Protestant Observers See Improvement Of Council Document Defining Church VATICAN CITY . I!PTlPrrt estant observers at the Roman Catholic Ecumenical Council re cently regarded a new draft of a document defining the nature of the church as a vast improve ment over a version submitted last year by a commission dom inated by conservatives. But some of these observers expressed disappointment " be cause the current draft falls con siderably short of what many had hoped for, particularly in terms of an explicit recognition of the churchly status of non Catholic bodies. "We had hoped that the coun cil fathers would come right out and say that other Christian com munions are also truly part of the Church Universal," said one Protestant observer.- "The' present, draft doesn't go nearly that far. And if it were approved as it now stands, I'd frankly be very disappointed." The observers, who met as a Sale Of Wheat To Reds Draws GOP Challenge CORONADO, Calif. (UPI)-Sen. Barry Goldwater Thursday night challenged the Kennedy adminis tration's plan to give Russia "free American wheat" without some thing in return. The Arizona Republican, regard ed a leading contender for the GOP presidential nomination, told a meeting of the California Fed eration of Republican Women's Clubs that "countries don't just give to their enemies without first making a demand for something in return." "I want to tell President Ken nedy here that if he wants Re publican support on this wheat matter, let's ask what we can get which will relieve tensions around the world," the senator said. "This is the way countries nego tiate treaties." Goldwater said it appeared the Kennedy administration was working for a "Soviet-American mutual aid society." "Since the end of World War II," he said, "we've spent billions of dollars beefing up our security so that Khrushchev couldn't bury us, only to discover that in the past few weeks what the Ken nedys arc really working for is a Knvip.t.-Amp.riran irtnltinl aid so ciety. "In less than a month, the New Frontier has offered to pick up the check for half the costsfor a joint shot to the moon; stopped testing nuclear weapons-in ' the air and, finally, bailed out the highly vaunted Soviet farm col lective with ' a lot of what I'm willing to bet will -be tons of free American wheat." The administration ' has said that any wheat deal with the So viets would be on a strictly cash Goldwater added: "There is an old line somewhere that goes, 'If you can't lick them join them,' but I for one am not quite ready to lay down and play Rover to Kremlin tunes." "There seems to be a sort of quasi-official feeling that we are engaging in a love feast with the Soviets that only we can disrupt," the senator said. "Along the New Frontier, the idea is to conform or keep quiet. Nothing must be done to ruffle Mr. Khrushchev's feelings, or lead him to think we are superior to the Soviets in any category." Campout Held By 4-H Riders The Green area 4-H riding group known as the Sunset Riders held nn m.nfninitt numnin? irirj over the weekend at the ranch home of member Jeanny Dresser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dresser of Robert's Creek. . The youngsters and some of their parents rode to the rancli Satur day and camped out in the open. After an early morning breakfast, Dresser led the way for a long trail ride to the top of Dodson Butte, according to Mary Weikum, correspondent. In the later afternoon members and their families had a picnic and beef barbecue dinner. As it was the birthday of Les Stimmel, club leader, this was celebrated with cake and ice cream. This riding group has been or ganized for about two and one half vears, and the camping trip is a requirement of the membership, Mrs. Weikum reports. There are 30 members in the club, most from the Green area but some from fringe areas. Newly-elected officers are as fol lows: Claudett'e Garton, president; Don McKinney, vice president; Jennifer Webb, secretary-treasurer; Carmen Garton, sergeant at arms; Mike McKinney, song lead er; Sandra Hardman, reporter; and Becky Gearin, chaps man ager. Members made their own chaps this summer and rode in the an nual rodeo parade. RAISES SOME DOUBT LONDON (UPI) A truck owned by the Reliable Transport Co. went out of control Friday, caromed off a parked' car. knocked down a lamppost and a wall. body Thursdav night for a nri vate discussion of the council's progress to date, have communi- Farm Bureau Meeting Set At Fairgrounds Douglas County Farm Bureau Federation will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday at the Fairgrounds. There will be a pot luck supper at 7 p.m. to be fol lowed by a business meetine at 8 p.m. Louis Norris, director of tax and legislative affairs at the State Farm Bureau office, will speak on the tax referendum to be voted on According to Marie Brady, pub licity chairman, there will be elec tion Of officers and r.ihpr imnrtrt- ant business to be transacted. All of the nine Federation centers in the area are urged to have their directors and a good rcnrpspnt.n- tion of the membership present at uie meeting. CLASSIFIED