CARNIVAL By DICK TURNER W WHC,hc. TM.It IH f 0 fOZ Lunch Answer to Previous Putil 3FE MJnle's at that awkward age! Old enough to start dating but too young to understand going Dutch!" ACROSS 1 Wierwrwurit- on-bun 7 Hot brown beverage 13 Protozoan 14 Mountain nymph 15 Recover 26 Long-ard mammal ,17 Ovum 18 Chum 19 Frappe 20 Air (comb, form) 22 Harold (ab.) 23 Rested 24 Giver 26 Dismiss slang) 27 Direct 20 Mountain pass 29 Crafty 30 Narrow inlet 31 Goddess of . infatuation 32 Raccoon-like mammal 34 Mistress (ibj 35 Crowd 36 Eye sore 38 Fruit pasty 39 Plant juice 40 Hot beverage 42 Begin 44 Observation 47 butter sandwich 48 European chickweed 49 Hebrew ascetic 50 Communion plates DOWN 1 Leporid 2reek letter 3 Dressed 4 Goddess (Latin) d Japanese sasn A Began (archaic) 7 Red 8 Vocal 9 Second month tab.) lOCunctative 11 Public notice 12 Italian noble familv 18 Perfect golf round 21 Baked meats 22 Comfortable 23 Tossed, green dishes 25 Stream in Africa 26 Dime or nickel 28 Shellfish 31 Betel palms Cap Es HA V EI IMI I IftlEUttlTTDrgl By J. R. Williams 32 Bottled soda .slang) 33 Dress 34 Ore deposit; 35 Dull finish 37 Lone for 38 Smoking instrument 39 Tvirled 41 Girl's name (var.) 43 Compass point 44 Extrasensory perception tab.) 45 Spring 46 Place 1 2 3 1 P B 19 ItO pi (12 15 ft rr " i ' r nrs rr rpr tt 57" WSr 5S fir ST PY Ft i " 0 is rg 55 I I ? NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. p IMftWUMv- rCk AW NAWE IS 5....IM NEU) " I NEVER GET NAMES STRAIGHT. HITHEREA iJr IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD... DID HE SAV YOR 5 ? t (JWDO&J A. 5? ! f"MTr AVE. SIR. Tl I tSIViT PAN.' V ...GOT I K WHAT'S KXOON TO I .NmI I OH, A ) UP, I YOUR HAT, PAN? 1 . CALL THE MOTOR POcTVf TLJ b''O-i PAN... . MINUTE? fflucKviS j 0 riUNNY, AMP ORPER A f..-.r - V "V? 1 " V 0A5 ' a VEHICLE. I HAVE SOME v ! . I V Jj T FEW PAtS. 7 . ; rMy . Tir SRmNJ??,S2R TRW'I 17 1 GOr 700 FAR OFF5H0R& TI I BUT OF ALL TH' Y I HAP (JO CHOICE, PALI WV I 'ASSff PJJS.5!?"RM.!,?6R If of fuel, losims 1 ships at sea. tank was rlinwims oh and ! net ' .""L."'0"' i' bathike... THAT PLANE MAY COST WE W WHY'D TOP PICK 1 I SAW THIS COZy TUB BELOW C coast 5 ggfcg'l II atat II ymmili? H J,ogl T0. BM- rP JL)$r 1 minb to lanp V but whv tkis thrp pesreei I lufcJn MtlCufSl 1 SlS ItSa ttl LOSrwySKlRTHUMTINa M ALONasiDE?A--T DAWSON? j-? fJ7 FORTH' LIFE OP WELL, MAYBE I OH.WU'P Saad AN' LOSE TH' ONE CHANCE V M MOO, YOUR BIB, BEAUTIFUL, I I f I ME, I SEE NO J YOU'D SEE IT NEVER PO OH, 1 MXI EVER HAP TREALIZE WHAT HIGHNESS. I LUSCIOUS, KNEE- ' 1 REASON TO BE S IF r GAVE VCU THAT. WOULPNT IX' BIS AMBITION OF f WOULP ) RIGHT IN J PEEP-IN-CLOVER I i ' k ' T : T-l I -' ,. c 7 : I I I PLAY BALL il I Mi-iJ B.I ion- ff-i'ViS f2A . f TAKE THIS EJA'j CF VJiK'D YELL ME?-DONT VwELL TMIS ) K TE V BOUT TIME YO' -: I f IN AMEP.ICA- 1 L 6MDB0NESTOTHE SLAVE ) W KNOVJ SLAVERY 1 ISN T AMERICAN SHOWED UP- 7' I KIO''-B"-HEREl I I I ;.'APKLTAMD SELL HER?-( IS UNAMERICAN, AMERICA- ) AMBASSADOR!! ) KiN THEV GIT vpe II ' j T I VjECteEV YOUR MAJESTY.' ) YO' IGGOSANT , SOVOU'RE v -5 AWAV WIFTHIS ) ( ) ' V" FUP.BINERS? AN CNORAwr ) 0771 UNAMEP.ICAM J T 'TX -AVoRElGNER.r ' iiVV. ACTIVITY? f , jf-S3 ' A VOJ APE SJf?OSC3 TO PUT THE -' X3U6EEPEA1? 1 31? ! ( OO-V-J 'S7UJ ' TOBACCO TMECAMN'DUX? ? !wHEr-l THE TOBACCO " I S vjOOPAV5CV? v 'V P-PEANO j r FALLS OMTJE I WELL MAVBE ) I SXV WEQEISJ SLT NOTOM : . -" FLOOSI HAVE E M OUST I Out Our Way THIM THAT'S JUST TO V WARPEO H ilPliPiliilPl i PROTECT THE HOSE.' BOARDS TO )tV WmWWW V WHEW WE HIT THAT POASOOP I1 , - "ir IT SOUNPEP LIKE DEEP, CUT. ( I I I CANNON, WOT BLOW- THAT'S ALL " 'TJVhllxLr- fr' I OUTS.' WHAT WERE ) WE (SOT-NOW l Plv" I k VOL) DOINO IM THE I'M A RASCAL-- ) S HOUSE i RAIDING J A CROOK- Jp 2' , U YOUR PIGGY -Tlr A BURGLAR.' J f-z i 1 WHV MOTHERS GET gRAV . ,M SIL" " Wed., Oct. 2, 1963 The News-Review. Roseburg, Ore. 13 CLASSIFIED SECTION Canadian Lumbering Industry Launches Drive Against New Quota