Wilbur-Winchester PTA Slates First Fall Meet First fall meeting for Wilbur Winchester PTA will be held Tues day, Oct. 8, in Wilbur Grade School gymnasium. I Speaker will be County School Supt. Kenneth Barncburg who is scheduled to discuss issues in con nection with the upcoming tux re ferral election. Program will also include a progress report on the new school building at Winchester. A short business session is also slated. t Parents whose children are tem porarily attending Riverside, Hue-rest or Riversdale schools should establish their membership with the Wilbur-Winchester PTA, advis es Dean Bartlelt,. president. LEGAL . NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against, the Estate of Emily E. Judd, deceased, ere her of y notified to present the same, prop erly -verified, to the undersigned at the offices of Geddes, FelVer, Walton & Rich mond, in Roseburg, Douglas County, Ore gon, within six months - from the date hereof. DATED September 20. 1963. JESSIE M. CHAPMAN, Executrix of the Tstdte of EMILY E. JUDD. Deceased. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS HERMOSA WAY DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON SEALED bids will be received by the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon at the Courthouse in Roseburg, at 10:30 A.M.. Octo ber U. 1963 for the construction of 0.2 miles of dedicated street in the Green Area, as fol lows: Grading, drainage and paving. Bidders will be required to submit prequalifi cation statements. Specifications are on file with the County Clerk ol Douglas County and copies thereof may be obtained at the office ot the County Engineer, Courthouse, Roseburg, Oregon. Douglas County reserves the right to reject any or all bids or lo waive any informality in bidding. DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT V. T. Jackson, County Judge E. R. Metzger, Commisioner Ray E. Docrner, Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL' PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under and pursuant to an Order of the Circuit Court of the .State of Oregon for Douglas County made and entered in the Matter ot the estate of Gertrude M. Ervln, deceased, authorizing, empowering and licensing t h e undersigned as Administrator ot said estate to sell all the right, title and Interest of the estate of Gertrude M. Ervln, deceased, in the real property hereinafter described, NOW THEREFORE", I, R. D. BRIDGES, administrator of the estate of Gertrude M. Ervln, deceased, will at the office of Har rison R. Winston, Attorney at Law, 310 Pa cific Bidg., Roseburg, Oregon, from and aft er the 15th day of October, 1963, offer for sale and sell at private sale, either tor cash or credit or both upon such terms as the court may approve, sub)ecl to con firmation of the above mentioned court, all the right, title and interest of the estate of Gertrude M. Ervin, deceased, inand to the following described real property situate In Douglas County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot 1, Block 1, Charles M. Ervln Plat. " Douglas County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 13lh day . of September, 1963. R. D. BRIDGES, Administrator of the estate of GERTRUDE M. ER VIN, Deceased POST OFFICE ADDRESS: Oakland, Oregon HARRISON R. WINSTON Attorney for Administrator 310 Pacfiic Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon SUMMONS Case No. 27096 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THS STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY LESLIE A. MOORHAUS and , LEOTA E. MOORHAUS, Plaintiffs, vs. J. T. COOPER; HARRIET COOPER J . " Unknown heirs of J. T. Cooper, If he .Is deceased; Unknown heirs of Harriet Cooper, If she Is deceased; and also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right title, estate, lien or interest in the real properly described In the com- - plaint. Defendants. TO: J. T. Cooper; Harriet Cooper; Un known heirs of J. T. Cooper, if he is deceased; Unknown heirs of Harriet Coop er, if she is deceased; and also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real property described in inc compiaini. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs filed again you in the above entitled court and cause n or. before four H) weeks from the date of the first publication ol this sum mons. And If you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, plaintiffs, for want thereof, will apply lo the Court tcr the relief prayed tor in said com plaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: That it be decreed that plaintiffs are the owners in fee and entitled to tne pos session of the following described real property, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point marked with a 34 Inch iron pipe, on the west right of way boundary of the Southern Pacific Railroad In the NW' of the NW'i of Section IB, Township 26 South, Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, Oouglas County, Oregon, from which the 18 bears N. 35 degrees 21 1611.6 feet; thence S. 12 degrees 46' W. 231.42 feet to a 58 inch Iron rod; thence S. 68 degrees 45' E. 212.08 feet to a 5'8 inch iron rod on the west right of wpy boundary