Mother Of Drain Man Dies; By JO CARLILE Mr. and Mrs. William Gasser of Drain went to Boise, Idaho, after receiving word of the death of his mother on Aug. 31. Mrs. Gasser died at a Boise hospital following an extended illness. The Gasser's daughters, Betty Jo and Barbara, stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert White while their par ents were gone. Snak Catch Reported Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tucker and family spent a day recently at Cave Junction sightseeing. On the outing, Tucker caught a "Rubber Boa" snake which was taken to the Cobra Farm at Cave Junction and added to the collection of ser pents. Galviri Sumner of Salem recently visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Nincheck spent the weekend at Lebanon visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zurchur. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Yates of Red mond arc visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Breicr. Over the weekend the Breiers and Yates and Edith Kardell camped at Lost Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cole, Brad and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cole and Dawn, and Lea Ann Bulk lec spent the weekend at Monmouth I visiting at the home of Mrs. Glenn I """e """ ' cmer ms supn Cole's mother, Mrs. Mae Lane. On i m,?re lm" at Southern Oregon Sunday the group went to Salem to be joined by Mrs. Cole's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Fowler, and sons, John and Charles of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cox moved to Pasco, Wash., on Friday. Gary will enter Columbia Junior College there. Steven Cox accompanied them to Pasco. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ratliff and son, Richard, of Concord, Calif., visited last week at (he home of their niece, and family, the Joe Coles. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roady are Mrs. Roady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lions Sponsor City Calendar At Oakland By EDITH DUNN The Oakland Lions Club will again sponsor the Community Cal endar and members will begin soon to call on residents of the area. Money earned from the sale of the calendars is used for community betterment projects. Visitor Leaves Mrs. Mary Key, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMahon, has returned to -her home in Los An geles after spending the summer here. Joanne Manning, Oakland High sophomore, won a red ribbon on a dress she exhibited at the state fair. Mrs. Fred Sullivan of Port Or ford spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Betty Ray. Bob Ray had spent the past week with his aunt at Port Orford. Bill Parker has left for Boise, Idaho, where he will attend Boise Bible College again this year. Pixie Fitch, daughter of Mr. and Airs. William Fitch of Sitka, Alas ka, left Friday to take a jet plane from Portland to her home after a month's visit here and in Grants Pass. She was accompanied to Portland by her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Harms of Grants Pass, her sister Peggy Sue, and cousin, Sherril Watson. Peggy Sue will remain with her grand parents to attend school. The Fitch family expects to spend part of the winter in Oakland. Diane Gabert of Santa Monica, Calif., who will be a senior this year at the University of Oregon, has been a recent house guest of Yvonne Stuwe. Residence Is Sold Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lee have : sold their three-bedroom home at Seventh and Locust streets to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Diedrich of Stith crlin. The Lees will live in the for mer Cliff Peterson house on Wal nut and plan to build a new resi dence on their property near the bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer, Jim Jr. and Joan, spent Sunday in Eu gene with the Archer's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jer ry Archer, who will move soon to Butte, Mont., where Archer will b? employed by the Upjohn Drug Co. Airs. Archer's parents. Air. and Airs. W. A. Peseau of Rcedsport, were also present. ' Larry Sorenson. son of Air. and Airs. Alva Sorenson, has complet ed his basic training at the naval training center at San Diego. He is a 1863 graduate of Oakland High School. Long Trip Md Air. and Airs. Harry Smith re cently