The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 12, 1963, Page 8, Image 8

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Farmers Use Storm
Aid In Wise Manner
Douglas County farmers have
made good uso of emergency aid
in the past year to help them re
cover from setbacks received a
year ago this week in the historic
Columbus Day windstorms.
Shortly after the wind subsided,
the U. S. Department of Agricul
ture made emergency funds avail
able on a cost-sharing basis to
help farmers restore damaged
farmlands to productive use, ex
plained Curtis Barker, 'chairman
of the Douglas County Agricultural
Stabilization and Conservation
Committee which administers the
.. Through September, this emer
gency assistance had been used
to complete 161 projects in debris
removal from fields and orchards.
stream clearance and woodlot
cleanup on 175 Douglas County
farms, he noted, using approxi
mately $20,000 in federal funds,
The government paid up to 80 per
cent of the cost.
County Gets $45,000
, A total of $45,000 was allocated
to Douglas County for the emer
gency programs. So far, requests
have been received by the coun'.y
committee for projects on 180
farms. No more emergency aid
applications are being accepted
" Orchard clean-up and removal of
debris from small streams were
the first two major concerns of
most growers, Barker explained
With technical assistance from the
county extension agents and mon
ey from ASC, many growers
cleared damaged orchards while
others readied their land for new
plantings. Full production is still
in the future, but the first firm
steps have been taken.
Stream clearance to prevent
flooding and erosion was also high
on the list as farmers went to
work clearing waterways before
Iwinter rains could cause further
damage. Cost-sharing assistance
was generally limited to small
streams on which no other public
agency was already working, he
: Technical Aid
Farm woodlots are' still being
cleaned-up, with technical advice
coming from state farm foresters
and financial aid from ASC, the
chairman said. The removal of
downed trees and other debris
from woodlots has become an item
'of major importance in the face of
fire danger and because downed
timber is a breeding place for in
sects damaging to Oregon's forest
" The removal of trees, parts of
roots, and bits and pieces of metal
Parent-Child Swim
31 HI 1 '
" "Teaching Johnny to swim" is
the purpose of tho YMCA parent
ihild class at the Roscburg "Y"
-this fall.
The fall schedule of classes for
thildrcn under 7 years of age has
oeen sci as ioiiows: monaay,
Wednesday or Friday at 3 p.m.
nd Wednesday morning at 10. In
structor for these sessions is Mrs.
Harry (Margaret) O'Neil. Accord
ing to Mrs. O'Neil, her technique
is to help the parent teach the
child by analyzing the skill ability
of the child and then showing the
parent how to teach the progres
sive learning steps. Instruction is
both in formal classes and on a
personalized basis, according to
the child's need.
"Y" Secretary Wayne Schulz re
ports there are openings in all the
classes at this time, but he urged
interested parents to enroll soon,
since there is a limit on the class
Further information may be se
cured by calling 673-5501.
Drunken Driver Held
Roseburg city police report the
arrest of Lonnel Chapman, 56,
Florence, to face a charge of
drunken driving. He was arrested
at 2:50 a.m. today on SE Rose
St. near SE Washington Ave. His
vehicle was impounded by police.
By United Prist International
The toxin of the botulinus, the
germ which produces the deadly
form of food poisoning called bo
tulism, is sometimes so strong
that as little as one part in ten
million will kill a mouse, accord
ing to the Popular Medical Ency
clopedia. 3)
The Purchase of Peter Pan Beauty Salon
Reopening Monday, Oct. 14, under new name
1417 S. E. Stephen
Three beauticians to serve you . . .
Bobbi Horton Susan Boston Pat Moore
For appointment, call .
OPEN 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Man. thru Sat.
Parking across Street at Tom Goodman's Mobil Senrlto.
and wood which littered many
Douglas County fields after
storm has largely been accom
plished, Barker added.
Western Oregon, as a whole, was
declared a disaster area after the
unusual storm and a total of $3,
799,000 was made available by the
USDA to farmers in the stricken
area. Through August more than
$3,600,000 had been allocated to
assist with clean-up work, the
chairman pointed out
In the disaster counties, a total
of 9,202 requests have been made
for emergency assistance. Through
August, some 4,645 farm projects
had been completed, with the gov
ernment contributing $1,377,000.
