School Lunch Program Involves Much Preparation, Lots Of Food Did you know that for a holiday seven' substitutes. Most of the em- lunch in the Roseburg schools total of 50 turkeys (1,250 pounds) is consumed by youngsters. This is indication enough that school lunches in the Roseburg sys tem involves a major production and a lot o food every day. Next week, that program will be recognized during National School Lunch Week, Oct. 13-19. The theme of the week is "School Lunch Serves the Nation Through Food for Learning." In Roseburg, a total 2,937 lunch es are served in the lunch rooms of the schools. In addition, 947 youngsters take part in the special milk program daily. Handling this food are 34 cooks and helpers and Baker's Dealings Build Political Fires In Senate WASHINGTON (UPI) The resignation of Senate Democratic Secretary Robert G. (Bobby) Baker eased political pressures and potential senatorial embar rassment today. But there was no certainty that the political fire his outside busi ness deals built in the senate cloakroom had been entirely smothered. Sen. John J. Williams, R-Del., who had launched a one-man in quiry into Baker's financial in-' terests in a food vending firm serving government contractors, would not say whether he would drop his investigation. The FBI also is investigating the vending firm with which Baker had ties. Sources said the inquiry had been expanded. Gave Up Job Baker gave up a $19,600 job, but his wife, Dorothy, who is on the Senate internal security sub committee stall at 511,800 a year, apparently was remaining. Both are listed as principals in the controversial vending firm. ine Baker affair, said one ranking Republican, was almost certain to be discussed at today's senate GOP policy lunch meet ing. But he indicated that if the GOP made any public follow-up move, it would not be likely to come for several days. Republican and Democratic senators alike . were frankly con cerned that publicity about the former page boy's interests in the food vending, motel and insur ance fields might prove embar rassing to the Senate. Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield, Mont., who an nounced Baker's resignation, said "his great ability and his dedK cation to the majority and to' the Senate will be missed." Mans field voiced his deep regret, at losing Baker. 1 Suffered A Loss Politically, no one on either side of the aisle doubted that the Democrats had suffered a real working loss. Baker, who started as a Sen ate page at 14 and became ma jority secretary at 28, kept the Senate Democratic voting ' ma chinery oiled and ready to go. He reached his peak under the tutelage of Vice President Lyn don B. Johnson when the Texan was Democratic whip and then majority leader. A native of Pickens,' S.C., the 35-year-old Baker provided a working "bridge" between Senate Northern liberals and Southern conservatives. His primary job was to keep tab on votes, the whereabouts and needs of Demo cratic senators. In actual prac tice, he was often a key adviser on legislative strategy for the Democrats. Mansfield named Francis R. Valeo, his own 47-year-old leader ship assistant, to fill Baker's place for the time being. Women Voters Date Two Unit Meetings Two Roseburg League of Wom en Voters will hold two unit meet ings this week. The "Know Your County Gov ernment" survey being conducted by the league will be the topic of discussion. Items on the agendas are staff services of the county, county Planning Commission and Housing Authority of Douglas County. Mrs. David Pratt, mem ber of the Know Your County Com mittee is preparing information for' the sessions. Unit 1 will meet at the home of Mrs. Jack Garnet Wednesday at 8 p.m. Unit 2 Thursday at 9:30 a.m. at Mrs. Pratt's home. Women wish ing to attend may call 672-4008 for further information. ployes belong to the Oregon School rood Service Association, which is designed to upgrade the standards for quality food service. Hcadine the program is coordinator Pauline Bagwell. There are three basic require ments for school participation in the school lunch program. They are (1) that the lunch room be op erated on a non-profit basis, (2) that free or reduced-price lunches be provided for children unable to pay full price; and (3) that lunches meet a basic standard. That standard calls for provision of at least one-third minimum daily food requirements of the basic food for good health. Menus are made up a month: at a time, so better variety of menus can be introduced. This also al lows maximum use of donated com modities and helps control food costs. The lunches are offered at a min imum price, so they will be in the price range of almost any family. Elementary pupils pay 25 cents; junior high pupils 30 cents; and adults 40 cents. The government pays 4 cents a pint for milk and free lunches are provided for chil dren unable to pay. No govern ment reimbursement is made on adult lunches.' The lunches go to all schools in the district, except the high school, where no facilities are available. Food is transported to Melrose, Riversdale and Eastwood. 