returned from a month's trip in the mid-western states. They attended the supreme session of the International Order of Job's Daughters in Lincoln, Neb. Smith is the Associate Grand Guardian of Job's Daughters for the State of Oregon. Before attending the supreme session, the Smith's visited with relatives and friends at Arcadia, Neb., where a Smith family picnic was held, attended by 57 relatives. Some of Smith's classmates who still reside at Arcadia held a pic nic in his honor also. Another fam ily picnic was held at Ainsworth, Neb., where Air. Smith has rela tives. Twenty seven attended this picnic. On the return trip, the Smiths went through the Black Hills and visited the Rushmore Alemorial. Thev also visited Yellowstone Na tional Park and Sun Valley. They report beautiful weather during the entire trip and fine roads all the way. I A. Lowrance, of Florence, Colo'., , air. ana mrs. j. r. Lowrance ol , Waldport spent the weekend at the Roady home visiting. , Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oglesby and two children and his father, the Rev. W. F. Oglesby of Rio Vista, Calif., spent last week visiting at the home of Mrs. Oglesby's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roach, and with her sisters Mrs. Bob Thomas and Mrs. Buss Shirley, and families. Sunday callers a't the Roach home included Ann Hedene of Salem and friends from Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Max Carter of Ho quiam. Wash., visited for several days at the home of her sister and I Dillard Woman To Begin Duties As House Mother In California By PHEBE McCUIRE Mrs. Evelyn Nickerson left re cently for Pueblo, Colo., to visit her sister. Mrs. Dorothy Bess for the next five weeks. Then she will return to Dillard before leaving for Sacramento, Calif., where she has accepted the position as house mother at the Sacramento Chil- ?ren's, Kom?', Ho,r. son'. Role1'- w!" Go To Coast Mrs. Nickerson and Roger were recent visitors in Newport where they were house guests of the for mer's cousin, Mrs. Edith Martin. Mrs. Rose Schneiter. who, has been making her home with the Nickersons, left Sunday to make her home in Highland, Kan., to be near her two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. James Irby will reside in the Nickerson home in Dillard. The former is employed in Medford and Mrs. Irby has begun her duties as teacher for the sec ond grade at the Dillard Elemen tary School. Mrs. Nickerson has for the past number of years been the head cook at the Dillard School. Mrs. Jack (Lee) Terrel of Winston has taken over the vacancy created by the resignation of Mrs. Nicker- Church Women Hear Program At Meet "Our Yearly Work for God Be gins" was the theme of a pro gram presented to the Woman's Society of Christian Service, Rose- burg First Methodist Church, at the September meeting. Mrs. Ar thur Marsh was assisted by Mrs, Charles Colegrove, Mrs. Clark Enz and Mrs. Leo Gillctt in this pre sentation. Mrs. A. J. Ellison played an or gan prelude. Devotions were led by Mrs. Leo Gillett. Mrs. Michael Restoule sang "Give of the Best to Your Master." Mrs. E. E. Gibbons, president, conducted the business meeting. Flans were made to send Christ mas gifts to Lavina Wallace Mis sion in Nome, Alaska. The Rev. Clark Enz lead circle chairmen in a pledge of prayers, service and gifts. Chairmen are Mrs. R. L. Whipple, Dorcas Cir cle; Mrs. Charles Colegrove, Elec ta Circle; Mrs. Ray Horton, Key stone Circle; Mrs. Rose Maurer, Naomi Circle; and Mrs. Ned Dixon, Ruth Circle. Keystone Circle members were hostesses for a lumheon group fol lowing the meeting, according to Mrs. Ted Chiesna, in charge of publicity. FREDDIE'S FOR SALE PETERBOROUGH, England (UPD The neighbors said they didn't mind 14-ycar old Barry Rutterford's guinea pigs, ham sters, rabbits, and 50 parakeets. But they drew the line at a fox. "He was my favorite pet," sighed Barry as he put Freddie the fox up for sale Wednesday. Please publish the following classified ad CASH RATES Lines 3-Days 6-Doys 30-Days for .... days 2 $2.00 $2.75 $ 6.00 3 2.75 3.75 8.00 , 3.50 4.75 10.00 Enclosed S 5 . 4 ?5 5.75 12.50 Be sure to enclose poyment. 