Coast Meeting Is Drawing Card For Elkton Educator And Family By MRS. C. W. HENDERER Leo Crismin, superintendent of chools at Elkton. attended an Ore gon Educational Association meet ing held Saturday in Fort Orford Mrs. Crisman and boys also made the trip. On Sunday they drove to Crescent City and home by way of Grants Pass. Workshop Atttnded Sue Mitchell. John Levenhagen, Kenny Adams, Joe Swinehart and Lester Jones, accompanied by Leo Crisman. attended tne recent tie gion V Student Council Workshop held at Roseburg High School and also the banquet which concluded the gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Elm are vis iting at the Gene Anderson home, Mrs. Gene Anderson and son, Paul, will return to Portland with her Barents - soon. Paul will enter Doernbecker Hospital for surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Perry are the narents of a baby boy born bepl 13 in Estacada. He was named Michael Rav and weighed 7 pounds. 14 ounces. Mrs. Ray Monner spent last- week in Estacada wiui ner daughter. Mrs. Perry is the former Jean Monner. New Defendant Named In Suit Dot W Simmons has filed i comnlamt in Douglas County Cir cuit Court naming new defendants in a suit in which he seeKs S5u 000 general damages in connection with the Kellogg Bridge collapse on Sept. 22, 1961. A loaded logging truck owned by Simmons was crossing the bridge when a span collapsed, causing the truck to drop into tne river oea. Named as defendants in the new complaint filed by Simmons are highway officials Walter G. Krue ger, Douglas County division bridge superintendent; L. R. Chandler, di vision engineer in Roseburg for the state of Oregon; H. W. Hugh lett, Oregon State bridge superin tendent, and I. E. DeFrance, state maintenance engineer.' On Simmons' motion, the court has issued an order dismissing the truck owner's complaint against three previously named defendants. They were Delmar Wilson, How ard Roberts and John Doe Wright, employes of the state Highway Commission. Plaintiff asks award of $4,100 for loss of truck and $50,000 for loss of plaintiff's business and logging operation. The complaint alleges the defendants were careless and negligent In matters of repair and molMnnanpo fni (ha farlrion In fnfl. ing to provide proper support for the bridge while it was open to public use and in falling to close off the bridge to the punue or place warning signs at the bridge entrance to indicate its danger ous condition. Hospital News Vliltln. Hours 2 to 1:30 p.m. end 7 to 8 p.m. Douglas Community Hospital Admitted Mtdlcali Eddie Henderson, Mrs. Harold Marsh, Mrs. Clarence Mar tin, Clarence Martin, Ruby Abbott, Cecil Smith, all of Roseburg; Mrs. John Sutton, Sutherlln; Barry Al len, Julia Ulm, John Spencer, all of Winston. Suro try: Walter Thompson, Rid dle. Discharged Mrs. James Keitzman and daugh ter Glenda Kae, Roseburg. Mrs. John Painter, Riddle; Mrs. John Sutton, Sutherlin; Stonewall Jack son Moore, Wilbur; Edward Kirk, Mrs. William Glen Jr., Mrs. Ed Pemberton, all of Winston. Mercy Hoipltil AdmlHtd Modical: Mrs. Robert Post, Mrs. Robert Dahne, Mrs. Norman Davis, all of Roseburg; William Fish, Dillard; Mrs. Jason Tillotson, Myr tle Creek; Mrs. Richard Patterson, Eugene; Donald Quiscnbcrry, Pat terson Calif. Surgtry: Steven Scott, James Brown, Riddle. Dischargtd Mrs. Donald Bowman, Guy Boy er, Mrs. Norman Webb, all of Rose burg; Mrs. Noel Campbell, Mrs. ireno ru'eney, Doin of Winston Mrs. Mclvin Martin, Oakland; John jJingnam, Riddle. NOW YOU NOW By United Press International The first lighthouse established on the Atlantic Coast was built of stone on little Brewster Island off Boston Harbor in 1716, accord ing to the World Almanac. This facility used whale oil for fuel. NEW HATS FOR MAIDS SAN DIEGO. Calif. (UPD-The police department's "meter maids" wero issued pith helmets inursaay because they com plained their usual small hostess. type cloth caps offered no protcc- uon irom tne sun during record- oreaiung m-acgrce heat. LEAVE FOR WASHINGTON PARIS (UPI) - French Fl nance Minister Valcry Giscard d'Estaing planned to leave for Washington today to head a three man delegation to the forthcom ing National Monetary Fund (IMF) meeting. Also in the delegation were Treasury Director Maurice Per ouse and Foreign Finance Direc tor Andre de Lattre. lost roui uctmi to smut In ROLF'S PREFERRED INSURANCE r Fnt tctlM. IMillmts OMMtt 91 S. I. SrtaktHS 471-1 1 6 Dick Willey suffered cuts on one knee Saturday while cutting wood with a power saw. He was taken to Cottage Grove Hospital for emergency treatment. Mrs. Rusty Mowry was taken to Cottage Grove Hospital recent Iy for emergency treatment after suffering a heel injury. