The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 14, 1963, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2 The News-Review Mon., Oer. 14, 1963 I - I J l.l
meniai neaiin
Talk Is Heard
Modern Language
Document Ordered
Back For Rewrite
By Local Group
United Prest International
menical Council fathers in a
surprise vote today sent back
for' rewriting a document au
thorizing the use of modern
languages and other reforms in
the Mass. I' makc up the necessary two
Tho document in question isllnl,us majority lor linai ap
Chapter Two of the liturgical !Proval of tl,c whole chapter.
A talk by K. C. Layer, mem
bcr of the newly organized
I Douglas County Mental Health
choices: They could vote yes or, Association, was well received
no. Today, however, .cy had a
third choice. They could vote
"Yes, with reservations."
Since 2,212 ballots were cast,
at the quarterly meeting of the
County Health Council.
Layer, in an address entitled
"Blueprint for Action, pointed
out the urgent need for "after-
reform project which the pre
lates debated for three weeks
at their first session last au
tumn. In a series' of votes last
week they gave overwhelming
approval to 19 specific amend
ments to the chapter, includ
ing four which spelled out in
detail authorization for the use
of the vernacular the ordinary
language of the people instead
of Latin in large portions of
the Mass.
Today's vote was on approval
of the chapter as a whole. In
voting on the amendments last
week the fathers had only two
But the chapter received only
1,417 unqualified yes votes 78
short of the requisite number.
There were only 36 flat no
votes but there were 781 lath
ers who voted "yes, with reservations."
The Rev. Frederick McMan
us, of the National , Liturgical
Conference of the United
States, a prominent advocate of
liturgical reform, said there
was no reason for anyone to be
distressed about today's vote
and that "the use of vernacu
lar and other reforms would
unquestionably be approved.'
Portland Symphony Features
Work Of Masters On Tuesday
Tchaikowsky, Handel and advance notices, it will in-
jamin Britten mastcrworks wilLvolve "$160,000 worth of musi-
be featured in Tuesday night's
concert of the Portland Sym
phony Orchestra in Roseburg.
The concert, sponsored by the
Roseburg Symphony Society
and underwritten by a host of, a tour of eight communities out
businesses, industries and indi- side of Portland. It is the fourth
viduals of the county, will startjtime since 1911 the symphony
at 8:15 in the Roseburg High has toured the state.
School gymnasium. The 70-piece orchestra's per
il will be one of the cultural' formance will he highlighted
highlights of the year. As billed, by Benjamin Britten's compos!
tion, based on a 17th century
background theme by Henry
Purccll. Mark P. Hubcr, man
ager of the symphony orches
tra, will narrate the composi-
i,4M yes vows were requirco carc.. on ,he oca level for
persons returning from mental
hospitals. He discussed the re
sponsibility of the community in
continuing rehabilitation efforts
for the mentally ill.
Dr. James K. Gray, county
health officer, defined the ac
tivities of his department. These
included disease prevention,
prolongation of health and ac
tive life, promotion of mental
and physical efficiency, vital
statistics and other basic health
Letters from officials of Jack
son and Yamhill counties were
read in connection with a dis
cussion of county boards of
health. These counties partici
pate in the county board of
health organization, which as
sists the county court, health
department and community on
public health matters. The
creation of a seven member
board which serves without
pay has been very successful
in those counties, it was reported.
The Douglas County Health
Council, headed by Kenneth
Clark, was organized in May
of 1902 by a group of leading
nonprofit organizations in the
county. The council is also af
filatcd with the Southwest Ore
gon Regional Health Council,
comprising Coos, Curry, Doug
las, Lane and Lincoln counties,
cians and their $100,000-plus
worth of rare and colorful in
struments," Jacques Singer is
Roseburg is just one stop in
Iff f? vA .11:.
