The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 28, 1963, Page 4, Image 4

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    Changing of the Guard
4 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore.
Adults Could Also Benefit From Tours
'A fine example of some training in
the field, in conjunction with "book learn
ing" is the series of school forestry tours
being conducted on an annual basis now
under the sponsorship of the Douglas
County extension office.
Bob Bradley, Douglas County exten
sion forester, who probably did most to
launch the program for school young
sters, reports that a total 509 children
took part in the tours this fall. More of
the tours are scheduled next year.
These school forestry tours have been
held elsewhere in Oregon since the early
Fifties, but only in recent years has the
program shown rapid growth. At pres
ent, nearly all the counties in Western
Oregon and a number in Eastern Oregon
stage such tours annually. They came to
Douglas County in 1961.
The sponsorship and educational re
sponsibilities for the tours belong to the
Oregon State University Extension Serv
ice, but it is the cooperation from a host
of other agencies and companies which
make them successful. During the fall
series of tours, representatives from all
forestry and conservation agencies and
many lumber and plywood companies
Caution Paramount Need For Hunters
All roads appear to be leading to the
woods today, as the annual "call of the
wild" for hunters becomes impossible to
A lot of hunters will be returning
proudly to their homes with handsome
animals to end a happy trip. But for
others, the trip will lead to tragedy.
The only answer is caution. Some will
die of heart attacks if they don't re
member as they carry that heavy buck
Geographic Society
Now Celebrating
join today in extending felicita
tions to the National Geographic
Magazine, which is observing its
75th anniversary this month.
Actually, the first issue of the
Geographic, which came out in
1888, carried an October date.
But, as everyone knows maga
zines dated October are published
in September, if not in August or
So now Is the time celebrate.
The NaUonal Geographic Soci
ety, which publishes the maga
zine, has long been approximate
ly my favorite! institution, give or
take home cooking and Marlcne
Dietrich's legs.
In a moment of levity, I once
described ihel society as "a non
profit educational and scientific
association dedicated to proving
that the female members of cer
tain tribes in Africa wear no bras
sieres." Much More
In reality, of course, the soci
ety is much more than that. Its
sphere of interest embraces any
thing that walks, talks, swims,
crawls, flies or just sits there and
does nothing.
I'll confess, however, that an
occasional glimpse of the femi
nine rib cage in its natural state
was what first attracted me to
the magazine in my youth.
'I became a Geographic reader
tiller my parents imposed an em
bargo on my subscription to
"Capt. Billy's Whizbang." The
Geographic being a highly re
spected publication, I could ogle
its photographs of tropical dccol
lctage with impunity.
The world-wide explorations, ex
peditions, studies and investiga
tions sponsored by the society arc
legion. Some day I hope it will
underwrite a study of why maga
zines dated October arc published
in September, if not in August or
Amazing Results
Such a project would by no
means be outside its scope. When
it is not contributing to Peary s
visit to the North Pole, or to a
scaling of alt. Evcret, the Geo
graphic pokes around in obscure
nooks and crannies with amazing
Here arc some of the things I
have learned from the Gcograph
ic over the years:
Contrary to all that Holly
wood has taught us, a fugitive
from a chain gang cannot throw
the bloodhounds off the scent by
wading through a stream.
Chimpanzees catch termites
345 S. C. Mln SI.
Published Dally Except Sunday by
Rosepura, Oregon
Telephone alMI)!
Entered at second data matter May 7.
120, at the post otfice at Roseburg. Ore
con. under act of March 2. 1t'3
j. V. Brenner Publisher
The News-Review Is member of the
United Press International, NEA service,
Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Oregon
Newspaper Publishers Association.
Ntianl Anve-isina Representative
Newspaper Advertising service Co., Russ
Building, San Francisco. Calif.
Carrier and Roseburg P. O. Boxes 1
month, $1.75i 4 months. $10.50; 1 veer, $?1 00.
