The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 27, 1963, Page 3, Image 3

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    Busy Future In Prospect
For New Roseburg Planner
A busy two years is in prospect
for new resident city planner Mel
vin L. Pedersen. He is with the
Bureau of Municipal Research at
the University of Oregon, and mov
ed here recently with his wife, Ade
lene, and son, Eric, 3.
Pedersen, who has offices in the
Douglas County Bank Building, has
been working in conjunction with
Richard B. Hayward of Eugene,
associate planning director of the
The bureau for which Pederson
works handles planning projects
undertaken by municipalities and
school districts. It is a state or
ganization which has been desig
nated to administer federal funds
to assist in financing planning
studies. The federal government
furnishes 75 per cent of the funds
necessary to, operate the bureau.
Federal Men Raid
Gambling Houses
ernment agents staged a 50-state
"flash" raid on gamblers Thurs
day, arresting 129 persons and
confiscating $35,000.
A spokesman for the Internal
Revenue Service said 146 gam
bling dens were raided in 53
cities. The raiders confiscated 37
coin-operated machines and nine
However, when the raids were
over, seven arrest warrants were
still outstanding.
Hundreds of agents were in
volved in the raids, the IRS said.
All of the raids were synchro
nized. At 2:30 p.m. EDT the
agents hit the gambling locations
in the first large-scale raids on
gamblers since May 4 when 115
persons were arrested in 43 cities.
The tax agents usually concen
trate on horse booking parlors
and on the numbers racket. How
ever, at this time of the year
raids usually net some football
and baseball pools.
Mai 70c Fwd,
SAVE 17.55
Brtar IMa .dT.rll.emenl with
" arand n.w JcwH wrltl walchea. Keep. e.r.
m. clow, hi ib. dark, white ease.,.. .., a.--.,, j...
aweep i.conl bind. Beautiful dl.l, electronic, enockpraaf.
a-m.iK.lls. A written ruarenlee with nr. watch 07 lb. Im
porter. Never before hae .och a. lw price bonrht awefa blub qu.lll
ee enarl waleh. n. price Ala watch afler cats aal. ttl.M.
ttMlt wetehee each ad. am to dealers. Com. early . . .
aopplT limited. It'a a good, elronf Jewel aralcb that will wear far
7ara to coma.
404 S, E. Jock son Roseburg
. -T--v-j-aaaa-aaMjjmaaabw tw " T-t- ' - a, tixr!r -a--f wr WW 7
No Waiting . . .
No Meters
Just Drive Up To
The Front Door
And Walk
The municipalities needing its
services provide the remainder.
Pedersen is currently doing di
rect and related studies in the resi
dential field, as well as in public
facilities and industrial continua
tion. His work also includes gen
eral planning study for the school
district. This involves population
projection, anticipated future
school enrollments and site plan
ning for future school needs.
Pedersen says most of his work
of gathering information has been
done. Now it remains to be put into
booklet and map form which will
be used for study by city and
school district planners.
A recent graduate of the Uni
versity of Oregon, Pedersen will
get his masters degree this fall.
cv AH
1 'Is "W, -
; '"SSV;
. . . new city planner
He has been a member of the bu
reau about a year and a half.
His tenure in Roseburg will be
for two years at least. "There's
that much work in the fire right
now," he said.
It Pays To Patronize
News-Review Advertisers
10 AM to 2 PM
to oar .lot. .nd recti., ana
10 AM to 2 PM X
m. t-ti i uuaramtfl
Albania Is In
U.N. Spotlight
Little Albania, which for years
has sat on the sidelines at the
United Nations, moved into the
spotlight here today with a policy
speech that may deal with the
Communist ideological quarrel.
Albania last week demanded
that the China question be put on
the General Assembly's agen
da, a maneuver handled in re
cent years by the Soviet ' Union.
The action underscored Moscow's
conflict with Peking and Alban
ia's role as Red China's only re
maining East European' ally..
Other speakers in today's gen
eral debate sessions were Thai
land, Nepal, Italy, Ghana,' Indo
nesia and Chile. Italy was the
first major North Atlantic Trea
ty Organization (NATO) power
t o address the assembly since
President Kennedy spoke here
last week.
Thailand and Indonesia were
considered certain to bring up
the controversy over the forma
tion of Malaysia, and Ghana was
expected to shed more light on
African intentions regarding op
position to the racial policies of
Portugal and South Africa.
Indonesia, which opposes the
union of Malaya, Singapore and
two British Borneo territories as
Malaysia said Thursday the new
federation was a tool of a British
"divide and rule" policy. An In
donesian statement warned that
tension over Malaysia could de
velop into "an irreparable deter
ioration" of the situation in
Southeast Asia.
Until last week", Albania was a
relatively silent partner in the
Soviet bloc here, but it suddenly
spoke out in defense of Red Chi
na's claim to a seat in the Unit
ed Nations. Previously India and
Russia have taken the lead in
demanding membership for the
Peking regime.
