Virginia- Perry Now Mrs. Be 4 1 ;- . tl'lill .- 5- I W JLmjUx . 4UiJUM .. ct-tti ksJ MR. AND MRS. BYRON AUER, above, were married at one of the season's largest weddings. The bride, Patricia Kaye Fromdahl, is the beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Fromdahl of Roseburg and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Auer of Myrtle Creek, (Pic ture by Chris' Studio of Photography). Auer-Fromdahl Wedding Sept. 7 Patricia Kaye Fromdahl, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie From dahl of Roseburg, became the bride of Byron Auer, son qf Mr. and Mrs. Bon Auer of Myrtle Creek, at an impressive double ring ceremony at the First Pres byterian Church Sept. 7. The Rev. John E. Adams performed the nuptials at 7:30 p.m. in the pres ence of 400 guests. Pink and white gladioli in a large floor basket flanked by can delabra holding tall white cathed ral candles formed the setting for the ceremony. Mrs. Homer Grow, organist, played softly as the guests assembled and for soloists, Don Auer, who sang, "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer" sung by Danny Fromdahl, brother of the bride. Given in marriage by her fath er, the bride was beautiful in a floor length gown of white chiffon designed with long lace sleeves and matching bodice, Sane carried a bouquet of white carnations and while roses. Her veil ot Illusion fell from a tiny crown. She wore a tiny gold cross centered by a diamond, a gift of the bridegroom. Mary Griese of Winston was maid of honor and Donna Burks and Nancy Nibblett, sisters of the bride; Rickl Cunningham of Rose burg and Pat Desbiens of Seattle, were bridesmaids and wore laven der sheath gowns fashioned with full ovcrskirts of white chiffon to match the matron of hbnor's. They carried white gladioli bouquets cir cled by lavender net. Candlclighters were Mike and Tim Fromdahl, brothers of the bride. Best man was Lyle Bowers and ushers were David Fromdahl, brother of the bride; Jerry Griese, Doug Zitick and Elwyn Jones. Paul and Mike Nibblett, nephews of the bride, were ring bearers, and Lauren Nibblett, niece of the bride, was flower girl. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Fromdahl chose a rose lace sheath dress with matching jack et, white pearl necklace and white 8 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Wed., Oct. 2, 1963 Special Program Enjoyed By Members Of Mu Chapter Mu Chapter Beta Sigma Phi met recently at the home of Mrs. Jer ry Coen. Gerald Davenport and his model, Judy Knight, presented a very en joyable program on the history and uses of wigs. Davenport also used members and guests as models. A potluck spaghetti supper, will be held at the VFW Hall this month for members, guests and husbands. Mrs. Lauren Loveland assisted the hostess in serving refreshments to guests: Mrs. William Alderson, Mrs. James Bracking, Mrs. Don ald Campbell, Miss Lorraine Elli ot, Mrs. Jeri Heidrick, Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mrs. Gene Hitchman, Mrs. David Morgan, Mrs. Jerry Perez, Calapooia Club Enjoys Potluck The Calapooia Women's Club met Wednesday for a potluck din ner served at 12:30. Mrs. Keith Dies and Mrs. G. W. Munson were hostesses. Coral gladioli were used in the decorations. Mrs. Waller Cutright was a spe cial dinner guest. Mrs. Guy Cole gave several excerpts from the new book, written by Mabel Mad ison Rader, an 84-year-old Oregon ian. iter poem. "The Umpqua," was of particular interest to this erouo. Plans were completed for the an nual club benefit card party, and all committees were appointed. The date was set for Oct. 30. All those wishing reservations for the 12.30 luncheon should call 459-2858 or 673-7759. Mrs. L. W. Haines gave a de tailed report on the annual garden roundup in Roseburg. accessories. The bridegroom s mother wore a beige lace sheath dress with matching jacket and taupe accessories. A wedding reception loiioweu in the church parlors for 250 