CARNIVAL Answer to Pravtout Puxzl By DICK TURNER Tues.i Oct 1, 1963 The News-Review,. Roseburg, Ore. . 9 Motorist's Yarn m Itq kt MIA, be. TM fa. VS. ft. ow. Mt 4l understand we're exchanging agricultural know how with the Americans! We show them how not to have surpluses!" ACROSS 1 Hob 4 Traffic watchers 8 Tire out 12 Hail 13 a cab ' 14 Drive through the country 15 Correlative o neither 16 Anatolia IB Grimaced 20 Idolize 21 "King" Cole 22 Marine flyer 24 Pig stiei 26 Bewildered . 27 Bitter vetch .t0 Each 32 Fountain nymph 34 Stops 36 Gentleness 36 Conger 37 Scepten 39 Depots lab) 40 Motorist may use it 41 Pronoun 42 Ocean currents 45 Cotton fabric 49 Deduction 51 Eagle (comb, form) 52 Twining stem 53 Finnish name 54 Scottish negative 55 Employer 56 Asterisk 57 Steamer (ab.) DOWN 1 Containers 2 Shakespearean stream 3 Tree for one 4 Cartogranh 5 French river 6 Flocks of lions 7 Body of water 8 Female newlywed fi Paraguayan measure 10 Smell 1 1 Existed 17 to find a parking space 19 Alleviates 23 Staggers 24 Step 25 Blade used in fencing 26 Fable narrator 27 Natives of Eritrea 26 Cosmic. order 29 Utters 31 Color 33 Follow after 38 Arid region 40 Apostle 41 Musteline mammal 42 Ostracized 43 Wading bird 44 Hamlet for one 46 Feminine appellation 47 Tidy 48 One who (suffix) 50 Feast day (comb, form) I a a i jt p I IB U 116 Hi i5 ra r R is is b re 19 p as 5? " 1 55 35 Rii ST" p J5 tf 5 W iu nrrJT insr : IjJ- n 5S 3 g 55 55 3TI LJJ J i NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. I jjf P WELL, AS KXi KNOW. SIR, 1 I' VE5, AlAJOR FLASS, BUT TO f WASHINGTON IS HANDLING THIS ONE WITH KID THE SPY INPUSTRY HAS SHOWN THINK OF THEM SITTING IN I I I GLOVES AND HELP BACK YOUR REAL ORPEKS f O SURPRISING PROPORTIONS M BACKYARD STRlCCWlES rjnf I UNTIL VOU FITTED INTO YOUR ROLE HERE ... SINCE THE END OF WORLD I. AS A SHOCK. Kjl I TO AVOID LEAKS TO ANY POSSIBLE SPIES . ' ' '! " IBBiiH!STtl I S? LLS?T.& TIWf. BECAUSE m FOR I I SO I, FOR ONE, AM ONLY THATS A IWSUtX TO VHQe PLANE ISNT BULL PAW50N1I TO SAVE A WEDDLIN' LAW AND ORDER.EHf TOO GLM TO FOR6&T 1ME BLOOMW H0N0R1 . Ill 1 e.,vi btTfSSJSl 9WAR WH0'5 BEEN A WELUIWHAPPVTO WUR UN&AV0R.V PA&f TO FRIE W M FOE li MB I 6Ayj kJgffS, lT fZma 1 TH0RM IN M6 5IPB SEE YOU DOINS HONES! . ANP STARl" ANEW-J hVH& I WAS AIWA1 a I i I ' (- i- " ' I- JU KINS TUNk.,akJ 'H I A FELLA TO SEE YOU. V" .ut"1 I FIVE "SIRS'! WOW.'!! YAH... AN' IF YOU U ME, IF YGOT f. ; YOUR ROYAL. YAH? SIR, ON A MISSION OF aWKtI BY SOLLY, TUNK(YOU J KNOW WHAT'S ME?? WHY? I ANY SENSE f V HIGHNESS, SIR.. f WHAT GREAT INTERNATIONAL.! fcWff SURE SOT FEAR GOOD FOR YOU, ( WHAT HAVE I V AT ALL! s . k MthlM- BsBrtONOW? IMPORTANCE,SIR)Y0UrV SHOW ' HAMMERED INTO I YOU'LL BE ) GOT TO BE yl r jll In I : (T-R TALWAVS I ICATS ARE HERE TO ) I I I wAnd I K - CHASISI& ) ENJOY UPE, JUST S ( thoubHt YOLIVER!) (1- ,L Hl!; .AfeQ i "" i ARE THOSE ANTHILLS?- I CERTAINLY" NOT A' THEY'RE THE HOMES OF MV ( LOYAL SUBJECTS.'.' ) TUPT9V , . . . HrsKAE H ) I 'j'to-UV. I HTT3 i e POP MAY I WAVE FOP MV 0E . . ii '. SOM.HAVS ,f TMAT WOULO SPOlU , YOU EVES THOUGHT j N TITpoUMEIN r- VOFDOIKJlSA LITTLE " I MYOLDA(S ) g it WOC?KFOTME Vl ( MOfJs Y MDU WEEO ' fc- VfOI? DATES? J t &l() 1 Ufra LH3, mi fcAtr O .Tl Id Oil-1 ILCT UAH r , I ) EARTH- TAKE. IN A ) HAVE SPOKEM, ONCE ) J V TOO QCTPIlI rr I A ' I I II 5, -1 J IT'S UN-AMERICAN. AN VJHUT'S VYOPSE, IT'S UN-HILTON l TO HAVE SO KAANY EX.TRV Huums.': tu taUTTA TArb IN BOARDERS.'