U.S. Will Fire First
'Watchdog' Satellite
United States will attempt to
send the first two of a series of
"watchdog" satellites into space
next month to guard against vio
lations of the new nuclear test
ban treaty.
A 10-stock Atlas-Agena rocket is
poised on launching pad No. 12
at Cape Canaveral for an attempt
to shoot the two 485-pound satel
lites into orbits 60,000 miles up in
a single push.
The satellites represent a first
step in a Defense Department
project called "Vela Hotel,"
program whose aim is to provide
insurance against violations of the
nuclear test ban by the simple
expedient of putting sensitive
electronic "eyes" in space to
keep tabs.
Next year, the United States
plans to put eight more Vela
Hotel satellites two at a time
in high orbits around earth to
serve as a system of nuclear
The information lid is clamped
on tight in project Vela Hotel.
The Air Force refuses to admit
even that it has even heard of
the name.
Storinq Your Deer!
Amana Stor-Mor Freezer
Amono'i exclusive Stor-Mor Door
give you lots of extra storage
space . . . evei-y thing is within
easy reach and sight. You hove
a convenient inventory control
of your froxen foods. First pack
age in is the first package out.
Model D-18
S. E. Rose St. Ph. 672-1616
Fri., Sept.. 27, 1963 The
W mm
THEIS 15-YEAR-OLD ponderosa pine was recently girdled
by hungry porcupine. The tree will remain alive and green
for three or four years, but it is in a state of degeneration
and will die. Some of the worst porcupine damage on BLM
land has occurred south of Myrtle Creek where as high as
90 per cent of the ponderosa pine has been ruined. Hunters
are being urged to shoot this destructive rodent on sight.
(BLM photo) .
BLM Urges Hunters
To Kill Porcupines!
With thousands of sportsmen
preparing to invade the forests for
opening of the deer hunting season
this weekend, the Bureau of Land
Management reminded hunters to
day that it is always open season
on one of the forest s most destruc
tive pests the porcupine.
The porcupine is abundant in
many localities of Douglas County.
Wherever he is, trees suffer. He
doesn't bother the forest trees too
much during the spring and sum
mer months when herbaceous
plants and other preferred foods
are available.
With the coming of frost and
snow that kill and bury ground veg
etation, the porcupine turns to the
inner bark of young trees lor food
Porky's favorite tree species are
ponderosa, sugar and white pine as
well as Douglas fir.
To make matters worse, the por
cupine often chooses the dominant
and thriftiest trees on' which to
feed, BLM officials point out. Weed
tree species rate low on the list
of preferred food.
Frequently, a porcupine popula
tion will girdle whole stands of
pine, causing loss of trees by death
or disfigurement. It is estimated
that porcupines cause $1,500,000
worth of damage annually in the
635 S.E. Stephen
Newt - Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3
1 ja. 1.1.5 J,a 1 il , i-.M
4 ffZ I
Pacific Northwest. It has also been
estimated that a single porcupine
can cause $6,000 worth of tree dam
age in its individual lifetime.
Contrary to popular belief, the
pesky porky is not protected in
Oregon by state or federal law.
He s fair game for marksmen.
Alertness by Hunters and the pub
lie in general can result in con
siderable savings to Douglas
County through reduction of the
porcupine population. ,r
Jews To Celebrate
Day Of Antonement
throughout the world will flock to
synagogues at sundown tonight in
solemn observance of their holiest
holiday Yom Kippur, the Day
of Atonement.
The evening service ushers in
the most important fast day in
the Jewish religious calendar and
ends the 10 penitential days which
began with the Jewish new year
(Rosh Hashana) on Sept. 13.
According to traditional Jewish
teaching, all men on the new year
face divine judgment for their
deeds during the past year.
On Atonement Day, the judg
ment is sealed and the period of
repentance and intercession reach
es its. climax with rigorous fasting
from sundown to sundown.
The services will start tonight
with the singing of the solemn
hymn Kol Nidrc and will end at
sundown Saturday with The cere
monial blowing of the shofar
(ram's horn).
Suspect Found Innocent -
PORTLAND (UPI) Mrs.- Irene
Brown, 55. was found innocent of
second 'degree a murder Thursday
in the fatal shooting last June 11
of her policeman husband, Henry
She had pleaded self-defense.
. latex trail paint
518 S. E. Jockton 472-3528
State Department Is
To Discharge Security
State Department is attempting to
fire one of its security officers, re
portedly for giving confidential in
formation to a donate committee
without authorization from Mi w
periors. State Department spokesmen
said a "letter of charges" was
given Monday to ptto F. Otepka,
48, chief of the evaluations divi
sion of the department's security
office. The division deals with per
sonnel security.
Robert Morris, former chief
College Order
Hits Sororities
ing move by administration offi
cials at Portland State College
here Thursday suspended all six
national sororities on campus on
charges of racial discrimination.
The ban was ordered by PSC
President Branford Millar after a
series of discussions between col
lege officials and sorority repre
sentatives did not remove what
Millar termed "serious doubt as
to the absence of discrimination On
the basis of color" in rush and
pledge activities.