guests. The bride's table, covered by a white cloth with a lavender net overskirt,- was decorated with lav ender rosebuds. Fink asters dec orated the fireplace. Mrs. Cliff Ferber, Mrs. Lloyd Fromdahl, aunts of the bride, served the cake. Miss Connie Mug ger ud, cousin of the bride, served punch, and Miss Jackie Fromdahl, cousin of the bride, poured the cof fee. Mrs, Charlotte Roberts pre sented the guest book and Mrs. Carol Dinwiddle had charge of the many lovely gifts. The rice bags were presented by Sandra From dahl and Maria Mulholland. The rice bags - were of lavender net with matching bows and pink buds and flowers in miniature white bas fcets. The bags were fashioned at a dinner party given Sept. 5 by the bride s aunt, Alice Bourne. Decorations for the reception wore arranged by Mrs. Winnie Wil son assisted by Mrs. Ferber and Mrs. Jack Chapman. Mrs. Wilson was in charge of the reception at the church. The bride's bouquet was caught by Karen Wishart. Out-of-town guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bowes, Ruth Anderson of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Drews, Linda Cautle, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. M c 1 v i n Drews, Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Craig Perrott, Coquillc; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Capps, Emily, M allel ic and Bruce Capps, Bandon; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dccts, Marsha and Mary Ann Dects, Langlois; Mr. and Mrs. James Stlschter, Gold Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lundy, Myrtle Point; Carol Din widdle, Cozettc Anderson, Los An geles; and Patty Desbiens, Seattle A second reception followed at the Elks Club, Decorations were ar ranged bv Mrs. Robert Taylor and Mrs. Alvln Helgesen of Myrtle Creek. The groom's cake was made by Mrs. Helgesen. Mrs. Tay lor served from one punch bowl and Mrs. Mary Capps, aunt of the bride, served from the other. Mrs. Alma Dects. aunt of tne Drine groom, served the groom's cake, The smorgasbord was presided over by Mary Ann Dcets and Em lly Capps, cousins of the bride groom. The entertainment was furnished bv Danny Fromdahl Herbert Ilobl, Wayne Tyler and Scott Campbell. The bride and bridegroom led with the first dance. For traveling the bride chose a gold three-piece knit suit with brown accessories. Following honeymoon to Lake Tahoe and Hcno, Mr. and Mrs. Auer are now residing at 1126 NE Fremont, Roseburg. The bride was graduated from Roseburg High School and is beautician at Roseburg Salon of Beauty. The bridegroom attended school in Myrtle Creek and Rose burg and is a salesman for Han sen Motor Co. Public Invited To Luncheon The second affair of the Mercy Hospital Auxiliary's annual Parade of Parties will be a luncheon Thursday, Oct. 3, to be held at the home of Mrs. K. C. Grant, 024 NW Charter Oaks. Serving will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mrs. Lee Lacey and Mrs. William Cooke are co-chairmen of the af fair. The public is invited to attend. The first luncheon held last Thursday at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Holes, was a very charming and lovely affair. The luncheon - was served buffet style and the serving tables were arranged around the beautiful swimming pool in the back garden of the home. Mrs. Walter Brittell was chairman and was assisted by Mrs. John Hurrell, Mrs, Jack Garnet. Miss Bernardine Princen Mrs. Leroy Lemon, Mrs. Russell Diehl. Mrs. R. J. Hatterscheid Mrs. Charles Goe, Mrs. John Long fellow Jr., Mrs. H. L. Bailey, Mrs. David Tomashek, Mrs. Robert Ne vue, Mrs. Alvln Ehrensing, Mrs. Robert IwaU, Mrs. W. F. Forrest, Mrs. Harold Desbiens, Mrs. R. E. Pargeter and Mrs. Michael Lee. Mrs. Gilbert Rabjohn, Mrs. Harry Scheele, Miss Jo Lynn Thomas and Mrs. Philip Washburn, and mem bers: Mrs. R. D. Coen, Mrs. Rob ert Adams, Mrs. Vern Ashby, Mrs. Ken Boyce, Mrs. Ron Elliott, Mrs. Dewey James, Mrs: Lee Miller, Mrs. James Shrum, Mrs. Frank