The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 21, 1963, Page 4, Image 4

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    i t o r i a ( JP a
Another Housing Problem'
4 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore.
That Olalla dam project is looking bet
ter all the time. . . , . . '
The latest development is the Bureau
' of Land Management's decision to desig
nate more than 1,000 acres it administers ;
in the area for the reservoir site.
This adds a bit of luster to an already
bright picture for the eventual installation
of a dam on Olalla Creek for irrigation
' and other purposes
..: . Certainly the BLM would have taken no
such action without having a pretty fair
idea that the dam was going to be de
clared feasible.
The long-overdue feasibility study is on
the verge of being released, judging from
a report given the Douglas County Water
Resources Survey by John Mangan, area
engineer for the U.S. Bureau of Reclama
tion, which is in charge of the project. '
He told Water Resources Survey Engineer
Ben Irving that the release of the report ;
awaits only a few design changes in the
dam itself.
Based on the reconnaissance study
which preceded the present , feasibility
study and his talks with Mangan, Irving
appears to have no doubts the project will
be declared feasible (that is, that bene
fits will outweigh costs).
If it is, this will be the first major
hurdle in a series of hurdles. The next
. steps will be formation of a district in the
area, with a board of directors through
which the Bureau . of Reclamation can
deal. Then comes the job of nailing down
the landowners' desires for water.
When the Bureau sees that people of
the area want the water and .. that the
project is feasible; it will cany the re
quest to Congress.' Congress must then
authorize construction and appropriate
funds for the construction.
chances of achieving everlasting
fame by creating a new tossed
salad are roughly comparable to
your cnances ol winning the lr
ish Sweepstakes, ,
These odds apply, of course, to
proicssionai saiaa tosscrs. The
odds are a little better If you are
a norse.
Scores of new salads are creat
ed in this country every year,
frequently by accident. But only
rarely does one muster sufficient
acclaim to warrant enahrinemcnt
in a recipe book. - 1
Nevertheless, hope springs etcr.
nal in the human' chef, and so
the quest for aalad bowl immor
tality continues hard apace. ,
Just this week I attended a
dress rehearsal for a new tossed
salad that will have its . world
premier in Boston next month.
Probate Case
Delays Cited
Justice William M. McAllister of
the Oregon Supreme Court com
plained Thursday of what he
called "shocking delay" in pro
bate of estates in Oregon.
McAllister spoko at the opening
session of the 28th annual Oregon
State Bar convention.
Ho said reports by county clerks
show that many cases of delay in
probate cases are inexcusable.
However, he added that iuduos
are making an effort to eliminate
the delays and urged attorneys to
He said statistics show criminal
cases generally are disposed of
quickly and the median civil case
in an Oregon court is not more
tli an 12 months old.
Two Oregon newspapermen re
ceived Oregon State Bar press
awards at a luncheon meeting.
Robert W. Chandler, editor of
tho Bend Bulletin was cited for
the best editorial on legal matters
in the past year.
Chandler's editorial explained
the death sentence given Jcannace
June Freeman after a life sen
tence had been handed out to
Mrs. Gcrtrudo Jackson, mother of
two children the woman had slain
in Central Oregon.
William Sanderson, a reporter
for the Portland Oregonian, won
the award for tho best news story,
a series on the public defender
Ui t. E. Mktn St.
Publlihtd DiMy Eacept Sunday bv
RoicMtrg, Oregon
Entered ai second clats matter May 7.
1920, at the poll office at Rosrburp;, Or
gon. under act of March t, 1173.
J, V. Brenner Publisher
The NewRevlew It a member et the
United Prett International. NEA Service.
Audit Bureau ol Circulation and the Oregon
Newspaper publishers Association.
National Adve'sing Representative Is
Newspaper Advertising Service Co.. Rust
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Dam Possibilities
Seek Salad
I decided to witness the event
because it was the first time I
had heard of a salad being tried
out on the road before making its
formal debut.