Here's List Of Polling Places
For Tax Referral Vote Tuesday
THE CITY OF ABERDEEN, S. D., today took on an air of festivity as finol plans
were being made for the one-month birthday celebration for the Fischer quin
tuplets. Flags and bunting decked the city's main street and buildings in the
downtown area. The street will be the s cene tomorrow of a two-hour parade in
honor of the quints. (UPI Telephoto)
Hospital News urenon baptists Convention
w a
Opens In Roseburg Tuesday
Visiting Hours
2 to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m
Smith River
Reedsport No. 1
Reedsport No. 2
Reedsport No.3 N
Reedsport No. 3 S
Reedsport No. 4
Deans Creek
Winchester Bay
Loon Lake
Drain North
Drain South
Yoncalla East
Yoncalla West
Oakland No. 1
Oakland No. 2
Suthcrlin No. 1
Sutherlin No. 2
ISulherlin No. 3
;Fair Oaks
!Fir Grove
i Wilbur
I Coles Valley
! Garden Valley
! Winchester
I Newton Creek
Benjamin Ivan Gurney
Benjamin Ivan Gurney, 55,
of Drain, died Saturday at his tion.
homo after a period of ill! In the more classic vein,
health. G e o r g e Frederick Handel's
A life-long resident of Doug-, flashing . "Water Music" suite
las County, he was born in'and Peter Ilich Tchaikowsky's
Umpqua April 26, 1908, and'Symphony No. 4 in F Minor"
was married in 1929 to Mac will round out the top-notch con
Blakley. They had resided in 'cert. v
Drain for the past seven years, I
moving there from the Suther-7fD C..- IAlL.4 C.I.
lin area. He was a member ofOP S0VS Wheat Safe
me Moose Lodge 2107 ami Le-iT. n.j. niJ;.,. .,
iv nvuj niuibuivus
gion of the Moose. He was a
Douglas County Road Depart
ment employe.
Besides his wife he Is surviv
EUGENE (UPI) - The Re-1
Auto Strikes Car
Towed From Ditch
A 1954 automobile struck a
car which was being pulled out
of the ditch by a tow truck,
causing extensive damage Sun
day about 8 p.m., state police
The car in the ditch, a 19G2
model, had been operated by
Clark T. Reed, 21, of Rt. 1,
Box 312, Suthcrlin. Reed was
taken to Mercy Hospital in
Roseburg by ambulance, suffer
ing facial lacerations and a leg
injury. The car was registered
to Robert C. Reed, same ad
Mercy Hospital
' Surgery: Mrs. Charles Bridg
es, Mrs. Kenneth Jackson, Rose
burg; Nickey Moon, My We beginning wjtn morning meet-!rctary of the Oregon Baptist Edenbower
Creek; Mrs. Herbert lerBush, ings of the women's Baptist'Convention, wUl address theEdcnbower
Edenbower East No. 1
The 75th annual session of the missions. Following a noon Edenbower East No. 1 A
Oregon Baptist Convention will luncheon at the church, Dr. j Edenbower East No. 2
convene in Roseburg Tuesday, Dwight Dodson, executive sec-1 Edenbower East No. 3
West No. 1
West No. 1 A
lAficcinn Cnniotv nf Drnnnn anH'armin inllina nf hie vinitc In : T?A,.Un...n Wnct Nn
Medical: Mrs. Donald Wells, ,hc 0regon Baptist Ministers' .mission fields of the church. 'Edenbower West No. 3
Lilecn Pape Mrs. Norman uav- Council. Both groups will rog-!Spccial women's events will belEast Umpqua
is, Tommy Uscry, Mrs. Bruce!jster aj D
at the Firstlclimaxcd with a banquet
Taylor, Jimmy Smith .Mrs. Baptist church', site of most,0:15 p.m. iciide West'
BUu LseCe Mrs F7ovd"lCOnVenti0n aCtivitieS W"h HE SPecii" events for the Minis-lToketee ...
