The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 26, 1963, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 The News-Review, Koieburg, Ore. Thur., Sept. 26, 1963
School Board Approves Extension
Of Three Rural Area Bus Routes
Tho Roseburg School Board Wed
nesday night accepted the report
of the administration in extending
bus routes in three locations at
the request of parents and denying
three other requests for transporta
tion changes.
The most important change would
extend the bus route from Garden
Valley Road one mile south down
Big Bend Road, at the request of
Ernest Webster and six other pe
titioners in the area who have 23
children attending school. Web
ster, present at the meeting, has
provided a turnaround. The change
will be effective Monday.
It was reported the road is nar
buscs serving this area turn
around at the Stokes residence. It
was accepted on recommendation
that this would standardize policy
in this area and give "equal treat
ment." The cost would be $139.40
per year.
row but hard-surfaced and satis
factory for bus travel. Extension
of the route would advance the
School Building Problems
Discussed At Board Meet
Problems of new school construc
tion to house the ever growing crop
of children for the Roseburg
schools were discussed at length
at the District 4 board meeting
Wednesday night.
Architect John Briscoe presented
Roseburg School
Enrollment Grows
There are now 252 more students
in the Roseburg School system
than there were last year at this
time, and this number is greater
than the projected enrollment in
crease for the next fiscal year.
Supt. of Schools M. C. Dellcr re
ported to the school board Wed
nesday night the enrollment stands
at 6,462, as of Sept. 25, compared
to 6,210 at this time last year.
There are 3,489 elementary
school students, 1,592 junior high
students and 1,381 senior high stu
dents. Further breakdown shows 591
first graders, 554 second graders,
640 third, 520 fourth, 610 fifth, 532
sixth in the elementary system.
The junior high has 519 seventh
graders, 518 sixth grade and 555
In the high school, there are 551
sophomores, 479 juniors and 351
seniors. There are 42 additional
unclassified students, 31 enrolled
at Park School and 11 at Rose
A hard-to-explain figure is the
third grade enrollment, where
there are 52 more pupils than
there were second graders last
year, the grade from which they
stepped up. He said he doesn't
know where so many came from.
Benson school has 200 enrolled;
Eastwood, 145; Fir Grove, 301;
Fullcrton IV, 386; Green, 477; Hu
crest, 440; Melrose, 195; Park, 31;
Riverside, 479; Rose, 330; Wilbur,
147; Winchester, 208; Fremont,
799 Joseph Lane 793, and senior
high, 1,381.
Rcbekah District Meet
At Glendale Saturday
A Rcbekah district convention
will he held Saturday in Glendale
IOOF Lodge Hall. Coffee and
doughnuts will be served by the
Glcndalo lodge from 9 to 10 a.m.
with the meeting to follow, accord
ing to Mrs. Gerald II. Fox, correspondent.
Defense Department Likes
Deferral Of Married Men
Defense Department is well
pleased with the results of Presi
dent Kennedy's recent order de
ferring married men from the
Preliminary studies indicate
that the order will save $10 mil
lion or more annually in military
personnel costs, in addition to
bringing the Army a more usable
type of recruit and possibly in
creasing re-enlistments.
For these reasons, reports that
the department has asked for re
vocation of the order brought a
quick denial from Pentagon offi
cials interested in military man
power trends.
In the last two years, the Army
has drafted approximately 40.000
married men who were entitled
to an allotment of $83 10 a month
not enjoyed by single drnftees,
who usually outnumber them
about 4 to 1.
$40 Million A Ytar
The additional personnel tab for
40.000 married men thus comes to
nearly $40 million a year. Bach
elors can get the allotment by
marrying while in service. The
allotment for a married man
would be increased to $105 a
month if his wife had a child.
Another possible saving is in
the slightly greater tendency of
single men to enlist after their
two-year draft terms. Although
the rale of such enlistments is
low between 5 and 10 per cent
each individual decision to stay
in service can save thousands of
dollars in training costs.