By Mali in Oregon: I month, 11. Ml 3
months. UMi 0 months, tt.oo i eer
19.00. Outside of Oreqon: 1 month, $1.75;
3 months, $5.25; months, SUMO; 1 year
in much Uie same way that men
catch fish.
Chocolate sodas were invent
ed by the Aztec Indians some
time In the 16th century.
These are things a boy normal
ly learns from his parents, but
mine never had the time to tell
me. They were too busy intercept'
ing my copies of "Whizbang."
(UPI) Ten race horses es
caped from a New Gloucester
fairgrounds compound Thursday
and cavorted along the Maine
Turnpike before being recaptured.
State police learned of the situ
ation when a motorist stopped at
the gray toll gate and asked the
collector: "Is this the win, place
or show window?"
Opinions From Readers
Reader Calls For More
Information On Taxes
To The Editor:
In regard to higher taxes, some
things arc self-evident. We have
an increase in state population. In
spite of the fact that this would
mean an increase in the cost of
administration, the cost should not
be greater for each taxpayer be
cause there should be more tax
payers to pay the taxes. As a mat
ter of fact, efficient administra
tion cannot but help be "cheaper
by the dozen" and a lessened
amount of tax per taxpayer should
Because of inflation, there should
be an increase in the cost of ad
ministration but this generally be
ing offset by taxes on higher
wages, a graduated scale being
used, a change in basic tax policy
should not be affected.
Sonic of us taxpayers do not
wish to sec educational opportun
ities and standards lowered; we
do not wish to sec any unfortunate
go hungry but we do confess dis
satisfaction at an increased num
ber of able bodied people seeking
an easy way out on welfare at
the expense of the working taxpay
er. Rightfully or wrongly, we sus
pect unnecessary increasing ex
penditures in flowering bureau
cracy. Heretofore, we have not
registered open complaint.
We plead ignorance unashamed
ly, knowing that ignorance is only
a lack of knowledge, and not the
lack of capability of understand
ing. We need information.
Some useful information would
1) Total number of college stu
dents enrolled last biennium as
compared with the present bienni
um correlated with the general
population of the date in both two
year periods.
2) Cost of government per aver
age taxpayer of successive bienni
urns parallel to the price index of
the increased cost of living
riiinn uirUr . i . i.u'
m mi!Ji J"8' """r!" ,hf f'of G'en Senior Citizens' ! tion cutbacks: Layoffs were an- his work on a television series. both waes and gratutities for
Whlfite .dT,d. ir1" . P f 'k: The . Superior I ltfS$Tp.&.
T..,.., iT , !l""e wuiiin uie rcacn oi ine low-
etc.) standing out in bold black or. income elderly.
shared in planning and conducting the
This support is proof enough that the
program is considered worthwhile. The
purpose of the program is to show young
people why the forest industry is so im
portant to everyone and how each of
them can help keep it producing best.
The tours include on-the-scene explan
ations of methods of promoting the opti
mum growth of timber through thinning,
pruning and reforestation, the economic
values of timber to the county, the for
est's role as a habitat for wildlife, soils
which contribute to best growth of trees
and even something about the forest's
greatest enemy, fire.
The program is conducted in Douglas
County at sites in four areas of the coun
ty to allow as many children as possible
to take part. Both children and industry
representatives have received the pro
gram enthusiastically.
Now, the next thing we need is a
similar type of tour program for the
adults, because even though we are in
the midst of the great timber country, an
amazingly great number of adults have
little idea what it all means.
that their last exercise was a year ago
when they went hunting.
Others will die or be injured if ev
ery man carrying a gun doesn't make
sure it is a deer which causes the rustle
in the brush.
Still others will make a flaming torch
of highly-inflammable forest areas if
they don't observe every safety device in
handling the fires they start for cooking
or warmth and the cigarettes they smoke.
The Almanac
Today is Saturday. Sept. 28. the
271st day of 1983 with 94 to fol
low. The moon is approaching full
The morning star is Jupiter.
The evening stars are Jupiter
and Saturn.
Those born today include the
former French premier, Georges
Clemcnceau, in 1841.
