It Pays To Patronize Newt-Review Advertisers Enjoy The SONA COIN CONVENTION AT THE UMPQUA HOTEL 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. SEPT. 20-21-22 PUBLIC INVITED (See Ad Page 2) SUNDAY WE ARE FEATURING For Your Family Dinner !w?ss STEAK M. 75 CHILD'S PORTION . . $1.00:::SERVED FROM 4 PM The WAGON WHEEL 227 NW Garden Valley Blvd. . . Clark & Marge Keefer , -;' ' ' ! 'trig C'? mCOme Itflf tim -ST 8dMfe WIWSMWM FUN RETIREMENT-gSjf-f A-fy. 'rwF0Rl7lLA MONTHS Here at Woodburn Senior Estates joa have so much for so httle. Yon can own your own home on your own lot for as little as $325 . down and monthly payments of only $74 that include principal, interest, taxes, insurance on a total cost of only $9,475! No founders or admittance fees. Located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, this completely new community is designed for active retirement living on a modest income. You may choose from 22 attractive home exteriors ... 1 bedroom and 1 garage up to 3 bedrooms with double garage. Shopping Center, Country Club and shuttle bus service. At Woodburn Senior Estates you may play golf on your own course as often as yon wish the year 'round . . . fish or hunt in hundreds of streams and fields . . . take leisurely trips to the coast and mountains . . . and share your many pleasures with interesting friends. This is the happiest, friendliest place in the whole Northwest. Come visit and see for yourself. Drive the flower lined streets and see the new model homes now open every day. (Jjoocfburn Qeniot 1405-P Princeton at Country Club Road LOCATED ust 29 miles south of Portland 12 miles north of Saiem. Turn right off ' Interstate Freeway 5 st Woodburn Exit. e i i.e. iac Firemen At Glendale Take 30-Hour Course The 14 members of the Glendale Volunteer Fire Department recent ly completed a 30-hour, 10-week fireman's school held in Glendale under the sponsorship of the state Fire Instructor's Association. Ex penses of the school were met jointly by the association and the city of Glendale. Six instructors provided by the state association rotated in conduct ing the classes, according to Mrs. Gerald Fox, correspondent. TIE BRINGS GRIEF RAVENNA, Italy (UPI) - Sven Granbraden, 43, a Norwegian, said from his hospital bed recently that he was beaten up in a bar by a sailor who didn't like his tie. Friends to share your pleasures and activities ' I WOODBURN SENIOR ESTATES 1405-P Princeton at Country Club Rood Woodburn, Oregon I'm Interested. Please msH, without any obligation on my part, your FREE COLOR BROCHURE describing Wood bum Senior Estates in full detail. Name Send coupon I today lor FREE I Color Brochure Take a look at the South hand. Your partner opens one no-trump. You want to be in game and have considerable slam interest provid ed that your partner has good spades for you, at least two aces NOKTH (D) AQ104 VA97S AQ4 KJ2 - WEST BAST VKMS jgsa 4S9 A2 VQJ105 10 8 S 3 873 SOUTH - KJ7S S K7 4.AQ104 Both vulnerable. North East 8otk Wert 1 N.T. Pass 3 Pass 4 - Pass 4 N.T. Pass S Pass 64 Pus Pass Pass and better than a minimum no trump. You also note that there is no reason to use- a transfer bid be- For The Finest In WEDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL M&M PRINTERS 673 8591 You can live the'Happy Days ahead at Woodburn Senior Estates on a modest . retirement f vC-; WmJTkv Recreation tZ'W' T f J unllml,ed llW";!4 bke riding, Rj2LrJ&yTr! hunting, T 4 P'Svf I everything Gardens V'V M f TfC flourish. tt'H'fc. W I 5 Flowers and i :X Vi I I vegetables jft. f lp v really growl fA I &JmW$ Privacy of . , -wrs & Eslstes Woodburn, Oregon -State- ZC One