SECTION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL 672-3321 CASH RATES Advertising For Business Within Roseburf Trade Area Cord of Thanks $2,00 1-Day rate 2 lines $1.00 3-Day rate 2 lines $2.00 6-Day rate 2 lines $2.75 30-Day rate 2 lines $6.00 I -Day rats 3 lines $!.50 3-Day rats 3 lines $2.75 6-Day rate 3 lines $3.75 30-Day rate 3 lines $8.00 CREDIT Above rates subject to 50 cents service charge for credit DEADLINES Private Party Advertising 2 P.M. Day Prior to Publication. The News-Review reserves the rigr.t to classify, edit or reject any classified Ad Copy. ADJUSTMENTS If your advertisement appears Incorrectly, notify us immediately. We will not be res ponsible tor mora than one incorrect Insertion. Such responsibility Is limited to ft coirect insertion of advertisement. Refunds Will Kit Be Hum Mora Thin 68 Hays CLASSIFIED INDEX AIRCRAFT 69 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 26 AUCTIONS U AUTO INSURANCE 70 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 78 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED 80 AUTOS FOR SALE 81 AUTO TRUCK PRTS 75 BOATS AND MOTORS 55 BUILDP'G MATERIALS 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 27 BUSINESS PERSONALS B CARD OF THANKS 5 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 24 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 38 FARM EQUIPMENT 70 FARMS AND RANCHES 36 ' FLORISTS!' , 4 FUEL ..' t- 43 , HAY AND GRAIN 61 HEAVY EQUIPMENT . 72 HELP WANTED 14 HELP'WANTED MEN - 15 HELP WANTED WOMEN 16 HOUSES FOR RENT 20 HUNTER'S ATTENTION 9 INCOME PROPERTY 37 . INSTRUCTION 19 LIVESTOCK 63 LOANS AND FINANCE 21 LOGGING EQUIPMENT 74 LOST AND FOUND 12 ' LOTS AND ACREAGES 35 MARKET BASKET 57 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 45 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS 23 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 46 MOBILE HOME PARKS 31 MOBILE HOMES 32 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT .. 30 MOTORCYCLES 77 MUSICAL .INSTP'JMENTS 50 NOTICES 11 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 51 PERSONALS 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES 67 POULTRY AND RABBITS 68 POWER SA'VS 71 REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 33 ROOM AND BOARD 28 ROOMS FOR RENT - 27 SEEDS NURSERY STOCK 59 SPORTING GOODS . ... 53 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS 40 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 48 TRUCKS FOR SALE 76 WANTED TO RENT 25 WORK WANTED 17 WHERE TO GO 10 Please publish the following classified ad CASH RATES Lines 3-Doys 6-Doys 30-Days for days 2 $2.00 $2.75 $ 6.00 3 .2.75 3.75 8.00 , 4 .3.50 4.75 10.00 Enclosed $ 5 4.25 5.75 . 12.50 Be sure to enclose payment. 6 5,00 7.00 15.00 Above rates subject to 50c service charge for credit. Count 5 words per line. edification NAME ADDRESS , Moil Your Classified Ad With Payment To The Classified Advertising Department, The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon . News-Review Classified Want Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Read For Profit Use for Results! cated their feelings to the Secre tariat for Christian Unity, headed by German Jesuit Augustin Cardi nal tsea. I ins is the established procedure for registering their views with the council. ine "separated orethern" are pinning their hopes on the fact that the document, entitled "De Ecclesia" (About the Church). will be opened up for amendment when the council fathers complete their item-by-item debate on its contents. They were particularly cheered by a speech delivered earlier this week by Dom Christopher Butler, neaa oi me fingusn Benedictines. He said the draft should be writ ten to make clear the relation ship of non - Catholics to the church understood as the kin; dom of God. He said Catholic teaching should explicity recog nize that God's saving grace can be seen at work not only in indi viduals outside the Roman Cath olic fold, but also in "the commu nities which they compose." As it now stands, the draft re. fleets the traditional reluctance of Catholic theology to apply the term "cnurch" to any religious body other than the one headed by the Roman Pope. LEGAL CALL FOR BIDS The undersigned will receive scaled 'bids for The Installation and construction of merc ury vapor Kohls In the City of Winston as follows: (1) One on the corner of Oak and High way 9? on pacific Power Polt No. B-7242, and (2) one on the corner of Newton Drive and Highway 42 on Pole No. B-8757, Said lights are to be mercury vaDor lumin aires (Westing house OV-20 style or other comparable fixture) with lamp ballast com plete, electric eyes for automatic control. together with power service weather-proof aisconneci ana ia-ioot ma si arms. The bid shall Include the furnishing of a 30,000 luminal re bulb, and the necessary la- oor ana equipment tor installation or com plete operating units for each light to and including th installation of connecting lead. The bidder shall make inquiry of Pacific Power and Light Company as to the use and installation of said fixtures on the above- mentioned pole. Also, bids will be received for the In