Snorting Goods 53 LOGGERS. HUNTERS Elec. wlnchtt, 4, 13. 34V., 3 T. pull, holds 175' 3H cbit; 195.- 50. 300' size, SI15. 673-5333, a.m. 4 p,m. TELESCOPE RIFLE SIGHTS IF bought from us we install free, if gun isfactoryc?rllled. Umpgua Gun Store. 770 SWIFT rllio with 4 powerscope, SI00. John Westwang, phono Myrtle Creek, S&3-4427. HUNTING BARGAIN Why not try mutife loader this year lor that big buck? Replica 1843 Remington .SB rifle, bullets, powder, caps, everything you need. ISO. Phone 673-3017 eves- LICENSED TAXTSERMiST" BIRO, animal, lish mountings, tanning. 7a years experience. 2 miles south Myrtle Creek 99 business. 163-4501. "used guns Umpqua Gun Store .30-30 SAVAGP, model 340 boll, Monti- Carlo Slock . . $39.00 .33-30 MARLIN, model 36, lever ... $39.00 .30-30 MARLIN, model 336, sporter, like new $65.00 .30-30 WINCHESTER, model 94, carbine. like new . $59,00 32 SPECIAL Winchester, model 94, Peep, like new $59.00 .30-30 WINCHESTER, model 94, Peep, like new $59.00 .30-30 SAVAGE, model 219 B, tingle $25.00 $25.00 $69.00 22-410 SAVAGE, over and under ... 300 SAVAGE, model 99, excellent ... 300 SAVAGE, model 99, Peep, like new $65.00 ' 308 REMINGTON, model 760, 98 new $85.00 .30-06 REMINGTON, model 760, Peep $79.00 300 REMINGTON, model 760, perfect $69.00 300 REMINGTON, model 760, K-2.5 scope $89.00 7.63 mm RUSSIAN military $10.00 303 BRITISH military $19.50 303 BRITISH, sporter $39.00 .30-40 KRAG, good - $39.00 .30-06 MAUSER, model 1935 Gl .... $39.00 .30-06 INFIELD, military $29.00 .30-06 INFIELD, good sights $35.00 270 REMINGTON, model 721 ' $59.00 8 mm MAUSER, sporter $49.00 300 REMINGTON, model 81, auto . . $45.00 35 REMINGTON, model 14, good ... $39.00 ALL GUNS UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED TRADES? SURE! UMPQUA GUN STORE 929 SE Stephens 673-8115 USED GUNS NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED 200 To Choose From Bolts Slides Dbl. bbls. Pumps Auto's Sgl. Shots GUNS GUNS 30:06's 32's 30:30's 1 35's 30:40's 280's 358's 270's 308's 8 mill's 303's 7.6's , 300's ,22's 300 H&H .257 2503000 .243 Revolvers and Automatics Most Calibers SHOTGUNS 12 ga. ' 20 ga. 16 ga. 410 ga. Roseburg Loans The Price Is -Right WE TRADE 465 S.E. Jackso.l 8oats, Motors, Access. 55 14' SHEPCRAFT river boat, like new. 6. evcs.502 W. Harrison St. HYDROPLANE, 10 H. P. Merc., excellent cono $195. 47J-6I97 alter 5. 15 FOOT fiberglass" "boat. Windshields, up holstered, 15 horse Mercury, controls. Will sell or trade for 15 fool house trailer In good condition. 674-2329, Riddle. Market Basket 57 DRIED sweet prunes, 20c lb. 679-5375 GRAPES U-PTCK, 5c lb. Frank O'Brien, Winslon-Lookingglass Rd. (old Zellcr place). IT AU A tC P R U NZ Slor ca nri irigTCur r y R oad. Bring containers. 