Coit Sharing Noted
Although the storm aftermath
provided a dramatic example of
government costing-shanng con
servation practices, such programs
have been in effect for years, noted
Cost-sharing funds are regularly
made available to Douglas County
growers who desire to put worth
while conservation practices into
effect under the Agricultural Con
servation Program (ACP), he stat
Improvements on small streams
to prevent flooding and erosion is
a regular part of the ACP as is
improving of farm woodlots. Other
ACP practices for which cost-shar
ing funds are available include:
(1) Installing of open drainage
ditches, (2) constructing irrigation
dams, (3) seeding of cover crops
in orchards, and (4) clearing of
competitive shrubs in pastureland.
furtner information on these
practices may be obtained by con
tacting the County ASCS Office,
Room 214 Court House, Roseburg.
Election Is Held
At Yoncalla Church
The Yoncalla Church of Christ
recently held its election of offi
cers for the church and Bible
Church officers elected were as
Bob Lane, chairman: Mrs. Carl
Conoway, treasurer: organist. Mrs.
Harold Boucock; assistant organ
ist, Mrs. Arne Bjork; song lead
er, Cheryl Bjork; assistant song
leader, Ruth Elmer: secretary.
Mrs. Charles Vian; and trustee for
three-year term, Floyd Morin.
Bible School officers were as
Superintendent. Mrs. James Ed-
in; assistant superintendent, Mrs.
Bca Conoway; organist, Mrs. Har
old Boucock; assistant pianist, Mrs.
lirnest uarncy; song leader, Da
vid Atkins; assistant song lead
er, Sharon Lane; secretary. Mrs.
Russcl Loyd; and treasurer, Mrs,
cveiyn rairicK.
Hospital News
Vlllrfng Hours
2 la 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m.
Douglas Community Hospital
Medical: Arlene Birdsell. R nsn-
burg; Mrs. Carlan Bratton. Suth
Surgery: Sherman Chamn. Rnl.
lyn Glassford, Mrs. Ed Russell.
Dave West, Roseburg; June Ship
pen, Bend; Betty Blair, Oakland.
Willis McLain. Walter Amis.
Martha Ball, Roseburg: Mrs. Rob
ert Deffcnbaugh, Brookings, Mrs.
oeraid Mock. Portland. Mrs. Ever.
ett Brittain, Ronnie Westbrook.
Myrtle Creek: Phillio WentlmHv
Oakland; Peggy Olp, Sutherlin, Ed- i-ooK, Winston.
Mercy Hospital
Medical: Bernard Shaw At r
Rny Childress, Roseburg.
surgery: Mrs. Robert Davis,
William Hanstad. Isanr Vnitnim
Mrs. Ezra Jones. Chrlslnnlmr
Boldt, Dean Wilson and Knute
Kershner, all Roseburg.
FAIRFIELD, Conn. (UPI) -Fairfield
University, one of t h c
more powerful members of the
Tri-State Basketball League in
recent years, "regretfully an
nounced" its withdrawal from
that conference Thursday.
The withdrawal, to become ef
fective at the end of the 1963-64
season, was necessitated by an
ever-increasing number of re
quests for non-league games ac
cording to George Bisacca, athle
tic director and head basketball
Columbus Day Windstorm
Salvage Operations Go Good
During the past 12 months the
Roseburg district of the Bureau
of Land Management has offer
ed for sale 252.000.000 board feet
of timber in sales designed to sal
vage windthrown and damaged
Humble Oil Co.
Obtains Permit
For New Station
Humble Oil Co. tins taken out a
building permit In construe! a new
service station at 535 V. Harvard
Ave., in a part of the triangle
formed by W. Harvard and W.
Freeway avenues.
D. L. Endicott, contractor, has
taken out the permit for $15,000
to build at this location. Smith
Bros, of Albany obtained a permit
to demolish a home there.
Demolition work and cleanup of
the property was started this week,
ready for start of construction the
first of next week.
This will be Humble's second en
try into the Roseburg service
area. It has an Enco Service Sta
tion at 1465 SE Stephens St. The
company acquired the new site
more than a year ago and con
struction plans have been pending.
The site does not include all of
the triangle property, as three
homes facing W. Corey Ave. are
not involved.
Smith Bros, also took out per
mits for demolition of two older
homes at 366 W. Bradford and at
2852 W. Sherwood, to make way
for replatting and subdividing of
this property, which is owned by
(J. Kennedy.
Permits have been issued during
the month for four new homes.
1 1 New Dwellings
Make Up Bulk Of
Building Permits
Permits for 11 new dwellings in
the county accounted for the bulk
of the Douglas County Housing per
mits issued during September, re
ports County puilding Coordinator
E. Slattery.
The total permits for the month
amounted to $136,900, including
three commercial buildings for
$15,650, two carports and garages
for $1,250, and two additions to
dwellings for $4,900.