Snell, Mrs. Richard Snyder, Mrs. William Steele and Mrs. Pee Wil tfflP' mmxM$mm4 zt 4mm mi ENGAGEMENT TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson of Roseburg announce the en gagement of Cheir daughter, Wanda, to Robert R. Watson son of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Watson of this city. Both young people were graduated from Roseburg High School. The bride-elect was graduated from Roseburg Beauty School and the bridegroom-elect is employed by National Ply wood. The wedding date has been set for February. (Pic ture by Clark's Studio). iL "Yi ii lit" -i'ii" m i t"1 fftiill fctapteJ MR. AND MRS. CLAUDE BELL JR. 1 are pictured above following their wedding at Olivet Presbyterian Church in Glendale Saturday evening. The bride, Virginia Mae Perry, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Sid Perry of Glendale and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bell of Azalea. (Fox Photo). Van Asten-Robison Rites Take Place In September On Saturday evening) Sept. 7, iquoise sheath and jacket, fashion at an 8 p.m. double ring ceremony ;ed of lace over satin by the bride's at the Community Presbyterian "' She wore a pearl tiara, ; ,.,,; . with white shoulder-length veil, Church in Oakland, Donna Char-ifiihnw . lpnBth ,hi, ,.. nA turquoise slippers. The bride's bou quet was a fan around pink and Virginia Mae Perry, daughter of The social rooms were decorated Mr. and Mrs. Sid Perry of Glen- with bouquets of lavender and pink dale, and Claude Leroy Bell Jr., I flowers. A large white basket filled son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bell j with pink, yellow and salmon-col-of Azalea, were married in a sin- ored snapdragons decorated the lotte Robison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp of Oakland, be came the bride of Rene Van As ten of Eugene. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Neil Brown, in the pres ence of close friends and relatives. Church decorations were baskets of pink and white gladioli, arrang ed by Mr. Jesse Lee. The bride was beautiful in a tur- Queen To Visit Thff mnnthlv mpMInf nt thp Zit. leima South Douglas Daughters ofy Mr- and Mra. tne wile was preceded by a no host dinner at the Riddle Sports man Cafe. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Wayne McCoy, pres ident, where plans were made for the Oct. 11 official visit of Queen Marina Gardiner of Medford. During the evening, Mrs. Carl Palo of Myrtle Creek showed slides and gave an interesting commen tary on her visit to Europe this summer. white carnations Mr. and Mrs. William Spelgatti were the couple's only attendants. Mrs. Spelgatti wore a beige linen sheath with beige accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The bride's mother wore a navy blue lace sheath dress with pink accessories. A small reception was held at the home of the bride following the wedding. The cake was made and decorated by Mrs. James Stearns. Arrangements were made Gene Cherry. The bride was graduated from Oakland High School in 1961, and has since attended the University of Oregon. Mr. Van Asten, upon graduating from Mt. San Antonio Jr. College, was national junior col lege track champion. He is pres ently attending the University of Oregon, where he is a member of the track team. . Mr. and Mrs. Van Asten will be at home to their friends at 2425 Fairmont Blvd. in Eugene. gle-ring ceremony held at the Oli vet Presbyterian Church in Glen dale Saturday evening, Sept. 14. The couple was attended by Glen da Perry of Eugene, niece of the bride, and R. D. Buchanan of Azal ea. The Rev. Norman Naugler of ficiated. Mrs. David Bollinger of Klamath Falls played at the piano. The sanctuary platform was beautifully decorated with salmon pink and white gladioli in large white baskets. Other decorations in cluded red and pink roses, red carnations, white asters, and Bells of Ireland. The bride was beautifully attired in a ballerina-length