The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 24, 1963, Page 8, Image 8

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    ( J,'
- MR. AND MRS. LARRY WOMACK are pictured above fol
lowing their marriage at the First Conservative Baptist
Church in Roseburg. The bride, Carol Diane Clark, is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Clark, and the bride
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Womack of Glide.
(Picture by Clark's Studio)
Carol Clark
Now Mrs. Womack
The single ring ceremony was. The bride attended elementary
used Aug. 24 for the ' wedding of and high school in Roseburg and
Carol Diane Clark and Larry Vir- was graduated from Mt. Shasta
eil Womack at the First Conserva
tive Baptist Church in Roseburg,
the Rev. Roy Campbell officiating
at the 8 p.m. rites.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles L. Clark of Rose
burg. The bridegroom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Womack
of Glide.
Organist was Mrs. Jesse Eilers.
She played the traditional wed
ding music and accompanied Herb
Anderson who sang "The Lord's
Prayer" as a solo, and a duet with
Mrs. Anderson, "I Love You So."
The bride's father gave her in
marriage. She was charming in
her ballerina-length gown of white
lace over net, the bodice styled
with long sleeves. Her lace-edged
scalloned veil was secured by a
lace headband. She carried an ar
rangement of yellow rosebuds on a
white Bible
Barbara Honnebcck was maid of
honor, and bridesmaids were Mar
garet ucgiey ana Mrs. uary wo
mack. sister-in-law of the orlcle-
groom. Miss Hcnnebeck's dress
was lieht blue embossed taffeta
and her nosegay was yellow. The
bridesmaids wore pale yellow env
bossed taffeta frocks and had light
blue nosegays.
I- Arnold Stewart, uncle of the
bride, was best man. Ushering was
done by the bride s brothers, Dav
id Lee and Bill Clark.
Mandra Lin Stewart, cousin of
the bride, was flower girl with
Kimmie Lou Womack, niece of the
After the wedding, , a reception
was held in the church basement,
The lovely cake was of three
square tiers, decorated in yellow
and white. Serving coffee, cake and
punch were Mrs. Arnold Stewart,
Mrs. Dan McLcllan and Mrs. Ray
Olson. Mrs. Everett Foss had the
guest book, and Mrs. Stewart was
in charge of gifts
High School. The bridegroom at
tended Oregon schools and is cur
rently employed at Eugene Veneer
in Glide.
The newlyweds are making
their home at 637 NE Casper St.,
Coaches' Picnic
Wednesday Event
New Roseburg High School
coaches and their families were
honored at a potluck picnic neld
Wednesday evening at Stewart
Park. The no-host affair was ar
ranged by members of the coach
ing staff and their wives.
The occasion also served as a
going-away party for Mr. and Mrs.
bill Harper.
New coaches are Clifford Allen,
-'LOTUS knight porter fl"",
8 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Tuet., Sept. 24, 1963
S3g , , , 1
THE WEDDING of Mary Elaine Hornseth, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alf H. Hornseth, and Lorry Scott Graber, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fronk J. Grober, all of Myrtle Creek, was
on event of Sept. 8 at Tri-City United Presbyterian Church.
The Rev. Richard L. Rohrbough officiated at the impres
sive double ring ceremony. (Picture by Warren Studio,
Myrtle Creek)
Mary Hornseth
Becomes Bride
' A f.&kSJil! in null iaiMT.ii w Jv..ajM..l .w
-tl ft
THE NEAL FAMILY REUNION and picnic supper was
held at the Winston Dillard Park Saturday in honor of
Earnest C. Neal, who has been making his home 'in Chi
cago for the last 23 years. The family is pictured above.
The Tri-City United Presbyterian
Church was the scene for the 4
p.m. wedding, Sunday, Sept. 8,
when Mary Elaine Hornseth,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alf H.
Horseth, became the bride of Lar
ry Scott Graber, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank J. Graber, all of Myr
tle Creek.
The Rev. Richard L. Rohrbaugh
performed the double ring cere
mony which was attended by 150
relatives and friends
Large baskets of bronze and yel
low chrysanthemums, pom pom
Jim Bracken, Cliff Shelton and Jer-I dahlias, cattails, and stalks of wild
ry UrOSCner. leiuiu, uumg wuu uuuiuuiiul cull-
Attending with their families
were Mr. and Mrs. Don Severson,
Mr. and Mrs. AI Hoffman, Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Bolen, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Flummer, Mr. and Mrs.
Curt Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Darl Thornton. Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis Dutton, Mr. and
Mrs. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Bracken,
Mr. and Mrs. Shelton and Jerry
Douglas Court
Has Recent Meet
Douglas Court, Order of Amar
anth, had its first meeting of the
Escorted and given honors were
Elizabeth Kemp and Dick Kemp,
supreme past royal matron and
deputy supreme patron of the
Grand Council of California.
