucks, BU's, Pwr. less trailers, Ph. 6737477. 55 COASTER WITH PERMIT 679-553 ;'5I MACK, ??0 Cummins, Pierco: trailer. Scales and water. Phone 863- 4522, Myrtle Creek. FOUR wheel drive, 9 passenger Dodge power wagon, vb, winch, A-l cond. 5900. Phone 672-3669. FOUR WHEEL DRIVE Dodge Carry! aii. gooa cona. wys. Dee Lite Trailer court, Winston. FOR SALE 1949 CHEVROLET Vi ton pickupl SHARP! $475 Cash. Call 673-3967 evenings Motorcycles 77 '63 SPORTS 50 Honda and Tote Gote. Phone 672-1495 Saxon Harley-Davidson Sales New & Used Motorcycles. Flnancina Avail. Parts & Accessories Sales & Service 544 N.E. Clover Lane 672-1225 HONDA MOTORCYCLES Sales Service Parts -12 Models to choose from rrall Touring Competition models. Featuring the Trail "55" DUDE'S GUN SHOP N. Umpqua Hwy 672-2862 BECKWITH CYCLE Motorcycle Sales & Service English-Jap-Italian-German As Low as $250 New. Trnil ar Road 2928 W Harvard 673-8120 Automotive Service 78 Automatic Transmission We Kcpair, Rebuild Units 'and Transmission parts for A , v. 'AU IU btKVlLb i C,--l- Kl;J-l,ftt(.l-. JYVCUC I VI ll.IN.dOWI I 610 SE Rose 672-3157 Autos for Sale 81 '63 Chewy Impala. like new, $2700. no iraaes. jj-bi aner o p.m. '55 DESOTO V8, excellent condition. Ph. 672-14B7 WHITE '57 Chevrolet Bel Air hardtop, new iires, reasonaoie, tan tn-Aibi 1956 CHEVROLET 4 door, automatic transmission. Call 672-3705, '56 DODGE convertible, new lop, over hauled, S375. 4S9-3S24 Sutherlln. 60 CHEVROLET Impala, 409. 4 speed, re- uphol si ercd. $2,200. Phone 672-1283. '54 PONflAC 4 dr., good cond., $175. 863-3039 Myrtle Creek '57 FORD V6, 2 door stick shift, good, cono. siQQ. Phone 496-322?, eime. REAL CLEAN 1958 Chev. 4 door station wagon, will lake older car as trade In. 673-4948 '56 BUICK CENTURY, hardtop. Good shape, good tires, etc. Phone ej-545. This Jewel IS YOURS lor only S5C0. 'si Bulck, clean. 2 tone wmie .no yellow, automatic transmission, Dynaflow, new tires. Fi nancing arranged. Call 6795857. '62 CHEVY II Nova 400 de luxe, 2 door sports, R&H, big 6 engine, stand, trans. Sharp. Reduced to $1895 '61 FORD Fairlane, 2 door 6, straight stick, R&H, ex ceptionally clean $1595 'GO CHEVROLET Brookwood, station wagon, R&H, 6 cyl., standard trans $1695 '55 MERCURY 2 door hard top, runs very good $350 TOP DOLLAR PAID lor late model cars and olckUDS. Will , NAr I K AU I U iALCO Hlllman Sunbeam Sales and Service. 1240 SE Stephens St. 672-2243 SAY RE Used Cars 62 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2 dooi sedan. R&H. automatic trans mission. Beautiful 2 tone blue and white, ww tires. A real $2095 62 CHEVROLET Monzo coupe. 4 speed transmission, R&H, w w tires. Beautiful red color,! Local $1QQS 1 owner car 7 s J '61 FORD Folrlane 500, 4 dooi sedan, R&H, Cruise-O-Matit transmission, power steerine and brakes. $1 ZQ C Extra nice 'UJ 60 VOLKSWAGEN sedan with all standard equipment, p I u l white 5idewall tires, one own er, low $1 OQ C mileoge 7 J WILL PAY CASH for late model cars and pickups SAYRE VOLKSWAGEN 404 SE Stephens 672-1647 IT'S AMAZING the action-power packed by a few lines in the CLASSIFIED ADS. What's your need? Dial 672-3321 Tues., Oct. 15, 1963 The Newt-Review, Page 9 Autos for Sale 81 FOR SALE or trade '61 Ford Econoline station bus. 3 seats, 24,000 miles Willi accept '54 or newer pickup as trade-In. tvm BEST DEALS '62 CHEVROLET Bel Air. 2 door, straight stick J1995! '62 CHEVROLET II, straight stick. S1595 '58 FORD Ranch wagon, 6 cyl. stick ana