The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 01, 1963, Page 4, Image 4

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"He Stuck in His Thumb and . . ."
cli to ria I f-a
4. The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore.
Changes in the weather, mutations of
man, . animal and plant, even the race
riots have at one time or another been
" blamed on the atmospheric testing of nu
clear arms. Also causing worry at inter
' vals js , the effect of radioactive fallout
' On' milk.
.'. Mothers of babies have expressed fear
.thejr. children would suffer from the ef
fect of radiation which had concentrated
in milk because of the nuclear blasts.
Since March 1962, the state Board of
Health has monitored milk from around
the state to determine if levels of radia
tion are dangerous.
The harried mothers can rest easy.
There are no reasons for worry.
To begin with, the state board's latest
bulletin reports that radiation, even with
out the nuclear explosions, is always
with us. Cosmic rays bombard the earth
from outer space, and radioactive mater
ials are present naturally in the body,
ground, sea and air.
This radiation background causes few
difficulties. The question arises when
concentrated massive quantities of radio
active materials are spread around. The
fear, of course, is that long-term heredi
tary effects will be felt.
With this in mind, public health agen
cies have taken the job of determining
. degree of contamination to the environ
ment and setting control measures when
they are found necessary.
One of the best ways of making the
determination of dangers is by the re
peated tests on milk. Milk is only one of
the many sources by which radioactiv-
ity can be taken into the body. But it is
the food item most useful as an indica
tor of the intake of the radioactive ma
terial. The state Board of Health's program
since 1962 has been to test half -gallon ,
samples of packaged pasteurized milk
from points abound the state. Nearest
Roseburg, the -sampling points are Coos
Bay, Eugene and Medford.
The three .radioactive particle , types
.n .-
Pragmatic Tack
the favorite words that the pun
dits use in describing, the New
Frontier is "pTMgmatic." . ,
As seen from ; the ivory tower,
(he Kennedy administration takes
a pragmatic approach to just
about everything from : " nuclear
fallout to public school dropouts.
When this Word, first began
turning up in the editorial page
columns, a lot of readers weren't
sure what it meant. My wife, for
instance. , . ;.
"Can you explain to mo the
meaning of. pragmatic?", she
asked me one evening.
"Of course," I said. "It Is a
type of automobile transmission."
"Well, what docs this columnist
mean when he says President
Kennedy's approach to politics is
pragmatic?" : .' ',
Not Entirely Accural
"That means that he runs his
campaigns in overdrive," I ex
plained. I have since learned that my
explanation may not havo been
entirely accurate.;. Pragmatic can
mean just about- anything you
want it to mean, but there is
some doubt that Its jurisdiction
includes auto gear -boxes. -
Perhaps the .best way to ex
plain what pragmatic -means is
by example. By., coincidence, I
happen to have a good one handy.
Itecently a girl Marine sta
tioned at San 'Diego, Calif., be
came engaged to a fellow Leath
erneck. They wanted to got mar
ried in December; when his en
listment up.
Hut he had been- promised a
job in Nebraska and she would
not have completed her tour of
duty by that time. So. she wrote
to Rep. Lionel Van Decrlin, D
Calif., to inqure if the congress
man could arrange for her to be
discharged early.
Regulations Arc Strict
"Military regulations are strict,
and properly so, In regard to
duration of service," Van Deer
lin replied. "After exploring the
question at some 1 length, I. learn
there is just one condition under
which the regulations can be
"Second only to its tradition of
patriotism, the Marine Corps re
veres motherhood. The corps goes
US S. E. MfclfV ST. '
Published Dully Except Sunday by
Rosehjrg, Oregon
Ttleohuns 672-3321
Entered as second class matter May 7.
1920, at tlta post office at Roieburg, Ore
gon, vnrttr act ot March 7, 1B7J, . ....
J. V. Brenner -J Publihr',
Th News-Review Is wembei1' of the j
United Press International, NEA Service. EMZABET1IVIIXE, The ConCO
Audit Bureau of Circulation end the Oregon fmn uii.-in. m .