Others honored were assistant
grand lecturer, Genevieve Philip-
pi, ana grana representative to II
linois, Inga High.
Past matrons and patrons of
Douglas Court who were present
were Ivcna Halvorscn, Thelma
Fleshman, Robert Caley and Hen
ry Halvorscn.
A guest from Emerald Court in
bugene was Norman Harms, as
sociate patron.
Refreshments and a social hour
were enjoyed in the dining room,
un me serving committco were
Lillian Jones, Thelma Fleshman
and Henry Halvorscn.
Mrs. B. Belmont
Hosts Chapter
Alpha Thcta Chapter of Beta Sig
ma Phi held its first meeting of the
fall at the home of Mrs Byron Bel
mont on Wednesday.
Mrs. Roger Swengcl presented
' the program, "Introductions and
Mrs. James Berggrcen served re-
fresh ments to members, Mrs.
Swengel. Mrs. Ed Sitton, Mrs. Jim
Moen, Mrs. Joe Means, Mrs. Rich
ard Martin, Mrs. Dirk Kruysman,
Mrs. Dave Jackson, Mrs. G. R.
Hayes, Mrs. Tom Findlay, Mrs. O.
J. Feldkamp, Mrs. Elmer D'Am
brosio, Mrs. Bill Britton, Mrs.
Bcrggrecn, Mrs. Belmont and
guests, Mrs. Gilbert Rcbjohn and
Mrs. Norman Belmont.
There was discussion on the so
cial and ways and means proj
ects for the year, and every mem
ber received a program and year
Manager Visits
Circle Monday
Lilac Circle No. 49. Neighbors of
Woodcraft, ' met Monday evening
at the Roseburg Woman's club
District Field Manager Mabel R.
Mathcny of Eugene was present
ana gave a report on the reception
held in Springfield honoring Grand
Guardian Violet Lundstcdt of Port
A devotional period honored the
memory of the late Lucy Kruse.
She had been a member of Lilac
Circle for 60 years.
circle honors were given to dis
trict officers, Mabel Mathcny and
Nettie Hallcraft.
A "Backward Party" is planned
for Oct. 21, with visitors from Cot
tage Grove, Eugene and Spring
field expected to attend. Dorothy
aaar is cnairman for tlic evening.
All visiting neighbors in the vi
cinity arc cordially invited to at
Luncheon Given
At Cottage Grove
a croun 01 Lilxonvi e wnmnn
drove to Cottage Grove Wednes
day to spend the dav at the home
of Mrs. Frank Pyle. A lovely lunch
con was served at noon on the
patio where beautiful arrangements
of lato summer flowers were pine-
Those nltending wore Mrs. Pat
melton. Mrs. C cthda Hamcr. Mrs.
Wayne Miller, Mrs. George Bry
an, Mrs. Henry Hansen, Mrs. Dick
awanson, Mrs. Jerry Rust, Mrs
Leona Graves, Mrs. John H. and
Mrs. Joe Schmid.
The afternoon was spent playing
cards. High prize was won by Mrs.
Schmid, low by Mrs. Melton, and
me traveling prize went to Mrs,
Melrose Group
Enjoys Luncheon
The Melrose Friendly Hour Club
met recently at tnc home of Mrs.
C. A. Loffcll. Time was spent
working on a quilt for Amy Seelcy
A sack lunch was served at
noon, the hostess furnishing a de
licious dessert. A short business
meeting was held. Mrs. Wingfield
won the door prize.
Others present were the Mes-
dames G. G. Graves, Roland
Cheek and Mark and Chcri; M.
Kimmct, Fred Miller and Amy
dclabra formed altar decorations.
Croton leaves and yellow ribbon
ornamented the pews.
Miss Carol Spuhn, organist, play
ed Debussy's "Clair de Lune" as
well as traditional wedding march
es. She also accompanied Miss
Sharon Stamey while she sang "Be
cause, Holy, Holy, Holy and
a prayer response.
The bride approached the altar
on the arm of her father, who gave
her in marriage. She wore a chap
el-length entrain gown of Italain
bouquet taffeta fashioned with a
I.aneled appliqued overskirt and
bodice and elDow-lengtn sleeves oi
re-embordcred Chantilly lace. An
orange blossom and lace Juliet
cap was attached to her bouffant
veil of silk illusion. The nrulc car
ried a yellow-throated white orchid
with cascading yellow rosebuds and
satin ribbon upon her Job's Daugh
ters honored queen's Bible. She
also carried a lace and pearl
handkerchief which had been given
to her by the bridegroom's mother.
Miss Darleno Plischko, cousin
of the bride from Saskatoon, Sask.,
Canada, served as maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were the bride's sister-in-law,
Mrs. Robbin A. Horn
seth, and Miss Dian Fields. All
were attired in maize cotton batiste
dresses, trimmed in white lace.
with white gloves, picture hats and
slippers of the same maize hue.