.' AH HAS i spoken i; 7 VI. Y J; i ;V i vw i" I WANTTOBc ABS wTO LOOK BACK OM 1 TUE CAPEFPEc 1 VOUTM MlTTv Community News Briefs Troy Bowman returned to his work at the News-Review Monday, following a week's vacation. Miss Linda Langlty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Langley, has enrolled for her freshman year at Oregon State University at Cor-vallis. Dr. D. B. Bubar of this city left Friday for Eastern Oregon to join a party of hunters. Bill Sparks, News-Review report er, spent the iast week vacationing, part of which was spent in East ern Oregon hunting. Mrs. Robert Kent and her moth- Robert Fies has returned to his cr-in-law, Mrs. Lucie Harris, of Roseburg and the latter's daugh ter, Mrs. William Wingfield, of Scio, Ore., went to Portland last week to attend the Pacific Coast Restaurant Convention. studies at Stanford Medical School following a stay here visiting his mother. Mrs. H. F. LeBoau, and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kesner are leaving for Gualala, Mendocino Coast, Calif.,' where they will visit relatives. They will later go to San Francisco, where they will le met by their daughter, Mrs. R. J. Car ter, of Seattle, and will go on to La Jolla to attend the wedding anniversary celebration of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Kesner. The reception will take place at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Kirs. L. W. Shell, in La Jolla Oct. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schweppa end daughter, Mrs. Dave Park hurst, of this city, drove to Eu gene Sunday to visit the former's two brothers, Melvin and Wayne Schwcppc, and their families. Roseburg Homo Extension Unit will meet from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 3, at the home ot Barbara Holland, 329 NE Follett. The demonstration will be on froz en foods, which will be prepared and served for the noon luncheon. A small fee will be charged for the luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pargeter of this city stopped over in Cor vallis Thursday night to have din ner with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Par geter, en route to Portland to at tend the Oregon Auli mobile Insur ance advisory meeting. Brian Par geter is attending Oregon State University. Marvin French and Ivan Davis, i Roseburg High graduates now at tending college in Santa Barbara, drove from that city Friday night to be attendants in Roseburg Satttr : day night at the wedding of Shar : on Leverett and Jerry Dodge. They , left on Sunday to return to their studies, French at Westmont Col lege and Ivan at Santa Barbara State College. A rummage sale will be sponsor ed by the Rotary Anns to benefit the scholarship fund. The sale will bo held Friday, Oct. 4, beginning at 8 a.m. at the Roseburg Wom 1 an's clubhouse, Moshcr and Rose . Sts. Donations may be left at the home of Mrs. Donald Dole, Mrs. ! James Finlay or at the clubhouse j Thursday evening, Oct. 3. Those desiring items picked up arc ask ; ed to call Mrs. Haydcn Haley, 672 1142 or 673-66U1. Dr. and Mrs. Albert Morene are back at their home, following a va cation sienl at Rockaway and Taft and a stop over in Portland. Miss Htlen Casey hus returned Miss Lois Williams has left for Corvallis to begin her senior year at Oregon State University, follow ing the summer working at Crat er Lake. En route to Corvallis she stopped over here to visit her aunt, Mrs. W. E. Hercher. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Mur phy relumed to their home in Rose burg Thursday night, following Uie last several months vacationing in England, Ireland and Scotland. They made the trip on the ship SS France. The Murphys were accom panied on the trip by their son, Mike, who has since returned to his studies at Harvard in New Ha ven, Conn. . LEGAL Mr. and Mrs. J. E'. Slattery have returned to their home on the North Umpqua River, following several days in Eugene, where the i former attended to, business. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Neil and '. children, Michael and Elizabeth Ann, of Eugene, spent the week end here visiting the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. O'Neil. . .. .