111 i his King Plans -New Moves In Alabama BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (UPI) -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to day began putting the machinery in motion to back up his threats of "bigger than ever" demonstra tions if this city does not bow to Negro desegregation demands. Also scheduled for this after noon was the trial of three white men arrested by police investi gating racial bombings here. They were charged with the mis demeanor of illegal possession of dynamite. Kings's "task force" which led some of the largest protests in Southern history here last spring planned a "non violent workshop" this afternoon and the Southern integration leader was to address another mass rally tonight. The workshops and mass meet ings were launching pads for the demonstrations last April and May in which King and more than 2,500 other persons were jailed in marches and sit-ins met by police with fire hoses and po lice dogs.' . ' ' "If the conditions that brought on the dynamiting and the deth of four beautiful little girls are not changed we will put on our walking shoes and demonstrate all over town." King said. "Birmingham is the temple for segregation," he said. ."We must turn on the temple." Charles Cagle, 22, R. Ei Cham bliss, 59, both whites with Ku Klux Klan backgrounds, and John Hall, 36, were to go on trial in city recorders court on the dyna mite charges. Conviction for violation of the city ordinances could result in $100 fines and 180 days in jail. Selma, Ala.: More than 200 Ne groes stood in line outside the Dallas County Courthouse to regis ter to vote. An estimated 35 ap plications were recived by regis trars. A reporter - photographer and three photographers said they were roughed up by officers while attempting to take picture at the courthouse. Plaquemine, La.: Police used tear gas Monday to break up a protest march by about 400 Ne gro high school students. There were no injuries or arrests. Orangeburg, S. C: More than 100 Negroes were arrested Mon day for defying a ban against ra cial demonstrations. The arrests boosted the number of such jail ings to 1,443. Oxford, Miss.: hollowing a year of racial turmoil on its cam pus, the University of Mississippi Monday reported its first enroll ment decrease in more than a decade. Greensboro, N. C: An antiseg regation picketline was slated to be thrown up in front of a motel here today following a similar protest staged Monday night, ( the first such demonstration in the Gate City since June 6. 3 MASS PRODUCTION for a school lunch is reflected in this picture in the kitchens at Fremont Junior High School. Here Hazel Hooper, left, stacks up trays of cookies, while Jeanette Fout, head cook, tests trays of rolls. (News-Review photo) CDUF Workers Set Speedup In Drive Central Douglas United Fund di visional leaders Monday noon agreed that they would try to "high ball" the fund raising effort by urging ineir workers to make -their contacts as soon as possible. About 39 per cent of the goal is complete, and the reports of col lections which have come in have been good, but it was indicated the reports are coming in slowly. Among the reports so far, per centagc of contacts made were Advanced gifts 58 per cent, busi ness division 40 per cent and pub lic employes 62 per cent. The resi dential campaign areas have been organized and the professional di vision is showing "surprisingly strong" results, it was reported. Goal for the fund drive is $69,936, of which $25,803 had been raised by Monday noon. The report meet ing was held at the Elks Temple. YOUNGSTERS QUEUE UP at Fir Grove School' for lunch as cook Mae Ball dishes out the, food for a lunch this week. This daily routine provides at least a third of the food nu trition for every youngster taking part in the hot lunch program. (News-Review photo) Oregon Baptist Convention Opens In Roseburg Tuesday Tues., Oct. 8, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 Doctors Waging Silent Battle Against Botulism In Tennessee KNOXV1LLE, Tcnn. (UPI) - Doctors fought a silent battle against a little-known killer to day hoping they have caught it in time. A prominent businessman and his 10 - year - old daughter died Monday. A university professor, treat because anti-toxin must be his wife and two children lay ill administered for the specific type with the same disease. A chemi-tof botulism involved and there COLLARS TOO BIG WOLVERHAMPTON, England (UPI) Pub-keeper Louis Mos- sop was fined $2.80 Monday for giving his customers only 19 fluid ounces of beer in a 20-ounce mug. Mossop's plea that he cut down on the beer because his customers like a lot of foam on their drinks was rejected. Fiery Mme. Nhu Arrives In U.S. Continuing picture coverage. NEW YORK (UPI) - Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu, brimming with confidence but slightly concilia tory, arrived Monday night for a three-week visit to the United States with hopes of improving her own image and that of the South Viet Nam government. Mme. Nhu, whose sharp criti cisms of U.S. policies, officials and newsmen in her country have helped make her controver sial, said she came here "to sec you and to try to understand why we can't get along better." "I feel this deeply, and I hope at the end of my stay that 1 may know," she said. There was some strong congres sional opposition lo Mme. Nhu's visit. Sen. Stephen M. Young, D-Ohio, told the Senate that