The Soft Sell 4 The News-Review, Roieburg, Reaction One of the most interesting statements being made in current discussions over the Oct. 15 state tax referendum is that the rebellion is a reaction against federal, as well as state, taxes.. ' It's understandable. Because the tax payers have no direct way of rebelling against federal taxes, many probably feel this is the next best thing to it. , If this reaction against federal taxa tion is widespread, it is too bad the state must be the victim. At the same time, a strong reaction against federal taxa tion is not surprising. One of the reasons the reaction- has been so long in coming is the withhold ing method of extracting the tax. , The person who invented the withhold ing tax was a genius. By its use, a na tional government has been able to raise more money than any in history while still keeping the tax paying population comparatively happy. Because the tax is withheld every pay day, the taxpayer is lulled almost to the point where he does not consciously con sider this part of his pay. Because it is so easy to raise funds from the taxpayer this way, the Con gress has found it fairly easy to justify government's continually rising expendi tures. A good reflection of the rise in federal government costs is the federal payroll. At present it costs approximately $16 bil lion a year to meet the civilian federal Opinions From Readers Proponents Of Tax Bill Need Facts, Not Threats ' To The Editor: On a Sept. 17 television news cast, they played a tape of Mr. Flegel (State Sen. Al Flcgcl) in which he said no one in the $10,-000-to-$15,000 income bracket would get hurt by the tax measure enact ed by the last session of the leg islature. By leaving out those peo ple below and above those figures, does he mean those people will get hurt? While no one seems to say the voters do not have a right to vote on this measure, yet many offic ials have pointed out the terrible results if the voters turn down the measure pointed them out in t c r m s that amount to threats against the people of Oregon. One should! vole as he wishes ami disregard threats of any kind In my opinion, those people who are in favor of this measure should find a way to tell the pub lie why they favor the measure. As taxpayers themselves, if they cun sco reasons why tax increases arc necessary at this time, it is possible others can also see those reasons if they are pointed out. So far, the public has had only threats of higher properly taxes, cuts in the basic school support and a raise in tuition at slate colleges. The Board of Higher Education must at some time learn that cosUy buildings do not contribute to education. It is my conviction that the pampered hot rodder of today would be much belter if he had to root for an education. Joseph B. Hulse Star Route Box 14 Winston, Ore. Reader Srfys Why Not Cut Employe Numbers To The Editor: I have just read the news re lease datclincd "Salem (UPI)" in which Mr. Freeman Jlolmer listed the cuts that would have to be made if the peole voted down the tax measure on Oct. 15. The total cuts he listed amount ed to $58.4 millions. Nowhere has anyone writing in favor of the tax measure ever mentioned cutting off the 1,800 new employes that the legislature placed on the pay rolls or cutting of the salary raises allowed our poor, underpaid state officials. tt U..l,n .U In.... 1 ""m" s'1'" " over the cuts to welfare and men tal health but seems to think that we need 1,800 new employes worse than we need welfare and mental health. Is it more important that these healthy and mentally alert peole have their place at the feed trough than that the needy and ill be taken care of? I spent most of my working years in the school room trying to help our boys and girls get an educa tion and am for good schools, but why try to scare the people by statements that if the law is voted down the schools will have to make drastic cuts this year or resort to vouchers that they will have to tax themselves next year to pay. M !. E. Main St. Published Dlly Except Sunday by NEWS-REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. RoietMjra, Oregon Telephone e72-333t EnlerMl mt tarnnrt claii melter May 1, "H. at the poit office at Roieourg. Ore- em. under act of March 2, HJ. V. Brenner PuOlllher The NeMn.Rwlw l a member of I he United Press International, NEA Service, i Avoit Bureau of Circulation and the Oregon I Newspaper Publishers Association, t National Adve-'islna Representative Is Nenspaper Advertising Service Co., Russ ! Building, San Francisco. Calif. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Carrier and Reseourg P. O. Boxes I Ityth. l.7Si months. J10.50; 1 year, JI 00. y Mall In Oregon: I month. IUJ; 3 : tasnths. is ; t months, . 1 veer JMO. Outside of Oregon: 1 month. SI.'Sl I .months. W.2S; months, $10.50, 1 year 131,00, Ore. To Federal Taxation Cited (This statement was also carried in your paper). Everyone knows that the school budgets were voted on and ap proved before the passage of this law by the legislature and were based on the money apropriatcd by the legislature two years be fore. So why not tell the people this? If the law is defeated we may be asked to vote more property tax next spring if the legislature docs not meet and find another source of revenue. If the legislature does not increase the basic school fund by a new law there would not be any cut in this fund unless the legislature should meet and pass a law cutting this fund. The old law would remain in force. Next spring the people would have the choice of increasing the property tax or holding our schools where they are now (which is not so terribly bad). The cost of schools has gone up faster than the in come of the people, and we are go ing to have to hold the line or in crease the people's income. To hold the line one year might be a good thing as it would show the schools (boards and superintendents) that there is a limit to the people's ability to meet continuous and rap id cost increases. How much of the 50 millions in crease in taxes is represented by the increase in the basic school support? Much less than the amont required to nav the new employes and increase salaries. why doesn t someone aive the people a detailed statement of how the increase is to be used? This has not been clone because thev know what the people would do oil Oct. 15. Chas. P. Garrett Umpqua lit. Box 17 Oakland, Ore. 'Instant Equality' Won't Solve Negro's Problems To The Editor: Would you please clarify this matter of equality for me? I know by now that the entire Negro race is obsessed by the need to be equol to the white man. But which while man? One of the Ken nedy clan, maybe? Or would one of the gentlemen of leisure, all while, who inhabits the hobo jun gle down by the tracks, serve as a parallel of equality? I believe I would rather have the opportunity to make of myself . WlintoVPr 1 f-ntllfl' tltlin tn nmnnl . ,.., jOiinniy, an unearned equality If equality were a requirement, i wouiu immcmniciy cease mv struggle to learn to write, so that I could become a world renowned author, for where would be my glory if everyone else were the same as 1? So far, I'm a consistent failure, but that isn't due to discrimina tion. It's jusl that 1 don't know the right people. (The fact that I don't write well enough has noth ing to do with it. I read a lot of stuff that isn't good enough to print.) Kvcry Negro that can read and write has an opportunity equal to mine. . I don't sec why any Negro would expect me to give to him what 1 have worked for just because my great-great grandfather whipped his great-great grandfather with a black snake whip. I'm sure if I had been there 1 would have tried to show him the error of his ways. That was then. Now most peo ple will give credit where credit is due. A Negro who earns respec- laOllliy ami WCnilll can enjoy it the san'e sa white man. No one gives the white man ajrvj-Mimg. Jle - . . SELLING LIKE HOTCAKES LONDON, England ( UPI ) The government stationery office re - ported today that a record lOj.mto copies of the Denning report on the Profumo scandal has been sold since its publication two days ago. e MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1963 government employe payroll alone. The figure does not include the $13.1 billion military payroll. This civilian payroll is about half again as much as it was a decade ago. The fiscal 1964 budget will add an other 36,000 to the 2j million civilian workers now employed by the federal government. One congressman figured this would be adding workers at the rate of one every 15 minutes of the day for the year. Adding even more cost is the series of pay raises being asked by the President for federal employes. Among the possible pay increases are sugges tions for raises to congressmen (f r o m $22,500 to $35,000 a year) and Supreme Court members (from $35,000 to $60,000) . A general