overarive, k.m, one owner . s 895 Cash Paid for your used car or! pickup KEN ELLISON Used Cars Jim Chrlstensen Ken Ellison Owner 1328 SE Stephens 673-7412! Ch oose You'll find these late model trade-ins top quality in every way. Most are one owner cars, they're serviced, ready to go and you can make a deal at MOCK'S LOW COUNTRY PRICES! , '62 MERCURY Comet 4 door sedan. Big six engine with standard transmission '61 FORD Falcon 4 door station.' transmission, radio and heater '60 FORD Thunderbird, white with red leather interior, power steering and brakes '60 CHEVROLET Brookwood 4 V-8 with automgtic, radio '59 CHEVROLET Parkwood 4 door station wagon. V-8 motor with Powerglide transmission '59 MERCURY Monterey 2 door sedan. Multi Drive $1AQQ transmission, radio and heater I w 7 O '59 MERCURY Monterey 2 door Fully equipped '59 MERCURY Monterey 2- door hardtop. Multi Drive transmission, Power steering, $ 1 5 Q Q power brakes, radio and heater I w x O . '59 MERCURY Montclair 4 transmission, power steering brakes with low, low actual '60 FORD Galaxie 4 door sedan. Automatic transmission, power stering and brakes. COMMERCIALS '63 GMC Vi ton LWB Demo. '59 CHEVROLET Vi ton, LWB, 3 speed. '56 CHEVROLET V ton stoke. '56 FORD Vi ton, V-8, 3 speed. REMEMBER!! NO One Under Sells Mock's Open Sundays 1 0 to 4 Terms To Fit Any Budget MOCK'S MERCURY CITY 1590 N. E- Stephens 672-3358 THE FRIENDLIEST PLACE FREE SEAT BELTS With Every Used Car We Sel l Within The Next Ten Days! ! ! A Gift Of Safety! A set of top quality seat belts (meets all SAE standards) will be install ed FREE, of charge in ANY Used Car you pur chase at Barcus before Oct. 20! CHOOSE YOUR BARCUS BETTER BUY TODAY ' Terms To Suit You 63 DODGE Polaro 2 door hordtop. All power, low mileage with 50,000 mile Priced at a very low price ot '62 VOLKSWAGEN ' Sedan. Like new '. '62 CORVAIR Monia. Red with block vinyl uphol- $1 QQQ stery. 4 speed floor shift I O x O '61 DODGE V-8, Phoenix 2-door Hardtop. Auto trons. $1 7QQ mission, full power, beautiful 2 tone finish I 7 O '59 FORD V-8 sedan. Standord OQP, transmission. Top condition 7 7 J '59SIMCA station wagon, SQft a real economy car. J 7 O '58 PLYMOUTH V8 station wagon, automatic trans- $7QQ mission, radio and heater. Extra aood t 7 J mission, radio and heater. '53 PACKARD sedon. In extra good condition '59 SIMCA Deluxe sedan PICKUPS '61 DODGE, 6 cyl, Yi ton, 4 speed, transmission, brand new tires, wide box, LWB, Barden bumper, Top condition '61 CHEVROLET V8 Vi ton, automatic transmission. Extra nice BARCUS Motors Your DODGE and IMPERIAL Dealer N. Stephens at Garden Valley Blvd 673-5566 81 '42 CHEWY I m pa la sacrifice SI 200 equity for MOO cash or trade for car of equal value. Alameda Trailer Court, Spaca No. 33. Quality Buys '62 FORD Vi T pickup, cyl, 4 spd, wide side, long box A ply rubber. Sharp WW 63 CHEVY II Nova 400, 4 door. R&H, automatic, 1 owner, 1000 miles JJltJ NOTHING DOWN (on approved credit) Used Cars Pickups Wanted CASH OR TRADE FOR EQUITY Don Gary Johnson and Whelchel Used Car Lot 1358 SE Stephens 673-6381 Quality f1798 wagon. Automatic $lviQft W .'3198 $1598 door station wagon. and heater. $1398 . hardtop Cruiser. 1198 door sedan. Automatic and miles iooq .'1498 .'55 DODGE 1 ton, cattle rack. '56 INTERNATIONAL Travel All. '57 INTERNATIONAL Vi ton van. M6 GMC 2'2 ton, 20 ft. flot bed. IN TOWN TO BUY A CAR. No Payments For 45 Days warranty. 000 .'1598 Extra good. $298 .$598 $1648 '1798 Autos for Sale