The commercial permits includ
ed a printing office in Sutherlin at
4lii0 IS. Stephens St., taken out by
Hubert F. Heath.
Del Blanchard obtained a permit
for a building supply warehouse at
Bonn Island, Hecdsport, and Mel
vin Schiller obtained a permit for
six motel units at Winchester Bay.
Logging Congress
Set At Portland
Loggers from every western
state and Canada will gather at
Portland, Ore. on Nov. 6 to 8 for
the 54th annual Pacific Logging
Congress, billed as the biggest
More than $15 million worth of
logging and construction machin
ery will be on display at the giant
Portland Coliseum, according to
Robert P. Conklin, president of the
congress. Cnrwin Woolley, execu
tive vice president, reports this is
the lurgqst machinery show in the
history of the congress. '
A total 2,500 loggers are expect
ed, Conklin advised, for the three
days of meetings.
The theme of the congress, Conk
lin pointed out, is "The Business
Of Logging." We have a top flight
cast of speakers," he said, "who
will cover many aspects of logging
of vital importance to the in
dustry." Probably the star attraction will
be Dr. Irving P. Krick, Denver,
controversial meteorologist, who
will close out the business sessions
on Friday with a talk on "Logging
And Weather." Krick has already
stuck his neck out with a forecast
made several months ago that
Portland will enjoy good weather
during the three days of the log
ging congress.
Other hcadliners include J. Rog
er Dcas, American Can Co.. New
York, who will give the keynote
address Nov. 6. Later the same
afternoon. It. J. Whittle, B.C. For
est Products Inc., Vancouver, B.C.
will moderate a panel on "Dam
age Is A Business Factor.'
McMinnville Minister
Sets Visit At Camas
The Rev. Rov Knieht from Me-
Minnville will be a special euest
at the Methodist Church in Camas
Valley Sunday, according to Mrs.
Dave Thrush, correspondent.
After church services there will
be notHick dinner and everyone is
invuea 10 auend.
The Rev. Mr. Knight is a for
mer pastor of the Camas church.
Ilofstra has named Paul Lynncr,
in his 12th year at the Long Is
land College, as assistant to How
dy Myers, the director of athle
tics. NEED OIL?
Call 673-8356
trees resulting from the Columbus
Day windstorm of 1962.
Of this volume, 152,000,000 board
feet consisted entirely of salvage
timber while the remainder includ
ed undamaged trees which had to
be removed in order to conduct
the salvage operations. An addi
tional 62,000,000 board feet of un
damaged green timber was offer
ed for sale during the same pe
riod, mostly in the southern por
tion of the district where blowdown
damage was light.
According to latest district esti
mates, approximately 32,000,000
board leet of wind-damaged tim
ber remain to be offered to com
plete the district's salvager-program.
All but a relatively small
percentage of this volume will be
offered for sale before Jan. 1,' 1964.
Salvage sales 'offered to date
cover a total of 13,520 acres.
Wherever possible, BLM foresters
marked for cutting only the wind
thrown or damaged trees, leaving
the remaining, undamaged trees
standing for future harvests. Of
the listed total, 7,680 acres fall into
this category. Timber on the re
maining 5,840 acres was damaged
so severely that clear-cutting was
necessday. .
Timber operators are making
good progress in removal of sal
vage material from the woods. To
date, timber purchasers in the
Roseburg district" have removed
96,000,000 board feet from BLM
salvage sales. Salvage operations
are complete on 5,310 acres, in
cluding 3,470 acres where only
damaged trees were removed. Op
erators nave concentrated on these
partially cut areas in an effort
to reduce the danger of bark
beetle attacks next spring. Since
most of the larger sales are; or
will be, located on rock-surfaced
roads, removal of salvage Umber
will continue at a high rate through
the winter.
BLM foresters are most grateful
for the excellent cooperation re
ceived from the lumber, industry,
cooperating agencies, and countv
residents in carrying out the sal
vage program, the announcement
U. S. National Bank
Continues Gains
In Past 12 Months
Deposits, loans and total resourc
es of the United States National
Bank registered substantial Bains
during the past 12 months, accord
ing to figures released as of Sent.
30, the date of the comptroller of
me currency's official call for the
Deposits increased more than 51
million dollars and now stand at
5088,747,654 compared with $936,
951,922 on Sept. 28, 1962. Loans
increased almost 20 per cent and
now total $575,443,356 as against
$481,962,937 -a year ago.