public reaction is probably the only way to put a brake on the spiral ing costs. Perhaps the referendum is one indication of that reaction in Oregon. If it is. the reaction is misdirected. It should be directed toward a campaign by mail and telegram to congressmen. Oregon Tax Research, a state tax payer association, has come up with an idea which it says might spur such ac tion against the rise in federal costs. In the form of a question it says, "Wonder what would happen if withhold ing were limited to one-tenth of 1 per cent just enough to establish the liabil ity? Betcha more people would be aware of the total cost of government and their individual contribution." has to earn it. A Negro, to be equal, would have to earn his good name. People, such as Governor Wal lace, who won't give the Negro a chance to prove himself, are cruelly wrong, but a Negro who is turned away because he is un qualified shouldn't cry "discrim ination. An unqualified white man would be turned away, too. Negroes are not the only people to be discriminated against! How about the Indians, Mexicans, Chi nese, Jews, Italians and the "Art ies", and "Okies?" How about the discriminations in religion? Would throwing a temper fit make the Jew equal in the eyes of the Cath olic? It doesn't help the Negro in the eyes of the white man, ei ther. I'm all for equal opportunity. regardless of race or creed. After all, the world's a big place, but 11 I were a Negro, I'd be scared (o death of "instant equality" un til someone told me with whom I was going to be equal. J. Goetz 945 SE Terrace Ave. Roscburg, Ore. Gone (13 i Review Takin from the files of th New- 40 YEARS AGO Sept. 30, 1923 Judge J. V. Hamilton, president of the Roscburg Chamber of Com merce, reports that response to the appeal for funds to maintain the Umpqua Valley Cannery and to the stock sale which was conduct ed, was very satisfactory. The Concord company of the Na tional Guard arrived in Spruce Pine, N.C., today to augment mili tiamen as the result of a smoulder ing race feeling, which resulted in sporadic shooting last night. Miller lluggins, manager of the New York Yankees, will lead his men this season in their third suc cessive attempt to win the world's baseball championship. Babe Ruth, "incorrigible as a 10 year - old schoolboy" for the last two years has become lluggins greatest play- ! Cr this year 25 year; AGO Sept. 30, 1938 With an agreement readied for evacuation of the Sitdcntcnland, German military units were ready to goose-step into the zone after midnight. Coach Jim Watts Roscburg High i School football team will open the I season tonight at r inlay ricldi Field against a strong Reedsport I squad. Appointive slate officials breath- i cd more easily today after Charles A. Spraguc, GOI gubernatorial candidate opened the campaign with a promise he would not fire efficient appointees merely for pol itical reasons, if he were elected. 10 YEARS AGO 30, 1953 frcsiucni iMscnnower o o a y named former California Gov. Earl Warren chief justice of the I'.S. Supreme Court. Jake Leicht. former University of Oregon All-American football nliv.r I.... tuu.n nam,.ri IVmulac i County parole officer, succeeding j i)on c Lovell. cw Yor yan;ecs on the ; first game of the World Series to- day by tripping the Brooklyn Dodg- I ers. 9-5. A homer by Joe Collins! ; in the seventh inning broke a 5 5 tie. Boh Duden of Portland is pac- i : ing the Roscburg Open Golf Tour- j na incut with a 36-hole total of 132. 1 a i m ' - - - - -'- -' - t4MB)ii-- Mmma item hi v t 4 ft) m&t. -mi. ' :J By ROBERT C. RUARK With all our faults, we Ameri-1 cans arc indeed a magnificent es bunch together like breeding ons of Frenchmen who are trying j Tle federal government appar race of hopeful hedonists a little elephants. Consolidated Edison is to forget the Maginot Line and entiy js, seeking to get all public daft, perhaps; impractical, yes; I everywhere. The streets are gaping Algeria the hard way. ' land operations under one manage- dui, oy gony, we got nean. We are hard at work at the mo- ment on a space ferry, designed to I bring back a 10-man load from a ' finished. The sidewalks are seas space station, after a 30-day hitch, i of mud. and also for "short ferry mis- j According to some recent statis sions" between earth and nearby ! tics, more automboiles than peo- orbits. It is a cute little machine, round- i bellied, buglike, and it is called a I "lifting body." So far it lias been lifted