stallation and construction of mercury vapor lights in the City of Winston In the following locations: 11) On the corner of Ford Street next to the new housing development on Pa cific Power Pole No. B-10141; (2) On the corner of Peach and Hart on Pole No. B-7224; (3) On the corner of Carter and Gregory on Pole No. B-B722; (4) On Gregory Street between Edwards and Suksdorf on Pole No. B-9075; (5) On Robinson and Darrell on Pole No. B-5049; (6) On Robinson and Grape on Pole No. B-3978; (7) On Carroll and Grape on Pole -No. B-39B3; (8) On Ronald Street on Pole No. B-9695; (9) On Ronald and Jorgens on Pole No. B-5379; (to) On Jorgens and Grape on Pole No. B-5583; (11) On Baker and Darrell on Telephone Company Pole No. 9; (12) Top of tho hill on East Looklngglass Road on Pole No. B-8305; (13) Top of the hill on West Looklngglass Road on Pole No. B-9218; (14) Division and Civil Bend on Pole No. B-6426; (15) Midway and Civil Bend on Telephone Comptny Pole No. 2B89: (16) Corner of South Civil Bend and Glen hart on Pole No. B-9116;' -J (17) Corner of Tower and Glenhart on Pole No. B-7130; (18) On Brantley and Newton Drive on Pole No. B-8130; (19) On corner of Elwood and Clay! on , Pole No. B-7319; (20) On Cary Street between Looklngglass Road and Tumlin Street - on Pole No, B-W83; (21) Brantley Street south of Highway 42 on Pole No. B-4730; - (22) On the curve of Snow Street on Pole No. B-8319; (22) Tokay and Grape on Pole No. B-9697. Said lights are to include mercury vapor urn na res (West nanouse ov-25 styie or com parable fixture) with lamp ballast complete, electric eyes for automatic control, weather proof disconnect and 12-foot mast arms. Bids shall include the turnismng or a mercury vapor lamp of 7.D00 iuminalres. Bids also shall Include the necessary labor and equip ment for maklna the Installation of complete operating units for each light to and Includ- na The installation of connecting ieaa. Bidders shall make inquiry of Pacific Pow er ana Light company as to tne use ana Installation on Its roles and of the Pacific Northwest Bell as to the use and Installation on Its poles. Bids should specify the amount for each llaht installed and the council re serves the right to eliminate various lights from the bids at the time of bid opening. Additional Information can be obtained con' ccrning This matter by making Inquiry of the undersigned. Bids will be received up to 7:20 O'ciock p.m. on ivonaay, ine in ot October, 1963. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any or ail bias. H. J. KLEVE City Recorder Winston, Oregon It's Easy To Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today! Be sure to count the address ondor telephone number, WRITE YOUR AD BELOW LEGAL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed bids will be accepted by the Doug las County Fair Board for a heating sys tem tor a portion of ine Exnibit building at the Fairgrounds. Bids will be received until 8 p.m., Octo ber 25, 1963. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Fair Office. No person may withdraw his bid after the hour seT tor the opening, TI.e rlghf Is reserved To reecT any or all bids or to waive any informality in bidding. DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR BOARD J. D. MYERS, Chairman C. TOLLEFSON, Member HOWARD HATFIELD, Member NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Circuit Court ot Douglas County, Oregon, has fixed the 21st day of October, 1963, at The hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. as The Time, and Circuit Courtroom "A" of the Douglas County Courthouse in Rose burg, Oregon, as the place tor hearing objections, if any there be, to The Final Account of the Executrix herein. Dated and first published The 21st day of September, 1963. SADIE VON CLASEN, Executrix of the Will and Estate of MARIANNE HALVERSON, Deceased. STULTS, JAYNE & MURPHY Attorneys at Law 416 S.E- Main Street I, Roseburg, Oregon Case No. 7673 NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY tn the Matter ot The Guardianship of MALINDA B. MILLER, an Incompetent person. ; Notice Is hereby given that pursuant To and by virtue of an Order made and en tered in the above entitled Court and cause on the 24th day of September, 1963, signed by the Honorable Don H. Sanders, Judge of said Court, the undersigned, as Guardian of the E:tate of Malinda B. Mil ler, an Incompetent person, will on and after the 28th day of October, 1963, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., proceed to sell real property of said estate at private sale for cash or tor part cash and part credit as may To the guardian seem ad visable, subect to the confirmation of the above entitled Court, said real property being situated in Douglas County, Oregon, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wlt: PARCEL 1: Lots 1 and 2, Block 84, Fourth Southern Addition, City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. PARCEL 2: Lot 8, Block 84, Fourth Southern Addition, City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. Bids will be received by The' undersigned Guardian at The Law Offices' of George Luoma in the Umpqua