Single men also are preferred
lem when it is necessary, as it
usually is, to assign them over-,
junior-senior high schedule in the
morning about 10 minutes, making
the first pickup at 6:55 a.m. No
advance in Itme would be neces
sary for the elementary buses. Ad
ditional cost would be $774.40 per
Also approved was a route ex
tension on the Clark's Branch
Road from Roberts Creek Road,
a distance of .9 of a mile. This
was requested by Mrs. John
Stokes for her three children. At
the present itme, the other three
The board decided to continue
to make an allowance in lieu of
transportation to Don Stumbo, who
had requested an extension of the
bus route from Winchester School
up Page Road, a distance of 1.7
miles. The allowance would be
$113.34, as compared with the bus
extension cost of $789.85. This ar
rangement was made for part of
last year.
Denied was a request of parents
for an extension of a bus route
from the intersection of the Wilbur
preliminary plans for a new build
ing in the senior high school com
plex. Tentative plans call for a
three-story building to be located
in the present parking area south
ot tne old school building.
Just what the building can con
tain within money available under
the bond issue voted by the people
last March 6 has not been fully
determined. Briscoe stated space
requirements of the administration
recommendation do not fit the
room sizes originally planned for,
and some alterations will be neces
sary. Proposal Outllntd
Tho board is considering a build
ing which will have classrooms in
the upper two stories and a "com
mons" or multipurpose room on
the main floor, which would serve
as a cafetorium at noon. Plans as
drafted call for a first-floor annex,
as a separate unit from the main
building, to house a kitchen. But
whether or not the kitchen could be
built at this time will have to be
determined by funds available.
Briscoe said building costs have
materially risen this past year, and
dificultics have arisen in keeping
building plans within costs.
In regards to the Melrose School
addition, Briscoe reported difficul
ty has been encountered in ob
taining metal door frames, and this
is all that's holding up completion
of the structure. If the frames ar
rive this week or the first of next,
as promised, the building should be
finished in about 10 days from
their arrival, he said. This is hoped
for on or near Oct. 10. It may
also be necessary to use some sub
stitute hardware temporarily.
Now Teachers Hirad
The board approving hiring of
three new teachers: Mrs.- Estle
Batt, bookkeeping and world his
tory, and Mrs. Edna Wilson, home
economics and English, both for
tho high school, and Mrs. Nellie
risher, elementary.
Approval wos given for six non
resident pupils to attend Roseburg
The board gave its approval to a
request of Pacific Power & Light
Co. for an casement to replace the
one held by the company on the
Woody property purchased by tho
school district. Guy lines on the
original casement were in the way
of the new building and parking
lot and the company has consent
ed to lake this new casement and
shorten the guy lines, all of this
at the company's expense.
The board received no bids on
district property in the Cloverdalc
area offered for sale by the dis
trict. seas during the first two years. ;
Defense Department rules do
not permit government-supported :
transfer of families overseas dur-i
ing the first four years of en- '
listed service, but wives often
have followed husbands to Europe
at their own expense. In any case, '
the morale question with married
men overseas is considered more
Reduce Gold Outflow
And a II hough the item is small,
it is not being overlooked that
sending a higher percentage of
single men overseas will slightly
reduce the gold outflow from the
United States.
The department declined to es
timate how many hastened mar
riages may be caused by the ,
President's order, or lo guess
what the effect might be on the
country's birth rate.
There has been considerable
speculation, however, that the
order in effect since 1955 against
drafting fathers helped for sev- i
cral years to sustain a high birth
rate, and that the order against
drafting married men may for a
time have a similor effect.
The average draft age is now
23 years. By reducing the avail-1
able draft pool, the presidential
order might tend to cause the in
duction of younger men. but de
fense authorities said the effect
in this repert will be slight
Call 673-8356
cut-off with Del Rio down Del Rio
Road to Brozio Road, a distance of
two or three hundred yards. This
would involve hauling a nearly full
bus load of children the short dis
tance to Brozio Road and backing
the bus to make the turnaround.
The request had been made on
the basis that it would eliminate
danger to children who must walk
this short distance on the right
shoulder or cross Del Rio Road
twice to wal.: on the left side. The
request was not deemed justified
in view of other problems to be
Denied also was a request of ex
tension on Roberts Creek Road
from the present turnaround to the
John Lander residence, a idstance
of 1.4 miles. Request was by Virgil
Staffelbach, who has one student in
senior high and two in junior high.
The cost would be $216.83 per year.
The recommendation adopted was
denied on the basis students of this
age group are walking as far or
farther than this and because of
a very githt schedule timewise.