into a really wicked orbit it has been towed behind automo- biles, and has flown as high as ; 15 feet off the ground. One of these days they'll tow it with a DC-3. Wow! One of these other days it'll gel dropped out of the belly of a B-52 bomber as soon, of course, as funds are available. You can't say the space agency boys don't take their work serious ly. Snow Still Troublesome Meanwhile, back on the earth it is still impossible to get the j streets of New York clear of snow if anything more than an inch happens to dust the boulevards. Traffic is impossible in even a -In The Day's News- By FRANK The winds of change are blow- ing strongly throughout the world as this dispatch from London in- dicatcs: A government proposal to kill off pounds, shillings and pence 1 uu:n npnunt ...... .... a.m suint; ... ucwmnu comcs , Your jol) js which most of the commercially 1 r" V..V.., Vi, ..... . ... , .. , ,, ,, - i to subtract the one pound, two h,' J Zc ,vi lhnnT from the five pounds you use. has set off widespread debate. have just nan(le(, over "s0 tha, 'ym . ";. ,mi.,o v... 'will know whether or not your A government committee has , : correct recommended that the change be cn''"c ls conctl made by 1967. According to the pi in submitted by the committee, the British pound stoning, nowi obviously, vou can't subtract 6are stout-hearted men, brimming worth $2.80, would he divided into i f,-0m 9. So you have to borrow. All with vigah. 100 cents instead of the present j there is to borrow is a shilling. We are going to make that space 240 pennies. One English cent, un-illn a shilling is worth 12 pence, commuter work even if nobodv der the now plan, would be worth so you work that out, and hope I washed the glass on the skvscrap" two American cents. ror the best. ers or curbs a do" for vea'rs ami Behind the proposed now scheme lies the insistence of British indus tralists and bankers that the his toric but bunglesome British cur-; rency is costing the country much precious time and therefore is casting the country much preci- j ous time and therefore is costing, much money which Britain : needs. Bunglesome currency, you ask? How come? WHY is it bunglesome? Let's put it this way: Suppose you go into a store in : London and purchase merchandise ! priced at say one pound, two shil- lines and sixDonce. Suddosc the smallest money you have in your wallet when you go to pay the bill is a five-pound nole. You hand over the five quid ano, naturally cnougn, you warn to know how much is coming to iyou in the w ay of change. Bov'!! 1 You're facing a problem the . ,ai.n;ii.,l.. ,,r h,h n uon-l comprehend until you tackle the job of subtracting one pound, two shillings and sixpenre from the five pounds you have just band j ed over to the sales person. In your mind, the problem will look something like this: I. ,S P j ti o 1 2 6 I. s i: vim Hangnail Ignored In Space Hurry .fine mist of rain. All taxis go off dutv nromntlv at 4 n.m. The bus-, canyons, vasi prcnisioric mon- sters of machines hoist things to I buildings that never seem to get pic are born annually in the Uni-1 ted States by about three mil- lion. There arc 22 cars for every mile of road. It will need nearly 20 years for the human birth rate to catch up with Detroit's materni - ty ward. The highways are nightmares of weekend traffic leaving and re turning. The air strips become ob solescent before they gel the fancy first-class lounges decorated. In most big jet strips you walk miles before you achieve Gate 13. And ; you can't get a taxi uptown for ' downtown until after 10 a.m. of a ! weekday morning. Traffic Snarled It is almost impossible to move vehicle in Rome or London. Paris is a nightmare of traffic. The roads of Spain and France and England are littered with the JENKINS . " P at the top means The L S p0linds, shillings and pence, j The 5 fl mean .jve pounds n0 .shillinr's. no nonce fnence means pennies). The I 2 6 mean the one pound, ;two shillings and sixpence y0Hr Now comes the grief. xhnt h H , , -hiilinr. and you can't borrow two shillings ' lookers, even if we do build bill from 0 shillings and besides boards to obscure the view. VOU'VC borrowed one shilling al- tCwrlght. I9U by United Feature Synd. Inc.) ready. So you have to borrow a pound to get enough shillings to subtract two shillings from. And that is complicated by the fact that there are 20 shillings in a pound. At this point, you mind reels at the magnitude of the matbema - tical problem you've tackled, so you accept gratefully whatever the cashier hands you and walk! out of the store in a daze, mutter ing to yourself and biting your fincer nails. if you're wise you won't EVER trv unsnarl 'the tangle. You'll ; rPiv nn the trariitinnal hnnestv r nritish hiisinos nrrmlr. anH take whatever you get ' Si You see It isn't much to be wondered at 11,-., .,.