This salad has Impressive cre
dentials. It was created by the
Waldorf system, which already
has one nit salad to its credit.
And it was named in honor of
Mrs. Sean Lemass, wife of the
prime minister of Ireland.
The official presentation of
"Salad Lemass" will take place
at a luncheon in Boston Oct. 18
on the occasion of the prime min
ister's visit to that city.
William C. Waugh. chairman of
the' luncheon committee, ar
ranged for it to be given a trial
run here with Thomas Kicrnan,
the Irish ambassador, as the
ranking taster.
Kicrnan was asked if he would
care for a dram or two of Irish
spirits to pep up the taste buds
before sampling the salad.
I m a connoisseur of water."
the ambassaor replied.
The basic ingredients of "Sal
ad Lemass" are multi-shades of
greens, boots, cucumbers and
chopped eggs. They are tossed
with a mixture of French dress
ing and cocktail sauce.
i no Boston critics will, of
course, arrive at their own judg
ments, but I must say the re
views at its out-of-town tryout
were not entirely encouraging.
'It tastes bad and it looks'
awful" was one apnraisal I
Its appearance possibly could
bo improved by tossing in a few
old sweepstakes tickets, but Mrs.
Lemass, I fear, will never be
come a Caesar, salad-wise.
3n 2)
Taktn from the files of the New
40 year; AGO
Sept. 21, 1M3
With their war paint smeared
on in gobs and their head gear ad
justed in regular Indian style, the
"Umpquas" will hold their organ
izational meeting tonight. The new
civic club is making a grand and
glorious start, and with Douglas
County as its reservation, hopes to
n ake this spot of Oregon known to
ail me worm.
Sept. 21, ins
n increase 01 nearly zoo per
cent in welfare expenditures in
Oregon's 36 counties has occurred
In the 10-ycar period from 1928 to
idjs, the bureau of municipal re
search of the University of Ore
gon said today.
10 YEARS AGO 21, 1953
Oregon farmers have been or
dered to cut their 1954 wheat seed
inns 28 per cent but they are not
likely to take that much of a cut
In their tall planting, according
to Marion Thomas, extension ag
ricultural economist at Oregon
State College.
Estimates of cost of the dam stand at
about $10 million. Part of the cost is re
imbursable. That is, persons using water
made available by the dam must contrib
ute to the cost. This cost, of course, has
not yet been determined. In addition,
part of the cost will come from hydro
electric receipts from other dams in the
It is expected that a considerable part
of the cost will be non-reimbursable. This
means contributing benefits to fish and
wildlife, flood control, and recreation
don't have to be paid back.
It's still a long way from the start of
construction, but the preparation work is
well under way. A favorable feasibility
study should be the key to starting the
wheels moving a lot faster.
Needless to say, the benefits to be
reaped by the county will be manifold.
The dam will contribute somewhat to
flood control, will benefit fishlife, bring
new lushness to as much as 13,000 acres
southwest of Roseburg, furnish needed
municipal and industrial water to Winston
and Dillard. It may even help some in
pollution abatement.
And if all goes well, the Olalla Dam
will be the first of a series of dams, fol
lowing the pattern of efforts in Lane
County. Lee McAllister, former Bureau
of Reclamation engineer, insisted before
his retirement that the first dam is the
most difficult to establish. He visualized
a series of key dams particularly on the
South' Umpqua which could control the
rampaging waters during the winter and
raise strcamf lows in the summer.
The results would be horizons of de
velopment for the county seldom imagined.
Day's News
Frank Jenkins
In a radio and TV address in
Washington the other evening,
President Kennedy appealed to
Congress and to the nation for an
$11 billion tax cut.
The theory of his proposal is that
if our taxes are cut we will all go
out and spend for THINGS WE
WANT tho money we would other
wise have had to spend for TAXES.