- . . ,U LEGAL STATRMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Ac! of October 13, mil Section 4169. . Title 39, United States Code) 1. Date ot Filing: Oct. 1, 1963. J. Title of Publication: The News-Review. 3. Frequency of Issue: Dally except Sunday. 4. Location of Known Office of Publication: 345 SE Main Street, Roseburg, Douglas Coun ly, Oregon, 97470. 5 Location of the Headquarters or General Business Office ot the Publishers: Roseburg Oregon. a. Names and Addressss of Publisher, Edllor, and Managing Editor: Publisher: J. V. Brenner, Roseburg, Ore- Editor: Charles V. Stanton, Roseburg, Ore gon. Managing Editor: George Castillo, Rose burg, Oregon. 7. Owner: News-Review Publishing Co., an Oregon corporauon, Noseuuru, u j. V. Brenner, Roseburg, Oregon; W. How ard Mendenholl, Sealtle, Washington; Hugh Wagnon, Pocatello, Idaho; R. NW Tllton, Hanford, California; L. J. Rubin and L Hum Rubin, JTWROS, San Francisco, Cali fornia; Donald G. Kllno, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Hnrald Corporation, Provo, Utah; stockholders who own ono per cent or more ol the newspaper through ownership in that company are: Philip E. Swift, Nana. California; Scrlpps League News papers. Inc., Wilmington, Delaware: stock holders who own one per cent or more ol the newspaper throuqh ownership In that comoany are: The Josephine Sledcm Scrlpps Foundation, Seattle, Washington; E W. Scrlpps, Hlllsborouqh, California; J. G. Scriops, Seattle, Washington; Joseph ine L. Scrlpps, San Luis Rey, California; EMcn Scrlpps Davis, Mlramar, California; Harry Henke, Jr., Seattle, Washington; Robert S. Howard, Naples, Florida. 8. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Oth er Security Holders owning or Holding 1 More ot TOT a i Amount ui omnia, tO llCr hOITIC Oil M'J UlakCley AVC. unrtaaacs or Other Securities: 'none. fnllnwina tlin Inct turn u:. in Ire irt I . PuraomDhs ' 7- and fl Include, In C8SM rn). A1VU rQlif ' vittifinff Wr- mrl whef the stockholder or security holder ap- 1 alo Alta, Cam., vuiting Dr. and i pe5rs up01 )ha bpok8 of ihe Compnny as , Mrs. George II. llOUCk, and in San trustee or In nny other fiduciary relation, Ihe Frnnt'krn visiting hor pnutinq Mr ! n-ime nf thj person or corporation tor whom t ranusco yisiung iwr cousins, iui. rustfie ,s . B,50 th0 5lntemen1n and Mrs. J. L. Cautnorn. She also in ,hr, ,w0 paragraphs show tho attiant's futi enjoyed Visiting Other relatives and knowledge and belief as io me c'"a'"-" ' proximately eighteen miles. una conuinuru J' Area a . security noiaors wno ao noi awcai the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities In o capacity other than that of a bona (Ida owner. Names and ad dresses of Individuals who are stockholders of a corporation which Itself Is a stockholder mortgages or wmur at- NOTICE OP HEARING BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSIONER ' OF OREGON ' UF 3405 , ; In the matter ' ot the Application of) , PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY,) Portland,' Oregon, tor an order atlo-i eating utility service territory. ' ) ', On September 18, 1963, Ihe Commissioner accepted for filing Pacific Power & Light Company's application, submitted pursuant to the provisions of ORS Chapter 757. Said application prays for an order ot Ihe Com missioner a I locating exclusively served elec tric utility service areas and ad)acent un served territories as specifically designated by descriptions on Exhibits "A" and "B", which are maps of the areas Involved, and Exhibits "C" 8, "D", which are legal de scriptions ot the areas Involved. The terri tory applied tor is divided into eight areas , designated as Areas A through H, seven of i which areas are further subdivided Into areas bearing numerical