The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 26, 1963, Page 21, Image 21

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    Library Arrivals
Nobel Prize Vinner Relates Story
Vith Istanbul Prison Background
A compassionate tale of despair mailers and murderers.
and obsession, a suspenseful storv
of colorful people and places, is
"Devil's Yard" by lvo Andric,
translated by Kenneth Johnstone.
lvo Andric is a Yugoslav novel
ist, poet, essayist and short story
writer, who won the Nobel Prize
for Literature in 1961. This is his
first novel to be published in the
United States since then..
Curious Victory
In Devil's Yard, Andric tells the
story of a man defeated by destiny
before his life had begun, yet
snatching a curious victory from
the jaws of fate. His mysterious
tale is set in an Istanbul prison
compound known to , its inmates
and guards as Devil's Yard. It is
a teaming world of human suffer
ing, peopled by a motley crowd of
house-breakers and pickpockets,
swindlers and drug addicts, black-
Here Brother Petar, a Bosnian
monk, learns the strange and mov
ing story of the young Smyrna no
bleman, Djamil, who is cursed by
a destiny which links him to that
of an ill-starred Sultan of many
centuries ago.
The pages of "Devil's Yard"
abounds with beautifully etched
and diverse characters, detailed
with precision. There is the forger
who amuses everyone with his stor
ies of misfortune in love and mar
riage; the Smyrna Jew, garrulous
and complaining, an endless source
of fact and rumor about his fel
low prisoners; and there is the
yard's chief warden, a ruthless
martinet whose attraction to a
life of crime in his youth makes
him a fierce and unforgiving per
secutor of the unfortunates under
his rule.
School Lunch Program Set
The school lunch program for
the Roseburg district was announc
ed today by Pauline Bagwell, co
ordinator. -
October 1-4
TUESDAY American Pizza,
Favorite salad, Bread and butter,
Applenauce, Cookie Square, Milk.
WEDNESDAY Chile con car
ne, Crisp Green' Salad, Cornmcal
yeast rolls, Fruited jello, Milk.
THURSDAY Hamburger gra
vy, Mashed potatoes. Hot biscuits,
Buttered beets, Crisp relishes,
Frosted cake, Milk.
FRIDAY Macaroni and cheese,
Buttered green beans, Peanut but
ter sandwich, Fruit cup, Milk.
October 7-11
MONDAY Italian spaghetti,
Favorite vegetable. Homemade
cinnamon bread, Sliced peaches,
Yoncalla Hosts
Cancer Group
The North Douglas Branch of the
Douglas County Unit of the Ameri
can Cancer Society met recently
in the Yoncalla City Hall. Reports
on the January meeting were given
and the dates of Nov. 7-8 announc
ed for the annual meeting to be
held at the Village Green in Cot
tage Grove, correspondent Jo Car
lile reports.
Representatives present were
Bud Leonard, Oregon representa
tive," Mrs. Jean Cowan, Yoncalla
district chairman; Mrs. Gene Lak
ey, Drain; Mrs.. Margaret Harris,
Elkton and Scotts'uurg districts;
Mrs. Paul Allen, secretary; and
Mrs. Henry Hubbcll and Mrs. Har
old Turpin; crusade, workers.,.
All last year's officers were) and Potato casserole,
elected for another year. They are
Mrs. Cowan, chairman, Mrs. Allen,
secretary, and Mrs. Louise Snider,
treasurer. It was announced that
memorial donations may be given
to Mrs. Snider at the Drain bank.
According to a report from the
treasurer, total amount of contri
butions collected for the fiscal year
ending Aug. 31 was nearly $1,200,
not including memorials. Districts
collections for the North Douglas
Branch included Elkton-Scottsburg,
$251.50; Yoncalla. $210; Drain, $135
and Sutherlin-Oakland, $601.29.
The January meeting will be a
planning meeting, it was announced.
Church Discussion
Slated At Umpqua
The Rev. Roger Smith, district
missionary for the American Sun
day School Union, will be the guest
speaker at the Sunday morning
services at the Umpqua Sunday
School. The young people will be
in charge of the services,
begin at 10 a.m.
According to Mrs. George Mun-
correspondenl, some interest
TUESDAY Vegetable soup,
Egg salad sandwich, sliced toma
toes, Fruit upside-down cake, Milk.
WEDNESDAY Chili beans,
beans, Vegetable jello salad, Park
er House rolls, Strawberry jello
with whipped cream, Milk.
THURSDAY Beef with noo
dles, Green salad, Buttered corn,
Hot bread with butter, Cooks'
choice for dessert, Milk.