N-wsnaptr Publishers Association. (UPI) ElltabethVllle S main
National Advising Representative is street, Avenue de L'Etoiie, recently
rtt'ftsp'Mvr uvr using srrvii. v,i nuu
DUnflina, 5A1 Francisco, clit.
Carrier and Roseburg P. O. Bokas 1
month, V.Hi A months, $10.50; 1 year. $31 00.
By Mall in Oregon! I month. SI. 75; 3
months. S4.S0; 6 months. W.OO I tetir
la.OO. Outside or Oregon: I month. 11.75)
3 months, IS.iSi e months, $10.50; I year
Radioactivity Levels Safe
8y Senator
, -vy,
to any length' to spare expectant
mothers from the rigors of mill
tary service. So groat is this con-
corn, I find that the corps Ira-
mediately ; separates them from
: "And so, while I ' regret that
the regulations cannot be altered,
l am moved to hope that the
Marine Corps will have opportun
ity to uphold its high traditions
in regard to your enlistment."
That is what is known as prag
matic advice.
Takin from the files of the New-
Oct. 1, 1923
The patrons of Azalea School
had a very cnjoyablo meeting when
the school was standardized, the
event being mado the occasion
of an all-day picnic and entertain
ment. ' 25 YEARS AGO
Oct. 1, 1938
Affairs of the proposed Roberts
Creek Water District were compli
cated today by a restraining order
issued by the U.S. District Court
on petition of the Southern Pacific
Co. The railroad company charg
es that a portion of its right-of-
way is included in the proposed
district and a tax would be
levied against such nroncrtv al
though the company would derive
no benefit. .
Forest fires, tax foreclosures and
pension exemptions during the past
year caused a reduction of more
than $120,000 In assessed valuation
in Douglas County, according to
Assessor Hartnn Hcllcwell.
Oct. 1. 19S3
After three ponderous, word-filled
hours in the Umpoua Civic
Hoom. . .a Retail Trades Associa
tion was reactivated in Roscbum
and the off-street parking question
was lossea in the lap of the Cham
ber of Commerce.
Paul Bender, who tallied the ma
jority of votes in Winston's first
municipal election in Aueust. this
week was named the first mayor of
the county's newest incorporated
was renamed after Moisc Tshoi
be, president of Katanga during
its scccession from the Central
Congo government.
Other major streets here were
named after membcri of Tshom
be's government.
Cjone $3u
which have caused the concern over nu
clear explosions have been strontium 90,
iodine 131 and cesium 137. Strontium 90
deposits itself in the bones. It has histor
ically been considered the most potential
ly dangerous. It falls at the greatest in
tensity in the spring and early summer
and in areas of heavy rainfall. Milk prod
ucts supply about 60 per cent of the total
strontium 90 intake. But so far the level
of the radioactive material has been far
below the danger level.
Iodine 131 goes like a homing pigeon
to the thyroid gland. Thus, any effects
are limited primarily to the gland area.
Here, too, the radiation tests show that
the levels are below the danger levels
for even the most susceptible group
infants and children.
The third radioactive particle which
shows up in milk is cesium, which is dis
tributed throughout the body, particu
larly in the soft tissues. The Federal Ra
diation Council (a federal advisory
group) doesn't even consider it of enough
concern to worry about. Nonetheless, the
state board is continuing to test for it.
During the last 12-month period, its levels
have been way below the danger level.
So, the picture is fine for now. But
what of the future? The answer is that
the state board will continue its regular
testing program.
The reservoir of radioactive materials
in the stratosphere will continue to exist
for a number of years. As a matter of
fact, the levels in 1963 are expected to
be higher than they were last year. This
is reason enough to keep up the testing
procedure so warnings and combative
measures can be made in case of danger.
