Riddle Visitor To Scotland Reports On Changes There By ERMA BEST. Mrs. William Macdonald of Rid dle has arrived home from Scot land just three months to the day from the time of. her departure from Portland by jet plane. Mrs. Macdonald visited first in her home city-of Glasgow where four brothers, two sisters and their families live. A family reunion was held the evening of her ar rival. Mrs. Macdonald noted many im provements in housing and roads since she left Scotland 15 years ago. Because of the improved transportation she was able to vis it many parts of the country which she had never seen while living there. Mrs. Macdonald visit ed in Edinburgh with several un cles and. cousins and went to Eng land to visit a brother and his family in London. Returning to New York she was met; at the airport by another brother and .his wife who took her to many places of interest in that city. Also at the airport to meet her were a nephew and niece. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eckles, former Ore gon residents now living in Con necticut. Upon arriving in Portland where Mr. Macdonald met her, a welcome - home party was held that evening at the Cottage Grove home of their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Endicott. Their other son-in-law and daugh- of Bend , were also there, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dayton of Spring field, parents of Mrs. Eckles. Army Couple Visits Lt. and Mrs. David Kinkade were visitors recently at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Kinkade, coming from Oakland, Calif., where Lt. Kinkade had been stationed with the U.S. Army. They were on their way to Puyallup, Wash., to visit other rel atives and where Mrs. Kinkade will live while her husband is on a new assignment. He will go to Fort Benning, Ga., to train for three months, and will then go to Korea to serve with the U.S. army. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coke have departed for their home in Phoe nix, Ariz., following a visit at the home of the letter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rich' ard Evenson. The Cokes were ac companied on the trip by his mother, Mrs. Coke Sr. A fishing trip to Winchester Bay planned for the visitors proved disappointing because of rough water. Fred -Vedder. his father-in-law, W. M. Hendrick, and the latter's nephew, Boyd King of Tri-City, are on a special elk hunt in Idaho They expect to be gone at least 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Van Doren and two children, who had been liv ing in Redding, Calif., for the past three months, have returned to IU1 n Mort., Sept. 23, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 5 , JV . M ro)Aiov2An BYRD'S GIVE YOU LOWER PRICES PLUS CASH SAVING U-SAVE STAMPS BOOK MATCHES CANNED MILK Chili Con Carne Ohio package of 50 books Dundee No. 1 tall can Western No. 1 tin 5C PEANUT BUTTER 81.00 PANCAKE SYRUP 51.00 Pancake Flour Byrd's 3 lb. jar Hungry Jack 10 lb. bag ter, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wilson Riddle to live, Death Of Father In Tacoma Summons Sutherlin Couple r MM NU-MAR Pure All Vegetable Oil colored quarters POUND CARTON By MRS. WILLIAM BLAKELEY Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gault of Sutherlin have been called to Ta coma, Wash., following the death of the latter's father, Harold Kna bel. Mrs. Gault, who recently ac cepted employment at Bennett's Drug Store, is being relieved by Mrs. Charles Moore. Family Members Gather Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mullins recently were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cassiday of Dayton, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walpole and daughters, Mari lyn and Jean, all of Pendleton and daughter, Gayle, of Eugene. Mrs. Cassiday and Mrs. Walpole are sisters of the former. Others visiting later were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walters