Each wore a tear-drop pearl neck
lace, a gift from the bride, and
each carried a nosegay of yellow ;
roses, bronze chrysanthemums and I
croton leaves.
Robert Graber of Eugene was '
best man for his brother. Another i
brother, Frank Graber, shared ush- j
cring duties with Mike Slurtclilf.
LmhtinE the candles were Miss
Linda Bircnbaum and Miss Arlec
Stringer. They wore dresses of me-
Ion colored cutton shantung, styled
similarly to those of the other
attendants, with matching head
bows and slippers. They carried
while candles tied with bronze rib
bon and croton leaves.
Flower girl was Cindy Snow.
Dressed to match the candlelight
crs, she carried a basket of fall
flowers. Kevin Bumgarner served
as ring hearer.
Following the ceremony a recep
tion was held in the church parlor
which was decorated with ar
rangements of dried materials,
chrysanthemums and croton
leaves. The bride's table was cov
ered with gold satin under an ecru
laco cloth crocheted by the bride's
mother. A four-tiered colonnade
cake centered the table and was
decorated with melon and yellow
roses and sugar bells.
Serving the cake were aunts of
the bride: Mrs. William Plischke
of Saskatoon, Sask., Canada, and
Mrs. William Van-der-Lek of Win
nipeg, Man., Canada. Pouring
punch and coffee were the bride
groom's sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert
Graber of Eugene, and Mrs. Ole
Hornseth of Klamath Falls, aunt
of the bride. Miss Lorainc Plischke
of Saskatoon presided over the
guest book. In charge of the gift
table were Miss Julie Shirtclift
and Miss Janice Wright.
For her daughter's wedding and
reception Mrs. Hornseth wore a
champagne lace and satin sheath
dress with matching accessories.
Mrs. Graber, mother of the bride
groom, chose a lace and chiffon
dress of apricot with blending ac
cessories. Both mothers wore
bronze-throated yellow and green
orchid corsages.
Leaving for their honeymoon to
San Francisco and the California
coast, the bride wore a two-piece
beige wool suit with melon acces
sories and the orchid corsage from
her wedding bouquet.
The newlyweds were both grad
uated from Myrtle Creek High
School. Mrs. Graber attended busi
ness college during the summer.
Mr. Graber completed his fresh
man year at Clark College in Van
couver, Wash., and will continue
his studies in broadcasting in Los
Angeles where they will reside.
Out-of-town guests included Mrs.
Van-dcr-Lck of Winnipeg, Mani
toba, Canada; Mr. and Mrs.
William Plischke, Darlene and Lor
ainc of Saskatoon, Sask., Canada;
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bruce. Dick
and Judy, Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Ole Hornseth and Pete T. Ander
son, Klamath Falls; Mrs. Erma
Brumpton and Mrs. Susanno Win
ker, Spokane, Wash.; Matt Mat
thews, Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Graber, Eugene; Robert Klen
kc, Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs.
George Hannan and Kalhy, Har
bor; and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Juul
The Neal family reunion and pic
nic supper were held at the Win-ston-Dillard
Park Saturday in hon
or of Ernest C. Neal, who has
been making his home in Chicago,
111., for the last 23 years.
Attending were the honored
guest; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Neal
Jr. and sons, Teve, Gary and Dan
ny, of Bandon; Mrs. Edna Long
brake. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mur-
dock, Dorothy Neal and Charlie
Klingler, all of Roseburg; Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Spencer and sons, Terry
and Bruce, Oakland; Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Longbrake and Dick
Longbrake, Sutherlin; Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Buell and Bobby, Phil
lipps, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Or
rie Perry, Springfield; Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Mullen and Pam and
Ricki and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mul
len, all Winston; and Mr. and Mrs.
George Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Justin
Eifert and Katie and Jerry, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Mullen and Kim,
Grant and Steffani, Mr. and Mrs.
James Mullen and Carrie, Jani and
Diana, Billie Ann Hanson and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eifert and Tina,
all of Glide.
Reception Held
At Deer Creek
The Deer Creek Community Club
held the first meeting of the year
Friday evening.
A reception was held for the
teachers, who received lovely cor
tages presented by Mrs. Dick Han-
A discussion was held on "Safe
ty." Mrs. Fern Hane asked for ar
ticles to fill the clothes hamper
that will be given away at the
"Fun Night" in November.
President Dick Ilanlin spoke on
the success of the Pee Wee baseball
program hold at the school during
the summer. Room count was won
by Mrs. Jacjuot's first grade room.
Lovely refreshments were serv
ed. !
Chapter Meets
Tuesday Evening !
The Glcndale Chapter of the East
ccrn Star held its first fall meeting
on Tuesday evening.