The other request denied was for
a bus from the Winchester Street
area to the senior high school, re
quested by Mrs. W. L. Heup. This
was denied on recommendation be
cause students within the city are
walking much greater distances
than this under no better conditions.
18-Month Sentence
Ordered For Poole
Jerry Poole. 23. Riddle. Wednes
day was sentenced to serve 18
months in the Oregon Correctional
Institution for contributing to the
delinquency of a minor by Judge
Don H. Sanders.
Poole on Aug. 16 pleaded guilty
to the charge and was awaiting
pre sentence investigation. Origi
nally ne was charged with procur
ing a female under 18 for immoral
purposes, in a Grand Jury indict
ment. However, he was allowed to
plead to a lesser charge.
Credit was allowed Poole for
time already served in the county
jail, leaving 16 months,' 21 days.
He was represented by attorney
George Woigum. Thomas O'Dell
was the prosecutor.
Charles Norman LcMairc. 19.
Myrtle Creek, has been bound over
to the Douglas County Grand Jury
from the court of Nina I'ielzold,
Justice of Peace at Canyonville,
on charges of burglary not in a
dwelling and taking and using a
motor venicie witnout the owner s
He is accused of burglarizing
the home of Barney Root at Myr
tle Creek Feb. 9. In the second
complaint he is accused if taking
the car of Charles Rauhut on Feb.
11 without the owner's consent.
James K. Lent, 41, Oakrldgc,
has been ordered to appear for ar
raignment in Circuit Court on an
indictment charging him with ob
taining money by false pretenses.
He is to appear Oct. 3 at 9:30 a.m.
The indictment was returned Aug.
2. A warrant has been issued for
his arrest.
Mrs. M. B. Marcellus
Vinnie Young Marcellus, witc of
Dr. M. B. Marcellus of Portland,
died Wednesday in Portland follow
ing a long illness. She was born
and reared in Oakland.
She was the daughter of the late
James C. Young and was married
in Oakland to Dr. Marcellus in
1905. Survivors include a brother
and two sisters, Edwin G. Young
and Mrs, R. R. Clarke of Rose
burg ami Miss Martha Young of
Seattle. Funeral services will be
held in Portland this afternoon.
PMim 1
NEW WEAPON DEVELOPED There ore 887 armor
piercing 20mm cannon shells visible in this picture, hardly
more than one-third the complete load for the three pods
(under Navy A4 jet) of the HI PEG gun system (High Per
formance External Gun) developed by Hughes Tool Co.'s
aircraft division. Culver City, Colif., for the Bureau of
Noval Weapons. The system, which fires ot me rate of
12,600 rounds per minute on pin point targets, would fire
the shells pictured in about four seconds. Hughes scien
tists said a one-second burst delivers upon a tank target
the destructive equivalent of a 4,000 pound object dropped
from 1,000 feet. The Navy has just completed initial de
velopment tests of the gun system at the Navali Ordnance
Test Station at China Lake, Calif. (UPI Telephoto)
Two Of Fischer Quintuplets
Are Now On Bottle Feeding
of the 12-day-old Fischer
quintuplets James Andrew and
Mary Magdalene were on bot
tle feeding today.
Dr. James Berbos, the general
practitioner who delivered them
and has been tending them since,
said he did not know when the
three others would begin feeding
by bottle.
James Andrew took a couple
tugs at the battle Saturday. But
Forty-Two Students I
Signed For College j
Forty-two students signed up
Wednesday at the opening night
of registration for Umpqua Com
munity College.
Ralph Snyder, registrar, said the
cnrollecs include 14 students who
will take a full load of courses, 13
students with two classes and 15
with one.
Of the total, 16 are graduates of
Roseburg High School. Six gradu
ated at Suthcrlin, three at Glide,
two at Yoncalla, two at Douglas
and one eoch at Myrtle Creek and
Oakland. The other 13 graduated
from schools outside Douglas Coun
ty. Registration will continue tonight
ond Friday night between 7 and 9
at the Roseburg High School ad
ministration building. Classes are
scheduled to start on Monday,
Sept. 30. Snyder said registration
can be completed during the first
week of classes, but no sign-ups
will be accepted after 5 p.m. Fri
day, Oct. 4.
If a student registers after the
first meeting of his class, there is
a $1 late fee.
Regularly 99c J
Special formula gives new shine and controt
!o hi'r ?, Not stkky or flaky. Safe for dry
or bleached hair..