On this day in history:
In 1745, English theater-goers
sang "God Save The King" for
the first time after Jacobites led
by Bonnie Prince Charles defeat
ed English forces under Sir John
In 1920, a grand jury in Chi
cago indicted eight Chicago While
Sox players for "throwing" 1919
world series games between the
Sox and the Cincinnati Reds.
In 1937, President Franklin
Roosevelt dedicated the Bonne
ville Dam on the Columbia Riv
er in Oregon.
In 1939, Germany and the So
viet Union agreed on a plan to
partition Poland.
A thought for the day The
American poet, Ralph Waldo Em
erson, said: "Nothing can nnng
you peace but yourself."
red ink.
4) Statistical or other valid ex
planations for proposed increase.
5) Such other unemotional fac
tual data that would allow the new
budget to defend itself.
Inasmuch as the sovereignty of
the government is said to reside
in the people, is it too much tn
asl: for hard and specific facts as
outlined above rather than soft
and general facts as "fiscal chaos
will result," or "education will be
curtailed," so that we may make
an intelligent voting decision in the
forthcoming referendum.
rtoy E. Hanford, M.D.
2584 W. Harvard Ave.
Hoscburg, Ore.
Low-Rent Housing Called !
Life Saver For Elderly
To The Editor:
It is with mixed emotions that
we write this letter to correct .Mr.
W. K. Peery's erroneous assump
tions as contained in his Letter to
the Editor.
Kront our experience, it appears
that Mr. Pcery speaks from little
or no knowledge about the housing
program for the elderly.
We have found the low-rent hous
ing program to be the only means
by which we, who are living on a
low retirement income, social se
curity, pensions, assistance from
relatives or part-time work, can
make ends meet.
It might lie of interest to your
readers to know thai we elderly
occupy more than 13 of the units
in Rosewood Park Homes. Also
thai our ages range from 62 to 83,
and 80 per cent have sources of
income other than welfare.
We. who have approached the
age of understanding, do not feel
that we deserve any special treat
ment, but we do think that the
people of our great country do have
a better understanding of the proh -
lems of the aging and a more gen -
ertius heart than Mr. Peery.
! housing he represents does not
.... ....... iui in,, i, as iMHiiaKt-i uuiit-u a uii dv a iiurrv oi Druciuc- was nni uroopr v rnmnensitra lor ih nmFon, . n-H ,v
lMJ Are
Perhaps I grow old and more
querulous by the tick, but more
and more it seems to me that the
world is filled with amateur pro
fessionals. That's to say, they arc
paid professional fees, to perforin
chores in a rankly amateur fash
ion. There are waiters who don't
know how to wait; cooks who can't
cook: bartenders who can't tend
Report Significant
Sales Tax Draws Favor
In Trial Ballot At Fair
SALEM (UPI) A straw poll at:
the recent Stale Fair indicated if j
new tax revenues were needed,
they should come from cigarette 1
and sales taxes. 1
The poll was conducted by the
secretary of state's office as part
of a test of a new voting device
and was not a serious effort to
determine public feeling on the ,
revenue issue.
The poll did not ask whether
voters opposed any new taxes or
wanted a change in the state s
It is not our desire to be critical i
of Mr. I'eery only sorry that
he did not take time to gain some
knowledge before finding fault. We
can only applaud the Roseburg
Golden Age Club for its efforts to
improve the living conditions of
those elderly who cannot now af
ford to live in decent, clean, sani
tary and warm homes.
George Potts
1!)12 W. Bertha Ave.
Roseburg, Ore
Also signed by 11 others
3n 2)
a lid
Gone (13 i
Taken from the files of the News
Review 40 YEARS AGO
Sept. 28, 1923
Applications for a preliminary
permit, covering proposed power
Jni.U.mW. n !. ltn...
qua River, have been filed by the
California-Oregon Power Co. The
projects being considered by the
power concern embrace practi -
cally the entire river from Rock
Cl-er-k In IJinninnrl I .nlte
Sept. 28, 1938
Chamberlain. Mussolini, Hitler
nml nnlrwtin,. tcill miwil Inmnrraiv
at Munich with 11 Duce as moder -
Chamberlain says II i 1 1 e r I
agreed to postpone mobilization 24
hours in hope the conference would
find a wav out of war.