of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence S. 52 degrees 23' E. 116.92 feet to a 5 8 inch iron rod on Ihe east right of way boundary of said railroad; thence N. 83 degrees 20' E. 49.71 feel to a 5'B inch iron rod; thence N. 20 degrees Ti' E. 543.86 feet to a 5 8 inch iron rod on the soutn right of way boundary of the Wilbur to Glide County Road; thence along the south right-of-way boundary of said County Road N. 67 degrees 21' W. 76.73 fet to a 5'8 inch Iron rod; thence S 22 degrees 39' V. 1?0.0 feet to a 5 '8 inch iron rod; thence N. 67 degrees 21' W. 120.0 feet to a 5'B inch iron rod; thence N. 22 degrees 39' E. 120.0 feet to a 51 inch Iron rod on Ihe south right of way bound ary of said County Road) thence along the South right of way boundary of said County Road N. 67 degrees 21' W. 149.83 feet to a 5'8 inch iron rod; thence S. 14 degrees 35 W. 215.91 feet to a S I inch iron rod; thence N. 67 degrees 54' W. 95.65 feet to a 5 8 inch iron rod on the east right of way boundary ot said Southern Pacific Railroad; thence S. 8 degrees 36' W. 103.19 feet to the point ot beginning. and that the right of possession and title j CATERING FOOD to said premises be forever quietrd in . plaintiffs: anj that It be further decreed CATERING Large or small banquets, any lhat any claim of the defendants, or any where, or at the Oak Tree !nn. Call one or more of them. In or to said RUin Bradley, 672-3868, 673-4707. premises or any part thereof is without - - - - foundation in law or In equity, and that CHILD CARE ptaintilfs are the owners In fee ol said w "" premises and of the whole thereof free I . . . . , from any and a" :::;mj arrf .nterests of . Mother OOOSe INUrSerV said defendants, or any one or more of i 673-8361 them anv kind Of nature whatsoever; vwwwwwMtwwMwww and that said defendants and all per sons claiming by, through or under mem, ,:..rTr, n Twined iZm assX 7J 2 ,m? SWJTlntJreifS' any r.gnt. title, estate, lien or ; or to said premises or any parr tnereot. and for such other and further relief as . to the Court may appear equitable. This 'utnmons is served upon vou by pjblicat:on thereof once each wee.: for fcur HI successive weeks In the Roe- ; burg News-Review, a newspaper of gen- era) circulation as provided by statute,! published and issued In Roseburg, Doug- las County, Oregon. By order of the Honorable Don h. sano- ers. Judge of the above-entitled Court. made on the 18th day of September, 1963. The first ot' "cation if this summons Is of date Ihe Wh day of September, 15U. GEORGE LUOMA Attorney for Plaintiffs ', SrV,Gr.'n'LM"''a''i LEGAL NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT r Notice Is hereby given that Monday, the ;eth day of October. 1963, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. in the Circuit Court Room A In the Douglas County Court house, Roseburg, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place tor hearing ejec tions, if any, to the Final Account filed by the undersigned in the estate of David A. Cordon, deceased, now pending in said Court. DATED and first published this 27th day of September, 1963. HELEN M. FENNER, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of DAVIO A. CORDON, whose full name was DAVID ALLEN CORDON. NOTICE OF FINAL" ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the under signed, as executors of the estate ot Ethel C. Chase, deceased, have filed their final account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, Pro bate Department, and that Wednesday, the 23rd day of October, 1963, at the hour ot 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon ot said oay In Circuit Court Room B of said Court House have been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. DATED and first published September 20, 1963. MILDREN HORN " JOHN H. HORN . . Executors of the Estate of x ETHEL C. CHASE, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claim against the estate of Emma B. Ledgerwood, deceased, now pending In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, Pro- ' bate Department, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the office ot William D. Green, Jr., attorney, Douglas County State Bank Bulk" to;, Roseburg, Oregon, within six W months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 27th day of Seplemr-"r, 1963. MERLE WEEKLY and OREN LEDGERWOOD, Co-executors of the Estate of EMMA B. LEDG ERWOOD, Deceased. William D. Green, Jr., Attorney for the Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been appointed Adminis tratrix ol the Estate of Roy J. Trim berger, Deceased, by order of the Cir cuit Court ol the Slate of Oregon tor Douglas County. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to the undersigned at the law offices of Stults, Jayne & Murphy 416 S.E. Main Street, Roseburg, Oregon, within six (6) Months after the date of first publication of this nollce, which date is September 20, 1963. ELSIE M. SPACKMAN, Administratrix of the Estate ot ROY J. TRIMBERGER, Dei .used. STULTS, JAYNE & MURPHY Attorney- at Law P. O. Box 218 Roseburg, Cregon 1 NOTICE OF SALE OFREALPr6pERTY NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that under and pursuant to an Order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County made and entered In the Matter of the Estate of Mary A. Medford, deceased, authorizing, empowering and licensing the undersigned as Administrator of said estate to sell all the right, title and interest of the estate of Mary A. Medford, deceased, in the real properly hereinafter described, NOW THEREFORE, I R. D. BRIDGES, administrator ot the estate of Mary A. Med ford, deceed, III, at the offices of Har rison R. Winston, Attorney at Law, 310 Pa cific Bldg., Roseburg, Oregon, from and aft er the 15th day of October, 1963, offer for sate and sell af private sale, either for cash or credit or both upon such terms as the court may approve, subieet to confirm. lion of the above mentioned court, all the right, title and interest of the estate of Mary A. Medford, deceased, in and to the following described real peaperty situate in uougtas loumy, Oregon, lo-wir: parcel l Lots 5 and 6, Block 2, Charles M. Ervin Tracts, Douglas County, Oregon. PARCEL II Lots I and 2, Block 3, Charles M. Ervln Tracts except that portion sold to the Stale of Oregon by Recorder's No. 1699:2, Deed Records, uougias Louniy, Oregon. PARCEL III Lot 7 except that portion conveyed to E. K, Woods by Recorder's No. 576282, and to George Updogralt by Recorder's No. 271283, and except that portion conveyed lo the Stale of Oregon for highway purposes all In Watts Acres, Douglas County, Oregon, was conveyed to Lavel E. and Mary A. Medford, and upon the death of Lavel E. Medford, vested In Mary A. Medford, and ex cepting that portion of Lot 7, Watts Acres, Douglas County, Oregon lying South of Interchange Road No. 188, and excepting thai parcel conveyed to the E. K. Wood Lbr. Co. recorded In Vol. 133 at Page 369, Deed Records, Doug las County, Oregon. PARCEL IV Lot 1, Block 1. Chaiies M. Ervin Plat Douglas County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 13th day of September, 1963. R. D. BRIDGES, Administrator ot the Estate of MARY A. MEDFORD, Deceased POST OFFICE ADDRESS: Oakland, Oreqon HARRISON R. WINSTON Attorney for Adminislrator 310 Pacific Bldg. RoseL to, Oreyo.i APPLIANCE REPAIR MAYTAG Parts Sales Service Wc Service All Home Apollances BERGH'S APPLIANCE i-USl ALTERATIONS . SEWING DOUBLE BREASTED suits re-styled to sin gle. SI9.95. and other alterations. A73-6.S6. BOOKKEEPING ROSKE'S BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Specializing in small business accounts NOTARY PUBLIC TYPING 1225 W. HARVARD PHONE 672-2471 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young 473-7419 CUSTOM BUILT homes, remodels, cabinets, carports, garages. Free estimates. M'o finance. Ph 679-5857, Grady Roberson. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, repair' and welding. Free estimates. Call Bob Boling at679-S544 after 5 p.m. CA'BINEtS. patio, carports. Remodeling. No lob too small. Reasonable rates. No bus. on Sundays. Phone 673-6652 after 4 p.m. REMODELING HOUSE LEVELING, new foundations, gar ages, corporis. Free Estimates. ICO'a fi nancing. Gunt?r Construction Co. 672-7955. ELECTRICAL WORK CTRIC heating SVSTEWS. cleaned. chKked M Reasonable prices, AM ooarantect. Call PETE or EO t.,k. E.w,ri, ccouirc ncor !, Tr,fle E,ec,r,c SERV,CE 0EPT ' -wxrun- -.--.- rMtiBAiUkj-r fjAKDtN EQUIPMENT Caoc . prvirP - Partd Jdies JciviLC rdiis SMALL AIR COOLED ENGINES jCobson Mowers Rote-Hoe Tillers ,.... . Brlggs & Stratton - Clinton , Lauton Power Products Wisconsin. Etc. ! I Rol . Kyi nf ore L.C Dieu IVIUlUfb Jl S.E. Jackson 473-7 Se7 . j i P'ace Your Ad Today! j LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been duly appointed Ad ministrator ot the Estate of HARVEY LOUIS EPPSTEIN, Jr., deceased, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, and has duly qualified as such, All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers, duly veri fied as by law required, to the undersign ed at the offices ot Long, Neuner, Dote & Caley, 810 S.E. Douglas Ave., Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published: September 13. 1963. ROY O. YOUNG, Administrator of the Estate of HARVEY LOUIS EPPSTt.iN, JR., deceased CLASSIFIED SECTION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL 672-3321 CASH RATES Advertising For Business Within Roseburt Trade Area - Cord of Thanks $2.0Q 1-Day rate 2 lines $1.00 3-Day rate 2 lines $2.00 6-Day rate 2 lines $2.75 30-Day rate 2 lines $6.00 1 -Day rots 3 lines $!.50 3-Day rots 3 lines $2.75 6-Day rate 3 lines $3.75 30-Day rate 3 lines $8.00 CREDIT Above rates duo tec t to 50 cents service eM-ge for credit DEADLINES Privite Party Advertising 2 P M. Pav Prior to Publication Trie Nnvs-Hevie reserves the rig-1 to classify, edit ot reje:t any classified Ad Co?. ADJUSTMENTS If your adviruseri.ent appears incorrectlv, notify us immediately. We will not be res ronsib'e 'or ir.O'n one incorrect insertion. Such responsibility is limited to a , coirect insertion of artvertiEerrint. Refunds Will Net Be Kit' Uere Than 60 Days CLASSIFIED INDEX AIRCRAFT 69 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 26 AUCTIONS 44 AUTO INSURANCE 79 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 78 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED 80 AUTOS FOR SALE 81 AUTO TRUCK PmRTS 75 BOATS AND MOTORS 55 BUILDK'G MATERIALS 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES M BUSINESS PERSONALS 8 CARD OF THANKS 5 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 24 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 38 FARM EQUIPMENT 70 FARMS AND RANCHES 36 FLORISTS 4 FUEL 43 HAY AND GRAIN 61 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 72 HELP WANTED 14 HELP WANTED MEN 15 HELP WANTED WOMEN 14 HOUSES FOR RENT 7t HUNTER'S ATTENTION INCOME PROPERTY 37 INSTRUCTION . 