The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 05, 1963, Page 3, Image 3

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    Counci! To Consider
Church Bishop Issue
Ecumenical Council is grappling
with a thorny issue of Roman
Catholic doctrine which has hung
on the "unfinished business" hook
for nearly a century.
It concerns the place of bishops
in the Catholic Church, and their
relationship to the Pope. .
Are bishops merely appointed
representatives of the Pope, exer
cising such powers as he may del
egate to them? Or are they "vic
ars of Christ" in their own right,
successors to the original 12
Apostles, and partners of the
Pope in overseeing church affairs?
Home Nursing
Film Preview
Miss Pat Joyce, nursing services
director of the Cascades District
of American Red Cross, will be in
Roseburg Tuesday to preview the
new "Home Nursing Story."
This is a new series of films of
the Red Cross Sick and Injured
course prepared for the RC by
the Army Signal Corps. The U.S.
Public Health Service and the Of
fice of Civilian Defense acted as
consultants with the Red Cross to
determine the course content.
The showing will start at 10
a.m. Tuesday in the Red Cross
Chapter House at 657 SE Rice St.
Persons attending should bring a
sack lunch. Coffee will be furnish
ed. For further information per
sons may call 673-3255 between 9
a an. and noon.
.The meeting is open to the pub
lic, with special invitation to nurs
es who have worked in Red Cross,
Douglas County Extension Office
personnel and health teachers in
the school system. The preview is
given with the thought of using the
films before groups later or to as
sist persons in becoming Red
Cross home nursing teachers.
.The use of these films in school
programs allows for maximum
flexibility in planning to incorpor
ate Red Cross home nursing in
struction in studies. The films
wll be of value to school groups,
1 community organizations and in
dustrial groups.
.The films cover such topics as
recognition of the symptoms of ill
ness, prevention of spread of di
sease, importance of nutrition,
body mechanics and posture, med
ical supplies for the home and pre
cautions in giving medicines, prop
er self-help in a patient's recov
ery, a safe water supply, safe
guarding the health and well-being
of children and disaster preparedness.
The same questions were up
for debate at the last Ecumenical
Council, at the Vatican in 1870.
The 1870 council never complet
ed its labors. After approving one
decree affirming the supremacy
and infallibility of the Pope, the
council was terminated abruptly
by the arrival of Italian troops in
Rome and the consequent collapse
of the papal state as a political
Ninety-three years later, the
current council is debating a doc
ument which attempts to magnify
the role of bishops in the church
without detracting from the Pope's
The proposed definition of tho)
powers and duties of the bishops
is found in Chapter 2 of the draft
document "De Ecclesia" (About
the Church). Debate on the chap
ter began Thursday and will con
tinue next week.
The draft reasserts the primacy
and infallibility of the Pope as
"supreme pastor and teacher" of
the church, but it goes on to say
that bishops, together with the
Pope, also possess divine protec
tion from error in expounding
points of faith or morals.
It emphasizes that bishops "en
joy the prerogative of infallibility"
only when acting together as the
"College of Bishops."
The draft as it now stands
pleases neither liberals nor con
servatives. The liberals feel it is
too insistent on papal supremacy,
and the conservatives protest that
it goes too far in elevating bish
ops toward a partnership with
the Pope.
Drain Man Faces
Count On Illegal
Use Of Vehicle
'Martin Eugene League, 20, Drain,
has been bound over to the Doug
las County Grand Jury on a
charge of taking and using a ve
hicle without authority, from the
court of Warren DeLaVergne, juSf
tice of peace at Drain.
He is accused of taking and
using, without intent to steal, an
eijrth mover, the property of E.
A. Kruse, without authority on Oct.
Bruce Elliott May has appealed
from the District Court of Gerald
R. Hayes a drunken driving con
viction of Sept. 6. He pleaded in
nocent July 30, but was found
guilty on trial and fined $150, $5
costs and sentenced to serve 60
days in the county jail. He is
free in $300 bail pending appeal.
Billy Wallace McClain, 28, of 856
NE Oakland Ave., Friday was
found guilty on trial by court of
reckless driving. He was fined $100,
$5 costs and sentenced to serve 20
days in jail by Judge Hayes. Ar
rested Sept. 2, he pleaded inno
cent Sept. 9.
