The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, October 01, 1963, Page 2, Image 2

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    Dillon Says Interest Rate Parity
Necessary For Monetary Stability
ury , Secretary Douglas Dillon
said today that international
monetary stability requires that
all major trading countries main
tain short-term interest rates
"reasonably well in line with
each other."
Dillon, in a speech prepared
for the annual meeting of the In
ternational Monetary Fund,
(IMF), admitted that domestic
financial goals sometimes would
limit this emphasis on uniform
short term rates.
However, he said that it gen
erally should be feasible "to en
courage small changes in short
term rates in the interest of
Local Lumber Firm
Gets Umpqua Tract
Douglas County Lumber Co. o(
Iloseburg Monday purchased 4, -
600,000 board feet of Umpqua Na-
tional Forest timber aonra sed at i
$93,050 for a total bid price of
The high bidder on this tract paid
$31.10 per thousand board feet on
z,euu,uuo tcct ot Douglas fir ap-
praised at $25.80. It paid the ap-1
nraisprl SU 75 nn 1 millinn font nf
nonderosa. suear and western i
white pine, $9.90 on 600,000 feet of
incense and western red cedar,
and $13.20 on 400,000 feet of white
fir and other species. .
Other bidders were J. It. Stand
ley and Sons Logging Co., Doug
las Veneer Co., O. E. Clayton all
of Roseburg, and Eugene Veneer
Co., Glide.
. The 622-acre tract is located 57
miles east of Roseburg on the Dia
mond Lake Ranger District,
Hospital News
' Vlilring Hourl
2 to 3:30 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m.
,', Douglas Community Hospital
, . ' , Admitttd . .
, Mtdicil: Mrs. Vincent Pics
chern, Robert Collins,' Mrs. Dar
rell Kloak, Mrs., Edward Hender
son, all of Roseburg; Mrs. Wayne
Willett, Winston.
Surgery: Mrs. Cecil Rhodes,
Doyle Rich, both of Roseburg;
Mrs. Arnold . Atkinson, Oakland;
, Mrs. .John Tinker, Winchester.
Mrs. Art Andrus, Mrs. William
Whitson, Mrs. Clarence Martin,
Mildred Eastburn, Susan Wade,
Mrs. George Crabtrcc, Raymond
Davics, Mrs. Ernie Gilbert and
daughter Virginia, Roy Dunn, all
of Roseburg; Gerald Witt, DIUard.
(rcy Hospital
Mtdlcal: Mrs. Jack Palm, Airs
Dora Schrocdcr, both of Rose
burg; Mrs. C. J. Carlilc, Oakland;
Mrs. Clair Fox, Elkton.
Surgtry: Danny Murphy, Rose
burg; Mrs. Bobby Ross, Winches
ter. Discharged
Mrs. Gene Mccks, Mrs. Dale
Bowman, Mrs. Bill Curnow and
son Grant Niles, Mrs. Bcrvil Wal
I ce and son Roger Eugene, Mrs.
Robert Dock and son Brenncn
John, Mrs. LcRoy LcBlcu, Mrs.
Donald Bowman, all of Roseburg;
Mrs. Cecil Stevens, Oakland; Mrs.
Bruce Cunlif and daughter Nora
Pauline, Myrtle Creek; Wuyne
Colton, Winston; Michael O'Calla
han, Sherwood, Ore.
Hereford Shot, Killed
By Spotlight Hunters
A registered polled Hereford
cow belonging to Estle Paris was
shot and killed late Friday night
or early Saturday morning on the
600-acre Paris ranch on Buckhorn
Road near Glide.
It is believed that hunters spot
lighting for deer the night before
the opening of the hunting season
were responsible ' for killing the
animal, reports correspondent Mrs.
Arthur Selby.
Mrs. Paris reported' that this is
the second year in a row that stock
has been killed on. the ranch just
prior to the opening of the hunting
season. 1 The dead animal's 5-monlh-old
calf is being hand fed
in an attempt to save it.
Your religious beliefs are as sacred to us as thev are
to you. We are therefore enabled lo provide services
consistent with your wishes.
Frank and Jewell Long
1 A. F. (Tony) and Vera Shukle
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PHONE 672-261 1 "
speeding restoration of interna
tional equilibrium.""