19 LIVESTOCK 63 LOANS AND FINANCE 21 LOGGING EQUIPMENT 74 LOST AND FOUND 12 LOTS AND ACREAGES 35 MARKET BASKET ... 57 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ... 45 MISCELLANEOUS REN.ALS 23 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 46 MOBILE HOME PARKS - 31 MOBILE HUMES ... 32 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT .. 30 MOTORCYCLES 77 MUSICAL INSTP JMENTS 50 NOTICES 11 ' OFFICE EQUIPMENT 51 PERSONALS 7 ' PETS AND PET SUPPLIES ... 67 POULTRY AND RABBITS ------ 68 POWER SA'VS . '.. 71 REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 33 ROOM NO BOARD 28 ROOMS FOR RENT 27 SEEDS NURSERY STOCK 59 SPORTING GOODS 53 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS 40 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 48 TRUCKS FOR SALE 74 WANTED TO RENT 25 WORK WANTED 17 WHERE TO GO 10 SITE for your dreom home could be in "Lots and Acreaqes". Take a look! HEARING AIDS HENRY A. KIRKLAND - Certified Hearing Aid Audiologlst. Service on all makes of hearing aids. Phone 679-5024. LANDSCAPING-TILLING PETERSON'S custom tractor work Ing, week, brush i and grass cutting, soiling. Leveling. 673-6348 anytime. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING, weed and brush cutting, leveling and grading. Call eves. M. H. Foss, 679-5548. LANDSCAPING-TILLING-DOZING SPRIN kijNG SYSTEMS" Lawn and Field Irrigation JACUZZI PUMPS Paris Sales Service ' VALLEY PUMP & IRRIGATION SERVICE 673-4823 MASONRY WORK MASONRY, Free est. fireplaces, veneer, stone, block Calvin Mcrgel, 672-4345. ORNAMENTAL IRON SERVICE ORNAMENTAL Wrought iron railings Columns Posts Residential and Commercial FHEE ESTIMATES ROSEBURG FORGE WORKS 673-4002 Res. 673-3805 PAVING EXPcRT cement work. Sidewalks, drives, patios. Free estimates. 673-33.5. PLUMBING LICENSED PLUMBER. Bill Wvlie. Larson Rd.. Rt. . Bo. 1145. Call 679-5357 RADIO t TV REPAIR johnny's TV Service Ail work guaranteed, call 672-3464 ROOFING ROCFING. repairing. Free estimate. Work guaranteed. Call collect 855-uu Gold nut. ! RUBBER STAMPS 00, CO. Rubber Stamp Supply. PO Bok a?a! 673-7313. Usually overn tfht service. The P-opie's Mcrket f'loce is the News-Review Classi fied Want Ads LEGAL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed bids will be accepted by the Doug las County Fair Board for a heating sys tem lor a portion of the Exhibit Building at the Fairgrounds. Bids will be received until 8 p.m., Octo ber 25, 1963. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Fair Office. No person may withdraw his bid after the hour set lor Ihe opening. TI.e right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive any Informality in bidding. DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR BOARD J. D. MYERS, Chairman C. TOLLEFSON, Member HOWARD HATFIELD. Member NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been appointed and qual ified as the Executrix of the estate and Last Will and Ttstament of Sylvia Mable Zeek, Deceased, by order ot the Circuit Court of Ihe State ol Oregon for Douglas County. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to the undersigned at Ihe law offices of Stults, Jayne & Murphy, 416 S.E. Main Street, Roseburg, Oregon, within six (6) months after the date of first publication of this notice, which date is September 20, 1963. CAROL ADEL1A MOORE, Executrix of the Will and Estate Of SYLVIA MABLE 2EEK, Deceased Stults, Jayne & Murphy Attorneys at' Law P. O. Box 218 Roseburg, Oregon Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An onymous. 673-6629. YOUR AEtna I he enentisvince Schuetze. Call 673-3031 or Res. 673-4819 YOUNG" WOMEN of" any faith needing con fidential advice may contact Catholic Char ities, 278 W. Rroadwa, Eugene. Oregon. Diamond 5-3642. Hunter's Attention 9 CUSTOM CUTTING on deer, elk and moose, at Byrd's Market Meal Dept. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Barager Ranch. S. Baragar. NO HUNTING or trespesslngon"lhe O. P. Standley ranch Glide. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my ranch on Roberts Creek. L. V. Weber. NO TRESSPASSING The Looker Ranch, Lookingglass NO HUNTIN or trespassing on my prop erly. Darley E. Ware. ABSOLUTELY no hunting"onlhe"LTH.Beii properly at Dixonvllle. Please don't ask. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my ranch at Roberts creek, Ray Rauch. NO HUNTING, fishing or trespassing on my properly east of Wilbur. Bernard Grubbe. NO HUNTING or tresspassing on my prop erly at Shady Point. Cliff Thornton. NO HUNTING or Irespasstng on my properly southeast of Sutherlln. H. L. Wahl. ABSOLUTELY NO hunting or trespassing on properties owned or leased by M. O. Knapp. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Sunshine ' Ranch. Frank Strader. NO HUNTING or trespass! ngrjullan" Hatfield, Roberts Creek. NO HUNTING or trespass! ng7FrwTEmmItt, Ken R leke, t . c. woodward. H. Agee, D. C. Roberts. NO HUNTING or trespassing on our proper ty in Brockway, Tenmile. and Olalla. Nich ols Brothers. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Livingston ranches. No permission. J. C. Livingston, Glide. NO HUNTING, trespassing or crossing over on the Scott, Roth or Smith properties In the Melrose area. NO HUNTING, trespassing or crossing over . on the Lillian Bushnell ranch on Reston Road. NO HUNTING or trespasslng on-! heRoe7t son Ranch west of Cole Road. Emery A. Allen, Manager. NO HUNTING or trespassing without writ ten permission on property near Mel rose Dairy. Donald Lewis. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Bacon, Henry, Hnlnes, Wlnniford, Broszlo, La- Rout ranches In Umpqua, Wilbur, Garden vaiiBy area. WARNING No hunting, prospecting, crossing over or Trespassing on "cuiver Kancn. Luther Stacy, Logging Sup't. H, C. Bellows, Agent and Owner NO HUNTING or trespassing on the (Ate Charley Dysarf Ranch In Lookingglass or the Hidden valley Ranch In Tenmile. Hoyl J. Robinson. NO HUNTING, trespassing or crossing over property of undersigned Glengary and Rob erts Mountain are.i. Merle H. Docrfng Carl J. Doerlng J. W. (Jack) Holmgren Mrs. M. M. Cooper Hatlle L. Wilson, Adm. M. M. Cooper estate Lost and Found 12 FOUND Female boxer. Contact Kelley's Korncr Service Station. 673-6202. SAW SERVICE SAW SHARPENING Circular Band Chain Handsaws Saw tar reconditioned ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAW SERVICE & Supply Co. 384 NE Channon Ave. 673-4234 Near N. Saf.wav Market SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tanks cleaned. Prompt service. Keasonaoie. t'3-jtu. SEfnTc'fANKSCLEANEOrRoletJa-Sanitary Service. Phone 673-3356. TOOLS RENTALS SERVICE PLOW SHARPENING, welding. 2353 SW Castle Ave. Machine Shci. 673-4637. FOR RENT McCulloch chain saws any size McCulloch post hole auger McCulloch stump auger HUNT'S CHAIN SAW Sales - Parts - Service Garden Valle Jet. ..cross from -Ward's TREE SURGERY TREE TRIMMING, lopDlng, and removing. Insured. Free estimates. -459-222 Oakland. c56kvs' tree'service" TRIMMING TOPPING REMOVING 673-7061 Roseburg VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE VENETIAN BLINDS Sales & Service SERVICEMASTER Of Roseburg '672-4601 We Give SS.H Green Stamps WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nothing down on approved ceclt MOHR WELL DRILLING Phone 472-2371 or Sutherlin 5-40W WELDING WELDING ! U.nj.-U slum wMinn Frnm mr.tv hlock j Zot, HS,H"Sff WirilOn. Ore. PROFIT From Ciassiriea Ads Lost and Found 12 I $25 REWARD for Information leading to the return of a large red tiger torn est, blue harness, Calif. Rabies tag. Wilbur overpass-Winchester bridge area. If you have seen this car in your vicinity and can't calch him please contact me. Mrs. Carruth ers. 672-1945. Help Wanted 14 FILBERT PICKERS C. Domenko's place. 673-7951 MIDDLE AGED woman or couple to stay with t elderly people. 863-3695, Myrtle Cr. DO YOU LIKC ENGLISH? Do you want pleasant part time work at home? A high school In the Trl City region is planning to strengthen it's writing program In English by employing as teachers "aides," selected men and women who live within a 20 mile area around Myrtle Creek. These teaching "aide" will be employed on a part time basis and will be able to do most of the work at home. This major task will be to read, correct and grade the composition papers of high school stu dents. The work should average from 5 to 10 hours per week at a reasonable sal ary and will offer those who participate In the program the experience end satisfac tion of contributing to the education ol able young students. No experience Is required. Necessary training and supervision will be provided. If ou are interested, drop a card or teller be lore October 5 to "AIDERS," Southern Oregon College, Ash land, Oregon. An application blank will be sent to you. All applicants will be re quired lo take a battery of tests In English. Further details will be supplied. Help Wanted Men 15 NEW CO. New product. Men needed Im mediately. 672-2927, 6-9 PM only. LONG LOGGERS Call 673-3604 THREE choker sellers, lob close In, winter work. 673-8425 or 673-3303. TRADE tires, Kirby vacuum or old violin for carpenter work. Phone 673-5045. COMBINATION "WELDER. Apply Roseburg Welding and Machine Works. 