Sept. 28, 1953
Rusinexc. nicked tin in manv kpv
1 lines this week, partly under the
1 stimulus of autumn weather. But
the hriuht sheen of the boom was
I men's summer suits, tractors, au-
tomoDile headlights and
'fighter planes.
N a v y
Fines, 3iniuiv anil auu sicvis, v-uui i iiiurMiiiv, saiu ine uiiui nun i tir tn rxn h that thov
j j
Many People
Amateurs Pros
and plumbers who are plumb un
able to plumb. Cab drivers jar
your teeth loose, look no farther
ahead in the traffic pattern than
14 feet, and bog you down for 40
minutes on a 10-minute ride. And
recently I stayed in a high-priced
hotel which cut off its room serv
ice over the weekend because it
was August.
Substitutes Used
In this hotel, which caters to a
present sources of revenue.
That question may have to be
decided by Gov. Mark Hatfield
and members of the legislature
a(Cr jle rjet. 15 tax referendum
eiec, jon I
But the Slate Fair poll was sig-lfor
nificant in the light of a recent
..., iss.,cd bv commerce Clear-
ing House (CCH), an organiza-
tion which reports on tax and
business laws.
Oregon is the only state that
docs not tax cigarettes.
There are 37 states with a sales
tax, and of these, 30 receive the
biggest part of their operating
monies from the sales tax. Sales
tax collections totaled $5.5 billion
in fiscal 19G2-G3. almost a quarter
of the $22.1 billion total state tax
Second highest money producer
was the state income tax which
garnered $4.4 billion. Thirteen
states looked to income taxes as
their major source of revenue.
I New York collected 58 per cent
of its operating money tins way.
Oregon was next with 54 per cent.
Taxes on gaosline were the top
revenue producers in six states.
and one state, Louisiana, looks to
a severance tax on the removal
of natural resources as its chief
lax yield.
Montana last year switched its
i best revenue source from the in
come tax to the gasoline tax, re
flecting a long-time see-saw be
tween the two as the stale's top
One of the appeals of a sales
tax is that it produces a huge
amount of money, but does so less
painfully. Instead of getting an an
nual income or property tax bill,
taxpayers pay pennies every day
into the sales tax. The State Tax
Commission estimated a 3 per
cent sales tax would produce $90
million a year in Oregon.
Many sales tax proponents say
tourists would share the burden
a sa,cs. ,af- Tax, exPfls
hc amoun' Pa'd ,0"r,s,s ,vu1
1 insignificant. It s the resident
?xPa'er wh would b s,u flng
"le la loui a Jiliiiie
tax coffers-pennies at a
Orcgonians have voted down his.,ft: ' dld n"1 draKn 1 h e
sales tax proposals five times, switchboard operator or encour
Some legislators, however, feel aS e bellman to take up hopping
;'1'5 ,ime ,0 asain-
Webb Faces Suit
Instigated By Writer
i Webb todav faced a S150.000 dam
I age suit filed by writer Richard
Harbinger on the sround that he
was given the title "Code Name
Christopher" and was based on
sturies in True magazine.
luxury-loving clientele, the one sur
viving doorman was often driving
the elevator, or was not on duty
at all. A bellboy was serving as
desk clerk for a good deal of the
time. Amateur substitutes had re
placed the professionals on the
switchboard. The owner was in Eu
rope, and the manager in the coun
try over the weekends, acquiring
a glorious tan.
I acquired a glorious burn, per
sonally. Somehow the bookkeepers
never take a holiday, and the
same old dreary bills are present
ed with shocking promptness. The
prices remain constant, and only
the service fluctuates. The excuse
is constant, too "It's August"
or, "It's Holy Week" or, "It's
Christmas." Or Fourth of July.