6 5.00 7.00 15.00 Above rotes subject to 50c service charge tor credit. Count 5 words per line. ciossificotion NAME address : : Moil Your Classified Ad With Poyment To The Classified Advertising Department, The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon . News-Review Classified .Want Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY s Read F.or Profit Use for Results! Couple Goes To family, the Gene Rhoades. Wayne Rhoades, who spent the summer visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ab Ensley, at Ta coma, has returned home for school. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cox were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cox at Pasco, Wash. Monday they vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brumbaugh at The Dalles. Texas Folks Visit Guests at the home of Polly Pain ter last week were her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrell of Lubbock, Tex. Spec. 4 and Kirs. Rusty Painter of Seattle are visiting this week son. Mrs. Pauline Withers will as sist Mrs. Terrel. Mrs. Gertrude Workinger of Sac ramento, Calif., formerly of Willis Creek in Dillard, saw friends in the area and visited her son. Bill Workinger, and family in Rosehurg. Mrs. Clarence Lack of Medford was a visitor in the Winston-Dil- lard area this week. Guests at the home of Mr. and Airs. Casey Gordon and family in Winston were the former's brother-in-law and sister, Sgt. and Airs. Chester. H. Rcnfroe of El Paso, Tex. They were accompanied by their three children. Renfroe is sta tioned at the U.S. Army Base at Ft. Bliss, Tex. Mrs. Evelyn Nickerson and son, Roger, were recent guests of Art Hubbell of Eugene, formerly a res ident of Winston. Back To Work Bill Bucklcair has returned to his .home in Winston after having undergone surgery in Eugene. Ho has resumed his duties at Rose- burg Lumber in Dillard. Air. and Airs. Alarion Van Or man have left for Hornbrook, Calif., to attend the wedding of their son, Richard, and Shirley Aloffett. Rich ard, a graduate of Southern Ore gon College in Ashland, will enter Oregon State University in Corval lis on a teaching fellowship this fall. The couple will make its home in that city. Airs. M. L. Fletcher with her daughter Alary Kay, drove to Walla, Wash., Mary Kay began her first year of college. She plans to take up music. Airs. Al, C. Tecl, mother of Airs. Fletcher, and the latter's sister, Lois Tell of Walla Walla, hosted the Fletchers dur ing their stay. LEGAL NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Tues day the 15th day of October, 1963, at the hour ot 9:00 o'clock, A.M.. In Circuit Court Room B, In the County Courthouse, Rose burg, Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections. If any, to the Final Account filed by the undersigned in the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Douglas County. Probate Department, and for the settlement thereof. DATED and first published: September 12, 1963. DONALD A. DOLE, Administrator c.t.a. of the Estate of JOSEPH LE TELLE McCOOL, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Tu'a day, the 15th day of October, 1963, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock A.M., In Circuit Court Room ."B" in the County Courthouse, Rose burg, Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections. If any, to the Final Account filed by the undersigned In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon tor Doug las County, Probate Department, and for the settlement thereof. DATED and first published: September 12, 1963. DONALD A. DOLE Administrator of the Estate ol WENDELL REBER McCOOL, deceased.. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mon day, the 15th day of October, 1963, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock, A.M., In Circuit Court Room B, In the County Courthouse, Rose burg, Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections. If any, to the Final Account tiled by the undersigned In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for Douglas County, Probate Department, and for Ihe settlement thereof. DATED and first published: September 12, 1963. DONALD A. DOLE, Administrator, c.t.a. of the Estate of MARION I. McCOOL.. deceased. It's Easy To Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today! Be sure to count the address andor telephone number. WRITE YOUR AD BELOW Boise, Idaho at the parental homes of Mrs. Polly Painter and Mr. and Airs. Cecil Patchin. Air. and Airs. Alfred Theil spent