Bid Gets Many Answers (Written For NEA) By OSWALD JACOBY cause no lead can hurl you as de clarer. What do you do in the Jacoby system? You respond three spades. This tells your partner all these things and asks him to bid three no-trump with poor spades; four spades with good spades and a minimum 15 point no-trump or four of some oth er suit with good spades and a maximum 17-point no-trump. . Hence, North's four diamond re bid does not indicate that he wants to play diamonds, but confirms a near maximum no - trump with good spades. This leaves South no problems t all Hn uses Blackwood to check for aces and bids six spades after North shows two o tnose nice When South bids six spades he ic nnt r-nrtain that the slam will . iniioiim. hut South knows def initely that at worst the slam will depend on a tinesse ana uiem i "v reason io reiuse i" der those circumstances. Q The bidding has been: North 1N.T. 2. S V 4 East South West, Pass Pass Pass 2 V 3 4 Pass; Pass: Pass Pass Pass Pass 64 T Yon. South, hold: AQ754 2 US KJCS What do you do? A Pass. Too may make sev en, but yon have no excuse for blddJnr it TODAY'S QUESTION You open one no-trump and your partner responds three -hearts. You, South, hold: AK54 VJ QJ AuJ . What do you do? Movie Showtime tnrrii,v. Seat. 71. lfU' INDIAN THEATRE Special Mollnee doors Thn Wotcterful World of the Brothers Grimm" at 1:30 only. Evening doors open 4:30. Complete shows 7:00-9:30. "The Won derful World of the Brolhers Grimm' at STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open 7:00. Shows start at dusK. "Mill or ine aiwie umm. and "Trauma." . . PINE DRIVE-IN Open 7:00. Shows Stan at dusK. "Wings Ol ina onu ....o.- ever Happened to Baby Jane." BENETTA THEATRE (Wlnslonl "ine Boys' Night out" ana -aworasiiian w. Siena." TRI CITY DRIVE-IN Box ollco epens at 6:45. Show at 7:30. "Beach Parly" and "California." . . CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN (Sulherlln) BoK oltlce opens at 7:30. Show at dusk. "The Ugly American" and "Rio Bravo." Sunday, Sept. 11, 13 INDIAN THEATRE - Dwra open 7 P.m at 7:45 only STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open at 7 p.m. Shows start at dusk. "Willi ol the Stone Women" and "Trauma" PINE DRIVE -IN Open at 7 p.m. Show slarts at dusk. 99c Nlnht. "Whore lh Boys Are" and "Battle Hymn" n mED, pap DRIVE. in (Sutherlln) Box office opens at 7:30 p.m.. show at dusk. "Sodom and Gomorrah" and "The court ship of Eddie's Father" Monday, Sept. 23, 1943 INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 7 p.m. Complete show at 7:15. "A Ticklish Affair" at 7:45 only STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open Thur-Frl-501- Sun . . , PINE ORIVE-IN Open Frl-Sat-Sun CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN (Sulherlln) Box office opens at 7:30 p.m., show at dusk. "Sodom and Gomorrah" and "The Court ship of Eddie's Father" ROSEBURG POLICE Benefit Asi'n Presents SAT., SEPT. 21 AT THE FAIRGROUNDS SHOW at 7:00 PM DANCE 9:30 til 1:00 wiaijiB-iffi a a o TXt. a a o w mm TTlffiffl Wi Ml BUY NOW AND SAVE!! Tickets on tele at Ricketts and City Police Station Adults SI. 00, Children SOc Admission at Door: Adults SI. 50, Children 75c o o o o o o Calender Saturday, Sept. 21 Buckeroe Square Dance Club, at the barn, dance of the month in struction, 8:30 p.m., regular dance at 9 p.m., ladies bring light pot luck, visiting dancers and specta tors welcome. Douglas County Mounted. Fair grounds, 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 424 NE Winchester, 8 p.m. for informa tion call OR 3-6629. Lane House, 544 SE Douglas, open 1 to $ p.m. Anita orange, father and son banquet at Grange Hall, 6:30 p.m. Clide Community Club, get ac quainted potluck, games, entertain ment and door prizes. 