,:r . . - . , - tA., i- . tfew8 Ai- -i " LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER BEVERLY HARDER 6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Fri., Oct. 11, 1963 TUKGHTPUERJ 'V ' ' " ''"'.i'V-a : ' Vi VI' - ' ' . C , A: : fix, '. 'tV f IMAiA,MllMKM4 .4 .' ...... in 'ttiiiiiI THE CHARMING BRIDGE-LUNCHEON given Tuesday by Mrs. Frederick J. Hermann, Mrs. Sig Fett and Mrs. Roy Sedell, pictured above at the Roseburg Country Club at 12:30 noon, was the highlight of the social week. The luncheon was served at beautifully ap pointed small tobies centered with decorative candles designed and mode by Mrs. Her mann. iiNews-Keview photo) Deep autumn copper and bronze dahlias formed the beautiful bou' quels for the Roseburg Country. Club dining room luesday, when Mrs. Sig Fett, Mrs. Irederick J. Hermann and Mrs. Roy W. Sedell entertained a large number of friends at a very charming 12:30 noon bridge-luncheon. The small serving tables were centered with a lighted candle designed by Mrs. Hermann. ' Invited to enjoy the occasion with Mrs. Hermann, Mrs. Sedell and Mrs. Fett wore Mrs. C. D. Albright, Mrs. David Adolph, Mrs.' James Aiken, Mrs. Clair K. Allen,; Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, Mrs. S. M. Barrett, Mrs. 0. M. Berrie, Mrs. Victor Bean, Mrs. Horace Berg. Mrs. Harrie W. Booth, Mrs. R, D. Bridges, Mrs. Voile Broadway, Mrs. W. C. Callison, Mrs. M. C. Cassel, Mrs. Marian Connley, Mrs. Clyde Carstcns, Mrs. Milton J. Clay, Mrs. Gill Commons, Mrs. S. T n T A i. vuuiui , mis. u. rt. vuiurumi, Mrs. Ward Cummlngs. Mrs. Jlav Doerner. Mrs. Hniris Ellsworth, Mrs. O. J. Fcldkamp, 1 Bridge Party F Enjoyed Tuesday - Mrs... Walter Fisher, Mrs. W. F.l10 Williams and Mrs. Frederick Forrest,' Mrs., Robert H. Frank, nirs. uoncn uapz, Mrs. M. b, Groshong, Mrs. ' Glenn Gibbons Mrs. H. T. Hansen, Mrs. M. L, Hallmark, Mrs. Henry Halvcrson, Mrs. B. L. Hardenbrook. Mrs. Paul H. Helwcg, Mrs. liar ry Hildcburn, Mrs, W. C. Holmes, Mrs. James 0. Hdghes, Jlrs. Wal- Wedding Of Sept. Baskets of lavender and white gladioli and candelabra decorated the Drain Methodist Church when Janelle Mathis and C. Dennis Chris tensen wcro married Sept. 20 at 8 p.m. The Rev. William M. Park er performed the double ring cer emony before 80 relatives and friends of the couple. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mathis of Yoncalla. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Lewis Laltey of Drain. Given in marriage by her father, the beautiful bride wore the tra ditional blue garter and a necklace rorrowed from her mother-in-law. She chose a white satin sheath bal lerina length gown, with a gather ed ovcrskirt, fitted bodice with a scoop neckline and three quarter length sleeves accented by white satin shoes. Her elbow length veil of illusion was held by a crown of seed pearls and she carried a bri dal bouquet of a lavender orchid surrounded by pink rosebuds on a white Bible. Miss Bonnie Roberts was matron of honor and wore a gown she made for the occasion, of lavender satin with capslecvcs and slight gathers at tho waist. Her Head Friday-Tuesday Winners Friday for the duplicate hridee nlav of the Roseburg Club ACBL, at the Umpqua Hotel were Mrs. H. F. LeBeau and Mrs. H. N. Butler, first: Mrs. E. N. Kascr Sr. and Mrs. Ira J. Seitz, second Mrs. Russell B. Rummel and Miss Gertrude Rast, third, and M r s. Walter Fisher and Mrs. Walter Ed monds, fourth. A snccial events party was held Tuesday evening by the Roseburg Club til the Umpqua Hotel. Win ners were Mrs. Russell Diehl and Mrs. Harry HildeDurn, lirst; Jirs, Waller Fisher and Mrs. H. N. But ler, second, and tying for third were Mrs. Loyri Burnett and Mrs. G. W.' Marshall and Mrs. W. C. Callison and Mrs. M. L. Hallmark. All persons interested in dupli cate are invited to the Friday aft ernoon and Tuesday evening plays at the Umpqua Hotel. Those not having partners