Two visitors were present, Mrs.
Marie Breckcnridge and Mrs.
Grace Downing, both members of
the Western Star Chapter of Kcrby.
Members of the chapter renewed
their obligations during the chap
ter meeting.
Mrs. Howard Chiavaras reported
on the reception honoring Mrs. Vir
ginia Wright and Milton Doud.
After the meeting, Mrs. Ed Bail
ey. Mrs. John Sethcr. Mrs. Ken
lith Brady and Mrs. Fred Wright,
served refreshments.
Baird Descendants Gather
For Annual Family Reunion
The annual reunion of the Ezra
and Nellie Baird family was held
rLcently at the Calapooia Woman's
Club house.
A new Free Methodist Church is
being built by the Calapooia church
and is to be known as The Nellie
Eaird Memorial. In 1919 she open
ed the Baird home for community
church services and in 1930 the
present local Free Methodist
church building was purchased.
The new church is being built
about one mile east of the present
A delightful potluck dinner was
sprved to Mr. and Mrs. William
Baird arid family of Reedsport;
Mr. and Mrs. Al Hurd, Red, Ron-
Id, Rose and Viola of Lebanon;
Mr. and Mrs. David Depew and
four children and Ronald Ross,
all of Klamath, Calif. Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Cole, Leonard and Caro
lyn of Drain; Mr. and Mrs. C. 0.
Treman and sons and Mr. and
Mrs. Beryl Todd, all of Coos Bay:
James Taber, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Busch and granddaughter; - and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baird, all of
Mr. and Mrs. Isom and William
Everly, Canyonville; Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Sutton, Dennis and Peg
gy, and Mr. and Mrs. Carven
Hamilton, Sutherlin; Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Baird and Henry Baird,
Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cole, Mr.
and Mrs. James Baird and fam
ily; Mr. and Mrs. Blake Baird,
Dan, Glenn and Joyleen; Mr. and
Mrs. Ralston Cole, Randy, Vicki
and Debby; Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Millctt and Mr. . and Mrs. Rich
ard Baird and family, all of the
Umpqua area.
Ollivants Host
Family Reunion
A delightful family reunion was
held recently at the newly complet
ed home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Ollivant in Lookingglass. The hit
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
McKorlcy of Sweet Home, accom
panied by the latter's mother, Mrs.
Effie King of Canby, arrived Fri
day. Guests arriving Monday for the
lovely buffet dinner and social day
include Bill Branhan of Winches
ter; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Perkins,
Craig, Cheyenne, Tyra and Lane
of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Per
kins of North Bend; Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Muncie of Eugene and their
children, Glenn, Robin and Bon
nie; and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ollivant
Sr. and Toni.
Canyonvi I lagers
Hosted Frid'ay
The Canyonville School Board en
tertained teachers and their wives
or husbands at dinner at the Piano
Roll Inn at Roseburg Friday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs! Charles Dowd act
ed as hosts. Vic Rice of Myrtle
Creek entertained the group with
organ music. .
i 'School' Theme
1 1 1 i i i ,u
nignngms meet
A "Back to School" theme was
used for first fall meeting of the
Mountaineer Rebekah Lodge in .
Glendale. .
Members discussed plans for the
district convention which will be
held in Glendale. The occasion will
also mark the official visit of the
president, Mrs. Barcra Bagley of
The hall was decorated appro
priately in "back to school" ma
terials. Spelling games were play
ed. The supper commtilee, Mrs. Fred
Kafer, Mrs. Kenneth Brady and
Mrs. Dean Swanson, served re
freshments. Tables were decorat
ed with fruit baskets and yellow
Gardens Visited
By Garden Club
The Calapooia Garden Club held
the first meeting of the fall sea
son at 1:30 p.m. in the clubhouse
near Umpqua. From there they
drove to the Shinn dahlia gardens
on Dell Rio Road near Winches
ter, where they spent the after
noon. Later, they drove to the
new Hestness picnic park on the
Umpqua where they enjoyed re
freshments served by Mrs. Allen
Stephens and Mrs. Harold Crouch.
Others present were Mrs. Archie
Moore, 'Mrs. Raymond Stephens,
Mrs. Ray Murdock, Mrs. Harvey
Koozier and her granddaughter;
Mrs. Charles Scott, Mrs. Guy Cole
and Mrs. G. W. Munson. The next
garden meeting will be at the club
house at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 3.
Portrait Offer!
SEPTEMBER 25, 26, 27, 28
Club Has Meet
The Azalea Sunshine Club met
recently at the home of Mrs. Jack
Myler with eight members and two
guests present.
Guests were Mrs. Jessie Abbott
of Kansas, and Mrs. Vera Albott
of Long Beach.
Mrs. Ken Murray was welcomed
as a new member.
A potluck luncheon was served.
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