smith w Rrnnp'r ViHrilM'exception of bancll,ets wn,en wllltcrs' Council will include a mis-jDixonvillc
Irene Keeney, Winston; T 0 m Pl," , rU" Tuesda5n Enckson in the morning! MiU West
Taylor, Ray Kobel, Clark Reed, .,, onlhJ U J" ' ,
Sutherlin; Ernest White, Myr- r '"""? .u r.... . r , i- . , 7i. nZ - iT
tin rronlf Shnrrv Willinmc '"'s wtu UK l"K dppcoiaiivu nun m-pui-i , fitjsiui ui inc tit v.ii.-
nn,,i '.Wednesday of Harold Stasscn,' First Baptist Church of Long Umpqua
uaKiano. , , ... rt,D . ..... T
J llll CC-ICI 111 guvcmui ui miiiiiv--ucdun, vuiu. icni:i , wuu win ajoih;
Discharged sota wno js now pt-csident of also be the principal speaker Laurclwood
David Rubrecht, Richard the American Baptist Conven-at the men's banquet Tuesday Hamilton
Strohm, Michael Miller, Mrs. tion. Stassen will speak at 8 evening, is widely known as a'Woodward
Ellen Rciny, Mrs. Richard Mar- p.m. at the church following a gifted speaker, one of his prin- Caro
tin and son, Clifford Frederick; 'g p.m. dinner to be held at the cipal activities for several years'Hermann
Mrs. Irving Bissonette and son, Umpqua Hotel. jbeing speaker for the Laymen's Roseburg
Michael Lawrence; John Har
ris, Bernard. Shaw, Mrs. Joseph
Robins, Roseburg; Redeana
Bates, Mrs. Hubert Dunn, Mrs.
Arthur Arms and son, Robert
theme "A Woman's Witness in
This Age" at their gathering
Tuesday. There will be discus-
Arthur, Winston; Mrs. r toyasjon groups on race relations
Smith, Kiddle; Bert uaugna
State May Get
Big Blow Today
man, Tcnmilc; Rudolph Holly,
Sutherlin; Mrs. Melvin Martin,
Oakland; Mrs. Jacquc Edmond,
Winchester; Mrs. Clair Fox and
son Dwayne Clair, Elkton.
Douglas Community Hospital
Admitted Western Oregon
M.i:..kl. Mee TnVin Hqumonn : t - i.u:-. l.l 1 1 iu:n
publican party's national chair- The ncci.lnnt nmirnd nn 11.0 Ruth Kurtz. Mrs. Leroy Sie-iaml evenine according to the lareiy 10 commmee ap- cjvil B d
"- If ? im. hM u wml u.-l. l 7. . t . r .. u C .u. poimmems ana discussion 01 .
cd by live sons, Dclbcrt of Yon- , ' ""-"". iNunparcu uoau, ai us inicrscc-, . " weamcr uureau siauun ai m evBI.-elism in th Dresent aee
calla, Gordon of Drain, Wayne,ulu? - 80,1 w',ci'1 l n "on with Plat 1 Road. A tw!Kenncth Summerlin Mrs Lar-;Roseburg airport but it will bevlthgj5mVc W'nston No,
01 ' KiKion, Lawrence ot aKe- " ; ,i . , . uul11 "n nuns luwnig ,,,. , mM.c ....
Theme Reported I Hour, a nation-wide religious Hawthorne
Baptist women will use the radio program. Miller
General Sessions Set Roseburg
Both the separate sessions for'haven
men and women attending the " n -
sion groups on race mu,v , tj , dj at""""1
political action and modern day 2 p m with general g Nol,h
. " '"IBrown West . ..
Ul l.ou p.m. ui. uiiKi'in: uciuii, (IpnlnrH
host pastor, and Thomas Gar-j1" .
rison, mayor of Roseburg, will Qreen
join in welcoming delegates 'rreen West
limy ue . Tnli.v will he rto. 01
afternoon "": . ' : l'arrott
the convention. The afternoon1
Green South
iir:n at- n
...1 . ,., 1 , - l . . .... , " . .. IIIl,MUIIill V. UltTMUUIU.
side and Vernon of Drain; a wntal wm Dc a" lsslle m of Roseburg, had pulled Reed's"" 01 iioscDurg; Arue urau- daddy of them all, the Oct. 12 . . ! Winston wo. 3. .
