Steel Lawn j Rake Essential To Gardening No gardener worth his salt should be without a spring-tooth steel lawn rake. It is essential to outdoor housekeeping. It is equally important to select the proper steel lawn rake for the use intended. There are two types: (1; Fan - shaped lawn rakes have flexible teeth joined together at the bottom of the rake handle: (2) Comb-shaped ones have teeth that are attached to a bar which is joined to the handle. Both types do the same jobs and do them equally well. Pick Best Sitt With the exception of a narrow shrub-comb rake, whose seven flex ible teeth are designed to remove debris from among the stems of shrubs, hedges and fruit bushes, the comb-shaped rakes are gener ally wider and heavier than the fan-shaped rakes. Men prefer them or the large fan-shaped rakes. Women find the small, fan-shaped rakes to be the most practical. The thing to do is take several sues of each kind from the dis play rack of your garden equip ment store. Compare weight and case of handling. The rake that is the most comfortable for you to handle is the one for you. Remem ber, weight and size have little to 0,0 with the efficient use of a steel lawn rake. But the pressure and raking mo tion you use does. When you apply heavy pressure to the rake, the teeth collect debris from deep among the grass plants. If you apply only a little pressure and use a flicking upward motion in raking, you sweep the surface of the lawn clean. Both fan and comb shaped rakes respond to both types of raking motion. Aids Penetration The steel teeth are strong, yet so flexible they do not harm the millions of tiny grass plants that compose a lawn. They pene trate between the blades of grass and get close to the soil, bringing embedded clippings, leaves and debris, which tend to smother grass, to the surface where you can collect and dispose of them. This cleaning helps rain and ir rigation water to seep quickly into tiie soil and allows the fertilizer and lime you apply to be absorbed into the soil. In addition, an occa sional raking say once every month or so improves soil aera tion which is vital to the growth ot grass. What is more, it allows an- to circulate among the blades of grass, helping to prevent seri ous lawn diseases. Make Repairs To Lawn Now The first few cool days, which signal the aDDroaeh of fall, ln-inn with them a new burst of enthusi-1 among home gardeners. New plans, new hopes for the coming year replace the languid atmos phere of summer. One of the first things the suc cessful gardener does is to toucli up the baro spots in his lawn, for even the best lawns occasionally develop a few. Using a good, steel rake, loosen the soil as deep ly as you can without disturbing the grass that is present. Buy Good Seed Then a good grade mixture of lawn seed should be scattered over the area (never buy cheap seed, it's false economy and always re sults in dissatisfaction). After that, rake the area with a gentle, circu lar motion to flick just a few grains of soil over the seed and either roll it lightly or pat it down with the back of a shovel to firm the soil over the seed. When germination starts don't let the lawn suffer from lack of water or the tiny seedlings will dry out and die. Of course, if you must plant a new lawn, prepare the soil well, loosening it at least one spading fork deep and incor porating thoroughly lime and fer tilizer at the rate of about 3 and 5 pounds per 100 square feet respectively, as a general rule. Continue mowing as long as grass is growing. Get the leaves raided up or swept up before the rains plaster them down so they smother the grass. If you use a lawn sweeper, breaking the leaves into small pieces with a roatary mower greatly reduces the bulk. But if you rake by hand it's easier to get them up if they are not crumbled. If you arc planning to use weed controls, it's advisable to get started so it won't delay whatever fall seeding is needed. Do have the foliage moist when weed controls are applied. There's a two-fold benefit the particles cling more tightly and the absorption of the biochemicals is faster. The tiny droplets in a dew film are best but sprinkling or rain is a good substitute. In drought, iction of weed con trols will be slower but just as certain. RIVERBEND CLUB The September meeting of the Riverbend Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ken McCoy with Mrs. Harlcy Smith co-hostess. Eleven members and three guests were present. Routine busi ness was transacted. Mrs. A. A. Jacoby of Looking glass was guest speaker for the evening and gave a talk and dem stration on flower arrange ments. Mrs. T. J. Osborne will be host ess for the October meeting. ' AZALEA CLUB The Azalea Garden Cluh will meet Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Blaine Johnson. LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of JAMES R. WAD DO X, Deceased, now pending in the Circuit Court ot Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby noti fied to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the law offices of George Luoma, Umpqua Savings & Loan Building, Rose burg, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which date Is October 12, 1963. ROSS MADDOX, Administrator ot the Estate of JAMES R. MAD DO X, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Bud W. Wilson, deceased, are required to pre sent them with the proper vouchers within six months from the date of the first pub lication hereof to t!