673-4805. CANNING" TOMATO'ES, you p!ciTor"wep!ck. Owens Oillatd Market BLACK EYEDPEAS, "YOUPICK 67y-S005 CANNING tomaloes, J1 bushel, you pick, bring own containers. Al Sanders, end of Curry Road. Phone 673-3735. CANNING TOMATOES, 50c per lug. You pick cukes, 75c per lug. Duane Conn, 673-5653. FRESH healthful organic vegetables at the colorful different Coopers Gardens, Can- yonville, where every day's a flower show. TOMATOES, siicirig or canning. Plentiful supply. U-pick, 3c lb. Bring containers. Jack Weaver WeaverRd, Myrtle Creek. CANnTng-tdmatocsi$l bushel, you pick. James Conn Gardens, Conn-Ford Road, Melrose. Phone 673-6902. CANNING tomatoes," black eyed peas, cukes. You pick. Also melons. M. O. Knapp, Garden Valley . Phone 672-3618. IMPROVED ELBERTA PEACHES Now starting. Also plenty of U Pick beans and cucumbers. FRED BURKS & SONS Blue Fruit Stand, Dillard LOCKER BEEF Cut and wrapped to your Specification BOYER MEAT CO. 673-6323 Rl. I, Box 3S3-B. N. Umpqua Mw. Hay and Grain 61 SUB CLOVER FOR SALE. Harold Crouch, Phone Oakland 439-2767. EASTERN OREGON ALFALFA MAY, I Ion loads or mora. De livered. Call Creswell TW 5-738?. Livestock 63 BABY CALVES New toad every Tuesday. Cleveland Hill Rod. Melrose. Wright's Call Ranch. Phone 673-5943. FOUR year old geWtny, very gentle lor children, also unbrofce stud colts. Call 843-3612, Myrtle Creek. SHRICKER A "SON AUCTION Phone Sume'lln ,159-2144 Livestock sale every Saturday at 12:30 p.m. Always a pood active market for all kinds of livestock. G. A. Brown, Wetghmasttr Or. Don Rone. Veterinarian Schrtcker and Son. Owners Mors. Livestock 63 1 LARGE WEANER PIGS Call 673-4920 GOOD RYE GRASS HAY Call 479-5320 GOOD SADDLE HORSE ndhOw 673-3054 SIX HEREFORD" HEIFERS Phone 673-7721 AQHA REGISTERED-COLT. $250. 673-5477 WANTED trained sheep dog Oakland 459-3559 WOOL RliCEIVE'O DAiLY7Kkhol'! itdrY. 679-8907 SHROPSHIRE RAMS. Reglstered6sborne, P Box 1032, Roseburo, Ore. FOUR JERSEY cows, (all fresheners, $165. 673-7983 evenings. GOOD RIDING HORSE. Reasonable. Phone 673-7692 after 5 p.m. MILK COW, 3 yearT,-with-WWtifacecall; $225. 673-3810. THREE YEAR old Jersey milk cow. Grand Champion 1960, 62 and 63, Douglas Counly Fair. $250. Phone 672-3928. SADDLES and saddle repairing, Riding gear and western wear. S&H Crjen Stamps, Allen's Western Goods, 1958 SE Stephens. 673-7501. YEARLING Hereford bull, $150. Also 3 good big Whiteface cows (2 due to calve soon). Otto Epping, Days Creek, phone 825-3442 anytime except Saturday. LIVESTOCK WANTED-WIII trade equity In desirable Income property, monthly income of $250, for herd of good beef cattle. 679 8687 after 6 p.m. or write Rt. 4, Box 574-B, Roseburg. Airplane Seeding Call George Felt 673-6743 Felt's Airport Calkins Road SALE Every Saturday 1 P.M. Livestock , of all kinds. Pickup and delivery service. Proper feeding facilities. Livestock received at any time. 60 Pair of good Whiteface cows and calves 35 Head of Whiteface Spring er stock cows 100 Head of light Whiteface feeder calves 1 Load of mixed yearlings 1 Load of butcher cattle 100 Good breeding ewes 7 Head registered yearling Lincoln bucks DOUGLAS LIVESTOCK MARKET WILBUR OREGON 672-4071 ?ets and Pet Supplies 67 AKC REGISTERED Collie puppies. Luard Collie Kennels, 673-3144. BOSTON terrier puppies. Small type bull dog. Phone 672-3254 after 5:30 p.m. AKC registered female Beagle, 15 mo. old. 863-3349, Myrtle Creek. . REGISTERED PEKINGESE. S61N1E- Fl!on FREE KITTEN" black Vj Siamese, 12 weeks old. Phone 672-4209. " AKC-CHI HUAHUAstuirJ service 663-374? Myrtle Creek COCKER PUPS, natural hunting breed, 5 and $35. Phone 673-6293. AKC POODLE PUPPIES Ph. 863-3039 . . DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMANE Society An I mal Shelter. Phone 672-3907. AKC CHIHUAHUA puppies, $30 and up. Also stud S'rvice. 