Savings 8 Loan Building, Roseburg, Oregon. JAMES T. MILLER, Guardian of the Estate of MALINDA B. MIL LER, an Incompetent Person DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: Septem ber 28, 1963 DATE OF LAST PUBLICATION: October 19, 1963 No. 27007 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON , FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE OF OREGON, represented and acting by Director of. Veterans' Affairs, piaintiri, 1 vs. JAMES F. PRITT, ELINOR J. PRITT, ALVA C. BOWMAN, ROBERT L. GORDON and LAURICE M. GORDON, Defendants. TO: JAMES F. PRITT, ELINOR J. PRITT and ALVA C. BOWMAN, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit. within four weeks frm the dale of The first publication ot this summons upon you; and If you fall so to answer for want thereof, plaintiff will Take udament aaainst vou tor the relief oraved for In plaintiff's complaint, a succinct state ment or wnicn is as touows: t-or juagmem against defendants, James F. Prltt, Elinor J. Prltt anJ Alva C. Bowman for The sum of S6.220.31 with Interest thereon at 5 per annum trom June 4, ivoj uni i caia ana tor the further sum of S23.65 cosT of title search for foreclosure, Toaether with the sum of S500.00 reasonable attorney's fees or such other sum as the court may adjudge reason able Therefore, and tor plaintiff's costs and accrulna costs of sale. And for such other sums as plaintiff may be required to pay for en.ero.encv reoalrs, fire Insurance Dre- mlums or -real property Taxes between the date of the filing ot the complaint and The decree and ludgment in said cause, and for a decree of thy court de :la ring plaintiff's mortgage recorded January 11, 1955 in Book 143, Page 473, Mortgage Records of Douglas t-oumy, uregonj on tne ronowing aesennea reap property ', situate in Douglas County, uregon, io-wik. Lot 10 and , 'The1 Westerly 20 feet of Lot Eleven (11) of The CHRISTIAN TRACT, . Douglas County, Oregon, To be a first mortgage lien against The above described -ial property, securing pay ment of The aforesaid Indebtedness for which judgment is prayed for, and for a further order for the sale of the above described real property To satisfy The judament In said cause,-, and as to defendants, Robert L. Gordon and Laurice M. Gordon, for an order declaring Their Interest in said real proper ty. If any to be second and Inferior to the right, title and Interest of plaintiff In said real property, and tor such other and further relief as may seem just and equitable To the court. This summons Is published pursuant to the order of Don H. Sanders, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and entered on the 3rd day of September, 1963. Dated and first published this 7lh day of September, 1963. HARRISON R. WINSTON : ,'Atlorney for Plaintiff 310 Pacific Bldg. i Roseburg, Oregon Everyone Reads The SALES AND SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS IN 7 CLASSIFIED LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Bud W. Wilson, deceased, are required To pre sent them with the proper vouchers within six months from the date of the first pub lication hereof to tre undersigned at The offices of Gordon G. Carlson, Attorney at Law, 329 s. E. Jackson Street, Rose burg, Oregon. Dated and first published this 28th day of September, 1963, JOHN W. WILSON Administrator of the Estate ot BUD W. WILSON, Deceased. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS HERMOSA WAY DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON SEALED bids will be received by the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon at the Courthouse in Roseburg, at 10:30 A.M., Octo ber 14, 1963 for the construction of 0.2 miles of dedicated street In the Green Area, as fol lows: Grading, drainage and paving. Bidders will be required to submit prequallll cation statements. Specifications are on file with The County Clerk of Douglas County and copies Thereof may be obtained at The office of The County Engineer, Courthouse, Roseburg, Oregon. Douglas County reserves the right To releet any or all bids or to waive any Informality In bidding. DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT V. T. Jackson, County Judge E. R. Metiger, Commlsloner Ray E. Doerner, Commissioner IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY ORDER In The Matter of the Establishment of North Umpqua Sanitary District. The matter of the establishment of the North Umpqua Sanitary District In Doug las County, Oregon, coming on first for hearing on May 21, 1963 upon a petition duly filed with the County Court of Doug las County, Oregon, containing fifty cltl jens signatures, all of who were legal vot ers of the Stato of Oregon, County of Douglas and residents and freeholders , within the limits ot the area In Douglas County, Oregon, proposed for such sani tary district, and It further appearing that notice of the Time when said petition would be pre sented to the County Court was duly published once each week for three suc cessive weeks In the Roseburg News Re vlw, a newspaper of general circulation and published in Douglas County, Oregon, said notice being published April 27, 1963, May 