-j undersigned at the offices of Gordon G. Carlson, Attorney at Law, 329 5. E. Jackson Street, Rose burg, Oregon. Dated and first published this 2Bth day ot September, 1963. JOHN W. WILSON Administrator of the Estate of BUD W. WILSON, Deceased. NationalForesr Timber For Sole Redman's Tooth Sale Oral auction bids will be re ceived by the Forest Supervisor, or his authorized representative at the office of the Forest Su pervisor, Federal Office Build ing, Roseburg, Oregon, begin ning at 2:00 P.M., November 12, 1963, all for merchantable timber marked or designated for cutting on an area embrac ing 09 acres, more or less, within section 1, T. 26 S., R. 1 ., and section 6, T. 26 S., R. 2 E., W.M., surveyed, in the Umpqua National Forest, Oregon. The estimated volumes are: 4,900 M board feet of Douglas-fir and pine, 1,800 M board feet of west ern hemlock and other species. The minimum acceptable bid per M board feet is as follows: Douglas-fir and pine $12.60, western hemlock and other spe cies $6.65. This includes the fol lowing rates, per M board feet for stumpagc including deposit for sale area betterment: $3.00 base rate plus an additional $9. 25 for Douglas-fir and pine, $2. 00 base rale plus an additional $4.30 for western hemlock and other species and $0.35 for slash disposal for all species. The stumpage rates payable for each species will be increased by the amortization rate in effect for that species when the unamor tized estimated cost of the main haul roads has been amortized by timber scaled. The unamor tized estimated cost is $74,928.- 00. Amortization rates are: Douglas-fir and pine, $16.32 per M board feet, western hemlock and other species $7.60 per M board feet. Amortization of es timated main haul road costs is computed on 80 percent of the estimated timber volume. The prices bid for stumpage shall be considered as tentative rates subject to quarterly calendar adjustment upward or down ward by 0.5 of the difference between the average of the monthly Douglas-fir region in dices, as calculated by the For est Service for the three previ ous months, and the following base indices: Douglas-fir and pine 115.76(E), western hem lock and other species 93.09(A). Such adjustments in the price for stumpage shall be applica ble to timber scaled during the three-months period following the quarter for which the ad justment is computed. In no event, however, shall the pay ment rates for each quarter be less than the base rates as stat ed above. When the adjusted rates by species are lower than the base rates, the difference between the total dollar value of timber cut at adjusted rates and at base rates will be recorded for each species. The stumpage rates for any species will not be increased above the base rate until the subsequent adjusted rates above base rates develop an accumulated total dollar val ue in excess of the recorded accumulated difference for all species. Sealed bids will be nublicly opened and posted, at the office of the Forest Super visor, at 2:00 P.M., on Novem ber 12, 1963. All those who sub mitted a satisfactory sealed bid will be permitted immediately to continue auction bidding. A monev order, bank draft, cash ier's or certified check in the sum of S5.8O0.O0 must accom pany each bid, to be applied to the purchase price, reiunuea. or retained for application to j any claim for damages, accord-1 ing to the conditions of sale. If reouested by the purchaser, con tract terms will permit felling of timber in advance of pay ment up to the value of the per formance bond. If an oral bid is declared to be high at the closing of the auction, the bid der must immediately confirm the oral bid by submitting it in writing on a Forest Service bid form. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Forest Service bid forms for use in sub mitting sealed bids and full in formation concerning the tim ber, the conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the District ! Ranger, Steamboat Ranger Sta- i tion, Idleyld FarK, uregon. or j the Forest Supervisor, Rose- ' hnre. Oregon, before bids are submitted. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the under signed. Administrator of the estate at Lorena Samuels, deceased, has filed his Final Account In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County and said Court has fled Tuesday. No vember 12. 1963. at 10:00 a.m. in the Douglas County Courthouse in Circuit Court Room A In Roseburg, Oregon, as the time and place of he. ring objections, it any there be. to said Final Account and tor the settlement thereof. DONALD S. KELLEY, Administrator of the Estate of LORENA SAMUELS, Deceased. LEGAL' NOTICE Hearing to be held on Zone change pro posal In Keasey-Calklns Zoning District In County Planning Commission office. Room 121, Court House, October 24, 1963 at 7:30 P.M. on: Tax Lots No. 0995 and 9026 NO. 7941 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate ot ALBERT R. ZIMMERMAN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned will sell at private sale to the highest bidder for cash or on credit In the manner ai provided by the laws and statutes of the State of. Oregon all of the above decedent's interest in and to Lot 1, Block 2, Selhers Tracts, Doug las County, Oregon, said sale being sub ject to confirmation of the above-entitled court. Bids will be received by the under signed at the offices ot