stepson, Jim Day, and a daugh- ,refl .LaI 5 Presuiemiai cam- car out o( the dilcn 8nd was ioro, Mrs. jesse rieagy, noger storm f last year. I ' " "' ' -.i'-aru
lei-; Donna Guriicy of Drain. PaiKiuii;. parked facing cast in the east-iMllls. Cal-y Hollenbeck. all of, Twenty . four . miie . an hour convene at 8 p.m. at the church Melrose
Also Wiving are his moth- 1!c"- william E- Mlllcr. R", bound lane. Winston; Mrs. Raymond War- winds wcre rec0rdcd at the air- foS m s and 7'"-Lookingglass
cr, Mrs. Lucinda Gurney of Col-Ncw,Yo,;k' said President Ken- while fastening the ,w0 vc.'ner Glide; John Donovan Sr port at 11 a.m. today and gusts,
ifornia; three brothers and four s 's'0" ' sc" ?",rPlu; hides together, the 1954 carjOld- ,. u . , . 'to 40-miles-per hour were fnacvk
sisters: Mrs. Velma Brauning-'V- S' noat ' 1,0 S!,,v,cl na- operated by Henry Martin Par-1, Surgery: Hugh Coltrm, Louis t for latel. in ,nc day. These f Bap''s' "c -ill ad lJ y'' C rcc? est
cr, Sutherlin; Glen Curney, San-,'" aml " fcastern huropcan nMi Box 288 A Su(herlin, wn0 Lcc, Mrs. Henry Church, Kara-!gusts are not expected to reach a"; (.a ,cf .""J the ooic!? yr e rCe,k x0' 1
la Rosa, Calif.; Mrs. ltowena "" ; was traveling cast, crashed into;""' '.',""" ?' ', the 60-pius tigure ot me iw - " p nl , 1 '
mnnl. c, n u iuivu a tiiau Hiicit nil: , f , tann ..: , nueulll K mis. LUiuri i Gemini;,: r,nl.,.l,i,o Hnu stni-m I; n e
UI.UII, UUIIIII llll, Hlia. I'lUllTIIUI. ... . ".- ILHI UI IIIU lilVG I. II 1 LailAIIII ' ' , , , 111 wuo - - ,
Fenwick, Gi'esham; Mrs. Eve-i , " -7 ij""" extensive damage to both cars,
lyn Bealty, Santa Rosa, Calif.;!11.'0 , lucTeJ, UUS' There were no injuries.
Alfred of California; Mrs. Hilda1?""1?- J.lill1,r "aid "There are'
McFcrrin of Oakland, a n d 'e,ls'ns ln lhe 1w,.',, ld causcd T,.r Uf:ll D
Ralph Gurney ot Sutherlin. Communists." liUeSdOy Will Be DrV
. IIic i-nmni-liG omiin ilnt-inn n
funeral services will bo held
John Shaffer, both of Winston.
the Present A gcy, creek No! 3
warnings were
hoisted on the!'1.'ll,'0l,,?n Improved Race Rela-Myrtle Creek No
Discharged LF, rnni this mnrnine. ac-luons- I Myrtle Creek East
Roscoe Parr, Daisy LariTHM'.'conjing (o lhe weather Bureau.! A reception for new pastors Tri City North
inomas xaiuis, iurs. wn-i mi p fjvp.dav forecast calls for aI,u ahsociaiiuu umuuiiiturs win in -uy vcsi
at the chapel of Mills Funeral
news conference nl the Wester
n Day For Vote On Tax
Ham Perkins and son James imr,irnt." ,Vir.nim near be held in the social hall of the Tri City East
n f 1 n 1 Dn,.nnP O v- . . c c nUHnl, l nnnn,Jn ll, Tnorfni, Di.l1ln Mll.
uiiiiiiiiu, iniin 1 i-iauM, .normai but with more than nor-v '"- iuMujr,.uuii nmiu w
Haskins, Winifred Forrest, Sher-
mat amounts of precipitation.
iinmn ni ni.nin v,i t,i ,. i uui iiiucimik iiuru. man (jnaiup, airs, r.u nusscu,
2 p.m. Vault interment will be1 "T'.'c 'l11081'"11 is whether the Tuesday, day of the tax refer-Mrs. Vincent Preschern, Leola1 .