4, 1963 and May 11, 1963; and It further appearing from the records on file herein that a hearing was held at 10:30 A.M. on May 21, 1963 before the Douglas County Court In the Douglas County Courthouse at Roseburg, Oregon; It further appearing that said meeting was continued by The Douglas County Court; and It further appearing at this time that alt of the lands described In said petition will be benefited by the formation of said sanitary district; and It further appearing that no lands which would be benefited by said proposed dis trict have been omitted; and It further appearing that said petitioners have filed a good and sufficient under taking conditioned that the petitioners will pay all expenses of the organization of the district, Including publication of no tlces, the expenses of preparation and delivery of ballots, and the fees of elec tion of officers, and any and all expenses which may be Incurred on The parT of Ihe County In the formation, election and organization of such sanitary district; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the name of the proposed district shall be The NORTH UMPQUA SANITARY DIS TRICT; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That the boundaries of said sanitary district lo cated In Douglas County, Oregon, shall be as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the present North Roseburg Sani tary District boundary wilh the East RW Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad In Section 1, T. 27 S., R. 6 ' W W.M.; Thence, West to the west RW line of Hooker Road; Thence, Northerly along the west RW . Line of Hooker Road To The South RCW line of General Avenue; Thence, Westerly along The Soulh RW line ot General Avenue to The East RW line of Bower Street; Thence, Southerly along the East RW line of Bower Street to the point of Intersection with the Easterly pro longation ot the north line of Ihe Don Housloy property as described In Vol. 297, Deed Records of Douglas County, Oregon at Page 632; .Thence, Westerly along the last men tioned line to the East RW line of U. S. Highway No. 99; Thence, Northerly along said East RW line to the S. W. Corner of Lot 31 of Edenbower Orchard Tracts; Thence, Westerly along the Easterly prolongation of the south line of Lot 32 of said Edenbower Orchard Tracts at the south line of said Lot. 33 to a point in Ihe west line of Sec. -12, T. 27 S., R. 6 W.; Thence, Northerly along the west line ot said Sec. 12 and the west line of Sec. 1, said Township and Range to the N. W. corner of Lot 6, said Edenbower Orchard Tracts; Thence, Easterly and Northerly along the North and West Lint of said Lot 8, and the west and north line of Lots 7, and the north line of Lot 6 & 5, of said Edenbower Orchard Tracts to the East RW line of U. S. Highway No. 99; Thence, Northerly along the East RW line of said highway, to the south bank of the North Umpqua River; Thence, Easterly along the left bonk of said river, upslrejm, to the east corner of Rio Verde, as filed and recorded In Ihe office of The County Clerk in Vol. 6 of Plats at Page 2; Thence, South to the Soulh RW line of Page Road, County No. 115-A; Thence, Westerly along said South RW Line to the N. E. Corner of the J. D. Amacher Property as de scribed In Vol. 107, Page 623, Deed Records of Douglas County, Oregon; - Thence, Southerly and Westerly along The East and South Line of said Amacher Properly and Ihe extension thereof to the Southeast corner of Woody Oaks, as filed and recorded In Vol. 9 of Plats, Page 39, Records ot Douglas County, Oregon; Thence, Westerly along the south line of said Woody Oaks to an angle point; . Thence, Southerly along an east line of said J. D. Amacher property 50.0 ft. to a point; Thence, Westerly along a line 50 ft. from and parallel to the South Line of "Woody Oaks" to Its Intersection with the East Line of Sec. 25, T. 26 $., R. 6 W; Thence, Southerly along the East Line of said Section 25 and the East Line of Section 36, said Township and Range and the East line of Sec. 1, T. 27 S., R. A W., to a point In Ihe North Line of the existing North Roseburg Sanitary District boundary; Thence, Westerly along said boundary to the Point of Bog Inning. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that an election be held within the proposed North Umpqua Sanitary District on Tuesday, November 5lh, 1963, between the hours ot B:00 o'clock A.M. and 8:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of determining whet her or not the said proposed district shall be organized as a sanitary district and tor the purpose of electing five mem bers to the sanitary board for said dis trict. At said election all qua HI led electors resident within the proposed district for the period requisite to enable them to vote at a general election shall be entitled to vote at the election above provided (or. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all of the area proposed to be incorporated In the sanitary district shall be consid ered as one precinct, and the polling place shall be at Winchester School, Win chester, Oregon, In said district; and Joan Krogel and Helen Bartlett, and Winnlfred Travis, and Pearl C. Brown, all being qualified electors, resident within the proposed district, shall constitute the Board (rf Ei?ction. The ballots shall con Tain Ihe words, besides the legal descrip tion of the prooow) dlslrlcf, "Sanitary District: YES " and "Sanitary Dis trict: NO ", or the equivalent there To, and the voter shall place a cross "X" between the space provided for im mediately after "YES" or "NO" whlch-tvf-r shall Indicate his choice. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the following named Individuals be placed on the baliof To till the five positions open on the Board of Directors for said sani tary district: Bertram R. Shoemaker, Jr. Andrew M. Hoskot Bart Crocker, Jr. Wm. C. Harris Lelend F. Van Allen Joseph S. Danchok John C. Keller Jtsa W. Brown DATED thi 26th day of September, 1963. V. T. JACKSON County Judge E. R. METZGER County Commissioner RAY E. DOERNER County Commissioner LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Johanna Hoppe, Deceased, has tiled in the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Douglas County, the final account of his administration, and said Court has fixed Monday, November 4th, 1963, at 10:00 o'clock in The forenoon of said day as the time, and Circuit Court Room "A" In the Court House at Rose burg, Oregon, as the place, for hearing ob lections, if any, to said final account or to the settlement of said estate. Dated, October 5th, 1963. ARTHUR H. HOPPE, Administra tor Of the Estate Of JOHANNA HOPPE, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of M. M. COOPER, Deceased, now pending In the Circuit Court of Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present The same, duly veri fied as required by law. To The under signed al Ihe law olflces of George Luoma, Umpqua Savings & Loan Build ing, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is October 5, 1963. HATTIE L. WILSON. Executrix of the Will and Estate ot M. M. COOPER, Deceased NO. 794S NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ALBERT R. ZIMMERMAN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that lha undersigned will sell at private sale to The highest bidder for cash or on credit In the manner as provided by the laws and statutes of the State of Oregon all of the above decedent's Interest In and to Lot 1, Block 2, Sethers Tracts, Doug las County, Oregon, said sale being sub ' iect to confirmation of the above-entitled court. Bids will be received by The under signed at- the offices of Geddes, Felker, Walton & Richmond, 435 S.E. Kane Street, Roseburg, Oregon, up to 10 o'clock A.M. on Monday, lha 4th day of November, 1963. Dated and first published this 5th day of October, 1963. CARL M. FELKER, Admlnlstra tor of the Estate of ALBERT R. ZIMMERMAN, Deceased Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An onymous, 673-6629. YOUR Aetna". i?e agent is VInce Schuelze. 5al673-3031 or Res. 673-4B19 YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needlngcon. fldentidl advice may contact Catholic Char "ies, 270 W. Broadway Eugene, Oregon. Diamond 5-3642. Hunter's Attention CUSTOM CUTTING on deer, elk and moose, at Byrd's elMeL9ei5.,i NO HUNTING or trespassing oh the Baragor Ranch. S. Baragar, NO HUNTING or trespassing on the O. Slandiey ranch Glide. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my ranch on Roberts Creek. L. V. Weber. NO TRESSPASSING The LookerjRanch, Looklngglass NO HUNTfN? or trespassingnmyprop erty. Darley E. Ware. ABSOLUTELY no hunting on the L. H. Bell .Br.??"VXaI'Hnwn,e'. P'ease don't ask. NO HUNTING or trespassing on myranch at Roberts Creek. Ray Rauch. NO HUNTING, fishing or tresspassing on my propertyeastofWllbur. Bernard Grubbe. NO HUNTING or tresspassing"- my prop ertv at Shadv Pol". C'Hf Thornton. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my properly southeast of Sutherlln. H. L. Wahl. ABSOLUTELY NO hunting or trespassing on fjiufj-Tiie5 ownuu or loosca oy m. o. Knapp, NO HUNTING or trespassing on Sunshine Ranch. Frank Stroder. NO HUNTING or trespassing. Julian Hatfield, Kooens reoK. NO HUNTTNGor trespassing! F. W. Emmltt, Ken Rleke, E. C. Woodward, H. Agee, D. C. Rnhortu NO HUNTING or Trospasslng on our proper-1 ty In Brockway, Tenmllo, and Olalla. Nich ols Brothers. NO HUNTING or frespassing on Livingston ranches. No permission. J. C. Livingston, Glide. NO HUNTING, trospasslng or crossing ovar on me aeon, Nom or smith properties In rne meirose area. NO HUNTING, trespassing or crossing over on me i.mian uusnnen rancn on Keston Road. NdHUNTING or trespassing on the Robert son Ranch mt of Cole Road. Emery A. Allen, Manager, NO HUNTING or trespassing without writ ten permission on property near Mel rose Dairy. Donald Lewis. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Bacon, Henry, Haines, winnitord, Broszlo, La Raut ranches In Umpqua, Wilbur, Garden Valley area. APPLIANCE R EPA I P. MAYTAG Parts Sales Service We Service All Homo Appliances BERGH'S APPLIANCE 672-1661 ALTERATIONS . SEWING DOUBLE BREASTED suits re-styled to sin gle. siv.V5, ano otnor alterations. 