I A-2 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. -Thur., Sept. 26, 1963 Hot Doughnuts Real Treat For Fall Evening Parties At fall's evening gatherings one of the most favorite snacks is doughnuts and hot apple cider. They certainly hit the spot on a Peanut Butter Is A Favorite In Lunchboxes An artistic array of peanut but ter sandwiches paints a happy pic ture for lunchtlme. Each creation has a flavor or texture that comp liments the peanut butter. In one, slices of red-skinned apple add a special crunch. Bacon, brown su gar, cheese and shredded carrots are among other choice accents to intrigue the appetite. Peanut butter, a gold mine of nutrition, is a mainstay on most cupboard shelves. It is a lunchbox favorite either between slices of bread or as an ingredient in cook ies. Snack time finds the peanut but ter spread on saltines, graham crackers or toast and topped with marshmallows. A few minutes un der the broiler toast the marsh mallows to a golden hue. Handy and attractive containers of peanut butter are tailor-made for families of every size. There are 11 ounce decorated tumblers. For the larger household, there is an economical 3 pound family size packed in a re-usable refrigerator jar. PEANUT BUTTER 'N APPLE For each sandwich spread 1 slice of bread with 2 tablespoons peanut butter. Top with 4 or 5 fresh apple slices. Cover with sec ond slice of bread. Spread the out side of the bread with softened butter or margarine and place in a hot skillet. When toasted and brown on one side, turn to brown on the other side. PEANUT BUTTER 'N CARROT For esch sandwich spread one slice of bread with 2 tablespoons peanut butter. Blend together V cup shredded carrot, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise and 1 teaspoon milk. Top peanut butter with carrot mix ture. Cover with second slice of bread. PEANUT BUTTER 'N BACON For each sandwich spread 1 slice of bread with 2 tablespoons pea nut butter. Crumble 2 slices of criBply cooked bacon and blend with 2 tablespoons brown sugar. Top peanut butter with bacon mix ture. Cover with second slice of bread. Spread the outside of the bread with softened butter or mar garine and place In a hot skillet. When toasted and brown on one side, turn to brown the other side. MARSHMALLOW For each sandwich spread 1 slice of bread with 2 tablespoons peanut butter. Cut 3 marshmal lows into halves and arrange on top of peanut butter. Put under the broiler until the marshmallows are toasted. PEANUT BUTTER 'N CHEESE For each sandwich spread 1 slice of bread with 2 tablespoons peanut butter. Top peanut butter with 1 slice Swiss cheese. Add let tuce. Cover with second slice of bread. brisk night! Even more well-received among your friends would be homemade potato doughnuts, still warm from deep-fat frying. Mmm, what a treat! You can make it an excit ing production, too. Let everyone have fun watching the round mor sels turn a golden brown in the siz zling fat. Making doughnuts is not difficult. You'll mix the dough in advance and chill it in the refrigerator. When almost time to serve, just roll out the dough, cut with a doughnut cutter and fry. After draining, the doughnuts may be dipped in confectioners' or granu lated sugar. Beba Staggs, home economist, recommends lard for deep-fat fry ing. It's economical and easily workable over a wide range of temperatures. After each use, strain through a cloth and cool. Cover and store In the refrigerator. Potato Doughnuts 6 cups sifted enriched flour 7 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt i 1 teaspoon nutmeg . 3 eggs 2 cups sugar ltt cups warm mashed potatoes 6 tablespoons melted lard cup milk , Lard for deep-fat frying Sift together flour, baking pow der, salt and nutmeg. Beat eggs; add sugar, potatoes and lard and continue beating. Add milk and mix well. Add dry ingredients and mix only until flour disappears. Chill thoroughly. Place about one-third of the dough at a time on a lightly floured surface. Roll dough to inch thickness. Cut with floured doughnut cutter. Fry until golden brown in hot deep lard (375 de grees F.) Drain on absorbent pa per. Yield: 4 to 4V4 dozen doughnuts. Beans 'N' Beef Pie A Delightful Dish Has your family been longing for' an old fashioned main dish pic? One with a fully flavored filling and golden brown crust? It's a de lightful dish but a real time con sumer, too. With canned convenience foods, it's possible to have a modern ver sion of this tasty pio baking in the time you do last minute din ner preparations. This savory pie is especially unique, when made with canned beans and around beef in barbecue sauce. Once the family gets a whiff of its stimulat ing aroma, It will fast become a treasured recipe. Look how easy it Is to fix. Just add canned beans and ground beef to cooked carrot, celery, and on ion. Put into a baking dish and ton with pastry wedges quickly made from a mix. It goes In the oven for 30 minutes comes out delicate ly browned and bubbling good. A molded pear salad made early in the day need be your only ac companiment. For dessert, how about the family's favorite spice cake. H tarty Baans V Beef Pie cup carrot strips Vt cup sliced celery V cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter or margar ine 1 can (1 pound) beans and ground beef in barbecue sauce Pastry for one-crust pie In saucepan, cook carrot, celery, and onion in butter until tender. In lWquart casserole, combine all ingredients except pastry. Prepare oastrv: cut into 6 pie-shaped piec es; place on top of beans. Bake at 425 degrees F. for 30 minutes or until crust Is browned. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Frozen Fries Are Featured In New Way Try serving a meal which doesn't include potatoes to most men, and very likely you'll tina yourself answering the question, "Where are the potatoes?" Turn the conversation to food in any gathering where the male sex is nresent and you'll soon hear the emphatic statement, "I'm a steak and French fried potatoes man myself." Yest. indeed, potatoes are favorites of the men and they in sist on having them served regu larly. . .but, It's been our exper ience that even the most ueuicaica potato-eater will rebel now and then if they are prepared in the same way time after time. For a special treat. . .and to perk up interest in your menus, try this Intriguing new way with frozen fries. . .French Fries Con tinental. Quick and easy to do, this recine will add extra enjoyment to this all-time favorite food and will complement any meat you choose to accompany it to the dinner ta ble. French Frits Continental V4 pound bacon, diced 1 package (1 pound) or 2 pack ages (9 ounce each) frozen French fries 1 teaspoon salt V4 pint (1 cup) dairy sour cream 1 tablespoon chopped chives, green or dried onions V4 teaspoon dried dill weed Fry bacon until crisp. Remove bacon from pan and drain; save 2 tablespoons drippings in frypan. Add French fries, salt and pep per; heat, stirring several times, until French fries are hot and uni formly browned, 6 to 8 minutes. Stir dill weed into cream and set aside. Add crumbled bacon pieces to French fries and heat. Trans fer to serving dish; serve with dllled sour cream topped with chives. Yield: 4 servings. BRIDGETIME SNACK Remove crust from 12 slices of toasted bread. Cut toast diagonal ly to make triangles or fingers. Spread with filling mado by blend ing 1 cup well drained crushed pine apple and 1 3-ounce package of cream cheese. Top with bits of crisp bacon. SALAD NOT! Do you have problems with the browning of your diced or sliced fresh fruits? Canned pineapple juice will come to your aid. Sim ply dip them into canned pineapple juice or syrup drained from canned pineapple, or even toss them with the pineapple itself. You'll find the pieces will stay bright in color. ftl J B COFFEE Mb. Ub. 4-0 z. Ittttnt 1.17 !. BOB'S FOOD CENTER maoV naturally... so naturally it's better; SNOWDRIFT Shortening 1.17 W s2-a I C -V U M ks--- sir ccs Young Tender Blade Cuti iw MEADOW GOLD MELLORINE Your Choice of Flavors GALLON 97' Grain Fattened Round Bone PORK ROASTS Our Own Grind Country Style PORK SAUSAGE Western Pride Frozen lb. Full of flavor Fresh PORK HOCKS Light Lean Sides 39' 4 4. Light Lean Sides 39 FRESH SPARE RIBS ,25 ,k 47' pkg.of 10 (6 Peer lag 99c Fly-Tite Muslin Sewn Bottom, drawstring top. Not a gauie ONLY BEEFSTEAKS or VEAL Thick cut-Round Bone J QC iTftS'lS''! A SSMVl 1 lb. 1 10 PORK STEAKS , 47 SLICED BACON pV9 I. .7 Needs no refrigeration perfect for hunts death's Caromed Hiams sib. 5) 98 hickory smoked X ' Swift's Premium Homeless Hams L.U Vk II IIL uknln ham c ... POUND iOj pound iyj Drifted row Four Treasure 303 can Paic.re Sutter. Uer Wrap Byrd's 44 oz. Family Size Jar Consumer ISO' x 18" roll DUNDEE CANNED VKETAB1E CORN PEAS BEANS TOMATOES CATSUP SPINACH APPLESAUCE MIX OR MATCH YOUR CHOICE 6m& FRESH MADE DONUTS Made While You Watch Our Automatic Donut Maker. Cooked In Pure Vegetable Oils. 1 00 Nu Mar Colored Quarters 1 -lb. carton CHOCOLATE Cottage CI!d DADrnDM Pops Rite 2 lb. bag .... 29c U 57c KARO SYRUP QUARTBOTTLE MM 7m fcJijC 'pint' 3)1 Meadow Gold FULL QUART j a rn am nilirC 10,000 Mile Guarantee 49c SPARKPLUGS set of s plugs TOMATO SAUCE Treasure 8 ounce can . DALirAIC CVDIID Byrd's r Hiimxk j i nur 24 oz. btl. DOG FOOD Friskies Cubes or Meal 101.00 31.00 ta'g 49c STRAWBERRY JAM GLOVES cpa7rs 39c IITIIITV rllC Heavy Plastic UIILII I White Ox Pair 79c INSTANT TENTS gp,S-o 59c VACUUM BOTTLE IS TEX 1 0 1.99 2.4? 95 Qt. i o95 Size 2 GALLON CAN . IB MS HOT Sunbeam TWIN BED 99c PLASTIC TARPS Heavy Weight 1Q 9x12 Foot from OVC O88 Double Bed-1 control 17 88 Double Bed 2 controls 2 8 ICE CREAM Meadow Gold Fall Flavors HALF GAL. 69 II I'Ktij trku II Hit MmtiitMil M met !) uiMt Snlif, Silti.Mf It, INI kliat M hhki prttt IMS thmtt Sitmij Hi) n mini tit riim u li.it Hi ul u mim Mir timiiiMiiin. tin in. nu .u w iMiiimnil tumtti ji mil uniiiiij rttulil SARA LEE CAKES Appl.-N-Spic. Coffe, Choc, Brownie, Cinn. Nut, Choc. Swirl Reg. 97c ONLY 79' SARA LEE CAKES Pound or Pineapple Cheese Reg. 97c - 69' LADY SUNBEAM HAIR DRYER Complete with plastic hood Use Our Lay-Away Plan 1 i 1