.James Ernest Jackson, 25, of Rt.
lBox 186, Riddle, was found guil
ty on jury trial of reckless driv
ing before Judge Hayes. He was
fined $10 plus $5 costs and given
20 days in jail. He was also found
guilty of driving with suspended op
erator's license, was fined $100 and
$5 costs, with two days in jail. The
jail terms are to run concurrently.
Innocence Pleaded
Larry Fitzgerald, through his at
torney, pleaded innocent in Dis
trict Court to a charge of inade
quate watchman service on a Hur
ricane Frieda timber sale area.
He was accused by fire warden
John Utley of failure to provide
watchman service on Oct. 1. Trial
will be set later.
Famed Call Girl
Seeks Seclusion
LONDON (UPI) Call girl
Christine Keeler went into seclu
sion today, shielded for the mo
ment from probing into her lurid
double life and from the shouts
of angry women who have been
pursuing her through the streets.
The good times appeared to be
over for the 21-year-old redhead
from the country who became
the kiss-and-tell star of Britain's
sex-and-security scandal.
After months of telling publicly
most of what she knew about the
men in her life, she listened
white - faced in court this week
while details of her other life
a life of sex, ex-convicts, black
mail and beatings was paraded
before the public eye.
Miss Keeler, whose affair with
ex-War Minister John Profumo
led to his resignation in dis
grace, is charged with lying and
conspiring to frame a discarded
Negro lover, Aloysius (Lucky)
Gordon, on charges of beating
her up.
The prosecution presented its
case against Miss Keeler at a
three-day pre-trial hearing this
week. The hearing adjourned Fri
day until Monday.
COMPACT NEW 48-pound multiple pulse X-ray is easily moved to patient, instead of
moving ill persons for treatment or diagnosis. Developed by Oregon-based Field Emission
Corp. at McMinnville, X-ray unit is being shown for first time this fall to medical pro
fession, on view recently for the combined annual meetings of Oregon Medical Society
and Academy of General Practice. Unit embodies new design concepts, new type of X
ray tube which eliminates large power transformer. It operates on standard outlet.
Community News Briefs
Highway Traffic Clogged
When Acid Rig Overturns
PORTLAND (UPI) A tank and
trailer loaded with more than
5,000 gallons of carbolic acid
turned over on North Interstate
Avenue here today, clogging traf
fic and threatening properly.
Driver Vince Leach of Seattle
said the northbound truck hit a
curb and the swirling liquid car
ried the truck against a concrete
divider, causing the rig to over
turn. Leach and relief driver Rod
Boers, Glenwood, Wash., crawled
out unhurt.
The spilled acid was washed
into storm sewers by city firemen.
The truck was enroute from
from Richmond, Calif., to Tacoma
for the Belford Chemical Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Port
er made a business trip to Eugene
and back Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fox and
three sons have moved here from
Myrtle Point and are residing at
1105 SE Pine St. Fox is with the
State Highway Dept.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Allen Sr.
and three sons and daughter have
arrived here from Guam and are
residing at 1512 SE Thompson. Al
len is a retired Navy man. He is
working at Richfield Service Sta
tion on SE Stephens St.
Helen Glenn has returned to her
office here following a trip to Los
Angeles to attend the California
Real Estate convention held at the
Biltmore Hotel. More than 5,000
California relators attended the
convention. Norman Vincent Peale
was one of the speakers at the con
vention. Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Ryan and
son. Paul Jr. of this city are back
at their home in the Oak Hill
apartments following a month's
vacation trip. They stopped over
in Portland to visit tlieir claugn
ter. Cheryl, who is working there
and then went on to Vancouver
B.C. and . boarded the German
freighter Moselstein. They went
down the coast by freighter and
stopped over at eight ports. While
in Portland, Cheryl, joined her
family aboard ship for a two-clay
stay. While at sea they were in a
severe electric storm. They got
off the ship in Long Beach, Calif.,
and returned home via automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Joy and two
daughters have moved to 509 W.
Umpqua St. from Yakima, Wash.
Joy is with Pacific Power and
Light Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lorence of
Monmouth have returned to their
home, following a trip here to cele
brate the former's birthday at the
home of his sister, Mrs. C. R.
Fream, on SE Stephens St.