the weekend visiting at the home of their son-in-law and daughter. Air. and Airs. Wesley Alorgan, at Ag ness. Dale AIcAlullin Jr., 19, son of Air. and Airs. Dale AIcMullin, went to Portland Monday to receive his physical examination for the Air Force. He left Portland by plane for San Antonio, Tex., where he will receive his basic training at the Lockland Air Force Base. He was graduated from Cottage Grove High School and attended Southern Oregon College at Ashland last year. He is beginning a four-year enlistment. Mr. and Airs. Henry Johnson and daughter of Olivehurst, Calif., were visitors with Johnson's mother, Airs. II. A. Sweet, recently. Air. and Mrs. M. L. DeAIeritt and grandson, Glenn Miller, made a recent trip to Heceta Beach, and returned via Eugene where they were dinner guests of their daugh ter, Alyrna Aliller. LEGAL TIMBER FOR SALE, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, MEDFORD DIS TRICT. Oral auction bids will be received by the District Manager at the timber sale room, Armory Drive (mailing address 1133 S. Riverside), Medford, Oregon at 9:30 A.M., P.D.T. on Thursday, October 10, 1903 tor all timber designated for cutting. Before bids are submitted, full information concerning the timber, the con ditions of sale and submission of bids should be obtained from the District Manager. The right is hereby reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any tech nical defects in this advertisement and to waive, any informality in bids received whenever such waiv er is in the interest of the United States. IN DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, OftC: All timber des ignated for cutting on SVjNEVfi, NViSEVi See. 9; SWW Sec. 11, T. 32 S., R. 8 W Will M.r. estimat ed for the purpose of this sale to be 556 M bd. ft. Douglas-fir, 50 M bd. ft. sugar pine, 22 M bd. ft. Port-Orford-cedar. No bid for less than $26.10 per M bd. ft. for the Douglas-fir, $24.25 per M bd. ft. for the sugar pine, $27.25 per M bd. ft. for the Port-Orford-cc- dar, or a total purchase price of $16,323.60, will be considered. Min imum deposit with bid $1,700.00. All timber designated for cutting on EVi Sec. 31, T, 31 S R. 8 W.; NW'Yi See. 5, T. 32 S R. 8 W Will Mer. estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 3,567 M bd. ft. Douglas-fir, 247 M bd. ft. sugar pine, 93 M bd. ft. incense-cedar, 1 M bd. ft. white fir, 3 M bd. ft. Port-Orford-cedar. No bid for less than $22.95 per M bd. ft. for the Douglas-fir, $23.90 per M- bd. ft. for the sugar pine, $7.40 per M bd. ft. for the incense cedar, $9.20 per M bd. ft. for the white fir, $20.95 per M bd. ft. for the Port-Orford-cedar, or a total purchase price of $88,526.20, will be considered. Minimum deposit with bid $8,900.00. JOSEPHINE COUNTY: All timber designated for cutting on NWMNEM, SVjNEVi NWM, SVJ, Sec. 29; SEMSEV4, Sec. 30; NWV4, SWA, See. 32, T. 34 S R. 8 W.; Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 5, T. 35 S R. 8 W Will Mer. es timated for the purpose of this sale to be 4,865 M bd. ft. Douglas fir, 1,340 M bd. ft. ponderosa pine, 2,004 M bd. ft. sugar pine, 164 M bd. ft. incense-cedar, 20 M bd. ft. white fir, 741 M bd. ft. Port-Orfort-cedar. No bid for loss than $24.60 per M bd. ft. for the Douglas-fir, $22.25 per M bd. ft. for the ponderosa pine, $24.25 per M bd. ft. for the sugar pine, $9.35 per M bd. ft. for the incense-cedar, $6.65 per M bd. ft. for the white fir, $26.55 per M bd. ft. for the Port-Orford cedar, or a total purch ase price of $219,430.95, will be considered. Minimum deposit with bid $22,000.00. CLASSIFIED SECTION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIAL 672-3321 CASH RATES Advertising For Business Within Roieburj Tnda Area Cord of Thanks $2.00 I -Day rate 2 lines ., $1.00 3-Day rote 2 lines $2.00 6-Day rate 2 lines $2.75 30-Day rate 2 lines S6.00 1-Day rats 3 lines ...