This added spending, he argued,
prosperity thus created, , he con
tended, will provide tax income suf
ficient to enable us to reduce and
eventually PAY OFF our present
He added :
"We are pledged to a course of
true fiscal responsibility, leading to
balanced budget in a balanced
full employment economy.
We are not talking politics. We
are talking about more jobs and
fewer recessions. We arc talking
bout the future of our country.
about its strength and growth and
Having thus outlined his theory,
he then took a long step in the
direction of appeasing the critics
of his prooosal to pay off debt by
cutting taxes.
He promised that if the tax cut
is enacted into law by the congress
no wasteful, inefficient or UN
NECESSARY government activity
win be tolerated to supplement any
economy-boosting tax reduction."
He added:
"We arc pledged to a course of
true fiscal responsibility, leading to
balanced budget in a balanced,
full-employment economy.
I favor tax reduction INSTEAD
ING as a means of boosting our
What does President Kennedy
mean by UNNECESSARY govern
ment activity?
Let's do some supposing.
Suppose that come next fall the
situation might not look too favor
able for the return of his admin
istration to power.
Suppose things weren t working
out quite as planned. Suppose the
poll-takers were reporting that the
Republican candidate was showing
a lot of strength and that some
thing was needed to provide a little
Suppose that some BOONDOG
GLING might be needed to im
prove the situation.
In that event, there would be a
lot of pressure to RESUME the
boondoggling procedures that have
so often bem successful in the
years of thepast.
Does ho mean that in such an
event his answer would be a flat
NO? Does l.e mean that boondog
gling is OUT for good and all and
that never again will it be resorted
to no matter what the political
situation might be?
Docs he mean that in the future,
so far as ho is concerned, ECON
OMY Is the watchword and let tho
chips fall where they may?
It will be interesting to watch.
WATFORD. England (UPI) G
Anderson won 20 pounds ($36)
twice this week In the Watford
football club's poll. The odds
against this happening are 13.S
million to 1.
X .w - x1 vv Mil
VJfv - Nk JfiPl 1 J:y "Jr.
The sentencing of James M. Lan
dis to 30 days in prison for fail
ure to file an income tax return
for five straight years is one of
tiie most unusual pieces of juris
prudence that ever happened to a
dean of Harvard Law School
particularly when you recall that
this particular dean also succeed
ed old Joe Kennedy as head of the
Securities and Exchange Commis
sion and later was chairman of
the Civil Aeronautics Board.
Landis' defense claimed a five
year lapse of memory due to pre
occupation with public affairs. That
is a large lapse of memory for a
man who wrote considerable of the
nation's laws, particularly during
the Roosevelt years, and who was
enjoying a thriving law practice
when tho IRS boys asked him how
come, no pay? The United States
attorney, Robert Morgenthau, an
nounced at the time of Landis'
hearing, that while he paid up in
full in 1961, "his filing did not
meet the standard of voluntary dis
closure," which I take to mean that
some official came pointing a pa
per at the dean.
DEAR ABDY: Recently you had
a letter from HENRY THE DRUG
GIST in your column. He complain
ed that many customers asked
him to fill half a proscription and
he was always being asked ques
tions that only doctors were quali
fied to answer, such as what was
wrong with them and what their
prescriptions were for. Well, I wish
you'd show me the doctor today
who will take lime to answer his
patients' questions. I've been going
to doctors off and on for 35 years,
and lately all I get is a silent ex
amination, a fistful of prescriptions
and the next thing I know, I am
standing in the hall, facing a nurse
with my wallet in my hand. Thank
DEAR ABBY: This is for HEN
mother was given a prescription
by her physician. I had it filled.
There were 24 capsules for $19.00.
My mother couldn't swallow even
one capsule, so she told her doc
tor and he promptly wroto out an
other prescription for the same
kind of medication only in liquid
form. The liquid stuff cost $21.