SAVE 20c Ret. 49c pr.
2 p. 78c
Luxurious-looking, first
quality nylons to wear with
openwork and low-cut shoes.
Rosetone or Suntone.S-11.
late Wednesday was the first
time that Berbos switched them
to bottle feeding.
James Andrew, the fourth
born, has been (he heaviest, the
hungriest and the' most active of
the five since their births a
month prematurely on Sept. 14.
Mary Magdalene, the second
born, was one of the lighter
quints when they were weighed
for the first time five days ago.
She weighed 3 pounds, compared
with 3 pounds 13 ounces for
James Andres and 2 pounds 8
ounces for Mary Ann, the small
est. i The official report from St.
Luke's Hospital said all five con
, tinue to squall and kick, indica
j tive of their excellent condition.
Their color also is good,
j Berbos said he was aware
! there was still a risk involved
I with babies of that size, but he
I said he was very enthusiastic,
I and an attitude of confidence pre
vailed ai me nospual.
the quints' mother, Mrs. Mary
mm riscner, m, went nome Mon
nay lo dc with her husband, An
drew, 38, and their other five
Youngsters On The March
Take Adantage Of Our
Guaranteed Plan!
Knowing that the parent is always concerned as to
whether his child will continue in the Band Program, we
at Reynolds-Rushton Music are offering a 90 day money
back guarantee. We do this so that every child will
have the opportunity to try a new band instrument. You
select the instrument of your choice from our fine selec
tion of Conn Bond Instruments (The World's largest
manufacturer of Band Instruments) then if at any time
within the trial period you wish to return it ALL money
paid will be refunded.
YOU as a parent, have nothing to lote AND a
child's musical education to gain.
National statistics show that 70 "o of all honor
students are band students.
Music Is creative
Mutic Deelops Hie mind
Music builds character
Music develops sett-contidenco
v Music helps the child grow
516 S. E. Jackson
Hearing On Water Rates
Under Way At Oakland
The Oregon Water Corp. in the
first phase Wednesday of a public
hearing on a proposed water rate
increase for the city of Oakland
presented exhibits and testimony
to bear out its contention that the
cost of improvements to the Oak
land water rupply should be borne
by Oakland water users and not be,
in effect, subsidized by the Klam
ath Falls and Roseburg units of
the company.
The hearing, which is turning
out to be one of the most lengthy
of its kind here in recent years,
began at 10:30 a.m. at the Oak
land Legion Hall, ran through the
Itte afternoon hours and resumed
at 10 a.m. today. Robert Welch of
Salem, examiner for the Public
Utilities Commission, is conducting
the hearing. Completion is expect
ed at about 3 or 4 p.m. today.
Witnesses Pirodo
The parade of company witness
es Wednesday included W. H.
Smith, of Boise, Idaho, chief engi
neer for both Oregon Water Corp.
and its parent company, the Boise
Water Corp.; O. P. Newman, com
pany president, also of Boise; and
F. L. Ramey of Klamath Falls,
On the stand for the longest pe
riod was Newman. His testimony
and replies to cross examination
made clear the company's stand
that a rate increase was neces
sary to bring the Oakland opera
tions out of the red following a
capital investment of about $50,
000 in the past two years to bring
n, Oakland water supply to its
present high slandord. Muddy and
turbid water, particularly during
the rainy season, had long plagued
Oakland customers prior to the
1961 installation of a filter system,
Newman" pointed out. Newman
stated that the filtration plant is
a new type of recent design which
fits the individual need of the Oak
land water supply as previous de
signs in comi.ion use were hui
able to do. .
On hand also for the hearing
was Attorney Gerald Kabler rep
resenting a group of Oakland wa
ter users who had in January pe
ftioni'd the Public Utilities Com
mission for a public hearing when
it was learned that the proposed
rate increase wouia jump muu
present average yearly water iui
Frances M. Twiman
Graveside funeral services are
scheduled Friday at 2 p.m. at Rose
burg Memorial Gardens tor r ran
ees Marian Twiman, 71, of Myrtle
Creek. She died at a Portland hos
pital .Wednesday.
Mrs. Twiman noa nveu in mc
Myrtle Creek area for- the last 20
She is survived by three daugh
ters, Florence Summers of Susan
ville, Calif., Janice Chaney of Myr
tle Creek and Peggy Miller of Den
ver, Colo., and four grandchildren.