6:30 p.m. at clubhouse, no admission charge. Tri N square Dane Club, at club's hall in Myrtle Creek, 9 p.m., guest caller Ike Clason, all square dancers welcome. Seventh Day Adventist Church, annual corn feed at TJmpqua Park, 7:45 p.m., in event of rain to be held in school auditorium corner of Umpqua and Military streets. Rummage Sale, by valentine so cial Club of Myrtle Creek, in How ard Building 'on Third St. South Deer Creek Grange, social night at the hall, 8 p.m., games, entertainment and refreshments. Rummage Sale, by Exemplar Preceptor Zeta, Beta Sigma Phi, at warehouse in 900 block on W. Harvard Blvd., 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rummage Sale, by St. George's Episcopal Church Guild, at Parish Hall, 8 a.m. SONA Coin Convention, Gold Room, Umpqua Hotel, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Delta Kappa Gamma, meeting and coffee hour at Joseph Lane Junior High School, 9:30 a.m. Olalla Squares, Olalla Commun ity Building, 9 p.m. Rice Valley Community Card Party. , Riversdale Grange, public pin ochel party at the hall, prizes and refreshments, 8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22 Oakland Community Presbyter Ian Church, Youth Fellowship, at the church, Junior high group at 6:15 p.m., senior high group at 7 p.m. Lane House, 544 S Douglas, men 1 to 5 n.m. Roseburg Kotf and eun nun, i trap shooting, 10 a.m. Wllbur-Sutherlin Methodist youth choir practice, Wilbur Methodist Church, 3 p.m. Buckeroos, workshop at the barn 8-10 p.m. Benson PTA, executive board meeting, at the school, 1:30 p.m. Winston Chamber of Commerce, 8 n.m. Garden Roundup flower snow, Veterans Administration Hospital auditorium, noon to 8 p.m., public invited. American Contract Bridge League, Roseburg Unit, winners' game, Umpqua Hotel, 6:15 p.m. SONA Coin Convention, Umpqua Hotel, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday, Sept, 23 Satan's Chauffeurs, 7:30 p.m. 1421 su Miceui. Roseburg Slimmerettes (TOPS Club) 8-10 p.m; at Faith Lutheran Church. Timber Town Duplicate Bridge Club 7:30 p.m. For information call Mrs. Walter Ulricli, OR 2-1468, or Mrs. John Davenport, OR 3-8278. Master point play every third Mon day. Glide Medical Self Help, classes at Community Club, 10:30 a.m. 39'ers Club, Roseburg Womans Club, noon potluck. Navy Reserve, naval Keserve Facility, 1624 W. Harvard. Knights of Pythias, Pythias Hall p.m. Oakland PTA, meeting and teachers' reception at the high school, 8 p.m. Camas Valley PTA, in school cafeteria, 7:45 p.m. Sutherlln West PTA, at the school, 8 p.m. Roseburg Business and Profes sional Women's Club, home of Mrs. Golda Nickell, 3012 W. Harvard Blvd.. 8 n.m. Women's Society of Christian Service, Umpqua Sub - District meeting at Myrtle Creek Methodist Church. 9:15 a.m Riddle Bethel Job's Daughters, Masonic Temple.. 7:30 p.m Women of the Moose, Moose Hall, 8 n.m. Valentine Chapter TO, order of Eastern Star. Myrtle Creek. Roseburg City Council, City Hall, 7:30 p.m. Golden Age Club, Veterans Me morial Building, sack lunch, 7:30 D.m. Woodmen Circle Umpqua Grove 51, social, 8 p.m. Winston Community Club, p.m. Sutherlln Jay-C-Erttl nitv Ruildine. 