$..50 3-Day rats 3 lines $2.75 6-Day rate 3 lines $3.75 30-Day rate 3 lines $8.00 CREDIT Above rate suuject to 50 cants service ctwge for credit DEADLINES Private Party Aoveitiiing 2 P.M. Day Prior to Publication The Ncv.s-Review reserves the rigt-t to classify, edit or reject any classified Ad Copy. ADJUSTMENTS If your idvuititement appears incorrectly, notify us immediately. We will not be res ponsible for more than one Incorrect insertion. Such responsibility is limited to t correct insertion of advertisement. Refunis Will Nat la Hit Uert Thii 10 Days CLASSIFIED INDEX AIRCRAFT 69 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 26 AUCTIONS 44 AUTO INSURANCE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 78 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED SO AUTOS FOR SALE ! AUTO TRUCK PRTS - 75 BOATS AND MOTORS 55 BUILDI'"5 MATERIALS 41 BUSINESS OPPOPTUNITIES 22 BUSINESS PERSONALS - I CARD OF THANKS 5 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 24 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 31 FARM EQUIPMENT ' 70 FARMS AND RANCHES 36 FLORISTS 4 FUEL 43 HAY AND GRAIN 61 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 72 HELP WANTED 14 HELP WANTED MEN 15 HELP WANTED WOMEN 16 HOUSES FOR RENT 29 HUNTER'S ATTENTION INCOME PROPERTY 37 INSTRUCTION 19 LIVESTOCK 63 LOANS AND FINANCE 21 LOGGING EQUIPMENT 74 LOST AND FOUND 12 LOTS AND ACREAGES 35 MARKET BASKET 57 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ... 45 MISCELLANEOUS RENiALS 23 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 46 MOBILE HOME PARKS - 31 MOBILE HOMES .... 32 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT .. 30 MOTORCYCLES 77 . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS . 50 NOTICES' ' . ,.'.11 OFFICE' EQUIPMENT :. 51' PERSONALS '.: 7 PETS AND PET SUPPLIES -;: 67 POULTRY AND RABBITS 61 POWER SA'VS 71 REAL ESTATE 34 REAL ESTATE WANTED 33 ROOM AND BOARD 2( ROOMS FOR RENT 27 SEEDS NURSERY STOCK 59 SPORTING GOODS 53 TIMBER AND SAWMILLS -. 40 TRADE MISCELLANEOUS 4S TRUCKS FOR SALE 76 WANTED TO RENT 25 WORK WANTED 1' WHERE TO GO 10 Personals IN DEBT! , DON't lot bills cost your lob, your credit, everything you own! IF you are In debt beyond your a bit- ' Ity to pay and sincerely want to get out ot debt, see BUDGET CONSULT ANTS and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place to pay all bills, at a payment you can afford. No security, no cosign ers. NOT A LOAN COMPANY BUDGET CONSULTANTS Licensed and Bonded Roseburg. Oregon Ph. 672-3591 433 SE Main St. ALTERATIONS . SEWING OOUIILE BREASTED sulfa re-styled to sin gle.' SI9.95, and other alterations. 673-6486. APPLIANCE REPAIR MAYTAG . . Parts Sales Service We Service All Home Appliances BERGH'S APPLIANCE 6?M661 BOOKKEEPING ROSKE'S BOOKKEEPING SERVICE - Specializing In small business accounts NOTARY PUBLIC TYPING 1225 W. HARVARD PHONE 672-2471 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and eablneti. Harry E. Young 473-7419 CUSTOM-BUILT homes, remodels. cablneH, carporls, garaoes. Free estimates. 100-.a tlnance.Ph 679-M57, Grady Roberson. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, repair and welding. Free estimates. Call Bob Bollng at 679-5544 after 5 p.m. j CABINETS, patio, carports. Remodeling. No OU TOO snttJIi. moiwiaun ioius. iv mwb, on Sundays. Phone 673-8452 etter 4 p.m. CATERING FOOD catering Larot or small banauets, any where, or at the Oak Tree Inn. Call Ruth Bradlfty, 672-38U, 673-4D7. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery 673-8361 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS, cleaned, checked and repaired. Reasonable prices All work guaranteed. Cell PETE or ED at Trowbridge Electric SERVICE DEPT., FIRE EQUIPMENT FIRE EXTINGUISHER Sales and Service 673-7402 J. B Nelson 63 NE Winchester GARDEN CQUIPMINT Sales - Service - Parts SMALL AIR COOLED ENGINES Jacobson Mowers Roto-Hoe Tillers Brlgos & Stretton Clinton Leuson Power Products Wisconsin, Etc. Le Bleu Motors 3! S.E. Jecttson e73-7S7 HEARING AIDS HENRY A. KIRKLAND Certified Heerlng Aid Audiologlst. Service on all makes of hearing aids. Phone 079.S024. Personals 7 I DRINKING PROBLEM? CHI Alcoholics An onymous. 