I iviinaiiuia wiiui iu iny fi-riii ciecuoii, win oe a dry r ry, iiarry Duwers, an m no!- y CIIIU ,UII w Cll null
ions to producing wheat in-, day throughout the state, at burg; Vickie Ulman, Larry
stead 01 armaments.
in tho Drain cemetery.
54S S.E. Main SI.
Published Daily Except Sunday by I
Roiaburg, Oregon
Telephone 67J-333I j
Entered as lecond class mailer May 7,
1970. at the pott olllce at Roseburn.
Oregon, under act ot March 3. 1873.
J. V. Bienner Publisher
agenda. i Riddle South East
Activities for the three-day. Riddle West
convention will resume Wcd- Canyonvillc East
ncsday with a 7 a.m. breakfast Canyonvillc West
at the Harris Cafe for ministers Da.vs Creek
and their wives.
Oakland Church Sets
Homecoming Services
;Cov Creek
iGlendale East
The News.Rcvlew Is a member ot the ivm-nliin :il
Audit Bureau ol Circulation and the Ore: Eitll Dllllll, Correspondent.
Jon Newspaper Publishers Association. A basket dinner will be
ion Newspaper Publishers Association. A basket dinner will be at """"-"""1 " ""is uui-.i
National Advertising Represenlative Is ...,n . . i.i f,,n,,.chiii ..iir not effect Sale of packaged 1)CV- ei,i ii.
Newspaper Adverllsing Service Co., Russ I'111' W1M1 lellowship SOIV- . . , . YlnWfn..' ScnHo1 utUm(
Building, san Francisco, cam. ices at 3 p.m. The Bible studvi . 'ts. at l00" s,n,es; ""IMliss 32 at Yoncalla
subscription rates . ! ,i ..ii, ,ii, ,ni i- " said, just "on premises con-i ,cc !..
ar, fi::i(l p.m. and the evening wor-
Carrier and Roseburg P.O. Boxes
month,; a monlhs, 10.i 1
lnhin nl Till
By Mall In Oregon: I monlh, SI. 75: . .
3 monlhs. U.SO: monlhs. SV.OO: 1 year Special 1IHIS1C and g U C S t
I1S.00. Outside ot Oregon: 1 monlh, ST. 75; 1 utunL.i-u u:ill li ft n 1 1 1 i-orl nt nil
3 monlhs. 15.35; e monlhs, $10.50; 1 year 1 . , laf"ll n A I
moo services, said Mrs. Dunn. William R. AndefSOn
least as far as imbibing in tav-'Mann, Mrs. Dclberl Caudle, all Slated rOr UeCemDer
lerns and cocktail loiinges is of Winston; Mrs. William
concerned. ; James, Riddle; Mrs. William A Douglas county Democratic
According to Wayne HolzfussJShannon, Wilbur; Mrs. Edward convention will be held Dec. 7( Drunken Driver Held :Glcndale West
llocnl liouor insneclnr for I ho Black and son Brian Lcc. Co-and 8 at Roseburg, it was an-i
slate, lhe law mail ihi "nn'nuille: Mrs. Clarence Zitek, nounced today by the counly'si James Edward Winters, 25,
Democratic Central committee. :oi an w. narvaro nvc., was
Sessions will be conducted at arrested by Roseburg City Po
the Umpqua Hold. This will lice early Sunday morning and
be the second time such a con- hooked on a charge of drunken
venlion has been held in the driving.
county, the first having been The arrest came after his car
staged in 1SG0. crashed into a power pole at
Purpose of the convention is the intersection of West Har-
tn aim ennntv ITpmnr-rnt s nn- i.nrl .,.nnn qn Wnet Rillf
5. an increase of 10 over last porlunjty t0 discuss issues ex- street about 12:40 a.m. The
arc also vei,r' a"orUln!! f J'rs-, a ' ' peeled to come up during plat- power pole was broken off and
,nrm iicnnci-auons at inc state the front end of the car dam-
itendaiice figures were announc- D (,m(K.ratio convention. a-ed.-Police received a call
ed at me nisi moeiiiiK oi uie
Fire Hall
Grange Hall
Reedsport City Hall t;.