When 1 tried to return the cap
sules to the drugstore I was told,
We don't BUY pills we afc.LL
DEAR ABBY: If Henry wants to
know why some customers ask for
onlv half a nrcscrtntion. he s wel
come to come to my house and
look in my medicine cabinet. I
have suffered with a skin problem
for over 25 years, and only one
who has had the experience knows
Why Is it you con'f drive o new
cor down the street without meet
ing everybody you owe.
fas-past. . ' . .
Landis Sentencing
Complete Travesty
He could have drawn five years
in jail, and a $50,000 fine. Instead
of which he makes it with a rep
rimand and a 30-day stint in the
It occurs to me that no end is
served by this sort of business.
Thirty days is what you get for
loitering. It is not a sentence for
one of America's mcst influential
lawmakers, over the last SO years,
who obviously was not logical in
his failure to meet his tax liabil
People do not just "forget" tax
es. A guy malting big money lures
an accountant and a lawyer, even
if he is a lawyer, to look after
such minor details that the rest of
us are taught to respect. Landis
was making very big money one
of nis aelcnse s explanations was
that the value of some securities
was hard to compute, which indi
cates that some thought had been
given to tho matter.
Jim Landis was a hard-driving.
hard-working, brilliant man. I have
sat with him in a friend's house
on occasion when he passed out in
his chair from sheer combat fa-
From The Patients' Pens!
how frustrating it is to be "almost
cured" about 100 times. I'll bet I
have $1000 worth of ointments and
pills all partially used. Either
I start to use something and find
I'm allergic to it, or I develop an
immunity to it. My doctor is tops
in his field and as soon as some
new drug comes out on the mar
ket, he is the first to try it. I don't
like to tell a doctor what to do
I but I wish mine would prescribe
in smaller quantities until he knows
how I will react to the medica
DEAR ABBY: Everybody knows
that the price of drugs is way out
of line. After paying $9.00 for six
penicillin tablets, I wrote to Sen
ator Kcfauver (God bless him) who
investigated it. He wrote to thank
me, and it's all being read into
the Congressional record. All the
druggists in the L. A. area are
paid $7 per hour, $11 per hour on
Sundays, and Slo per hour on holi
days. If Henry would uke some
of that loot, I'll get him a job. Or
still better, I'll open a drugstore
for him and we 11 go 50-50.
DEAR ABBY: Henry, the Phar
macist, was out of line complain
ing because people came in asking
him to fill only half a prescription.
Two weeks ago I had a virus and
a high temperature. Illy doctor pre
scribed some pills and told me
to take one every four hours un
til my temperature went down to
normal. And he emphatically told
mo to discontinue the pills alter my
temperature was normal. I had the
prescription filled. It called for
twelve pills which cost me $7.00.
After I took three pills my temper
ature went down to normal. That
left me with nine pills. Half the
prescription would have been plen
For Abby's booklet, "How To
llavt A Lovely Weddi $." send 50c
to Abby, Box 3363. Beverly Hills,
Everyoody has a problem.
What's yours? For a personal r
plv. write to Abby. Box 3363, Bev
erly Hills. Cam. Enclose a stamp
ed, self-addressed envelope.
tigue. I know the feeling; it's hap
pened to me after too many days
of too much concentrated detail.
But you can't be that tired for five
years, it would seem to me, even
if you have been recently engaged
in writing an 86-page report crack
ing down on Federal regulatory
agencies, as a special assistant to
President Kennedy.
One does not "reform" or "pun
ish" a man like Jim Landis by
sending him to jail for 30 days,
like some common disturber of the
peace. If he is worthy of punish
ment he should have been hit with
the book. If the man was sick, over
worked, overwrought, there should
have been no jail sentence at all.
I am glad I do not know the
inside story on the Landis case,
because I do not care to think of
its implications. But I do say that
the sentence imposed by Judge
Sylvester Ryan was a complete
travesty, either in one direction or
the other.