6734429. YOUR AEtna I Ue agent Is Vlnce schuetze. Call 673-3031 or Res. 673-81 PERSONS INTERESTED In forming a Club for the Handicapped call 473-6057 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. except Sunday. YOUNG WOAAEN of any faMn needing con fldcnlffll advice may contact Catholic Char Hies, 378 W. Broad wa, Eugene. Oregon. Diamond 5-3642. Hunter's Attention NO hunting or trespsasing on land I own or have rented without written permission from me. Myrtle Ida Burgoyne, Riddle, Ore. WARNING No hunting, prospecting, crossing over, or trespassing on "Culver Kancn. Luther Stacv. Looolno Suo't. H. C. Bellows, Agent and Owner Lost and Found 12 TORTOISE SHELL cat strayed from home. Call 673-4103, Helen Casey. Help Wanted Men 15 MEN WANTED for molol management train ing, see Classification no. 17. WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE to call regularly each month on established Studio Girl Cos metics clients In and around Roseburg making necessary' d liveries, elc. 3 or 4 hours per day. Route will pay up to $5 per nour. write 5n dio uiRL coswti ICS, Dept. 73639, Glendale, CHf. PART TIME EMPLOYED man with car, free 15 to K hours per week, tor responsible position. 672-1391 betv. Mi 7 and 9 PAA. DRIVER SALES WANTED 3 men to start work immediate ly, Roseburp area. Weekly salary plus 5 bonus on gross sales. Call 673-4441, ext. 318. WANTED Lung loggers, short loggers and mule trains. Good pay, winter work. Phone 673-5083 or 672-' 4652. TWO MEN NEED CAR. A.l leadt furnished. Contract work. K IRBY CO. of Roseburg 2157 N.E. Stephens Mr. Yuninger or Mr. Braddock NATIONAL COMPANY EX PANDING will select man over 21 with car and average schooling to fill present posi tion. Will pay base salary and incentive commission and bon us. No experience required, complete training With pay, travel required. If interested in a belter position write: Per sonnel Dept., P.O. Box 5041, Aloha, Ore. (all replies con fidential) Help Wanted Women 16 LADY BUS DRIVER. 673-6022 EXPERIENCED legal secretary wanted. Phone72-4441: 672-32B4 after 5 PM. WOMEN WANTED" for motel management training. Zia Classification No. 19. REG, NURSE for operating room. Other positions also available tor rea. nurses. Full or part time. Apply Mercy Hospital, Roseburg. Work Wanted 17 IRONING 90c hour. Pickup, deliver. Call 673-7758 before 12 or after S p.m. WANTED Janitor work town or-mill. 459-2545, Sulherlln CARPENTER, cabinet and general repair uy nour. bi'tbbt. FALL cleaning, day work by day or hour. txperienceo. can 6723292. CARPE NTER WORK ANDRF PA I RS C. M. Hatfield. 673-3831 SEWING AND ALTERATIONS j. 6735625 IRONING, starching, very neatly done. Pick up and deliver. 677-4336. EXPERIENCED ranch couole wfth modern house trailer desire general ranch work or caretaxmg. Box 7l'.News Review. SUCCESSFULLY employed businessman, 45 yrs. old, desires return to Oregon. Pleas ant, dependable, conscientious. Experienced in ALL phas of management; purchas ing, operation, administration, sales, etc. Heavy experience in hardline field. Small investment possible. Anything considered. W. O. Walls, 32 Oliver Ave. S., Minnea polis 5, Minn. LAND5CAPING-TILLING-DOZING PETERSON'S custom tractor work Till ing, week, brush and grass cutting. Sub soiling. Leveling. 673-6848 anytime. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING, weed and brush cutting, leveling and grading. Call eves. M. . H. Foss, 679-5548. SPRINKLING SYSTEMS" Lawn and Field Irrigation JACUZZI PUMPS Parts "Sales Service VALLEY PUMP & IRRIGATION SERVICE G73-4023 MASONRY WORK MASONRY, fireplaces, veneer, stone, block Free est. Calvin Merge), 672-4345. ORNAMENTAL IRON SERVICE ORNAMENTAL Wrought Iron railings Columns Posts Residential and Commercial FREE ESTIMATES ROSEBURG FORGE WORKS 673-4002 Hes. 673-3805 PAINTING EXPFRT PAINTING, Interior, reasonable rales. Will take some furniture as part payment. 672-2546. PAYING EXPERT cement work. Sidewalks, drives, patios. Fret estimates. 673-3345. PLUMBING LICENSED PLUMBER. Bill Wylie. Larson Rd., Rl. 4, Box 1 1 45. Coll e7.i2. RADIO t TV REPAIR 1 johnny's TV Service All work ftoaranteed. caM 672.2444 ROOFING ROOFING, repelrlng. Free eitlmote. Work guaranteed. Call collect I55 HM Gold Hill. SAW SERVICE SAW SHARPENING Circular Band Chain Handsaws Saw tar reconditioned ALL WORK GUARANTEED SAW SERVICE & Supply Co. 384 NE Channon Ave. 673-4234 Neer N. Sefewav Market ! j Thur., Sept. 19, 1963 The Newi-Reriew, Roieburg, Ore, 13 Work Wanted 17 BABY SITTING, hour, day, week. Yard, good care, references. Phone 673-5C93. BABY SITTING In my home days, experlenc ed and reaionaDie. 63-6466. ALTERATIONS, reityllng, fur, cloth coals. suits, dresses. Work guaranteed. 6722103. CUSTOM COMBINING -Joel Fenn - LARGE MACHINE 673-5601 nstruction 19 PIANn INSTRUCTION Falrhaven area. Ph. 672-4314. Virginia Walter. 