of Portland who were on their way to Diamond Lake. The former is the brother of Mrs. Mullins. Mr. and Mrs. John Musgrove, accompanied by their son and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Musgrove and children, Mark and Jan, of Eugene, spent several days at the Pendleton Round-up. While there, they were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kirk, sister of Mrs. John Musgrove. : Visiting at the Eugene Wheeler residence this week is Agnes Yan ko of Santa Barbara, Calif., who is a friend of their daughter, Kay. Miss Wheeler will return with her house guest to her home for - a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Evans have returned from Lodi, Calif., where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller, brother-in-law and sister of the latter. The highlight of their trip was the meeting with their son, Radioman i.e. Clark Hill of the U.S. Navy who flew in from Hawaii and will now be going to school in Vallejo, Calif. California Coupl. Visits Mr. and Mrs. Larry Anderson of Sacramento, Calif., have been visiting for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore. Mrs. Anderson is the for mer Nancy Moore. They enjoyed visiting with relatives and friends at parties given in their honor. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Daugh try and children, Jana and Tom my, of San Bruno, Calif., are vis iting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Beck. They made a trip to Cam as, Wash., to visit with Mrs. Daugh try's sister, Mrs. Carl Gaul, and family, returning to spend the re mainder of their vacation in Suth erlin. Soloist Featured At Church Concert Jeanne Wilson, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson of Rose burg, was featured soloist in the sacred concert presented by the Youth Choir in the Seventh-day Ad ventist Church on Garden Valley recently. She was accompanied by the choir.. The 35 choir members marched to their places singing the theme song, "Heaven is my Home," led by Bernie Paulson, director. Dr. Lewis Hart acted as narrator and Terri Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hansen, was accompan 1st. . . In addition to numbers by the choir, also featured were a girls' trio consisting of Mary Kay Fletch er, Jeanne Wilson and Geri Han sen; a marimba solo by Sharon Konzack; a mixed quartette, Mary Kay Fletcher, Jeanne Wilson, Ber nie Paulson and Bert Pearson; and a brass trio, Bert Pearson and Dick and Ken Hart. The free will offering taken has been set aside as part payment for new choir robes, according to Mrs. Inez Hitchman, church spokesman. Births BYRD'S NULADE AA LARGE 2 w TAKE FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES ON YOUR DEER HUNTING TRIP Jonathan Apples half a Locally Grown - Highest Quality ...... BUSHEL CARAMEL APPLES ORANGES Full of Juice Sunkist POTATOES Hey Kids 3 They're HetejL jLD fib, 79v W ) 99c Byrd's 8QC HALF GAL. W 9949' 188 5 lb. BAG 10 lbs. U. S. No. 1 - In The Bulk WE FEATURE HIGHEST QUALITY LOCALLY GROWN PRODUCE 69' 39' ALL BRANDS CCfFE 1 -lb. can 2 1b. 1" -1 can 69 Douglas Community Hospital WAMBOLT To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wambolt, 2202 SW Austin Rd., Roseburg, Sept. 10, a son, Keith Bernard; weight 8 pounds Vi ounce. POTEET To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Poteet, Rt. 1 Box 970, Roseburg, Sept. 12, a son, David Evan; weight 7 pounds 1 ounce. BROCK To Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brock, 2020 SW Gale, Roseburg Sept. 13, a son, Rodney Albert; weight 6 pounds 6 ounces. BEVANS To Mr.' 