Landis worked under Roosevelt
with Tommy Corcoran and Ben Co
hen, among others, after being
drafted from Harvard (he was a
Felix Frankfurter protege there)
to clean up the laws surrounding
Wall Street operations. Joe Kenne
dy had been put in charge of SEC,
largely because he knew what to
look for in keeping the boys hon
est, and when old Joe stepped down
Landis stepped in.
After SEC Landis went back to
Harvard, and became dean. Then
he returned to Washington to ride
herd on the CAB, but incurred
some Harry Truman wrath and got
slung out of office. It was then
that Joe Kennedy offered him a
job as "vice president in charge
of the Joseph P. Kennedy enter
prises or any other title you
want." He had also been a cam
Daien advisor to President Kennedy
in 1960 on the subject of reg
ulatory agencies again.
I say you do not put a man like
this in iail for 30 days for a gross
flouting of the nation's laws. The
stigma is bound to suck, ine ais
grace adheres. And the cure is cer
tainly not in the punitive wrist
slap. You might as well administer
an aspirin for a case of cancer.
Whatever the story, I'm glad I;
don't know it. I just wish it hadn't
happened. j
(Copyright, 1963 by United Feature Synd. Inc.) j
The Almanac
By United Press International
Today is Saturday, Sept. 21, the
264th day of 1963 with 101 to fol-i
The moon is approaching first
The morning star is Jupiter.
The evening stars are Jupiter j
and Saturn. :
Those born today include Eng- j
lish novelist and Sociologist II.
G. Wells, in 1866.
On this day in history:
In 1792. France was proclaimed
a Republic and the royal family
was deposed.
In 1893, the first successful
gasoline - operated, motor car
made in America designed and
built by Charles and Frank Dur
yea appeared on the streets of
Springfield, Mass.
In 1938,. at least 450 persons
were killed in a hurricane that
battered the coasts of New Eng
land and New York.
In 1953. Rocky M a r c i a n o
knocked out Archie Moore in the
ninth round at Yankee Stadium,
successfully defending his heavy
weight title for the sixth time.
A thought for the day H. G.
Wells said: Human History be
comes more and more a race be
tween education and catastrophe."
Use Of Indian Name Sought
For Park In Cold Hill Area
A very charming state park on the Rogue River, between
the towns of Rogue River and Gold Hill has the quite
prosaic, though descriptive, title "Valley of the Rogue
State Park."
- Eric Allen, the aggressive managing editor of the Med
ford Mail Tribune, is urging a more appropriate name for
the park. "Valley of the Rogue," says Allen, "is, in our
view, uninspired, confusingly descriptive (what with all the
other Rogue this-and-that's around) , vapid and lacking in
character." -
He proposes the name "Takelma State Park."
"Takelma, Allen says, is an In
dian wprd meaning, "Those who
live along the river." Also, he says,
it is the name of the Indian tribe
which once lived along the Rogue
between Illinois River and Table
The word "Takilma" presently
has considerable usage in the area
and is the name of a post ofice
in Josephine County. It, says Al
len, is a "latter-day adoption of
The late Lewis A. McArthur in
his book Oregon Geographic
names says of the word "Takilma"
that, in addition to being the name
of an Indian tribe, it reportedly
was the name of an Indian chief.
Earlier it had been spelled "Tak
lamah" but was changed because
of conflict with a place of the
same name in Oklahoma.
Judging from all this discussion
of the word and its many uses,
it would seem that "Takelma" is
in the same class with the word
"Umpqua" which we see about us
on every hand.
The word "Umpqua" seems to
have been used by the Indians for
many purposes. It was the name
of the tribe, it was the designation
of the area, it was used as a hail
ing sign as we today say "Hi," or
It seems to me that our early
settlers in Oregon missed the boat
in their failure to apply Indian
names to communities, scenic spots
and areas.
