The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 15, 1963, Page 3, Image 3

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    Moscow-Led Nations
Indict Red Chinese
Tues., Oct. 15, 1963 The News-Review, Page 3
Community News
cow led Communist nations
have drafted a point-by-point in
dictment of Communist China
for next month's meeting which
may lead to Peking's expulsion
from their ranks, it was learned
Communist sources' said in
Moscow over the weekend that
the major Communist parties in
the Soviet camp would gather
there during the celebrations of
the 46th anniversary of the Rus
sian revolution.
China and its Asian Commu-
Hospital News
Visiting Hourfl
2 to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m.
Mercy Hospital .
Medical: Mrs. John Richard
son, Dewey Helton, Fred Chap
man, Roseburg; Mrs. Richard
Riggs, Sutherlin.
Surgery: Scott Ticer, Mrs
Jean Braley, Mrs. Ray Han
nah, all Roseburg.
Mrs, Robert Fuller, Tom
Usery, Mickey Moon, Anthony
Gamache, Mrs. Eileen Pape,
Mrs. Donald Wells, Mrs. Ray
Childress, Mrs. Bruce Taylor,
Airs. Norman Davis and daugh
ter, Michelle Collette, all Rose
burg; Ray Coble, Sutherlin;
Wynena Bruner, Riddle.
Douglas Community Hospital
Medical: Mrs. Howard Haity
Jr., Dennis McAllister, Mrs,
Harley Means Jr., all of Rose
burg; Mrs. Alfred Powell. Wil
bur; Robert Cavens, Myrtle
Surgery: Marie Steffen, Mrs.
Robert Williams, Mrs. Norris
Jewell, all of Roseburg; Mrs.
cnarles Murphy, Idleyld Park.
Mrs. John Bell, Larry DysertJ
Mrs. Hoy Hinson and daughter
Tami Marie, Mrs. Larry Nick-
son, Mrs. Doyle Rich, Mrs. Le
roy Seibold, Lyle Stout, all of
Roseburg; Mrs. Jesse Heagy
and daughter Gayle Annette,
uary Hoiienneck, all of Win
ston; Mrs. Carlan Bratton and
son Brian Keith, Sutherlin;
George Cramer, Myrtle Creek.
nist allies were not expected to
attend the meeting, which was
seen as a possible prelude to
the expulsion of the Chinese
from the Moscow-dominated
The official organ of that
bloc, the World Marxist Re
view, set out key points of the
indictment prepared against Pe
king in its current issue.
The Moscow group's overall
charge is that Peking, with its
hard line foreign policy and bit
ter attacks on Russia, is out of
line with the world Communist
movement "on many issues of
policy, strategy, and tactics."
The indictment leaves no
room for compromise and im
plies that if a settlement is to
be achieved, Peking must make
all the concessions.
The indictment charges that
the Chinese leaders:
"Deny the pressing need
for a jointly elaborated policy
of peaceful co-existence, a ref
erence to the Peking line that
war is inevitable in advancing
the cause of communism.
"Violate the standards of
behavior between fraternal par
ties," which refers to the re
peated propaganda attacks on
Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev and his policies,
some of them launched by Chi
nese in the Soviet Union itself.
"Are out of joint" on the
nuclear test ban treaty, which
Moscow concluded with the
West and which Communist
parties outside the Peking orbit
support unanimously.
"Support splitters and rene
gades" who have been expelled
from Communist parties. This
refers to Chinese attempts to
line up Communist dissidents
throughout the world to oppose
Extend ideological differ
ences to state relations, pursue
racist policies, and are out to
create "self-contained national
economies." These are general
charges referring to China s in
dependence from Moscow in do
mestic and foreign affairs.
WET CELEBRATION Andrew Fischer and his wife, Mary Ann, remained
seated in the viewing stand, practically alone Monday as the city of Aberdeen,
S. D., staged a parade in honor of the first month in the lives of the Fischers'
quintuplets. The Fischers remained to view the entire parade. (UPI Telephoto)
Quinfs' Mother Puts Cheers Aside,
Yearns For The Day They Get Home
ABERDEEN, S.D. (UPI) ! quintuplets will be at home
Mrs. Andrew Fischer put aside with her.
the cheers of thousands of well- Mrs. Fischer, 30, and her
wishers today and yearned for husband smiled and waved as
the quiet days" when her tinylthey rode down Main Street
Waste Liquor Barge
Down In Heavy Seas
A lumber barge loaded with
waste sulphite pulp liquor sank!
sank in heavy seas Monday
near Destruction Island.
The barge was the Island
Cypress, being towed by the
tug Sudbury II of Vancouver,
B.C., according to officials of
Rayonier Inc. for whom the
shipment was consigned.