The Roseburg branch of U. S.
National reported total deposits of
$21,483,032.76 and loans and dis
counts of $7,770,982.55, according
to H. E. Schmccr, local manager.
Total resources for the U. S. Na
tional statewide system of 92 of
fices were $1,094,245,195, an in
crease of more than 60 million dol
lars. I). S. National continued to ex
pand during the past year, opening
new , branches in Eugene, Lake
view, Princvillc, Salem and Port
land. New buildings were complet
ed for already established branch
es in Bend, Madras, West Salem,
Stayton, The Dalles and Milwau-kie-Powcll
in Portland.
Mrs. Horton Takes Over
Peter Pan Beauty Shop
Mrs. Donald Horton, known to
the beauty operators trade as
"Bobbi," has taken over the for
mer Peter Pan Beauty Shop at
1417 SE Stephens St. and will re
open for business Monday under
the name of Bobbi's Beauty Salon.
The Peter Pan has been opera
ted for a number of years by Lcola
B. Gorton.
Mrs. Horton (the former Darlenc
Brusscau) said she will have as
her assistants her sister, M r s.
Jim (Susan) Basson, and Pat
The beauty shop was redecorat
ed this week prior to opening.
A graduate of the Roseburg
Beauty School, Mrs. Horton has
been working as a beauty opera
lor for the Fairhavcn Salon of
Beauty, 1457 W. Harvard Ave.
WIN With Ford Service Specials
Performed by factory-trained
Using only Ford Quality Parts!
(Coupons Expire Nov. 30, 1 963)
Your Ford Needs So Littlo Cor . , .
Bo Suro To Give It Tho Beit!
it ROTUNDA ANTI-FREEZE, with guaranteed AH-Wintor p
taction only when Installed with this service special
-A-THERMOSTAT, Genuine FoMoCo or Rotunda. (If required)
Always Bring Your Car To The Most Modern Service Center
580 S. E. Oak
By Leroy
8 The News-Review, Roseburg,
Spring Tapper
Use In City Of
Glendale Correspondent
The hydraulic drilling rig. de
signed and built by Ivan Marriot
of Sacramento and Glendale in Cal
ifornia last winter, then brought to
Glendale for drilling horizontally
under old highway 99 at the Glen
dale Junction to bring spring water
under the road to Marriott s prop
erty there, has been called on for
another specialized lobs in the area
since then. ,--.
The equipment, featured in' pic
torial newspaper articles a few
weeks ago, was used in the city of
Glendale recently, when the city's
water department needed to put in
l'S-inch water line under Wil
lis Avenue between 3rd and 4th.
The one-of-a-kind drilling rig did
the job without extra expense or
the inconvenience to residents of
having the street opened up in the
conventional manner and a ditch
dug for laying the pipe.
Mortgage Report
List $1 Million
During September
The Douglas County mortgage re
port for September, as compiled
by the Commercial Abstract Co.,
lists 134 mortgages issued for a to
tal value of $1,245,963.
Umpqua National Bank at Reeds
port leads the list with 18 mortgag
es issued for a total of $284,055.
Umpqua Savings and Loan Associ
ation comes next with 13 for $182,
150, followed by Douglas County
State Bank (Roseburg, Oakland an
Sutherlin) 22 for $131,921. United
Stales National Bank of Portland
(Roseburg, Drain and Myrtle
Creek) follows with 21 for $113,975.
Others include the following
A & K Builders Supply, 1 for $2,
937; Custom Construction Co., 2 for
$8,931; Equitable Savings And Loan
Association, 6 for $79,300; Farm
ers Home Administration, 1 for $14
700; Federal Housing Commission
er, 1 for $6,750; Federal veterans
loans, 3 for $28,370.
First National Bank of Roseburg
(Winston and Roseburg) 2 for $45,-
000; M. S. Christianson Mortgage
and Investment Co., 2 for $24,350;
O K Builders Supply, 1 for $3,493;
racific Security Bank. 1 for $7.-
000: Prudential Insurance Co. of
America, 1 for $13,050.
South Umpqua State Bank, Can
yonville, 4 for $11,215; State Fi
nance Co., 2 for $19,800; State Vet
erans loans, 4 for $85,100; and mis
cellaneous, 25 for $183,863. -
Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Sell Part Of Farm
In Scotts Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee recently
sold 100 acres of their ranch in
Scotts Valley to Mr. and Mrs. J.
