Blailc Might Use An Old Football Tactic When He Reaches Birmingham As 'Envoy' V- By AL KUETTNER .football coach at West Point, his toss of the coin. i with the so-called non-violent United Press International j teams never choso to carry the ' "You know what your own of-I movement which has been con- When Farl fRed) Blaik was'ball on kickoff when they won the ' is; us dqsi 10 una oui wnai uucuiib a uescgregauon campaign 1481 N.E. STEPHENS 672-48U 16 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon., Sept. 23, 1963 CUD, i expert survey rleetric heating needs home. No obltgation. S Fjjjjjj$ Jjr'""''" " ma""enant j .' - ljfiS!'St low operating cost j '' ijr 10-year guarantee the other fellow has," Blaik I in Birmingham the Martin Lutli- would tell his players. er King organization? If the Blaik formula is cm-j A. Most are nut in King's ployed when he and former Army group. Some were and fell by the Secretary Kenneth C. Royall wayside. King has told Negroes reach Birmingham as President: publicly he will not have them if Kennedy's personal "envoys" in i they are violent. He takes them $ inn bonus Ivv Allowance SPONSORED BY CALORE ELECTRICAL LEAGUE Authorised RAMCO CONTRACTOR TOKES ADSON f. (! 526 S. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS . . . Commercial -- Industrial - Residential E. Lane Phone 672-4488 the racial crisis there, they prob ably will do a lot of listening to folks on all sides of the issue. The following might be a typi cal, if hypothetical, question and answer session between the presi dential representatives and white and Negro people of Birmingham. Q. Hie sign at the airport says back when they repent. 0. After these bombings, Ne groes often flock into the streets and start throwing things at the police who are trying to get to the scene. Why is this? A. This is hard to explain. It goes back to a basic distrust and lack of faith in the police. The I 'HOUSEWARE SPECDAlLS Is1 HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! SALE ENDS WEDNESDAY SEPT. 25 We arc glad to have you in Bir-1 Negro element that fights in the mingham," What do we have (streets keep demanding that the here? police find the bombers. But it A. People. Birmingham has a goes deeper than that. This group metropolitan population of about j has felt over the years that the 600,000. Four out of ten are Ne-! policemen is an enemy. Sudden grocs. Some of the Negroes are ; ly, . these Negroes huve become well known, like A. U. Gaston. part of a sort of revolution. A He's a millionaire. Some have ' change is going on in their lives good paying jobs and nice homes. ; that they don't even understand Many more still live in row: yet. They have the notion now houses. There arc some profitable that at least they can well to Negro business ventures but Ne- put it bluntly stick their tongues groes mostly work for the white out at the cops. It's gone from people. that to rocks and guns. They are Q. What provides most of the letting loose some long pent-up jobs fur working people here? j feelings. A. Coal and steel and all the 1 Q. But they are breaking laws, fabricating and processing plants " Don't they know this must stop? that go along with such indus-i A. The people who arc break tries. ;ing the laws in Birmingham have Q. What seems to be the trou- been obedient only through fear ble here? of being caught, not respect for A. People again. Race is the is- law. That fear is gone. When'' sue that's bringing all the trou-, their passions flare now as a rc-l Die right now. but the root proii- sult or a bombing, they take out lem is a feeling of fear and lack ! their feelings on anybody who is of a sense of trust and dignity. ' while. ! j It goes through a segment of the! Q. What do the Negroes want, Negro population. But a part of in Birmingham? j, tnc wnue population aiso nas mis; a. iney say us ireeuom. iuanyi j fnnltnrf i( fa:,r rnt rlivlnttti AInut i .Inn'l aunn L-ni 'Mini, Innrlui'c of the trouble involves these two say they want most a sense of groups, either fighting against I dignity, of being part of the whole ANNIVERSARY each other or lighting outside agencies such as the police. Q, Then aren't we talking about relatively small percentages of the population of Birmingham? ' A. That is correct. Most of the riots and rowdy demonstrations involve no more than 1,000 per sons. The highet number has been about 5,000. Of course, this is a sufficient number to be a real j menace to law and order. 1 Q. Arc people connected community. 