are invited to at tend anyway and partnership will be arranged after they arrive for the play. lor Horcher, Mrs. Elton V. Jack- son, Mrs. L. W. Josse, Mrs. H. N. Jacobson, Mrs. D. B. Kesner, Mrs Kenneth Kirk, Mrs. George Luoma, Mrs. H. F. LeBeau, Mrs. L. J. Lewis. . Airs. Joseph Lanspa, Mrs. Al H. May, Mrs. Del McKay, Mrs. Al bert McBce, Mrs. Forrest McKay, Mrs. Frank McCord, Mrs. L. W. Metzgcr, Mrs. W. D. Myers, Mrs. Chester Morgan, Mrs. Ted Mouche, Mrs. J. P. Motschcnbacher, Mrs. L. F. Nielsen. Mrs. Edward M. Murphy, Mrs. A. D. Parr, Mrs. 0. R. Petersen, Mrs. S. G. Palmer, Mrs. Henry Pape Sr., Mrs. J. B. Preston, Mrs. Ivan Pickens, Mrs. Kenneth Quinc, Mrs. h. B. Rhodes, Mrs. Burton T. Randall, Mrs. L. W. Riley, Mrs. ira J. Seitz, Mrs. Harold Schmecr. Mrs. Loyal Stearns, Mrs. Fred Stover, Mrs. Gordon Smith, Mrs. uanclolph Slocum, Mrs. Lee Stew art, Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Mrs. Carl M. league, Mrs. W. L. Tozer, Mrs. Waller Ulrich. Mrs. C. B Wade, Mrs. Meredith Wilson, Mrs, 1. Porter. '. , ,, , . The door nrio wns wnn hv fi 1 Del McKay. High score table prlz- cs at each table were the attrac tive centerpiece candles. High score prize for the afternoon's con tract bridge play was won by Mrs. porter with Mrs. Hildeburn w in. ning the second high score prize. Event 20th 1 pierce was a halo of net held Willi a velvet band accented with white accessories. She carried a nnsoimv of lavender and white carnations. Best man was Terry McVay of Blachley and ushers were Krnio Christcnsen and Ron Guthrie. Jim Whipple sang "Because" and "True Love" accompanied hv organist Mrs. William Gasscr. The brido chose a pink mohair sheath and white accessories for the wedding trip to Eastern Ore gon. A reception followed the cern. mony in tho FircDlace Rnnm nr ih church. Dccorr.tions followed the wedding theme of lavender and wiute. The bride's table was covered with a lace tablecloth decorated with lavender ribbon and net and small purple flowers and centered by a four-tiered cake. flnpnratnH with while frosting with silver leaves and tiny lavender beads nes tled in lavender net. The top layer sat on a swans pedestal topped with a miniature bridal couple. The beautiful cake was baked and decorated by Shirley Baimbridgo. Serving were Mrs Miln n,.in. 17'! Minnl 'n8- Touring wcro "a. viary nionn, Mrs. Karen I Arms, and Miss Connie Stovall were in charge of the gift table. Miss Jeanne Peters took care of the guest book and Mrs. Ed Witzcl had charge of decorations. Jancll has resided in Drain 20 years. She was graduated from Yoncalla High School and has been employed by Estcb Insurance Co. in Lugene as secretary. Kcnnis has resided In Drain seven years. He attended Lake School at Blachley Ore., River Road, in Eugene, and was graduated from Drain High School. He is employed by the Drain Plywood. They are now at home at the Hunt Apartments in Drain. Among the out-of-town guests to attend the wedding were Andrew, Chris and Raymond Christcnsen, Harbcy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Millard McVay, Duane McVay, Mrs. Gerald Estcrberg, Mrs. Virgii Esteb and Mkrtha Ross. Mrs. Ida Jones, California: Mrs. Ernie Moore. Mrs. Jim Moore, Mrs. Nora Mathis, Mrs. Albert Nel son, Mrs. Wayne Slandeford, Mr. and Mrs. Jame Baylan, Mrs. Karen Arms, Verl Miller and daughter, Mary; Miss Jeanne Peters and Miss Connie Stovall. fi ' At ' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. James Eaton of this city announce the en gagement of their daughter, Janet Diane, to Wayne J. tnglish, son or Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kellogg of Philadel phia, Pa. The bride-elect at tends Koseburg High School, and the bridegroom-elect is employed at the Roseburg VA Hospitol. No date has been set for the wedding. (Picture by Chris' Studio a Dhotog- I rarity) RriH-J Qt-i.A- Ll IVJUI 1 IWYVCI Lovely Event Mrs. Curt Welch