O. Cole of Lakeside, Calif.
Mr. .and Mrs. Lee bought the
place from the late Mr. and Mrs
James Toner. The ranch house
was built by Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Stacey and at one time was known
as the Stacey Post Office.
People went for miles for their
. Mrs. Lee's father, the late Oscar
Langdon, was the first mail car
rier to carry the mail on a star
route. He would leave Elkhead in
the morning, go to Ilia Post Office
in Shoestring Valley, to Stacey Post
Office in Scotts Valley, and into
Yoncalla, where he picked up mail
that came in by train and back to
the Elkhead Post Office.
The mail was carried three days
a week and the round trip of
about 20 miles took a full day by
team or horse back. In the winter
the mud was belly deep on a horse
Some places the road was cordu
roy which was very rough and
bumpy. One woman said you could
start to town in the winter time
with your cream and eggs and
have butter and scrambled eggs
when you arrived in town.
The sale was made by Hub Real
ty. (or
B. Inman
Ore. Sat., Oct. 12, 1963
Finds New
Marriott had envisioned
h i s
equipment as constituting a
tapper," and it was for this use he
was called on to assist Walter W.
Williams of Azalea, near High
way 99, who needed adequate wat
er for house supply. Marriott care
fully studied a green patch of
ground on the hillside near the
Williams home. He checked it care
fully for existance of water with
his '"witching" or- "dousing" rod,
with which he has had some previ
ous experience.
He' estimated direction and dis
tance of the water from the point
where his drilling would begin and
then set up his equipment. He
drilled 235 feet to tap the spring
which they suspected existed. The
spring was there, and it has been
flowing at the rate of about three
gallons a minute since. The water
is good, and Williams plans to build
a concrete box around the piped
outlet and use it for household and
When Marriott, wno is retired
and spends part of the year here
and part in California, returns
south, Dick Darrow, who operates
a garage on Marriott's property
here and who has worked with him
on the use of the equipment, will
continue to have it available for the
special problem drilling jobs it
seems to handle so effectively.
Promotions Noted
At Gardiner Plant
Of International
George J. Green was named
head green end foreman of the
Gardiner plywood plant of Inter
national Paper's Long-Bell Divis
ion, announces A. J. Myers, man
ager, Gardiner-Vaughn nrancnes.
Green is in charge of all green
veneer manufacturing at the large
plywood plant, which operates two
shifts. Green was promoted to the
new Gardiner position from Inter
national Paper s Vaughn plywood
plant, where he was green end
foreman day shift.
He has 17 years in the plywood
industry, first going to work for
I-P in 1956 as a lathe operator in
the Vaughn plywood plant. In 1959
Green was promoted to green end
foreman second shut, and tne
following year moved up to d a y
shift foreman.
Green served in the U.S. Navy
1942-46. He is a member of t h e
Knights of Columbus and Moose
Lodge. He, his wife, Sue, and two
daughters, Carol Sue, 13 and Cin
dy Colleen, 9, have moved to
Joe B. Moore has been promoted
to timber cutting foreman of I-P's
Gardiner woodlands area, announc
es Charles L. Foster, manager of
the company s Gardiner-Vaughn
Woodlands Area.
Moore replaced Edward E.
Priem, who has retired. His du
ties include supervision of the fall
ing and bucking crews and the
scalers in I-P's Gardiner wood
operations. Moore is responsible
for the falling of timber, and the
cutting of logs into proper grades
for highest utilization by the com
pany s Gardiner mills.
He has more than 11 years of
company service. Moore was scal
er on the cutting crew before his
recent promotion.
Olson Named Assistant
To WCLA Traffic Head
Ivan A. Olson this week moved
up to assistant traffic manager at
West Coast Lumbermen's associa
tion, succeeding James G. Manning
who advanced to traffic manager.
Olson joined the WCLA transpor
tation staff 4Vb years ago, after be
ing graduated from the University
of Oregon in business administra
tion. Born in western Lane county
in 1932, he worked in lumber and
plywood plants before completing
He is registered to practice be
fore the Interstate Commerce com
mission and currently is president
of the Portland Industrial Traffic
Save $1.00 Now
On Any Regular Ford 6,000-Mile-lntarval
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18,000 24,000 etc.
YOU SAVE $1.60
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International Paper Lists
Promotions And Retirement
Promotion of two men and the
retirement of a lumber industry
veteran marks a major accounting
management change at the Gar
diner branch of International Pa
per's Long-Bell Division.