The U.S. government recently
took action to raise short-term
rates to discourage investors
from sending their money over
seas. The loss of short-term cap
ital has aggravated the U.S. bal
ance of payments problem.
Dillon said that interest rate
adjustments bv a country and
their subsequent cllccl on inicr-
niiinnil monetary stability
should be discussed by such fi
nancial organizations as the IMF.
"The critical question is how
the adjustments are to be
made," he said.
"Balance can be and too often
in the past has been forced by
measures that endanger domestic
stability or the prospects for
growing trade."
Dillon said the solution was "to
find effective ways for reconcil
ing the requirements of a con-
vertiblc currency system based
on tixed exchange rates, with the
freedom of each nation to pursue
uomcsue siumn
Tlie secretary stressed that the
United States did not consider
improvements in international
liquidity as a possibility for es
caping "the compelling and im
mediate task of reducing its own
navments deficit."
Bank President George D.
Woods told the 700 delegates
from more than 100 countries
Monday that the time had come
for the bank to "venture onto
less familiar terrain" in assist
ing underdeveloped countries.
Woods said that despite voices
of pessimism, he had no doubt
that a considerable advance has
been made by the underdevel
oped countries in the postwar pe
riod. But, he said, the development
problems still facing the world
are huge and the need, to quick
en the tempo of economic growth
Tickets Now On Sale
For Portland Symphony
The -'tour: of the Portland Sym
phony Orchestra to Roseburg and
several other Oregon cities offers
a new concept of the orchestra's
role, according to its conductor.
"Now, says conductor Jacques
Singer, "we truly become the 'Ore
gon' Symphony.
The organization of 50 men and
20 women who played last season
to 50,000 Portlandcrs will appear
at the Roseburg High School gym
nasium for a full two-hour concert
of classics by Handel, Tchaikov
sky and Benjamin Britten, Oct. 15.
The concert is under sponsorship
of the Roseburg Symphony Society.
I Concert time is 8:15 p.m. Tickets
arc available at Rickctt's Music
Music director Jacques Singer
and his ensemble of professional
musicians will be hitting the road
for the fourth time in the orches
tra's 52-year history. Not since its
Centennial-year tour in 1959 has
the state's major musical organiza
tion traveled as extensively to oth
er Oregon cities.
Mental Health Group
Leader Due To Speak
K. C. Layer, president of the
Mental Health Association of Doug
las County, will be one of the
speakers at the Oct. 4 annual meet
ing of the Mental Health Associa
tion of Oregon inPortland.
He will report on mental health
services and volunteer mental
health programs in Douglas Coun
ty. The conference will center its at
tention on the progress of citizens'
groups and governmental agencies
toward better mental health. It
will also discuss proposals to met
the growing demands for improved
services., to the mentally ill and
rctqrdcd. ,
PTA Council To Meet
The regular meeting of the
Douglas County Council of PTAs
will be helil Wednesday starling at
,10 a.m. at the Presbyterian Church
in Roseburg with, registration to
start at 9:45. Mrs. Willis Coble,
president, will preside.
is more urgent than ever, simply
because aspirations for progress
are now so universal.
Woods recommended that the
bank, which in the past has op
crated on extremely conservative
lines, broaden its horizons.
First, he said, it would have to
do more to help agriculture
which in many of the less devel
oped countries employs four-fifths
0f the population and provides
materials and generates market
demand which together are the
basis for healthy industrial
The bank has not loaned
enough for agricultural needs in
Uic past, and there is a clear and
urgent need for it to do so now,
Woods added.
Home In Glendale
Damaged By Blaze
A fire believed to have been
caused by a defective flue result
ed in an undetermined amount of
damage Saturday night to the
Dave Williams home in Glendale,
according to a report from Mrs.
Gerald Fox, correspondent.
The fire broke out in an up
stairs bedroom around 11 o'clock
while Mrs. Williamson and chil
drcn, Barbara, 10, and Brad, 6,
were downstairs watching televis
ion. Williamson was away from
home on a hunting trip and by a
fortunate chain of circumstances,
the children, who normally would
have been upstairs in bed at that
hour, were not in their rooms.