641 W. Falrhaven. PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Call 673-7217 PRIVATE PIANO lessons. Studio al Rlckelts Music Store or K.wton Creek area. Call Sharon Wagner, 672.2461. MOTEL MANAGEMENT MEN WOMEN COUPLES NEEDED FOR IMMEDIATE training In Motel Man aoement. Study at home, followed by ac tual experience in modern motel. Amerl can Motels, Inc. For interview write Box ' 669, c-o News Review. Loans and Finance 21 WILL PAY 7- on S23.400 for 1st mortgage $40,000 building. 459-3151. WANTED small discounted land contracts and equities. Call 673-6193 or eves 673-6091, Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to SI50O On motor vehicles and furniture 729 SE Washington 673-5511 SAVE WEEKLY So Easy Thts 1-2-3 Way! 1. CONFER! Hold a family pow-wow. De cide how much each of you can save per week, ; COMMENCE) Com on In. Gat a Slam. ture Application Form for each big or nine taver. 3. CONTINUE! Keep on target by deposit lug fixed amounts every week. Watch those accounts growl DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE BANK 662 SE Jnckson 6724401 Business Opportunities 22 Hotel com, furn., trade, easy terms. Ca.l 839-4641, write Hole), Canyonvllle, Ore. FOR LEASE Cafe at 202 SE Jackson St. Roseburg, Wrlle or call Dale Bullock B rook I ngs, Ore. 4W-26BI. FOR LEASE by owner al Inventory. Pay less service. 347 n. v. Garden vaiiev Blvd. Consigned gasoline .Inventory. 14.000 gal. capacly. 672919). 347 N.w. Garden Valley Blvd. OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY Exclusive financially responsible Dealer to be selected this area for home, multiple dwou no, commercial buucina orooram, lOOo financing available. Sales Firm propeny owners peveiopers invest ors. Top duality homos tor $2,582 up Supported by giants of lumber Industry and lending appliance mfg. with National TV and Magazine adv. Contact Wally Brown, uougias inn Motel 673-6625. A Money Maker Well equipped Drive-In located on highly traveled street. Opportunity for good return on small Investment tor right party. Call Ted Smalle Real Estate, 672-48BB. Commercial Rentals 24 ROSE STREET building, 10 x 110, formerly lockwooq moiars. lau oy-auui. OFFICE RENTAL 245 S. E. Jackson. Ap proximately 16'X55'. Call owner, 6723026. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE SPACE With Street Entrance HoterUmpqua Wanted to Rent 25 GOOD 23 BR home, unfurn.. with garage. 23Q'i, shower. Maturt couple, permanent. Phone 672-4704, SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, fenks cleaned. Prompt service. Reasonable. 673-8474. SEPTTC TANKS CLEANED. RoseburgSenT tary Service. Phone 673-3356. STEAM CLEANING COOK'S Portable Steam Cleaning Service Cleaning and Sterilizing FREE ESTIMATES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 739 W. Fnirhaven 673-7061 C. J. Cook, Owner' TOOLS RENTALS SERVICE PLOW SHARPENING, welding. 2352 SW Ceslle Ave. Machine Sheo. 673-4637. FOR RENT McCuiloch chain saws any size cCulioch post hole auger McCuiioch stump auger HUNTS CHAIN SAW Sales - Parts - Service Garden Valley Jet. r.cross from M-Ward'e TREE SURGERY TREE TRIMMING, topping, and removing. Insured. Free estimates. 4S9-2922 Oakland. VACUUM SALES & SERVICE ELECTROLUX Your new CERTIFdD dealer Henk end Norma Jean Zelgler SALES . SERVICE 473-5045 VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE VENETIAN BLINDS Sales & Service SERVICEMASTER Of Roseburg 672-4601 We Give S4H Green Stamps WILL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nothing down on approved credit MOHR WELL DRILLING Phone 672-13?) or Sutherlln 459-4039 WELDING i WELDING rVig-wire alum, welding. Prom motor blocks to fry pam. All types special welding. WINSTON CHAIN SAW Winston, Ore. 479-M41 Apartments For Rent 26 14 KARAT APARTMENTS '2 NJrms. New apts on Winchester. Call i3-4329. LARGE, 1 -bedroom upstairs apt., furnished. uosero ciiy center. 6737028. $45 FURNISHED APT. Lady only. 4737249. UNFURNISHED APT. 1 person or elderly coupie. waier, gerrjage paid. IJ.W mo. Call 673-7316 SUTHERLIN UNION GAP APTS. 2 bdrm. w, i Dorm, uo mo. Furn. including water and elec. Sutherlln 459-21 28 or 479-J690. ONE bedroom furnished duplex apt. $45 monin, uaroagi ana water paid, 230 NE Ivan St. Ph. 472-3329 alter 4:30 p.m. NEW furnished apts ready by October 15th. Maid and linen service available if do stred. Hotel Umpqua. Kohlhagen Apts. . Modern. Roesonable Rant. Jackson St. al Lani Ava. AOULTS 413-1244 "A Good Place To Llva" Privacy, Peace & Quiet! In this nicely furnished 1 bedroom apt. Hot water and garbage service paid. Automatic laundry facilities. Adults. Sorry, no pets. US. See or call Shody Point Trailer Sales Mile S. on B.R. 47M43S COMPLETELY FURNISHED Beautiful 10 wide mobile homes comparable In size to most apts.. yet the convenience of a private yard and parking ad.olnlng trail er. Also smaller trailers available. Timber Town Trailer Park. 3010 NE Stephens. 