Geddes, Felker. Walton & Richmond, 435 S.E. Kane Street, Roseburg, Oregon, up to 10 o'clock A.M. on Monday, the 4th day of November, 1963. Dated and first published this 5th day of October, 1963. CARL M. FELKER, Administra tor of the Estate ot ALBERT R. ZIMMERMAN, Deceased IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY ORDER In the Matter of the Establishment of North Umpqua Sanitary District. The matter ot the establishment of the North Umpqua Sanitary District in Doug las County, Oregon, coming on first for hearing on May 21, 1963 upon a petition duly filed with the County Court ot Doug las County, Oregon, containing fifty citi zens signatures, all ot who were legal vot ers of the State of Oregon, County ot Douglas and residents and freeholders within the limits of the area In Douglas County, Oregon, proposed for such sani tary district, and It further appearing that notice of the time when said petition would be pre sented to the County Court was duly published once each week for three suc cessive weeks In the Roseburg News Re viw, a newspaper of general circulation and published In Douglas County, Oregon, said notice being published April 27, 1963, May 4, 1963 and May 11, 1963; and It further appearing from the records on file herein that a hearing was held at 10:30 A.M. on May 21, 1963 before the Douglas County Court in the Douglas County Courthouse at Roseburg, Oregon; If further appearing that said meeting was continued by the Douglas County Court; and It further appearing at this time that all of the lands described In said petition will be benefited by the formation ol said sanitary district; and It further appearing that no lands which would be benefited by said proposed dis trict have been omitted; and It further appearing that said petitioners have filed a good and suftlcienl under taking conditioned that the petitioners will pay alt expenses of the organization of the district. Including publication of no tices, the expenses of preparation and delivery of ballots, and the fees of elec tion of officers, and any and all expenses which may be incurred on the part of the County in the formation, election and organization of such sanitary district; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the name of the proposed district shall be the NORTH UMPQUA SANITARY DIS TRICT; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED (hat the boundaries of said sanitary district lo cated In Douglas County, Oregon, shall be as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the present North Roseburg Sani tary District boundary with the Easl RW Line ot tho Southern Pacific Railroad in Section 1, T. 27 S., R. 6 W.. W.M.; Thence, West to the west RW line of Hooker Road; Thence, Northerly along the west RW Line of Hooker Road to the South R'W line of General Avenue; Thence, Westerly along the South R'W line oi general Avenue to the East R'W line of Bower Street; Thence, Southerly along the East R'W line of Bower Street to the point of intersection with the Easterly pro longation ot Ihe north line of the Don Housley property os described In Vol., 297, Deed Records of Douglas County, Oregon at Page 632; Thence, Westerly along the last men tioned line to the East RW line of U. S. Highway No. 99; Thence, Northerly along said East R W Cne to Ihe S. W. Corner of Lot 31 of Edenbowcr Orchard Tracts; Thence, Westerly along the Easterly prolongation of Ihe south line of Lot 32 of said Edenbower Orchard Tracts at the south line of said Lot 32 to . a point in the west line of Sec. 12, T. 27 S.. R. 6 W.; Thence, Northerly along the west line of said Sec, 12 and the west line of Sec. 1, said Township and Range to the N. W. corner of Lot 8, said Edenbower Orchard Tracts; Thence, Easterly and Northerly along the North and West Line or said Lot 8, and the west and north line of Lois 1 7, and tho north line of Lots 6 & 5. of said Edenbower Orchard Tracts to the East RW line of U. 5. Highway No. 99; Thence, Northerly along the East RW line of said highway, to the south bank of the North Umpqua River; Thence, Easterly along the left bank of said river, upstre.m, to the east corner of Rio Verde, as filed and recorded In the office of the County Clerk In Vol. 6 of Plats at Paga 2: Thence, South to the South RW line of Page Road, County No. 115-A; Thence, Westerly along said South RW Line to the N. E. Corner of the J. D. Amacher Property as. de scribed in Vol. 107, Page 6?3, Deed Records ot Douglas County, Oregon; Thence, Southerly and Westerly along the East and South Line Of said Amacher Property and the extension thereof to the Southeast corner of Woody Oaks, as filed and recorded In Vol. 9 ot Plats, Page 39, Records of Douglas County, Oregon; Thence, Westerly along the south line of said Woody Oaks to an angle point; Thence, Southerly along an east tine of said J. D. Amacher property 50.0 ft. to a point; Thence, Westerly along a line 50 ft. from and parallel to the South Line of "Woody Oaks" to its Intersection with Ihe East Line of Sec. 25, T. 36 S., R. 6 W; Thence, Southerly along the East Line of said Section 25 and the Easl Line of Section 36, said Township and Range and the East line of Sec. 1, T. 27 S., R. 6 W., to a point in the North Line of the existing North Roseburg Sanitary District boundary; Thence, Westerly along said boundary to the Point ot Beginning. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that an election be held within the proposed North Umpqua Sanitary District on Tuesday, November th. 1963, between the hours of 8:00 o'clock A.M. and 8:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of determining whet her or not the said proposed district shall be organized as a sanitary district and for the purpose of electing five mem bers to the sanitary board for said dis trict. At said election all qualified electors resident within Ihe proposed district for the period requisite to enable them to vote at a general election shall be entitled to vote at the election above provided for. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all of the area proposed to be Incorporated in the sanitary district shall be consid ered as one precinct, and the polling place shall be at Winchester School, Win chester, Oregon, in said district; and Joan Krogel and Helen Bartlett, and Winnitred Travis, and Pearl C. Brown, all being qualified electors, resident within the proposed district, shall constitute the Board of Election. The ballots shall con-' tain the words, besides the legal descrip tion of the proposed district, "Sanitary District: YES " and "Sanitary Dis trict; NO ", or the equivalent there to, and the voter shall place a cross "X" between the space provided for Im mediately alter "YES" or "NO" which tver shall Indicate his choice. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the following named individuals be placed on the ballot to fill the five positions ooen on the Board of Directors tor sato sani j tary district: ' Bertram R. Shoemaker, Jr. Anarew M Hoskot Bart Crocker, Jr. Wm. C. Harris Leland F. Van AHen i Joseph S- DanchoK I John C. Keller Jess W. Brown ; DATED this 261 h day of September, 1963. i V. T. JACKSON i County Judge ' E. R. METZGER I County Commissioner i RAY E. DOERNER I County Commissioner LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Nollce It hereby given that Ida under, signed Executrix of the Will end Estate ot RAY B. COMPTON. Deceased, has tiled her final account In the Circuit Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and said Court has fixed Tuesday. November 12, 1963, at 10 o'clock AM., In Courtroom A of the Circuit Court in the Courthouse In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, as the time and place lor hearing oblections. II any there be, to said final account and tor the settlement thereof. NELLIE W. COMPTON. Execu trix of the Will and Estate ol RAV B. COMPTON, Deceased. Date ot first publication: October 13, 1963. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate ol Johanna Hoppe, Deceased, has filed In the Circuit Court of the Stale ot Oregon tor Douglas County, the final account of his adTilnlslretlon, and said Court has fixed Monday. November 4th, 1963, at 10:00 'o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the time, and Circuit Court Room "A" In the Court House at Rose burg, Oregon, as the place, for hearing oblections, If any, to said final account or to the settlement of said estate. Dated. October 5th, 1963. ARTHUR H. HOPPE, Administra tor Of the Estate Ot JOHANNA HOPPE, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Circuit Court of Douglas County. Oregon, has fixed the 2tst day of October, 1963, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. as the tima, and Circuit Courtroom "A" of the Douglas County Courthouse In Rose burg, Oregon, os the place tor hearing oblections, If any there be, to the Finat Account of the Executrix herein. Dated and first published Ihe 21st day of September, 1963. SADIE VON CLASEN, Executrix of the Will and Estate of MARIANNE HALVERSON, , Deceased. STULTS, JAYNE & MURPHY Attorneys at Law 416 S.E. Main Street Roseburg, Oregon Case No. 7673 NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY In Ihe Matter of the Guardianship ot MALINDA B. MILLER, an Incompetent person. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to and by virtue of an Order made and en tered In the above entitled Court and cause on the 24th day of September, 1V63. signed by the Honorable Don H. Sanders. Judge of said Cot'rt, the undersigned, as Guardian ol the Estate of Malinda B. Mil ler, an incompetent person, will on and after the 2Bth day of October, 1963, at the hour ot 10 o'clock A.M., proceed to sell real properly of said estate at private sale for cash or for part cash and part credit as may to the guardian seem ad visable, subject to the confirmation of Ihe above entitled Court, said real property being situated in Douglas-County, Oregon, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL 1: Lots 1 and 2, Block 84, Fourth Southern Addition, Cily ot Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. PARCEL 2: Let 8, Block 84, Fourth Southern Addition, City of Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregin. Bids will be received by the undersigned Guardian at the Law Offices of George Luoma In the Umpqua Savings & Loan Building, Roseburg, Oregon. JAMES T. MILLER, Guardian of the Estate of MALINDA B. MIL LER, an Incompetent Person DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: Septem ber 28, 1963 DATE OF LAST PUBLICATION: October 19, 1963 Demos To Recommend Successor To Kelsay The Douglas County Democratic Central Committee will hold a spe cial meeting Sunday lo reach a decision on who they'll recommend the County Court appoint to re place the late Stale Hep. W. O. (Bun) Kelsay. Kelsay, who had served