Restrictions WASHINGTON (UPI) The rn i: I : I . I I iauttuidii annuel iiiuumi.v hum l 1 l - , rf : against drives in Congress (or quota or other restrictions to cut back Canada's $280 million a year sales of softwood lumber in the United States. A "background paper" disput ing arguments advanced by the U.S. lumber industry was distrib uted to news media and interested parties, including congressmen. The four-page statement review- i ed the February, 1963, decision of the U.S. Tariff Commission reject that U.S. imports of Canadian , been opposed by both the Ken- softwood lumber have increased in recent years primarily because U.S. timber resources arc not adequate to supply both lumber and plywood demand. The paper was circulated as congressional committees were about to consider the one lumber measure which has advanced closed to passage a requirement that imported lumber be marked as to country of origin. Tacked On The marking requirement was tacked onto another bill in the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL 672-3321 CASH RATES Advi.'tising For Bunnell Vi'itnin Roseourg Trade Area Cord of Thanks $2.00 1-Day role 2 lines SI. 00 3-Day rot 2 lines $2.00 6-Doy rote 2 lines $2.75 30-Doy rate 2 lines S6.00 1-Day rata 3 lines $!.50 3-Day rots 3 lines $2.75 6-Day rate 3 lines $3.75 30-Day rate 3 lines $8.00 CREDIT ALov; rates suojea to 50 cents $9'-.'!ce charge tor credit DEADLINES Private Party Advertising 2 P.M. Oar Prior to Pubiicatioi The tljws-Revierr reiervei trie rigr.t to classify, edit or teject an classified Ad Copy. ADJUSTMENTS If ojr advs'tisetnent appears incorrectly, notify us immediately. We t.MI not be res consib'e for more 1,n one incorrect insertion. Such responsibility is limited to i cotrect insertion of advertisement. Refunds Will Hit Be Haul Hen tbaa U Days ing a U.S. industry application for Senale, despite opponents' argu tariff and quota relief. It argued ' merits that similar measures had Real Estate Transactions Reported From Days Creek netly administration and the ad ministration of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. It now must be approved by the House or abandoned by the Senate so that a compromise ver sion of the bill can be agreed on and sent to the white House. The requirement itself would have little effect on the lumber market, but observers consider it an opening wedge. It is essential to other bills to impose buy-Amorican restrictions on lumber used by the govern ment or in government-aided con struction. It also would make it impossible for the U.S. industry to support local, unofficial "buy- American" drives which could threaten Canadian markets Other bills which have been proposed in Congress and op posed by the Kennedy Administra tionwould impose quotas on U.S. lumber imports or set other re quirements, such as domestic grade-marking, which would raise MRS. DURNIN SWINGLE Y 'place and make other improve i A retired Californian couple, Mr. i ments,- according to Mrs. Lehew, 'and Jlrs. Hubert L. Jones, hovel,"": im-mcr uiuijunu uuiitau nui' .purchased the Days Creek home " the cost of imports. .or. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marvin ana "V" "",..,. ...,,, The measure which seemed to (laughters, Murleno ana Kay, jusv ,"',' t" " "'""'".' ?' havo the best chance of passage wesV of Milo on Highway 227. Mr. . . ""e . , evifinsi nf ,1,- rnsnt . Mrs. Jnnes exnect to move i-yie spore House on ute scnooi :,r0i.. el and here earlv in October from Collon, ! Inc. The latler's father, Harry Calif. They are friends of Dr. Ar-1 Meyers, resides with them. La thur C. Miller who recently joined Fuse's mother, Mrs. Mane LaKuse, the U. S. Veterans Administration ; aiso manes ncr iiuitio wan uiciu Hospital stafT at Roseburg, and; a'"' lels with the care of the who last summer purchased the 1 elillnrcn. former Joe Wright farm east of, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashhaugh Days Creek on Highway 227 from