gown of white brocade featuring a scalloped V neckline, short scalloped sleeves j and a fitted waist above unpressed pleats. Her brief veil was caught with a dainty tiara of seed pearls. Her jewelry was a pearl pendant necklace. She carried a bridal bouquet of white gardenias. The maid of honor was clad in a flame pink ballerina-length dress detailed with short sleeves, boat neckline, fitted waist and' bell skirt. She wore a pill box hat with a veil decorated with butterfly rib bons. She carried a nosegay of pink and white carnations circled with lace. The mother of the bride wore a brown and yellow flowered dress with beige accessories and a cor sage of white carnations. The mother . of the bridegroom chose a black and white figured suit for the occasion, with blue and pink accessories. With them she wore a pink carnation corsage. After the ceremony, the newly weds were honored at a reception held in the social parlors of the church. They cut an exquisitely decorated three-tiered wed ding cake. It was frosted in while and accented with dainty garlands of white and pink. The cake was topped with bride and bridegroom figurines, which stood within the circle of double gold wedding rings. The cake was flanked by crystal double candelabra which held tall pink tapers. downstairs foyer. Mrs. David Bollinger of Klam ath Falls and Blanche Coate served the cake; Mrs. Bill Nensteil and Betty Campion served the punch; and Mrs. Bill Perry of Eugene, sister-in-law of the bride, poured the coffee. Mrs. George Mill of Klamath Falls, Mrs. Riley Furlong of Grants Pass and Mrs. .Jimmy Foster assisted in the kitchen. Mrs. Robert Askov and Mrs. Terry Cooper of Ashland had charge of the gift table. Jo Ellen Perry, of Eugene, niece of the bride, took care of the guest book, and Leonard Perry, her brother, served as an usher. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perry and children, Glenda, Jo Ellen, Leonard and Raymond, all of Eugene; Mrs. Ri ley Furlong, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Enos of Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. David Bollinger and Mr. and Mrs. George Mill of Klamath Falls. After the reception the couple left on a weekend honeymoon at the Lake of the Woods. For her going away dress, Mrs. Bell wore a blue and while striped suit and white accessories, including the white gardenia corsage from her wedding bouquet. The bride has been a resident of Glendale since she was four years old. She was graduated from the Glendale High School in 1962 and was employed in Salem for several months. The bridegroom has been an Az alea resident for the past 13 years. He was graduated from the Can yonville High School in 1957 and is employed by the Jantzer Logging Co. The pair is presently living in Azalea, acting as caretakers for his parents, who are on an extend ed visit in Cottonwood, Idaho. W.S.C.S. Rummage Sale Oct. A 9:00 to 4:00 Oct. 5 9:00 to Noon Harvard Ave., next to Chapel of Rous, South of Byrd'i Mkt. r Introducing TINA OLDAKER Now employed at the STUDIO of HAIR DESIGN OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 927 S. E. Stephens Phone 672-2309 I'-i' J EXCITING NEW TERMS 29.50 18 MOUTHS DOWN TO PAY : EXTRA l DINING ROOM CORRELATED PIECES . U Am Chair Correlated design 6 PIECES Lorn Exltmion Tablt MS Rtctangular tablt it 40" 1 60" Exttndt to SO" . 99.95 .... r S I ' has Sound Extension Table 44" diam. Extends to 74 Bullet end Drck 14f.S largt bulftt S3" uidt. DKk tnturu tlidint tlall rfoori. Designed by Randolph Mohlhenrich, one of America's foremost furniture designers. 139.95 19.95 Side Chairs China Cabinet, with sliding glass doors, contains ample storage space. Fashionable design to create an air of elegance. Yet so moderately priced. Hand - rubbed on chestnut finish. Beautiful formica tops are stain, heat and mar resistant. Chairs are padded for superb seating comfort. Fine con struction detail. 829 S. t, Cau Ave. Phone 673-40 15 2