U.S. Files Suit To Block Merger Of Large Banks WASHINGTON (UPI) - The federal government Tuesday filed suit to block the merger of two large California banks. The Jus tice Department contended that the merger would seriously and unlawfully impair present and fu-i ture competition. I The civil suit, filed in U.S. Dis trict Court in San Francisco, named as defendants the Crocker Anglo National Bank, with head quarters in San Francisco; the Citizens National Bank, Los An geles, and the Trans-America Corp., San Francisco, a holding company which has working capi tal of citizens. The suit charged that the merg er would foster mergers by other large banks in the state and im pair competition as a result. It said the proposed merger would violate the anti-merger sec tilm of the Clayton Anti-Trust Law and the restraint of trade section of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy said the department asked for a preliminary injunction against the merger, scheduled for Nov. 1, pending outcome of the suit. The department also asked that the case and the injunction request be heard by a three-judge court. The merger would create the fourth largest bank in California with assets of well over $3 billion and more than 9 per cent of the commercial banking business in the state, the complaint said. It said creation of such a bank might well foster mergers of oth er large banks in Northern and Southern California in order to achieve the competitive advan tages of a statewide branch bank ing system. In San Francisco, Enimelt G. Solomon, Crocker-Anglo president, said he would recommend to the board that the government action be vigorously contested. "The management of citizens will take similar action," he said. "Our counsel have advised that, in their opinion, the department of justice will not be successful in obtaining a preliminary in injunction.' Defense Bill Gets Approval In House WASHINGTON (UPI) The House Tuesday approved a "no let down" defense spending bill second largest in peacetime his tory. The measure would provide S47.2 billion to keep America in fighting trim. The roll call vote was 335 to 3. The bill now goes back to the Senate for final concurrence which would send it along to the White House. . ,w The only "no" votes in the House were by Reps. Bruce Al ger, R-Tex., Alvin E. O'Konski, R-Wis., and Thomas B. Curtis, R-Mo. The bill was a compromise worked out by House and Senate negotiators from separate ver sions passed earlier by the two chambers. It was $1.7 billion less than President Kennedy request ed. But it still supported intact the 2.7 million-man military force called for by the chief exectuvie. Rep. George H. ilahon, D-Tex., chairman of the House defense appropriations subcommittee, said the bill would show the world that the American people have "not let down our guard" because of the signing of the limited nuclear test ban treaty with Russia. "We continue to be alert to the dangers of Communist aggres sion," he told the House. Mahon said the appropriation represented a declaration of U.S. intent to maintain clear military superiority over the Russians. Backache relief pills bring mild diuretic action through the kidneys Unwise ealina or drink inc mnv be a source of mild but annoy ing bladder irritations making you feel restless, tense, and uncomfortable. And if restless nights, with nagging backache, head ache, or muscular aches and pains due to over-exertion, strain or emotional upset, are adding to your misery don't wait-try Doan's Fill. 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