Heavy seas and SO mile per
hour winds were reported in the
The tug came into Grays
Harbor for gear repair after the
barge sank. There were no
New Range Fire Hits
Bingham Springs Area
from a fire which broke out1
Monday burned another 100
acres of slash, timber and
rangcland east of here during
the night, raising the total acre-l
age scorched to about 500.
The State Forestry Depart
ment sent a fresh 65-man, crew
and heavy equipment into the
Bingham Springs area this
morning and hoped to have a
trail around the blaze by mid
Winds which blew across the
ridges at speeds of from 20 to
35 miles an hour during the
night kept the flames ahead of
weary firefighters.
The fire started from a per
mit slash fire near a dude
ranch about 30 miles east of
here and burned northeastward
away from the ranch.
Dirks en Says Kennedy's
Aid Program In Trouble
WASHINGTON (UPI) Sen-iago to work on the limited test
ate Republican Leader Everett ban treaty. In the meantime,
M. Dirksen said today that.opposition at least to some
President Kennedy's foreign aid'parts of it appears to have
program was in "deep, decpincrcased rather than calmed
trouble" because of a "harder down-
appraisal" by Congress and the Dirksen said "the number of
country. recipient countries is goingi
The Illinois Republican would down." and there are other1
not speculate on how much of areas in which many senators
Kannedy's original S4.5 billion feel the aid program "isn't
authorization request might ul
timately be approved by Con
But his statement, made in
an interview, supported specu
lation mat the administration
may finally get little more than
the S3.5 billion voted by the
Chairman J. William Ful-
bright, D-Ark., of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee
which went back to work on the
bill at a closed session today,
agreed tnat the program faced
difficulty. But "it's always in
trouble, he told reporters
Fulbright said he would hold
sessions every day this week if
possible in hopes of finishing
committee action and sending
the long-delayed measure to the
floor. But he would make no
predictions as to how soon or
how much the committee would
finally vote.
"We will just plow our corn
as we go along," he said.
The foreign relations group
sidetracked the authorization
measure more than two months
Mrs. Joanne Knollln and son
of Eureka, Calif., are in Rose
burg visiting relatives and
friends. They formerly made
their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Elliott
of this city drove to Ashland
Saturday to visit their son, Ar
thur (Butch), who is a student
at Southern Oregon College. .
Alpha Theti Chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi Sorority will hold a
rummage sale Saturday at the
Woman's Club beginning at
8:30 a.m.
Mrs. Patrick Kilby of Med-
ford spent Saturday here visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Campbell, on SE Main
Jack Harris, son of Dr. and
Mrs. James H. Harris of this
city, is reported to be getting
along satisfactorily at Mercy
Hospital, where he recently un
derwent surgery. .
Senior Citizens party has been
announced to be held at the
YMCA Friday, Oct. 18, from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. with a potluck
luncheon at 12:30 noon. Those
Mr. and Mrs. Washington! Herman Aydelott of this city
Hughes are back at their home spent the weekend in' Portland
on SE Kane St., following a va- attending to business,
cation trip to Honolulu. I
I Robert H. Franks and Hugh
Mrs. James Byron returned Berry went to Salem Monday to
to her work in the News-Review
news room Monday, following a
week's vacation. She and her
husband spent the week at the
Mrs. William Stiewig has re
turned to her home in this city,
following a trip to Washington
D.C., where she spent several
weeks visiting her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Stiewig, and family.
Steve Stewart, Mark Sohn, Jim
Richmond, Andy Millerfield,
Sandy Stewart, Leslie Wimber-
ly, Paula Geddes, Sarah Wal
ton, Terry Carter, Mike Cacy,
Bob Fogcl, Herman Hobi and
David Kcnnerly were in Eugene
Saturday to attend the Republi
cans Rally and assist local Re
publicans with the event.
meet with Governor Mark
Mrs. E. W. Hughes of Salem
arrived in Roseburg Friday to
visit at the home of her son-in-law
and daughter, Dr. and Mrs.
James H. Harris, and family, in
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wallace
and daughter, Maurine, who
have just recently moved from
Anchorage, Alaska, to Vancouv
er, Wash., spent the weekend
here visiting Mrs. Wallace' fa
ther, James Floch, and her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert H. Franks.
doing anything worthwhile."
Compared with past years, he
said, the program is in in
finitely more trouble deep,
deep trouble."
The GOP leader said the sit
uation was due to "the new at
titude up here in Congress and
to a new and harder attitude in
the country."
A Tenor With Stage Presence
Once Saved A Gal Wig Keeper
UPI Women's Editor
NEW YORK (UPI) Once upon
a time there was this tenor and
Soprano on stage singing a love
duet from an opera. Suddenly
the extra curls padding out the
soprano on stage singing a love
A pretty Scottish-born woman
in the wings watched benumbed
She had pinned on those curls
But the tenor with a stage
"Aida," which opened the
Metropolitan's season, required
54 wigs for soloists and chorus,
she said. "Manon," coming up
soon, will require 135 full, head
covering wigs and 55 hair pieces.