was the honoree at a lovely bridal shower Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Ed Welch in Winston. Hostess for the occasion was Mrs. Chuck Lane, who was assisted by Mrs. Ed Welch. The attractive decorations were in gold and white. Arrangements of white, gold and lavender flow ers were used in the beautiful liv ing room. Tho gift table held an umbrella decorated with white bells and gold ribbons. Games were enjoyed, with priz es going to Mrs. Gladys Burr and Mrs. Jim Prowcll. The door prize was won by Mrs. Jimmic Rose. Delightful refreshments were served by the hostesses to Janelle Cantrcll, Betty Jean Minchcr and three daughters; Jcanic Husky, Lil Wormack, Millie Hopper, Mitzi Pruitt. Margaret Parker and son: Ka. in Hull, Sandra Zuver, Gladys Burr, Claudia Anderson, Micky Dawson and Kitty, Judy Rose, Syl via Pollard, Diane and Tom; Jim- ice Prowcll. Dorothy Benson, Do lores Benson, and the hostesses, Elizabeth Lane and Mozcllc Welch. Sending gifts were: Bea Stevens, Marie Gardner, Claudinc Sandborn. Thelma Stringer, Ruby Dudley, Ann Whitehead, Madeline Richard and Arlcnc Welch. Reception Set For Elbert Balls The congregation of the First Baptist Church of Riddle invites the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Ball to attend a reception to be held in honor of the Balls' 50th wedding anniversary at the Youth Center Sunday, Oct. 13, at 7:30 in the evening. A COSTLY MISTAKE WASHINGTON (UP1) The General Accounting Office (GAO) said Tuesday that the federal gov ernment was making a costly mis take by renting instead of owning its post office facilities. A GAO report covering a study of 91 postal facilities leased by the Post Office Department showed that after 15 years, the amount paid in rent would exceed by $2.1 million their cost of con struction. TO STAGE "ATTACK" WASHINGTON (VPI)-An "at- i tack" on northeastern Canada and the eastern seaboard of the Unit- i ed States as far south as Georgia will be staged Friday by bombers of the Strategic Air Command. The Defense Department said the exercise, "Top Rung I," would extend as far west as a line run ning from Hudson's Bay to Chi-, cago, but would avoid population centers as far as possible and i would not disrupt civil air traffic. I THE WEDDING of Linda McClaman of Cottage Grove and James Lee Wells of Roseburg was an event of Sept. 21 at the Methodist Church in Cottage Grove. The Rev. Orville Covault performed the impressive double ring ceremony at 2 p.m. (Strohmaier photo) Linda McClarnan Now Mrs. We s The wedding of Linda McClarnan of Cottage Grove and James Lee Wells .of Roseburg took place Sept. 21 at the Methodist Church in Cot tage Grove. The Rev. Orville Vo cault performed the double ring ceremony at 2 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McClarnan of Cot tage Grove. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wells of Roseburg are the Lridcgroom's parents. The wedding ceremony took place before the altar which was decorated with a large bouquet of fall flowers. Marcia Allen, organ ist, played the traditional wedding music and accompanied Lorraine Ness, soloist. James McClarnan gave his sis ter In marriage. She wore a lull- length gown of frosted lace, styled on dcmi-bcllc l.nes, with sequincd edging on the sleeves and hem line of the skirt. Her veil of im ported silk illusion was caught to a jeweled petal headpiece. She carried a white Rainbow Bible top ped with an arrangement of white gladioli and stcphanotis. JoAnne McDaniel of Coos Bay was maid of honor. Her short sheath dress was fashioned of pale apricot Oriental sheer with obi sash and bow at the back waist line. Her headpiece was a match ing bow-trim halo ring with a blush veil. She carried an arm bouquet Marjorie Powell Becomes Bride Of John Marjorie Powell of Sacramento, Calif., and John F. Nemeth, Drain, exchanged wedding vows Sept. 14 at the First Methodist