The state of Washington did
little better. Washington uses many
more titles drawn from the Indian
language. But Washington came
along later than did Oregon, being
carved out of the Oregon Terri
tory. Our early, day Oregon settlers
brought along the names of the
places they left, or utilized the
names of prominent citizens. It was
through this latter practice that the
uninspired name of the town "Deer
(.reek" was changed to "Roseburg
in honor of the town's founder,
Aaron Hose. :
But the early settlers also used
locally descriptive names. Thus
Oregon has a confusing number of
Deer Creeks, Wolf Creeks, Boulder
Creeks, Big Creeks, Rock Creeks,
Elk Creeks, and others.
But there's also such names as
"Starveout" and "Hogem," based
upon experience.
It seems, according to the tale,
that, when gold mining was at its
height in Southern Oregon, a well
financed and outfitted party of
Englishmen made a winter camp
in the mountains. Over the ridge
there were several prospectors
working a small watershed. In bad
weather they exhausted their food
and were facing starvation. One of
the party crawled to the English
camp and sought aid. He was
turned away without help and the
desperate prospectors . were left to
starve. So, that's how tho names
of the areas came about, accord
ing to the old story. ,
Then we find Grave Creek, Sui
cide Creek, Hangman's Creek,
Stagecoach Pass, and many other
local names based on experience.
But our list of Indian names is
altogether too small. More recently
we have begun to apply the orig
inal names to some areas, or use
the names of Indians friendly to
i . - . . :
JLP r1
Sure, the new cors are beautiful. And you
may know just the one you want. Let us help
you get it with a financing plan designed to
suit your income and your budget. Our terms
are easy!
' ' The' ,
Editor's Corner
By Charles V. Stanton
the white man, such as the new
national forest "Winema" in Klam
ath County, named for an Indian
woman anxious to preserve peace.
We need more names like "Yon-calla,"-
the "Home of the Eagle,"
in the Indian language.
We sincerely hope Eric is suc
cessful in his campaign to get In
dian names applied to some of our
state parks. 1 ,
But I'll most vigorously object
to any change in the name of that
Douglas County state park at Can
yonville, the Charles V. Stanton
park! : t t :
Herbert Lumber Co.
Mill Now At Riddle
There's nothing quieter than the
place where a sawmill used to be.
Ask Mrs. Milton Herbert or Mrs.
Richard Petterson. neighbors of the
Herbert Lumber Co. mill east of
Canyonville which buzzed busily
for 15 years before it was moved
to Riddle last week.
A column of black smoke wrote
finish Friday afternoon to the mov
ing project, when remaining scrap
md buildings were burned. '
A new, more modern and ef
ficient sawmill was built this sum
mer adjacent to the Herbert Lum
ber Co. planer mill at Riddle. All
15 men employed in Canyonville been moved to the new mill,
too. The pond at the pew site cov
ers as much acreage as ' the old
one east of Canyonville did, ac
enrdine to Milton Herbert, owner.
The Herberts brought their port
able maill from Springfield the
summer of 1948 and for, almost
three years of the 15 they were lo
cated there, ran two shifts daily
with about 15 men bh a shift. Ac
cording to Herbert, they plan to
drain the pond this winter and
convert the former mill site to
horse pasture. . - ;: ,. '.?'
C. Hess Appointed
To Loan Committee
Clifford Hess of Roseburg has
been appointed as a member of
the throe-man- Douglas. County
Farmers Home Administration
Committee.- Lcland K. Haldorson,
the agency's county supervisor, an
nounced the appointment which is
for three years.
Hess succeeds Curtis ' Barker of
Roseburg, whoso three :year term
expired this year. The two other
members of the committee are
Harold L. Crouch, Oakland, and
Peter J. Pon, Roseburg.
The local Farmers Home Admin
istration County Committee re
views applications by farmers and
other rural families for six differ
ent types of agricultural, housing
and water loans made in Douglas
During the fiscal year ending
June 30, a total of $1,001,670 in
Farmers Home Administration
loans were made through the agen
cy's local county office in Eugene
to Douglas, Coos.
Curry and Lane
County farmers.
Oakland Sutherlin