63-6466. BOOKKEEPING ; ROSKE'S BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Specializing In small business accounts NOTARY PUBLIC TYPING 1225 W. HARVARD PHONE 672-2471 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young 673-7419 CUSTOM BUILT homes, remodels, cabinets, carports, garages. Free estimates. H0 finance. Ph 679-5857, Grady Roberson. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, repair and welding, tree estimates. Call Bob Boling at 679-5544 after 5 p.m. CABINETS, patio, carports. Remodeling. No fob too small. Reasonable rales. No bus. on Sundays. Phone 673-8652 alter 4 p.m. REMODELING HOUSE LEVELING, new foundations, gar. ages, carports. , Free Estimates. 10O"o fi nancing. Gunter Construction Co. 67J.39S5. CATERING FOOD CATERING Large or small banquets, any. where, or al tne oak Tree Inn. call Ruin Bradley, 672-38B8, 673-4707. CHILO CARE Mother Goose Nursery 673 361 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS, cleaned, checked and repaired. Reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Call PETE or EO at Trowbridge Electric SERVICE DEPT., 673-5S31. GARDEN EQUIPMENT Sales - Service - Parts SMALL AIR COOLED ENGINES Jacobson Mowers Rofo-Hoe Tillers Brlgas & Stratton Clinton ' Lsuson Power Products Wisconsin, Etc. Le Bleu Motors 319 S.E. Jackson 673-7567 Place Your Ad Today! Sot., Oct 5, 1963 The Hunter's Attention NO HUNTING or trespassing on The late Charley Dysert Ranch In Looklngglass or The Hidden Valley Ranch In Tenmlia. Hoyt J. Robinson. NO HUNTING, Trespassing or crossing over property of undersigned Glengary and Rob erts Mountain area. Merle H. Doerlng Carl J. Doerlng J. W. (Jack) Holmgren "- :" Mrs. M. M. Cooper Haltie L. Wilson, Adm. M. M. Cooper estate Help Wanted 14 FILBERT PICKERS C. Domenlco's place. 673-7951 MIDDLE AGED woman or couple to stay with 2 elderly people. 863-3695, Myrtle Cr. Help Wanted Men 15 LONG LOGGERS Call 6733604 TRADE tires, Klrby vacuum or old violin ,0L. carpenter jworK. Phone 673-5045. COMBINATION WELDER. Appfy Roseburg Welding and Machine Works. 673-6248. WANTED Heavy duty equipment me chanic. Year-round work. 673-5688 afler 7 P.M. PART TIME Insurance and credit Inspector. Area of operations: Sutherlln to Canyon vllle. No canvassing or selling. Apply P. O. Box 628, Eugene, Ore. OPENTNGS In C .atl f or h la I o r 1 sates "man ager and 3 salesmen. Must be honest, Industrious, bondable. Write to Rich Plan of Redding, P. O. Box 466, 935 Locust St., Redding, Calif. WANTED Reliable family man with good car to take over sales route. $125 per week guarantee to start. For Interview phone 672-1391 between 7 and 9 p.m. No Information given over phone. SALESMAN To Sell Frigidaire Appliance Contact Mr. West UMPQUA VALLEY Hardware & Appliance G35 SE Stephens Help Wanted Women 16 LADY to care for lady In wheel chair and light housekeeping tor 2 adults. Live In. caJ 1 673-4006 after 4:30 p.m. RECEPTIONIST for doctor's office. Must ba able to type. Write Box 724, co News Review. WOMAN dinner cook. Also experienced wait- ress. Apply In person after 4:30 p.m. Island Cafe. Evans Products Co. Western Division Accounting Dept. is now occepting opplications for the following experienced office help: BOOKKEEPER Well versed in machine posting proce dure. PAYROLL CLERK Posting and machine operation. SECRETARY - Shorthand ex perience. For information and appoint ment phone Roseburg 672-4471 Work Wanted 17 EXPERIENCED FALLER WITH Call 566 Camas Valley WANTED Baby silting, my home. N. E. Jackson. 672-4360. WASHING and Ironing, starching very nealty aone, can 6i!-4JJfl. . FALL cleaning, day work by day or hour. expenenceo. (.air az-jvyz. CARPENTER WORK AND RFPAIRS CM Hatfield. 673-3821 HOUSEWORK, $1.25 nr. Neat, clean, capa ble. 673-8370. BABY SITTING, hour or day, my home, experienced and reasonable. Call 673-6466. ALTERATIONS, restyling, fur, cloth coats. suirs, aresses. wonc guaranteed. 672-2803. SUCCESSFULLY employed businessman, 45 yrs. old, desires return to Oregon. Pleas ant, dependable, conscientious. Experienced In ALL phas of management! purchas ing, operation, administration, sales, etc. Heavy experience In hardline field. Small Investment possible. Anything considered. W. O. Walls, 32 Oliver Ave. S., Minnea polis 5, Minn. HEARING AIDS HENRY A. K1RKLAND - Certified Hearing Aid Audlologlit. Service on all makes of hearing aids. Phone 679-5024. LANDSCAPING-TILLING PETERSON'S custom tractor work Till ing, weed, brush and grass cutting, soiling. Leveling. 673-6848 anytime. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING, weed and brush cutting, leveling and grading. Call eves. M. H. Foss, 679-5548. LANDSCAPING-TILL1NG-DOZING SPRINKLING SYSTEMS Lawn and Field Irrigation JACUZZI PUMPS Parts Sales Service VALLEY PUMP & JRRIGATION SERVICE 073-4023 MASONRY WORK MASONRY, fireplaces, veneer, stone, block Free est. Calvin Merge), 6724345. ORNAMENTAL IRON SERVICE ORNAMENTAL i Wrought Iron rollings Columns Posts Residential and Commercial FREE ESTIMATES 1 ROSEBURG FORGE WORKS 673-4002 Res. 673-3805 PAVING EXPERT cement work. Sidewalks, drives, patios. Free estimates. 