Miss Lawson figured that in
the 1963-64 season she and her
staff will dress, and re-dress,
close to 1,500 wigs or partial
The job starts literally from
the roots. They weave the hair,
presence the girl in the wings, a few strands at a time, into
hadn't expected casually
reached up, took the dropping
curls and stuck them in his
pocket. As far as those on stage
knew, the audience didn't know.
Today, recalling that incident,
Nina Lawson remarked, "I nev
er thought much of him as 'an
actor until then."
the wig base, much like doing
crochet, until the "scalp" is
covered abundantly. They dye,
bleach, cut, dry clean, style and
set just as a beauty salon
does. And finally, they help the
soloists get into their head
dress, fastening t across the
forehead with spirit gum be-
ine penormance was verai s,cause s0 many o tne wigs are
'Simon Boccanegra by the L wept back ,rom the brow Tne
oauiei s nciu upcia uiuiuj '" gum does not ShOW,
London. Miss Lawson at the
time was in charge of the com
pany's wig department. Now,
she heads the wig division of
the Metropolitan Opera Co.,
which opened its 1963-64 season
Monday night.
Anything Can Happen
She knocks on the nearest
wooden head block when asked
if she's had any other such
crises. "But," she said, "opera
singers are getting more active
each -season on stage, so..."
Wigs are as much a part of
the operatic worlJ as tempera
ment, high C and Rudolf Bing.
The Met, which used to get
its wigs from outside sources,
opened its own department with
Miss Lawson as chief hairdress
er in 1957-58 season.
There are four on her staff
another hairdresser, Budapest
born Mrs. Charlotte Magyar,
plus makeup artists.
Gals Outnumber
Calif ornia Men
Horace Greeley's advice for
young men to head West may
apply specifically to California
in 1980 if the young men don't
mind "older" women.
The state Department of Fi
nance predicted Monaay mat
(here will be approximately 538,
000 more women than men in
California by July 1, 1980.
Walter P. Hollman, the agen
cy's population expert, said the
average California lady will be
29.3 years old, while the men
will average 27.6 years.
He also forecast that Califor
nia's bulging population would
swell to 27.8 million in the next
6 years, with toddlers under
five accounting for about 2,744,-
000 of the total. Hollman said
there would be 14,209,000 wom
en and 13,671,000 men.
Hollman said the currently es
timated 17.3 million persons in
the state would grow to 17.9
million by 1965.
He noted that an apparent
trend in lower birthrates will be
better defined in the next few
Monday during a big parade.
Later they went to
moth "birthday party" at the
Civic Arena in honor of their
famous children.
But clearly their hearts were
across town where the Fischer
quintuplets lay kicking and coo
ing in St. Luke's Hospital and
perhaps back to the "quiet1
days" they once- knew in
their big rambling farmhouse
just outside Aberdeen
"It's wonderful," Mrs. Fisch
er said of the 25,000 persons
who braved a rainstorm and!
lined the flag-bedecked streets.
"But I'm anxious to get the
babies home.
She said she longed for quiet,
and her husband said: "I'm
looking forward to quiet days,
The quints were born ear
ly Sept. 14, one month prema
ture. The Aberdeen Chamber
of Commerce planned t h e
"birthday party" for the day
they would be one month old.
The tiny tots got another
weighing just before the festivi
ties began Monday. First-bornl
Marv Ann. the tiniest, weighed
3 pounds 12 ounces. The lone
Oregon State University at Cor-
vallis are invited to attend the
first fall meeting of the OSU
Mnfhprc Dull flnnnitnrpr fnr
attending are asked to bring ;0ct 21 at 7:30 pnl. at thc
Mrs. J. R. Stlllinger and sons,
Ken and Jim, have arrived here
from Corvallis to join Mr. Stlll
inger. The family has purchas
ed the L. W. Metzcer residence
Mothers of students attending' on Metzgcr Court. They also
their own table service.
Mrs. W. H. Richardson, who
has been hospitalized at Mercy
have an older son, Ron, who is
a freshman at Oregon State Uni
versity. Stillinger is technical
director lor Roseburg Lumber
Co. He has been here with the
company since last springg.