FRIDAY Tuna casserole. Slic
ed cheese, Apricot mandarin salad,
Bread and butter, Pears, Milk.
October 1411
MONDAY Navy beans with
bacon. Tossed salad, Hot corn
bread, Honey butter, Fruited pud
ding, Milk.
TUESDAY - Bar-B-Cue Beef on
a bun, Buttered peas, Lemon jello
salad, Chocolate pudding, Milk.
WEDNESDAY Beef stew, chop
ped salad. Homemade rolls, Pur
ple plums, Milk.
THURSDAY Baked hash, Cab
bage - pineapple salad, Celery
sticks, bread and butter, Ice cream
bar, Milk.
FRIDAY Tuna salad sand
wich, Stewed tomatoes with mac
aroni, Cheese sticks, Fruit cup,
Cookie, Milk.
October 21-25
MONDAY Spanish rice, but
tered green beans, baking powder
biscuit with butter, cottage cheese,
Fruit, milk.
TUESDAY Hamburger on bun
or Sloppy Joes, mustard and relish.
Green salad. Bread and butter,
Fresh fruit or melon, Milk.
WEDNESDAY Spanish green
beans, Jello salad, Buttered car;
rots, Homemade yeast Roils',
Peaches, Milk. - , - '
THURSDAY ? Scalloped Pork
sin salad, Bread and butter, Apple
sauce, Milk.
FRIDAY Fish sticks with tar
tar sauce, Favorite vegetable or
salad, Bread and butter, Pudding,
October 21-31
MONDAY Chipped beef gravy,
Mashed potatoes, Waldorf salad,
Buttered peas, Bread and butler,
Ice cream bar, Milk.
TUESDAY Wiener on a bun,
Lettuce wedge with French dress
ing, Buttered corn, Bread and but
ter, Custard, Milk.
WEDNESDAY Navy beans or
Chile, Cole slaw, Fruited jello with
whipped cream, Milk.
THURSDAY Meat pie with
vegetables, Molded gelatin salad,
Peanut butter sandwich, Banana
pudding, Milk.
Devil's Yard" is a modern par
able with many levels of meaning.
Its beauty and polished perfection
will give it an enduring place in
the literature of our time.
Of Contemporary Rom
Another translation, "So It
Goes," by Guiseppe Cassieri, is a
witty and fast-moving novel that
introduces the reader to a very
different view of contemporary
Rome, a Rome whose spanking
modernity covers much of its ba
roque face, a city full of stream
lined monks, psychosomatic-minded
medicos, medieval quacks and
glossy, futuristic ones.
It is the hilarious story of Olim
pio Speradio, a young Italian bu
reaucrat, who loses his head when
he tries to retain his hair. In his
desperate quest to save the sav
able, Olimpio finds t:iat he must
contend with the phantoms of his
fancy, the tacit scorn of his ex
hllaratingly . intact and beautiful :
mistress, and the annoying encum
brances of a job in one of those
flimsy ethereal organizp tions which
provide Italian intellectuals with
palpable paychecks and impalpa
ble problems.
Condemned by circumstances lo
a course of silence, exile and cun
ning, Olimpio plunges into a fan
tastic underworld in which he
learns that vanity can also become
tormenting, obsessive runtime
job. He finally quits, but only after
he has paid the supreme price.
Other books, new at the library
this week, are:
Reference: Concise Chemical
and Technical Dictionary, Harry
Bennett; Cassell's Encyclopedia
of World Liteiature; Directory of
Medical Specialists.
Adult Non-Fiction: Great Theor
ies in Literary Criticism, Karl
Beckson; Mrs. Seton, Joseph Dir
vin; Dynamics of Child Develop
ment, Horace English; An Intro
duction to Robert Frost, Elizabeth
Isaacs; The Coming World Trans
formation. Ferdinand Lundberg;
The United States of America, Hen-1
ry Parkes; Mushrooms and Other
Fungi, A. Tilat; Turtles of the
Uriitcd States & Canada, Clifford
Other Quartz Gems, Lelande
Pope; The Book of Agates and
Quick; Great Britain Since 1688,
K. B. Smellic.
Adult Fiction: Coronet Among
the Weeds, Charlotte Bingham;
Lion In Wail, Dorothy Gardiner.
Young Moderns Non-Fiction: The
Story of Writing, William Cahn;
Customs and Holidays Around the
World. Lavima Dobler; Engineer
ing is Like This, Bertha Dodge; "
William Harvey: Trailblazcr of ;
Scientific Medicine, Rebecca Mar
cus; Rascal, Sterling North.