673-8506 TODD APARTMENTS 1-2-3 Bdrm. apts., furnished or unfurn. Wa ter and garb. serv. provided alto heat in some. Rents from $70 up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts., gas equipped 6724743 Winchester CI., Hot water heat ; . 673-7466 VUta Homes, Hot water heat 723210 Westvua Ct. Wdryar 672-254?. A73-7926 OaUhlll Apts.. Radiant heat 6734340 CORNER OAK AND KANE LOVELY 2 bedroom opt. m baths, furnace heat, formal dining room, large living room, part basement. Downtown location. Couple only, no pets. 385 month. , HELEN GLENN REAL ESTATE 485 SE Kane 672-3692 looms for Rent 27 SLEEPING rooms, gentlemen. 117 $. E tfiaxeiey. tv diocxs se Greyhound Depot LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. Keasonapie. pnona aa-issi. CLEAN ROOM for gentleman. Private en trance. Phone 673-61 17. NEW ROOMS Including telephone and linen service, $60 per month ai d up. ' Hotel Umpqua, 673-4441. SLEEPING ROOMS . - for men CLOSE IN, QUIET, REASONABLE Phone 673-7864 Room and Board 28 ROOM AND BOARD and lunches packed. $80 per month. 473-7069. Houses for Rent 29 ONE large bdrm house, range, water paid. Carport. 535 Clover Ave. $60. 673-6 W. TWO bedroom home, $65 mon1h. Call 672-f782 Or 672-3896 pilar 6 p.m. , NICE 3 bedroom furn. house, fireplace. Oak- land. $75. 459-30B3 evenings. FURNISHED 1 bR duplex, adults. Water and sewer paid, 2646 Harvard. 672-3258 aftor 4. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom house, carport. Adults. 346 Chestnut. TWO bedroom house In Glide, $60 month. Phone 496-3487. TWO BEDROOM unfurn. Also small furn., suitable for I or 2. 673-8565, 673-3504. TWO BEDROOM unfurn. house, newly dec ora ted. Gas floor furnace. Phone 673-3504. FURNISHED CABIN, Wilbur, $60 per month. aii uniitias mciuoed. can 673-M35. DUPLEX 2 bedroom unfurnished. AduItT No pets. 713 SE Kane. 673-5162. ONe TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or sine If elderly. Phone 673-6548. DUPLEX, unfurnished, 2 bedroom, $65. No pets. 1607 S.E. Eddy. Phone 472-4193. WINSTON, unfurnished 2 bdrm. house. Water and garbage servfeo. $50. Call 673-6723, before 10 AM and after 5 PM. LOVELY new 2 bedroom duplexes, $90 In eluding water and yard care. 260 and 262 Flint St. Call 679-5315, LARGE 2 BR lower duplex, basement gar age, uniumisnea. Lane si. $so, water paid. Available Oct. 1. Phone 673-3385. FURNISHED cabins. Utilities paid. Weekly riu or oy ins mgnin. (.lose to stores ana bus line. Roseland Courts. 2050 NE Staph ens. 672-1071 or 672-2788. NICE 3 BR modern country home, small acreage, meirose area. $70 mo. write Box 718 News-Review, giving number and ages of children. SMALL 2 bedroom house, large utility, partly rumisneg, v, gsroage ana water paid. Inquire at Rock Shop In Trl-Clty, 31 1 S. Of Myrtle Creek, B.R. 99. 8634520. TWO bdm. unturn. home. Lge. rms, deslr eDie location, iois ot storage,- children and pets welcome. Avail. Oct. 191h. 673-3570 after 5; All day Sat. Sun. Mobile Homes for Rent 30 VACATION TRAILER5 FOR RENT Sutherlln 4593133 EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 bedroom modern fur nished trailers. Aduits only. Timber Town jrraller ParkjptO NE Stephens. 6738506. Mobile Home Parks 31 SPACE AVAILABLE In the shade by Ihe river. Winchester Village. e72.l?4S. Mobile Homes 32 G I LLEY Trailer Sales FLEETWOODS 10 Wide r 42 to 60 ft. long Trailmaster Travel Trailers By Poadmaster USED TRAILERS - SUPPLIES Complete Trailer Insurance BANK FINANCING 1980 NE Stephens 673-3356 (Formerly Earl Smith "trailer l.omesl HUNTING SEASON Coming Up! Shady Point Trailer Sates have SPECIALS on pickup campers "Open Road" America's Finest Luxury Camper! FREE MOUNTING - FREE JACKS "Santo Fe" Camp and Vacation Trailers FREE HOOK-UP - FREE HITCH StH OREEN STAMPS See Them Now At SHADY POINT Trailer Sales 1 Mi South Old Hwy 99 BR Call 672-1438