Robert H. Strowbridge was ap
pointed branch accountant replac
ing M. O. (Mike) Kclley, in a re-
cent announcement by A. J. My
ers, manager of I-P's Gardiner
Vaughn branches. Gerald F. Lar
son has moved up to senior ac
countant. Both appointments and
Kelley's retirement were effective
Oct. 1. ;. ,. .
Strowbridge Heads Office
Strowbridge's new responsibili
ties place him in charge of office
operations, accounting, invoicing,
and payroll at Gardiner branch.
He has nearly 20 years experience
in the industry, including 16 with
International Paper.. He moved to
the company's Gardiner operations
in 1958 as a junior accountant,
was promoted to senior accountant
the following year,- and in 1962 was
named assistant branch account
ant. -.
Prior to Gardiner, Strowbridge
had worked in accounting at Long
Bell's Longview, Wash., branch.
Strowbridge has an Accounting
certificate from the LaSalle
Extension University, Chicago, 111.
He served in the U. S. Navy 1942
45. Strowbridge is treasurer of
Lower Umpqua Chamber of Com
merce, president of Lower Umpqua
United Fund, and is a member of
the American Legion and Elks.
His many community activities
include being master of ceremon
ies and chairman of entertainment
committee for past Fleet Days cel
ebrations. Larson Senior Accountant
Larson joined International . Pa
per in 1959 as a junior accountant
at Gardiner branch.
He was born in Wisconsin, went
to school in the Portland, Ore.,
area,, and attended business school
in Denver, . Colo. He served in the
U. S. Navy 1943-44. Larson repre
sented Western Douglas County in
the Douglas County Water Re-
siurces Advisory Committee 1956
62. And he has been a member of
the Lower Umpqua Chamber of
commerce and the Reedsport Rec
reation Committee.
Kelley Started Career in South
Kellcy retires with more than
40 years of company service and
some 47 years in the industry. His
career has paralleled a number of
main areas of company growth.
A native of Texas, Kelley joined
Long-Bell in the South in 1923. He
saw the last log cut in the Bon
Ami, La., sawmill, and came west
to Longview in 1925 and watched
Long-Bell's giant fir mills devel
op. Since moving to Gardiner. Kel
ley has seen the large plywood
plant built, the dry end of the
lumber operations added, and the
construction of the new sawmill
and pulp and paper mill.
Kelley's first job witli Long-Bell
was cashier at Bon Ami. He-trans
ferred to Longview as bookeeper
and was promoted to accountant
I aV
i llniJU
FAST SKRVICL Around the clock, across the country,
the man from Farmers is at your side. Protects your invests.
rl SaTTUMINT of claims. No red tape. Your Agent
can inspect damages, arrange for repairs, sign the check.
(0-aiiENDLY People ready and willing to serve you.
' Never too busy to stop and nelp. Just call.
Dick Warren
Res. Ph. 459-3570
Res. Ph.
r u narnmnniei
Farmers Auto
in 1926. In 1939 he was promoted
to assistant chief clerk of Long
view branch. Kelley transferred to
Gardiner in 1948 with a promotion
to Chief Clerk, and later was nam
ed branch accountant. He also was
assistant secretary of the Gardin
er Boom Co., an I-P subsidiary.
He is a past treasurer and direc
tor of the Lower Umpqua Cham
ber of Commerce, was a charter
member and one of the organizers
of the Reedsport Rotary Club, and
was secretary of the Reedsport
Planning Commission for several
years. Kelley is 'serving on the
executive board of the Oregon Trail
Council of the Boy Scouts of Amer
ica, and is. a member of Elks and
Knights of Columbus.. -
Kclley and his wife, Bawn, plan
to continue living in the Northwest.
They have a son, Marion Louis,
and a daughter, Mrs. P. A. Ear
hart, Crescent City, Calif. There
are two grandsons.
DFPA Cuts Dues
By 26 Per Cent
A dues cut of more than 26 per
cent was announced by the Doug
las Fir Plywood Association at its
fall membership meeting Monday
Executive Vice President James
R. Turnbull recommended trim
ming the dues from 75 cents per
thousand square feet to 55 cents.
He reported acceptance of the rec
ommendation by the Board of
Trustees, at the same time said
the association probably will be
able to expand its programs in
DFPA already is the largest
trade association in the forest prod
ucts field and administers a budg
et of more than $5 million.
This is the second cut in revenue
for DFPA in less than a year. A
special assessment that went' into
effect in 1981, raising dues to SI
per thousand, was dropped in April,
reducing payments by members to
the 75-cent level.
Res. Fh. 673-8572
m 1602 s e. stn.
Ph. 6722618
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