and three children recently moved Mr. and Mrs. Ted Izlcr. lie re from Great Falls, Mont., and Mr. and Mrs. Martin, who' have have been staying temporarily with resided in the Days Crcek-Milo ! the former's brother and sister-in-area the past )7 years, have moved i law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ashbaugh. to Hillsboro. Martin is employed Their older daughter is in school, 'eruption which allows U.S. lumber to be shipped to Puerto Rico In ioi'cign vessels as a car salesman at Forest Grove. He operated Ralph's Union Station at Tiller several years before sell ing out last summer just before the family made a trip to their for mer home at Detroit, Mich., and other eastern points. Others Buy Property while the other daughter and one son are pre-schoolers Ashbaugh is driving a log truck for Tom Ire land, Sr. Ashbaugh formerly lived at Canyonville for several years before going to Montana. Mrs. Manlcy Higgins and five i children moved here from Fresno, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wimer of i Calif., late in the summer and are I Medford have purchased the home j residing in the Vei n Ivcrson house, : and small acreage adjoining their while her husband is currently on j present home on Woods Creek from ! sea duty with the U. S. Navy in i Mr. and Mrs. Charles "Chuck" Asiatic waters near Japan. The Perkins of Cottage Grove. The four older children, the Taylors, Charles Perkins son and daughter-1 arc all school age, with the Higgins in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Perkins j toddler being the only pre-schooler. ; will continue to reside there i Mrs. Higgins is a daughter of Mrs. through the winter or longer. I Manuel J. Gomes, j Air. and Mrs. James Lehew Jr., j i nave purchased Hie former oplnr Perdue 100-aerc farm cast of the community center. They and their three children will continue to live in their house farther up Days Creek until they can build an addi tion to the house on their new LEGAL NO. 1701 7 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR D0U0LA5 COUNTY GEORGE E. BENSON, Plaint I If, vs. AAAXINE L. BENSON, Defendant. TO: MAXINE L. BENSON, Defendanl: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to appsnr and answer the complaint filed dctflnsi you In the above-entitled action within four weeks from the date of this first publication of this summon i, and If you fall to appear and answer for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for a decree of divorce as prayed for I.i raid Complaint and for such other and further relief and remedy as the Court deems lust In the premises. Pursuant to the order of September Uth, 1963, duly made and entered herein by the Honorable Don H. Sanders, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, this summons shall be published once a week for four consecutive weeks. Date of first publication of this sum mons shall be September IBth, 160. LONG, NEUNER, DOLE a. CALEY By ELDGN F. CALEY of attorneys tor Plaintiff ' BIO S.E. Douglas Avenue Roseburg. Oregon CI SS1FIED INDEX AIRCRAFT 49 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 56 AUCTIONS 14 AUTO INSURANCE 70 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 7 AUTOMOTIVE WANTEP 10 AUTOS FOR SALE 11 AUTO TRUCK PRTS 75 BOATS AND MOTORS 55 BUILDIVG MATERIALS 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES JJ BUSINESS PERSONALS I CARD OF THANKS 5 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 74 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 31 FARM EQUIPMENT 70 FARMS AND RANCHES 36 FLORISTS 4 FUEL 43 HAY AND GRAIN 61 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 72 HELP WANTED 14 HELP WANTED MEN 15 HELP WANTED WOMEN 16 HOUSES FOR RENT HUNTER'S ATTENTION INCOME PROPERTY 37 INSTRUCTION LIVESTOCK 63 LOANS AND FINANCE 51 LOGGING EQUIPMENT ..j 74 LOST AND FOUND . 1? LOTS AND ACREAGES 35 . MARKET BASKET ........ 57 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ... 