Mrs. T. Floyd Bell has returned
to her home in Pebble . Beach,
Calif., following a visit here with
her sister, Mrs. Grant Osborn, and
brother, Carl Black, as well as
with other relatives and friends. ,
Mrs. Roy Catching is back at her
home in Chadwick Manor, Rose
burg,' following several weeks in
Eugene. She stayed with her young
granddaughter, Linda McElroy,
while the latter s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene McElroy, took tlieir
two sons, Collett and David, to
lnglewood, Calif., where the boys
enrolled at Northrup Institute of
Technology. Collett will be a jun
ior there this year and David will
be a freshman. The McElroy fam
ily formerly resided in Roseburg.
Mrs. McElroy is the former Helen
Training Slated
For Camp Fire
Group Leaders
A training session for all Camp
Fire and Blue Bird leaders and :
assistant leaders will be held Tues
day, Oct. 8, in the social rooms
of the Roseburg First Presbyterian
Church. Baby sitting will be pro
vided if arrangements are made
prior to the meeting by calling J
the Camp Fire office.
Mrs. Charles Woodrich will be in I
charge of a session for new Blue i
Bird leaders and assistants. Other :
Blue Bird leaders will meet with
Mrs. Hugh Byrkit. Mrs. Oscar i
Amundson, executive secretary for
the Umpqua Council of Camp Fire I
Girls, will have charge of the
training for the fourth grade Camp
Fire leaders. Fifth and sixth grade
leaders will receive their training
should lack for information on con
ducting her group if all sessions
are attended. The fall Camp Fire
program is now getting into full I
swing for the season, Airs. Hot-
schenbacher said.
Mrs. Larry Bigler will meet with
the junior high leaders.
According to Mrs. James Loom-
is, cliairman ot tne council train
ing committee, certificates will be !
issued to new Blue Bird leaders I
who complete the series of train
ing sessions which will continue
with meetings on Oct. 15, 22, and
29. Other training sessions for
those in the Camp Fire part of
the program will be announced
Mrs. Motschcnbacher, chairman
of the Leaders Association, urges
all leaders to note the training
dates and make evory effort, to
attend the sessions. No leader
from Mrs. Elliott Motschcnbacher,
Sot., Oct. 5, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore.3
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Boyd and
daughter and two sons have moved
from Great Falls, Mont., to Rose
burg and are residing at 3032 NE
Vine St. Boyd is with Montgomery
Ward Co.
In observance of National Busi
ness and Professional Women's
Week the Roseburg BPWC will
sponsor a membership tea Sun
day afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m.
at the home of the president, Mrs.
George E. West, 1224 SE Reser
voir Ave. Women in business and
professional women are invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Williams
and children, Robert and Marv
Elizabeth, left Friday for their
home in Richmond, Calif., follow
ing a week's vacation visiting Mrs.
Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. W. Riley, on the North Ump
qua River. They were joined here
for the week by the former's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wil
liams; his maternal grandmother,
Mrs. Lilian Tabke. and his broth
er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ter would be raised at the level
Jerry Lear, all of Corvallis. Mrs. it demands, namely his personal
Rusk Welcomes
Security Probe
tary of State Dean appeared I
today to welcome the possibility I
of a showdown with Senate inves
tigators on his department's se
curity policies.
Rusk responded promptly al
most eagerly to a "polite re
quest" from the Senate internal
security subcommittee to appear
soon to answer questions raised
about departmental policies.
A State Department spokesman
said that Rusk "has been hope
ful for some time that this mat-
Tabke ajso visited here with her
sister, Mrs. F.- C. Dezendorf, at
the Umpqua Hotel. The Scott Wil
liams family formerly, resided in
At a recent meeting of the Sen
ior High Fellowship of the Oak
land Community Presbyterian
Church, Dennis Parker was elect
ed moderator for the coming year.
Elaine LeGore Was elected secretary-treasurer;
Doc Stroop, wor
ship leader; and David Little, rec
reation and refreshment chairman.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Peebles are
sponsors of the group.
Meetings will be held regularly
each Sunday at 6 p.m. at the
The Junior High Fellowship
meets Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at
the church.
Lutheran Women Set
Meeting For Tuesday
The regular monthly meeting of
Lutheran Church Women will be
held at Faith Lutheran Church
Tuesday, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Ted
Shultz will have charge of the pro
gram and Mrs. Emily McCullum
will lead the devotions.
Members are asked to bring ma
terials for making stuffed toys for
missions during a workshop to be
held in connection with the meet
ing. Those who have not yet sign
ed for the workshops to be held
(luring tiie year are asked to con
tact Mrs. Shultz so that the
schedules may be completed.