designations. The maps 1 and other exhibits on file with tho Commis sioner may be examined for more specific descriptions and locations of the areas In volved. Tha eight areas above set forth are located generally as follows: Area A Locoted In Ctatsop County and exclusively sarved, being that area lying north of the city of Astoria commonly known as Tongue Point. Area B Consists of eleven areas which are being exclusively served, located In Sherman and Wasco Counties. One area lies along the Columbia River near the Hood-Rlvcr-Wasco County line; one area along the Columbia River extending cast from the Deschutes River approximately a dis tance of nine miles; two areas south of The Dalles and west ot the Deschules River; and seven areas running from north to south within territory formed by the north line of Township 1 North; the south line ol Township 5 South; the west line of Range IS East; and the east line of Range IB East, W.M. Area C Consists of eight exclusively served areas lying in Gilliam and Morrow Counties. Flvo ot such areas He north to south trom and Including Arlington, to and In cluding Condon, with one aroa lying south of Condon. Thrco areas extund east and south through tho center of Morrow Courtly to Heppner. Area D Consists of six areas lying In Umatilla County and In the vicinity of the citioi of Umatilla and Hermlston and Including said cities. Area E Consists of twenty-four areas lying In Benton, Lane, Linn, Douglas, Marlon and Polk Counties,. two of which areas include adacent unserved territory In eastern Linn County and northeastern Lane County. Tho areas extend Irom and In cluding the city of Dallas on tho north to a point south of Collage Grovo, In cluding Cottage Grove, and from the west Range line of Range 7 West, W.M., to the east Range tine of Range 6 Bast, W.M. Arei F Consists of Iwelvo c xlusiveW served ar eas lying In Coos County, Those areas are located south of Coqullla and ex tend from west ol Bnndon, excluding Bnndon, southeast lor a distance ot op- CLASSIFIED SECTION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL 672-3321 CASH RATES AJveiUs;ni For Eurir.ess Vi ithin Rtrtetuft Trade Area Cord of Thanks $2.00 1-Day rats 2 lines . $1.00 3-Day rote 2 lines $2.00 6-Day rate 2 linos $2.75 30-Day tote 2 lines $6.00 I -Day rats-3 lines : $1.50 3-Day rots 3 lines .$2.75 6-Day rate 3 lines $3.75 30-Day tote 3 lines $8.00 CREDIT Aiovfl rales suu,ajt-to 50 remits - s:ivicc cl-a:9 lor cre.lil DEADLINES , Pfiwta Part Airvjit sii3 2 P.M. Pjy Prior to PuLlica! on tno Nci-.s-HtVi-rvr reserves the riRi.t to c'aH.fy, edit or reied-any classified Ad Cop. ( ADJUSTMENTS If your nj.,iL;-....,(t aprr.'j'S in:orrect!y, notify us i"i-'e.1.alW. We ' ivilt not be rts rnnsib'e tor FO-a '-" one Incorrect inss'lion. Such rrspnnsioitity is limited ii a correct insertion 0 rHeM:?mnnt. Refunds Will Hot Se H:l, Uir Tian n Days friends while in California. Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Williams! and children, Robert and Mary Eli zabeth, of Richmond, Calif.; the1 r 4n I :n 1 nr hnlrinr nf honri. IDOrloaaeS Of 0 xiir lie ixaiuiiw -.m u.mi.c. .-.. .v -.;.--,,; Bubn,ha corporation hive more ol the total r securities of the 19. United States Code) A. Total No. Copies Printed (net Press Runt: 3,844.293 1 Average No. Crrlts Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months: 12,522; Single Issue Nearest to Filing Date: 13,196. B. Paid Circulation: 1. To Torm Subscrib ers by Mail, Carrier Delivery or by Olhcr Means: 11,003) Slnolo Issue Moorc-d to Fil ing Date: 11,664. 