in the i state legislature since the 1957 ses- ' sion, was killed in an automobile ; accident near Klamath Falls while ; returning from an interim com mittee meeting last Friday, night. The meeting will be held at 2 I p.m. at the county Courthouse aud itorium. Appointment of a replacement ; for Kelsay will be necessary if a 'special session of the legislature jis called, central committee sec I retary Darlene Snider said. Other jwise, a replacement will be elect ed in regular elections next year. U. S. Agrees To Trade Prisoners With Russia WASHINGTON (UPIi - The United States agreed Friday to re lease two a.'cused Svoiel spies in return for the release of two Americans held in Russia. One of the two Americans, now on their way back to freedom, was Father Walter Ciszek, an al most unknown priest who has been a prisoner in Russia since the 1940's. The other American is Marvin W. Makincn, 24, an American stu dent who was arrested by the Russians in Kiev in the summer of 1961. The two accused Soviet spies are Ivan Egerov, 41, a personnel officer at the United Nations sec retarial, and his wife, Aleksandra. CLASSIFIED INDEX AIRCRAFT ' V APARTMENTS FOR RENT U AUCTIONS " AUTO INSURANCE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 7 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED 80 AUTOS FOR SAwE 81 AUTO TRUCK P-RTS 75 BOATS AND MOTORS .. SS BUILDf"5 MATERIALS if business opportunities 22 business personals card of thanks 5 commercial rentals 2 exchange real estate 38 farm equipment 70 -arms and ranches 36 florists FUEL a HAY AND GRAIN 81 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 72 HELP WANTED 14 HELP WANTED MEN 15 HELP WANTED WOMEN 16 HOUSES FOR RENT 2 HUNTER'S ATTENTION 9 INCOME PROPERTY 37 INSTRUCTION ! LIVESTOCK 61 LOANS AND FINANCE 21 LOGGING EQUIPMENT 74 LOST AND FOUND 12 LOTS AND ACREAGES 35 MARKET BASKET .... 57 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ... 45 MISCELLANEOUS REN.ALS 23 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 46 MOBILE HOME PARKS 31 MOBILE HOMES .... 32 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT .. 30 MOTORCYCLES 77 MUSICAL INSTPJMENTS 50 NOTICES 11 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 51 PERSONALS 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES ... 67 POULTRY ANO RABBITS 68 POWER SA'VS 71 REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 33 ROOM AND BOARD 28 ROOMS FOR RENT 27 SEEDS NURSERY STOCK 59 SPORTING GOODS 53 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS 40 TPAC1E MISCELLANEOUS -. 46 TRUCKS FOR SALE 76 WANTEO TO RENT 25 WORK WANTEO 17 WHERE TO GO 10 LEGAL" NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of M. M. COOPER, Deceased, now pending In the Circuit Court of Douglas County, Oregon, an hereby notified to present the same, duly veri fied as required by law, to the under signed at the law offices of George Luoma, Umpqua Savings & Loan Build ing. Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which Is October 5, 1963. HATTIE L. WILSON, Executrix of the Will and Estate of M. M. COOPER. Deceased CLASSIFIED SECTION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL 672 3321 CASH RATES For Burmess Within Rosebtiff Trade Area Card of Thanks .'. $2.00 1-Day rate 2 lines $1.00 3-Day rate 2 lines $2.00 6-Day rate 2 lines $2.75 30-Day rate 2 lines S6.00 1-Day rats 3 lines $1.50 3-Day rats 3 lines $2.75 6-Day rate 3 lines $3.75 30-Day rate 3 lines $8.00 CREDIT Abovft rates suoject to 50 cents service charge for credit DEADLINES Pftvate Party Aeven.sirtg 2 P.M. Day Prior to Publication Ue Ne.vs-Rivietv reserves Hie rigr.t to classify, edit or reject any classified Ad Copy. ADJUSTMENTS If your advertisement appears Incorrectly, notify us immediately. Wo will not be res ponsibie lor more Vn one incorrect insertion. Such responsibility is limited lo a coirtct insertion of advertisement. JLL'JJlrxr M Day! Card of Thanks 5 CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to extend our heartfelt thanks to our kind friends for Ihe beaulilul floral tributes and cards In our recent bereavement. Personals 7 , DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics Anonymous, 673-662?. YOUR AETNALife agent is Vmce Schuetze. CaM673-3031 jRes.673-4819. A NEW world of friends and" fun can "be yours at the Buckeroo's; Square Dance classes. Oct. 15. Call 673-3124. YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing confidential advice may contact Catho lic Charities, 278 W. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. Diamond 5-362. Hunter's Attention CUSTOM CUTTING on deer, elk and moose, atByrd'sMarket MeatOept. NO HUNTING or trespassing on thool P. Standley Ranch, Glide. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my ranch on Roberts Creek. L. V. Weber. NO TRESPASSiNG TheLooker Ranch, Lookingglass NO HUNTING or trespassingTon'my "prop- erly. Parley E. Ware. - ABSOLUTELY no-huntlncTon L. H. Befl properly, DixonvUlo. Please don't ask. NO HUNTING or trespassing on fny ranch al Roberts creek. Ray Rauctv NO HUNTING, fishing, trespassing on my property t. ol Wilbur .Bernard Grubbe. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my properly SE ot Sutherlln. H. L. Wahl. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Sun shine Ranch. Frank Slrador. NO HUNTING or trespassing. Julian Hat field, Roberts Creok. N 6 H UNT i N G "or" I res p'assing on the Bar agar Ranch. S. Baragar. ABSOLUTELY NO hunting or trespassing on properties owned or leased by M. O. Knapp. NO HUNTING or trespassing without writ ten permission on properly near Mel rose Dairy. Donald Lewis, - NO HUNTING or trespassing on French . Creek Ranch, Glide. Bill Strader and Phil Strader. NO HUNTING or trespassing. F. W. Emmltt, Ken Rieke, E. C. Woodward, H. Agee, D. C. Roberts. NO HUNTING or trespassing ' on our property In Brockway, Tenmlle, and Olalla. Nfchojs Brothers. NO HUNTING or trespassing on myproT erly at Swan Hill or at Wlnslon Section. George Bros). APPLIANCE REPAIR MAYTAG Parts Sales Service We Service All Home Appliances BERGH'S APPLIANCE 6'2-1661 ALTERATIONS . SEWING DOUBLE BREASTED suits re-styled to sin gle. SI9.95, end other alterations. 673-64b6. BOOKKEEPING ROSKE'S BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Specializing In small business accounts NOTARY PUBLIC TYPING 1225 W. HARVARD PHONE 672-2471 I BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young 673-7419 CUSTOM' BUILT" hoinei, remodels, cabinets, carports, garaqes. Free estimates. H9 finance. Pn 679-5857, Grady Roberson. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, repair and welding. Free estimates. Call Bob Boling at 679-5544 after 5 p.m. CABINETS, patio, carports. Remodeling. No job too small. Reawnsbie rates, no dus. on Sundays. Phone 673-8652 after 4 p.m. REMODELING HOUSE LEVELING, new foundations, gar ages, carports. Free Estimates. 100o fi nancing. Gunter Construction Co. 672-2955. CATERING FOOD CATERING Large or small banquets, any. where, or al the Oak Tree Inn. Call Ruth Bradley. 672-18S8, 673-4707. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS, cleaned, checked and reoalred. Reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Call PETE or EO at Trowbridge Electric SERVICE DEPT., 473-5521. GARDEN EQUIPMENT Sales - Service - Parts SMALL AIR COOLED ENGINES Jacobson Mowers Roto-Hoe Tillers Brlggs ft Stratton Clinton Lauson Power Products Wisconsin. Etc. Le Bleu Motors 319 S E. Jackson 473-75A7 Place Your Ad Today! Hunter's Attention NO HUNTING or trespassing on Living ston ranches. No permission, J. C. Liv ingston, Glide. NO HUNTING, trespassing or crossing over on the Scott. Roth or Smith prop erties in Ihe Melrosearea. NO HUNTING, trespassing or crossing over on the Lillian Bushnell ranch on Rtsfon Road. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Robertson Ranch west of Cole Road. Emery A. Allen, Manager. "NcTri U N fl NG or'tTespasslng on the la ft Charley Dysert Ranch In Lookingglass or the Hidden Valley Ranch In Ten- mile. Hoyl J. Robinson. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Bacon, Henry, Haines, Winnllord, Bros zio, LaRaut ranches in Umpqua, Wilbur, Garden Valley area. NO HUNTING, trespassing or crossing over properly of undersigned Glengary and Roberts Mountain area. Merle H. Doering Carl J. Doering J. W. (Jack) Holmgren Mrs. M. M. Cooper Hattie L. Wilson, Adm. M. M. Cooper estate Notices 11 I WILL not be responsible tor any debts other than my own from this date. Eudell R. Brown. S100 REWARD lor information leading to conviction of party who broke and entered Mt. Scott gate on French Creek Ranch. Call 496-3447. Bill Slra der, Phil Strader. Lost and Found 12 LOST Cream color toy poodle. Chil dren's pet. Call 672-4740. FOUND Power saw In Twin Lakes area. Identify and pay tor ad. Call aiter 5 p.m. Help Wa.ited 14 FILBERT PICKERS WANTED 673-4605 No calls after 9 PM. FILBERT P ICK E RS NEED ED. 673-3797 days, 672-2970 evenings. NATIONAL organization has openings lo snow Kitcnen ana taoie serving equip ment. Top commission. Car necessary. Write News-Review Box 727. Help Wanted Men 15 LONG LOGGERS Call 173-3604 WANTED Married man to service established route. High school educa lion and good car essential. Only men presently employed need answer this aa. write New;-Kevlew box 725. SALESMAN To SeU Frigidaire Appliance Contact Mr. West UMPQUA VALLEY Hardware Gr Appliance 635 SE Stephens Help Wanted Women 16 MIDDLE AGED housekeeper to car tor Invalid, live In. Phone 673-4726. HOUSEKEEPER lor elderly man. Live In. Slight disability no drawback, s. Pearson. 73B Log Cabin SI.. Independ ence, ore. Registered Nurses WANTED. Apply D. J. Logue, admlnlstra. tor, Myrtle Creek Hospital, Myrtle Creek, Ore Part Time Job Opening for woman with good typing ability. Morn ing hours. Write, giving pre vious experience, qualifica tions to box 728, c-o News Review. INTERVIEWER wanted for part time tele phone survey. Give phone number, pre fer private line. Not a selling lob. Air mall loiter Including education work, ex perience and names of references to American Research Bureau, Field Slmfi Beltsvllle, Maryland. BOOKKEEPER WANTED MUST BE well versed in machine posting, know how to figure a trial balance anil be able lo draw up fi nancial statements. For in terview phone EVANS PRODUCTS CO.. 672-4471 HEARING AIDS HENRY A. KIRKLAND Certified Hearing Aid AudloloalBt. Service on all makes ot hearing aids. Phone 679-5024. LAN DSC APING-TILLING PETERSON'S custom tractor work Till ing, weed, brush and gross cutting, soiling. Leveling. 