According to Mrs. V. Whitlock,
the 1964 yearbooks are now being
made up and complete informa
tion is needed, including names of
all unit officers and work projects
scheduled. All members are urged
to attend.
- mm :. mm m
BOY SCOUTS from Troop 326, Walker Barmore, 11, and
Mike Stewart, 12, give a helping hand to Ed Starr ,exalted
ruler of the Roseburg Elks Lodge, in picking up hides from
one of the many containers located around the city. The
Elks Lodge is making its annual plea for hunters to donate
hides for use by Veteran's Administration Hospital patients.
As of Thursday, 125 hides hod been collected. It is hoped
that some 700 hides, dser and elk, and especially cow hides,
can be collected by the end of hunting season. Marvin
Chup'ng, chairman of the hide committee, soys containers
are located at the Elk and Moose Lodges, all 'fire stations
in Roseburg, East Slue Murket, Sportsmon's Supply in
Sutherlin, and the spotting goods store at Glide. (News
Review Photo)
Saturday, Oct. 5
Buckeroo Square Dance Club, at
the barn, dance .of the month in
struction, 8:30 p.m., regular dance
at 9 p.m., ladies bring light pot
luck, visiting dancers and specta
tors welcome.
Douglas County Mounted, Fair
grounds, 7 p.m.
Alcopolics Anonymous. 424 NE
Winchester, 8 p.m. for informa
tion call OR 3-6029.
Lane House, 544 SE Douglas,,
open 1 to s p.m.
Tri - N. - Square Dance Club, at
club's hall in Myrtle Creek, 9 p.m.,
guest caller Boyd Hixon, all danc
ers welcome.
' Rummage Sale, by Green Com
munity Church women, Elks Tem
ple, 8 to 11 a.m.
Rummage Sale, Methodist Church
WSCS, at old bottling works ,in 900
block on W. Harvard Blvd., 9 a.m.
to noon.
South Deer Creek Grange,
Grange Hall, 3:15 p.m.
Olalla Squares, Oalla Commu
nity Building, 9 p.m.
Evergreen Grange, public card
party at the hall, 8 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 6 ,
Oakland Community Presbyter
ian Church, Youth Fellowship, at
the church, Junior high group at
6:15 p.m., senior high group at 7
Lane House,. 544 SE Douglas,
men 1 to 5 p.m.
Roseburg Rod and Gun Club,
trap shooting, 10 a.m.
Wilbur-Sutherlin Mathodist youth
choir practice, Wilbur Methodist
Church, 3 p.m.
Buckeroos, workshop at the barn
S-W p.m.
Benson PTA, executive board
meeting, at the school, 1:30 p.m.
Winston Chamber of Commerce,
8 p.m.
Roseburg Business and Profes
sional Women, membership tea at
home of Mrs. George West, 1224
SE Reservoir, 2-5 p.m.
Kommunily Kapers, rehearsal at
Tri-Ciy School gym, 2:30 p.m. i
Monday, Oct. 7 j
Satan's Chauffeurs, 7:30 p.m. I
1421 SE Micclli. j
Roseburg Slimmerettes (TOPS i
Club) 8-10 p.m. at Faith Lutheran
Timber Town Duplicate Bridge
Club 7:30 p.m. For information
call Mrs. Walter Ulrich, OR 2-1468,
or Mrs. John Davenport, OR 3-S278. ;
Master point play every third Mon
day. Glide Medical Self Help, classes
at Community Club, 10:30 a.m.
39'ers Club, Roseburg Womans
Club, noon potluck.
Navy Reserve, Naval Reserve
Facility. 1624 W. Harvard.
Knights of Pythias, Pythias Hall i
8 p.m.
Fir Grove PTA, at the school
7:30 p.m.
Glide PTA, at high school, 7:30
Umpqua Valley Stamp Club,
courthouse auditorium, 7 p.m.
Past Matrons, Order of Eastern
Star, home of Mrs. Arch Taylor,
1142 SE Main St., dessert supper
7:30 p.m.
Douglas County Farm Bureau
Federation, at Fairgrounds, pot
luck supper, 7 p.m., business meet
ing 8 p.m.
Umpqua Grove, Supreme Wood
men Circle, Evergreen Grange
Hall, 8 p.m.