Suspended were local chapters
of the national sororities Alpha
Chi Omega, Alpha Omicron Pi,
Alpha Phi, Delta Delta Delta, Del
ta ' Zeta, and Pi Beta Phi.
Millar said the doubt resulted
from the "complete rejection by
all sororities at the college of two
eminently qualified Negro appli
cants" during rushing which had
been underway to select new mem
bers. Millar said he intends to annoint
a faculty committee to review the
future status of the sororities, but
cannot see now how the doubt can
be "satisfactorily resolved."
The sororities have been on the
campus since 1060. The President
said the chapters were reminded
or a rule against discrimination
two years ago when a Negro girl
was rejected.
Rushing for this year's members
had just started Sunday. The two
megro girls were invited to some
of the-first rushing parties Monday
evening but were dropped by
A loint statement by the sorori
ties said the School's action was,
"in euect an ultimatum to all of
the sororities to admit one or both
girls mentioned to membership.
To yield to this pressure elimi
nates all freedom of choice.
None of the- fraternities on the
campus was affected by Thurs
day's action.
"Dandy Stripe" 100 cotton shirt . . . Tuckaway fob
collor, long sleeve, QC
Sizes 8-18 "''"J
Zephyr Suede V-neck jacket with two pockets, lined.
Sizes 8-18. PLUS Matching flars skirt with L QC
leather belt. Block, Olive 8, Buckskin M.9.7J
Oxford 100 combed cotton shirt, buttondown C QC
collar, sizes 8-18 -
Suburban Plaid, 100 wool, slim skirt, tunnel loops,
suede tab self belt, QC
seat lined. Sizes 8 - 1 8 I at. 7 a
counsel for the Senate internal se
curity subcommittee, said in Dal
las, Tex., Thursday that Otepka
was accused of giving documents
marked "coniidential" and "for
official use only" to J. G. Sour
vine, the subcommittee's present
chief counsel.
Replying to Morris's statement,
State Department spokesmen said
Otepka had been given 10 days to
answer the charges or face dis
missal. They would not say wheth
er the charges had anything to do
with the subcommittee.
"The department does not make
public charges against employes,"
said press officer Richard I. Phil
lips. The subcommittee, has been in
vestigating various sections of the
State Department, including its se
curity, passport and visa opera
tions. Otepka has appeared as a
witness numerous times ,in re
sponse to committee requests and
with approval of the State Depart
Otepka was not available for
The executive branch of govern
ment has from time to time in
voked the doctrine of "executive
privilege" to withhold information
from Congress. There is still on
the books an executive order sign
ed by President Harry S. Truman
March 13, 1946, barring disclosure
to Congress of individual govern
ment loyalty investigations.
Under the order "all reports,
records and files relative to the
loyalty of employes or prospective
employes , . . shall ne maintained
Sutherlin Cowpoke Wins
Mark Schricker, Sutherlin, earn
ed $1,206 during the recent annual
Western Washington State Fair
Rodeo at Puyallup by winning first
place in the calf roping and placing
third in the steer wrestling.
The only other Oregon cowboy to
win was Louie Torricellas, Eugene,
who came off with top honors, in
the steer wrestling. . '
(Formerly Alice's Beauty Salon) . ; ,.
Under Management Of'
Melba Stigers
N. Umpqua Hiway,
Fashion Swing
To Suede..-:
with that
Exciting separates in luxur
ious imported Zephyr Suede ;
. . . in marvelous shades of
They blend brilliantly with
Black Olive and Buckskin,
both striped and solid shirts
wool sweaters and separ
ates of Suburban Plaid.
in confidence and shall not be
transmitted or disclosed except as
required in the efficient conduct of
Employes are instructed to refer
any subpoenas for such informa
tion to the White House.
Fishing Parley
Takes Recess
TOKYO (UPI) Japan request
ed and Canada and the United
States agreed today to recess their
negotiations here over fishing
rights for salmon and halibut in
the rich Northeastern Pacific fish
ing grounds.
The foreign office said today's
meeting was called off at Japan's
request in order that it might have
more time to study U.S.-proposed
modifications to the draft of a new
fisheries convention. The talks,
which have been held behind clos
ed doors, will resume Monday.
Sources close to the Japanese
delegation said Japan has decided
to postpone a decision on the pro
posal modification until the return
home of Prime Minister Hayato
lkeda and Agriculture Forestry
Minister Munenori Akagi.
This means the talks are likely
to continue at least until Oct. 6.
The United States has agreed to
drop the controversial absention
principle under which Japan vol
untarily has refrained from fishing
for salmon and halibut off Alsaka,
Canada and the Northern U.S. Pa
cific coast.
In place of the abstention ririn
ciple the United States has pro
posed that until the North Pacific
Fisheries Commission determines
that salmon and halibut resources
are not being utilized fully, fish
ing will still be restricted to "meth
ods and practices now enforced."
Japan contends that tins would
prevent its fishermen from shar
ing in more of the catcb.
1 .
'i ,
Glide Ph. 496-3563
ajl&iic look