- Rriti.h miuini .ro final, ly getting around to changing their fantastic currency system over into simple decimals. - The wonder is that thev didn't do it CENTURIES ago. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE NEWS BEVIE W ADVERTISERS W7 carcasses of murdered cars, and clamorous with the shrieking klax - London has its killer log. Los Angeles just has fog. The com mon cold afflicts us. Cigarettes either do or do not contribute to cancer. The bathtub beckons ever to the grave, and some people get indigestion from orange juice, skin cancer from sunshine, and ath j lete's foot from exercise. Nobody I has really solved the slipped disk, and you just can't get servants any more, darling. Vodka does SO 1 smell on your breath. Weather Lousy The weather is lousy all over, and nobody does anything to im prove it. Male cosmetics arc tre mendously up in, volume, and a lady sat next to me in a barber shop the other day. Barber says he gets a lot of ladies now. Preg nant ladies are now being used as glamor advertisements for liquor ads. Gin makes you thin? But, meanwhile, we have a dif- j ferent set 0f rules for liquor ad vertising, due to various state reg ulations, so you can't shriek the merits of Old Sweatshirt over the TV, although babies cry for the Deer Bottles which nave Become i identified with sports, and wail for i inai nuie oiti wineinahei s piuuuci. corning punuc ooiitaiu ouuhui.ti i Whatever happened to Fletcher's I Pd through the Taylor Grazing Act. , Castoria? Only a few months ago we cxperi- Athletcs have it very lough. It's enced a controversy between the not enough to go oli-for-five in the j president of the Izaak Walton second game, but Muscles McGoo I League of America and Oregon's also cut himself shaving for the ! razor-blade ad. That greasy kid , siff has become a wav nf life. 1 usually employ it as a sand , wich spread, or did I mix up the commercial? Tn0 hangnail persists, and not : eve" Bcn Casey can cure a real j stout case of gaslnc nu. They say not air-conditioning filters out the used 1 herd of deer along the border bc air. and that is not so. It just ! tween Klamath County. Oregon, grinds it up, like old razor blades, and M doe County. California. But and pumps it back into your lungs. ! prominent California legislators We police the world, and some i have completely discounted the of our own cops rob houses and I - - -- - sell guns to crooks, we give mon ey to everyone and moan about i having none of our own. But we : years and years. We are forward The Almanac Today is Monday. Sept. 30, the 73rd day of 1M3 with 92 to fol- low. ! The moon is approaching its full phase. , The morning star is Jupiter. "ie evening stars arc Jupiter - 1 and Saturn. I On this day in history i In 1938. Germany, France. Brit- a'n am' "a'y met 'n 'un'cn 'or i'' conference which British Prime Minister Neville Chamber- ' 'aln sa'd promised "peace in our time. In 1946. 22 German Nazi lead wea were found guilty of war crimes in Nuremberg and 11 were sentenced to death. . In 1953. President Eisenhower annnintorl Pari Warron nF Pali. ifornia as chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1962. two persons were killed as riots attending the integration of the University of Mississippi broke out. ; A thought for the day George Moore, the Irish novelist, said: "After all there is but one race i humanity." Proposal With Conservation Label Has Built-in Support A bill has been introduced into Congress by Rep. Aspinall of Colorado to obtain congressional approval of changes in status of public lands. If passed, the bill would require prior congressional notification of public land actions until June 30, 1968. This presumably is the period during which a Pub lic Land Law Review Commission would be studying pu'ilic land laws. The provisions of the bill would give congressional groups time to block any administrative actions of which they might not approve. ' It would require that Congress be notified of any changes in use or status of public lands involving more than 2,560 acres. The notification would