45 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS 3 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 46 MOBILE HOME PARKS 31 MOBILE HOMES 32 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT .. 30 MOTORCYCLES 77 MUSICAL INSTP'JMENTS SO NOTICES 11 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 51 PERSONALS 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES 67 POULTRY AND RABBITS 61 POWER SA'VS 71 REAL ESTATE - 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 33 ROOM AND BOARD 2 ROOMS FOR RENT - 37 SEEDS NURSERY STOCK 59 SPORTING GOODS S3 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS 40 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 41 TRUCKS FOR SALE 76 WANTED TO RENT WORK WANTED WHERE TO 00 Personals I WILL not be responsible for any debts elher Irian my own. Larry Kvldero. LADY companion to rtda to Denver. Mrs. Harl Kelley, 673.6151. DRINKING PROBLEM? Cail Alcoholics An onymous. 673-6620. YOUR AEtna t.lis agent Is Vlnce Schuitie. Call 671-3031 or Rat. 673 4119 YOUR CXUB can earn money by having a "5ranrey parry.-Informitlon. Call 673-4773 for more DO YOU HAVE Christmas trees? Wa have truck goltig to Southern California Novom per. Call VI M4I9, Yoncalla. YOUNG WOMEN of any faith needing con. iiaomiar aavice may contact catnonc cnar ttlos, 278 W. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. Diamond 5-1642. Hunter's Attention NO HUNTING or trespassing on the 0. P. sianeiey rancn Glide. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my ranch on Roberls Creek. L. V. Weber. NO TRESSPASSING Thr Looker Ranch, Looklngplass NO HUNTIN3 or trespassing on my prop. erly. Parlay E. Ware. ABSOLUTELY no hunting on the L. H. Bell propertyet Dlxonvllle. Please don't ask. NO HUNTING or Trespassing on my ranch otRoberls Creek. Ray Rauch. NO HUNTINGS, fishing or trespassing on my property east of Wilbur. Bernard Grubbe. Ijo HUNTING or tresspassing on my prop erty at Shady Point. Cliff Thornton. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my property southeast of Suthorlln. H. L. Wahl. Oakland PTA Holds First Fall Meeting The Oakland PTA held its first fall meeting recently at the high school with Mrs. Woodward Crag cr, vice president, presiding in the absence of a president. A letter of resignation from Mrs. Leslie Pe terson, who has moved from the community, was read. William Ambrose, hi;h school principal, and Lylc Eddy, grade school principal, introduced the teaching staff following a welcome given hy Supt. Cecil Barnett. ! PTA listing on the Oakland Lions Club 1904 calendar was approved i by the membership. A meeting of i prospective band members and ' their parents with Robert Gillctl, band teacher, was announced as ; scheduled for Monday, i Mrs. Joyce Seller's seventh grade room won the room count and a reward of treats for having the most parents present. Child care (or younger children during the meeting was provided by high school students. Jesse Lee and James Stearns were in charge of decorations and refreshments. WHEEL HEELED LONDON (UPI)-A pair of high-heeled shoes with tiny wheels on the heels went on show here recently. But officials at the Washington Hotel footwear show said the shoes were strictly for display not for wear. It's Easy To Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today! Please publish the following classified ad lor Enclosed $.. days Be sure to enclose poyment. CASH RATES Lines 3-Days 6-Days 30-Days 2 $2.00 $2.75 $ 6.00 3 2.75 3.75 8.00 4 3.50 4.75 10.00 5 4.25 5.75 12.50 6 5.00 7.00 15.00 Above rates subject to 50c service) charge for credit. Count 5 words per line. Be sure to count the address andor telephone number, creation WRITE YOUR AD BELOW NAME ADDRESS Mail Your Classified Ad With Payment To The Classified Advertising Department, The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon . News-Review Classified Want Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Read For Profit Use for Results!