Tho Glendale Volunteer Fire De
partment, called to the scene, was
able to confine damage to the up
stairs part of the home and the
roof. Some water damage was re
ported downstairs! Neighbors and
fire fighters were able to remove
furniture, clothing and bedding
from the residence although some
loss of clothing was reported. The
home had recently been purchased
and redecorated by the William
Insurance was carried on the
house, Mrs. Fox said. It was not
immediately known if the contents
were insured.
The family is staying temporar
ily with Williamson's mother, Mrs.
Fred Williamson, in Glendale.
Winston TOPS Club
To Meet Wednesday
The Three G's TOPS Club of
Winston will meet Wednesdays at
7:30 p.m. in the gymnasium of the
Winston Upper Elementary School
beginning this Wednesday.
According to Mrs. Mary ' Lee
Slimilts. all women who want help
wilh tho problem of overweight
arc invited to attend tho meetings.
An exercise period will follow for
those who wish to participate, Mrs.
Shoults said.
TOPS means "take off pounds
sensibly," according to club mem
bers, and the club offers a regular
program aimed at weight reduc
tion. Anyone wishing further infer-!
mation about the Three G's Club j
may call Mrs. Shoults at 679-5519
after 3 p.m. '
The Oakland Church of Christ
will hold Rally Day and Home
coming Sunday in a joint event
scheduled at the church Oct. 20.
All former members and friends
of tho church will be invited to
attend the all-day affair. Anyone
having names and addresses of
former members is asked lo relay
the information to the pastor, the
Rev. Itonald Spaulding, according
lo tumi Dunn, correspondent.
1,1 U hat in an ectopic prrn
0 nancy ami how often tlnvs
U occur?
9 A. Hctopic pregnancy refers
lo any pregnancy outside the
0 uterine cavity.- The majuiity
of Midi pregnancies arc lo- ..
0 c.ttcil in the fallopian tube1.
( luhiil pregnancy). Nornuil-
Oly, the fertilized ovum tra-'
verses the lube-ami implants
itself in the uterine wall. In'
tubal pregnancy the fertilized
ovum attaches itself to the.
tube. The wall of the lube is
thin and .sooner or later the
tube Mipttircs. The latest fig
ures we have on the incidence,
of ectopic pregnancy come
from New York City, where
there were 34 ectopic preg-
O nancies per O,00l) lisc bmfis
in 1957.
O. What caxttet the iriifn
tiitrhnrse which collect at
q the corners of the eyes?
A. While secretions which ac-
cumulate at the corner of
the eves are mucous and ee-
gland secretions, together with
dust and other debris cleared
away by the eyelid move-
menu. A moderate amount
of whitish material isn't causae
for alarm.
2 The News-Review, Koseburg,
Brief By Third Party
Enters College Case
Roseburg attorney Eldon Caley
said today he will file a brief as
"amicus curiae" in the communi
ty college case "Mohr vs. the
state Board of Education" which
is now involved in an appeal be
fore the Oregon Supreme Court.
Caley said the brief will be filed
He explained that a local organ
ization comprised oi citizens from
all parts of the county have asked
him to appear on their behalf in
connection with the appeal. This
appearance will be in the form of
a written brief.
Permission Granted
"The rules of the court permit
interested persons who are not
technically parties to the proceed
ing to appear as amicus curiae
with leave of the court," the at
torney explained. "The court has
granted me permission to file a
brief in behalf of the citizens."
The local organization referred
to is a committee headed by
Wayne Crooch. It is a group of in
dividuals active in securing "hun
dreds of signatures from all parts
of the county" and also in speak
ing about and explaining the need
for a community college in the
county, the attorney said.
Douglas County Circuit Court
Judge Don Sanders on April 10 is
sued an order to reverse and re
mand the proceedings of the state
Board of Education in establish
ing the proposed Umpqua Com
munity College. This meant that
the action by the state board to
establish boundary lines for the
college district was dissolved.
Judge Sanders' order stemmed
from testimony presented at a pub
lic hearing at which Al Mohr, a
resident of the Glendale School
District, presented an appeal ob
jecting to the college district plan.