673-6248. WANTED Heavy duty equipment me chanic. Year-round work. 673-5618 after 7 P.M. PART TIME Insurance and credit Inspector. Area ol operations: Sutherlln to Canyon vllle. No canvassing or selling. Apply P. O. Box 628, Eugene, Ore. OPENINGS In California for 1 sales man ager and 3 salesmen. Must be honest. Industrious, bondable. Write to Rich Plan of Reddinq, P. O. Box 466, 935 Locust St., Redding, Calif. WANTED Reliable family man with good car to take over sales route. S12S per week guarantee to start. For Interview phone 672-1391 between 7 and 9 p.m. No information given over pnono. SALESMAN To Sell Frigidaire Appliance Contact Mr. West UMPQUA VALLEY Hardware Cr Appliance 635 SE Stephens Help Wanted Women 16 LADY to care for lady In wheel chair and light housekeeping for 7 adults. Llva In. Call 673-4006 alter 4:30 p.m. RECEPTIONIST lor 'doctor's olfica. Must be able to type. Write Box 724, c'o News Review. WOMAN dinner cook. Also experienced wait ress. Apply In person afler 4:30 p.m. Island Cafe. Evans Products Co. Western Division Accounting Dept. is now accepting applications for the following experienced office help: , BOOKKEEPER Well versed in machine posting proce dure, i PAYROLL CLERK Posting and machine operation. SECRETARY Shorthand ex perience. For information ond .appoint ment phone Roseburg 672-4471 Work Wanted 17 EXPERIENCED FALLER WITH TOOLS Call 566 Camas Valley WANTED Baby sitting, my home. 629 . E. Jackson. 67Z-43W. WASHING and ironing, starching very neatly done, call 672-4336. FALL cleaning, day work by day or hour. Experienced, can "CARPENTER WORK AND RFPAIRS C. M. Hfltli Id. 673-3821 HOUSEWORK, SI. 25 hr. Neat, clean, capa ble. 673-8370. BABY SITTING, hour or day, my home, experienced and reasonable. Call 673-6466. ALTERATIONS, restyling, fur, cloth coats. suits, dresses. Work guaranteed. 67Z-Z603. CUSTOM COMBINING LARGE MACHINE Joel Fenn 673-5608 IRON i NG 90c "hour. Pickup, deliver. Call 673-7758 before 12 or 8"er5 p.m. CARPENTER work painting and general repair. Call 679-5334. " SEWING AND ALTERATIONS 673-5825 RELTabLELADY will baby sit, your home, Myrlle Creek area. Own trans. Call 863 3942 after 10 A.M. SUCCESSFULLY employed businessman, 45 yrs. old, desires return to Oregon. Pleas ant, dependable, conscientious. Experienced in ALL phas of management; purchas ing, operation, administ.ation, sales, elc. Hc.ivy experience in hardline field. Smalt Investment po-sible. Anything considered. W. O. Walls, 32 Oliver Ave. S-, Minnea polis 5. Minn. 1 Instruction 19 ACCORDION LESSONS Six weeks trial with accordion (urntshed. 673-7084. PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call 473-7217 PRIVATE PIANO lessons. Studio at Rlcketls Music Store or N wton Creek area. Call Sharon Wagner, 672-2461. Loans and Finance 21 WANTED small discounted lend contracts and equities. Call 673-6193 or eves tj-ovvi- Famtly Finance Home Owned and Operoted Loans Up to SI SCO On motor vehicles and furniture 729 SE Washington 67J-581 "AGRICULTURAL LOANS Southern Oregon PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSN 202 Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 673-3248 For Your Convenience DRIVE-IN BANKING 8:30 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Thursday Open till 6 PM Fridays DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK 622 SE Jackson 672-4401 i Business Opportunities 22 FREIGHT AGENCY, apt ., 1400 K II. buslncis area. On Hwy n, In town. vrx. pnoni tn-mi. Commercial Rentals 24 OFFICE RENTAL 245 S. E. Jackson. Ap proximately 16'X55'. Call owner, 672-3026. GARAGE or many other usage building for rem or lease, j:uu sq. n. Also store build ing, 3000 sq. ft. In Southgate across from Mark's No. 2. 673-6193. 673-6091 eves. Apartments For Rent 26 FURNISHED 5 room ground floorBpt7Close in. Available Friday. Phone 672-3221. TWO BEDROOM apt, range and rerrlgcralor furnished. All utilities paid. Phone 673-6536. ONE bedroom completely furnished apt. Call alter 6 p.m. 672-3986. "FURNISHED APT. for 'gentleman,-! close" In. References. 1332 S.E. Douglas. ATTRACTIVE redec. turn, apts. All utilities turn. S65 to 580. 2817 W. Harvard. 672-1462. THREE BEDROOM HOME 711 Cary St., Winston wTNSTON.58r Civil' Bend Rd 2bedroom 14 KARAT APTS 2 bedrooms. $100, Bachelor apt. $75. Brand new. Call for Information 673-4329 If no answer 672-3602. SUTHERLINUNION GAP APTS.2bdrm. $50. 1 bdrm, $10 mo. Furn. Including water and elec. Sutherlin 459-2128 or 679-5690. NEW furnished apts ready by October 15th. Maid and linen service available If de sired. Hotel Umpua UNFURNISHED APT. sultablefor-f-perVon or elderly couple. $37.50. Water and gar bage paid. Phone 673-7316. TWO ROOM furnished apt., suilablVlorbVch elor only. $45 a month Including utilities. 672-2609 FOUR ROOM furnished apt. on ground floor, children allowed. S62. Day phone 672 3602, eves 673-5190. i TWO, 1 bedroom partly furnished apartments. Couple only. See at 737 Wharlon SI. alter 5 p.m. IN WINSTON Small furnished guest-house, for one or two persons, clean, comlortm'o, handy location back ol Model Market. No pets piease. S40 a month. Ph. 679-86:4. Kohlhagen Apts. Modern. Reasonable Rent. Jackson St. at Lane Ave. ADULTS 673-0344 "A Good Place To Live" LOVELY 2 bedroom apt., 1'j baths, furnace heat, formal dining room, large living room, part basement. Downtown location. Couple only, no pets. 38$ month. Helen Glenn Real Estate, 465 SE Kane, or phone 672-3692. Privacy, Peace & Quiet! In f-ls nicely furn I shod 1 bedroom apt. Hot water and garbage service paid. Automatic laundry (acuities. Adults. Sorry, no pels. $65. See or call Shady Point Trailer Sales L S on B,R" 99 672-1438 TODD APARTMENTS 1-2-3 Bdrm. opts., furnished or unfurn. Wn-1 ter and garb. serv. provided also heal in some. Rents from S70 up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts., g equipped 672-443 Winchester Ct., Hot water heat 673-'46 Vista Homes, Hot water heat 672-3210 Westvue Ct. W'dryer 672-2149, 673-7926 Oai.hlll Apis., Radiant hent A73-4340 COMPLETtLY "FURNISHED" Beautiful ID wide mobile homes comparable In size to most apts., yet the convenience ol a private yard and parking adolning trail er. Also smaller trailers available. Timber Town Trailer Park. 3010 NE Stephens. 