Benson PTA, at the school, 7:30
Winston City Council, City Hall.
Douglas Camera Club, 880 SE
Jackson St. 7:30 p.m.
Roseburg City Planning Com
mission, 7:30 p.m.
Green PTA, at the school, 7:30
Myrtle Creek Toastmislress Club,
Myrtle Creek Hotel, 8 p.m., guests
Riverside PTA, at the school,
7:30 p.m.
Roseburg Toastmistress Club,
grand jury room at courthouse
7:30 p.m. i for information call
Fir Grove PTA, at the school,
7:30 p.m.
Sutherlin Methodist Church, of
ficial board meeting at the church,
7:30 p.m.
Winston Dillard Toastmistress
Club, Douglas High School.
appearance before the committee
as the official responsible for the
operation of the Department of
State, including its security pro
"The committee has long been
aware of the secretary s desire to
discuss these procedures with the
committee, and he will avail him
self of the opportunity in the near
At issue ,is the State Depart
ment's recent action in filing
charges against its ' chief security
evaluator, Otto F. Olepka. The de
partment is investigating whether
Otcpka gave classified informa
tion to the subcommittee without
Sen. Thomas J. Dodd: D-Conn.,
vice chairman of the internal se
curity subcommittee, went to New
York Wednesday to discuss the
Otcpka ease with Rusk. He said
he made a "polite request, not a
demand" that Rusk appear at a
hearing and that other department
witnesses testify.
Rusk agreed to meet with the
subcommittee at a "mutually ar
ranged convenient date."
The department has said the
charges, which could result in
Otcpka's dismissal, involved un
authorized declassification of se
curity matters relating to other
department employes. In one
case, Otepka was accused of hav
ing provided the subcommittee's
chief counsel, J. G. Sourwine,
with questions to ask his own
chief, John F. Reilly, deputy as
sistant secretary of state for security.
VIENNA, Austria (UPI) Aus
trian Communists have received
anti .. Soviet propaganda leaflets
printed in Peking with the re
quest to pass them on to attached
addresses in Communist East
Germany, informed rourccs said
here today.
The booklets were mailed to
Austrian Communists by the
"Chinese Society for Internation
al Relations."
The 19G3-1965 basic school tax increase of S'A per cent per year,
plus the 6 per cent annual tax base increase, plus tho special
operational levies of about S'A per cent will total a 17 per
cent annual increase which is six times the annual growth
of our economy.
Write to your State Legislator to roll back school and college
salaries to 1959 - 1960 without another tax election to earn tlieir
new high salaries.
if we roll back school and higher education wages to the
1959-60 level. .. 1
if we roll back school and higher education wages to the
1959-60 level.
Paid Adv., Arthur C Dahl, M53 SW Tfr.illiitt Blvd., Portland I. Ortjon. 1
Paid Advertisement
Vote On October 15 As
Your Conscience Dictates
2. You can't do a thin? about Federal taxes, but you can con
trol local and state taxes by your vote. '
3. The people want 60 registered voter participation on special
school elections relating to taxes or bonds.
4. The people want school boards, legislatures and state, county,
city and local taxing bodies limited to 2 added to the prior
year's levy or budget.
This can be voted by each taxing district without a change
in the State Constitution limitation of 6.
5. The peoole want public schools, higher education, legislators,
county, city and stain salaries rolled back to the 1959 - I960
level where the people voted no tax base increase for school
6. The people want a good elementary - hich school and college
without the double cost of junior high, and junior college with
its costly administration and state taxes and Federal aid, which
is bevond the control of the people at the local level, but must
be paid for by the State income tax and the Federal income
tax. .
7. All Federal aid to private schools is paid in your Fed
eral income tax, and 10 of the Federal budget is interest.
R. All Federal aid to public schools and collr-Ves is oaid for
in vonr Federal income tax, and 10 of the Federal budget is
9. Federal aid takes the control of taxes away from the local
taxoaver, who must pay the taxes and have no say on how it
shall be used.
10. Federal Matching Funds make ihe legislators vote bigger
taxes because they think the Federal monev is a gift but it
is added to your Federal income tax and state income tax
without the people's approval.
11. You can't have 20 students per teacher 'in the elementary
svstem and 14 students Tier teacher in the coilcffe system
at the increased school salaries included in the 1963-65 Budget.