In the event the atmospheric nuclear
device testing moratorium continues, the
state board predicts the radioactivity
will continue below levels which should
cause undue concern or justify protec
tive measures. Even these low levels of
radioactivity will drop lower.
In other words, there's no need to
worry. i .
The Almanac
By United Press International
Today is Tuesday. Oct. 1. the
274th day of 1963 with 91 to fol
The moon is approaching its
full phase.
the morning stars are Mercury
and - Jupiter.
The evening stars : are Jupiter
ana saiurn. . .. . - -s . .
On this day In history:
In 1903, the first baseball World
Series -got under wav. at Boston
as the Boston American League
team played the National League
team from Pittsburgh.
In 1908, Henry Ford Introduced
the model-T Ford automobile.
In 1938, German troops crossed
into the Sudeten area of Czecho
slovakia and enslaved one-million
In 1963, James Meredith regis
tered at the University of Mis
sissippi and became the first Ne
gro ever to attend classes there.
A thought for the day Auto
maker Henry Ford said: "History
lo h.tnlr " - 1
Community Was United
In A Spiritual Cause
To The Editor:
Something fine is built into a
community when it unites in a
common cause.
This "inner strength" was dem
onstrated and enjoyed this past
week in the Two Great Days With
inc uioie emphasis.
1 lie splendid wav in which 23
different, churches united in this
effort gave evidence of a new
solidarity and mutual appreciation
within the Christian fellowship of
mis area.
Please know of our appreciation
for the fino coverage provided by
the News-Review and share with
the entiro community our joy in
its thorough support of this proj
ect. Such a response has strength
ened our desire to help fill the
spiritual vacuum of our commun
ity with a united witness.
James C. Smith, general
chairman, Two Great
Days With The Bible
143 W. Lilburn Ave.
Roseburg, Ore.
'Days Gone By' Report
Recalls Past For Man
To The Editor:
The excerpts from Mrs. Ells
bury's News-Review column of ad
vice of 40 years ago, repeated in
recent issues, revived an almost
forgotten memory of how her col
umn rocked my native Camas Val
ley when I was a high school stu-
, dent there in that far-away era.
the good lady herself probably
wasn t aware of it.
During the earliest period of her
columning, Mrs. Ellsbury had the
custom of identifying by post of
fice the communities from which
she received letters asking advice,
though names, of course, were
never printed. So we were much
interested to read, one day, a let
ter from a supposed Camas Val
ley teen-ager asking advice about
her current romantic interest. The
letter contained enough details so! Evans later was taken into cus
that in a small community the ! tody at Fremont, Neb.
News Analysis
Among President ' Charles de
Gaulle's detractors, at home, the
charge most . frequently voiced
against him is that ho has "Iso
lated" France.
His independent nuclear policy
is isolating him from the United
States and Ins NATO allies, and
is Imposing upon t rance a neavy
financial burden.
His "grand design for France,
which led him to, ban Britain
from the continent as - a member
of the European Common Mar
ket, has irritated not only J Britain
but also West Germany,, with
whom he seeks especially close
His independent nuclear policy
is isolating him from the United
States and his NATO allies, and
is imposing upon France a heavy
financial burden.
In addition, the grand design is
threatened by internal pressures.
There is mounting unrest in la
bor and among French farmers.
Inflationary pressures threaten
the "hard franc" which helped
transform France from the "sick
man of Europe" to one of the
Among aging world leaders few
would admit that another man
could do the job better. Least
supposed writer was easily identi
fied. Mrs. Ellsbury answered witli
what was no doubt some very sen
sible counseling.
About a week later another Cam
as Valley letter appeared in the
Ellsbury column, purportedy from
another local girl In need of handl
Ing her love affairs past, present
or hoped-for. And Mrs. Ellsbury s
enterprise continued to be prob
ably the most intensely-read fea
ture that the News-Review ever
circulated in Camas Valley, as
other letters easily identifying
other young ladies appeared week
after week. The author or authors
of the fanciful series were never
revealed, though some perhaps
shrewd guesses were made by the
process of elimination. It ended
at about the time the list of pos
sible subjects ran out. And about
mat time, for whatever reason,
Mrs. Ellsbury ceased printing the
post office addresses from which
her correspondence came.