Or Labor Day weekend. Or Thanks
giving. Or Easter. Or something.
I It is almost appalling to consid
i er vmi have tn hp Inntrrl fn
ja special hotel or men's room in
! any particular city in order to get
a really good shocshine, rather than
i the absent-minded coating of goo
that covers your socks as well as
; your shoes. But the hand is out
the tip almost before it touches
: the buffer.
..... ....
i ass was nor
Certain bars am reslaurants
make a reputation on the fact that
i (hey build you a "good" martini,
and the sheep flock thereto. There
! is nothing difficult about making
i a martini. You use a decent brand
oi gin, acia vermoutn to taste, ana
either shake or swirl. You then
pour it into a cold, cold glass. But
I got handed a martini in the most
expensive French restaurant in
1 town one .,ime and tlle Slass had
i cvmeiiuy just come uui ui ine ury
cr. It was actually hot in the hand.
With the usual exception, I find
the attitude of salespeople shock
ingly blase, if not downright rude.
Some of the better shops still have
oldsters with a sense of pride and
product identification, but they are
almost portion to another age.
That- was the buggy-whip age,
when a man was not ashamed to
remember a steady customer's i Jackie had a few anxious mo- Britain during the administration or
name, and who sold shoes, ties. ments in the play. She had to hold t of Rutherford B. Hayes, accord
shirts or drawers with Hair and the loss to two tricks and we cash-! ing to the National Geographic
flourish. i cd two spade tricks right off the Society.
It seems to me that there is i
less and less pride of service, and
that a great many people hate do
ing what they accept money for.
There are hundreds of classifica
tions of people, somewhat roughly
versed in a trade or craft, who
, J"!?
more interested in the extermina
tion of crab grass or intramural
footsie with the neighbor's wife.
1 do not expect the waiter to kiss
me, but it would be nice if he
quit talking horses with the other
boys at the end of the room long
enough to check his station oc
casionally without being harpoon
ed by the customer.
Efficiency Needed
It is not my fault if a man drives
a hack for a living, and I am not
interested in his hatred of the
traffic, the police, his fellow hack-
.i tu i a:a
""u i.,,,'"Z r
as bow they've adopted this line
' of work the least they can do is
: perform it with some degree of
! efficiency and courtesy.
1 I'm not what you'd call a cranky
client or even a perfectionist. I
seldom send back any food, and
nnlv nnrn in mv life did I send
back a bottle of wine. But it both-
-r, m. that I can do. as an ama
i ,.,, . m.n.. iMnn. hir
sftvp a damn, pcnpriallv ahnnt
whal ,he customer thinks.
I ICooyrig.n, lu by Feature Synd. Inc.)
7, K
DEAR ABBY: I could write a
book about my nine years of mar
ried life. My husband had a very
unhappy childhood, and he's been
taking it out on me and the chil
dren. He tried to kill me once. He
choked me until I was unconscious
and then left me for dead. Not
one to hold a grudge, I forgave
him and he promised to do better.
Then he lost his temper again and
chased me with a butcher knife. I
had to run to the neighbors for
help. It was then that my clergy
man explained that my husband
was sick and I should stick by
him in sickness and in health. My
husband promised to see a head
doctor, but he keeps stalling.
Abby, I can't sleep for worrying
what he will pull next. I have five
little ones who hide when they
see him coming down the road.
Can you help me?
DEAR FAITHFUL: Your "faith
fullness" is commendable, but
while your husband is "stalling,"
they could be burying you. Don't
live in fear with this man another
i day. Your local police can provide
! you with, protection and force your
husband to submit to a mental ex
; amination.
' DEAR ABBY: I work and draw
a good salary. My problem is one
of my bosses. While he is a flirt
with all the girls, he singles me
i out. If there is a disagreement, he
takes my side. I have ignored him
for a long time, but I feel attract-
i ed to him. I am married and so
I is he. I only think about him
when I am around him. I love my
I husband and can't understand why
The transfer bid is not perfect,
but it is remarkable to note the
steady record of its success. When
it does fail to produce a winning
result the reason is most likely
to be a mistake by its user,
a defect in the bid itself.