12. The pconlc voted "NO" In the 160 Tax Base elections
for increased school salaries and will probably vote "NO"
on the October 15th Income fax Hike which is required larrelv
because of increased salaries for public schools and higher
13. The neoHo don't want a 2 Sn1"s Tax added to the income
tnx to Dav for a hike in 'school salaries because it can o to
4 and 6 without the peoole's content, and leads tho Legis
lature to ill - advised SDepdinc. The Sales Tax will reduce
snenrling in Oregon because tonnes v'll wait to buy when they
go Ihome, and our morchonts will suffer a loss.
14. The nonlo are fed im with leaches'! oronnizat ions' who
threatened to close school to one million children in New
York Citv, and "O.OWI in Utah, in order to pressure the Leg-
islature for a salary increase. ,
15. President Kennedy savs a tax cut is ner-ded to save our
countrv from on economic crisis loss of gold, more un
employment, and misery.
16. The Oreeon Legislature has increased taxes 85 'Million,'
or 26. In snlto ff the Presidnt's warning, and you are votins!
on n $60 Million income tax hike, mostly for increased teachers
salaries. , '
17. The intuitive' wisdom of the rjconle rejected the tax base
increase to pav for teachers' pay hikes in the I960 Tax Base
elections, nut this Jias neen ignored Dy scnooi noarus ana leg
islators alike.
18. In keeping with the President's plea for a tax cut, it
would be rJeslranie to roil oacK legislators ana rescuers'
salaries to the 1959-60 level In keening with the spirit
of the I960 tax baso election, which said NO tax increase for
teachers' pay hikes. y
19. A small city weekly with 9,000 circulation started the Refer
endum Petition for an election on the $60 Million income tax
hike, and received 75,000 signatures in 20 days in spite of
organized efforts of Unions, Teachers, civic organizations, leg
islators, and tho Governor, who advised the people not to
sign the petition All this was accomplished without money
or organization because the people took over.
20. The people want control of the schools and taxes at the
local level, free from the power and money of Unions or
Teachers or other minority groups.
21. The people want the same approvals required to cut edu
cation as to increase education. ,
22. The people want no school reorganization which will take
control of taxes and education from the local school boards.
23. Minear said if the tax measure is defeated the basic
school fund must be cut $15 to $30 Million. ,
24. What Minear did not itcll you was that if teachers' sal
aries were rolled back to 1959, we would not need to cut basic
school support we would not need $85 Million New Taxes.
25. The Governor's Advisory Committee on Education warns
against defeat of Tax Measure. '
"Orogonion" Sept. 26, page 14 ;
"because its defeat would result in ,i
severe cuts in education."
26. The basic school appropriation in the new law is $141
Million, increased $14 Million from $127 Million, largely to
give the teachers a pay raise which the people denied them
in the 1960 Tax Base election.
27. Here is what the educators will do to give the teachers a '
salary increase in the Slate of Oregon: . ;
1. Cut Tubercular Children's Care
2. Cut Crippled Children's Service
3. Cut Agricultural Experiment Station
4. Cut Building Maintenance
5. Cut Janitor Service
6. Raise College Tuition
7. Add S60 Million Sales Tax or
8. $60 Million Income Tax Hike
9. Increase Grade Requirements
10. Increase College Dropout
11. Cut the Building Program
28. What they don't tell you is that they won't need to do any of
these things if they roll school salaries back to the 1959-60
level, where the people voted no Tax Base increase for teach
ers' pay hikes.
29. These services having been provided by the people's taxes,
can only be cut by Hie vote of the people.
If the school boards can cut education $60 million with
out a vote of the people, they could cut Uie schools in half
in order to give a raise to the other half.
I Will Vote "NO"
On October 15
30. Because: The President says we need a tax cut. I say
we won't need a $60 million income tax, a $60 million sales
tax, $25 million other taxes, $10 million surplus tax, $10 million
indefinite tax if we roll school salaries back to 1959-1960.
The Oregon Constitution provides that taxes shall not be in
excess of the lawful appropriations that the property tax
base shall not be greater than 6 added to the prior year's
levy that the ballot title should give the reason to in
crease revenues to add a surplus tax to add an oper
ational tax for cities, counties and school districts.
Lower school salaries mean lower taxes and lower college
Paid Ad.,' Arthur C. OaM, 5853 SW Itmilliger Bin). Portland 1, Orejon