She had no brothers nor sisters.
Burial will take place at Rose
burg Memorial Gardens.
Azalea Community Church Mis
sion Circle will meet Friday at
1 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Bob
Gaedecke. Ofticcrs will be elected,
according to Mrs. G. B. Fox, cor
respondent. - Rush! on
Ph. 672-1621
from $44.91 to $67.48 and bring the
present minimum from $2.05 per
month to $4.
Position Explained
According to Newman's testi
mony, the proposed new rates
vould bring Oakland in line with
the Roberts Creek, Sutherlin. and
Winston-Dillard districts, which are
under different ownership. New
n an emphasized that a denial of
a rate increase would in effect put
the Roseburg and Klamath Falls
systems in the position of paying
for the Oakland improvements and
would be a deterrent factor in any
Driver Crashes White House
Gate With Warning For JFK
plumbing truck, its driver
screaming: "I want to see the
President, the Communists are
taking over in North Carolina,"
crashed through iron gates to the
White House today.
Driven by a man identified as
Doyle Allen Hicks, 38, of Waynes
villc, N.C., the truck finally was
Two Cars, Trailer
Damaged In Crash
Failure of an automobile to ne
gotiate passing a car and trailer
house where a four-lane section of
U. S. Interstate Highway 5 narrows
to two lanes resulted in damage to
two cars and wrecking of the trail
er house. No one was injured.
State police report the accident
occurred two miles north of Myr
tle Creek at the Boomer Hill In
terchange. Charles Harris Fors
bcrg, 60, of Van Nuys, Calif., with
his wife Inga i.s passenger, was
traveling north in a 1960 model se
dan with Michigan license and tow
ing a 24-foot trailer house.
The second car was operated by
Paul Richard Schmidt, 17, Mer
ced, Calif., operating a 1958 sedan.
Police said Schmidt was passing
the car and trailer house operat
ed by Forsberg where the highway
narrows back to two lanes. The
two cars collided and the Forsberg
vehicles went over a 20-foot bank.
The trailer house was a total
wreck. The cars were driven from
the scene under their own power.
V ith Schmidt were two teen-age
companions. -
lull bloom. Choose your
See them
Theie perenniol plonti will give yean of pleasure with little core.
Bright color foiloge. Plants are
ideal to brighten your home this
fall and winter.
TULIPS w 369
TULIPS New Varieties 679C
ANEMONES 1Tw. ,59'..
NARCISSUS Mt tw.,, 359C
Shrubs, Ground Covers, tr Plants
- w I lks. I MIVIAIIIU
future decisions by company in
vestors in regard to possible Oak
land needs in the future.
F. L. Ramey took the stand in
the closing portion of the session
Wednesday and was due for cross
examination this morning. Follow
ing presentation of the water cor
poration's case for the rate in
crease, engineers and auditors
were due to present reports on
the commission's findings relative
to the Oakland operations.
An audien'.-e of about 20 dwin
dled to two or three as the hear
ing wore into the late afternoon.
brought to a stop almost at the
mansion by a White House guard.
Hicks, who was unarmed, was
taken into custody by Secret
Service agents and later carried
to the D.C. General Hospital for
The incident occurred about
noon. The two big iron gates at
the northwest entrance were
closed when the truck, which be
longs to the Hicks Heating &
Plumbing Co., of Waynesville,
suddenly crashed through them.
The President was touring in
in the West today. Mrs. Kennedy
and her two children are in
An eyewitness said: "He came
barrelling right over the sidewalk
and through the gates."
Hicks, who has blue eyes and
light brown curly hair, was wear
ing green work trousers, blue and
white block checked shirt and
high topped work shoes.
He was literally carried into a
patrol wagon as he demanded to
sec the President:
"I tell you, boys, you'd better
get down to North Carolina. I
tell you, you'd better get down.
You'd better get down there and
see what's going on. They're kill
ing people like flies."
The truck was said lo have just
missed a guard as it smashed
through the White House gates
and tore up the curved driveway.
PHONE 673-8435
For Expert Installation and Soles
Carpets Formica Linoleum
1 1 Years Local Experience
Custom Floors & Carpets
color now from our lorgo dilploy.
CMlcdus. 50$l
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DAFFODILS .... lb. L 7C
Buy Now dz. 70C