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mode, Greg and Beverly spent last week' end in Orick, Calif., on a business trip. Carl Licklider and Warren Baker attended a social gathering and dinner in Portland recently in hon or of William L. Clark. Pacific Telephone Co. official who is retir ing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henderer of Salem spent Monday evening at the Wade Henderer home en route to Brookings where they will visit at the parental Dale Bullock home until Thursday when they both will return to Corvallis to register. Mrs. Wade Henderer made the trip to Brookings with them for a two day visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. welgel. - ... Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Winterboth, am and family were Sunday din- ner guests at the Dale Swinehart home. Vital Statistics Divorce Decrees Bruce Alden from Joan Virginia Froemke. Custody of three minor children temporarily awarded to plaintiff during time defendant remains in a hospital, subject to the right of the court to .review award of custody upon defendant s release. Fred W. from Juanita Ewing. Gisela from Ivan Caswell. Plain tiff awarded custody of minor child, $50 monthly child support and set of German dishes. Rosie Marie from John W. Pow ell Jr. Plaintiff awarded household goods and furnishings, and custody of four minor children with $35 monthly support for each. Divorce suits Filed William Andrew vs. Shirley Ann Michell. Married Spct. 19, 1958, at Long Beach, Calif. Desertion charged. Plaintiff asks that cus tody of minor child be awarded to defendant. James J. vs. Martha M. Cosner. Married at Portland March 16, 1953. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks custody of their four minor children. Plaintiff asks award ot real property located near Yon- calla. He also asks award of house hold furnishings, farm machinery. milking equipment, tools, loo neaa of cattle, four horses, checking ac count, dividends and stock, r lain tiff to have personal effects and restoration of her former name Martha Wolf. William L. vs. Lita Simpson. Married at Stevenson. Wash.. Nov. 3, 1061. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks award of 1963 Cadillac auto mobile, filing cabinet and personal effects, with award to defendant of 1955 automobile, furniture per sonal effects, ; accessories and ap pliances, and that checking and savings accounts be divided equal ly. Violet L. vs. Dale Mossey. Mar ried at San Francisco, Calif., April 12, 1950. Grounds are that defend ant was convicted of a felony in Lane County on Aug. 10, 1960. Plaintiff asks award of three minor children and $50 monthly support for each. She also asks that de fpprfnnt remove the name of plain tiff from a certain 1953 automobile and pay attorney fees. Blanche E. vs. Howard e. now- rock. Married at Myrtle Point April 20, 1963, but first married in Tacoma, Wash., in 1940, then divorced Jan. 26, 1959. Cruelty charged.' Plaintiff asks award of custody of three minor children, $40 monthly support for each, and tit a to household furniture on mo tion and affidavit of plaintiff, de fendant ordered to appear fcept. if) to show cause why plaintiff should not bo given exclusive use and oc cupancy of the dwelling at 316 SE Rose Sr., Roseburg; why ho snouia not be restrained and enjoined from In any manner annoying or molesting plaintiff or the minor children and from going to or en tering the above mentioned dwell ing so long as the plaintut resides therein; and why plaintif should not be grnnted exclusive custody of their minor children, and $40 monthly support for each pending suit, also pay attorney fees. Doris Lucille vs. Clifton Wesley Dodson. Answer and cross com plaint of defendant. Married Dec. 22, 1962 In Roseburg. Defendant accuses plaintiff of cruel and in human treatment. He asks dismis sal of plaintiff's complaint and award of decree in his favor. DOES YOUR FUEL OIL TANK NEED FILLING?? Immediate Delivery Metered, Re-Check Service Distributor . . . CIRCUIT COURT Complaints Mike DeCicco, dba Mike's Auto motive Shop. vs. James Gourley, dba James Gourley & Sons. Plain tiff demands judgment for $1,727.94 as a sum alleged due on promis sory note, plus attorney fees and costs, dated Sept. 29, 1962. William P. Millard vs. Albert Strain and Al Bert Strain, dba Turn Around Inn. Plaintiff de mands judgment for $25,000 gen eral damages and $1,622 special damaged for injuries allegedly suf. fered in a fall on the sidewalk which passes in front of the Turn Around Inn, Sept. 15, 1962. He claimed as the result of his injur ies he was confined to a hospital 15 days and totally incapacitated four months, requiring additional care. He alleges negligence on the part of the defendants