William W. Knight, publish
er of thc Oregon Journal, and
his twin daughter, Miss Joanne,
spent the weekend in Roseburg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sands en route back to their home in
stopped over in Roseburg sever- Portland, following a week va
al days last week, while thelrlcationing in San Francisco.
car received repairs from dam- Knight spent the weekend here
ages caused by hitting u large with his brother-in-law and sis-
home of Mrs. Philip Johnson at
Winston. Mothers of freshmen
students arc particularly invit-l
Hospital for several months, isled to attend to get acquainted
Willi mi; uiviiiucia.
now convalescing at her home
on SE Main St. Clare Shortrulgc
is assisting in her care at her
Mrs. L. F. Parks visited in
Portland over the weekend with
relatives and attended thc cap
mne cercmonv at University of
Orppnn School of Nursinc. atlto Antiock, Calif., where Mr
which time her daunhter. Judv. Sands will set up a new bust
received her cap. ness. While here Friday they
piayea in me master roini piay
Mrs. Henry Pape, who suffer- of the Roseburg Club, ACBL,
cd a heart attack Friday andlat the Umpqua Hotel.
was taken to Mercy Hospital, is
rock. They are en route from
their home m Wilmington, Del.,
reported to be much improved
and is now back at the home
of her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Forrest,
on SE Kane St.
Annual guest-day bridge-lunch
eon of Women of the Roseburg
Country Club will be held Oct.
24 at 12:15 noon at the club
house. Reservations are to be
Mr. and Mrs. James Rich
mond, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley
Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Geddes, Mr. and Mrs. James
Doyle, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Col
brunn, Elton V. Jackson, Lynn
Beckley, Cecil Harris, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bcrnau, Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Christcnscn, Mr.
lor, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J.
Porter, and Joanne visited at
the home of her maternal grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
F. Hatfield.
Steve Smith, Steve Specdie,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Murdock
and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Long,
representing the Veterans of
World War Mothers, visited the
VA Hospital Monday and assist
ed with the Voluntary Services
program. Others assisting were
Elaine Thrush, Norma Wilson
and Ruth Crockett, Camas Val
ley Garden Club; Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Moore, Lucille McLean,
Camas Valley Grange; Mr. and
and Mrs. Phil Beckley, Dr. and i
IMrs. Robert Mooers, General Mrs. Clarence Hansen, World
made by calling Mrs. Harold E. and Mrs. Curtis Beechcr, Mr. War I, Port Orford; Clyde Ma
Schmecr. New officers of the and Mrs. Mike Stryker and Mr.llone, World War I, Portland;
club will be introduced. and Mrs. Raymond P. Boracn Mrs. isuna rnus, president,
were in Eugene Saturday to at- Newport American Lesion auxu-
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Williams tend the rally at McArthur iary, Edna bnuth, Mae Curry
boy, James Andrew, weighed 6 .have left for their home in San Court on thc University of Ore- and Ruth Haman, members ot
pounds 1 ounce. Mateo, Calif., following agon campus featuring Arizona the auxiliary, and George
Marv Magdalene weighed 4 week's stay in Roseburg as Senator Barry Goldwater, and bmith, American Legion, all of
The bair of wigs is both
human and lower animal, and
according to Miss Lawson, the
human type is getting scarcer
and costlier, because of the in
ternational fad for wigs as a
supplement to women's ward
Yak hair often is used alone
or combined with human. She
explained that yak hair is
stronger and can better stand
UIVC".llllia. m l I
Miss Lawson is a slim, small HeQrMQ T0V JlllDleV
women in her early 30's. Shei
has strawberry blonde hair WASHINGTON (UPI) ine
"(no, ' den't own a wig.") blue Supreme Court Monday refused
eyes and a pleasant burr in to reconsider its denial on last
her voice. June 10 of a hearing to Larry
Born at Lanarch, between W e s t Shipley, McMinnville,
r.iocon,., -nri i?,iinh.,oii chnOrc., sentenced to death for
graduated from a hairdressers' i the murder o a 16-year old Sirl
' High Court Refuses
pounds 10 ounces, Mary Catli- houseguests of the latter's broth-
arine 4 pounds 13 ounces and er-ln-law and sister, Mr. ana
Mary Margaret 5 pounds 1 Mrs. E. L. Miller, on W. Hazel
ounce. 1st.
later attending thc dinner of the,
Western Republican Conference,
which also featured Senator
Newport; John Larson and Ben
Zellmcr, Days Creek VFW Post,
and Wiima Blair and Myrtle'
Cloud, Riddle.
many Nbrthwesterners go Domeliner "City of Portland"
when they travel East.
college in her homeland. She
had worked for Sadler's Wells'
in England and the Stratford
in 1961.
The brief order leaves Oregon
free to carrv out the execution
.ii.u, rrknnM : rnnnj- ine victim was unuu
before she joined the met. Stevens, a juvenile court ward.
I asked Miss Lawson if she'd! SE EKS AMAZON
had any problems with opera;
stars, notably temperamental! LONDON (UPI) An adver-
types. "Not here," she said. "U, User in the Times of London
they get cross with us, who
else is there to do their hair?
"I could just make a wig too
tight the next time."
asked recently for an "amazon
who is also a craftswoman for
shop manageress in Stratford-On-Avon."
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For a memorable and delightful experience,
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