8 n.m. Commu- Tenmile PTA, at tne scnooi, r.w p.m. LODGE PROTEST WASHINGTON (UPI) The United States has lodged a pro test with Indonesia over the sack ine of the British Embassy in Ja karta. A spokesman for the State nonartmpnt said U. S. Ambassa dor Howard P. Jones was assured Thursday bv Indonesian Presi ripnt Sukarno that the situation will be brought under control. The Jersey Lilly SERVING "Lil's Light Lunch" Doily Fish Fry - Friday Night 99c Chicken -Saturday Night Piixa of course Off Gorden Valley On Tht Alley Of Events Tonight "THE BOYS NIGHT OUT" Kim Novak - James Garner Tony Rondall-Patti Page plus "SWORDSMAN OF SIENA" Stewart Granger Sunday thru Tuesday "Sodom and Gomorrah" plus "THE COURTSHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER" Glenn Ford - Shirley Jones Ends Tonight 'The Ugly American" "Rio Bravo" Box Office Opens at 7:30 Show Starts at Dusk OPEN 7:00-SHOW of DUSK NOW! thru SUN only! Eerie!! in TECHNICOLOR More THRILLS In b mmm mmw mm m means the PSYCHO-SHOCK of your LIFE! V' id 1 Tht followinf rdl fi4 MrritlM proframt mf printed free public lervlce ft Newt-Review redden. All prof rem ItsHrtft ere publish td e received from Hie respective ttetfent. The Newt Review deei net accept reipoeslHllty it verfetien from origlnel schedules fiimlihed this MWtpepcf KPIC-TV Ch. 4 CHANNEL 2 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:00-Todav :00 Two Early 9:00 Yoga for Health :J0 Play Your Hunch Color 10:(o Prlca Is Right Color 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression olor 11:30 Truth or Consequences ll:55-Nows 13:00. -People Will TalK 13:30 The Doctors 1:00 Lorelte Young 1:30 You Don't Soy . 3:00 Match Game 3:35 Afternoon Report 3:30-Make Room tor Daaoy tMon-weo.l 2:30 Be My Guest (Tues & Thurs) KBES-TV Ch. 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 1:00 Caoteln Kangaroo 9 :00-Ca lender 9:301 Love LlKV 10:00 The McCoys 10:30 Pete and Gladys 11:00 Love of Life 11:24-CBS News 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 1:4S-Gu d na Llom 12:00 Tenneiwe Ernie 12:30 As The World Turns 1:30 House Party 2:00 To Tell The Truth 2:24 News 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Secret Storm KOIN-TV Ch. 6 CHANNEL 83 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 Weather Forecast 7:35 Cartoon Time 1:00-Captain Kangaroo 9:00 New 9:301 Love Lucy 10:00 The McCoys IO:30-Pete and Gladys 11:00 Love Of Life 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 Newr 12:05 HI r Neighbor 12:30 As The World Turns 1:00 KOI N Kitchen 1:30 House Party ( Bake-off Tuesday) 2:00 To Tell The Trulh 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 password 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15 Early Show KEZI-TV Ch. 9 CHANNEL 6 ON CABLE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY l:-Caris :CO Jack LaLenn. t:30 Morning Movl. 11:00 The Prlc. Is Right 11:30 Seven Keys 12:00 Tennessee Ernl. Ford t2:K Father Knows Best 1:00 General Hospital 1:90 Compass (Mon) For Your Information (Tues) Frontiers In Selene (Wed) Topic (Thur) Adventures hi Living (Frl) I:0O TV Bingo i:30 Ooy in Court 3:55 Lite Howard With the News RADIO PROGRAM KRNR 1490 KC 18-Hr Programming I KQEN 1240 KC. 6 A.M. to Mldnlahtl KYES 950 KC Down To Dik CBS Network music, rwws, weather I ABC Network music news, weotrier Independent music, newi, weotrwr. Sat., Sept. 21, 1963 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. S mmwsmsi- Sunday Only BUCK NITE $1.00 per Carload "SERGEANTS 3" frank Sinatra Dean Martin plus '3 STOOGES IN ORBIT' Ends Tonight "Beach Party" "California" Gates Open 6:45 Show at 7:30 Sunday-Mon-Tue Only Doort Open 7:00 Complete Show 7:1 S FEATURE o 7:45 ONLY FOR SEVEN YEARS, she'N0!..N0!...N0i' 1 i'0 I WB-TICKUNGl I Greater 1 Movie Seoson 1 I fit: J I 7' A 4 GIG i00NESlWNG!BUTTON8!0ONES EXTRA . TOM & JERRY Color CARTOON Musical Trovelalre News Events 3:00-TBA Mon only) 3:00 Spectator Matinee (Tuts-Prl) 3:30 Wire Service (Mon. only) 4:30 Lone Ranger 5:00 Capt. Shipwreck