Pioneer Grade School
Baptist Church, 174 N 20th
Union High School
Highland Grade School
Echo Resort
Grange Hall
School House
Grange Hall :
Masonic AF & AM Lodge Hall
Community Hall
R. F. Carpenter Residence
Grange Hall
City Hall
Grade School Gymnasium i
Memorial Building
Grade School Gymnasium
Fire Hall . ,
Legion Hall .
Community Hall .
Lutheran Church, West 6th St.
Community Building
Fair Oaks Grange ii
Grange Hall Hwy 225 '. H
School House ' v
Kellogg Grange . -;s -
School House
Womens Club House
Del Ray Cafu Dining Room
2721 NE Stephens ,
Barcus Sales & Service
Joseph Lane Junior High
Hunts Chain Saw, NE Stephens
Suiters Building Supply
Roseburg Rural Fire Hall
Marr Garage, 840 Garden Vly.
Hucrest School
Riversdale Grange Hall
Old Logging Supply Building
Community Building
King's Grocery
Toketee School
Dixonville School ,
Henry Hansen Residence
U.S. Forest Serv. Warehouse
Eastwood School
Benson School
Court House
Salvation Army Hall
Roseburg Motor Co
Senior High School
Fogel Res., 203 SE Mosher
767 S.E. Sheridan (on corner) .
1333 S.E. Stephens
Presbyterian Church
St. George Parish House
St. George Parish House
1930 SE Stephens
S'. Pauls Parish House
Fremont Junior High School
1229 West Harvard
Hucrest School
Fir Grove School
West Side Fire Hall
2441 West Harvard
2583 W Harvard
West Side Christian Church
New Fire Hall
Green School
Green School
Evergreen Grange
Douglas High School
Methodist Church
Water Department
Winston Fire Hall
Community Hall. v,
Fair Grounds
Melrose Grange Hall
Lookingglass Grange Hall
Tcnmilc Ladies Club
Camas Valley Grange Hall
Myrtle Grove Motel
Myrtle Creek Grange Hall
Methodist Church Basement
Primary School
Baptist Church
Nazarene Church, Division St
John's Country Store
Tri City School
Veterans Building
Elementary School
Baptist Church Youth Center
City Hall
Masonic Hall
City Hall
High School
Tiller School ' ,
Azalea Grange
High School
City Hall
... , r..l.l...l
Homecoming services at lhe ,K' ., sc 1 101 nsump-
Oakland Church of Christ Oct. : 'V'" , licensed premises any
20 will start with the morning "'eoholic lii.or during the "" Attendance Up
11 nnnmv nn ,",,,.- nil: UI'VII llll HIIV UIIV
it, ,,,-wiiiiiiK it, ...i.:i. 1.- . , , ,
on which an election is held I,. Ynittllai
Ihl-nilffhruil llll clnl " Tl.ic ,lnn.
ndance in District
11a now stands at
premises con-i ,
State liquor stores
closed during voting hours.
Homeowners now can
cover all their household
insurance needs with one
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from one SAFECO Agent!
SAFKCO makes it easy for agents, like ourselves, to give
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For example
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SAFECO olTors ninny other time-saving, money-saving
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tages of SAFECO, I.1KECO ov GENERAL Insurance poli- .
-cies at your convenience.
WHCN YOU'RE . ttCO IN Si FrT1. . .
j Ken Baaley
839 S.E. Rose. P.oseburg Ph. 673-4428
ll.ll-teni Snider, central COIll- fmm .i ntcirlnnt nf llli .11'PM .mrl
school bonrd. There are now mitlce SPcrctary, said each pre- went to tiie scene.