Appeal Filed
Subsequent to the court action
here, an appeal to the Oregon Su
preme Court was filed by the
state Board of Education. Sanders
decision was based on the fact that
DFPA Douses Blaze
The South Douglas crew of the
Douglas Forest Protective Asso
ciation was called at 1 p.m. Mon
day lo control a one and a half!
acre grass and brush fire in the
Days Creek area.
A logger in the area trailed the
blaze with a tractor, and the
DFPA crew is busy mopping up
the fire this morning. Cause of the
fire was listed as a cigarette prob
ably dropped by a hunter in the
area. No damage was reported,
; - ;
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tumble Action - t, m Ml
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Ore. Tues., Oct. 1, 19631
the state board, in its public
hearing on the community college,
bad entered no facts pertaining to
the district in its records, so there
by had no basis on which to enter
its decision.
Caley said the general theme of
the brief is "the belief that all
statutory requirements needed to
pave the way for a vote on estab-1
lishment of a community college
have been met and that there is no
necessity for further proceedings
before the state Board of Educa-
tion.'.' -
The attorney said the organiza
tion he represents feels the mat
ter should be resolved by the vot
ers and should not be frustrated
by further legal impediments.
Registrations Due
For Umpqua College
People wishing lo attend class
es at Umpqua Community College
this lerm have until Frirlnv at
5 p.m. in which to register, ac -
cording to Ralph Snyder, regis -
may be done at the
business office of Roseburg High
School from 6:45 to 8 p.m. until
Friday. A late fee will be charged
if a student registers for a class
which has already met for the
first time. Books will also be on
sale this week.
A total of 92 people have regis
tered thus far for college classes.
Slightly over a hundred are ex
pected by the time registration
closes, Snyder said.
Number of students taking vari
ous classes include 34 taking one
class, 26 taking two, and 32 taking
three or more classes. The figures
for two classes and three or more
are about the same as Inst year,
while the number taking one class
is slightly down from last year.
However, Snyder predicts these
figures will rise before registra
tion closes.
Barneburg To Speak
Dmielas Cnuntv Sunt. Kenneth
Barneburg will be the featured
speaker ton'gnt at a meeting ofidences of two previous U. S
the Winston PTA at Winston Jun -
ior High. He is scheduled to speak
at 8 p.m. on the tax increase ref
erendum issue.
Next Monday, he will make a
similar report at the Rose PTA at Strabane. Both men later emi
meeting at 8 and Tuesday at the j grated to America, government
Wilbur-Winchester PTA meeting, officials said, but their old homes
also al 8.
of course!
k i J T!l
Opens Today
The trial of Hugh William Mef
ford, 41. formerly of Roseburg but
more recently of Omaha, Neb., got
under way in Circuit Court before
Judge Don II. Sanders at 10 a.m.
Mefford is charged with rape of
a 12-year-old girl on Oct. 12, 1960.
Dist. Atty. Avery Thompson is the
prosecutor and Stephen M. King
of Portland, defense attorney.
The case has been long pending
and 'involved legal maneuvers
that brought about the dismissal
I of one indictment and a plea of
double jeopardy in connection with
a new indictment brought by the
urauu jui,.
i The original indictment charged
Mefford with rape upon the daugh
ter of his wife, allegedly commit
ted July 9, 1961, but after the
trial opened Oct. 26, 1962, the dis
trict attorney moved for dismissal
when a preponderance of evidence
indicated the mother of the victim
and the defendant -were not man
and wife at the time of the al
leged crime. Further, that the case
could not proceed under the theory
that rape was a lesser included
crime or that the allegations con
tained in the indictment concern-
the fact the victim was the
1 daughter of the defendant's wife
, were immaterial allegations.
I After this dismissal the Grand
against Mefford charging him sim
ply with rape, but alleging an oc
currcncc on a different date.
Mefford pleaded innocent to the
charge and also entered a plea of
former jeopardy, claiming that he
had already been acquitted of the
crime charged in the new indict
ment. Judge Sanders, ruling on the mo
lion, declared that double jeopardy
did not apply as the new indict
ment alleges a different date,
which constitutes a different crime.
Testimony in the original trial
was to the effect the act of rape
had occurred several times on dif
ferent dates.
