The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 28, 1963, Page 12, Image 12

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FARM EQUIPMENT is used for more than one purpose at the Sunray Orchards of Glenn
and Doris Butler near Myrtle Creek. Above, Butler is shown using tractor equipment to
shake prunes from a tree, which often is done by hand or other means. Sunray Orchards is
being saluted by the Roseburg Chamber of Commerce during the month of October. (See
story and pictures page 5). (Chris' Studio) '
GANGLAND 'STOOLIE' Guards clear the way for Jo
seph Valachi, the underworld stool pigeon with a $100,000
price tag on his head, as he arrives in Senate caucus
chamber to testify before a probe of U.S. crime. Valachi
detailed workings of the so-called "Cosa Nostra," under
world crime empire.
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NEW CARDINAL VEEP Stan Musial, right, appears
right at home in his new executive clothes after being
elected vice presidnt of the St. Louis Cardinals. He is
sharing a laugh with senior ployer consultant Branch Rick
ey left during a recent Cardinal organization meeting.
PRUNES, the principal crop of Sunray Orchards near Myrtle Creek, are shown above being
sorted, graded and packaged. Owners Glenn and Dons Butler grow, dry and market
prunes which bear the Sunray label and which appear in many Pacific Northwest stores.
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TOUR BEGINS Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara, left, and Gen. Maxwell D.
Taylor, center, are met at Tan Son Nhut Airport Monday at Saigon by Ambassador to
South Viet Nam Henry Cabot Lodge, right. McNamara ond the chairman of the Joint
Chiefs cf Staff began a week-long tour of inspection of the beleogured Asian nation to
decide if U.S. aid to Ngo Dinh Diem government is paying off to the fullest extent in
battle with Communist Viet Cong. (UPI Telephoto)
SENT TO BOYS TOWN Parents ot these two boys, Dan
ny Presnell. 12 and his brother, Roy, 10, Friday asked for
their return after sending them to 'Boys Town early this
week. Mother's poor health and father's unemployment
were given os reasons parents sent boys to famed Omaha,
Neb. youth hGven.
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FIRST FOR SENATE Scene in Senate Chamber Tuesday during roll call on test ban
treaty which the Senate ratified by 80-19 vote is believed to be first picture ever taken in
the chamber Resolution authorized taking of picture for the new Official Capitol Guide
, book. Vice Fres. Johnson is presiding. ,
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juuifi vit'i iNam s wme. oyw w...--answers
reporter's question as she leaves headquarters ,ct
the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Fo'tn
in Rome early this week. She went to see Cardinal Aga
gianion, head of the chuich's mission office, to talk over
what an embassy spokesman termed "misunderstanoings
about policies of Roman Catholic South Vietnamese pres
ident Diem.
REUNITED Two Dayton, Ohio families, who traveled 1,800 miles, caravan style, only
to be separated in Los Angeles traffic and lose each other for four days, reach their final
destination, Disneyland Monday. While one group waited at Hollywood pgjice station,
sleeping in their cars, Flagstaff, Ariz, police caught uo with one of the fathers and his two
sons who were returning home, and the group was finally reunited. . K
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SPACE BOOMERANG Development of a socce communication system which uses an
"electronic boomerang" to substantially incraase ths auality and quantity of information
sent to earth by satellites was announced b" General Telephone . and Electronics Cor
poration this week. The system directs its radio signals ro any earth station which requests
information from the unit. Return signal follows same patn used by ground station to
request information.
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TAX CHART Oregon voters will accept or reject ?tate general fund budget as aepict-
ed on the above chart. If turned down, unshoded portion of the chart will be reduced by
14 percent of tne entire budget.
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S. VIET NAM PROBERS Defense Sec. Robert McNamara, center, ond Gen. Maxweli
Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, receive final instructions from President
Kennedy at the White House early this week before leaving for o survey of South Viet
Nam. ,