673-3694. AKC REG. BEAGI E puppies, 2 litters lo c noose, from. Pnone 673-136. TALKING Mynah bird for sale. Phone Yon- caiia VI 9-2291. BEMJTTfUL Eng lish'" Poln te r "dogs Ti mo7, fust right, natural trained for this season. Vhpapers$50.C1 D. Smith. 672-2921. OBLDIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOG Boarding, Grooming and Training BO L E N K EN N E L S 474iJ 2 DOBERMAN puppies, 3 females, 2 males, $15 ea. Turn right off Hwy 99 on Galley Rd., into Surprise Valley. Inquire at Store. BART'S" BOAllD'NG KENNELS Cats and dogs. i mile NE of Diamond Lake Blvd. on NE Rifle RangeRoad. 67J-7S14. LOOKER'S "BOARDING KENNELS, former ly Jacob's. Dogs, cats, or any pet. Call before 10 AM or after 3 PM. 673-6879. ?ou!trv and Rabbits 68 PULLETS. SI each. Call 9 lo 12 noon. 679-5418 Farm Equipment 70 NEW AND USED FARM MACHINERY Buy Sell Trade RANCH EQUIPMENT SALES Days Creek 825-3241 Heavy Equipment 72 FRONT END loader and backhoe. 9 vard Ford F-7 dump truck. 58 yard backhoe attachment. 677-4337. FOR RENT 375 AMP. gas driven arc weld er on wheels. Also portable steam cleaner. Small dicscl bulldozer. JALOPY JUNCTION PHONE 672-4661 CRANES RENTALS SALES - SERVICE Equipment to do any Job. Log loaders 13 o 25 ton mobile lifting cranes for construction. Booms up to 110' available. ENGLE & SONS 1520 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. 672-4332 Eves call 496-3347 In rear of old Pape' Building Logging Equipment 74 THREE shovels: 3 yard, 1 yard, 4 yard, B Cats: 3 DB'S, TO 15, 3 TD 14's, TD 9. TO 15 Drott trot.t end loader. 2 arches, rubber lired. BU 135 yarder. 2 dump trucks. 2 tog trucks. 10 lete-modet pickups and crummies. Water wagons, fire eoulp- ment. etc. Phone 673-56M. D-4 CAT EQUIPPED TO LOG EXCELLENT CONDITION Allen Parts & Equip. 367: N.E. Diamond Lake Blvd. 672-3351 Trucks for Sale 76! FORO 1 ton pickup, sell or trade (or Vi ton truck. Call eves. 473-7879. 1950 CHEVROLET pickup 4 speed with canooy. 679-5720 or 679-8804. 57 FORD V6 P.M., Good motor, tires. Ne , paint. 50. Ph 4MCamas Valley. j 1?51 "FORLi pickup, V8. 3 speed, no license. $365. Call459.4774 Sutherlin. 1940iEEP pickup, A-l condition. For saie I I with some trade. 479-S844 days. 473-7793 I eves. I Trucks fot Sale 76 1 '55 JEEP waeon, 4x4 Ford VI molof. R&H. Reasonable. Cn 496-3494. 4J FORD' pickup.Good Ctt.ttonTM95r472. 4560,672-221J. ' STUOEBAKEH-plcKupT53efiglne7rlio, heater, :51 FORD short logger. 459-3671 "sutherlin or iee alU7Ash Si. A. F. Brundlge. ARMY 12 ton pickup, 4 wrieePdrlveT" 1540 NE Stephens 1950 FORD pickup, see after Sp7rn. al 1841 NW Kline St. '5? DODGE 1 ton trailer" pullers"pc). Bill's Trailer Court, Sutherlin. FOR SALE 1949 CHEVROLET W ton pickup. SHARP! $475 Cash. Call 673-3967 evenings REPOSSESSIONS ONE TON 'it Ford VI, 4 speed pickup, I ply tires, no slip rear end. Best otter over S1050. Also 1954 CHEVROLET V ton, 4 speed, 6 cyl. pickup, S64S. Pacific Fi nance, Myrtle Creek, tu-3191. Motorcycles ' 77 HONDA 55 Trail Bfka, Good condition. $235. 