SATURDAY 1:30 Ruff and Redy Color :0o snarl Lewis Color 9:30 King Leonardo Color 10:00 Fury 10:30 Make Room for Daddy 11:00 Cartoons 11:30 Bullwlnkle 12:00 To Be Announced 1:00 Major League Baseball 3:30 Saturday Matinee 5; 00-NFL Pro Hllltes 5:30-Captaln Gallant ' 6: 00 Saturday Night Report 4:15 Feature Shorts 6:30 To Be Announced 1:00 Perry Mason 3:30-Who Do You Trust 4:00 Trallmasler SATURDAY 9:55 Saturday News 10:05 Baseball Preview 10:15 Baseball 1:30 NCAA Football 4:30 To Be Announced 5:00 Cheyenne 6:00 Dan Smoot Report 4:15 Forum 6:30 Fllntstones 7:00 I've Got a Secret 7:30 Lucy-Desl Hour i: 30 The Defenders 9:30-Have Gun Will Travel 10:00 Gunsmoke 11:00 News Final I1:15-Late Movie e:00 Newscene e:30-Cronklle News SATURDAY 7:30-RFD 1:00 Cartoon Time 1:30 Sky Kino 9:00 Captain Kangaroo 10:00 Red Dunning 10:15 Baseball 12:45 Frank Leahy Show 1:15 Pre-Football Show 1:30-NCAA Football 3:45 Football Scoreboard 4:00 Roy Rogers 4:30 Sky King 5:00 Five Fingers 6:00 Man From Cochlsa 6:30 Federal Men 7:00 High wjy Patrot 7:30 Lucy-Desl Comedy Hoi 1:30 The Defenders 9:30 Have Gun. Will Travel 19:00 Gunsmoke 11 :00 Saturday Reporter ll:15-Movle 3:00 Queen For a Day 3:30 Open House 4:0O Maor Adams Trallmasler : 5:00 Kartoon Klubhous. 5:30 Mickey Mouse Chjb SATURDAY 10:30 The Jetsons 11:00 CartoonsvllM ll:30-Mattles Funnies 12:00 Bugs Bunny 13:30 Alakaram 1:00 My Friend Fllcka 1:30 Amerlcon Bandstand 3:30 To B. Announced 3:30-Roller Derby 4:30 AFL Highlights l.oo-wide world ot Sports :30 Keynote 7:00 Outdoor Sportsman 7:30 Hootenany 1:30 Lawrence Welk Cast 7Mts fxtret WINGS of the HAWK in COLOR plus WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE CONNIE FRANCIS "Where the Boys Are" 2 COLOR Hits ROCK HUDSON in "Bottte Hymn" all of a j i sudden j it's... ' . ;! NOW!.. : NOW.. I NOW! feniMsion MetiSafcr TONITE: "Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm" e:O0 Mov'3 11:00 Saturday Cinema SUNDAY 1:30 Bob Poole's Gospel Favorites 9:30 This Is the Life 10:00 The Eternal Life 10:30 Frontiers of Faith 11:00 It Is Written 11:30 Major League Baseball 1:30 NFL Pro Football 4:00 Dan Smoot 4:15 Manlon Forum 4:30 Top Star Bowling 5:30 GE College Bowl 6:30 Meet The Press 7:00 BUI Dane Show 7:30 Disney World of Color Color 1 : 30 Grind t 9:00 Bonanta Color 10:00 Show of the Week U:00 Checkmate SUNDAY 11:45 Faith For Today 12:15 Higher Education 12:45 Around The Home 1:00 Vint With City Police 1:15-Footbel1 Klckofr 1:30 Football 4:00 To Be Announced 4:30 Oral Roberts 5:00 Real McCoy 5:30 Amateur Hour a: 00 30th Century 6:30 rr. Ed 7:00 James McPheefert 8:00 Ed Sullivan 9:00 Hootenannv 9:30 True Theater 10:00 Outer Limit 10:30-What's My Lint 11:00 News 11:15 Stage Five SUNDAY 1:00 Lamp Unto My Feet . 1:30 Look Up and Live 9:00 Camera Three 9:30 Face The Nation 10:00 This Is The Life 10:30-Faith For Today 11:00 The Christophers 11:15 Red Dunning 11:30 Armchair Theater 1:15 Bobby Graysoi 1:30 Ma or League Baseball 4:00 Sir Francis Drake 4:30 Let's Fact It 5:00 The Texan 5:30 Ameteur Hour 6:00 Roots of Freedom 7:00 Les;e Color 7:30 Dennis The Menace 8:00 Lincoln Center Day 9:00 The Real McCoys 9:30 True Theater 10:00 Candid Camera 10:30 What's My Line 11:00 News 11:15 Restless Gun 9:30-Oerry Lewis Show 11:00 News 11:15 Theal r 11:45 Lai. Show SUNDAY 1I:00-AFL Football 2:00 Discovery 3:30 All Systems Go 3:0O-Big Leog. Baseball tor LIffl. iMgum 3:30-Falth 4:00 Issues a Answers 4:30 Faith For Today 5:00 Pastor's Study 5:30 Theatre 500 7-30 Travels of Jaml. WcPheeters 1:30 Arrest i Trial 10:00100 Grand 10:30 News Special 11:00 News Weekend 11:15 Dan Smool-Dtan Manlon 11:45 Suspicion