KJ10764 A AQ8
,'. V A94
10873 ' KJ9
K9 Q76J
V J 8 5 3
No one vulnerable
East South Wat North
1N.T. Pass J Double
24 3V 44 !
Double Pass Pass Pass
Opening, lead 4 J
However, the Eastern experts
have worked out a defense against
the bid and I can report on the
defense and its results. I have been
transferring for 10 years. The de
fense has come up exactly three
times in that period. Twice it made
no difference in the final result.
The other time it fixed me.
North's . double of two hearts
showed hearts. If he held hearts.
! diamonds and clubs he would have
bid two spades. After I bid two
spades in the East seat Jackie Be
gin of Montreal who held the South
cards bid three hearts. West bid
four spades and North saved at
five hearts. The game was dupli-
cate and all I could do was to!
Seems lik long Hm before your boy reaches
college age? That mokes it all the better rar YOU
. . . mokes it that much easier to save the money
you'll need for the purpoio ... if you start NOW!
Walk -Run!
I am attracted to my boss. I don't
intend to let this go any farther as
1 am decent and respect my mar
riage. Should I leave my job?
Or will I get over this feeling in
time? I've never encouraged him,
but the feeling is there. . '
DEAR IN: If you can't see the'
handwriting en the wall, you need
glasses. Quit your ob. i
DEAR ABBY: I have, a' friend
who would like nothing better than
to waste my entire morning just
talking on the telephone. IS there
a way to bring a telephone conver
sation to an abrupt end without be
ing downright rude? " ' i '
Goodbye I think I smell some
thing burning." (Youl) -..-
DEAR ABBY: You will probably
never print this, but 1 hope you
do. We have some new' neighbors.
This morning the man of the fam
ily rapped on my back door and
asked me if 1 planned to hang my
wash up today. He said if I did,
he would not burn his trash until
tomorrow. I was so touched by
such a considerate act that I broke
right down and cried.
For Abby's booklet, "How To
Havt A Lovely Weddi. g," send 50c
to Abby, Box 3365. Bevrly Hills,
Everyoody has a problem.
What's youra? For a personal re
ply, write to Abby, Box 3365, Bev
erly Hills, Calif. Enclose a stamp
ed, self-addressed envelope..
JTB Defeats
Usually Bidders
(Written For NEA) 1
bat. Then I shifted to the nine
of diamonds. Jackie took the di
amond finesse and her first hur
dle had been passed. A trump lost
to my ace and I led a second di
amond which was won by South's
Jackie drew trumps and threw
me in witli her last diamond. I
had to lead a club and this auto
matically left her only one club
This gave her a minus score of
300 points, but' most East-West
pairs bid and made four spades
for a score of 420. .1 c-t' .-.
Improve, your' bridge gamel
order your copy of "Win- at
Bridge With Oswald Jacoby."
Just send your name, address,
and 50 cen.s to: Jacoby Bridge,
News-Review, P, O. Box 1248,
Roseburg, Oregon and e . copy
will be mailed to you. Or if you
prefer, copies may be purchased
at the News-Review office.
Q The bidding; has been:
North East South West
14 Double T
You, South, hold:
4KJ76 VAQ854 OKI S
What do you do?
A Redonble. This bid shows
a food hand and informs partner
that yon hold the balance est the
asrds. -
The bidding continues : with
two clubs ' by West, passes by
North and East. What do you do
Answer Monday -
By United Press International
The elaborately carved desk in
President Kennedy's . White House
office was a gift from Great
It mi miy liak tiui
uui yiatt, mt'i ttj
hi'tl litk hest in Ut
HP IB ftfti If 1 Cll
llt inmate. Will
nakt it? Yli cat start
wfitui tlii answer ti
Uis luestiii mm , . .
in Jlttf milts kk