672-1459 1959 MICO MOTORCYCLE Sell or trade for car. 672-3908 Saxon Harley-Davidson Sales New & Used Motorcycles Financing Avail. Parts & Accessories Sales & Service 544 N. E. Clover Lane 672-1225 BECKWITH CYCLE Motorcycle Sales & Service Engl ish-Jap-lral ion-German As Low as $250 New. Trail or Road 2928 W Harvard 673-8120 HONDA MOTORCYCLES Sales Service Parts 23 Models to choose iron Trail Touring Competition models. Featuring the Trail "55" DUDE'S GUN SHOP N. Umpquo Hwy 672-2862 Automotive Service 78 Automatic Transmission We Repair, Rebuild Units and Transmission parts (or sale. AUTO SERVICE Swede' Mickelson 610 SE Rose 672-3157 Auto Insurance 79 S-T-R-E-T-C-H Your Insurance Dollars NORM BLEAKMAN 1229 W. Harvard 673-5084 STATE FARM Mutml Automobile Insurance Compiny Horn Of fleet Bioominiton, Illinois Autos For Sale 81 '54 MERC Exceptional condition, $375. 673-885J '60 DODGE Town Wagon, less than 24,000 ml, Exc. cond. Consider trade. 672-3705, 673-B207. JEEP station wagon, 4x4, hubs, rebuilt mo- tor, good tlres SSOO. Ph49604Bl. A" SHA R P "7993 "Cad U facCoupebe V I It l7'S3bo" 673-8065. 1 304 J.EPIne. '57 FORD V8 Tudor Custom 300, automatic transmission, heater. S575. 673-5610. '60 CORVAIR 700, automatlctransmlsslon", very good condition, S995. 673-6592. A I wnoiesaie Why Pay Retail BUY WHOLESALE! '54 CHEVROLET Bel Air. extremely sharp. I39S '54 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-door. Not to good 298 '53 CHEVROLET 4-door Station Wagon S298 '52 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, stick . $128 50 CHEVROLET Couoe. Stick ... S128 49 DODGE 4-door, low mileage. Sharp. S378 '57 FORD V-8 2-door . S44B '55 FORD V-8 Fairlane 4-door. Stick. . $448 '54 FORD V-8 Ranch Wagon $298 '55 HUDSON 4-door. Hydra ma tic .... $29B '47 HUDSON 4-door. Real clean S138 '54 MERCURY 4-door Monterey ... $398 55 MERCURY 4-door Monterey - $39B '55 OLDSMOBILE 88 2-door '- - $398 56 PLYMOUTH V-8 4-door . ..... . $29B 56 PLYMOUTH V-8 4-door $298 S4 PLYMOUTH 4-door, slick $248 '51 PLYMOUTH 2-door, slick $148 I 54 PONTIAC hardtop coupe $248 I '55 RAMBLER Station Wagon $298 I '55 STUDEBAKER V-8 Station Wagon $398 '49 STUDEBAKER Coupe, nice $128 '51 CHEVROLET ' ton pickup $398 '4B CHEVROLET Va ton pickup $278 '54 FORD V-8 Vi Ion pickup . . . $498 '51 WILLYS 4-wheel drive pickup . $448 '4B BUICK Super hardtop coupe $498 '54 BUICK Special 4-door sedan $198 '54 BUICK Roadmasfer 4-door sedan ... $178 '53 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, Hydramatlc $196 '53 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, Hydramatic. $ 58 '58 FORD V-B 3-door sedan $49B '55 FORD V-B 3-door Ranchwagon $398 '54 FORD V-B 2-door sedan $19B '54 FORD 4-door sedan, V-8 $198 '53 FORD 9-passenger wagon, V-B ... $236 '54 OLDSMOBILE 88 3-door hardtop . S39B '53 OLDSMOBILE 68 4-door sedan ... $128 '55 CHRYSLER 3-door hardtop . $44B '55 PACKARD 4-door sedan $448 '53 MERCURY 4-door sedan. $298 '53 KAISER, Olds motor, 4-door sedan $178 '40 PRINZ 2-door , $198 '44 DODGE t ton, 3-speed $198 '51 GMC Vi ton, 4 speed $398 EASY GMC OR BANK TERMS The Wholesale Lot 672-2882 II 82 N. E. Stephens The Lot With The Big Clock Russ Bryon Lot Monoger Res. Phone 672-1560 Autos For Sale 81 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE, S75 Phone Sutherlin 4S?