It was about the same time that
the late Bert G. Bates in his ad
joining "Pruno Pickins" column
offered a comment on a new fem
inine fashion considered by some
quite intriguing and by others
quite scandalous:
"O Mrs. Ellsbury, do tell me,
If I roll my socks, should I
powder my knees?"
Wilfred Brown
News Department
American Broadcasting Co.
Los Angeles, Calif.
Slaying Suspect Due
To Enter Plea Monday
Evans, 26, Honolulu, has been
scheduled to enter a plea in Cir
cuit Court here next Monday to
a charge of first degree murder.
Evans, a Hawaiian - born me
chanic, is accused of the strangu
lation death of Mrs. Irene Davis,
a 41-year-old wealthy heiress from
Payette. Idaho, whose body was
found in a room at the Portland
! Hilton Hotel Aug. 6.
among these would be De Gaulle.
Hinting At Second Term
' And so it. comes as no surprise
that De Gaulle is beginning to
drop hints, that he .will seek a
second term as president ot the
French Fifth ItepubliC
Because all of the projects un
der attack are , particularly ' De
Gaulle s.
The strongest hint of De-
Gaulle's intentions thus far came
in his current tour of France's
Rhone .Valley.:.; ' -; . v i
He said that for a quarter of
a century he had understood the
wishes of . the t rench people.
And: ..... - .- ; , .: .. , - .
'I- am ' determined to continue
to do so : since 1 have the
De Gaulle's present seven-year
term ends at the close of 1965.
On Nov. 22 of this year, he will
be 73. ,
For some time now the ques
tion of De Gaulle's successor has
been a favorite subject of specu
lation among French newspapers.
But recently the same news
papers which had been pulling
out the names of various "crown
princes" suddenly erupted with
reports that De Gaulle might not
quit after all.
May B Trial Balloons
There is reason to believe the
reports were . planted by
Gaulle himself.
Do Gaulle's nuclear program ls
ill enma alnht tn Ifl vaara
still some eight to 10 years away
from making France an effective
nuclear power.
Tito Sets Official
Visit To Mexico
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (UPI)
President Tito of Yugoslavia
will pay an official two-week visit
to Mexico starting Oct. 3, the
Tanjug news agency said today.
Tanjug said Tito, accompanied
by his wife, will be making a re
turn visit in response to the one
Mexican President Adolfo Lopez
Matcos made to Yugoslavia ear
lier this year.
Tito, already has visited Brazil,
Chile and Bolivia and his visit to
Mexico will conclude his tour of
Latin America.
The Yugoslav president will re
main in Mexico until Oct. 16. He
is scheduled to pay an official
visit to the United States on Oct
17 at the invitation of President
Kennedy.- .
Following his one-day visit to
Washington. Tito will attend the
United Nations General Assembly
session at U.N. headquarters in
New York.
Fir Grove PTA Sets
Special Speakers
The first fall meeting of the Fir
Grove PTA will be held in the
multipurpose room at the school
on Monday, Oct. 7, at 7:30 p.m.
For the program, Eldon Caley
will speak on the tax referendum
to be voted upon Oct. 15 and Jim
Phillips, sixth grade teacher and
coach, will explain how the athlet-
ic program at the school is car
ned out. Phillips will also out
lino in detail how athletic awards
may be won.
Teachers will be introduced dur
ing the meeting. Refreshments will
be served. All parents arc urged
to attend.
Among his possible ' political
successors are' many who gladly
would welcome Britain into a
united Europe, scrap: De Gaulle's
own grand design and willingly
sacrifice some French sovereign
ty in exchange tor that unity.