673-6W8 anyflmCj CUSTOM RO'fOTILLING, weed and brush culling, leveling and grading. Call eves. M. H. oil, 679-5548 LANDSCAPING-TILLtNG-DOZING SPRINKLING SYSTEMS Lawn and Field Irrigation JACUZZI PUMPS Parts Sales Service VALLEY PUMP & IRRIGATION SERVICE 673-4923 MASONRY WORK MASONRY, fireplaces, veneer, stone, block Free est. Calvin Mergel, 672-434S. ORNAMENTAL IRON SERVICE ORNAMENTAL Wrought Iron railings Columns Posts Residential and Commercial FREE ESTIMATES ROSEBURG FORGE WORKS 673-4002 Res. 673-3805 PAVING EXPERT cement work, patios. Fr estimates. Sidewalks PLUMBING LICENSED PLUMBER- Bill Wylle, Larson Rd., Rl. 4, Box 114S. Call 679-5J52. RADIO & TV REPAIR Johnny's TV Service All work gueranteed,j:alt677.244 ROOFING ROOPING. repairing. Free eitimete. Work guaranteed. Call collect ass-l66 Gold Hli. RUBBER STAMPS DO. CO. Rubber Stamp SuoDtv. PO Box IN. tn-na. Uiuellv ovem ght service. The P-ople's Marker r'loce is the Mews-Review Classi fied Vcnt Ads 9$ah, Oct. 12, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. IT Help Wanted Women 16 LADY to cart for lady in wheel chair and light housekeeping (or 2 adults. Live In. Call 673-4006 alter 4:30 p.m. , REG. NURSE for operating room, must be available for call. Good wages and benefits. Also need RN's lor other posi tions. Apply Mercy Hospital, Roseburg. Work Wanted 17 HEAVY EQUIPMENT mechanic and op erator. Have own tools. Ph. 673-3774. IRONING-90c hour. Pickup, deliver. CaH 73-7756 before 12 or after S p.m. CARPENTER workpalntlngand geTra! repair. Coll 679-5334. SEWING AND ALTERATIONS 673-1835 WASHING and Ironing, starching very neatly done. Call 672-4336. PALL cleaning, day work by day or hour. Experienced.Call6-32M. CARPENTER WORK AND RFPAIRS C. M Hattield. 673-3821 HOUSEWORK, S1.25 nr. Neat, clean, ca- pable.673-B370: BABY SITTING, hour or day. my home, experienced and reasonable. Ph 73-6. ALTERATIONS, restyling, tur, clottTcoats suils,dre-ses. Work guar. 672-2803. SUCCESSFULLYmpioyed businessman", 45 yrs. old, desires return to Oregon. Pleasant, dependable, conscientious. Ex perienced In ALL phases ol manage ment; purchasing, operation, adminis tration, sales, etc. Heavy experience In hardline field. Small Investment pos sible. Anything considered. W. O. Walls, 32 Oliver Ave. S., Minneapolis 5, Mtnn. Instruction 19 PRIVATE piano lessons. Studio at Rick ett's Music. Sharon Wagner, 672-2461. PR1VAT E'DRIViNGlNSTRUCTiONS Call 473-7217 ACCORDION LESSONS-Slx weeks trial with accordion furnished. 673-7084. SWING yourself out of that rut at the Hucneroo square, dance classes Oct. 15. Coll 673-3124 Piano Lessons BEGINNERS and ADVANCED Home Sludlo 140 S.E. Kane Call Virginia Young 673-3541 Loans and Finance 21 WANTED small discounted land contracts and equities. Call 673-6193, eves 673-6091. BABY- SITTING-In my"home Roberts Creek area. Phone 673-4954. WANTED Job as a housekeeper and baby sitter. Al least $70 month or more. Write Minnie Davis, Rt. 1, Myrtle Creek, 6. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to $1500 On motor vehicles and furniture 729 SE Washington 673-5581 AGRICULTURAL LOANS Southern Oregon PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN 202 Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 673-3248 Business Opportunities 22 SUB-LEASE small cafe. Good potential. Phone 673-8002 FRblGHT AGENCY, apt., 1400 sq. ft. business area. On Hwy 99, In town. 17900. Phone 679-6442. FOR SALE Immediately Blacksmith shop. Nice (arming community. Write Lari nagie. Ki. i. wiiaer. igarto. HUMBLE OIL COMPANY MODERN SERVICE STATION LEASE, EXCELLENT LOCATION. HIGH TRAFFIC COUNT. CONSIGNED GASOLINE, OIL AND T.B.A. HIGH COMMISSIONS. LOW EQUIPMENT INVESTMENTS. For Information, write 401 Willamette Ave., Meutord, Oregon. OWN YOUR OWN SHOP BIG RETURN on an Investment of only $6750. Including Inventory . of slock and equipment. This Is a real money maker for some one mechanically Inclined. BOB HORN REAL ESTATE 672-4801 Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE RENTAL. 245 S. E. Jackson, Approximately ldSS'. Owner. 672-3026. GARAGE or many other usage building for rent or lease, 3500 sq. ft. Also store Ding., juw sq. tr. in sournqnte opposite Mark's No. 2, 673-6193, 673-6091 eves. SAW SERVICE SAW SHARPENING Circular Band Chain Handsaws Saw tar reconditioned ALL WORK GUARANTEED . SAW SERVICE & Supply Co. 384 NE Channon Ave. B73-4234 Near N. Safeway Market SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tanks cleaned. Prompt service. Reasonable. 673-8474. SEPtic TANKSCLEANGd7" Roseburg "Sani tary Service. Phone 673-3356. TOOLS - RENTALS - SERVICE ! PLOW SHARPENING, welding. 2352 SW j Castle Ave. Machine Shcin. 673-4487. ! " "FOR "RENT i McCullach chain saws any tlia I McCuiioch poif holt auger McCulloch stump auger HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales - Parts - Service Garden Valley Jet. r.croi from .'vVWard's TREE SURGERY TREE TRIMMING, toppino, and removlna. iniurea. i-ree aw-mii uaKiana. ATTENTION ST UMP removalfCaTrtor "free esllmafes 672-459B. Carl Jenkins. COOK'S TREE SERVICE TRIMMING TOPPING REMOVING li73-7061 Roseburg VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE VENETIAN BLINDS Sales & Service SERVICEMASTER Of Roseburg 672-4601 We Give S&H Green Stamps WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nothing down on approved credit MOHR WELL CRILLING Phme 677-7371 or Sutherlln 459-403 WELDING WELDING Mlg-'vire alum, welding. From motor blocks to fry pans. All types special welding. I WINSTON CHAIN SAW Winston. Ore. 679-5641 25 NEED I or 2 bedroom furnished house. Pay up to 60 month. Ph. 673-3774. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT de- sires 3 bdrm home. PO Box 775, City. TWOB ED ROOM " hoJse by November 1 11673-505. WANT TO rent or lease small acre aqe. house and barn tn or around Garden Valley area. 673-6604. I WILL TAKE . EXCELLENT CARE ol your prop erty. I am an Evans Products employee being transferred to Roseburg from Portland and must rent or lease a 3 bedroom home by November 1st. Can furnish references. Phone 672-4471 days 672-4729 after 6 P.M. Apartments For Rent 26 FURNISHED 1 bdrm. court apt. Nr. store, clean, quiet. Adults. Reas. 673-8014. FURNISHED APT., water and garbage Included. Ing. 1303 Pine, Apt. 7. 673-3773. FURNISHED bachelor apt., $40. 646S.E. Brock way Ave. Apts. 672-9039. ATTRACTIVE rcdec, turn. Inc. utll. 165 lo S80. 2817 W. Harvard. 672-1462. "COMPLETELY FURNISHED housekeeping unils. Winchester Village. 672-1945. ONE BEDROOM furnished apt. Close in. Call 677648 TWO bedroom apt. partly furnished. " Adults only. $50 mo. Ph. 673-3369. FURNISHED 1 bedroom, apt. oarage. laundry tacllltles. 1326 SE Jackson. FURNISHED 2 bdm. apt. Water, garbage, lights paid. No pets. Ph. 673-4247. 14 KARAT APTS 2 bedrooms, sYoO, Bach elor apt. S75. Brand new. Call tor ln- iormrtlon 673-4329 lfno answer672-3602. SUTHERL1N UNION GAP APTS. 2bdrm". $50. 1 br.n, $40 mo. Furn. Including water, elec. Sulh. 459-2126 or. 679-5690. NEW furnished apts. ready by October 15th. Maid and linen service available ff desired. HotJl Umpaua. FURNISHED one "bedroom duplex, walk-" Ino distance from town. Adults. $55 monlh. Inquire 124 Masher, 473-8514. ONE bedroom partly lurnlshed apartments Couple only. Sea at 737 Wharton St. alter 5 p.m. TWOROOM completely furnished with light housekeeping facilities. Ideal for 1 or 2 persons. Electric heal. 1559 S.E. Hamilton; LOVELY 2 bedroom apt., IVi baths, furnace heal, formal dining room, large living room, part basement. Downtown local ion. Couple only, no pets. $85 month. Helen Glenn Real Estate, 465 SE Kane, or phont 672-36?2. j FURNISHED, compact, ground floor, prl vale entrance and balh, large closets, tile dralnboard, on bus line. 1 or 2 adults. Easlside, $50, Wesislde with 3 rooms, available- lh 15lh, $70. Phont J72-1577. ' Kohlhagen Apts. Modern. Reasonable Rent. Jackson St. at Lana Ave. ADULTS 673-8344 "A Good Place To Ltva" Privacy, Peace & Quiet! In tHs nicely 'furnished 1 bedroom apt. Hot water and garbage service paid. Automallc laundry facilities. Adults. Sorry, no pets.: $65. See or, call Shady Point Trailer Sales Mile S. on B R, 99.', 672-143S TODD APARTMENTS 1-2-3 Bdrm. apis., furnished or unfurn. Water, garb. serv. provided, also heat In some. Rents from $70 up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts., gas equipped 672-4743 Winchester Ct Hot water heat, 673-7466 Vlsla Homes, l ot water heat, 672-2210 Westvue Ct. Wdryer 672-2549, 673-7926 Oaklhlll Apis., Radiant heat 673-4340 vVantcd to Rent Completely Furnished Beautiful 10 wide mobile homes compar abli ,ln size lo most apts.. yet tho . convenience ot a private yard and park Ing adjoining trailer. Also smaller trail-, ers. .available. Timber Town Trailer Park. 3010' NE Stephens. 673-8506 Rooms for Rent 27 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, everything furn., free parking. S7 wK.. 525 SE Lana. NEW ROOMS Including telephonand linen service. 160 per month and up. Holel Umpqua, 673-4441. SLEEPING ROOMS For Men Close In, Quiet, Reasonable Phone 673-7864 Room and Board 28 ROOM AND BOARD and lunches packed. S80 per monlh. 673-7069. Houses for Rent 29 FURNISHED CABINS, weekly rates. 4620 NE Stephens, pacific wolel. "twoDED"o6W 'house. 1732 S.E. Eddy. Rent or sell. Phono 673-5321. TWO bedroom, adults, no pels, references. TWO bedroom, wired tor washer-dryer, electric stove. $65. Call 679-5550. FURNISHED CABIN, Wilbur. SAO per month. All jjlllities Included Calll 673-B835J ONE"to FC 'R Bdrm. homes "for lamlU ies or single elderly, Phone 673-6548. FOR-LEASE3 bedrobnPriouse. 446 NE Jackson. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished small house. W0. No dogs. 673-3168. CLEAN Tbfldroom house, westslde. Suit able for adults only. 150. Phone 67201)9. TWO BEDROOM duplex, older couple", M0. Inq. at Assoc. Gas Sta., JpVllbur. TWO "BEDROOM rental." $47. Rt. 1, Box .2S0.JE. Douglas). 673-3672. PARTLY 'FURNISHED 2 bedroom house. Adults. Ph. 673-3237. TWO BEDROOM furnished house, garage. S75;Cl04e In. 672-3747. ONE BEDROOM furnished duplex, Win ston. Call 679-8906 alter 3 p.m. WINSTON unfurnished 2 "bedroom house, electric heat, no pets. 679-5135 . THREER"60M furnished cottage. Adults only. Water and garbage paid. 1452 S. E. Mill. FOUR bedroom modern home. Newton Creek area. Oil heat, SUS monlh. 672-2521 days; 672-3005 after 6 p.m. FURNISHED CABINS. Utilities paTcL Weekly rales or by the month. Close lo stores and bus line. Roseland Courts. 2050 ME Stephens. 672-1071 or 677-2788. Mobile. Homes for Rent 30 VACATION TRAILERS FOR RENT Sutherlin 439-3133 EXTRA NICE I or ? BR modern turn, tellers. Adults only. Timber Town Treiler Park, 2010 NE Slrpneiis 673-8506. Mobile Home Parks 31 SPACE FOR 35' trailer. 1451 S.E. ShorlSt. 673.7105 SPACE AVAtl ABLE "li the snndo by the river. Winchester Village. 672-H4S. FREE TRAILER renl"oi Owls St. In ex change tor pallo wt,fk or will rent reason able. Phone 496-3495. Mobile Homes 32 FREE equity In M' Nashua, take over pymts. 1561 NE Diamond Lake. 673-6230 27' TRAILER" HOUSE for Compact. 673-5612 SITE for vour dream home could be in "Lots and Acreages". Take a look!