her visa should be cancelled and "she should be compelled to leave the country." "Let her slander us from, her native land or any other country, but not from our own soil," Young said.. Rep. Silvio O. Conte, It-Mass., called her "a thorn in the fight for democracy around the world. He denounced her as an "irres ponsible, arrogant woman" who has made statements that arc "viciously anti-American." The sister-in-law of South Viet Nam President Ngo Dinh Diem addressed a crowd of about 100 newsmen and photographers at Idlewild Airport after leaving the jetliner she and her pretty daugh ter, Lc Thuy, 10, took from Paris. Speaking in English, Mme. Nhu said that because she was a "con troversial person" she did not in tend to seek meetings with Presi dent Kennedy or other high- ranking government officials dur ing her coast-to-coast tour. . She also denied that she was "power hungry," and said cal engineer and his wife also fought for life. , The suspected killer was type "E"' botulism. Rare but deadly. Doctors and public health offici als conferred through the night at University Hospital and called for scarce supplies of anti-toxin located in Washington and Cana da. David S. Cohen, 35. a vice president of the Bcrkline Corp. of Morrislown, Tenn., and Amy Beth Cohen, 10, died shortly be fore 8 a.m. Monday. Saturday morning they had eaten smoked whitefish bought at a Kroger Co. supermarket in West Knoxville and packed by Dornbos Bros. Fisheries of Grand Haven, Mich. Ate Same Type The others in the hospital had eaten the same type of smoked fish from the same store. Ru dolph Paluzelle, 42, was in criti cal condition. Mrs. Lawrence Sil verman, 39, and her two child ren, Matthew, 10, and Rachel, 8, were in serious condition. Palu- zelle's wife and Mi's. Silverman's husband, a history teacher at the University of Tennessee, were in satisfactory condition. Cohen and his daughter hud been admitted to the hospital late Sunday night. No others in their family had eaten the fish. Several others reported to Knoxville hospitals for observa tion. Kroger ordered the suspected product removed from its 1,375 stores in 22 Southern and Mid western states. The fishery was shut down while Michigan Agri culture Department investigators ran tests on its inventories. "Horrible, Horrible Debacle" "This is a horrible, horrible debacle," H. J. Dornbos, presi dent of the firm, said. Botulism, caused by the micro num" in ' Improperly processed preserved foods, is fatal in two- thuds of the cases. It is hard to are at least five types. Each type causes identical symptoms. Type "E" generally is associated with fish products. Type "E" botulism killed two Detroit women last M s r c h. Health authorities think it also was responsibile for the death last Thursday of Chester O. Blanche, 62, of Kalamazoo, Mich. The suspected product, packed in vacuum-scaled plastic bags, bears red and white labels read ing: "Vacuum-packed. Ready to eat. Keep under refrigeration. Dorn bos smoked white fish (or smoked white fish chubs). Dorn bos Fisheries, since 1889, Grand Haven, Mich." BEEFEATER BEEFEATER she enjoyed the "confidence the Viet Nam government.' Evangelist Conducting Special Services Here Clyde Dilley, a Caldwell, Idaho, evangelist, is directing a scries of special services nightly at the Bi ble Missionary Church at 492 NE Meadow Lane in Roseburg, reports pastor E. J. Charon, i The services, which started Oct. that 3 will continue through Oct. 20. They start each night at 7:30. The public is invited. ( of 111 v. SSp the imported English Girt that doubles your martini pleasure UncquaUci since 1820 BEEFEATER GUI 94 PROOF . 100 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS K0BRAND CORPORATION NEW YORK 1, N. YJ Three great world issues will take the spotlight at the 75th an nual session of the Oregon Baptist Convention to convene in Rose burg at the First Baptist Church next week. The three-day convention starts next Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. The theme will be "To Serve the Pres ent Age." The three issues to be discussed are race relations, world peace and relations between church and state. Women To Host During the convention, women of the church will host women of Oregon on Women's Day, Tuesday. Theme for the day will be "A Woman's Witness in This Age." Featured speaker will be Dr. Dwight S. Dodson, executive sec retary of the Oregon Baptist Con vention, who has just returned from a trip touring the mission fields. He will speak at the noon luncheon at the church on a subject titled "An Eye Witness to Modern Mis sions." During the other convention scs- Safeway Store Parking Lot Being Biacktopped The parking area for the new Safeway Store, a part of the Rose burg Plaza development, was be ing prepared Friday for blacktop ping. Roseburg Paving Co. is doing the work. The arch, which spans SE Rose St., connecting the two properties of Roseburg Plaza, was being con structed this week, also. Work on the grounds for the new Pay Less Drug Store also are going ahead, but is not quite ready for paving. Exterior work on the two struc tures is mostly completed but there still is considerable interior work to be finished prior to opening. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE NEWS REVIEW ADVERTISERS Examinations Scheduled For Civil Service Jobs The U.S. Civil Service Commis sion said today applications are being accepted for examinations to fill several Civil Service posi tions. The positions are medical radio logy technician, $4,565 a year (ap plications close Oct. 21); range conservationist, $4,565 to S5.540 a year; agricultural engineer and civ il engineer, $5,525 to $6,650; engi neering aid and conservation en gineering aide, $3,560 to $3,820 and S4.110, and criminal investigator, $6,675 to $8,045. Others are soil conservationist and soil scientist, $4,565 to $5,540; soil conservation aid, $3,820 to $4.- 110; AC materiel controller (Air Reserve technician program), $5, 540; unit aide, (Army Reserve typing), $5,035 to $5,540 and AC instrument and control system me chanic, $2.90 per hour. Additional information and ap plications may be obtained from the Roseburg Post Office or from the Seattle Region, U.S. Civil Serv ice Commission, Federal Office Building, Seattle 4, Wash. If W T will be speaking on the theme, "Re lations between Church and State in the Present Age." i Smith Will Attend Agricultural Meet Chauncey W. Smith of Roseburg will attend a meeting of the Pa cific Northwest Section of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers in Portland Oct. 16-19. Smith,' who recently moved to Roseburg, is a retired agricultural engineer from the University of Nebraska where he was associat ed with the school's department of agricultural engineering for 37 years. At the Portland session, Smith will attend technical meetings re lating to agriculture. Following his retirement from the University of Nebraska in . 1955, Smith served as a consultant with the state Department of Education in Ohio. His services included di rection over a series of workshops on tractor maintenance. He also taught one year at Ohio State Uni versity in the department of agri cultural engineering. The new resident arrived in Rose burg. on Aug. 21 and is making his residence at the Umpqua Hotel. His son, Roger F. Smith, teaches physics at Roseburg High School. Hospital News Visiting Hours -2 to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. DWIGHT DODSON . to speak on missions sions, three speakers have been named to keynote the discussions on the great issues involved. The Rev. John Jackson, pastor elect of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Portland (a Negro church) will speak on "Serving the Present Age Through Improved Race Rela tions." Following his presentation, an open forum discussion and con tributions from three reactors are planned. The three are the Rev. Charles Moore, pastor of the Grant Park Baptist Church in Portland Dr. DeNorval Unthank, Negro phy sician from Portland; and the Kev George Dick, executive secretary of the Oregon Council of Churches. Stassen Due On Wednesday evening, former Minnesota Gov. Harold E. Stassen, who was appointed by President I Winston Eisenhower to head up the con-1 certed effort of our government toward international peace, will speak on the theme "World Peace." A discussion will also fol low his report. That afternoon at 2:15, Dr. Frank Kepner, pastor of the First Bap- j tist Church of Long Beach, Calif., i Douglas Community Hospital Admitted Medical: Mrs. Lelioy Inman, Roseburg. Surgery: Mrs. Doyle Rich and Mrs. John Bell, Roseburg. Discharged Joe Robison, Mrs. Clarence Mar tin, Mrs. Edward Henderson, ti ling Johnson, Karen Bayless, all Roseburg; Mrs. Lonnie Arrant, Sutherlin; Joseph Etter, Lebanon. They're here now-the all-new Falcons for 19641 We've kept the economy that made Falcon famous. (Falcon's Six still holds the all-time Mobil Economy Run record for Sixes or Eights.) But we've changed everything else. New style, new comfort, new convenience and the plushest ride a compact ever had. Come test-drive the '64 Falcon soon! TRY TOTAL PERFORMANCE FOR A CHANGE! FORD falconFairlaneHvi,nMKlerbinl Mercy Hospital Admitted Medical: Cynthia Kinyon, M r s. Norman Webb, Rudolph Holly, Mrs. Ernest Murray, Mrs. Irving Bis sonette, all Roseburg; Jack Smith, Oakland, Mrs. Arthur Arms, Win ston. Surgery: G 1 e n d a Schindler, George Workman, Mrs. Orval Cur wick, all Roseburg. Discharged Mrs. Millard Manning, Mary Eyrkit, Mrs. John. Hane, Mrs. Ar chie Elliott, John McDowell, Mrs. Ricardo Navarro and baby, Mi chael Joseph, all Roseburg; Mrs. Hubert Dunn, William Erickson, MOTOR COUfW NEED OIL? Call 673-8356 SOUTH END FUEL Co. STANDARD HEATING OILS FACTS ON THE 1904 FALCON: Redesigned interior for greater comfort and convenience Ford's famous Iwice-a-Ycar Maintenance More safeguards against rust and corrosion than ever before Optional power steering, power brakes Bucket scat models available Optional air conditioning Five engine choices from thrifty 85-hp Six to. lfil-lip V-8 Four transmissions including America's only fully synchronized 8-spced manual (standard with V-8's) Fourteen models plus three extra-duty wagons. IN ROSEBURG SEE . , . LOCKWOOD MOTORS, INC., 580 S. E. OAK IN OTHER AREAS SEE . . . WINETROUT FORD SALES CO., 165 South Main Sr., MYRTLE CREEK, ORE. HARRY HELD FORD, INC., CENTRAL AVE., FRONT ST., SUTHERLIN, ORE. Ford present "Arrest and Trial" ABC-TV Network Check your local listings for time and channel t