Church in Reno, Nev. Tho Rev. Mr. Ander son performed the impressive dou ble ring ceremony before relatives and close friends of the couple. The bride is the daughter of Karl Hummel of Yoncalla, and the bridegroom's parents arc Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nemeth of Michigan. The bride wore a street-length dress, styicd with a beige Chantilly length sleeves. The skirt was satin and slightly gathered at the sides. The bride carried a bouquet of Housewarming Held Saturday Mrs. Arwell Muctzcl was a charming hostess Saturday after noon when she entertained at her beautiful home in Olalla at a house- warmin ' party to honor Cynthia Wambolt who has moved into her mobile homo at Winston and is now secretary at the Dillard School. She received many lovely gifts for her home. Bouquets of fall flowers were used to decorate the rooms. Table decorations were yellow candles in crystal holders. The cake was decorated with a picture of a trailer with window boxes of flowers. Present to enjoy the occasion were: Mrs. Irvin Wambolt, Mrs. Earl Ollivant, Mrs. Henry Perry, Mrs. William Wambolt and Dale, Z's BEAUTY SALON 727 S. E. Parrett Opt rotors Lortii Andtnon Lauretta Irwin Zlm Davis, owntr Hours: Tutt. thru Frl. 1:00-4:30 Soturdor, S:00-Noon Phone 673-6300 Wo S1H Grton Stampt I 1 I UITftlfl of apricot and coral gladioli. Jim Cox of Portland was best man. Ushers were Jim Aiten and Larry Shearer, both of Roseburg. Sally Kay Marsh, niece of the bridegroom, was ring bearer. She was garbed in a pale green sheer frock. Decorations in fall colors dec orated the Friendship Hall where the reception was held. Twila Whitehead had the guest book, and Sharon Kelly, cousin of the bride, and Judy Allen, were in charge of the gifts. Serving were Mrs. A. P. Wein kauf, Mrs. Eldon Whitehead, Mrs. Coda Pentico and Mrs. John Cook. Mrs. Alfred McKenzie and Mrs. Gene White assisted about I the room. ' ! The couple left on a honeymoon trip to Diamond and Crater lakes, the bride wearing a charcoal and gray three-piece knit suit with velvet hat and black patent ac cessories. The yiung people are now at home in Medford. The bridegroom is a senior at Southern Oregon College where he is majoring in business administra tion. Mrs. Wells is employed at Pacific Northwest Bell. Coming from out of state to at tend the wedding was Mrs. David Marsh of Los Angeles, sister of the bridegroom. F. Nemeth bronze orchids. She was given in marriage by James Ollar of Sac ramento. Matron of honor was Irene Cart er of Sacramento, and best man was Bus Shirley of Drain. A reception was given by Roy and Betty Linquist of Reno. The bride's cake and coffee were serv ed. Following a wedding trip to Sac ramento, Mr. and Mrs. Nemeth arc at home m Drain. Mrs. Nemeth was credit man ager of Hale's Department Store at Sacramento. Her husband is employed by Drain Plywood. At Olalla Afternoon Mrs. Louis Bassctt, Mrs. Ted Brinkman, Mrs. Herbert North- craft. Mrs. Keith Ireland. Mrs. Richard Wambolt, Stephen Warn- bolt. Ellen Perry, Janita Warn bolt, Mrs. Margy Cudmore of Van couver, Wash., Cynthia Wambolt and Kenny and the hostess. Sending gifts were Mrs. Arnold Roberts and Mrs. Bernard Long. SILK TUMBLER MODEL r3 (7 LBS.) SL1K tumbling barrel with continuous oscillation And fan-cooled motor for expert operation! Frame is of all steel construction And each tumbler has instruction! Barrel is molded of fiberglass of hexagonal shape You can vary your baroques to the size of a grape! No extra barrel is necessary when you buy a SLIlt! Inside is smooth operation is quick! . SILK TUMBLER MODEL 6 (18 LBS.) With exclusive revolutionary design and variable drive What a lot of pleasure you will derive From the mixed baroques, preforms and slices (Of same hardness) you can vary sizes! Efficient grinding and high polish can be obtained With triple action, which is maintained! Material ran be inspected without stopping operation Now tumbling Amethysts if you wish a demonstration! DOROTHY'S AGATE & GIFT SHOP 4639 N. Stephens , Ph. 672-4505 CAPTAIN AND MRS. RICHARD JACOBSON ana 19 months-old daughter, Tracy, are houseguests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Jacobson, in Laurelwood for three weeks. Captain Jacobson is attached to the SAC Wing, Sheppard Air Force Base, as a pilot for a jet refueling tanker K135. Mrs. Jacobson is the former Kay Emery and while here will also visit her father, Ray Emery. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography) Fashion Show Charming Event The 1963 fashion show and card party sponsored by Mercy Hospi tal Auxiliary Wednesday evening at the Elks Terrace Ballroom was enjoyed by a capacity crowd and was the most charming and suc cessful event to date. Airs. Jack Kerr and Mrs. B. L. Martin were co-chairmen of the affair. The at tractive decorations were made by Mrs. Paul Jenkins. Mrs. Rex Rob erts general chairman of the Pa rade of Parties for 1963 thanked the committees for the excellent affairs sponsored this year. Mrs. H. F. LeBeau, commenta tor for the charming fashion show, which was exceptionally well pre sented, received the" cpmpliments from those attending for a very beautiful show. The fashions in cluded women and girls fall casual, dress, sports and evening wear clothing. Models included: Mrs. Knute Kershncr, Mrs. Bill Benson, Mrs. Dudley Walton, Mrs. Robert Lecklider, Mrs. Frank B. Wood worth, Mrs. Bruce Briggs, Mrs. Eldon Caley, Michelle LeBeau. Peggy O'Neil, Leslie Longfellow, Sarah and Ann Walton, Jennifer Babbitt, Mrs. John Longfellow, Mrs. Robert Adams, Mrs. James Van Dermark Home Scene Of Garden Club Luncheon A 12:30 p.m. potluck luncheon was enjoyed by members of the Winston-Dillard Rainbow Garden Club, Tuesday at the home of Mrs. H. L. Van Dermark in Winston. Following the luncheon a busi ness meeting was conducted by the president, Connie Nelson. It was announced that all garden clubs in the district would send representation to a luncheon at the Umpqua Hotel Gold Room in Roseburg to meet with Fair Man ager, Bert L. Allenby to discuss the problems of the past fair and those that may arise next year. Those planning to attend from the Rainbow Club are Pat Nye, Mamie Manske and Daisy Fox. Marge Mullin and Connie Nelson reported they had attended and served as hostesses at the recent flower show held at the Veterans Hospital. Reports were given by Eleanor Shigley and Mamie Manske regara ing the club scrapbook. Eleanor Shigley and Marge Mul lin reported they had taken flowers to the Veterans Hospital, a regular project of the club. Ethel Lynch gave a reading on wild flowers, and Mamie Manske and Eleanor Shigley gave a dem onstration on corsage making. Pat Nye demonstrated the making of wristlets with fresh flowers. Marge Mullins will hostess the group at her home Nov. 5 at a pot luck luncheon and meeting. Mary White will have charge of the pro gram with a talk on the care of indoor flowers. Those present for the Tuesday luncheon and meeting were the Mesdames G. E. Mullin, Wilbur Hill, Bill Lynch, Lou Shigley, Floyd Conrad, Clifford White. A. D. Fox, Briggs, Mrs. Russell Briggs, Car leen Felker, Mrs. T. C. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Thomas Garrison, Mrs. Wil liam Madson, Mrs. Lee Stewart, Mrs. Rex Roberts, Mrs. Ronald Frashour, Mrs. James Richmond, Mrs. Sam Arnstein, Mrs. Duane Roles, Mrs. Bernard Saar, Mrs. Dale Williamson, Mrs. Byron Woodruff, Mrs. Ronald Anderson and Mrs. Donald Matson. Highlighting the fashion show were the very beautiful local num bers by Eldon Caley who sang, "Once In A Lifetime;" "What Kind of Fool Am I;" "I Left My Heart In San Francisco;" "Some Enchanted Evening;" "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing," and Rob ert Robins, who sang, "I Am A Vagabond Sailor" and Miss Bar