Before he steDS down. De
Gaulle .wants to be sure that:
France irrevocably' is bound to
to the course he has outlined. I
One theory gaining ground is GAME CONTROVERSY PENDING on the Bulletin in June, 1947, a
that Be Gaulle may decide toj It would appear that an inter-, year and a half after its found
quit dramatically next year and jesting and heated public hearing i mg. The first clock had its hands
then announce .,a jlan to run
again, as : his own-.successor wittv,3 and i. , ,
a hand'picked vice' president. This I Two .legislative committees, one
would permit him to build up and from California and one from Ore
train his . man and then perhaps to gon are to hold joint meetings at
quit around 1970. K Yreka, Oct. 3, and Klamath Falls,
It . would require constitutional , Oct. 4.
changes which would be nothing; The topic concerns management
new to De liaune wno is usea 10
having his own way. But what -
ever his plan, De Gaulle has no
of becoming a
In The Day's Hews-
The other day this column dealt
with an incident on Highway 99
(now U.S. No. 5) in which motor
ists picked up a hitch-hiker and
later beat him up, robbed him of
oil hie nnsfipseinne nnrl left him
.lying beside the road where lie
i . . , t... , ji.. l
was later found by kindly travel
crs who ministered to his needs
including getting him to a hospi -
The incident moved this writer
to say nostalgically:
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the
olden, golden days when one could
unhesitatingly pick up some strang
er who needed a ride and safely
carry him on his way could come
back again?
What has happened to us, any
way? A few days later, the mail
brought a letter from a reader who
wishes to remain incognito. In his
letter he says, in substance:
"Am I a pessimist. .. .or a real
ist. . .or just plain inhuman? I
am a Western movie, TV and book
fan, and from what I read in the
books and see on the TV and movie
screens I am led to believe that in
the old days there were evil peo
ple, just as thcro are evil people
now. And there wero good people,
also just as there are good people
"I have read the Bible, and the
Bible story of the Good Samaritan
is an old-fashioned hitch-hike story,
differing in no essential way from
this story of what happened to the
hitch-hiker the other day on High
way 99."
It's an interesting thought.
It prompts this question:
Just what did happen to this
traveler of the long ago?
St. Luke tells the story thus:
"A certain man went down from
Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell
among thieves, which stripped him
of his raiment, and wounded him,
and departed, leaving him half
"And by chance there came down
a certain priest that way; and
- 1 when he saw him he passed by
- ; on the other side. And likewise a
Levite, when he was at the place.
came and looked on him, and pass
ed by on the other side."
"But a certain Samaritan, as he
journeyed, came where he was;
Experimental Diets Crow
Bigger Fish In Hatchery
Do your children rush home from school and demand a
peanut butter sandwich? And do they speak of those of us
who don't like peanut butter as "poor fish?" Perhaps they
are speaking more truly than we know.
At least, according to preliminary reports from the Bu
reau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife, of the U.S. Pish
and Wildlife Service, fish fed on peanut oil are a lot bet
ter off than those subsisting on normal diet. j
At ujngview, wasn., wiiere me
bureau has a salmon culture lab
oratory, some 350,000 salmon are
being reared on experimental diets.
One lot was given a 30 per cent
protein diet, supplemented by the
addition of peanut oil.
This lot of fish was larger than
the control gioup, mure disease
resistant, withstood handling bet
ter and rated higher in stamina
tests than did the group fed fewer
energy calorics in otherwise com
parable rations.
So, though today's youngsters
can't be classed as fish, perhaps
they react as do salmon to peanut
oil, and their after school sand
wiches are one source of their
tremendous energy an energy to
which tired parents attest.
Our hatcheries once ground up
cannery refuse, liver from packing
plants and other animal matter,
kept if refrigerated and cast this
diet into their ponds.