-357 evenings '57 FORD staT wgnr Country Sedan. Standard trans., overdrive. Exc. cond. W75. i 72-1807. '$f K A iRMA N NG H I A V . W.coupe7 Lo w m i le age. Good rubber. New paint. 673-9151 35-CHEVROLCTcoupe with i"'55 Chev. 6 motor. New paint. See on Civil Bend Ave. Winston EXCEPTIONALLY clean 5 Ford Fairtant 500, 2 door, hardtop, all white. Priced to sell now. Call 672-J341. 54 MERCURY Monterey. 2 door hardtop". R&H, stick sh"l, overdrive. Good con dition. Phon after 6 p.m. 672-1590. WILLYS JEEP, tow bar. 900:14 tires, VI engine. S750. Phone Sutherlin 459-3571 evenings. 12nSEURY-Comet tor sale or trade lor trailer house. Call Gilley Trailer Sales, 673-3356 sTT door Chev. deluxe. '49 Vj ton panel, make good crummy, seats 5. '57 FORD 4 door Fairlane. Call 459-2879. '57 FORD Fairlane 500 4-door hardtop, ex cellent condition. Power steering and power . brakes. Priced to sell. Call between 5 and 6 P.M.. 672-1214. Quality Buys '61 STUDEBAKER Vi Ion pickup. VI. 4 speed trans., power lock rear end. Local. 1 owner. Sharp . $1695 '59 DODGE 6 cyl pickup. 4 speed, long wheel base, Barden Bumper, Gem Top canopy. Ex'ra sharp $1195 NOTHING DOWN (on approved credit) USED CARS PICKUPS WANTED " Cash or trade for equity Don Gary Johnson and Whelchel Used Car Lot 1358 SE STEPHENS 673-6391 CLEAN UP TIME! LARKS and TRADE - INS '59 to l63 Models "6's" and "V8's" Choose From 15 different" models We're Overflowing With Used Cars WE NEED THE ROOM For TRADE-INS On The '64 Chrysler - Plymouth - Studebaker Come In and Look Them Over : The Selection Is Great 55-56-57-'58-59 Models McKAY MOTORS 1410 SE Stephens 673-4531 MEET THE SCOUT! For all roads -All weather All uses A irrtghty attractive "runabout" for work or play. A real hunter's dream. Attractive in appearance, low purchase ! price and minimum operating expense. Eosy to drive ! and comfortable to ride in. FIVE DIFFERENT EASY TO CHANGE TOPS!!! Four Or Two Wheel Drive See the full line of Scouts and International pickups at i SIG FETT 205 S.E. Jackson 81 I960 VfMKWAGEM, $1095 Call f9-49v0 Canyonvlile 55 CHEVROLET, stick" shHI."m Ph0f!5 2L '57 FORD 2 door." '52 Chev pickup. i T. Must sell. 1261 SE Pine. St WILLYS wagon. 4-wheel drive with V-l Chev. motor. S1295. 673-6779. CLEAN 1956 Oldsmoblle. R & H, hill power. Must drive to appreciate. 672-3592. '50 FORD. '54 engine, body excellent 'shape. New paint, si 95. 673-5732 eves. 1947 UNIVERSAL JEEP, good condition Hubs and tow bar. S67S. Call 673-369S. '61 FORD 9 passenger Econollne station bus. 23.000 miles, $1550. 679-C686. 45 CARS To Choose From Priced from $35 to $695 FINANCING A AILABLE TRADES ACCEPTED RUNNING OR NOT Jalopy Junction One Mi South Old Hwy 99 Phone 672-4661 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CASH FOR CARS Used Parts Auto Wrecking 673-4466 Autos For Sale 81 GOOD '51 Mercury trade lor livestock. door- Will sell or 437 Camas Valley. '61 MONZA', automatic trans! Excellent con dition 679-5054 after 5 PM. VrvbLKSWAGEN sedan or "wlff trade "for tractor of equal value. Call Glcndale 132-3141 after 4 P.M. '61 KORD 2 door, P.4H, stick shift , $1595 '59 FORD Galaxic, 2 door, R&H, power steering, au tomatic. Sharp $1495 '60 FORD V8, Mi top, UVB, with overdrive $1495 '41 DODGE pickup, 14 ton ... $ 98 top doLlar PAID lor laic mocMI cars and pickups. Will buy or trade for taultles. NAPIER AUTO SALES Hlllman Sunbeam Sales and Service. 