bara Martin, who sang, "Grant Avenue" and "I Feel Pretty." Mrs. Paul Gcddes accompanied the numbers and played background music for the fashion show assist ed by Lauren Loveland on the bass viol. Cards were in play during the pleasant evening hours. Proceeds of the Parade of Parties will be used by the auxiliary to complete a snack room at Mercy Hospital. Roy Gordon, David Nye, Oren Ledgerwood, Leo Manske. Ablin Nelson, Brian Counts, Art McGuire and Brenda Allen. . Winners Told Rose Duplicate Bridge Club met at the Moose Hall Wednesday after noon. Winners were Mrs. Ira J. Seitz and Mrs. Frederick J. Port er, first; Mrs. Walter Fisher and Mrs. O. R. Petersen, second; Mrs. A. B. Collier and Miss Gertrude Rast, third, and Mrs. W. C. Calli son and Raymond P. Borden. fourth. Those desiring more infor mation regarding this club or as sistance in securing partnership are asked to call Mrs. W. C. Calli son. Plan Breakfast Roseburg Rebekah Lodge mem bers have been enjoying social get-to-gethers in the form of break fast parties at various home': rinr. lng the last few weeks. The next breakfast planned is for Oct. 17 from 9:30 to H a.m. at the home of Mrs. Harry Bonney, 1325 SE Pine St. with Mrs. Ed Bayliss as co-nostcss. All members and visit ing members are cordially invited to enjoy tne occasion. Open Jtou6ex SATURDAY and SUNDAY The old white house with the pink door . will be open Saturday and Sunday SAT. 10 to 6:00 SUN. 12 to 5:00 Offering This Week A Good Selection of Quality Furniture at Reasonable Prices RUGS 9xi, 29.95 SOFA & CHAIRamerIcan 99.95 0CC. CHAIRS Many Styles . . 49.95 ALSO FINE SELECTION TABLES, LAMPS, LIVING, DINING, AND BED ROOM FURNITURE. . MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 833 S. E. MOSHER . . . across from telephone office All it.ms offered subject to prior sale Exchange Vows Here The wedding of Lela Tyler and Hobert Shultz took place Sept. 20 at 7 p.m. at the First Christian Church in Roseburg. James C. Smith, pastor, officiated at the double ring ceremony. Attending fhe couple were Arda Garrett, sister of the bride, and Don Garrett. The bride wore a green and gold brocade sheath with matching hat. Her corsage was a white orchid. Her matron of honor wore a silver sheath with a gold gladioli cor- sage. Mrs. R. W. Jacobs, mother of the bride, and Mrs. Don fiarrptr were hostesses at a reception fol lowing the wedding. The couple will reside in Roseburg. Mrs. Shultz is employed as secretary of the County Court and Mr. Shultz is a teacher at Riverside School. Luncheon Club Is Entertained Mrs. A. B. Taylor was a most gracious hostess Wednesday, when sue cnienamea fler bridge club at a lovely 12:30 p.m. luncheon at her attractive home on SE Main St. Beautiful autumn chrysanthemums formed the decorations for the oc casion. Covers were placed for Mrs. L. W. Riley, Mrs. J. P. Motschenbach er, Mrs. Ray Doerner, Mrs. For rest McKay, Mrs. Joseph Lanspa, Mrs. W. C. Holmes. Mrs. Rov W. Sedell and the hostess, Mrs. Tay lor. Mrs. Motschenbacher won the high score for the afternoon's con tract bridge play with Mrs. Riley winning the traveling prize. New Routines For High School Cheerleaders Cheer Leaders! Want a good source of new routines? Try joining the high school group for jazz class on Monday nights at 6:30. For junior, high cheerleaders there is a Saturday morning jazz class at 10:00. i Jazz class covers a variety of dance forms, starting with modern dance warmup stretching and pro ceeds into jazz steps and move ments. The class is helpful in so many ways. . .for school operettas, talent shows, or if you just want to learn how. to dance. Last Monday was the first class for high school girls. Those partici pating were: Marilyn Fisher, Mi chelle Le Beau, Bonnie Robinson, Barbara and Sally Martin. Why not join in the fun this class offers. If you arc interested call 673-3423, Roseburg School of Dancing.