constitute . : a detailed report on the effect of supposedly ""partial findings, the proposed action, including a Hunters and cattlemen can t agree .. . .. ,. , 1 on policies of herd management, discussion on the operation of the r . " ,. . j i Politicians look to these people public land laws, the mining and ! , , . :., l,oin ,! We n,l ! fr VOtCS- That. th' lcadj "S reaulations relating to the con servation. utilization and develop. I ment of mineral, timber and other i material resources: grazing, fish i wildlife and water resources: and j scenic, wilderness, recreation and ! other values I Here is a bit of legislation that ; could work two ways. Whether its merits outweigh its advantages is a question. Conservation has become an out I standing political football. Few pco ' pie know the essential principles of I t: K..t n..A.rnn fo. it. A politician, then, needs only to brand his pet project with the ! label "conservation" and imedi I ately he has a built-in support, ho ! cause everyone favors conserva ; tion. Consequently, we find a great ; many things being done under the ' name of "conservation" when con- ! servation, which means "Wise ! use." actually is ignored. ment. There are some goon aiu ments to favor this plan. On the other hand, a department or agon-i-v wiih the country's land and timber resources firmly in control i could be a political machine of the j first order. ' Then, taking the other side of; the coin, interference by Congress j could adversely affect any "wise ; use" of our public domain. Political leaders, including legis lators and congressmen, aren't al ways favorable to conservation programs. Instead, they arc in fluenced by votes. For example, one of the great needs in this coun t,.,. tiinv i a law that would limit mining operations to subsurface j rights. It has been possible for j years for a miner to file a claim, procure a patent, then take val uable timber off the property. Time and again bills have been introduced into Congress to stop , this "steal." But the mining bloc I has prevented the needed regula- j tion from being passed. i Grazing interests have succeed , cd jn exerting sufficient pressure j nn Congress to prevent neecieu mi- ( provements in the regulations con- 1 Senator Morse concerning grazing land procedure in Oregon. Sen. I Mnrsn nt the votes he wanted. - 1 Since the election the matter has ; been settled in amicable fashion. The stale of California spent a ! large sum of money to get an nn-1 iarge sum of money t partial study of the policy concerning th management the interstate ! 1481 NE Stephen: NO VENT r r: 10-YEAR GUARANTEE You ft a mw hcottr frtt if tank (oil due to jtftttiva mat riali or woffcrnqroLSip durins; ftrit S yMH. Yew ot Mtw twattf at 50 of cwrrcAl pric slut 10 tor oodt weectdtfta; yor if ton loth fjwrifla. la it fWt ycon Yow pay imtalta hon chargsn only Hf fWtl yoar. las4sfc .SRI 672-481 1 : i rnr 1 1 The Editor's Corner By Charles V. Stanton a ijuuauuii vt, iu uau an uiu phrase, puts us "between the devil and the deep blue sea." Is it better to put all our public land resources into Uic hands of an agency responsible to the ad ministration (putting the resourc es at the mercy of power politics) or, give the power of approval or disapproval to a Congress that time and again has shown a will ingness to surrender "wise use" to the desires of a voting bloc. FIREiflURTS Forest fires destroy the food and homes of countless animals. Hires burn up millions of dollars each year in natural resources. Il cosis your country more than a hundred million dollars a year jusl to tiithl forcsl lircs a high price lo pay forcavelessnessl Yes nine out of every ten forest lires arc caused by man. That sad knowl edce is what hurls most of all. bo your part lo help. Follow Smokey's AhC's. Always break matches in two. Be sure von drown all tires out. Crush all smokes dead in an ash tray. Please f& only YOU can PREVENT FOREST FIRES! Published as a public servics in cooperation with The Advertising Council and the Newspaper Advert i -.ins EvecuLive? Association. ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED or your money back NEEDED! wards fairway ELECTRIC WATER HEATER 52 GAL. Re,. 74.95 Backed by Wards 1 0 year guarantee! No vent or chimney need ed you can install this Fairway . . . anywhere! Has heat-hoarding fi ber glass insulation, heat trap; rustproof glass-lined tank. Choice of standard or 4500 watt hi-recovery heat ing element. PR!!