Today, however, there has been
developed a pellet used in our state
hatcheries and by commercial fish
growers. This pellet contains not
only a minimum of animal matter
! but is made up of alfalfa, various
vegetable products, contains vita
mins, calorics, medicines, and
j what-have-you, with the result that
our hatcheries are producing big
ger fish, cutting down on losses
from parasites and disease, and in
other ways arc doing a much bet-1 the Bulletin of the Atomic Scien
ter job than they did only a fewltists has been moved back
years ago. for the second time in 17 years
We veteran fishermen once held
to the belief that artificial flies,
worms, salmon eggs or spinners
were the only lure with which fish
could be caught. Now it looks like
the new generation of anglers will
be able to offer a peanut butter
sandwich or an alfalfa tidbit,
i After all, they re catching fish
in. Diamond Lake on hunks of
I is in prospect for two days, Oct.
oi ine migratory nera. mis is a : utcs ulltjt riiidnight in September
1 herd of deer, that moves back and:1953j atlel. the United states an(j
'forth across the Oregon-California Russia bol, tested hydrogen
border, chiefly in Klamath
j Modoc counties.
and when he saw him he had com
passion on him. And he went to
him. and bound up his wounds,
pouring in oil and wine, and set
him on his own beast, and brought
him to an inn, and took care of
"And on the morrow, when he
departed, lie took out two pence
;and gave them to the host, and
said unto him. Take care of him
and whatsoever thou spendest
more, when I come again, I will
repay thee."
Probing questions:
Is the world getting better?
Or is it getting worse?
Answers are hard to find.
Referring to Lord Byron, Joa
quin Miller wrote a long time ago:
"In men whom men condemn
as ill
"I find so much of goodness still,
"In men whom men pronounce
"I find so much of sin and blot
"1 do not dare to draw a line
"Between the two, where God
nas not.
Maybe we'd better leave it there. '
4 and 6 INCH
Due Thursday Oct. 3 rd
Off Car Price Available
Odell Street Hegel Building
1 Block Off Diamond Lake Blvd. At Stop Light
Editor's Corner
By Charles V. Stanton
... . :
considerable sum of money to ob
tain a research job on this herd
and the problems it creates. But,
as in Oregon, a good many people
had no respect for research and
are attacking the game manage
ment policies in much the same
manner some Oregon hunters have
been criticizing the Oregon Game
Commission. .
Cattlemen remonstrate with both
Oregon and California game man
agement groups because the mi
gratory deer compete with live
stock for feed on the range. Hunt
ers, at the same time, are loudly
bewailing the controls that would
keep the herd within limits.
Because of the great controversy
raging around management of this
herd, the hearings in Yreka and
Klamath Falls are expected to
bring out a lot of heat and fire
works. The two legislative com
mittees then will have the job of
sifting the facts from a lot of
'Clock Of Doom'
Moved Backwards
CHICAGO ( UPI) The clock of
nuclear doom" on the cover of
; in recognition of the nuclear test
ban agreement.
In January, I960,, the clock on
the magazine cover moved back
from two minutes to midnight to
seven minutes until midnight.
This, the magazine said, was be
cause the public and government
! leaders had beeun to recoenizc
the "revolutionary consequences"
of nuclear warfare.
i The cover clock first appeared
set at eight minutes until mid
The hands of ; the ! clock 'were
moved forward to three minutes
until midnight in October, 1949.'
after the Soviet Union exploded
its first atom bomb. The hands
were moved forward to two min-
Dr. Eugene Rabinowitch, editor
of the Bulletin, said the clock is
"intended to reflect basic
changes in the level of continu
ous danger in which mankind
lives in the nuclear age, and will
continue living, until society ad
justs its basic attitudes and insti
tutions to the challenge of sci
ence." Lawn And Shrub Planting
Project At Green Station
Recent improvements of the
grounds of the Green Fire Station
include the planting of lawn and
background and border shrubs,
greatly enhancing an already beau
tiful building, according to Mary
Wekium, correspondent.
The actual work of the project
was undertaken by the firemen
stationed there, Mrs. Weikum re
ports. CAR Bicr
1TI NE Slfplens 171-1113
li the Hillcr-S! Mslll