1240 SE Stephens St. 672-2243 SAYRE Used Cars '63 COMET 2 door sedan, with R&H stondord transmission, 1 owner cor. $0 1 Q C With big 6 engine, i'17 J '62 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 2 door sedan, R&H, automatic trans mission white wall SO 1 Q C tires, very clean. '60 CORVAIR 700 coupe, Power glide transmission, white sidewall tires. Local I owner car. Very $ 1 O Q C. low mileage -7 J '62 VOLKSWAGEN $ 1 C A R Sedon IJ WILL PAY CASH for late model cars and pickups. SAYRE VOLKSWAGEN 404 SE Stephens G72-164T BARCUS BETTER BUYS TERMS TO SUIT YOU No Payments For 45 Days '62 FORD Golaxie 500 2 dr hard top. Low mileage local car loaded with all the extras. Tutone matching Interior. Your's for the 9AOR low price of only ... 7 J '61 BUICK Le Sabre 4 door sedan, full power, R&H, I owner, locally 919R owned. Extra nice 1 ' - '60 WILLYS 6, 4 wheel drive, uti lity wogon, with winch, extra good, locally owned, Warn bhut' ....reQl. $1598 '60 FORD 6 cyl Ronch Wagon. 1 198 '59 CHEVROLET V8 Nomad. R& H, all power. A SlCfJO rpnl luxury waaon i 7 KJ '55 OLDS 88. 4 door, hardtop. 2-tone, hydramatic A QQ i A.lve P.AH t 7 U ' '54 PONTIAC, 2 door $OQO hardtop, loaded J 7 J '53 PACKARD 4 door $OQQ sedon, all power Z. 7 J '53 PLYMOUTH 4 door '51 CHEVROLET 4 door ..$198 $198 '51 OLDSMOBILE 88 2 10Q door hardtop 1 ' ' O '50 PACKARD 2 door. Automatic trans, R&H, Excellent con dition. , $ 1 Q O 1 OWNER 1 7 COMPACTS '62 VW, extro clean, R&H, white side . '1698 wolls. '62 COMET club sedan, standard trans, R&H, extra 1 VOQ low mileage ' ' VJ '61 FIAT 1100, 4 door sedan. A-1 V98 condition. '59 SIMCA, 4 door sedon, R&H, Zl $598 '59 SIMCA, 2 door hardtop, sports model, $QQQ real sharp 070 '59 SIMCA wagon, a $RQQ real economy cor O '58 OPEL stotion wagon, 2 tone paint with custom iAQQ luggage rack UO PICKUPS '61 DODGE V8 Vi ton, LWB, R&H, extro low mileage, runs ond looks M . OCT like new IU7J '61 CHEVROLET V8 Vi ton, auto matic transmission, custom r&h ,U.T. .'1898 '61 DODGE 6 cylinder, 4 speed, R&H The best $ fAO buy in Roseburg... I UTU BARCUS MOTORS Dodge Imperial N. Stephens ot Garden Valley Blvd. 673-5566 Autos For Sale Thur., Sepf. 19, 1963 The Autos For Sale 'U FORO Falrlar 0, big cyl. Perlecl conn. ll "B" SI.. Canyonvlllt '63 LARK. Will consider imall camp trailer as pari. 496-341. HANSEN'S USED CARS m TRUCK E M With an "OK" '57 BUICK stotion wogon, 4 door hardtop, Century, Bronze with deep tread white- $1 fQQ wall tires lUO '63 GREEN BRIAR Sport wagon, double doors on both sides, new cor OAOR warranty. ............ -vJ 7 O '60 CORVAIR, 4 door sedan, red, 3 speed floor shift. 3 speed SQQQ ,u '60 CHEVROLET, 6 cyl, 2 door se dan, R&H, $ 1 1 Q Q oil white I I O '60 FORD Ranchwagon, V8, 4 door, all power, luggage rack, white. $1498 '59 RAMBLER American stotion wogon, two-tone blue, 6 cyl. with QOR overdrive 7 7 O '58 VOLKSWAGEN Karmmann Ghio sport coupe, black and ml m:ICQ9e....