as to the condition of the sidewalk and grav el and mud on it. Sue E. Coplin vs. State Industrial Accident Commission. Plaintiff asks reopening of her claim for further medical aid, treatment and surgery as necossary and compen sation for temporary total disabil ity from March 14, and that, un less condition improves substantial ly, she be granted permanent par tial disability equal to 100 per cent loss function ot an arm for un scheduled injuries and 75 per cent loss function of a right leg. Acci dent occurred Jan. 19, 1962, while she was employed by Roseburg Lumber Co. She claims she was struck in the back and right leg by a load of plywood. Judgments - Roseburg Funeral Home, Inc., dba Wilson's Chapel of the Roses, vs. Lester II. Daniels. On default of the defendant, plaintiff granted judgment for $959.45 plus interest, costs and attorney fees. David Paul Moore, by and through Marion . W. Moore, his guardian ad litem, vs. Safeway Stores, Inc., and Howard Smith. On stipulation of the parties with compromise settlement, judgment entered that plaintiff recover judg ment against the defendants for $1,000. Case concerned alleged false detention of the plaintiff by the store manager. Decrte Marian Warren vs. Lucian R. Allred, Nancy L. Allred, Charles A. Connors, dba Connors Construc tion Co., C. A. Connors Construc tion Co., - Aluminum- Acceptance Corp. of Washington. Defendants' rights to Lot 4, Block 1, Fairacres, Douglas County foreclosed, in final decree and judgment. Judgment granted against the Allreds for $459.80. Leonard A. and Goldie C. Burns vs. George and Darlene Shaw. On default of defendant, decree enter ed that defendants are directed to pay to the court clerk within 30 days sum of $2,041.60 plus interest, costs and attorney fees, and said sum to be paid by the clerk to the plaintiffs, on delivery by plain tiffs of a warrant deed, or con tract of sale will be foreclosed against defendsnts. Dismissal Roy W. Simmons vs. Delmar Wil son, Howard Roberts and John Doe Wright. On motion of plaintiff, case dismissed without prejudice and without cost. State of Oregon, by and through its Board of Forestry, vs. Clifford and Wilma Leach, Umpqua Nation al Bank, Rcedsport, and state of Oregon through its tax commis sion. On motion of plaintiff, case dismissed. TlPpER TUHTlPcir 'lovi... "Tkm sport of bunting can bo fan, io don'l bo rarefofi wHkyowrgvnl" i tho notional rifle essocfafron feachoi booting safety Phone 672-2636 GERRETSEN BUILDING SUPPLY CO. Shall Oil Company 6 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Fri., Sept. 27, 1963 0 M f KRNR MIL S 5 339111 mm Toledo We Will Have Sales People On Hand To Supply Your Last Minute Hunting Needs FROM DEER BAG reg. Anc 1.00.. WINCHESTER LEVER-ACTION 3030 The most famous rifle of them all! Known for Its sure-fire dependability and ease of handling. With six-shot magazine, sporting rear sight. WARDS REG. 2.89 WARDS GUN CASE FORMFIT COVERS REGULarlt 4.98 24 422 Another great buy from Wards! Vinyl outer shell with fiber padding. Shotguns or rifles. 40, 44, 48, 50'. ! STEPHENS -BE SURE TO CHECK THE LIST BEL0W-N0W Guns " Elk Bag nSnowTires Batteries Wool Socks Gloves Ammo Deer Tags Stove Picnic Jug Pants Q Flannel Shirts Deer Bag Gun Racks Thermos ,ce Cnest Hats -Red Insulated Gun Case Scope Bottle Hatchet Yellow Underwear Knife Cartridge Sleeping Bag Air Mattress Q Sweat Shirts Q Warm Coat Hunting Belts Gas Can Tent Boots Hand License Cleaning Kit Flashlight Tarps Lantern Warmer 0 Fffl to 6 M Saturday Sept. 28 .:myyyKHfSmff r - 1 i 1 OUJU 83" NO MONIT DOWN For shotguns or rifles. 2-toned buck ond rus set color vinyl outer shell. Full zipper; leother shoulder sling. "! A ITEM 10 ALL MUMTM MOTLYlBAG YOUR LIMIT WITH QUALITY IfiWlN HUNTING SUPPLIES FROM WARDS Y H0TCAKES-SAUS AGE-JUICE-COFFEE II WILL BE SERVED TO ALL HUNTERS!!! Friday Might, Sept 27 SNACK BAR SPECIAL -- TODAY & Hamburger & Milk Shake BOTH FOR ONLY Ladies! NEW VINYL JACKET SAVE WHISK THE DIRT AWAY WITH A DAMP CLOTH Smooth, supple, ever so soft girls' vinyl fash ion sparked by shiny button rows. Pile trim med convertible collar flips to make a hood. Smart double breasted styling. Acetate quilt lined. In soft white or vibrant blue. Lots of fashion tiny priced. Sizes from 4 to 6x. at WARDS STOP IN SATURDAY AND SAVE! Saturday Oi is; SPECIALS! 44 INI 1431 NE STEPHENS DEER BAG s 44' TONIGHT 'TIL 9 ''54 NOW WARM PILE LINED PARKAS FOR BOY HOOD ZIPS OFF 7 44 . . Machine-washable Brent Junior parkas of rugged Sanforized Plus combed cotton poplin treated with Scotchgard Brand stain repeller. Orion acrylic pile lining for extra warmth. Bulky knit cotton-nylon collar. Heavy duty zipper. Newest colors. 4-12. 5'Wfl)n tasttd lor waih 'n wear. 5w