11 will take a real show of good faith for this to be accomplished. Q. Where can a start be made? A. Negroes say they want more meetings of the bi-racial commit tee with Negroes participating. They want a few first class Ne gro policemen. They say they want to feel that their inter ests, homes and self respect arc getting the same protection as that of all the white people. CORN BROOM lightweight . . . excellent for indoor or outdoor use. Cord-sewn three times for durability. Only... 99c WARDS DETERGENT Powerful, controlled suds ... use only half as much as other brands. 20 lbs, 3.88 40-lb. size, only... g gg ! tm mm to install MODERN WIRING CLEAN ELECTRIC HEAT Modern electric appliances and clean electric heat make life easier and more pleasant for thousands of families in this area. But many homes even new ,3 ones are not properly wired to meet the demands of modern electric living. CalOre Electrical League heating and wiring contractors again can pay you for a limited time to install modern wiring and clean electric heat in your home, new or old! WE WILL PAY YOU A $100. B Oil US ALLOWANCE if you install a 200-ampcre service entrance panel and mod ern electric heat (6 kilowatts or more), plus circuits to pro vide for electric range, electric water heater and electric washer and dryer. THIS ALLOWANCE MEANS THAT YOU CAN INSTALL A TRULY MODERN ELECTRIC SERVICE ENTRANCE IN YOUR HOME AT A GREAT SAVING. HOW TO QUALIFY FOR THIS BONUS ALLOWANCE Allowances will be inoae only on permanent installations (mobile types excluded!, and this allowance will opply only to those who (1) are customers of COPCO Division, Pacific Power and Light Company; Klamath Foils, Lokcvicw, and Alturas Districts of Central Division, Pacitic Power and Light Company; City of AsWond, and Surprise Volley Electrifica tion Corporation; (2) Applicalions before Novent?ei j, )bj on to,c- o. con struction only (wiring permits must be dated between August 5 and November 5, 19e3) (3) have their heating and wiring ttiereto installed by authorized CalOre Electrical League contractors. Sec eligibility rules ond qualifications posted by healing or wiring contractors displaying the CalOre Electrical League Emblem. SPECIAL WIRE-ON-TIME PLAN AVAILABLE: In addition to the big cash saving from this special bonus allowance, home-owners and home builders on PP&L lines can make use of the Company-sponsored special Wire-on-Time Plan. Includes both home wiring and electric heat installations. Maximum $1,000.00, no down payment, as little as $10.00 a month, 36 months to pay. For complete details o how to qualify for this $100 allowance, colt your wiring or beating contractor.' DEALERS Bob's Electric Coon Supply Lonsing At Oliver Madron & Stakes Toter's Heating I Sheet Metal Trowbridge Elec. 673-4484 673-4461 673-6636 672-4488 672- 3379 673- 3521 Participating Distributors Electric Heating Equipment The Sloan Co. - King-Swen-Cavolier Tilman-Booth - ChromaloK-Elactrena Weitinghouse Elec. Supply - Weiringhouse Toier't Heating & Sheet Metal-Carrier Heat Puma Un . s ; PUSH AND SERVE USE CART FOR SERVING, UTILITY! 88 3-HEAT SELECTOR BEST SIGNATURE TOASTER-BROILER Easy-to-roll casters are 3 in diameter; easy to guide to table. Plug appliances in outlet. UL listed 6' cord; three 16!2x23,2" shelves, white enamel finish. 0 REG. 12.98 Dial a heat; thermostatic control holds it constant. Se lect one of 3 tray positions for further control. Broiler tray is removable for wash ing. 800W element. 888 REG. 10.95 Charge It I' ll I ' Signatune $)$qnatii I i HANDY 3-SPEED PORTABLE MIXER 1088 REG. 13.95 Powerful motor, extra large beaters, thumb tip ejector. Hangs on wall, stands on heel. Built-in mixing guide. AUTOMATIC CORN POPPER 649 REG. 7.49 Pop corn for the whole family; 2Vi-qt. capac 1 ity, handy measuring cup. Signal light, alu minum cover. 400W. WARDS QUALITY CARPET SWEEPER NEW SIGNATURE SPONGE MOP 8 88 10' 4 Inch Size 99c REG. 10.95 Automatically adjusts to the thickness of any rug moving combs keep brushes clean. All-around bumper. New squeezer action presses out more water with less effort. Built in scrubber brush, too. your choice WARDS WILLOW LAUNDRY BASKET These and other values are yours Wards sensationally low price! Co) (5) mm. J l J I I 11151 If ea. I Ml y I.' . V Hi?' 66 Charge It! At Words! A big Ward value! large capacity, yet light in weight ... a big washday helped Natural willow finish. DISH PAN (CP WASTE BASKET LAUNDRY BASKET (Q)C 20-GALLON POLY TRASH CONTAINER a ass T REG. 5.98 Polyethylene waste cans clean easy, are light, rust-proof. Uni que lock-top keeps odors in. pests out! OPEN THURS. and FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 PATIO BUCKET CUTLERY TRAY 0(b)