$i098 OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 8 SEE Dusty Rhodes - Doug Zitek - Byron Auer . . HANSEN CHEVROLET More Money For Your Cor ' More Cor For Your Money Stephens & Douglas - 672-1309 '61 OLDSMOBILE F85 4 door. . 1A05 3 speed .trans, radio '63 DATSUN 4 door sedon. 19QS Radio & heater , '60 PONTIAC 4 door, power steering, 1 V Q R brakes. Hydramatic - '59 DODGE 4 door, push button tram, QQR radio 7 7sJ '55 DODGE station wagon, RQR clean sj 7 J '63 MONZA Corvair 2 door. 4 speed transmission, radio '62 RAMBLER Closslc 4 door sedon. Automatic transmission '59 VOLKSWAGEN '57 BUICK Century 4 door sedon. Aiitnmntir mils inn RflHio Automatic transmission. Radio. '58 JEEP STATION WAGON 4 wheel drive '54 JEEP PICKUP. 4 wheel drive. Warn hubs and winch '50 FORD Pickup '48 DODGE pickup. Riverside 988 NE Stephens MOCK'S Low Country Prices 1962 CHEVROLET Corvair Monzo. Automatic transmission, radio ond heater. Finished in beautiful metolic blue with vinyl interior. 1962 MERCURY Comet 4 door sedan. Mercomatic transmission rodio & heater. 1960 LINCOLN Premier 4 door hordtop. Full power including electric windows ond six way electric seat .... 1959 CADILLAC 4 door hordtop. Fully equip ped with electric windows & electric seat. 1961 PLYMOUTH Valiant 200 4 door sedon. Pushbutton trans., radio and 1959 DODGE Cornet 4 door sedan, V8 motor with automatic transmission 1959 MERCURY Monterey 2 door sedon. Automatic trans., radio ond heater $1398 1960 CHEVROLET 4 dr. stotion wogon V8 with automatic trans., R&H, new point t. $1798 1959 CHEVROLET 4 dr Porkwood station wag on. V8 with automatic transmission, rodio ond heoter $1598 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 door sedon, six cylinder engine with economicol standard transmission $1098 1957 CHEVROLET 4 door stotion wagon. V8 with Powerglide transmission 1955 CHEVROLET A door stotion Powerglide transmission and 1955 CHEVROLET 4 door station wogon. Six cylinder with stondard transmission REMEMBER!! No One Under Sells Mock's Open Sundays 1 0 to 4 Terms To Fit Any Budget MOCK'S MERCURY CltY 1590 N.E. Stephens 672-3358 TUC rnirklfM ICCT HI A r Ikl T"AM TA Dl IV A fAD i nu rrtci'Li-i t j i ri-vc Newi - ReWew, Roseburg, Ort. I5 81 '51 VOLKSWAGEN, 1755. 411 Minnie Slreel, ' Riddle or phone 174-2311. ' '41 JEEP, metal lop, rebuilt engine, good body. S00. 6;-4s7l. That Counts '56 BUICK Super hardtop coupe, white and pink, all power r,.reo.! :.....$698 '61 CHEVROLET V8, 4 door se dan, green, gos saving over drive, low-low i 1 2 Q O mileage, SHARP. I t) 7 O '59 CHEVROLET V8 4 door se dan, white and blue, Power glide, deep $1 1 QQ treod tires. I 1 7 O . '56 CHEVROLET V8, 4 door sta tion wagon, R&H, and Pow erglide, $AOR nice wagon J S U '59 FORD Ronch wagon, 2 door V8, R&H, and o real nice y..!! :..... 1098 '56 STUDEBAKER Power Hawk, block and red, V8, with over drive. Real sharp, $7QQ whitewall tires 7 O '59 PONTIAC 4 door sedan, Hydramatic, brown, deep tread . $!OOQ tires. . .... 1 ' SUNDAY 10 TO 4 $2350 1895 $895 ' WW J1495 950 395 $250 Motors 672-3461 Was Now $2098 '1898 $1998 $1798 '2298 '2398 '1398 $2598 $2698 heater $1598 '998 '1198 '1598 '1398 '898 . '798 $498 '398 $1298 $998 wagon. V8 with power steering. $598 $498 in iwtth i v lv i - wain. i