100 siuuiMiix in me uiuii m iiuui cjnct ue represented bv six -
William R. (Bill) Anderson, and 2!)7 in the elementary delegates, including the com
70, well known resilient of Rose- schools. mittcoman and commiitccwom-
burg, died Sunday at a local Financial reports of the grade an
hospital following a prolonged anil high school student bodies,
illness. and of the school lunch pro-SISTERHOOD TO MEET
Funeral arrangements will be gram were given. There was,
announced later hv Wilson's discussion on buying three more Chapter BI. I ho Sisterhood.
Chapel of the Hoses'. sinks for the biology and sci- will meet Wednesday at the
jence classes but no action was home ot Mrs. John Todd at
i taken. The new budget laws 1196 SE Hawthorne Dr. A les
were also discussed. sort luncheon will be served at
Yoncalla Man jailed
For Attempted Flight
Dennis Edward Smith.
The board will hold its next 1:15 p m
meeting Oct. 23 at the Scott's
Route 1. Box 67, Yoncalla, has-Vailev School.
been committed to the Douglas
County jail for 60 clays from the r C I J
court of Justice of the Peace VQIIIP TlTB LeQUefS
Warren DeLaVergne at Drain.1
ge was attemji
police officer.
r i- I aa . .!
The charge was attempting to Jei I UeSQaV IfieeTinu
I BONN, Germany (UPI)-Re-i
tiling Chancellor Konrad Adcv
inauer, 87. received numerous
; marriage proposals until a short
time ago, aides said today.
A previously canceled meet- They added that the chancellor
YONCALLA EVENT SET inK of ,he I'mpqua Council ot seemed disinterested and told
The Yoncalla PTA will hold mP Firc Girls. Leaders As- his secretary: "Just put them
a reception for all teachers in sociation will be held Tuesday in the non-aggression pact file.'
District 32 tonight at 8 p.m. at (rom 9:30 a m- 10 12:30 n '"
the hiih chonl in the Roseburg Presbyterian
All school patrons are urged Church basement.
to attend.
Helps You Overcome
Looseness and Worry
No innitrr be annoyed or ftl tll-nt
OrtTu.i.,- of iooa. wobblr IaIm
tpth PA8TEKTH, n Improved alka
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your pi tea hold them firmer k they
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rASTKK"Ti today at any drug oounuc.
Cnmp Fire and Blue Bird
loaders will receive special
training on a national project.
Bahy sitting service will be
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For Expert Installation and
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1 1 Years Local Experience
Custom Floors & Carpets
New Barber Shop
"Cole's My Barber"
2040 N.E. Stephens
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And Foirhoven
I General To Heavy
5 Machinery
I Household Goods
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1 Explosives
Large or Smal! . . .
We Move Them All
Phone 673-4436
P.O.BOX l..i4ri.C.CAtPE.
to our fellow citizens of
Douglas County
Do you know that under Measure 1, our County
will receive $5,690,037.81 Basic School Support
Funds from the state during the current biennium
to ofhet local property taxes?
Do you know thot a Yes vote means adequate
educational opportunities will be available NOW
lor Oregon's children and youth?
Do you know that a Yes vote means continued
new busines opportunities in Oregon are encour
aged? Do. you know thot a Yes vote will continue ade
quate needed services which the State now pro
vides: police protection, mental health, mental
hospitals, prisons and all the rest? If we are te
hove these they must be paid for.
VOTE YES on Measure 1
A YES vote means 'No'
to higher property taxes!
This ad paid for as a community service by the following:
Cliff Hukari, Roseburg
William Humphreys,
Tom Li He bo, Reedsport
K. C. Layer, Roseburg
Myrtle Creek Classroom Teachers Association
Mrs. Mary Pease, Chairman Douglas Co. Citizens
Committee for a Yes Vote
Eugene H. Fisher, Elkton
Mrs. Dawn Peseau,
Norman A. Lee, Roseburg