Young Modorni Fiction: The Far
away Lurs, Harry Behn.
Juvenile Non Fiction: African.
Myths and Legends, Kathleen Arr ,
nott; Words from the Exodus,
Isaac ,Asimov; Wonders of the ;
Fields and Ponds at Night, Jac-"
queline Berrill; Hippocrates: Fath
er of Medicine, Herbert Goldberg.
! ,
Thur., Sept 26, 1963- The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. A-7
9 to 9
Country Style Locker Special
SPARE l i or whole
m& hoc
Cut Wrapped Frozen
Prawns T
Aim MM
Nalley's . . QT.
SAVE 26c
U 6-oz. lNST. 89
has been expressed in establishing
a local church in the area and this
matter will be discussed at the
Sunday morning service. All those
interested in such a project , are
urged to attend and make their
wishes known.
At present, Don Darling of Rose
burg is scheduled to hold nunde
nominational services at the Sun
School building at 11 a.m. on the
second Sunday of each month, re
suming for the fall season on Oct.
Former Residents
Visit- In Umpqua
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fest and
set to i daughter, Kathy, of Tacoma form
er residents of Umpqua spent sev
eral days last week visiting friends
and relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Osborn of San
Francisco have been house guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Crouch on their ranch near Ump
Mrs. Itay Gibson and daughters,
Linda and Pam, of Klamath Falls
have returned home after spend
ing several days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monett.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jones of Hast
General Extension
Courses To Start
For College Credit
i ib
3 Ib.
6 oz.
69c 2lb. 1.37
"At The Triangle"
General Extension courses for
those having education equivalenc
ies of junior, senior or graduate
students in college will get under
way in Roseburg next week
The courses are all for college
credit. Registration material may
be secured on the night of first
classes. The General Extension
courses have no connection with
the Umpqua Community College or
adult education classes.
Registration fees will be $14 per (
credit hour or $42 for a three-credit-hour
course. All courses are
three credit hours except painting,1
which is a two-hour credit course. :
The fee for this course is $28.
More information may be secur
ed by calling Harry Jacoby, Rose
burg School District assistant su
perintendent or writing him at 1058
W. Harvard Ave., Roseburg.
Courses being offered, and dates
of first meetings are as follows:
Health Education (Ed 408-508)
and Principles and practices in
Guidance Services (Ed 485), Mon
day, Sept. 30; Painting (AA 290)
and Measurement in Education
(Ed 425), Tuesday, Oct. 1; De
velomnent Dsvcholoav 1: Infancy
ings, Neb., have been vacation and Childhood (Psy 460) and Cnm
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. jinology and Delinquency (Soc
Walter Slater near Umpqua. j 416), Wednesday, Oct. 2: Music
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Neilsen and j Fundamentals ( Mil 38), Thursday,
son. Magnes, drove to Portland on ! Oct. 3.
business Friday, returning that! The courses will be held regular
vU :
A. B.C.
Pancake & Waffle
Peanut Butter
: evening.
, Mrs. Charles Davis of Superior,
I Wis., has been a guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monett.
! Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Benton, who
: have been living on Millwood Drive
near Umpqua for the past year,
i have moved to Winston. Benton is
1 a teacher at Douglas High School.
Mr. and Mrs
ly on the days of the week mentioned.
D-W Church Women Set
Rummage Sale Saturday
Fruit Pies
The Woman's Society of the Dil-lard-Winston
Methodist Church will
Robert Cox and hold a rummage sale at the church I DENNISON'S
; family from Scappose have moved I Saturday beginning at 9 a.m. au
i their trailer house onto the Hiram ! kinds of clothing,- household artic
Germond place on Millwood Drive, les, books and other items will be
i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gurney have 'or sale. The church is located on
: moved to Sutherlin. old Highway 99 at Fourth St. in
: Lmiara.
Chili Con Carne
Excellent Office Space
In the Conveniently Located
Vary desirable office area all en ant Haar samt private
offices voter olavatar and jenitar services furnished. Lots
.of parking, space in vicinity.
Call Roam 301 or Phone 673-7195 H. C. lerg
The men of the church are plan-
ning an auction sale with tools,
household appliances, machinery, PACIFIC GARDENS
for Saturday, Oct. ze.
Danmoo re Hotel
1217 S.W. Morrison St.
Portland, Oregon
Free Garage, New Location
'l block from hotel. Open
to 10:00 P.M.
Strawberry Jam " JAR
24 ruj (flj J
,0-., (Mc
CARROTS 25 $149
Fresh, Crisp
Red Delicious
V2 ib. Pkg.
?Z 91o 9