UAUEc im rtRMAMn
BELFAST, North Ireland (UPI)
The Northern Ireland govern -
ment, noting the tourist business
which Eire has promoted around
its Kennedy homestead, said it
I plans to buy the family rcsi -
j Presidents.
; It said the father of President
Chester Arthur once lived at Cul -
lybackcy and the grandfather of
President Woodrow Wilson lived
I still arc standing.
mm mm
McNamara, Taylor End
Visit To S. Viet Nam .
SAIGON, South Viet Nam
( UPI ) Secretary of Defense
Robert McNamara tonight ended
a week's visit to South Viet Nam
during which he said he traveled
the "length and breadth of this
land" in order to find out how the
war against the Communist Vict
Cong is going.
McNamara, in a brief depar
ture statement, said he and Gen.
Maxwell D. Taylor, chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talked
with "several hundred persons"
in an effort to give President
j Kennedy a first-hand report on
Police Probe Two
Minor Mishaps
State Police report two non-injury
accidents investigated by of
ficers Monday.
An accident on U.S. Highway 99
at Kelley's Korner at 12:45 p.m.
involved vehicles operated by Ar
lene Ladonna Bodficld, 2548 SW
Landers Lane,' Roseburg, and
Fose Ann Ilamrick, Green Meadow
Trailer Court, Winston.
for a left turn and slowed, when
the Hamrick car, which had been
following, ran into the rear of the
other vehicle. There were no in
juries but both cars had to be
towed from the scene. Mrs. Ham
rick was cited for following too
The other accident occurred at
7:05 a.m. at the Garden Valley
Road at the Interstate Highway
5 interchange. An automobile
operated by John William Fran
couer, River Bend Road, Rose
burg, was traveling east on Gar
den Valley Road, when a 1953
pickup, operated by Charles Clyde
Bcecroft, Rt. 3, Box 1353, Rose
burg, started crossing Garden Val-
ey nuau in iiuiii ui mm. nun-
, braM an(, turn(,d to ,he
I left but was unable to avoid the
1 collision, the police report said,
j Both vehicles left on their own
' power and there were no injuries.
Qrass Fires Doused
Firemen from the Roseburg City
Fire Department extinguished a
1 small grass fire Monday at the i
home of Roy Hayden, 2133 SE
' Douglas. '
The lire is believed lo have '
been started by a small boy play-
ing with matches. No damage re
sulted. Right, Mom . . . with
From diapers to mud-caked jeans, from delicate
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721 S. E. OAK
the situaton in South Viet Nam
We've been in each of the
four tactical zones," he added.
"We've talked with people at all
levels including President Diem
and Vice President (Nugycn
Hgoc) Tho and members of the
"We've met with military per
sonnel, both Vietnamese and
American, at all echelons, pri
vately . as well as in groups.
We've visited training facilities
and have gone to the command
posts of operations in the field."
McNamara said it has been a
"most fruitful week.""
He said he would submit a re
port to Kennedy which will give
him "our evaluation of the coun
ter insurgency action against Ue
Communist Viet Cong."
McNamara, Taylor and their
party left Saigon at 6:05 p.m.
(6:05 a.m. EDT) aboard a four
engine converted tanker for Hon
olulu where they will spend sev
eral hours conferring with Adm.
Harry D. Felt, U.S. commander
in chief, Pacific, before their de
parture for Washington. .
Their stops included both the
Saigon headquarters of the 17,000
man American military effort
that costs $1.5 million a day to
operate and a strategic village in
the ' heart of the guerrilla coun
try. Their conversations ranged
from a five-hour talk with Presi
dent Diem to a halting interroga
tion, through an interpreter, of a
captured guerrilla.
They also had informal chats
with U.S. junior officers who live
with and fight beside the Vietna
mese government troops.
Diem assured McNamara and
Taylor that the war was going
well but said continued U.S. sup
port was vital. Diem's chief of
staff, Gen. Tran Van Don, pre
dicted .victory in 1964 a more
optimistic estimate than any
American official has ventured.
Appointment Confirmed
Norma L. Benson has been ap
pointed postmaster for Days Creek.
She had been acting postmaster
for some time.
The appointment was confirmed
today by the Senate.
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