7. Sales Throuah Agents, ; News Dealers, or Otherwise: 1,055) Single ' Issue Nearest lo Piling Date: 975; i C. Free Distribution (Including samoles) By Mall, Carrier Delivery, or by Other Means: Average No. Copies Ench Issue During Preceding 12 Months: 359; Single Issue Nearest to Piling Dale: 398; 1 D. Total No, of Copies Distributed: Aver-' age No. Copies Each Issue During Pre- ' ceding 12 Months: 12,417; Single Issue ! Nearest to Filing Date: 13,057. I certify that the statements made by ; me above ere correct and complete. 1 J. V. BRENNER, ' Publisher 1 Sworn to and subscribed before me this - 1st day of October, 1963. 1 SHIRLEY N. STARK I Notary Public j (SEAL) (My commission expires September 6, 1966 and SISter, Ml, ana Mrs. SCOll h-n included In Diraaraphs 7 and 8 when Williams arid Mr. and Mrs. Jelly the Interests of such Individuals are eqmva. : Lilian Tahke. all of Corvallis. have i n,,hiwi,i rornoration. I arrivnii tn enonrl tlipil- varntion vis- 10. (Sections S5a, 43SSD, and Hit ol Tltal King Mrs. Peter Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. niley, on the . North Umpqua River. Mrs. Tabke . will also visit her sister, Mrs. V. i C. Dezendorf, who resides at the I I Umpqua Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patterson. . have returned to their home here. I ! following two weeks vacationing. IThcy stopped over in Reno and Car- son City, Nevada; visited rela ! tives in Long Beach, Calif. They ' enjoyed the Ice Follies while in Southern California ana were ac-1 ' companicd home by Mrs. Patter son's mother, Mrs. lva M. Whit-1 j ney, of Lon" Beach, who will visit . here until after the holidays. Mrs. Patterson returned to her work at : the NevB-Review Monday and Mr. ! Patterson resumed his work with ' Gerretsen Building Supply. Lt. Richard C. Stevenson and his i wile, Mary Beth, and children, ! Kcnnette and liutliie, have arrived here from Bangor, Me., where the I former was stationed at Dow Air I Force Base the last three years, and will visit until Oct. 3 with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard (Dick) Stevenson, on SE Lane Ave. They stopped over in Corvallis en route here to visit Mrs. Stevenson's j parents. LI. Stevenson, has been , promoted to caplain effective Oct. j 21, will he temporarily stationed ft I c slle Air Force Base, Merced, Calif., and then sent permanently lo March Air Force Base In itivcr side, where he will be with KC135 Strato Tankers. J Milton Schweppe returned here last week from a three weeks trip. lie picked up Bruce Eikcn berry, of Brookings, Ore., in Port land and the two went on to Spo kane, Wash., to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Leland Hurlbut, and then on to Glacier National Park, where they stayed at McDonald Lodge. From there they went to Rcgina, . Sask., Canada, where Pruce enrolled at the Canadian Bi ble College. Bruce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eikcnberry of Brookings and a nephew of Mrs. Chester Cook of Roseburg. Schwep pe went on to Sturgis, S. D., to visit his sister, Mrs. Don Braden, tind to Miller, S. D., to visit his : fothT,. A. O. Schweppe. In Van ! Meter, Iowa, he visited his father-1 in law and brother-in-law, John and Vcrlin Gibson, and in Le.Mars. Iowa, with an aunt, Mrs. Pearl Lake, and with a number of his cousins in Hinton, Iowa. He re turned through Nebraska, Idaho and then stopped in Grass Valley, Ore., to visit the Stark family and in Kent. Ore., to see Mrs. Jose phine Parkhurst, of this city, wno is teaching there this year. He also ' attended to business while on the trip. . I Consist) of four areas In Umatilla Coun ty! thrco In tire vicinity of Pendleton and ono area lying approximately twelve miles southwest of Pendleton. Arcn H Consists of three areas In Umatilla Coun ' ty lylnn north of tho city of Millori- i Frecwaler. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearlnrjs j ! In Ihe above entitled matter will be hold as ' I follows: , As the application applies to Area E: j On: Monday, October 21, 1963 At: 0:00 a.m. . At: Circuit Court Room No. 2 I Linn County Courthouse I Albany, Crerjon , ; As the application nppllos to Area F: . r:.i: Tuesday, October 22, )9o3 At: 9:00 a.m. , At: Poom 2C8 I Ccos County Courthouse . Coqulllc, Oregon 1 i As tho application applies to Area A: On: Wednesday, October 23, 1963 Al: 9:00 a.m. At: City Hall Council Chambers Astoria, Oregon Al Ihe application applies to Areas B aild C: On: Monday, October 2B, 1963 At: 1:30 p.m. Al: Gilliam County Courthouse Condon, Oregon As the application applies to Areas O, G and H: On: Tuesday, October 29, 1963 At: 9:00 a.m. At: Juvenile Court Room Umatilla County Courthouse Pendleton, Oregon Dated this 26th day of September, 1963. CLASSIFIED INDEX AIRCRAFT 69 : APARTMENTS FOR RENT 26 AUCTIONS 14 AUTO INSURANCE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 78 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED -'. 80 " AUTOS FOR SALE .......u.... 81 AUTO TRUCK PRTS 75 , BOATS AND MOTORS .. 55 BUILDI""3 MATERIALS i BUSINESS OPPOPTUNITIES .-..l 22 BUSINESS PERSONALS 8 CARD OF THANKS 5 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 24 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 38 FARM EOUIPMENT 70 FARMS AND RANCHES 36 FLORISTS . 4 FUEL : 43 HAY AND GRAIN ... 61 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 72 HPLP WANTED 14 HFLP WANTFD MEN 15 HELP WANTED WOMEN 16 HOUSES FOR RFNT 29 HUNTER'S ATTENTION 9 INCOME PROPERTY ; 37 INSTRUCTION . .'1 j... 19 LIVESTOCK 63 LCANS AND FINANCE 21 LOGGING EQUIPMENT ......... 74 LOST AND FOUND 12 LOTS AND ACREAGES 35 MARKET BASKET .1. 57 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ... 45 . MISCELLANEOUS REN.ALS .. .'. 23 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED ..... 44 MOBILE HOME PARKS . 31 MOBILE HOMES ... 32 ' MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT .- 30 MOTORCYCLES 77 MUSICAL IHSTP JMENTS 50 NOTICES tl OFFICE EQUIPMENT 51 PERSONALS 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES . . 67 POULTRY AND RABBITS .... 68 POWER SA'VS . 71 REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 33 ROOM t ND BOARD 2B R30MS FOR RENT 27 S2EDS NURSERY STOCK 59 SPORTING GOODS .. ... 58 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS . 40 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 48 TRUCKS FOR SALE , 76 WANTED TO PENT 25 WORK WANTED IT WHERE TO GO JONEL C. HILL Public Ullllly Commissioner li.'cr.-jjra s - . 7 ' LADY companion to rldo to Denver. Mrs. H.irl Kelley. 6734151. ; 'DRINKING PROBLEM?" CoTTIwhoiicAn ' ony.iious, 673-6429. ' YOURACtfia" l'l.ooeftMVVln'c71W.K. C.ill 673-3031 orRcs. 673 J3I9 j YOUR CLUB cin earn "mency ' by 'Having a ; "Stanley Party." Call 473-4773 (or moio j IntormSlon. t DO' YOU HAVE" Christmas" treesTWe' have truck (joint) lo Southern California Novem j bur. Call VI VlJf'oncalia. i YOU NO "wOMr-'N "or any inl.h" nwdRgTon. ', fldcnllul advlca may contact Catholic Ctw ' It'es, 279 W, nro.idwo, Euflone. Oregon. ' Diamond 5-3642. It's Easy To Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today! Please publish the following classified ad for days Enclosed S .. . ; . Bg sure to enclose payment CASH RATES Lines . . '3-Doys 6 -Days ' ' 30 Davs X ' . $2.00 $2 75 $ 6 00 3 . 2.75 3.75 - 8.00 i ' " ' ' ,'3. 50 4.75 10.00 5 4.25 ;' 5.75 , 12.50 6 ! 5.00 7.00 15.00 Above rotes subject to 50c service charge for credit. Count 5 words, per lino. Be sure to count the address andor telephone number, ciossifkotior..- -WRITE YOUR AD BELOW ;' : .!-'.. ' NAME -. : ADDRESS .' Mail Your Classified Ad With Payment To The Classified Advertising Department, The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon . - News-Review Classified Want. Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY , Read For Profit Use for Results!