The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 09, 1963, Page 11, Image 11

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    Israel Does
Wed., Oct, 9, 1693 Tho News-Review, Roseburg, Ore,
Turn-About fepi
r7M7-7 829 S. E. CASS AVE.
TV 1 1 si raus
f . U I . M . .11 fff I IK m If
UPI Foreign News Analyst '
Israel, enckcled by hostile
Arab states, is in turn encircling
the besiegt rs. .
This turn-about is the result of i
a remarkably effective program 'i
of technical assistance to under-1
developed , nations which from ai
modest start in 1956 now operates !
in Africa, Asia, the Mediterranean
basin and even in Latin America, j
It has cut deeply into U.A.R '
President Gamal Abdel Nasser's i
influence south of the Sahara and !
has aroused the ire of both Cairo i
and Moscow. '.'.!
Strangely, it has had compai a- i
lively little publicity.
A meeting of 31 independent Af
rican states in Addis Ababa last
June provided one evidence of!
the. effectiveness of the Israeli!
program. At such meetings in the '
past it has been the custom of the j
Moslem bio: led by Nasser to in-
troduce a resolution attacking Is
rael as a "tool of the imperial
i.ts"' Seeking to infiltrate Afri
ca.' : Didn't Offer Resolution
But at the June meeting were
24 African nations which have
received Israeli assistance, and
Nasser, certain his resolution
would be defeated, did not . even
offer it.
Despite the broad scope of the
Israeli program, it operates at
remarkably low cost. This year
the figure will be about $7 mil
lion. It is noteworthy that many
of the African nations consider
the Israeli aid more available to
their particular needs than that
coming from larger, richer na
tions at .vastly higher cost. -
Essentially, the program con
centrates on agriculture and wat
er resources, formation of youth
groups and public and private
enterprises in which' the' Israelis
have had the greatest experience.
The most characteristic; aid is
carried out by young Israelis,
from the 'agricultural collectives
(kibbutz) and agricultural coop
eratives (mochav). In Africa,
these young instructors form in
developing both its own agricul
ture and defense.
Such units have been formed
in Ghana, Senegal, Togo, the Cen
tral African ' Republic and the
Ivory Coast.-.
Advisers Are Scattered
Israeli advisers are found in
the Imperial Colleges of Ethio
pia, on the cotton plantations of
Tanganyika, at the head of the
naval school of Ghana, in the
health service of Liberia.
In turn, Africa is sending stu
dents to Israel to take courses
in agriculture, youth training,
professional training, administra
tion and social work, collectivism
and trade unionism. '
Recently, Congolese army chief
(ien. Joseph Mobutu and a selec
ted group of his troops completed
their paratroop training in Israel
and then returned home to be
deployed for quick pacification of
trouble areas.
Some African states also are
organizing women's corps on the
Israeli model.
Tho epprpt nf Israel's success.
is the fact that it is too small j
to be considered as having im-1
perialistic ambitions and enjos
the trust not given to larger na
tions. Further, it has asked nothina ;
in return except an occasional i
hare of the profit in companies
jointly owned with independent
African states such as Ghana.
Judge Rejects
Move To Speed
Hof fa's Trial
preme Court Justice Potter Stew
art today rejected a Justice De
partment move aimed at speed
ing up the trial of Teamster
President James R. Hoffa.
A federal grand jury in Nash
ville has charged Hoffa and six
others with approaching jurors
or their relatives, offering cash
or other inducements to acquit
Hoffa in an earlier trial which
eventually ended in a hung jury.
As a result of today's action
by Justice Stewart, Hoffa's trial
on the charges probably will be
held up well into November pend
ing a Supreme Court ruling on
one of the legal issues involved
in the case.
. Hoffa claims the grand jury re
turned the jury-tampering indict
ment was not properly constitut
ed. He failed to score with this
complaint in federal district court
in Nashville, and then asked the
6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
to order the case dismissed or to
change the place of trial.
The 6th circuit refused to do so
but stayed the effect of its rul
ing provided Hoffa carried an
appeal to the Supreme Court By
Oct. 20. , . .
The Justice Department haa
urged Stewart to move up to Oct.
11 the deadline for the appeal.
Stewart made no comment in re
jecting this petition today.
Kelly Fitzgerald married PatncK
Kelly. Si now her name is Keuy
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