673.3345. PLUMBING LICENSED PLUMBER, Bill Wylle, Larson f)d., Rt. 4, Box 1145. Call 679-535. RADIO & TV REPAIR Johnny's TV Service Allwork guaranteed, call 673-H64 ROOFING ROOFING, repairing. Free estimate. Work guaranteed. Call collect BSS-t666 Gold Hill. RUBBER STAMPS DO. CO. Rubber Stamp Supply. PO Box 191. 6)3-7312. Usually overn:jM service. The People's Mcrket Place is the News-Review Classi fied Vant Ads News - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 9 Work Wanted 17 IRONING 90c hour. Pickup, deliver. Call 673-7758 before 12 or after 5 p.m. CARPENTER work painting and general repair, (.an 6v-J4. SEWING AND ALTERATIONS 673-5825 RELIABLE LADY will baby sit, your home. myrne ireeit area, uwn irans. tail B6J 3942 after 10 A.M. Enstruction 19 ACCORDION LESSONS Six weeks trial wilh accordion furnished. 673-7084. PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call 673-7217 PRIVATE PIANO lessons. Studio af Rlcketfs music store or rt.wion Creek area. Call Sharon Wagner, 672-2461. Loans and Finance 21 WANTED small discounted land contract! ana equities, call 673-6193 or eves 673-6091.. REAL ESTATE contract for sale at Wilbur. s&iuu at 6fe, discount $1000. P.O. Box 1101, Brookings, Ore. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to 11500 On motor vehicles and furniture 729 SE Washington 673-5581 AGRICULTURAL LOANS Southern Oregon ; PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN 202 Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 673-3248 Business Opportunities 22 FREIGHT AGENCY, apt., 1400 Sfl. ft. business area. On Hwy 99, In town. 57900. Phone 679-SK2. Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE RENTAL 245 S. E. Jackson. Ap- proxlmately 16'XSS'. Call owner, 471.302a. GARAGE or many other usage building tor rent or lease, 3500 sq. It. Also store, build ing, 3000 sq. ft. In Southgate across from Mark's No. 2. 673-6193, 673-6091 eves. Wanted to Rent 25 THREE bedroom house out of town, or 2 bedroom house wl h extra space. 673-6519. WANT TO rent or lease small acre age, house and barn In or around Gordon Valley area. 673-6B04. Apartments For Rent 26 FURNISHED 5 room ground floor apt. Close In. Available Friday. Phone 673-3321. TWO BEOROOM apt, range and refrigerator furnished. All utmiios paid. Phone 673-6536. ONE bedroom completely furnished apt. Call aiier 6 p.m. 6-3?B6, ATTRACTIVE redec. turn. apts. All utilities turn. 5 to S80. 281? W. Harvard. 671-1463. 14 KARAT APTS 2 bedrooms, $100, Bachelor apt. $75. Brand new. Call for information 673-4339 If no answer 672-3602. SUTHERLIN UNION CAP APTS. 2 bdrm. $50. 1 bdrm, $40 mo. Furn. Including water and elec. Sulhe rHn 459-212S or 679-5690. NEW furnished apis ready by October 15th. maid and linen service available If de sired. Holel Umpqua UNFURNISHED APT. suitable for 1 person or elderly couple. $37.50. Water and gar bage paid. Phone 673-7316. - TWO ROOM furnished apt., suitable for bactv elor only, $45 a month Including utilities. 672-2609 FOUR ROOM furnished apl. on ground lloor, children allowed. $62. Day phone 672 3602, eves 673-5190. WORKING COUPLE modern, clean, fur nlshod apt. Electric heat, garage. , Har vard Ave. Available Oct. 151h. 673-7550. TWO, 1 bedroom partly turnlslied apartments. Couplo only. See at 737 Wharton St. altar 5 p.m. Kohlhagen Apts. "'Modernf Reasonable Rent. Jackson. St. at Lane Ave. ADULTS 673-8244 "A Good Placa Ta Live" LOVELY 7 bedroom apt., it baths, furnaca heat,' formal dining room, large living i room, part basement. Downtown location. Caupla only, no pets. $85 month. Helen Glenn Real Estate, 485 SE Kane, or phone 672-3692. Privacy, Peac6 & Quiet! In trfs nicely furnished 1 .bedroom apt. Hot water and garbage service . , paid. Automatic laundry facilities. Adults, Sorry, no pots. $65. See or call Shady Point Trailer Sales 1- Mile S. on B.R. 99 6731438 SAW SERVICE SAW SHARPENING Circular Band Chain Handsaws Saw tar reconditioned ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAW SERVICE & Supply Co. 384 NE Chnnnon Ave. 673-4234 Near N. Safeway Market SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tanks cleaned. Prompt service. Reasonable. 673-8474. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Roseburg Sani tary Service. Phone 673-3356. TOOLS RENTALS SERVICE PLOW SHARPENING, welding. 2352 SW Castle Ave. Machins Shoo. 673-4687. FOR RENT McCulioch chain saws any size McCulloch post hole auger McCulioch stump auger HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales - Parts - Service Garden Valley Jet. Across trom M-Ward's TREE SURGERY' TREE TRIMMING, topping, and removing. Insured. Free estimates. 459-2922 Oakland. ATTENTION TREE and stump removal. Call for free estimates. 67!-i598. Carl Jenkins. COOK'S TREE SERVICE TRIMMING TOPPING REMOVING 673-7061 Roseburg VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE VENETIAN BLINDS Sales & Service SERVICEMASTER Of Roseburg 672-4601 We' Give S&H Green Stamps WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nothing down on approved credit MOHR WELL DRILLING Phone 671-333) or Sutherlln 459-4039 WELDING WELDING Mig-wlre alum, welding. From motor blocks to fry pans. All types special welding. WINSTON CHAIN SAW VtlrolOrt, Ore.