673-8506 iooms for Rent 27 NEW ROOMS Including telephone end linen service. $60 per month at d up. Holel umpqua, 63-4441 doom and Board 28 ROOM AND BOARD and lunches packed. 5B0 per monm. -73-70. Houses for Rent 29 THREE bedroom house, Green District. 672- 3797 before 10 a.m. or after 7 p.m. TWO bedroom home 915 Cedar St., $45 mo. Call after 3 p.m. 4723565. ONE BEDROOM furnished cottage, close in. UQ. Adults only. 1332 S. E. Cobb. RENT or SALE 3 bedroom house, car port, $60. 2310 Castle Ave., Green Olst. SMALL furnished cottage, suitable for I or 2, electric heat, $45. Phone 673-7859 eves. THREE BEDROOM unfurn. duplex, car port, utility room. 672-3987 alter 11 a.m. LARGE 4 bedroom house, large yard, $135. Call 672-2321 TWO BEDROOM house. Stove, refrigerator. iX. lari 62-1 55V. FURNISHED CABINS, weekly rates. 4630 NE Stephens, pacific Morel. TWO BEDROOM ranch type unfurnished du plex, carport, lawn. 5S5. 673-6915. TWO bedroom, adults, no pets, references. 62-2768 FURNISHED CABIN, Wilbur, S60 per month. All utilities included, call 673-8B35. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or single elderly. Phone 673-6540. FURN. 1 BR house, 3485 Diamond Lake Blvd. Waler, oarbage, sewer pd. 673-3368. TWO BR unfurn. house, $75 monlh, water and garbago serv. paid. 673-8232. FURNISHED cabins. Utilities paid. Weekly rates or oy ino monm. liosj io siores ann bus line. Roseland Courts. 2050 NE Steph ens. 672-1071 or 672-2789. SMALL 2 bedroom house, large utility, part ly furnished. $50. Garbage and waler paid. Inquire at Rock Shop, Trl CHy. Wt ml. South of Myrtle Crk, BR 99. 843-4110. Mobile Homes for Rent 30 VACATIONTRAILERSFOR RENT . Sutherlln 459-3133 735FTMODERN trailer housed bedroom, adults, no pels. Phone 673-4036. 4?' HOUSE TRAILER, "3 ml. E on Diamond Lake Blvd. Phone 673-4912. EXTRA NICE 1 or 3 bedroom modern fur. n is tied Irf Mors. Adults only. Timber Tovn Trailer Park, U)0 NE Stephens. 673-3506. Mobile Home Parks 31 SPACE FOR 35' trailer. 1451 S.E. Short St. 673-71C5 SPACE AVAILABLE lr the shade by the river. Winchester Village. 672-1945. FREE TRAILER rent on Dorl St. In c- ; change tor patio work or will rent reason- 1 able. Phone 4V6-3495. Mobile Homes 32 ANGELUS Great Lakes Troveleze New and Used Trailers Cr TRAILER SALES 491 NE Garden Valley Blvd. 672-3441 FALL CHECK-UPTIME Fabric tape, Kool&eal roof coat, putty tne, weather strip, Ten-X water-proof teeling compound. Freczc-Up Time Coming! Wcalhcr-proof electric heat teoe with thermostat, llberglau insulation pipe-wrap for water lines. Keep Your Trailer Warm-Snug-Dry with easy Inexpensive maintenance supplies from our purls and aectsfcrles department. S&H GREEN STAMPS! SHADY POINT Trailer Sales 1 Mi. South Old Hwy. 99 BR I Call 672-1438 1 F"-. Oct. 4 "63 The Mobile Homes 32 SELL or trade equity In 10x55' Kit. 494-3541 EQuiTYlnmoblle home.Seeat 3sTHW. Coral Ave. Town and Country Mobile Park or call 672-3640. '59 HENSLEY HlghH MylTTVw-BRrEuill-ins. front kitchen. Timber Town Trlr. Park, No. 33. 673-6385. G I LLEY Trailer Sales FLEETWOODS COLUMBIA Travel Trailers By ARISTOCRAFT USED TRAILERS - SUPPLIES Complete Trailer Insurance BANK FINANCING 1980 NE Stephens 673-3356 (Formerly Earl Smllh Trailer Homes) h u ntTneason- Is Here! Shady Point Trailer Sales have SPECIALS on pickup campers "Open Road" America's Finest Luxury Camper! FREE MOUNTING FREE JACKS "Santa Fe" Camp and Vacation Trailers FREE HOOK-UP - FREE HITCH S1H GREEN STAMPS See Them Now At SHADY POINT Trailer Sales 1 Mi South Old Hwy 99 BR Call 672-1438 WHEEL ESTATE BUYS Eastern Or Oregon Built Mobile Homes Tired of your old furniture and appliances? When you buy a new mobile home ev ery thing is brand new. Plenty of built-in cabinets . new refrigerator, new range and new furniture. . Payments arc easier than rent. Slop in today, select your new mobile home and start living! Also A Good Selection of Good Used Trailers And SHASTA TRAVEL TRAILERS RAINBOW Trailer Sales RELIABLE TOWING 673-7272 WINCHESTER OREGON $400 DOWN THREE bedroom newly remodeled home. Approximately 12 acre. Nice living room, handy kitchen, bath, oil floor furnace. Concrete foundation, sewer and street. Early possession. Just $9700. MOVE IN NEAT two bedroom home. Redecorated inside and out. Approx imately 12 of the 1 acre ideal for business or home. Living room carpeted, all floors covered. Drapes and circulator includ ed. Nice bath, handy kitchen. Large garage-utility plus work shop. Surfaced street, city water. Just $8500, $1500 down, easy payments. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SPACIOUS 3 bedroom expandable home. Large living room, carpeted, fireplace, oil furnace, kitchen nook, dinette, dishwasher, nice cabinets, large bath. Plumbing roughed in upstairs. Room for apt or 2 or 3 bedrooms. Carport and patio. Approximately 12 acre. Quick drive to town. Terms. Fullerton Realty 723 N.E. Stephens M) ' Phone 672-3172 673-6998 REYNOLDS 806 SE Cass Real OFFICES IN BEND & ROSEBURG ATTENTION BUILDERS TWENTY ACHES on West side. On City water. Ideal for sub-division. $17,500 total price. Good terms. TOP RATED VALUE IN THIS QUALITY 2 bedroom home in Northwest Roseburg. Large kitchen with range, nice living room, gas furnace, sep arate utility, oodles of storage space, nicely landscaped. Near bus line and grade school. Owner leaving State. $8500 with $1,000 down. We will arrange the balance to suit. CATTLE OR SHEEP 608 ACRES, almost all seeded to permanent pasture. Plenty of water. 2 bedroom farm home and barn. Fences in good repair. See this for $50,000 and $14,000 down. 315 ACRES 120 ACRES tillable, balance in pasture. All rolling to level. . Well watered by creek and springs. 3 bedroom home and a two bedroom home. Large barn, chicken house and stor age. More than one mile secondary road frontage. $35,000. $12,500 down. CHEAPIE 3 BEDROOMS, bath. On sewer and large lot. Good place to live. $4,000. $500 down and $50 per month. Marge Martin G. W. "BiU" Tipton Cecil I.nellcn E. H. "Doc" Pocock 673-6503 673 3619 673-5820 673-8259 Newi - Review, Reieburg, On, 11 Mobile Homes 32 LATE '59 10x50 Hens lee 2 bedroom, awning, 5500 down. 673-8774, Real Estate Wanted 33 -WANtErTT6BUY, LEASE OR RENT acreage vith home. 473-7936 Real Estate 34 MYRTLE CREEK, 2 bedroom house. Close to school. FHA app. J77C0, 3. on. 679-8792. TWO BEDROOM house on paved street In West Winston. 679-6904 alltr 3 p.m. THREE bdrm, basement sawdust heal. Laur elwood, shaded. SU.300. Ph. 472-3474. BEAUTIFUL SITE, 20 acresrlf lotusT'goofl waterhouse and barn. Ph. 473-7869. THREE BEDROOM homeredecorated In side rnd out, carport. 3 blocks to Mark's, 1 block to Harvard Ave. Phone 4721998. THREE "BDR home and 2 acres'on LitlleRW er, completely furnished. Garden tools shop,etc. $6,000, terms. 496-3191), Glide. f H1FE HOUSES forsale7allren!ed, 1-4 bedrooms. 1-2 bedrooms, and one bed room. Phone 6721347. t FIVEBEOR06m" homeonor 200 x 100', new roof, lots of berries and shrubs, apple tree, newly black looped street. 679-5740. TWO BEDROOM house with Vh acres. Look inggiass Valley. $9500, $2000 down, terms. 679-5671 afler 3 p.m. THREE bedroom house on Little River. Ji acre. Large living room, picture windows. Very good deal If sold by Oct. 31st. Phone 4964365. SELL or rent 2 BR on river. Approx 2 A, Good retirement or rental. Phone 673-4185. 1HREE bedroom, oil turnace. hardwood floors. Exc. well, 40 A. 5 ml. out. 673-7909. CLOVE RDALE 3 bedrooms, fireplace, orced atr furnace, all new eplnt, hard wood floors, new roof, patio, large storage, - carport. $9800. 672-233S. ROOMY older home, very good condition. 4 bedrooms, nice yard, patio, basement work-shop, lots of storage space, 3 blocks to school pool or lown. Call 673-7106 after 3 p.m. THREE bedrooms, large living room, full daylight basement, ceramic tiled kitchens, 3 ball's, 2 garages, 2 fireplaces, beautifully landscaped on 1 acre lot, green house and lath house. $24,000. Extra acreage avail abb. Can be financed. Call 679-5170. ,4BPDROOMS,3 baths, den, double'car port. Prime west side location, fenced back yard. One large room and bath detached (make a perfect arrangement for guests, oldor persons In the family, rumpus room or hobble), 't s a beauty and e bargain at $27,500. Phone 672-1577, 445 W. Eliza belh. ' 5 BEDROOMHOME located at end ol Fir Street just soulh of Myrtle Creek. Split-level design, large living room, famlly-dtnlng room, ullllty, carport. On 3fc acres. In cludes barn, cabin, melal log I ruck shop, fruit and nut trees. Come see on Satur day or Sunday or call Roseburg 672-2470. Only $14,000. BARGAIN - SELL OR TRADE FIVE MILES North of Myrtle Creek, olf freeway 5 acres. Two 7 bedroom houses, double garage, utility building, 8 spece dog kennel, implement building, fenced paslure, 88 Iruit trees, large garden area. Creek runs on edge of properly, Irrigation svs tern. Close to river, close to school bus. Sell or trade .t Glide property. $15,000. 843-3039 Myrlle Creek. $4500 FURNISHED THIS MODEST little 2 bedroom home Is priced right tor fast sole. Includes all household furniture, Including the T.V. and record player and records. In town, with excellent view location, on SE Lane St. Cash orf contract sale. This will not last long, better call today. 10,950 3 BEDROOM home In Green Area on sower and paving. Fireplace, hard wood ttoors, attached garage, -on lot ' 100'XIOO' FHA appraised at selling price, will insure loan Of $10,600, to qualified, purchaser. - VIEW LOT ON KANE ST, $500 down. Full .price $3500. Ajea of lovely homes. H. J. Winter realtor: "A Most Tiuslad Nam, In Real Eslalt 833 SE Cass St., Roseburg Phone 673-7043 Loll Winter Ph. 473-4581 and BAUER Phone 672-1413 Estate Lou Bassett 672-3838 II. J. Bauer 672 1085 G. F. Reynolds 6T3i504 Earle Soudan, Days Cr. 825-3349