'and Mrs. Myron Bevans, 174 W. Tanager St., Roseburg, Sept. 13, a son, Eric James; weight 6 pounds 3 ounces. HANFORD To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hanford, 1554 SE Mill, Rose burg, Sept. 14, a daughter, Fern Claudine; weight 7 pounds 2 ounces. GURNEY To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gurney, Rt. 1 Box 179, Suth erlin, Sept. 14, a son, Keith Elden; weight 8 pounds 5 ounces. LONG To Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel Long, Rt. 2 Box 990, Roseburg, Sept. 14, a son, Scott Alan; weight 6 pounds 11 ounces. GERMOND To Mr. and Mrs. Milton Germond, Box 691, Oakland, Sept. 15, a daughter, Carrie Jean; weight 8 pounds 6 ounces. ROUSEY To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rousey, N. Myrtle Rt., Box 20, Myrtle Creek, Sept. 16, a son, Jeffrey Mark; weight 5 pounds 13 ounces. SHADE To Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Shade, 2674 Calkins Rd., Rose burg, Sept. 16, a daughter, Jacquel ine; weight 5 pounds 10 ounces. FLURY To Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Flury, Rt. 4 Box 253 N, Rose burg, Sept. 17, a daughter, Vicki Marie; weight 8 pounds 4 ounces. LAYMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Chester Layman, 4146 SW Hanna, Roseburg, Sept. 17, a son, Monty Dwight; weigh5 5 pounds UVt ounces. KIRKPATRICK To Mr. and Mrs. Billy Kirkpatrick II, 2825 W. Sherwood, Roseburg, Sept. 18, a daughter, Kelly Renee; weight 8 pounds 2 ounces. CLARK To Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Clark, Rt. 1 Box 558, Sept. 18, a son, Thomas Jay; weight 9 pounds 8Vfe ounces. JARVIS To Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Jarvis, Rt. 1 Box 99, Suth erlin, Sept. 18, a son, James Dale; weight 8 pounds 1 ounce. ZrA WW ITIo) 51.00 57' 31.00 Lima beans & ham 279 Prestone GALLON TAMALES SHORTENING BEEF STEW Derby 13Vz ox. jar Snowdrift . 3 lb, can . Nalley's 15 ox. can . deer 1 Heavy . weight ' muslin with sewed end and drawstring top. Not a gauze. ONLY MS Of Hunts No. 2Vi can PORK AND BEANS TOMATO CATSUP STEWED TOMATOES SMALL RED BEANS STL Hunts 14 ox. btl. Hunts 303 can 51.00 51.00 51.00 61.00 EC FACIAL I White or Pink Box SOLID PACK TOMATOES":: 5S1 ALASKAN SALMON ?". 59' SPAG. & MEAT BALLS 5Si 59' 31.00 Owner Of Tools Sought The Roseburg police reported there has been a tool box full of tools turned into the police station after it had been discovered lying on the street near the intersec tion of SE Stephens St.; and SE Washington Avenue early ' Friday evening. ' . The tools were discovered lying on the street by Vernon L. Perry, Route 3, Roseburg, and he, in turn reported the discovery to the po lice department. : . '" '-- lOSt T0UI HCIKSt fO SHUT n ROLF'S PREFERRED INSURANCE Fir Fist ActiM. Intaltaift! Amliklf 939 S. E. Stephent 673-8166 0 Rich Heat -2IJ5E"F"" Clean Y I Burning More Heat Phone TSSf cp?TTn1 672-1666 Use Our Kecp-ful Service Dean Dirkseti Tom Wolih . Emergency Phont 672-3515 of 673-3214 138 NW Garden Volley BUrf. Richfield Oil Corp. CORNED BEEF HASH ; . MOTOR OIL Jo w.ight qt. 19c PONCHOS S ::h 2.49 TARPS c9lcxor,2pSc 99c CIGARETTES "Xs. c, 1.95 CHOC. BARS toshotv24 93c SISAL ROPE length 49c 6 TRANS. RADIO 8.88 MIXED NUTS on 59c ALL PURPOSE PLASTIC UTILITY CANS 5)c For water, fuels or whatever your ff need for economical transport of J liquids. 2 GALLON SIZE 2 2 LUNCHEON MEAT Peacock All Pork 12 ox. 3l ASS'T PRESERVES 2 89c BOTTLE OF Tablets .. ALKA SELTZER WESSON oil xM : 39 35' Nebergalls Real Lean Smoked Picnics Flavorful - Boneless Collage Rolls . 39 65' CORNED BEEF SLICED BACON RIB STEAKS Swifts Premium Boneless Round or Brisket . lb. Mb. Hof nio - Canned . Lean Tender Aged Beef . lb. 69c 69' 79c FRUIT COCKTAILS 51.00 CLING PEACHES XTm 41.00 CHEESE LOAF c2hLDoo'fiflh! 49c HOT PAPER CUPS sBu0p9eo,or5o 99c PAPER TOWELS 1L.:. 389c FILLER PAPER PB0?ka3fl 59c TYPING PAPER K. 59c SLEEPING BAGS .J 10.88 100 FREE U-SAVE STAMPS WITH EACH PAYROLL CHECK CASHED AT BYRDS THIS WEEK ONLY AM prices in this advertisement in effect today through Wednesday, September 25, 1963. We reserve the right to limit quantics. No sales to dealers. 930 W. HARVARD 2 BLKS. W. OF COMMUNITY HOSPITAL BYRD'S FARMER'S V MARKET CLOSE-OUT CONTINUES SAVINGS UP TO 50 OPEN WED., THURS., FRIDAY